====== Catarrhal diseases of the nasal and respiratory organs ======
{{anchor:s2}}BY Gershom Nelson Brigham
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===== INTRODUCTION. =====
{{anchor:s4}}The frequency with which the mucous membranes of the nasal, aural, and respiratory-tracts are affected with catarrhal inflammations, and the very general failure in successfully treating the same, together with the fact that our medical literature fails to furnish any treatise written from the homoeopathic standpoint, are sufficient reasons, in the judgment of the author, for the appearance of this monograph.
{{anchor:s5}}Grand Rapids, Mich.
{{anchor:s6}}Oct. 30, 1883.
====== PART I. ======
===== Catarrh. =====
{{anchor:s9}}The literal meaning of the word catarrh is to flow down. {{anchor:s10}}But the significance of the term in medicine is much broader than this.
{{anchor:s11}}The inflammatory attack upon the mucous membranes, which ushers in a catarrh, usually arrests, in the first place, the moist secretion uniformly found in a healthy condition of these membranes. {{anchor:s12}}Inspection also shows that the membrane becomes tumid, and its color is much redder than natural, and its sensibility undergoes a perceptible change.
{{anchor:s13}}The structure of mucous membranes is such that expansion occurs freely, hence the sense of pain is less than in tissues not as elastic; but we have the sensations of pressure, heat and itching.
{{anchor:s14}}The first result of a catarrhal attack, as we have said, is a dryness of the mucous membranes, still there may be much difficulty in breathing; a stuffed-up feeling, and a sense of something obstructing is felt which is the effect of the thickening of the membranes.
{{anchor:s15}}In consequence of this thickening the sense of smell is dulled and perhaps entirely lost.
{{anchor:s16}}Though the sense of smell is impaired, the membranes are very sensitive to atmospheric influences, sneezing being provoked by both impure and cold air. {{anchor:s17}}Simultaneously with the nasal mucous membranes, the fauces, Eustachian tubes and lachrymal glands may be affected, if not, the attack is likely to extend rapidly to these parts. {{anchor:s18}}If the frontal sinuses are involved, we have severe headache almost from the first, and a pressure at the bridge of the nose, and perhaps along the superciliary arch. {{anchor:s19}}A slight fever usually attends, preceded by a sense of chilliness. {{anchor:s20}}The reaction that follows from this arrest of mucous secretion and over distention of blood vessels and lymphatics, is accompanied with a thin serous discharge of a more or less acrid character, often so acrid as to excoriate the alae and upper lip. {{anchor:s21}}This discharge, however, soon becomes thicker, growing viscid and more and more consistent, while the swelling of the mucous membranes diminishes and becomes less raw and irritable till a normal condition is restored.
{{anchor:s22}}This is the ordinary course of a cold in the head. {{anchor:s23}}But colds do not always end thus happily, nor do catarrhs always limit themselves so definitely to the nasal mucous membranes, but follow in the tract of the Eustachian tube to the middle ear, complicating the case with otitis media. {{anchor:s24}}Here we are liable to have trouble from suppuration and destruction of both soft and hard tissues, with chronic thickening of the mucous membranes followed with permanent deafness.
{{anchor:s25}}Catarrhal attacks extending in the direction of the lungs become much more serious than catarrhs of the head, which are frequently-enough dangerous if not aborted or well managed. {{anchor:s26}}Inflammations affecting the mucous membranes of the lungs cause their swelling and thickening the same as in the nasal and aural passages, and may be severe enough to throw out plastic exudations; narrowing, in either case, the breathing tubes and impeding the passage of air to the lungs in proportion to the narrowing of the calibre of these tubes.
{{anchor:s27}}We may then have tonsilitis, laryngitis, tracheitis or bronchitis as the outcome of a catarrhal attack.
{{anchor:s28}}A severe catarrh spending its force at any one of these locations in the respiratory tract may result fatally. {{anchor:s29}}We well know the danger of oedema about the larynx, as well as of croup.
{{anchor:s30}}If a large extent of mucous membrane be involved, as is often the case, the attack, of course, will be the more serious. {{anchor:s31}}Should a catarrh extend down both ramifications of the bronchi to the air cells, even the first stage of a bronchial catarrh of such extent would be attended with very severe dyspnoea, and not a little danger; for the mucous membrane becomes swollen, narrowing all the minute bronchial passages. {{anchor:s32}}Usually catarrh improves as the mucous glands begin to secrete, and if the mucus is thrown off or even absorbed readily the attack terminates favorably in from four to nine days. {{anchor:s33}}If the obstruction be great because of the extensive invasions, we shall have high fever and labored breathing continuing without abatement, followed by such grave symptoms as livid paleness of the face, purplish cheeks and tongue, and possibly asphyxia. {{anchor:s34}}So sometimes ends an acute catarrh.
{{anchor:s35}}Again, many of our cases supposed to be cured are only half cured, and a chronic catarrhal inflammation is kept up indefinitely. {{anchor:s36}}The outcome of this continued catarrh, if nasal, may be permanent thickening of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, even extending into the sphenoid chambers, and ending in partial or entire loss of smell, also the retention of mucous secretions till they undergo more or less the process of decomposition, thus seriously affecting the health, as well as being exceedingly unpleasant to the individual.
{{anchor:s37}}As has been said, this catarrh may not limit its destructive processes to the nose, but pass along the whole length of the Eustachian tube, producing very serious trouble in the chambers of the ear, such as thickening, suppuration, caries and perforations of the drum.
{{anchor:s38}}Again, going down, the respiratory tract may become chronically affected whenever there has been an acute invasion, or there may be progressive chronic invasion ending in chronic laryngeal catarrh and chronic bronchitis; these have come to be the commonest of diseases, and so very important are they as bearing on the health and longevity of the race, too much cannot be said in the way of warding off danger. {{anchor:s39}}The histology of consumption goes to show that these troubles are usually the first steps toward a cheesy exudation, and cheesy exudation now means nothing less that phthisis pulmonalis.
{{anchor:s40}}Chronic catarrh comes to us not alone from severe inflammatory attacks; repeated colds of a mild character, especially if the patient possesses a strumous habit, invariably end in a chronic affection of the mucous membranes.
{{anchor:s41}}Other dyscrasias besides those of a scrofulous origin may furnish the basis of a chronic catarrh. {{anchor:s42}}Persons with a gonorrhoeal or syphilitic taint are very susceptible to atmospheric changes, and catarrhs not unfrequently attack mucous membranes already invaded by such disintegrating forces.
{{anchor:s43}}Several of the exanthemata, such as measles and scarlatina, prepare the way for a chronic catarrh. {{anchor:s44}}Eczema and diphtheria are very apt to end in protracted catarrhal troubles. {{anchor:s45}}The history of our cases will be important in every chronic form of the disease, as well as a careful study of the constitutions of our patients.
{{anchor:s46}}Chronic catarrh being so common and so persistent a disease, it demands a special study both symptologically and pathologically. {{anchor:s47}}The latter is greatly facilitated by the use of various kinds of mirrors of recent invention. {{anchor:s48}}Both the upper respiratory tract and the chambers of the nasal apparatus are brought into view. {{anchor:s49}}Carl Michel thinks that ozaena is a catarrh extending to the cells of the sphenoid bones, and that the odor comes from retained and decomposing mucus, he having seen yellow plugs hanging out of the opening of the sphenoidal cavity; and he does not regard caries as a pathological condition only exceptionally.
{{anchor:s50}}Catarrhs of a very offensive nature are amenable to potentized remedies, as proved by our own experience.
{{anchor:s51}}The necrosis of the bones in some of our old and complicated cases we do not pretend to deny; and the destruction of cartilage, as well as of mucous membrane, is frequent enough.
{{anchor:s52}}Such cases, however, usually come from some constitutional defect, into which we need to carefully inquire, indeed to study thoroughly, if success in treatment is attained. {{anchor:s53}}Many troubles of the eye as well as of the ear are based upon a chronic catarrh.
{{anchor:s54}}We shall leave these latter diseases to the specialist, except so far as to give indications for the selection of a homoeopathic remedy. {{anchor:s55}}The laryngoscope so generally employed enables us to explore much of the upper respiratory tract, and the knowledge thus gained is valuable even for the selection of a remedy. {{anchor:s56}}Many think an advantage is gained by topical treatment of the diseased parts. {{anchor:s57}}We can hardly recommend this either here or in the nasal passages, further than in the use of an attenuation of a strictly homoeopathic remedy, and it is a question whether a well-chosen remedy given in the proper dilution will not remove all such necessity. {{anchor:s58}}Possibly there is an advantage in direct contact, but it is never admissible to use remedies of such strength or quality as to lead to suppression of the morbid expression in place of a cure. {{anchor:s59}}Suppressing the disease here would endanger the lungs.
{{anchor:s60}}Still greater importance attaches to these catarrhal attacks when we come to understand that a large per cent, of our cases of caseous exudation come of lingering catarrhs which finally creep down into the minute bronchial vessels, depositing there and in the air cells lymphatic products. {{anchor:s61}}Such narrowing of the tubes cuts off the circulation in the minute vessels, and must result sooner or later in a necrosis. {{anchor:s62}}This caseous pneumonia, as it is called by our German physicians, is regarded as our most frequent form of phthisis pulmonalis; caseous bronchitis is perhaps the better term to be used here. {{anchor:s63}}A chronic bronchitis is kept up till the apices of the lungs become impervious to the air, percussion revealing the fact of condensation. {{anchor:s64}}These caseous or lymphatic products soften in time and then we have cavities. {{anchor:s65}}More often, perhaps, tubercles are sown in this well prepared soil before the softening sets in, when the subsequent history is that of phthisis pulmonalis.
{{anchor:s66}}The importance of attending to a catarrh before it reaches this extreme condition cannot be too emphatically stated. {{anchor:s67}}In one form the disease is readily curable, in the other it is only tardily cured, and with great difficulty, if cured at all.
{{anchor:s68}}In advanced cases a change of climate may be necessary; and these are cases more often benefited by a warmer latitude and dryer air than any other forms of incipient phthisis. {{anchor:s69}}Even changes made within short distances have been found to be of service, such as going from a hilly district and dry air to a lower land and moister atmosphere and vice versa. {{anchor:s70}}The Northwest, Colorado, Florida and Southern California, however, are localities where the more favorable results have been observed.
{{anchor:s71}}The scope of this work does not admit of any extended consideration of pathological and histological questions, and the revelations made by the laryngoscope as well as those made by the mirror to those who make diseases of the eye and ear a specialty, wherein catarrhal inflammations take a part, will best be studied in works written by men devoted to these departments of medicine.
====== PART II. ======
===== Therapeutical Indications in Acute Nasal and Pulmonary Catarrhs. =====
{{anchor:s74}}The treatment of acute catarrh, like that of all other diseases, should be carried out by meeting in the strictest sense the law of similars, and will require a careful differentiation of remedies, bearing both on the constitution and temperament of the person, as well as the local and general symptoms. {{anchor:s75}}The more important remedies and their indications we shall attempt to present.
==== Aconite. ====
{{anchor:s77}}Coryza, with violent sneezing, thirst, fever and restlessness, coming on from dry cold air or winds, accompanied with headache, roaring in the ears, and perhaps lachrymation, or the headache may be from suppressed coryza. {{anchor:s78}}Patient usually feels better in the open air, and is worse from talking. {{anchor:s79}}Hoarseness, difficulty of swallowing, burnings and prickings in the throat and Eustachian tubes may attend the severer forms of the attack.
==== Allium Cepa. ====
{{anchor:s81}}A very valuable remedy in acute catarrh.
{{anchor:s82}}The nasal discharge is thin and watery, drops from the tip of the nose. {{anchor:s83}}Usually attended with sneezing and smarting of the eyes, which is worse on coming into a warm room. {{anchor:s84}}Must take a long breath and then sneezes correspondingly. {{anchor:s85}}Has also an evening aggravation. {{anchor:s86}}Discharge is acrid and excoriates particularly the upper lip, which becomes red and tender, but tears are not acrid as in euthrasia. {{anchor:s87}}Not unfre-quently there is associated roughness and rawness of the fauces and trachea, which provokes a dry hoarse cough, which seems to start behind the pomum Adami, where there is much tickling. {{anchor:s88}}The cough gives a peculiar splitting sensation, as though the trachea would be rent asunder, and this makes the patient wince and crouch from pain. {{anchor:s89}}I do not know that any other remedy has this symptom. {{anchor:s90}}In differentiating we find Cepa excoriates the upper lip, Mercurius the alee and columnae of the nose, while Arum excoriates both nostrils and upper lip, the left nostril more commonly.
==== Antimonium Tartratum. ====
{{anchor:s92}}Indicated where we have pale face, also pale and sunken; pale and puffed, or bluish and puffed; cold sweat on the face; much mucus in throat and bronchial vessels with difficulty of breathing, has to be supported in a sitting posture in bed; alleviated by coughing and when expectoration begins. {{anchor:s93}}Badly suffocated at about 3a. m. {{anchor:s94}}Gasps for air before every attack of coughing; yawning with profuse lachrymation, followed by vomiting. {{anchor:s95}}Adapted to the severer forms of bronchitis and to catarrhs of old people who seem to have but little power to clear the respiratory tract.
==== Argentum Nitricum. ====
{{anchor:s97}}Constant chilliness with lachrymation and sneezing accompanies the coryza of Arg. nit., while above the eyes, in the superciliary arch, are more or less acute pains. {{anchor:s98}}The nose itches, and patients are inclined to take a recumbent position, as much debility is felt, especially in the legs. {{anchor:s99}}Symptoms are inclined to be paroxysmal, increasing and decreasing somewhat rapidly (Stannum has a slower crescendo). {{anchor:s100}}Adapted to catarrhs where there is soreness and redness of the throat, tonsils and uvula; or where the eyes or head are involved. {{anchor:s101}}Patients who are subject to swollen limbs (Kali carb.), weak sight and flow of mucus from the vessels about the canthi, have hemicrania and vertigo. {{anchor:s102}}The sense of smell is blunted, small ulcers appear in the nares, with discharge of purulent matter and accompanied with itching of the nostrils; sometimes the cornea is ulcerated. {{anchor:s103}}Phlegm in the larynx causes rattling till it is hawked or coughed up in lumps. {{anchor:s104}}Trachea is sore from coughing. {{anchor:s105}}Increasing the pitch of the voice causes coughing. {{anchor:s106}}Adapted to such cases as begin with a dry catarrh, which grows moist and is followed by a rattling cough, profuse sweating and thick, yellow expectoration. {{anchor:s107}}Eyes are hollow, face has a sickly look, and attended with restless, sleepless nights. {{anchor:s108}}Skin is often of a leaden color, especially about the face, bluish or ashen, and persons have an old look. {{anchor:s109}}It is as valuable in chronic as in acute catarrh.
{{anchor:s110}}Aggravations: From sour things, coffee, after drinking, at night and in wet weather.
{{anchor:s111}}Craves sweet things and strong cheese.
{{anchor:s112}}A decided remedy for hydrogenoid constitutions.
