====== MISCELLANEOUS.====== {{anchor:s2}}HOMOEOPATHIC CELEBRATION IN BOSTON.{{anchor:s3}}-After the adjournment of the Sixtenteenth Annual Session of the American Institute, Thursday, June 2d, its members were entertained with a banquet and levee by the Massachussetts Homoeopathic Medical Society, and the Boston Academy of Homoeopathy. {{anchor:s4}}The company assembled in Fancuil Hall, about 4 o'clock, and at 4.{{anchor:s5}}30 P. M. proceeded to the upper hall, where seats had been arranged for about two hundred guests. {{anchor:s6}}The hall was tastefully decorated for the occasion. {{anchor:s7}}A profusion of flags were displayed in various parts. {{anchor:s8}}Upon the walls were tri-colored bunting arranged in festoons, interspersed with shields, bearing the names of the several States of the Union. {{anchor:s9}}Below were magnificient mirrors which added greatly to the brilliancy of the occasion. {{anchor:s10}}Dr. Charles Wilde of Brookline, President of the Mass. Hom. Medical Society presided, and on either side of him were distinguished guests of the bar, press and pulpit. {{anchor:s11}}At the close of the feast, about 6 o'clock, the President called the company to order, and opened the intellectual festivities. {{anchor:s12}}SPEECH OF DR. WILDE.-{{anchor:s13}}I feel somewhat reluctant to interrupt the pleasant conversations that seem to prevail around the table; but as they seem too limited for our present purpose, and we have pretty faithfully regarded ourselves and immediate neighbors, I propose that we extend the sphere of our attentions to the whole assembly. {{anchor:s14}}Accordingly I hasten to acquit myself of the duty in behalf of the members of Massachussetts Homoeopathic Medical Society and the Boston Academy of Homoeopathic Medicine, of tendering a cordial welcome to our Homoeopathic brethren from other States to the metropolis of our old Commonwealth. {{anchor:s15}}When we remember that but few years since the arbitrary power of the old school of medicine, enlisting in its behalf the political authorities, rendered it in Germany a penal offence to pursue the truths we have espoused, but which proved to be irrepressible even by European tyranny, we may congratulate ourselves that in this land of universal liberty we have had to contend only with the prestige of the elevated character and position, and the well-earned scientific reputation, of our opponents, rather than with any popular prejudice in favor of their medical opinions or practice; and we concede that, considering the magnitude of our encroachments upon their cherished fancies and pursuits, they have submitted with a much more commendable grace and patience than might have been reasonably anticipated. {{anchor:s16}}We meet here today under circumstances peculiarly favorable to social enjoyment. {{anchor:s17}}Without an unkind feeling toward any of our fellow-men, but animated by an intense desire to prolong human life and promote human happiness; fortified internally by conscious honesty of purpose; sustained externally by the ever ready aid of the most enlightened portion of society; and encouraged by a progress confessedly as rapid as is consistent with stability; there appears to be no reason why we may not make this a season of unalloyed conviviality. {{anchor:s18}}Dr. J. H. Woodbury, president of the Boston Academy of Homoeopathy, as toast-master, read the first regular sentiment. {{anchor:s19}}"The American Institute of Homoeopathy-The first National Medical Association-As it takes the precedence in age, go may it ever in the pursuit of Truth, Science and Wisdom." {{anchor:s20}}Responded to by Dr. P. P. Wells of Brooklyn, N. Y., chairman of the Institute, who was welcomed with hearty applause. {{anchor:s21}}He spoke of the origin of the Institute in 1844, in a small chamber. {{anchor:s22}}Since then it had held sixteen annual sessions in different parts of the Union, issued various volumes of its proceedings, and been the means of promoting the interests of Homoeopathists everywhere, and the interests of science. {{anchor:s23}}Its original membership was forty or fifty; its