==== Arsenicum Album. ====
{{anchor:s114}}The most characteristic symptom is the discharge of a burning mucus from the right nostril. {{anchor:s115}}(Arum has it from the left.) The discharge at first is usually watery. {{anchor:s116}}There is a sense of stoppage at the bridge of the nose. {{anchor:s117}}Patient sneezes on going into cold air. {{anchor:s118}}(Cepa warm air.) The aggravations are at night, or after midnight; all pains are aggravated from cold air, except the headache, which is better. {{anchor:s119}}Aggravations from dampness, cold food and a cold room. {{anchor:s120}}Ameliorated by warmth. {{anchor:s121}}Pains are accompanied by restlessness, anguish and desire to change place. {{anchor:s122}}Thirst, which is appeased with small draughts of water, which satisfies only for a little. {{anchor:s123}}Sensations, burning and smarting. {{anchor:s124}}Later, discharges become offensive. {{anchor:s125}}It has the symptom of being worse from partaking of cold food, while Phos. and Baryta carb. are better.
{{anchor:s126}}The cases to which Arsenicum is best adapted are those catarrhs based upon malarial miasm, and in such subjects as are poorly nourished from faults of assimilation. {{anchor:s127}}Patients are subject to chilliness, love to cling to the fire, and have an appetite for sour things, stimulants and milk. {{anchor:s128}}The catarrh in the second stage is accompanied with dryness of the nasal cavities. {{anchor:s129}}Patient has the sense of an offensive smell before the nose, or the smell of sulphur and pitch alternately. {{anchor:s130}}Tendency to oedema about the eyes (Arg. nit., Kali carb.) and puffiness of the nose; complexion pale and waxy; discharges corrosive in all stages. {{anchor:s131}}Coughs when going into cold air, because of a sensation as if sulphur had been inhaled as from a match. {{anchor:s132}}Has to sit up in bed when cough commences. {{anchor:s133}}Coughs worse from midnight to morning.
==== Arsenicum Iodatum. ====
{{anchor:s135}}Corrosive, watery, irritating coryza which denudes the nostrils and lips (Arum), often accompanied with chills and fever; complications of the Eustachian tubes and otorrhoea a frequent accompaniment. {{anchor:s136}}Adapted to epidemic influenza and summer catarrh, or " Hay Fever; " to malarial localities;to weak and tuberculous constitutions zvith defective assimilation; enlarged glands and tonsils; pale and inclined to puffiness of the lids. {{anchor:s137}}A burning sensation in the throat and nose quite characteristic. {{anchor:s138}}Shudderings and dislike of cold, and amelioration by warmth as in Arsen. alb. support the associating group. {{anchor:s139}}It closely resembles, in several leading indications, Arum triphyllum, but its aggravations are at night, while Arum has the morning aggravation, nor has Arum the Arsenicum thirst.
==== Arum Triphyllum. ====
{{anchor:s141}}Arum is adapted to a fluent, acrid coryza which excoriates the nostrils and the skin of the upper lip. {{anchor:s142}}Nose is stopped up by the secretions, compelling the patient to breathe through the mouth : the left nostril is more seriously affected.
{{anchor:s143}}Drowsiness and an inclination to sneeze accompanies the Arum catarrh, and from the outer cauthi tears flow upon the cheeks. {{anchor:s144}}The eyelids are heavy and headache attends this group of symptoms. {{anchor:s145}}The mucous membranes of the nostrils have a tendency to ulcerate, and bloods stains appear on the nasal plugs at a later stage (Phos.) Symptoms are worse in the mornings, except sneezing, which is worse nights. {{anchor:s146}}Its impression is more intense than Cepa (to which it corresponds in an excoriation of the upper lip), thickening the membranes of the posterior nares and pharynx so as to cause drinks to pass up through the nose, and yet sometimes blocking the nostrils so there is no passage even of air. {{anchor:s147}}Hence it is well adapted to diphtheritic deposits in the nares. {{anchor:s148}}The cough comes from mucus in the trachea, which causes tickling and much spitting. {{anchor:s149}}Hoarse before talking but better afterwards. {{anchor:s150}}Much, pain in the larynx a leading symptom.
==== Belladonna. ====
{{anchor:s152}}Frequent sneezing followed by fluent coryza from one nostril only; coryza with offensive smell when blowing the nose as of herring pickle; suppressed catarrh with maddening headache; dryness of nose; headache; pain in the eyes and dislike to light and noise, frequent accompaniments. {{anchor:s153}}Pulsating carotids and tender lymphatics, a remedy for colds from cutting the hair; cough causes pain in chest as if chest was sore; coughs in long paroxysms; coughing causes much pain at pit of stomach. {{anchor:s154}}Cough seems to strike there.
==== Bromium. ====
{{anchor:s156}}Adapted to the following symptoms : swelling of lachrymal glands and flow of tears; throbbing stitches in upper left lid extending to brow and temples, aggravated from motion and touch; ringing in the ears, throbbing and burning in the ears, and suppuration in the passages; severe coryza corrosive to nostrils and formation of plugs; swelling of mucous membrane of pharynx and fauces; also swollen tonsils; swallowing painful, more difficult to swallow fluids than solids; aversion to drink-ng cold water; larynx painful to touch; sense of constriction; voice husky, hoarse, with difficulty of speech or loss of voice; wheezing rattling and gasping for breath, as in croup.
==== Bryonia. ====
{{anchor:s158}}Fluent coryza, beginning with violent sneezing and accompanied by stitching headache on stooping. {{anchor:s159}}Catarrh extends to chest with stitches in shoulders and through the walls of the chest. {{anchor:s160}}Stiffness of neck and pain in the nape, worse from motion; sweats from the least exertion; among our best remedies when a cold threatens to involve the bronchial passages, and extend to the air-cells. {{anchor:s161}}Cough worse on coming from the cold air into a warm room, and after eating or drinking; gagging with coughing; other accompaniments are desire to lie down and remain quiet, as in Arg. nit.; bitter taste in the mouth, and of food. {{anchor:s162}}Drinks large draughts of water, but at long intervals; business runs in the mind. {{anchor:s163}}Storms and east-winds aggravate Bryonia symptoms, which gives us an indication for complaints brought on from east-winds. {{anchor:s164}}It is characteristic of the Bryonia cough that the patient often presses with the hand on the sternum as if he needed to support the chest during the paroxysm. {{anchor:s165}}Pains relieved by pressure; irritable disposition.
=== Clinical. ===
{{anchor:s167}}J. B., aet. 42, housekeeper, has been suffering with a severe cold for four weeks. {{anchor:s168}}Her lungs and throat were suffering simultaneously. {{anchor:s169}}For the last two weeks she has had a constant roaring in the ears and dullness of hearing. {{anchor:s170}}Cough is severe, expectoration glairy mucus; and she has headache increased by motion and coughing. {{anchor:s171}}Urine scanty and high colored. {{anchor:s172}}The drumhead of both ears looked dull and congested. {{anchor:s173}}Ears inflated with air, gave Bryonia every two hours. {{anchor:s174}}In two days patient had much improved. {{anchor:s175}}Treatment continued with complete cure.{{anchor:s176}}—T. P. Wilson.
{{anchor:s177}}H. D., Infant. {{anchor:s178}}Has had a cough for three weeks; losing flesh for two weeks, and is very thin; coughs after eating, drinking and from getting angry. {{anchor:s179}}Worse in the confined air. {{anchor:s180}}Cough lasts for a long time. {{anchor:s181}}Child is of irritable temper.
{{anchor:s182}}Bryonia (Jennichen) cured promptly.{{anchor:s183}}—E.W. Berridge.
{{anchor:s184}}C. H., aet. 25, took a severe cold from being out in an eastern storm. {{anchor:s185}}Feels sore all over as if he had been pounded. {{anchor:s186}}Bursting headache, which is worse from stooping, coughing, or even walking. {{anchor:s187}}Pain and soreness behind the sternum, which makes him want to hold his hand there when coughing. {{anchor:s188}}Cough is a shaking, irritating cough, aggravated by going into a warm room, and by eating and drinking. {{anchor:s189}}Cough is dry, and sometimes seems to come from the stomach. {{anchor:s190}}Easily out of humor, and only easy in the open air.
{{anchor:s191}}Bryonia cured promptly.{{anchor:s192}}—G. N. B.
==== Carbo Vegetabilis. ====
{{anchor:s194}}Frequent sneezing and tickling in the nose; ineffectual attempts at sneezing, with sensations of crawling in the nose. {{anchor:s195}}Coryza with hoarseness and rawness in the chest; itching in trachea and chest; worse when coughing. {{anchor:s196}}Inclined to epistaxis; oppressive headache over the eyes. {{anchor:s197}}Aggravations from 4 to 6 p. m. {{anchor:s198}}Cough hoarse, hollow and spasmodic, worse going into cold air (Arsen.), after eating and drinking (Bry.), vomits after eating. {{anchor:s199}}Soreness of chest and heat of body when coughing.
=== Clinical. ===
{{anchor:s201}}A lady caught cold 14 days ago; has coughed for a week. {{anchor:s202}}Cough is worse by day and in the open air and during supper. {{anchor:s203}}Cough is continuous, dry and hard, with soreness of the chest and heat of the body when coughing; sensation at night as if there was mucus in the throat choking her when she coughs; the choking is relieved when sitting up or on moving. {{anchor:s204}}There is itching in the throat, extending into the chest; worse when coughing. {{anchor:s205}}Carb. veg.—{{anchor:s206}}E. W. Berridge.
==== Chamomilla. ====
{{anchor:s208}}Corresponds to dry heat and stopped up sensation in the nose. {{anchor:s209}}Sensation of crawling and inclination to sneeze. {{anchor:s210}}Feeling as if coryza would appear; almost uninterrupted tickling in the larynx. {{anchor:s211}}Coryza is fluent, watery, and later, viscid. {{anchor:s212}}Sense of smell is acute; rawness and scraping in the larynx; mucus that only detaches after much hawking (Calc. carb.); hoarseness with dryness of the eyelids. {{anchor:s213}}Paroxysms of coughing about midnight with suffocative sensations. {{anchor:s214}}Worse in dry weather (Dulc. damp.); from drinking cold water and in cold air; suitable for children, especially if one cheek be flushed and the other pale; face sweats easily. {{anchor:s215}}Accompaniments: Peevishness, ill humor and dissatisfied with everything. {{anchor:s216}}Worse in the evening. {{anchor:s217}}Child wants to be carried; cannot bear to be spoken to. {{anchor:s218}}(Compare Cina.)
==== Drosera Rotundifolia. ====
{{anchor:s220}}Profuse fluent coryza in the morning with hoarseness; voice husky, hollow, toneless, requiring much exertion to speak. {{anchor:s221}}Worse at 2. a. m. {{anchor:s222}}Retching attends the coughing. {{anchor:s223}}(Bry.)
==== Dulcamara. ====
{{anchor:s225}}Dry coryza renewed by the slightest exposure, better during motion and worse during rest, as to most of its symptoms; worse after getting wet. {{anchor:s226}}Cold brought on from a change of hot to cold, of summer to autumn. {{anchor:s227}}Coryza worse in the open air and at night, better in warm room. {{anchor:s228}}Accompaniments: Dry, hot skin, limbs numb and cold, stiff and painful muscles especially about neck and back; sweat offensive, constant sneezing and buzzing in the ears and earache, urticaria. {{anchor:s229}}Adapted to nasal catarrhs and influenzas of the fall. {{anchor:s230}}Catarrhal fever with dull hearing and throat affections, which are made worse by wet weather and cold winds; also to torpid, phlegmatic and scrofulous constitutions, who take cold when the weather changes to a lower temperature.
=== Clinical. ===
{{anchor:s232}}W. A. B., aet. 18. {{anchor:s233}}Nose cold, nostrils so filled that he cannot breathe through them. {{anchor:s234}}Constant sneezing, profuse watery discharge from the nostrils worse in the open air and better in the closed room. {{anchor:s235}}Always worse in the evening. {{anchor:s236}}The eyes are sometimes swelled, sometimes the nose alternately. {{anchor:s237}}Cannot be around new mown hay. {{anchor:s238}}Dulcamara 200 cured promptly.{{anchor:s239}}—C. W. Boyce.
{{anchor:s240}}A. B., aet. 40. {{anchor:s241}}Took a severe influenza by riding in cold west winds after a change from a much higher temperature to a lower. {{anchor:s242}}Severe coryza which was always aggravated on going from a warm room into cold open air. {{anchor:s243}}Sneezing in the open air, and muscles about the neck and shoulders sore and stiff. {{anchor:s244}}Toothache which was relieved by hot applications, but only so long as applied. {{anchor:s245}}Buzzing in the ears with dullness of hearing. {{anchor:s246}}Subsequently, a dry, hoarse cough, brought on from taking a deep inspiration, worse by lying down, and relieved when out of doors. {{anchor:s247}}Dulcamara 6th cured.{{anchor:s248}}—G. N. B.
==== Eupatorium Perfoliatum. ====
{{anchor:s250}}Coryza with severe bone pains, heat on top of head and buzzing in the ears, has a similimum in Eupatorium influenza. {{anchor:s251}}There is much prostration, weak pulse, and the bones are sore, feeling as if broken. {{anchor:s252}}It corresponds to hoarseness in the morning when getting up, so that there is difficulty in talking, throat is dry and sore, patient is very restless, cannot keep still (Rhus.), yet is not relieved by motion as in Rhus. {{anchor:s253}}Aggravations from 7 to 9 a. m., or in early morning.
{{anchor:s254}}Adapted to old people, and in this corresponds with Arsenicum; a good remedy for inebriates, in which it is an analogue of Nux vomica. {{anchor:s255}}To persons subject to malarial influences. {{anchor:s256}}Attacks often ushered in by extreme thirst. {{anchor:s257}}Head and eye symptoms prominent.
==== Euphrasia. ====
{{anchor:s259}}Fluent coryza, with scalding tears and sensitiveness to light; earache and ringing in the ears; eyelids swollen (Arg. nit., Ars., Mer.) and conjunctiva injected; pain in the forehead and stitching pressure in the eyes. {{anchor:s260}}Pain over the bridge of the nose, from the right to the left. {{anchor:s261}}Worse in the evening and during the night and from smoke of tobacco. {{anchor:s262}}Cough with severe coryza; eyes affected, and difficult expectoration; better from eating, from vomiting mucus, from out of door air. {{anchor:s263}}(Nat. sul.) (Reverse of Ars., Cham., Carbo veg., and Lach.) Cheeks excoriated from tears, but nasal discharges bland. {{anchor:s264}}(Opp. of Cepa.) Cough seems to be better when lying down.
==== Gelseminum. ====
{{anchor:s266}}Has a catarrh with violent paroxysms of sneezing in the morning, with tingling in the nose. {{anchor:s267}}Thin excoriating discharge from the nostrils; or right nostril obstructed from the drying secretions (Arum left). {{anchor:s268}}Edges of right nostril red and sore; feeling as if hot water was passing over the membranes of left nostril which seems to come from the throat. {{anchor:s269}}Root of nose feels as if swollen; pains extend from neck to clavicle; roaring in the ears; pain from the throat into the middle ear with deafness. {{anchor:s270}}Eyes sensitive to light, tonsils inflamed; Hering says mostly the right. {{anchor:s271}}Payne gives an epidemic which began in the left and worked to right. {{anchor:s272}}Fauces dry, burning and sore; rawness and soreness of chest; bronchial catarrh; subject to chilliness and feels best by the fire. {{anchor:s273}}(Arsen. and Carbo. veg.) Chill runs up the back from the sacrum to the base of the brain (running up and down the spine; Eup. per.); may begin in the hands (Sulph.). {{anchor:s274}}Fever without thirst; wants to lie and rest (Argen. nit., Bry.) Sensation of falling, in children, as in borax. {{anchor:s275}}Aggravations: every day at the same hour; worse from change of weather; southeast winds and damp weather. {{anchor:s276}}To be thought of in catarrh involving the Eustachian tubes; also suitable to catarrh in spring and summer weather, and to some epidemic types of the disease, attended with vascular excitement, supervening upon chilliness; when the mucous membranes of the nose, ears and eyes are affected, and the discharge is bland and watery, never to purulent discharges.
{{anchor:s277}}Right side most affected, as in Lycopodium.
=== Clinical. ===
{{anchor:s279}}In the epidemic of influenza prevailing in 1868, Dr. Wm. E. Payne found Gelseminum the remedy for the following symptoms : Soreness at the throat, felt at the upper part of the left tonsil, extending thence across to the soft palate, along the left nostril, attended with the sensation, at every inspiration, as if a stream of scalding water rushed along the nasal passage of that side, the opposite nostril at the same time being stopped; and continuous accumulation of irritating mucus about the throat, with hard, painful cough, and all the symptoms aggravated at night.
==== Hydrastis. ====
{{anchor:s281}}Cold sets in with aching of limbs. {{anchor:s282}}Excoriating watery coryza with burning in the nose, and affecting, as does Gelseminum, the right nostril most. {{anchor:s283}}Discharge profuse out of doors but scanty in the house; throat and chest raw; dull frontal headache (Bryonia stitching); sense of fullness over the eyes; otorrhoea and roaring in the ears. {{anchor:s284}}The air feels cold when breathing it. {{anchor:s285}}Constant inclination to blow the nose. {{anchor:s286}}Secretion more from the posterior nares than the nostrils; becomes thick and tenacious and troubles about dropping down into the throat. {{anchor:s287}}Much hawking required to clear the throat. {{anchor:s288}}Hydrastis acts especially upon the mucous membranes, increasing their secretion, which is tenacious, ropy, and often corrosive. {{anchor:s289}}Sluggishness of the bowels, a gone feeling at the stomach, are frequent accompaniments; among our best remedies for gastric catarrh. {{anchor:s290}}The nasal catarrh to which it best corresponds is where there is a continual dropping into the posterior nares. {{anchor:s291}}Has been used in scrofulous ozaena and ulcers in the throat after Mercury. {{anchor:s292}}Goneness or faintness at the stomach, is a noticeable symptom.
==== Kali Bichromicum. ====
{{anchor:s294}}Corresponds to shooting pains from root of nose to external angle of the eye, along left orbital arch; pains begin in the morning and increase till noon; coryza fluent and excoriates nose and upper lip. {{anchor:s295}}(Arsen., Arum.) Pressure and tightness at root of the nose, which is worse in the evening and in the open air. {{anchor:s296}}Sense of constriction in pericranium occurring in paroxysms. {{anchor:s297}}Sneezes on going into the open air and in the morning. {{anchor:s298}}Forehead sweats when the face is dry. {{anchor:s299}}Expectorates tough mucus, which detaches with such difficulty as to cause retching. {{anchor:s300}}(Dros., Bry.) The secretions become so tenacious that they pull out into long thread-like strings. {{anchor:s301}}Aggravavations at 3 a. m. {{anchor:s302}}Suitable to catarrhs which prominently affect the throat and stomach, having a ropy tenacious secretion. {{anchor:s303}}To colds which are worse in the summer and to fat light-haired people. {{anchor:s304}}The catarrh usually begins with a profuse mucous discharge, which at first is clear as water (Cepa); later the discharge is thick, tough mucus, which finally fills the nose with hard elastic plugs. {{anchor:s305}}Nostrils are often excoriated as well as the upper lip. {{anchor:s306}}A valuable remedy in both acute and chronic catarrh. {{anchor:s307}}In ozaena it has proved serviceable where there is ulcerated nostrils and corrosion of the septum. {{anchor:s308}}Spot on the right lachrymal bone swollen and throbbing. {{anchor:s309}}Respiratory symptoms are hawking of thick mucus in the morning; cough excited by tickling in the larynx, or at the bronchial divisions; accompanied with oppression at the epigastrium. {{anchor:s310}}Cough is worse when undressing (Puls.); on taking a deep inspiration (Sticta., Dulc., Rumex.); from the least morsel of food or drink in the morning; better in bed (Dulc. worse). {{anchor:s311}}Sputa usually tough, viscid and ropy; but frequently passes into a purulent or muco-purulent character. {{anchor:s312}}In catarrhs involving nearly the whole respiratory tract as well as the ears and stomach, it is often found the best indicated remedy, it having a wide range of application.
=== Clinical. ===
{{anchor:s314}}Mrs. C., aet. 28, had taken a cold in the early autumn; symptoms in January are feeling in back as if broken after walking; getting better by sitting. {{anchor:s315}}Violent cough worse in the night, lying on the back and on the right side; better by lying on the left side. {{anchor:s316}}Pain through the apex of left lung to the shoulder blade; also through base of right lung to shoulder blade. {{anchor:s317}}Cough worse from change to cold air, and coughs always after the least mouthful of food. {{anchor:s318}}Expectoration thick, yellow, stringy and offensive. {{anchor:s319}}Sweats profusely, which is worse about the head.
{{anchor:s320}}Kali bichromicum gave prompt relief.{{anchor:s321}}—H. N. Martin.
{{anchor:s322}}Mr. W. D., aged 33, light complexion, blue eyes, healthy family except some catarrhal affections, school teacher by occupation, has suffered since he was twenty years of age with a nasal catarrh which at times has been most annoying. {{anchor:s323}}Takes cold easily, when the discharge during acute stage excoriates nares and upper labium, each attack only aggravating the chronic difficulty. {{anchor:s324}}The affection is principally confined to posterior nares, and examination of the fauces reveals posterior wall of pharynx dry and covered with an adherent secretion, to detach which sometimes requires mechanical means. {{anchor:s325}}Blows hard plugs or flakes of dried mucus from the nose, but most of the discharge comes up by hawking, particularly in morning after eating, when it takes him about an hour to get cleared out for the day. {{anchor:s326}}The discharge is green, brown or bloody and very offensive at first, but latterly has complete loss of smell. {{anchor:s327}}The nasal bones sore to touch on hard pressure, with a painful sensation of tightness at root of nose. {{anchor:s328}}During acute attacks a sensation of a hair or string lodged high up in the nose, sometimes in right, sometimes in left nostril, produces great sneezing in the morning. {{anchor:s329}}Kali bich. 30 per cent, trit'n (Smith) completely relieved in six weeks. {{anchor:s330}}Was ordered to bathe head, neck, chest and arms every morning, wiping hair dry, and never to wet the hair for toilet purposes, which is a most prolific source of catarrhal affections in both sexes.{{anchor:s331}}—H. C. Allen.
==== Lachesis. ====
{{anchor:s333}}This is a remedy peculiarly adapted to malignant catarrh. {{anchor:s334}}Throat and fauces are inclined to swell and throw off plastic exudations; glands become enlarged about the neck, and even the kidneys become so involved as to eliminate albumen in place of the normal urinary products. {{anchor:s335}}Sometimes the attacks begin with a vesicular eruption about the nose like Rhus tox., accompanied by lachrymation and coryza, which has been inaugurated with a headache, and this passes off with no graver symptoms than a Rhus or Mercurius catarrh, which it somewhat resembles in objective symptoms, but the subjective symptom of wanting to creep up to the fire and lie down will distinguish Lach. {{anchor:s336}}The highest value may be placed upon it for controlling that form of infectious catarrh which begins with an attack upon the left side, throwing out plastic exudations upon the left tonsil, and along the pharynx toward the right.
{{anchor:s337}}For catarrhs not infectious which appear in the spring, with much sensitiveness of the throat, it is often the similimum. {{anchor:s338}}For a catarrh where the mucous membranes are swollen, look blue, and parts very tender, and where the nose is filled with scabs and bloody pus oozes from the nostrils, Lachesis is indicated. {{anchor:s339}}The neck is often so tender it will not bear contact. {{anchor:s340}}Pressure produces coughing, which is violent and long continued. {{anchor:s341}}Patient coughs worse after sleep, after eating, and may have to leave the table. {{anchor:s342}}Worse after sleep is very characteristic. {{anchor:s343}}Perspiration strong, smelling like garlic.
=== Clinical. ===
{{anchor:s345}}Chas. M., aet. 8, has been sick five days. {{anchor:s346}}Constant delirium which changes rapidly from one subject to another; talks, sings or whistles constantly; makes odd motions with right arm as if reaching for some object; throat is filled with membrane of a dark color, which was developed from left to right; has not slept for 72 hours, but during the last 12 hours has occasionally fallen into a light sleep, which is followed by aggravation of all symptoms. {{anchor:s347}}Urine high colored and strong; body covered with bluish rash eruption, which is round and elevated. {{anchor:s348}}Prescribed Lachesis 4, cured in a few days.{{anchor:s349}}—Goodno.
{{anchor:s350}}Dr. Guernsey gives left side attack as characteristic of Lach.
{{anchor:s351}}T. J., aet. 10, been sick four days; drowsy, with livid hue of face; delirious mutterings, especially at night. {{anchor:s352}}Slow, difficult speech and open mouth; tongue trembles when protruded, tip red; tonsils and pharynx swollen, most on left side, where heavy, grayish membrane spreads toward the right side, fully two-thirds the distance. {{anchor:s353}}Left parotid badly swollen, and difficulty of swallowing so great seems as if suffocation would follow; urine scanty and dalk; bloody purulent discharge from the nose, and alae swollen.
{{anchor:s354}}Lachesis, with convalescence in a week.{{anchor:s355}}—G. N. B.
==== Mercurius [corrosivus] ====
{{anchor:s357}}For nasal affections Merc. cor. is usually preferred, also for internal affections of the ear.
{{anchor:s358}}Corresponds to fluent coryza with much sneezing. {{anchor:s359}}Mucus excoriates the alae and columnae nasi (Gels. right side, Cepa upper lip). {{anchor:s360}}Worse from damp weather (Dulc.); in the night; aggravated by both cold and warm air, especially from getting warm in bed; inclined to perspiration which does not relieve. {{anchor:s361}}Head feels full as if it would burst, or as if growing larger and larger. {{anchor:s362}}(Arg. nit. head feels very large.) Sensations of heat and chilliness alternate. {{anchor:s363}}Lachrymation profuse, burning and excoriating. {{anchor:s364}}Obstructions of the ears, which are momentarily better after swallowing or blowing the nose. {{anchor:s365}}Fluency, especially if it involves the salivary glands, will be a guiding symptom; violent cough if one attempts to speak. {{anchor:s366}}Perspiration sometimes is sour; distinguished from Calc. carb. by being more sudden and general. {{anchor:s367}}Parotids frequently tender and swollen. {{anchor:s368}}Gums have a white line; breath fetid.
=== Clinical. ===
{{anchor:s370}}W. M., aet. 8, subject for years to earache by spells. {{anchor:s371}}Now for the last week or two constant pain with spells of aggravations. {{anchor:s372}}Examination shows catarrhal affection of both ears, and in addition a neuralgic affection. {{anchor:s373}}Drumheads of both ears slightly injected and thickened. {{anchor:s374}}The Eustachian tubes partially closed. {{anchor:s375}}Hearing reduced to less than one-half its usual strength. {{anchor:s376}}Inflated the ears with air, and ordered Mercurius cor. 30, every three hours. {{anchor:s377}}Aggravations were nightly, which was taken as a leading indication for the Merc.
{{anchor:s378}}Case reported in one week, much improved; night pains not returning. {{anchor:s379}}Treatment continued, and patient was dismissed cured after a few weeks. {{anchor:s380}}—T. P. Wilson.
{{anchor:s381}}B. R., aet. 8 years, of scrofulous diathesis, light complexion; had suffered from ozaena about ten months; was very much emaciated, and presented the following symptoms:
{{anchor:s382}}Swelling and redness of the nose, scabs on nostrils, nose stopped up; loss of smell and taste; discharge from nose like glue; tonsils excessively swollen; symptoms worse in the open air, but especially aggravated at night. {{anchor:s383}}Gave Merc. cor., which effected a rapid recovery.{{anchor:s384}}—De Forest Hunt.
==== Mezereum. ====
{{anchor:s386}}Indications are ineffectual attempts at sneezing. {{anchor:s387}}Dryness of the nose, and dullness of the function of smelling. {{anchor:s388}}Sore pain in the chest. {{anchor:s389}}Ears feel as if air was pouring into them, with desire to bore finger into orifice; excoriations and soreness of the upper lip. {{anchor:s390}}(Cepa.) Left sided prosopalgia. {{anchor:s391}}Cough worse from sundown to 12 o'clock, or aggravated by eating or drinking anything hot, also by washing in cold room. {{anchor:s392}}Coughs till food is vomited. {{anchor:s393}}Chilliness of single parts as if cold water was applied.
==== Natrum Sulphuricum. ====
{{anchor:s395}}Muddled feeling in the head; eyes weak and watery; burning lachrymation; worse when near the fire. {{anchor:s396}}(Apis.) (Reverse of Ars., Lach.) Sharp pain in the right ear, worse going from cold air into warm room; itching of nose which induces rubbing. {{anchor:s397}}Nose stopped up, or fluent coryza with sneezing. {{anchor:s398}}Short-breathed if coughs while standing. {{anchor:s399}}Has to sit up and hold chest with both hands. {{anchor:s400}}(Bry.) Aggravated by wet weather; going into damp places (Dulc.); going from cold into warm air (Bry.) Suitable to hydrogenoid and sycotic constitutions.
==== Nux Vomica. ====
{{anchor:s402}}Patient is over-sensitive to all kinds of impressions, noise, smells, light, etc. {{anchor:s403}}Liable to take cold in the head from dry winds and from a draught. {{anchor:s404}}Scalp sensitive, and feels better when warmly covered. {{anchor:s405}}Fluent coryza by day, and dry coryza at night; better in cold air, and worse in warm room. {{anchor:s406}}Feels creeping chills,, even when sitting by the fire. {{anchor:s407}}Chilliness after drinking; wants to keep covered in fever stage.
{{anchor:s408}}Concomitants: Headache; expulsion of bloody mucus from the nose, scalp sensitive; confused mind; photophobia. {{anchor:s409}}Nux has proved valuable in frontal headache with constipation, especially if catarrhal. {{anchor:s410}}In catarrh of infants. {{anchor:s411}}Patient is irritable and often wakes at 3 A.M., and is troubled about going to sleep afterwards.
{{anchor:s412}}Frontal cavities more often the seat of the catarrh. {{anchor:s413}}Cough is induced by motion; reading; forced expiration, etc.; appears in the evening, or at night after going to bed, and prevents sleep. {{anchor:s414}}The cough is short, dry, and fatiguing, and accompanied by headache or tenderness and soreness in the epigastrium, and in this resembles Sanguinaria. {{anchor:s415}}But it is a thin cough, coming apparently from the larynx, and not the chest. {{anchor:s416}}Cough ameliorated by warm drinks, aggravated by cold, by eating. {{anchor:s417}}Coughs that come from spinal irritation find a remedy in Nux par excellence. {{anchor:s418}}Cough worse from mental exertion.
==== Pulsatilla. ====
{{anchor:s420}}A remedy suited to catarrh with stupefying headache, humming in the head, creeping chills, more noticeable when lying quiet or sitting in the cool air; better when walking in the open air and worse in a warm room. {{anchor:s421}}Disposition is peevish and changeable; roaring in the ears not unusual.