present membership between four hundred and five hundred; and the number of homoeopathic physicians in the United States was now between 2500 and 3000. {{anchor:s24}}Thus it would be seen that it was prospering greatly. {{anchor:s25}}He returned thanks on behalf of the members of the Institute for the generous hospitalities of the physicians of Massachusetts. {{anchor:s26}}The second regular sentiment was:- {{anchor:s27}}"America-Her Law is Progress; her government vindicates those who dare to seek truth in untried ways." {{anchor:s28}}In the absence of Hon. Henry Wilson the band responded with a stirring air. {{anchor:s29}}The third regular sentiment was:- {{anchor:s30}}"Massachusetts-Foremost among Commonwealths in defending Liberty, in fostering Education, in sustaining Science, and in relieving distress; she welcomes every effort to find a more excellent way to confer blessings on the world." {{anchor:s31}}In the absence of Gov. Banks this toast was responded to by the Hon. Jacob Sleeper. {{anchor:s32}}The fourth regular toast was:- {{anchor:s33}}"The Legislature-Though not altogether free from the prejudices of the schools, yet ready to foster all intelligent efforts to develop truth, and improve existing institutions." {{anchor:s34}}Hon. Charles B. Hall responded. {{anchor:s35}}The next regular toast was:- {{anchor:s36}}"Boston-A city where free inquiry always meets the largest encouragement, and truth wins hosts of disciples; our cause could not fail to prosper in such an atmosphere." {{anchor:s37}}Mayor Lincoln responded. {{anchor:s38}}The sixth regular sentiment, to which Judge Thos. H. Russell was called to respond was:- {{anchor:s39}}"The Judiciary-The Doctors of the Law; the only doctors whose prescriptions must be swallowed, and whose bills must be paid. {{anchor:s40}}The world will need them as long as it does M. D's and D. D's-that is as long as men will transgress the laws of Nature and of Heaven." {{anchor:s41}}Judge Russell was exceedingly happy in his remarks, and his witticisms brought forth frequent peals of laughter. {{anchor:s42}}The following was the next sentiment:- {{anchor:s43}}"Homoeopathy and Poesy-The praises of our whole science should be sung in verse, as well as declared by advocates in prose." {{anchor:s44}}To this George W. Pettes, Esq., responded in a very appropriate poem, which was warmly applauded. {{anchor:s45}}The next regular sentiment was:- {{anchor:s46}}"Galen and Hahnemann-The Mysian, a star in a dark age: The German adds brightness to an age of light." {{anchor:s47}}To this Dr. W. E. Payne of Bath, Me., was expected to respond, but he had left the hall. {{anchor:s48}}Gen. William Schouler and Mr. Frothingham were called to respond to the next toast, but neither was present. {{anchor:s49}}"The Press-The greatest of all human agencies for the improvement of mankind, the overthrow of error, and the vindication of truth." {{anchor:s50}}The ninth regular sentiment was:- {{anchor:s51}}"The Clergy-Our fellow laborers in ministering to suffering humanity; if their ministrations are more welcome and successful than ours we rejoice in it, since the need is greater, and we will not attempt to restrict their method or prescribe for them a school of practice." {{anchor:s52}}Responded to by the Rev. T. Starr King, who opened his address with some humorous remarks-said that one reason why he came here was curiosity to see how the tables were set. {{anchor:s53}}He did not know but that he would be treated to mosquito a-la fourchette, or see humming bird for six. {{anchor:s54}}The following regular sentiment was read:- {{anchor:s55}}"The Nestor of Homoeopathy in New England-He adopted the Homoeopathic theory and practice twenty-one years ago. {{anchor:s56}}Being now of age, he can speak for himself." {{anchor:s57}}Dr. Samuel Gregg of Boston was called to respond, and heartily applauded. {{anchor:s58}}He spoke thus:- {{anchor:s59}}Gentlemen.{{anchor:s60}}-The story of Nestor tells us, that he was preserved from destruction by Hercules on account of his "tender age.