{{anchor:s422}}Nasal symptoms are : fluid or dry coryza; nostrils sore with loss of smell; alternate stoppage and running of the nose (Nat. and Merc.); pressure at the root of the nose. {{anchor:s423}}Disturbances of the stomach very apt to be associated with Puls. catarrh, sometimes constipation. {{anchor:s424}}Coryza much worse every evening; cough loose, and though feverish, no thirst.
{{anchor:s425}}Coryza ends in a yellow or greenish discharge. {{anchor:s426}}Suitable for colds taken from cutting the hair (Bell.); to persons of a mild disposition; light complexion, and blue eyes and inclined to tears; and when symptoms are ever changing. {{anchor:s427}}Colds from getting head or feet wet (Calc. carb.) Some of its provings indicate a periodical action culminating with the season of spring (Lach.) Patients dislike fat food and milk.
=== Clinical. ===
{{anchor:s429}}Patient fair-haired, blue-eyed girl of eighteen, of sensitive, lachrymose disposition, tardy and scanty menstruation, ushered in with agonizing abdominal pains. {{anchor:s430}}Had an offensive yellowish-green discharge from the nose of several years' standing.
{{anchor:s431}}Menstrual troubles and ozaena completely cured with Pulsatilla 6 after a severe aggravation.{{anchor:s432}}—W. P. WesselhOeft.
{{anchor:s433}}E. C., aet. 13; light hair and complexion; had measles something over two years ago, followed by a catarrh, which I find with following symptoms :
{{anchor:s434}}Copious discharge from the nose of a yellow or greenish mucus. {{anchor:s435}}A loose cough, and after every attack from new cold, a slight discharge from one or both ears. {{anchor:s436}}Child is of a mild disposition with weak digestion, and fatty food disagrees. {{anchor:s437}}Puls. 3 gtt. 1 morning and night for one week. {{anchor:s438}}Improvement; dose only at night for another week; then once a week. {{anchor:s439}}Cough and aural discharges cease at the end of six weeks. {{anchor:s440}}Nasal discharge though much better, not cured. {{anchor:s441}}Sul. 6th, a few doses, completed cure.{{anchor:s442}}—Morse.
{{anchor:s443}}A girl eighteen years old, frail, gentle, has suffered for six months from a yellow, pus-like, very fetid discharge from the nose, which was swollen, although no boils or ulceration could be detected internally or externally. {{anchor:s444}}Violent itching of the nose at night; loss of appetite; bitter taste of the food taken; eructations after eating; foggy condition of the mind as if she were drunk; better in the open air; menses scanty, pale, followed by increased leucorrhoea; cannot go to sleep until late. {{anchor:s445}}Cured in ten days by Pulsatilla 9.{{anchor:s446}}—Stapf in Arch. {{anchor:s447}}I., 2, 27.
==== Rhododendron. ====
{{anchor:s449}}May be given for pains in the head which are worse in cold and wet weather. {{anchor:s450}}For thin fluid and profuse discharges from the nose in persons subject to rheumatism. {{anchor:s451}}Heat in the face in the morning, on rising accompanied with violent sneezing. {{anchor:s452}}For a cough which is dry and exhausting, with rough throat and oppression of the lungs; worse morning and evening. {{anchor:s453}}Adapted to the rheumatic diathesis, and when symptoms are brought on by damp, cold weather, and are intensified by getting wet, or aggravated by thunder storms. {{anchor:s454}}Symptoms are intermittent, coming on from two to twelve days.
==== Rhus Toxicodendron. ====
{{anchor:s456}}Given for bad effects from severe wetting in rain when heated. {{anchor:s457}}Acute catarrh when the nasal, laryngeal, tracheal and bronchial passages are stuffed up; worse at sunset, when sneezing and a tickling cough sets in which lasts till midnight (Mezereum), then an amelioration which lasts till morning. {{anchor:s458}}Colds accompanied with vesicular eruptions (Lach.) about the nose and mouth. {{anchor:s459}}Colds which afflict rheumatic persons. {{anchor:s460}}Pains are aggravated by rest; before a storm ; in damp weather. {{anchor:s461}}Desire for cold drinks, oysters, cold milk (Phos.)
==== Rumex Crispus. ====
{{anchor:s463}}Pain in the eyes as from dryness; dull pains on right side of head, in occiput, in forehead; violent sneezing and painful irritation of the nostrils. {{anchor:s464}}Dry sensation which extends even to posterior nares. {{anchor:s465}}Nose obstructed or running fluently with sneezing; symptoms have a nightly aggravation. {{anchor:s466}}Later, yellow mucus discharged largely through posterior nares (Hydrastis.) Heat in the face. {{anchor:s467}}Sudden change of voice with cough. {{anchor:s468}}Constant desire to hawk, in some cases blows the nose a good deal; hoarseness which is worse evenings. {{anchor:s469}}Hoarse, barking cough, coming on in the night at 11 o'clock p. m., or at 2 or 5 a. m., in children; worse from the slightest inhalation of cold air; wants to cover the head with bedclothes to make the air warmer. {{anchor:s470}}Nat. mur. {{anchor:s471}}Cough worse from inhalation of cold air. {{anchor:s472}}Nux vom. {{anchor:s473}}Wants to cover head, but neither has the complete symptom.
{{anchor:s474}}Rumex is indicated for that form of catarrh which affects chiefly the upper part of the air passages; throat feels excoriated; sensation of a lump in the throat (Iod. merc.); not relieved by hawking or swallowing; it descends when swallowing, but immediately returns. {{anchor:s475}}Yellow mucus is discharged from the posterior nares. {{anchor:s476}}Itching deep in the ears. {{anchor:s477}}Suggests its value in catarrh of the Eustachian tube. {{anchor:s478}}We have found Rumex applicable to such catarrhal coughs as annoy children at night, constantly waking them out of sleep. {{anchor:s479}}Coughing worse from changing rooms, from pressing on throat pit, and from inhaling the night air. {{anchor:s480}}Rumex patients are worse from cold changes of the weather, from raw winds and from dampness. {{anchor:s481}}There is often a feeling of excoriation behind the sternum.
{{anchor:s482}}More symptoms are felt about the left chest than the right, when catarrh extends downward. {{anchor:s483}}Its most pronounced action is to excite the mucous membranes of the larynx and trachea, when there is kept up a tickling sensation provoking a cough.
=== Clinical. ===
{{anchor:s485}}Mrs. A., aet. 45, contracted a cold in the head, throat and lungs; cough hard, dry and very explosive; provoked by tickling in the throat and by a deep inspiration when inhaling cold air; worse on lying down; cough causes pain in the head and is attended with involuntary micturition. {{anchor:s486}}After trying other remedies Rumex cured promptly in the 30th dilution.{{anchor:s487}}—C. S. Shelton.
{{anchor:s488}}F. C., aet. 35; dark complexion; has been coughing for several months; is losing flesh and growing weak in consequence. {{anchor:s489}}The cough is dry, hard and explosive, and worse nights when attempting to keep in bed. {{anchor:s490}}Has to raise up to cough, but dislikes the cold air, which seems to make him cough worse, deep inhalations provoke coughing; voice changes suddenly when coughing, becoming hoarse and weak. {{anchor:s491}}There is much tickling in the larynx, which seems to provoke frequent paroxysms of coughing. {{anchor:s492}}Coughs so violently at night that he becomes drenched with sweat. {{anchor:s493}}Rumex cured the case promptly.{{anchor:s494}}—G. N. B.
{{anchor:s495}}R. R. B., aet. 2 years. {{anchor:s496}}A severe cold is followed by attacks of coughing beginning at 11 p. m. every night. {{anchor:s497}}Cough is incessant, dry and fatiguing; is aggravated by cold air and relieved by hot air; wants to be covered very close; cough becomes hoarse and barking if paroxysms long continue. {{anchor:s498}}Rumex.—G. N. B.
==== Sambucus. ====
{{anchor:s500}}Excellent for snuffles in children; nose dry and obstructed so that child can only breathe with mouth wide open. {{anchor:s501}}Cough is hollow and dry or attended with large quantities of mucus, which keeps up a rattling sound from the chest. {{anchor:s502}}Child awakens at 11 p. m. nearly suffocated. {{anchor:s503}}Spasm passes off to return sooner or later.
==== Sanguinaria Canadensis. ====
{{anchor:s505}}Sanguinaria catarrh usually begins with manifestation of symptoms upon the right side. {{anchor:s506}}It has headache on right side which begins in the morning; increases through the day; eyes feel as if pressed out. {{anchor:s507}}Distension of veins in temples; sore when touched. {{anchor:s508}}Copious lachrymation; tears hot. {{anchor:s509}}Throat feels swollen; swallowing painful; burning in the throat after eating sweet things; better from inspiring cold air. {{anchor:s510}}(Rumex and Nat. mur. worse.) Rose cold and asthmatic complaints cured or relieved by Sang.; odors aggravate the symptoms; adapted to dry coughs with tickling in the throat or pit of the stomach; when there is smarting and soreness in the chest; often accompanying Sang, symptoms we have an uncomfortable pricking sensation of warmth spreading over the whole body. {{anchor:s511}}Head symptoms fly to the stomach. {{anchor:s512}}Among our best remedies for catarrhal affections afflicting persons subject to sick headaches; or persons having torpid livers, or diarrhoeas that follow a cold. {{anchor:s513}}It has been used for both dry and fluent catarrh; but the cough is dry; for croupal attacks, tonsillitis, etc., following a cold; and deep-seated bronchial complications simulating pneumonia. {{anchor:s514}}Its affinity is especially the . respiratory tract with bronchial climaxis. {{anchor:s515}}For harassing dry coughs, with tickling in the throat and smarting of the lungs, especially if the smarting be on the left side, I have found Sanguinaria one of the best of remedies. {{anchor:s516}}Few remedies in our hands have proved equal to Sanguinaria for bronchial catarrhal coughs. {{anchor:s517}}Passing flatus up and down or from the vagina is a frequent symptom in Sang. {{anchor:s518}}I have emphasized smarting and soreness in left lung because clinical experience justifies it. {{anchor:s519}}Provers have given a majority of symptoms upon the right side, among which are stinging, burning and itching pains, and I do not doubt but that in Sanguinaria we have a remedy covering this class of symptoms occurring in any part of the, respiratory tract. {{anchor:s520}}I have given it for coughs occurring in sleep; coughs waking one from sleep and compelling sitting up in bed; coughs with tickling which came from the throat pit; and coughs with tickling in the stomach; coughs with tickling in the throat pit provoking incessant paroxysms of coughing with burning and smarting in the lungs, and have been highly gratified with its effects.
=== Clinical. ===
{{anchor:s522}}C. B., aet. 3. {{anchor:s523}}Seized with a severe influenza which was epidemic awhile since. {{anchor:s524}}Has violent cough with burning sensation behind upper part of sternum; much thirst for cold water, the water being ejected from the stomach after being down ten or . fifteen minutes. {{anchor:s525}}Fauces dark red, not swollen; little or no fever. {{anchor:s526}}Phos. two doses. {{anchor:s527}}No improvement at evening; but in addition now complains of headache so severe as to almost make him crazy; the seat of pain being right temple and a little above the right eye, which feels like bursting; upper lid somewhat swollen; eye looks a little inflamed and pain is aggravated by light and relieved in open air. {{anchor:s528}}Sanguinaria 3d relieved him promptly.{{anchor:s529}}—G. F. Matthes.
{{anchor:s530}}A. L. W., aet. 60 years. {{anchor:s531}}Tall and spare. {{anchor:s532}}Subject to frequent catarrhal attacks with pharyngeal irritation, and dryness of the throat. {{anchor:s533}}Dry cough, worse nights, often awakening him from sleep. {{anchor:s534}}Cough is very continuous and severe when once commenced and without expectoration for the most part, even when of a fortnight's continuance. {{anchor:s535}}Smarting behind the sternum and tickling are usually an accompaniment. {{anchor:s536}}Sometimes cough seems to come from the stomach. {{anchor:s537}}Fluid coryza alternates with stoppage of the nose. {{anchor:s538}}Sang. 3d cured completely in a little while.{{anchor:s539}}—G. N. B.
{{anchor:s540}}Several years ago I contracted a severe cold by riding in the dampness of an August night, which declared itself more particularly upon the lower respiratory tract. {{anchor:s541}}I felt the usual prostration attending a severe catarrhal attack. {{anchor:s542}}Was feverish and had considerable headache at the beginning, more upon the right side and in forehead on right side. {{anchor:s543}}Cough was dry and exceedingly annoying; a continuous tickling sensation in the throat pit. {{anchor:s544}}The cough was deep and almost spasmodic at times, creating a burning soreness in the upper portion of left lung nearly under the third intercostal space. {{anchor:s546}}Soreness was felt from the slightest percussion on the chest-walls. {{anchor:s547}}Inspiration of cold air aggravated the cough. {{anchor:s548}}I seemed to steadily get worse until I fixed a few drops of the tincture of Sanguinaria in a little hot syrup, taking a teaspoonful at a dose once in half an hour at first and then at longer intervals. {{anchor:s549}}Cure was prompt and complete in three or four days, although my catarrh had been of four or five weeks' standing. {{anchor:s550}}This was before I had become familiar with homoeopathy, and the prescription was made by chance rather than through any knowledge of the pathogenesis of the drug.{{anchor:s551}}—G. N. B.
==== Senega. ====
{{anchor:s553}}Its action is analogous to Rumex crisp. {{anchor:s554}}Dryness is its characteristic feature. {{anchor:s555}}Hoarseness comes on suddenly when using the voice. {{anchor:s556}}Complete aphonia from severe cold. {{anchor:s557}}Its action seems to be chiefly on the larynx, which is expressed in a dry cough, aggravated by cold air, by motion, and particularly by walking. {{anchor:s558}}Aggravated by motion, as in Bryonia, but better in warm air, as in Rumex, are differentiating points for studying the remedy. {{anchor:s559}}The kind of cough produced by Senega differs from that of any other remedy in some of the above symptoms and their associations. {{anchor:s560}}The value of the symptom, cough brought on by walking, ranks very high and, too, the remedy has an excellent clinical record for aphonia.
==== Spigelia. ====
{{anchor:s562}}Fluent coryza with dry heat and no thirst; discharge through the posterior nares constant and abundant, choking patient at night and preventing sleep. {{anchor:s563}}Accompaniments: headaches, hoarseness, lachrymation, anxiety about the heart. {{anchor:s564}}Particularly adapted to persons of a rheumatic diathesis and subject to palpitations.{{anchor:s565}}To persons subject to nervous headaches aggravated by thinking and by noise (Nux.); headache is worse from stooping (Bry.); head often feels as if a band confined the skull; feels as if too large (Arg. nit., Merc.) Amelioration from eating. {{anchor:s566}}Night cough suffocative from quantity of mucus; a cough provoked by worms is relieved by Spigelia. {{anchor:s567}}The dyspnoea attending cough or palpitations worse, when bending forward. {{anchor:s568}}Adapted to catarrhs associated with heart affections, neuralgias and disturbances from parasites. {{anchor:s569}}Fever shows itself in the morning at the same hour with a chill, which spreads from the chest; provoked by the least movement into changeable sensation of heat alternating with a sweat, or some parts hot and others sweating. {{anchor:s570}}Symptoms are often suddenly intense; accompanied with sensitiveness to touch, and chilliness when touched. {{anchor:s571}}Its sphere is the rheumatic diathesis par excellence.
==== Squilla. ====
{{anchor:s573}}Will find an applicability where there is morning coryza, fluent and corrosive; humid eruptions about the nose, which itch and sting; eyes water, and in children sneezing often accompanies the cough. {{anchor:s574}}Dry cough, or short rattling cough, which disturbs sleep (Rumex.) Among our best remedies for a catarrh, which attends measles; when chest symptoms are attended with so much dyspnoea that only a sip at a time of water can be taken, to quench a strong thirst for something very cold.
==== Sticta Pulmonaria. ====
{{anchor:s576}}General feeling of dullness and malaise attends this remedy. {{anchor:s577}}Headache before the catarrhal discharge sets in; stuffed feeling at the root of the nose. {{anchor:s578}}Burning of eyelids and soreness of balls; worse when turning the eyes or closing the lids. {{anchor:s579}}Mild nasal discharge, with conjunctivitis from a cold. {{anchor:s580}}Constant desire to blow the nose, which is void of mucus. {{anchor:s581}}Feels well in the morning but much worse in the afternoon; better in the open air.
{{anchor:s582}}Loss of smell with the dry coryza. {{anchor:s583}}Heavy pressure at the root of the nose, and sense of distension. {{anchor:s584}}Right nostril feels worse, and is troubled with a tingling sensation. {{anchor:s585}}Secretions, if they occur, dry rapidly, forming scabs hard to dislodge.
{{anchor:s586}}Cough is worse nights; can neither sleep or lie down. {{anchor:s587}}Adapted to a severe influenza. {{anchor:s588}}Cough provoked by the air passing to the lungs; at inspiration; as in Kali bi., Rumex and Dulcamara. {{anchor:s589}}It has a most wearing, racking, night cough, which will not let one lie down. {{anchor:s590}}Lilien-thai gives the symptom—feels as if she wanted to fly away; feels as if the leg was floating through the air.
{{anchor:s591}}The above remedies, carefully differentiated in their indications, will meet nearly or quite all cases of acute catarrh, whatever the grade of severity.
{{anchor:s592}}And the arrest of an acute catarrh is of the first importance, as a progressive catarrh is the root of a greater portion of our chronic pulmonary complaints, diseases of the ears, eyes, and largely of our female vaginal and uterine diseases, to say nothing of the chronic catarrhs of the stomach and intestinal tract. {{anchor:s593}}Learning then to treat successfully acute catarrh, is learning to save the community much of the poor health and mortality that now grows out of our changeable climate, and the constant exposure which disturbs the equilibrium of life's forces. {{anchor:s594}}And as acute catarrh is much more readily cured" than chronic, thorough and full treatment should be given the former.
====== PART III. ======
===== Therapeutical Indications in Nasal and Bronchial Chronic Catarrhs. =====
==== Actaea Racemosa. ====
{{anchor:s598}}The catarrh to which Actaea seems adapted is a dry coryza, with an evening aggravation. {{anchor:s599}}Pharynx is dry, attended with a frequent inclination to swallow.
{{anchor:s600}}Every inhalation of air seems to give a cold sensation, penetrating into the skull and upon the brain. {{anchor:s601}}The head is very sensitive to cold air (Nux vom., Rumex.) There is singing in one or both ears, and noises seem loud and unpleasant upon the tympanum. {{anchor:s602}}Headache, from suppressed uterine leucorrhoea, or arrest of menstrual flow, which ends in catarrh of the nose, throat, or bronchial mucous membranes, is cured by Actaea. {{anchor:s603}}One coughs at every attempt to speak (Merc.) A dry spot in the throat seems to cause the cough. {{anchor:s604}}Cough is dry, short, incessant all the evening. {{anchor:s605}}Very sensitive to cold air (Calc., Dul.). Catarrhs originating in a rheumatoid, or hysterical class of patients, find an appropriate remedy in Actaea racemosa.
==== Aesculus Hip. ====
{{anchor:s607}}Cold in posterior nares extending down on fauces and below, with dryness and a sensation of scraping and burning. {{anchor:s608}}Mucus drops into throat producing paroxysms of choking. {{anchor:s609}}Patient troubled with piles.
==== Alumina. ====
{{anchor:s611}}Alumina is adapted to old catarrhs, where the nasal mucous membranes and those lining the passages to the ear are broken down by ulcerations, especially persons afflicted with tetter or scrofula.
{{anchor:s612}}Accompanying symptoms are : scurfs in the nose; stoppage of the nose with thick yellow mucus; the plugs of mucus are sometimes greenish yellow, portions being dry and hard. {{anchor:s613}}Septum is swollen; is painful to the touch, also the root; redness about the nose. {{anchor:s614}}Sound of bells in the ear, and roaring as of waterfalls. {{anchor:s615}}Dryness of throat, especially on waking from sleep. {{anchor:s616}}Voice is husky, thick; mucus accumulates in the posterior nares, which annoys by dropping into the throat(Hydrastis.) Sensation of tightly adhering phlegm, which cannot be raised by hawking (Iod. mer., Rumex.) Talking or singing makes one cough (Bry., Phos., Mer.) Aggravated after dinner, and by salt, pepper and vinegar; from cold air out of doors; and inclined to periodical attacks on alternate days. {{anchor:s617}}Frequent accompaniments are constipation, appetite for cloves, pencils, chalk, charcoal and other indigestible things and a chlorotic habit. {{anchor:s618}}Alumina patients take cold on the slightest exposure, yet feel better in the open air; coughs a long time before expectorating. {{anchor:s619}}In its effects it tends to arrest the action of the mucous follicles, especially the rectum, hence best adapted to dry catarrh; scurfy sore nostrils, or where there are plugs of mucus blocking the Eustachian tubes, with snapping in the ear on chewing or swallowing, and dullness of hearing associated with atony of the bowels.
=== Clinical. ===
{{anchor:s621}}Mr. S. W., aet. 37, of very spare habit, dark complexion, very active, animated but amiable disposition, has to exert his voice much every day teaching singing. {{anchor:s622}}"Constitutional cough" for more than three years. {{anchor:s623}}Two attacks of lung fever within three years. {{anchor:s624}}Talking and singing make him cough,-but coughs more particularly and habitually about six in the morning. {{anchor:s625}}After severe dry cough there is a little expectoration; coughs some at night; shortness of breath while walking; hoarseness and tension of upper part of the chest. {{anchor:s626}}Alumina 2c. cured case.
{{anchor:s627}}Miss L. P., aet. 17, dark complexion, excitable temperament and of phthisical family, had cough for three weeks; particularly violent in the morning; raises a little after coughing a long time; has also a cough in the evening, painless. {{anchor:s628}}Alum. 1m. {{anchor:s629}}Fincke, two doses cured.{{anchor:s630}}—C. Wesselhoeft.
{{anchor:s631}}A lady, aet. 33, had for 14 years a peculiar cough from an irritation in the throat as of a loose piece of skin; difficult expectoration of putrid tasting mucus; shooting pains in spleen; symptoms aggravated by cold air out of doors and from getting tired by talking. {{anchor:s632}}She is better in warm atmosphere. {{anchor:s633}}Pepper, wine, salt and vinegar set her coughing; cannot lie on the right side on account of her cough; riding gives her pain in the chest. {{anchor:s634}}Alumina 20c cured her after trying other remedies to no purpose. {{anchor:s635}}—Boenninghausen.
{{anchor:s636}}M. B., printer, aet. 20, chronic catarrh for five years. {{anchor:s637}}Trouble came on gradually, the discharge being offensive, thick, yellowish mucus, or greenish scales. {{anchor:s638}}Root of nose sore and painful to the touch, and sometimes severe frontal headache, with darting pains over the eyes; rush of blood to the head and vertigo. {{anchor:s639}}Obstinate constipation, even soft stools being passed with difficulty. {{anchor:s640}}Alumina effected a cure in six months.{{anchor:s641}}—Morse.
{{anchor:s642}}A girl, twelve years old, has had a thick, yellow, offensive discharge from the posterior nares, worse in the morning; the use of tepid water causes the discharge of large, solid, yellowish-green pieces of dried matter. {{anchor:s643}}The nose is entirely obstructed, there is epistaxis, loss of the sense of smell, headache, involving the frontal region, and the region about the root of the nose, cachectic and sickly color of the countenance; hard and dry stools; emaciation and herpetic eruption on the hands. {{anchor:s644}}Cured by Alumina, 30th and 15th, in repeated doses and continued for several months.{{anchor:s645}}—(Knorre in Allg. {{anchor:s646}}Hom. Zeitg. V. 21.)
==== Ammonium Muriaticum. ====
{{anchor:s648}}Indicated when there is external swelling of the left nostril, as in Arum, which is sensitive to the touch and filled with a bloody crust; constant itching of the nose, with an inclination to blow it (Hyd.) It feels as if obstructed with a large body; loss of smell. {{anchor:s650}}Itching also of the ears (Rumex.) with fluid discharge of ear wax. {{anchor:s651}}Humming, roaring and obtuseness of hearing; chilly on awaking from sleep; heat and chilliness alternate. {{anchor:s652}}It excites and gives activity to the mucous follicles and corresponds most to a flowing catarrh. {{anchor:s653}}Coughs from tickling in the throat; worse from lying on side— better from lying on back; spitting of blood with itching in the throat; rawness of throat which provokes hawking, when small lumps of mucus are raised. {{anchor:s654}}Sensation as if the blood was in a state of constant-ebullition. {{anchor:s655}}Sweats from slight motion. {{anchor:s656}}Is especially adapted to bloated persons with lax fibre, and inclined to adipose; lymphatic temperaments with scanty growth of hair.
==== Antimonium Crudum. ====
{{anchor:s658}}Indicated when a catarrh is contracted after bathing; symptons are: roaring in the ears, as if caused by something lying before the tympanum; boring into the ears with the fingers does not relieve it. {{anchor:s659}}Stoppage of nose; sore, cracked and crusty nostrils. {{anchor:s660}}Coughing shakes the whole body, sometimes causing the urine to escape. {{anchor:s661}}Morning cough seeming to come from the stomach and abdomen; the first attacks are severe and grow less and less till they end in little ineffectual hacking. {{anchor:s662}}Looking at the fire increases the cough (Nat., Sulph. from sitting by the fire). {{anchor:s663}}(Gels, and Arsen. better.) Worse in the hot sun and when coming from cold air into a warm room (Bry.) Attacks liable to partake of a periodical character, coming once in five or six weeks or at twelve weeks. {{anchor:s664}}Better in winter, worse in summer. {{anchor:s665}}Expectorates a good deal when clearing the throat. {{anchor:s666}}Gastric symptoms often predominate. {{anchor:s667}}Once cured a case of cough with accompanying symptoms of gagging, vomiting and diarrhoea, which had caused great weakness and emaciation and threatened to completely break patient down, had phthisical symptoms associated. {{anchor:s668}}Diarrhoea very watery and food undigested; cough violent, shaking whole body, and gagging from mucus in the throat, or perhaps from concussion of stomach and bowels.
==== Arsenicum Iodatum. ====
{{anchor:s670}}This remedy, though given under the head of acute catarrh, is even more important in some cases of chronic catarrh. {{anchor:s671}}It corresponds to the same pale-delicate complexion as Arsenicum album, the same fault of assimilation, with tendency to oedema; and covers more completely the tubercular diathesis. {{anchor:s672}}Hence in catarrhs based upon a tubercular habit it is among the first remedies to be thought of; in ozaena and in otorrhoea with acrid discharges accompanied with a burning sensation it is the remedy to begin with and often completes the cure. {{anchor:s673}}Corrosiveness, fetor and burning are guiding indications. {{anchor:s674}}Ameliorations by warmth and aggravation by cold and dampness are characteristic. {{anchor:s675}}It is often useful in malarial complications as well as in the tubercular.
=== Clinical. ===
{{anchor:s677}}H. B., boy, aet. 16, dark hair and dark complexion, fleshy, but small for his age; had suffered with catarrh almost constantly for four years. {{anchor:s678}}Sometimes both nostrils were closed, and he was compelled to breathe through his mouth; eyes were weak and watery; eyelids puffy : had always lived in a malarial region and suffered more or less from the usual chills and fever every year. {{anchor:s679}}The nasal discharge was nearly always jelly-like, but sometimes watery; very copious in the morning and after meals, but at other times much less; color, grayish white. {{anchor:s680}}Tonsils much enlarged and fauces in a state of sub-acute inflammation. {{anchor:s681}}Iodide of arsenic 3, gr. ii. three times a day for a week, then once a day for another week, then one dose a week for three months cured the whole trouble.{{anchor:s682}}—Morse.
==== Asafoetida. ====
{{anchor:s684}}With this remedy most pains are accompanied with numbness. {{anchor:s685}}The oesophagus is a point to which we may look for considerable sympathetic action. {{anchor:s686}}Often a lump is felt here or soreness preceded by a burning sensation. {{anchor:s687}}It is the similimum of catarrhs that have gone on in scrofulous constitutions till we have tension over the bones of the nose, with a sense of numbness, and when the bones invaded are accompanied with swelling and inflammation and a feeling as if the nose would burst. {{anchor:s688}}The stench is bad as in ozaena. {{anchor:s689}}From the ears there is often a thin discharge, purulent and offensive, as well as from the nose. {{anchor:s690}}The cough to which Asafoetida corresponds is irritating and dry. {{anchor:s691}}Coughs on gaping; short, hoarse, ringing cough excited by tickling in the trachea. {{anchor:s692}}Hot sensations in the chest or abdomen, a frequent accompaniment. {{anchor:s693}}Pains are aggravated from being kept indoors (Nat., Sul.), better in the open air. {{anchor:s694}}Pulsations at the epigastrium often accompany Asafoetida symptoms. {{anchor:s695}}It differs from Aurum in that its symptoms are better in the open air while Aurum symptoms are better indoors. {{anchor:s696}}The mental symptoms are not fixed and of a despondent character, but unsteady and fickle. {{anchor:s697}}Guernsey says the remedy suggests itself where there appears to be a condition of hypersensitiveness.
==== Aurum. ====
{{anchor:s699}}In syphilitic catarrhs following the abuse of Mercury, and in those which appear only in winter, we have no better remedy than Aurum. {{anchor:s700}}The mental symptoms are quite characteristic: Mental depression; patients are disgusted with themselves, and feel as if they were unfit for society, because of the disagreeable odor of the nasal secretions, which others must notice. {{anchor:s701}}As this medicine produces such a loathing of life, so the more depressed the mind symptoms the more indicated the remedy. {{anchor:s702}}Noticeable symptoms are: Nose red and swollen, knobby tip; feeling of soreness in the nose if touched; itches, burns and smarts. {{anchor:s703}}Ozaena with fetid discharges and frontal headache; crusts in the nose. {{anchor:s704}}Agglutinated, ulcerated and painful nostrils. {{anchor:s705}}Putrid smell when blowing the nose, or loss of smell. {{anchor:s706}}Obstinate otorrhoea; annoying dryness in the ears with deafness; affections of the palate and nasal bones, particularly if resulting from syphilis.
{{anchor:s707}}In cases with nightly bone pains, driving one almost to despair. {{anchor:s708}}Caries of mastoid process. {{anchor:s709}}Voice, nasal, husky; persistent dry catarrh on the chest early in the morning when waking; raises a little phlegm after rising, but with difficulty. {{anchor:s710}}Oversensitive to pain; when he thinks of pains he imagines he has them. {{anchor:s711}}Very sensitive to cold (Alumina, Baryta). {{anchor:s712}}Adapted to persons of sanguine temperament, light hair; to scrofulous patients; but here the Muriate of gold is to be preferred.