{{anchor:s61}}" It is also said of him, that he particularly distinguished himself by his eloquence and wisdom, all of which cannot apply to your respondent. {{anchor:s62}}As to my age, sir, it is well known how lads rejoice to "get out of their teens," and why should I not rejoice to be surrounded, at this day, with such a host of compeers? {{anchor:s63}}In my tyrancinium, I had a hard and lonely time of it. {{anchor:s64}}For nearly a year after I commenced the practice of Homoeopathy, there was no professional advocate of the system in all New England, with whom I could consult on the subject. {{anchor:s65}}At that time, the only homoeopathic literature in English translation, was "Hahnemann's Organon," an early and very small edition of "Hering's domestic practice," and the text of "Jahr's Materia Medica," the Repertory to which was then in press. {{anchor:s66}}Such, sir, were my beginnings, and why should I not, at this day of my "majority," feel happy, to be thus surrounded by the hoary heads of wisdom, and the vivacity of youth and enterprise? {{anchor:s67}}To the next sentiment Dr. Winslow Lewis, physician to the Massachusetts State Hospital, was announced to reply, and welcomed enthusiastically:- {{anchor:s68}}"Our Allopathic Brethren-In discussing our differences with them, we reverse our practice, and will try to give them in exchange for their small pellets of error large doses of truth." {{anchor:s69}}Dr. Lewis in the outset alluded to the somewhat embarrassing position in which he was here placed, and playfully referred to the gentlemen who had wandered from the paths which he had led them by when students. {{anchor:s70}}Yet he had never been one of those who had interpreted the science of homoeopathy. {{anchor:s71}}In fact he did not know any thing of it, more shame for him, as he said. {{anchor:s72}}But he knew that the results of that science had revolutionized therapeutic agents. {{anchor:s73}}Still he was not here to decry allopathy. {{anchor:s74}}It had been honored by too beneficent a history and too many great names. {{anchor:s75}}He had arrived at a period of life when he was too old to go into new investigations. {{anchor:s76}}He was probably the only allopathic physician present, but he would not feel at all afraid, even if all the physicians present attacked him with their whole materia medica. {{anchor:s77}}If one of these homoeopaths stood in a company of allopaths, however, would he not succumb to boluses and pills, and say that his therapeutics were no great shakes in comparison. {{anchor:s78}}The succeeding toast was read:- {{anchor:s79}}"Homoeopathy-Let it be judged by its merits and tried by its success, for only so will it consent to wear the laurels it may win." {{anchor:s80}}Prof. C. J. Hempel of the Pennsylvania Homoeopathic College responded. {{anchor:s81}}He spoke of the emotions which almost overwhelmed him as he entered Faneuil Hall. {{anchor:s82}}It was especially incumbent on Homoeopathic physicians to battle for freedom-freedom from prejudice, from superstition, from dogmas, from creeds; it should be the rule of every one of them to place man above mere institutions, and this rule should be lived up to by every one in its practice. {{anchor:s83}}The last regular sentiment was:- {{anchor:s84}}"The Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania.{{anchor:s85}}-Pleased with its past success, proud of its present position, we have the highest assurances for its future." {{anchor:s86}}To this Professor Wm. A. Reed of Philadelphia responded. {{anchor:s87}}The doctor returned thanks in behalf of the College for the highly complimentary manner in which it had been named. {{anchor:s88}}If they could not say they deserved the commendation, they could say they were grateful for it. {{anchor:s89}}He claimed that the college was surpassed by none in its medical education. {{anchor:s90}}The following sentiment was received from William C. Bryant of New York, but was not read for want of time:- {{anchor:s91}}"The Medical Profession-The human race has a heavy account against it; but there are also large and growing credits in its favor. {{anchor:s92}}The time has not yet arrived for striking the