=== Clinical. ===
{{anchor:s714}}Maiden lady of about 30 years; auburn hair and of rather light complexion; blue eyes and freckles easily; of scrofulous habit as goitre has appeared in family not remote. {{anchor:s715}}Has an ozaena which has troubled her for a number of years. {{anchor:s716}}Voice is nasal and nose feels obstructed, though air passes through the passages freely; power of smell very obtuse, almost wanting, except the unpleasant odor she detects when blowing the nose. {{anchor:s717}}Discharge exceedingly fetid and more in the nature of crusts than fluent. {{anchor:s718}}Is melancholy and has little confidence in herself. {{anchor:s719}}Thinks herself disgusting and that others do not want her society; is weary of life and easily fatigued; contradiction excites her opposition, which she is not slow to express. {{anchor:s720}}Aurum 200, an occasional dose, removed the secretion of scurfs, all of the unpleasant odor, and greatly improved the general health in a few weeks. {{anchor:s721}}Voice was much improved though not quite free from a nasal tone.{{anchor:s722}}— G. N. B.
{{anchor:s723}}A man, thirty-eight years old, has suffered for a long time from burning in the nose and in the facial bones; the nose is collapsed, the septum destroyed, the gums full of ulcers and inflamed; cannot take fluids, because they are immediately discharged through the nose; his speech is not intelligible; all the symptoms are worse at night; cannot sleep at all. {{anchor:s724}}Two doses of Aurum 6th, one grain each, were followed by the discharge of two pieces of bone and a cure in three weeks.{{anchor:s725}}—(Rupprich in Allg. {{anchor:s726}}Hom. Zeitg. XXIX., 144.)
{{anchor:s727}}Man, aet. 46, with syphilitic caries and ozaena, had been under homoeopathic treatment three years without benefit. {{anchor:s728}}Talked of committing suicide and did actually attempt it. {{anchor:s729}}Aur. met. 30 cured in about two months.{{anchor:s730}}—Hoyne.
{{anchor:s731}}S., aged 19, has had chronic catarrh for many months, and received but little benefit from former treatment. {{anchor:s732}}The patient is unable to breathe through the nose at night and sleeps with the mouth open; smell lost; nose is full of ulcers; nose is quite sensitive to touch. {{anchor:s733}}No signs of syphilis, and no syphilitic history. {{anchor:s734}}Aur. met. 30 cured in a few weeks.{{anchor:s735}}— Hoyne.
{{anchor:s736}}B. T., aged eleven years; light complexion; a bright, active, amiable girl; has had nasal catarrh from infancy. {{anchor:s737}}When first brought to me, she presented the following symptoms : The nostrils were filled with large, yellow, thick, soft scabs; occasional, and a; times profuse discharge of thick, yellow matter; sensitiveness of the nose to touch. {{anchor:s738}}For a year past there has been a thick, creamy discharge from the right ear, not constant, with hardness of hearing. {{anchor:s739}}Her breath, the nasal discharge, and, at times, the discharge from the ear were exceedingly offensive, sufficiently so to make the presence of the child in a room almost unbearable. {{anchor:s740}}The gums were thickened, sore near the teeth and bled easily. {{anchor:s741}}Excessive fetor was the prominent symptom of the case; the patient herself seemed wholly unconscious of it. {{anchor:s742}}After the use of Sulphur and of Pulsatilla, each given for some weeks, she received Aurum muriaticum 12th and was permanently cured in about three months.{{anchor:s743}}—H. R. Arndt.
==== Baryta Carbonica. ====
{{anchor:s745}}Indications : tormenting dryness of the nose and scurfs under the nose. {{anchor:s746}}Scabs from behind the base of the uvula in the posterior nares; upper lip and nose is swollen in children with prominent abdomens. {{anchor:s747}}Inclined to horripulations; chilly when undressing. {{anchor:s748}}Head very sensitive to cold (Alum., Calc., Rumex). {{anchor:s749}}Cervical glands swell. {{anchor:s750}}Coughs from eating warm food; better from cold diet (Phos.) Coughs in the presence of strangers; enlarged tonsils; worse from slightest cold; worse swallowing solids. {{anchor:s751}}Tickling in right ear and roaring like the sea. {{anchor:s752}}Mental symptoms : difficult to fix attention; afraid of being criticised and will not look up; grief over trifles; thinking of one's complaints makes them worse. {{anchor:s753}}(Aurum.) Adapted to fat persons, old people and children with glandular enlargements and large abdomens, weak minds and bodies.
=== Clinical. ===
{{anchor:s755}}A lady, aet. 24, for three days heard, about sunset, a ticking in the right ear with roaring like the sea at each inspiration. {{anchor:s756}}Cured with Baryta c.{{anchor:s757}}— Berridge.
==== Borax Veneta. ====
{{anchor:s759}}Well adapted to constitutions of little children. {{anchor:s760}}Dry crusts in the nose, which re-form if removed. {{anchor:s761}}Discharge of much greenish, thick mucus from the nose. {{anchor:s762}}Hacking and violent cough with a little expectoration of a mouldy taste and smell; short breathed; has a stitch when she succeeds in speaking; stitching pains in the right thoracic walls when coughing or yawning; cold water affords relief. {{anchor:s763}}Fear from a downward motion; starts at sudden noises.
==== Calcarea Carbonica. ====
{{anchor:s765}}No remedy ranks higher in cases of defective assimilation. {{anchor:s766}}It reaches profoundly in its influence and tends to eradicate constitutional taint. {{anchor:s767}}In the very common forms of nutritive derangements classified as rachitis, scrofula and tuberculosis, it is the first remedy to be thought of.
{{anchor:s768}}Patients are very susceptible to external influences, such as currents of air, cold, heat, noise and excitement. {{anchor:s769}}There is tendency to enlargement of the glands (Baryta); to adiposis; and to profuse sweating (Sil.) To children and females it is especially adapted. {{anchor:s770}}Calcarea is also adapted to pus-like secretions of the aural and nasal passages in persons who are troubled with damp feet, are sensitive to every draught of air and have irritable glands, weak digestion, and prominent veins. {{anchor:s771}}The nose is apt to be dry at night, but moist during the day; but dryness unattended with moisture in a catarrh is not an infrequent condition. {{anchor:s772}}Noises are heard in the ears when swallowing; cracking sounds when chewing; face feels swollen; teeth are sensitive to cold air; stitches felt in the throat when talking or swallowing; neck is stiff and pains extend to shoulders on motion. {{anchor:s773}}Patient suffers because of dryness of throat and dryness in posterior nasal cavities; snuffs a good deal. {{anchor:s774}}Feels better in warm air (Alum., Arsen., Baryt., Dul.) (Reverse, Asafoet., Bry., Nat. mur.) Cough is provoked by irritation as if feather-down was in the larynx; also by playing on the piano and by eating; cough creates shock in the head (Bry.); may provoke vomiting. {{anchor:s775}}(Bry., Dros., Mez.) It is dry at first, especially at night; terminates often with a profuse saltish expectoration, or it may be the mucus will have a sweetish taste. {{anchor:s776}}Cough apt to be provoked from inhaling cold air and comes on with each inspiration (Nat. mur., Rumex.) Chronic and painful hoarseness is often associated with the Calcarea catarrh. {{anchor:s777}}Constitutional symptoms: Age and temperament are to be studied as thoroughly as the special indications. {{anchor:s778}}Sweating about the head and feet; sweats from slight exercise; fatigue from walking; out of breath from going upstairs; shuddering as the evening approaches; craving for eggs; milk disagrees; cannot tolerate a draught; are symptoms to look for, one or all, in patients of the Calcarea constitution and more or less of them will be associated with catarrhs to which Calcarea is applicable. {{anchor:s779}}No remedy will be more frequently needed in irritations and subacute inflammations of the mucous membranes. {{anchor:s780}}Even in catarrhs which run on into structural degradation simulating phthisis, it has proved to be the curative remedy, and the question may be raised if it will not sometimes arrest phthisis. {{anchor:s781}}A good remedy in scrofulous ozaena.
=== Clinical. ===
{{anchor:s783}}Dr. Guernsey says, in cases where abscesses form in the lungs of young persons who are threatened with consumption, he gives Cal. carb. 1m. after the pus is discharged, and a complete cure is the result. {{anchor:s784}}The expectoration has often a putrid odor.
{{anchor:s785}}Mrs. T., aet. about fifty-three, a widow lady, with sanguine nervous temperament and auburn hair; has had sixteen children, nine only of whom are living. {{anchor:s786}}Has had a bronchial disease of five years standing, which began with catarrh in the head which extended into the bronchia. {{anchor:s787}}Severe anorexia lives principally on milk and is able to take barely enough to support nature. {{anchor:s788}}Keeps her bed, being too feeble to be on her feet. {{anchor:s789}}Has also arthritic rheumatism to add to the wretchedness caused by her wasting bronchial censumption. {{anchor:s790}}Attempting to sit up a little after being two months in bed, she experienced chilliness in the back, with sore throat in the evening, without thirst and with subsequent fever. {{anchor:s791}}Suffered with most intense heat, shortness of breath. {{anchor:s792}}Heat comes with distressing flushes; sleeplessness, in addition to her ordinary cough. {{anchor:s793}}Cured by Cal. c —J. H. P. Frost.
{{anchor:s794}}Miss M. P., aet. about 19, of a scrofulous diathesis; short and inclined to adiposis; auburn hair and blue eyes; skin rather white and bordering on the waxy appearance. {{anchor:s795}}Nose is swollen, particularly at the bridge; alae thickened, and voice unnatural from nasal obstructions. {{anchor:s796}}Feeling of dryness and obstruction at the root and a very unpleasant odor, as in ozaena. {{anchor:s797}}Sometimes blows scabs from the nostrils. {{anchor:s798}}Has something of a cough, which is dry and occurs mostly at night. {{anchor:s799}}Sense of smell is much impaired. {{anchor:s800}}Takes cold easily; worse in cold weather. {{anchor:s801}}Had been treated for a long time by an allopathic physician who had used the nasal douche medicated with different agents, but is rather worse than before. {{anchor:s802}}Has done nothing for herself for the last six months, being quite too much discouraged. {{anchor:s803}}Gave Cal. c. 200c. {{anchor:s804}}Commences to improve at once and continues till her health seems restored, without any other remedy. {{anchor:s805}}Nasal odor, nasal twang, cough leaving as the complexion changed from the waxy hue to that of freshness and renewed signs of vitality. {{anchor:s806}}This patient's disease might properly be classed as a case of scrofulous ozaena with tubercular tendencies.{{anchor:s807}}—G. N. B.
{{anchor:s808}}A laborer, aet. 38 years, of a strong constitution, who had frequently suffered from "itch" and was intemperate, had for many years been afflicted with a cough, expectorating mucus and pus, was taken with violent pains in the right side about lower and floating ribs.{{anchor:s809}}-Pain extended over whole right hypochondrium and back to edge of scapula; pain is paroxysmal, being acute when patient breathes or coughs. {{anchor:s810}}Chronic symptoms aggravated. {{anchor:s811}}Gave Ac., Bry. and Nux to remove acute symptoms; but cough and purulent expectoration became imminent. {{anchor:s812}}Patient perspired prof usely during the night, and countenance looked worn and haggard; chest was covered with an eruption of painful pustules. {{anchor:s813}}Gave Sulphur. {{anchor:s814}}Eruption came out nearly all over the body, while cough and expectoration became aggravated. {{anchor:s815}}Prescribed Calcarea. {{anchor:s816}}Immediately, the whole system began to rally with abatement of disease. {{anchor:s817}}Cough, night sweats, purulent expectoration and eruption gradually disappeared, and patient returned to work and was well a year afterwards.{{anchor:s818}}— Hitchman.
{{anchor:s819}}Miss M. C., aet. 12, of a scrofulous habit; freckles on the face and is growing fast. {{anchor:s820}}Phthisis on father's side. {{anchor:s821}}Has been troubled with nasal catarrh for two or three years. {{anchor:s822}}Nose is dry and looks a little puffy at the bridge; keeps up almost a constant effort to clear the posterior nares by a snuffing process or drawing the air down with an explosive sound, but brings nothing away. {{anchor:s823}}Takes cold easily and then her nasal troubles are worse. {{anchor:s824}}Cal. c. occasionally for a few weeks, effected a cure.{{anchor:s825}}—G. N. B.
==== Causticum. ====
{{anchor:s827}}Indications are, dry coryza with stoppage of nose; blows blood from the nose in the morning. {{anchor:s828}}Hears with difficulty; roaring and whizzing in left ear; sounds reecho in the ears; purulent discharge from the ears. {{anchor:s829}}Inclination to rub the eyes, which seems to relieve a pressure. {{anchor:s830}}Vertigo; weakness of memory. {{anchor:s831}}Hollow cough with pain in the right chest; rawness of the throat; cough worse at expiration (inspiration, Cal., Nat. mur., Rumex, Stic.); from drinking coffee; on waking from sleep (Lach.); from breathing cold air (Rumex); from sundown to midnight (Mezereum); sensation as if he could not cough low enough. {{anchor:s832}}Cough is relieved by drinking cold water, but aggravated by eating; accompanied by tickling and choking in throat pit. {{anchor:s833}}Involuntary urination sometimes attends the cough. {{anchor:s834}}Aphonia. {{anchor:s835}}Has been given by us successfully for laryngeal phthisis where there was a heavy, thick, cream-like split a; half purulent, with irritability and unsatisfied disposition, even to threatening suicide. {{anchor:s836}}Patient said : " I will drown myself, rather than spit myself to death.{{anchor:s837}}" " I know no remedy better for catarrhal aphonia," says Hughes; for weakness of voice from overexertion it promises very much. {{anchor:s838}}A smarting sensation as in Sanguinaria frequently attends the fit of coughing, or great rawness of throat and chest.
{{anchor:s839}}The mucous membranes of the throat and kidneys are points to which Causticum shows an affinity. {{anchor:s840}}Dunham says " Causticum hoarseness comes on, or is much worse, from 5 p.m. to midnight, accompanied with a dry, teasing cough, while Phosphorus is more constant, with soreness and dryness of the larynx, and with weight behind sternum and on the chest.
{{anchor:s841}}"Carbo veg. has hoarseness, with ulcerative soreness in the larynx and a burning pain in the lungs after a hard cough, while the hoarseness of Pulsatilla is very capricious, coming and going without apparently adequate organic cause."
=== Clinical. ===
{{anchor:s843}}C. S., aet. 30, took cold three weeks ago, and loss of hearing followed; worse in left ear; roaring, whizzing in left ear; roaring when walking, and voices and steps reecho in the ears. {{anchor:s844}}Caust. 200c. cured.—{{anchor:s845}}H. C. Houghton.
{{anchor:s846}}M. N., aet. 35. {{anchor:s847}}Two years ago took cold, which left her with diminished hearing and constant whizzing, as if steam were escaping; more recently, dull pain in both ears; cough with soreness and general stiffness. {{anchor:s848}}Her own voice reechoes through her head. {{anchor:s849}}Caust. 30 and 200c. cured.—{{anchor:s850}}H. C. Houghton.
{{anchor:s851}}Lady, aet. 19. {{anchor:s852}}Coughed for nearly two weeks; cough worse at night and in a warm room; better in the open air; better by drinking cold water; excited by tickling in the throat and from sensation of choking; cough brought on also by eating; smarting in chest while coughing and subsequently. {{anchor:s853}}Caust. {{anchor:s854}}6 (Jennichen), cured all the symptoms except coughing in a warm room, which was cured by Bryonia.—E. W. Berridge.
{{anchor:s855}}Cough coming on after coldness and after getting warm are given by Jahr. {{anchor:s856}}Better in the open air is rather exceptional, especially if cold air.
{{anchor:s857}}Mrs. M. C., aet. about 60. {{anchor:s858}}Bronchial consumption, which has been aggravated by an attack of acute catarrh. {{anchor:s859}}Countenance has a sallow, sickly look, with a pale earthy hue. {{anchor:s860}}Somewhat inclined to pimples about the nose. {{anchor:s861}}Is hoarse and troubled with a violent hollow-sounding cough; at times dry, but more generally with a free expectoration of thick, creamy-colored mucus, coming off in firmly adhering masses, heavy and purulent. {{anchor:s862}}Ameliorated by drinking a little cold water.
{{anchor:s863}}Cough worse after midnight and through forenoon. {{anchor:s864}}Worse from talking and from coldness or chilliness of person, being easily impressed by change of temperature; perhaps cough is quite as much aggravated from getting warm again after being cold. {{anchor:s865}}Has a nasal tone, and been a long time troubled with nasal catarrh, which has dried very much since the laryngeal attack. {{anchor:s866}}She is vexed at her condition and very irritable, declaring that she will not spit herself to death, if she has to take her own life. {{anchor:s867}}Sad, complaining as if half beside herself.
{{anchor:s868}}Gave Causticum 6th, a grain once in four hours; relief next day. {{anchor:s869}}Continue one to two doses a day for a week, with steady improvement. {{anchor:s870}}In eight weeks discontinued treatment as patient was so well. {{anchor:s871}}Six years later died of the disease in Allopathic hands, though she had been quite well for five years.{{anchor:s872}}—G. N. B.
==== Cistus Canadensis. ====
{{anchor:s874}}Class of patients to which Cistus is adapted are very sensitive to cold air. {{anchor:s875}}Indicated in chronic nasal catarrh with left side of nose inflamed and swollen (Aurum); tip of nose painful (Sepia); sneezing morning and evening. {{anchor:s876}}Cold feeling in nose; air feels cold as inhaled in larynx and trachea. {{anchor:s877}}Inner swelling of the ears and bad smelling discharges from the meatus.
{{anchor:s878}}Glands swell up quickly below the ears, looking red, following a chilly attack. {{anchor:s879}}Coffee and fruit bring on a diarrhoea. {{anchor:s880}}Coughs from stitches in the throat. {{anchor:s881}}Adapted to persons suffering from ophthalmia and otitis, with tetter on the face and ears. {{anchor:s882}}Itches all over the body without eruption.
==== Fagopyrum. ====
{{anchor:s884}}Every exposure brings on an increased discharge at the nose; dry crusts; itching of fauces which patient attempts to relieve by rubing with the tongue; perhaps the nostrils; granulations form in posterior nares.
==== Graphites. ====
{{anchor:s886}}Graphites is indicated when persons are inclined to be fleshy; suited to persons of a venous, lymphatic temperament, and to persons subject to chronic eruptions on the skin like herpes. {{anchor:s887}}Complaints are aggravated by use of water and by exercise in the open air to begin with, but improve after a little. {{anchor:s888}}Takes cold if exposed to a draught of air. {{anchor:s889}}Constipation and menstrual troubles are frequent accompaniments; feels worse after menses; aversion to salt meat and fish. {{anchor:s890}}Nasal symptoms are: Dryness of the nostrils, or alternate flowing and dryness; stoppage from tough, badly smelling mucus; dry scabs with sore or cracked and ulcerated nostrils, and stoppage of the Eustachian tubes. {{anchor:s891}}Mucus accumulates in the posterior nares and Eustachian tubes, creating a sensation which causes one to constantly make the attempt to clear the throat. {{anchor:s892}}Catarrh affects the middle ear accompanied with roaring; detonations, which improve the hearing; on swallowing hears a crackling sound; crackling sound when sneezing (Baryta) (blowing the nose helps one). {{anchor:s893}}One's own words reverberate in the ears (Caust.) Suffocative sensations when asleep, which causes him to jump out of bed with a craving desire for something to eat. {{anchor:s894}}Coughs when taking a deep inspiration (Dul., Nat. mur.) (Caust, from expiration); sputa tastes salt. {{anchor:s895}}Aural symptoms worse at the full moon. {{anchor:s896}}In persons afflicted with ozsena where the discharge is more offensive during menstruation, and who take cold easily, especially if there be an eruption about the anus and genitals, Dr. H. N. Martin gives this remedy.
=== Clinical. ===
{{anchor:s898}}J. D., aet. 32. {{anchor:s899}}Literary gentleman, with light hair and dark complexion; constantly increasing catarrhal trouble of the nose for nearly three years. {{anchor:s900}}Ears often feel as though they were filled with water; constant desire to clear the throat and nose; great dryness of the nose, alternating with fluent coryza; discharge copious and almost watery after meals; fauces and pharnyx in a state of sub-acute inflammation; the Eustachian tube of one or both ears often becomes obstructed, producing roaring in the head, followed by detonation, after which there is improvement in the hearing. {{anchor:s901}}Tendency to oozy, gummy eruptions and general unhealthiness of the skin. {{anchor:s902}}Injuries easily suppurate- Graphites 6, gtt. i., morning and night for one week. {{anchor:s903}}Decided improvement. {{anchor:s904}}Continued at intervals, and cured in a few weeks.{{anchor:s905}}—Morse.
==== Hepar Sulphur. ====
{{anchor:s907}}In persons who have used Cinchona or Mercury too freely, or who have had at any time an itch suppressed with unguents, the first remedy to think of when attacked by a catarrh is Hepar. {{anchor:s908}}It is well suited to light complexioned and scrofulous people affected by dry, cold winds, and to such as are affected with suppuration from slight wounds; to swelling of the glands about the neck, or moist tetter on the head, or about the extremities. {{anchor:s909}}Nasal symptoms are: Acute sense of smell; itching in the nostrils; boring aching at the root of nose from 7 to 12 a.m.; dorsum of the nose sore and tender to the touch; swelling of the nose with cough; coryza and hoarseness; possibly aphonia; scalp sore and tender (Bry., Chin.) In the ear crackling sounds are heard when blowing the nose; deafness and purulent discharges. {{anchor:s910}}Adapted to laryngeo-tracheal catarrhs and chronic bronchial affections. {{anchor:s911}}Cough worse by eating or drinking anything cold, or if any part of the body gets cold; is worse from crying or talking; frequently sneezes after coughing. {{anchor:s912}}Patient is chilled by the least draught of air. which causes a new attack (Calc. carb.) Hepar affects profoundly the respiratory tract and the skin.
{{anchor:s913}}Perspires easily and without relief (Mer.)
=== Clinical. ===
{{anchor:s915}}Mrs. J., a lady, aet. about 37, dark complexion and fine physique, took a severe cold while attending the musical festival in Cincinnati, which induced a most violent and persistent cough day and night. {{anchor:s916}}Cough worse at night, and so violently aggravated on assuming the recumbent position that she had to sit upright for many nights in succession, to obtain even partial relief. {{anchor:s917}}Cough was dry and spasmodic; worse morning and evening. {{anchor:s918}}The least exposure of any part of the body brought a paroxysm at once, so much so that she dreaded to dress and undress. {{anchor:s919}}Hepar sul. 200c., ten powders, one every morning, effected prompt and complete , relief.{{anchor:s920}}—H. C. Allen.
{{anchor:s921}}A boy, thirteen years old, has had an exceedingly fetid nasal discharge for about a year; the nose is red and swelled, both internally and externally; scabs in the nostrils; loss of the sense of smell. {{anchor:s922}}The eyes are inflamed; lids red; excoriated; burning; sore as if bruised; photophobia. {{anchor:s923}}Hepar sulph. 4th, one dose each day, cured. {{anchor:s924}}Improvement commenced within a week.{{anchor:s925}}—Chargé in Allg. {{anchor:s926}}Hom. Zeitg. {{anchor:s927}}XXXVII., 93.
==== Iodine. ====
{{anchor:s929}}Is adapted to scrofulous persons with a low, cachectic condition. {{anchor:s930}}Emaciation and induration of the glands are frequent accompaniments. {{anchor:s931}}Loses flesh while eating heartily. {{anchor:s932}}Gets anxious and worried if he does not eat often. {{anchor:s933}}Is adapted to that kind of catarrh which begins in the throat and extends back into the Eustachian tubes, producing deafness; and for dry coryza, which becomes fluent on going into the open air; Fincke gives, nose running a clear and continuous stream. {{anchor:s934}}For loss of smell, when nose is painful, swollen and discharging fetid secretions. {{anchor:s935}}Ozaena. {{anchor:s936}}Iodine cough is dry and usually comes on in the morning, with burning and stitches in the chest. {{anchor:s937}}For fibrinous exudations one of our best remedies. {{anchor:s938}}Motion, as in Bryonia, aggravates the pains.
=== Clinical. ===
{{anchor:s940}}Willie W., aet. 8. {{anchor:s941}}Chronic catarrh, with enlargement of the tonsils and palate. {{anchor:s942}}Much yellowish discharge from the nose; frequent sneezing and occasionally bleeding of the nose on blowing it; scraping and burning in the throat; almost constant sensation of dryness in the throat; nothing except sweets tasted naturally; ravenous appetite most of the time. {{anchor:s943}}Iodine 30 cured in a few weeks.{{anchor:s944}}—Hoyne.
==== Kali Carbonicum. ====
{{anchor:s946}}Suitable to anaemic persons; to those with lax fibre and inclined to obesity; to low grades of vitality from loss of fluids, and to old people; to people with dark hair (Sep.) Kali patients usually have a cachectic look, often a puffy swelling over the upper eyelids, especially in the morning (Arg. nit., Arsen., Kali hyd. {{anchor:s947}}Mercurius oedema of eyelids); are apt to be sleepy while eating; are irritable, disturbed by noise and easily startled if touched; inclined to vertigo (Arg. nit.), and troubled with stitching pains.
{{anchor:s948}}Nasal symptoms are: Dull smell from catarrh; stitches in the eyes while reading or sewing; eyelids red; obstructions in the nasal chambers, which make it impossible to breathe through the nostrils when in a warm room; going off when walking out of doors; yellow green discharges from one nostril, not affecting the other; foul smelling crusts in nostrils; burning and redness of nostrils, especially mornings; stinging pains in nostrils; inclined to nose-bleed when washing the face mornings (Bry., mornings, Carbo veg., any time of day). {{anchor:s949}}Troubled with much mucus in fauces, which has to be removed by constant hawking. {{anchor:s950}}Dry coryza with hoarseness and loss of voice. {{anchor:s951}}Laryngeo-tracheal symptoms are: Dyspnoea from drinking and from motion; arrest of breathing wakes him at night from sleep; feels as if there was no air. {{anchor:s952}}Sensation of pain in chest when swallowing solids, stopping food. {{anchor:s953}}Cough with gagging. {{anchor:s954}}(Bry., Dros., Spig.), throwing off the ingesta and sour phlegm; with stitching pains suddenly coming and going; difficult, dry, cough, from 3 to 4 a.m.; better after breakfast. {{anchor:s955}}A frequent accompaniment: internal heat and external chilliness, and chilliness after eating.
=== Clinical. ===
{{anchor:s957}}Miss G. P., aet. 20. {{anchor:s958}}A blonde; troubled with much mucus in fauces, which she is constantly obliged to remove by hawking; is troubled with sharp stitches in the eyes while reading or sewing.
{{anchor:s959}}Cured by Kali carb.{{anchor:s960}}—C. Wesselhoeft.
{{anchor:s961}}B. D., a girl of 6 years, and good constitution, passed through an attack of measles in January, which was followed by a severe, short, dry, tough cough with fever; great thirst, total loss of appetite; white tongue; continual headache; stitches and pressing in the chest; burning heat and sleeplessness. {{anchor:s962}}As shortness of breath, hoarseness, and some rattling, accompanied, we feared croup and gave Phos., then Rhus, and subsequently, Sulph. {{anchor:s963}}Little amelioration except less fever. {{anchor:s964}}Eating and drinking increases the cough, so that it sometimes lasts for quarter of an hour. {{anchor:s965}}Pulse small and irregular; skin always dry ; dry stool; pale face. {{anchor:s966}}Kali carb., two doses in the evening, reduced the cough after an hour, and child recovered without more medicine.{{anchor:s967}}—Dr. Schelling.
{{anchor:s968}}B. H., aet 35. {{anchor:s969}}Had a cough for several weeks of a hard, dry nature, expectorating whitish mucus occasionally, and occasionally more yellow and tinged with blood. {{anchor:s970}}Has sharp, stitching pains in right lower third of the chest. {{anchor:s971}}Pulse small and irregular; skin dry and hot. {{anchor:s972}}Kali carb.{{anchor:s973}}—G. N. B.
{{anchor:s974}}U. S., 21 years old; blonde, of weakly constitution, has suffered from pustular eruption; cured by Calc., Lycop. and Sul. Present symptoms : pointed, grayish yellow complexion; dull eyes which are glued in the morning; swelling of the nose, which is hard and red from the tip to the root—tip red and prominent; ulcerated nostrils, covered with yellow brown crusts, with burning veins; dry lips, mouth and throat. {{anchor:s975}}When swallowing, especially if it be solids, has pressing tensive pains at a point in chest, with sensation of a hard body preventing food from reaching the stomach. {{anchor:s976}}Simultaneously, burning stitching pain in the back, where there is tenderness, causing patient to shriek when even lightly touched. {{anchor:s977}}Vertigo in the morning and pressing pain in forehead and vertex.
{{anchor:s978}}Kali carb. successfully controlled case.{{anchor:s979}}—I. Shelling.
{{anchor:s980}}J. S., 15 years old. {{anchor:s981}}Has fever which lasts from morning till noon, beginning with chilliness. {{anchor:s982}}The peculiarity of these febrile symptoms consists in the headache with stitches, and pressure in forehead and eyes; pain deep in the eyes, with photophobia and lachrymation; the pain is first pressing, then stitching, so as to bring tears to the eyes with sparks; after half an hour dimness and mists before the eyes; the upper lids are swollen; the face red, hot; headache rouses him out of sleep in the morning, and increases till 9 a. m., and is aggravated by anything taken into the stomach. {{anchor:s983}}Coughing and sneezing renders the headache almost unbearable. {{anchor:s984}}Kali carb. cured promptly.{{anchor:s985}}—Shelling.
{{anchor:s986}}Mrs. W., aged about 40, mother of two children; fair, delicate skin, light brown hair, blue eyes and highly sensitive nervous organization; has suffered for years with attacks of acute coryza, affecting principally the anterior nares. {{anchor:s987}}The attacks occur usually during changeable weather in spring and autumn. {{anchor:s988}}During the severity of the acute stage there is incessant sneezing and fluent coryza, the discharge being acrid, and excoriates nares and upper, sometimes external nose, for some distance around; the burning pain is almost unbearable. {{anchor:s989}}This is succeeded after a few days by a painful dryness; nose sore and anterior nares crusty, with invariable bleeding on attempting to remove the crusts; the external and internal nose is now red, and breathing through the nose is almost impossible, on account of the burning, stinging pain. {{anchor:s990}}Throat not much affected, but can date the severity of attacks to a severe attack of diphtheria. {{anchor:s991}}If an acute attack occurs at or before menses, the menstrual fluid assumes the same acrid, excoriating character, and usually has an excoriating leucorrhoea if it occurs at any other time.