balance." {{anchor:s93}}At about 8 o'clock the very interesting proceedings were brought to a close, in consequence of the necessity for preparing the hall for the levee and supper, and the guests accordingly retired for a time. {{anchor:s94}}The levee took place in the main hall at 9 o'clock, and was given, not only in compliment to the Institute, but to the ladies whose exertions at the Music Hall rendered the late fair for the benefit of the Dispensary so great a success. {{anchor:s95}}The scene in the hall was a brilliant one. {{anchor:s96}}There were about two thousand ladies and gentlemen present in full dress, presenting an array of beauty and fashion not equaled in this city. {{anchor:s97}}Between ten and eleven o'clock supper was announced above, in the great armory hall, and the hall and all its numerous ante-rooms were speedily crowded. {{anchor:s98}}The provision made by the caterer was abundant in the extreme. {{anchor:s99}}After an hour thus spent many of the company retired, and left just enough to occupy the hall more comfortably, and at midnight sets were being formed for a quadrille. {{anchor:s100}}Thus ended an affair which throughout reflects high honor on our Boston friends, always noted for their hospitality; on the committee and the societies concerned, for the manner in which it was carried through, and the courtesy and good breeding which characterized all its arrangements-a fitting and most agreeable sequel to the Ladies Fair, and the sessions of the American Institute of Homoeopathy. {{anchor:s101}}WAR AMONG THE REGULARS.{{anchor:s102}}-It seems to be time for us to give a brief account of the late contest among the members of the Allopathic "Connecticut State Medical Society," which has resulted in the expulsion of Dr. J. S. Curtis of Hartford from ihat body; a contest over which, as a contest, we must naturally feel sad, but in the results of which we see some gleams of comforting compensation. {{anchor:s103}}Dr. Curtis, (to begin at the beginning), had, as is almost a matter of necessity under the existing monopoly of the Conn. {{anchor:s104}}State Medical Society, become a member of that body, also of the Medical Societies of the county and of the city of Hartford. {{anchor:s105}}In the course of time, being called to attend in consultation with two of the Homoeopathic physicians of Hartford, Drs. Taft and Green, he did so attend in several cases, without insisting that those gentlemen should be first ejected from the premises. {{anchor:s106}}This made trouble; for although these two Homoeopathic physicians were "regular," so far as the proper, thorough medical education, and the possession of the degree and diploma of M. D. could make them, they were not "regular" as these three Medical Societies, city, county and state, choose to construe the term; i.e., they did not practice just as they (the members of said societies) did. {{anchor:s107}}Orthodoxy, in other words, was their doxy; heterodoxy, any other man's doxy. {{anchor:s108}}The beginning of sorrows was in the City Medical Society. {{anchor:s109}}Here attempts were made to obtain a promise from Dr. Curtis that he would not do so any more. {{anchor:s110}}But he answered that he should do as he thought right. {{anchor:s111}}Then certain members of this Society, making themselves interested, cast about for a rule which Dr. Curtis could be shown to have violated, that they might expel him under the same. {{anchor:s112}}In this they failed; but after long investigation they took up a clause in the preamble of their Constitution, and under this expelled him in his absence and without his knowledge; a very shrewd and convenient proceeding, but liable to the imputation of unfairness. {{anchor:s113}}Then came the County Society, in which these busy purifiers of the profession prepared a charge with six specifications, and had Dr. Curtis cited to take a regular trial, which he proposed to do, but relying upon information derived from three of them, attended too late, and found that-owing to the uncommon speed with which business had been transacted-he had been expelled again in his absence and without an opportunity to defend himself. {{anchor:s114}}Still, there was no great reason for apprehension. {{anchor:s115}}Dr. Curtis had all along foreseen that his case would come before the State Society, and preferred to make his defence before that body, and was also referred to it by several of his opponents; Dr. Knight of New Haven., in particular, expressly assuring him by letter that in making up their decision, the members of that Society would be free from personal feelings. {{anchor:s116}}Upon a fair hearing, Dr. Curtis felt sure of justice, therefore; or at least, secure from injustice. {{anchor:s117}}But when he attended the meeting of the State Society, and at the proper time rose to read his defence, he was as promptly and effectually gagged as was ever a traveller by a couple of Thugs. {{anchor:s118}}Not one word might he say or read; and before he could have said "Jack Robinson," even if they would have let him repeat that mysterious formula, his head was cleverly off. {{anchor:s119}}He had-such is the parliamentary skill of the Connecticut M. D.'s-been now three times expelled, and the inconvenient ceremonies of testimony, defence and trial, had been all the time entirely avoided. {{anchor:s120}}What a lesson to our judiciary! {{anchor:s121}}If our people were only "regular" enough, we are by no means sure that by the appointment of a few Connecticut Allopaths to revise our state and national codes, and (if no gentlemen would serve on the bench) to administer them, we might jet recover those inestimable privileges, the Inquisition and the Council of Three, and get entirely rid of the "irregular" dogma that persons on trial may confront and answer their accusers, and of that clumsy impediment to execution, the trial by jury! {{anchor:s122}}Dr. Curtis is now, therefore, thoroughly "irregular," and, having been decapitated, should be dead. {{anchor:s123}}But it is confidently stated that notwithstanding, he is still alive; and that the almost unanimous opinion of the people of Hartford, that he is in the right, shows itself in the substantial form of increased patronage; a sour pill to his persecutors, who accuse him of getting himself persecuted so as to make money. {{anchor:s124}}But how is it that such shrewd parliamentarians did not foresee this, and stop persecuting? {{anchor:s125}}In saying this, they confess themselves foolish. z. {{anchor:s126}}%%______________%% {{anchor:s127}}HOMOEOPATHY IN NEW YORK AND BROOKLYN.{{anchor:s128}}-There are in these cities 151 homoeopathic practitioners, 106 in New York and 45 in Brooklyn, as we learn from the list of "Homoeopathic Physicians in the Cities of New York and Brooklyn," published annually by Messrs. J. T. S. Smith & Sons, this year's edition of which is just issued. {{anchor:s129}}The homoeopathic physicians, increasing as they are every year, now number among their patients the majority of the learning, respectability and wealth of this city. {{anchor:s130}}Here as elsewhere we find among the most intelligent classes that Homoeopathy is rapidly gaining ground. {{anchor:s131}}%%_______________%% {{anchor:s132}}THE HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICAL SOCIETY OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, Pa. -The first of a series of meetings for the purpose of organizing a Homoeopathic Medical Society, to be composed of the homoeopathic physicians of the city of Philadelphia, was held at the office of Dr. Richard Gardiner on the evening of the 10th of February, 1859; the following named gentlemen being present, viz: Richard Gardiner, M.D., J. Redman Coxe Jr., M.D., John G. Houard, M.D., C. Everett Toothaker, M.D., John K. Lee, M.D., George R. Starkey, M.D., David Cowley, M.D., C. B. Compton, M.D., and George Wolfe, M.D. {{anchor:s133}}A Constitution and By-Laws were adopted March 17th, 1859. {{anchor:s134}}Other members of the profession having enrolled themselves among its members the first "Annual Meeting" for the selection of officers &c, was held in the College Building in Filbert Street, April 13th, 1859. {{anchor:s135}}The result of the balloting was as follows:- {{anchor:s136}}For President-RICHARD GARDINER, M.D.; Vice-president-JOHN K. LEE, M.D.; Treasurer-THOMAS MOORE, M.D.; Secretary-ADOLPHUS H. ASHTON ,M.D.; Scribe-GEORGE WOLFE, M.D. {{anchor:s137}}For Censors -CHARLES JULIUS HEMPEL, M. D., JACOB BEAKLEY, M. D., WILLIAM A. REED, M.D. {{anchor:s138}}For Committee on Provings- J. REDMAN COXE Jr. M.D., DAVID COWLEY M.D. {{anchor:s139}}BROOKLYN ORPHAN ASYLUM.