{{anchor:s992}}Kali carb. 30 cent, trit'n (Smith), gave prompt relief. {{anchor:s993}}A second attack, of a milder character, in the following spring, was more promptly relieved by Kali c., 19 m., since which time (three years) she has been free from this troublesome semi-annual visitor.
{{anchor:s994}}Arum t. was the only other remedy, or my second choice.{{anchor:s995}}—H. C. Allen.
==== Kali Hydriodicum. ====
{{anchor:s997}}Is well adapted to colds in the head and may be used in acute catarrh when the discharge is thin and copious, accompanied with scalding sensations; but the discharge does not excoriate; usually with this group chills and heat alternate, while there is frontal pressure and headache; but its most valuable use will be found in chronic catarrh. {{anchor:s998}}This remedy resembles the preceding one and Iodine, and will be worthy of study when either are indicated but do not accomplish what is expected. {{anchor:s999}}In catarrh with a syphilitic or mercurial basis it should be preferred. {{anchor:s1000}}It has oedema of the eyelids like Arsen., Arg. nit. and Kali carb., and may have iritis or choroiditis as a complication of catarrh. {{anchor:s1001}}Nose is red and swollen, with a tight feeling at the root, and headache. {{anchor:s1002}}Choking spells from oedema of the larynx (Brom., Iodum); pain in both eyes from oppressed breathing; hoarseness and rough feeling in the trachea, forcing one to keep hawking, are characteristic indications. {{anchor:s1003}}Catarrh of the frontal sinuses, when in scrofulous or mercurialized constitutions, finds in Kali hyd. a most appropriate remedy. {{anchor:s1004}}Has been found a good remedy for hepatitis following neglected colds. {{anchor:s1005}}It has several symptoms analogous to Aurum, with which it may be compared. {{anchor:s1006}}In the treatment of ozaena the Iodide of potassa, Iodide of aurum and Proto. {{anchor:s1007}}Iodide of mercury have each held high rank, which tends to show the value of Iodine and its compounds in the graver lesions of the nasal tissues soft and solid. {{anchor:s1008}}All the preparations of Kali are marked by flushes of heat (Lach., Sang., Sep., Sul.) Majority of symptoms appear during rest and are better from motion (Reverse of Iodine).
=== Clinical. ===
{{anchor:s1010}}A. D. In consequence of a neglected cold, pneumonia followed with hepatization of right lung. {{anchor:s1011}}Bry., Sul., Rhus tox., Phos. and Bromine being tried to no advantage, Kali hyd. was given, when resolution commenced and proceeded rapidly to completion. {{anchor:s1012}}The most striking symptom, abundant expectoration of white froth resembling soap-suds.{{anchor:s1013}}—W. E. Payne.
{{anchor:s1014}}M. V., aet. about 16; nervous lymphatic temperament. {{anchor:s1015}}Catarrhal affection of the bronchial mucous channels, especially the larger, with a chronic cough, which sounds hollow and dry; cough continues day and night, but much worse towards evening. {{anchor:s1016}}Expectoration is of a ropy, viscid character, scanty in quantity, accompanied with burning and tickling in trachea, and heat in the chest. {{anchor:s1017}}Respiration difficult, quick and anxious; much feverishness and emaciation. {{anchor:s1018}}Sometimes stitches deep in the chest while walking. {{anchor:s1019}}Kali hyd., 30, with prompt curative results—G. N. B.
{{anchor:s1020}}During an epidemic of diphtheria in Grand Rapids, was called to see P. R. V.; light complexion; male, aged five years. {{anchor:s1021}}Found the following symptoms as sequelae of diphtheria. {{anchor:s1022}}Face pale and colorless, eyes sunken, surrounded by blue rings; rather idiotic expression of countenance; oedema of the eyelids; vision dim and foggy.{{anchor:s1023}}Deep hollow cough, with whitish expectoration; occasional tearing pains in the limbs; swelling of the glands of the neck; loss of appetite; great prostration; body limp; sleeplessness; constant thirst; copious micturition. {{anchor:s1024}}Aggravation of symptoms at night. {{anchor:s1025}}I saw this patient about six weeks after an acute attack of diphtheria. {{anchor:s1026}}His case had been pronounced hopeless by several physicians. {{anchor:s1027}}Gave Kali iod., of which a few doses cured. {{anchor:s1028}}Several months after treating the above case, was called in consultation to see G. J. B.,' a male child of same age. {{anchor:s1029}}The symptoms were identical. {{anchor:s1030}}Prescribed Kali iod. with same result.{{anchor:s1031}}—DeForest Hunt.
==== Kreasotum. ====
{{anchor:s1033}}Kreasote corresponds to that condition of the mucous membranes which secretes an acrid, excoriating offensive matter; symptoms are aggravated by cold bathing (Sul.) and in cold weather. {{anchor:s1034}}It has a good record for chronic catarrh in old people; for offensive smell before the nose on waking in the morning, which destroys the appetite. {{anchor:s1035}}The Kreasote cough is spasmodic, fatiguing, with a crawling sensation low in larynx, as if mucus was there which could not be dislodged. {{anchor:s1036}}Lupus upon the left side of nose and epithelial cancer on the ala nasi upon the right side have been somewhat successfully treated by Kreasotum. {{anchor:s1037}}Numbness and pulsations are somewhat characteristic of Krea. {{anchor:s1038}}It seems to be best adapted to those cases where there is profound prostration of the vegetative sphere, and breaking down of structure accompanied with fetor. {{anchor:s1039}}Chilliness, as in Pulsatilla, is a prominent symptom. {{anchor:s1040}}Has worked well for cases bottomed on a syphilitic taint, and when there is suppressed influenza, or a metastasis of nasal catarrh to the stomach or intestinal membranes. {{anchor:s1041}}The fact that scales are thrown off from the mucous membranes suggests its adaptability to ozaena. {{anchor:s1042}}Many symptoms better after sleep (Reverse of Lach.)
==== Lithium Carbonicum. ====
{{anchor:s1044}}The catarrh to which Lithium corresponds, is that where the nose is internally dry, the obstruction being worse in the morning and forenoon. {{anchor:s1045}}Discharge starts a little in the evening, yet the stimulus of the open air frequently provokes dropping of thin mucus. {{anchor:s1046}}Earache, extending to the left side of the throat or back into the neck, sometimes accompanies the nasal symptoms. {{anchor:s1047}}In more acute cases the nose looks red and swells about the right nostril. {{anchor:s1048}}There is confusion of the head; pressure in the forehead and headache, which is ameliorated by eating. {{anchor:s1049}}Coughs by quick, violent shocks, with no expectoration.
{{anchor:s1050}}The air inspired feels cold, even in the lungs.
{{anchor:s1051}}Cough starts at a small spot, posteriorly and inferiorly in the throat, from irritation or tickling. {{anchor:s1052}}Suitable to persons with a rough skin, dry, itching and burning, and with tetter or milk crusts.
==== Lycopodium. ====
{{anchor:s1054}}This remedy is also adapted to the dry form of catarrh. {{anchor:s1055}}Suitable to persons who are apt to take cold, and have derangements of the alimentary tract. {{anchor:s1056}}Patient is troubled with flatulency, and though hungry when sitting down to a meal, can eat but little, because he is filled so quickly; food sours. {{anchor:s1057}}Troubled with cold feet and inclined to emaciate, especially in the upper part of the body. {{anchor:s1058}}Aggravations 4 p. m. and evening. {{anchor:s1059}}Fond of sweet things. {{anchor:s1060}}Its sphere of action is chiefly upon the vegetative system, affecting the three great tracts of the mucous membranes and the skin. {{anchor:s1061}}And with the catarrhal symptoms of the respiratory tract, we may look for complications of the kidneys, alimentary tract and the cutaneous surfaces. {{anchor:s1062}}The production of flatus is among the most uniform symptoms. {{anchor:s1063}}Nasal symptoms are : Acute smell; pain in temples, pressing inward; vertigo from heat; frontal headache (Nux vom.); posterior nares dry; scurf in nose followed by acrid discharge, or discharge of elastic plugs somewhat periodically. {{anchor:s1064}}Complexion usually sallow. {{anchor:s1065}}Cough is dry, seeming to come from the stomach, which is painful, usually provoked by tickling in the larynx, worse from lying on left side; eating or drinking cold things; from being in the wind, or in a warm room (Bry., Dul.) Voice hoarse, feeble and husky, with a dry feeling in the trachea. {{anchor:s1066}}Disturbed by heat of room (Nat., Sulph.) Sense of general uneasiness and want of the open air. {{anchor:s1067}}Fan-like motion of alae. {{anchor:s1068}}Disease moves from right to left as well as the pains. {{anchor:s1069}}A very important remedy in bronchial catarrhs, which threaten to run on into ulcerative action and simulate phthisis. {{anchor:s1070}}Especially adapted to persons of attenuated muscle and keen intellect, who are subject to pulmonary and hepatic affections.
{{anchor:s1071}}We have found it an excellent remedy when catarrh affects most particularly the right side passages and tonsil; even when there has been plastic exudation, with a tendency to epithelial degeneration.
=== Clinical. ===
{{anchor:s1073}}A child, aet. 7, had an attack of throat disease causing a grayish membrane to form on the right tonsil and pharyngeal mucous membrane, which went on extending to the left. {{anchor:s1074}}Nose was so stopped that she could not breathe through the nostrils. {{anchor:s1075}}Coryza is excoriating. {{anchor:s1076}}All symptoms worse at about 4 p. m.
{{anchor:s1077}}Lycopodium cured.{{anchor:s1078}}—W. C. Goodno.
{{anchor:s1079}}Miss L. S., aet. 22. {{anchor:s1080}}Was attacked with pain in throat and stiffness of neck, mostly on right side. {{anchor:s1081}}Much difficulty in swallowing; even empty deglutition is painful. {{anchor:s1082}}Inspection of fauces showed the right tonsil to be swollen and covered with a thin grayish colored deposit forming into membrane.
{{anchor:s1083}}Fauces are of a purplish color, shining and swollen. {{anchor:s1084}}Progress of symptoms from, right to left.
{{anchor:s1085}}Lycoppdium, arrested disease promptly.{{anchor:s1086}}—G. N. B.
{{anchor:s1087}}D. F. H. was attacked with malignant and infectious catarrh. {{anchor:s1088}}Symptoms being high fever, with a hard, full pulse, of 100 to 108; terrible pain in small of the back and in the head, more particularly the left temple, and going back into the spine; neck stiff and sore, more on the left side behind, and on the right in front; right tonsil is greatly swollen, and a mass of dark mucus adheres to the centre, which seems fissured; fauces badly swollen, and purplish, as if capillary circulation was arrested; painful deglutition; empty deglutition more painful* than when swallowing either fluids or solids. {{anchor:s1089}}Urine has a heavy sediment, rather reddish in appearance. {{anchor:s1090}}A physician attended two children in one house about ten days before his attack, the disease being diagnosed as diphtheria; both died.
{{anchor:s1091}}Gave Lycopodium. {{anchor:s1092}}Disease was pretty well controlled by the 200th, fever abating and only a slight progress of membraneous exudation and oedema following after a few doses. {{anchor:s1093}}Still the stiff neck and difficulty of swallowing continued, as did also the pain in back, till the 10 m. dilution was given, when the whole case yielded as by magic.
{{anchor:s1094}}This symptom of right to left above as well as below, seems likely to become a very important symptom. {{anchor:s1095}}I have cured many similar cases with the same remedy, always with the 200c., or over.{{anchor:s1096}}— G. N. B.
{{anchor:s1097}}W. K., a boy aet. 14, thin and weak; but little muscular development; mind active and of a sensitive nature. {{anchor:s1098}}Mother died of consumption. {{anchor:s1099}}Has a hard, dry cough, which is making him so feeble he can but with difficulty stand. {{anchor:s1100}}Coughs all day and night, even when asleep; very violently in the morning; respirations very rapid and a quick pulse; voracious appetite. {{anchor:s1101}}As yet the lungs do not seem to be infiltrated with tubercle.
{{anchor:s1102}}Lycopodium, cured promptly.{{anchor:s1103}}—P. P. Wells.
{{anchor:s1104}}A girl aet. 15, has always been delicate; had pleurisy three years ago; has also had sores on legs, for which she was given Silicea at the dispensary, and which healed them, but has been worse since. {{anchor:s1105}}Father and one sister are said to have died with phthisis. {{anchor:s1106}}Symptoms : Sharp pains shooting into right hypochondrium of years standing; pain also shooting to heart. {{anchor:s1107}}Cough with yellow sputa, sometimes causing a shooting pain from upper part of middle chest to back; inclined to shiver, which lasts but a short time and passes off gradually; likes to be near the fire; clammy sweat and feeling of coldness; feels faint when undressing; is worse between 4 and 5 p. m. {{anchor:s1108}}Fan-like action of the alae nasi, most noticeable when she is worse. {{anchor:s1109}}Lycopodium cured. {{anchor:s1110}}—Berridge.
==== Mercurius Proto-Iodide. ====
{{anchor:s1112}}The form of catarrh in which we have found the Proto-iodide of mercury best adapted is where it is engrafted on a scrofulous or syphilitic taint. {{anchor:s1113}}The septum nares is sore and the edges of the nostrils inclined to be covered with crusts. {{anchor:s1114}}Plugs form in the nose, and when discharged are tinged with blood. {{anchor:s1115}}Pus-globules are seen when the plug has lately been detached from an ulcerated surface. {{anchor:s1116}}Aching pains in the bones of the nose, and face is a frequent accompaniment. {{anchor:s1117}}Frequently ulcers are seen forming about the margin of the cornea; perhaps allied with swollen alae. {{anchor:s1118}}Tonsils and fauces inclined to inflammation; possibly a fetid discharge of mucus from the salivary glands. {{anchor:s1119}}Or in the earlier stages throat is dry, which occasions frequently empty deglutition. {{anchor:s1120}}Sensitive to cold, damp air, and worse in the spring (Lach., Nat. mur., Puls.)
=== Clinical. ===
{{anchor:s1122}}B. C., aet. 5 years, dark hair and black eyes; mother died of tubercular phthisis. {{anchor:s1123}}Has been troubled with nasal catarrh for two years; thick, hard plugs form in nostrils, particularly the right, which so blocks the passage that he has to breathe through the mouth. {{anchor:s1124}}Scales come off with the plugs, leaving the mucous membrane sore where pus-globules are seen on ulcerated surfaces. {{anchor:s1125}}Voice has a thick, broken sound and much of the nasal twang. {{anchor:s1126}}Alae are swollen, as is also the bridge of the nose. {{anchor:s1127}}Conjunctiva from the inner canthus of right side is throwing out red vessels, which creep up to the edge of the cornea, where a small ulcer is seen, formed recently from an aggravation of troubles, the result of a cold. {{anchor:s1128}}Upper lip is somewhat swollen. {{anchor:s1129}}Glands of the neck slightly swollen also.
{{anchor:s1130}}Gave Mer. proto. iod.; cure was rapid, and when from exposure, six months later, symptoms partially returned, a few