{{anchor:s140}}-At the Annual Meeting of this Institution, held on Wednesday. {{anchor:s141}}June 15, it was determined to place it under the care of homoeopathic physicians for the ensuing year. {{anchor:s142}}Drs. J. B. Elliott and J. Talmage were appointed attending physicians, and Dr. A. C. Hull consulting physician. {{anchor:s143}}%%____________%% **{{anchor:s144}}TO CORRESPONDENTS.** {{anchor:s145}}F. B., M. D., Your article has been received and is very acceptable. {{anchor:s146}}It will appear in a future number. {{anchor:s147}}Dr. W. A. M. C. We shall be glad to receive and publish any articles that contain matter interesting to the profession and advance the cause of Homoeopathy. {{anchor:s148}}We are in receipt of a number of reports of cases which have not been treated homoeopathically; and as the object of the REVIEW is not to record the core of all cases, but only such as are effected in accordance with our law, (without regard to the potency), we have invariably declined publishing them. {{anchor:s149}}%%_____________%% **{{anchor:s150}}BOOKS RECEIVED** {{anchor:s151}}A New and comprehensive system of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, arranged upon a physiologico-pathological basis; By CHARLES J. HEMPEL, M.D. 8 vo. pp. 1202. {{anchor:s152}}Philadelphia and New York, Radde-1859. {{anchor:s153}}Consumption; its nature, prevention and homoeopathic treatment; By WILLIAM {{anchor:s154}}HITCHMAN, M.D., F. L. S. 8vo. pp. 182. {{anchor:s155}}Philadelphia, Wm. Radde-1859. {{anchor:s156}}Proceedings of the Illinois State Homoeopathic Medical Association, at the Fourth Annual Meeting. 8vo. pp. 96; Dubuque. {{anchor:s157}}From Dr. E. A GUILBERT-1859. {{anchor:s158}}The Homoeopath; New York, June, 1859. {{anchor:s159}}The Homoeopathist; Edited by J. M. BUZZELL, M. D., and D. WHITE, M.D., 8vo. pp. 16. {{anchor:s160}}Springfield, Mass.{{anchor:s161}}-June, 1859. {{anchor:s162}}Notes of a New Truth; Edited by an association of Homoeopathic Physicians- London. Feb. to June, 1859. {{anchor:s163}}Monthly Homoeopathic Review; London, June, 1859. {{anchor:s164}}Neue Zeitschrift fur Homoeopatische Klinik; Dresden. Vol. IV, Nos. 9. {{anchor:s165}}L'Homoion; Organe de la Doctrina Hahnemanniene. {{anchor:s166}}DERIGE PAR LE DR. TAXIL., New Orleans. Vol. I, Nos. 1 and 2. {{anchor:s167}}Mystic Hours; or Spiritual Experiences. {{anchor:s168}}By G. A. REDMAN. M.D., 12mo. pp. 384. {{anchor:s169}}New York, Charles Partridge-1859. {{anchor:s170}}Second Annual Report of the Northern Homoeopathic Dispensary. {{anchor:s171}}New York, June, 1859. {{anchor:s172}}British and Foreign Med. Chir. {{anchor:s173}}Review; New York, May, 1859. {{anchor:s174}}College Journal of Medical Science; Cincinnati, June, 1859. {{anchor:s175}}Peninsular and Independent Medical Journal; Detroit-June, 1859. {{anchor:s176}}Maine Medical and Surgical Reporter; Portland, April, 1859. {{anchor:s177}}Semi Monthly Medical News; Louisville, Ky., June, 1859. {{anchor:s178}}The New York Medical and Pathological Journal; New York-June, 1859. {{anchor:s179}}Medical News and Library; Philadelphia, June, 1859. {{anchor:s180}}The American Druggists' Circular; New York, June, 1859. {{anchor:s181}}American Medical Monthly; New York, June, 1859. {{anchor:s182}}The Eclectic Medical Journal; Philadelphia, June, 1859. {{anchor:s183}}Tiffany's Monthly; New York, June, 1859. {{anchor:s184}}Masonic Signet and Journal, Atlanta Ga. May and June, 1859. ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | The AMERICAN HOMOEOPATHIC REVIEW Vol. 01 No. 10, 1859, page 474-480 | ^ Description: | MISCELLANEOUS. | ^ Author: | AHomeo01 | ^ Year: | 1859 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |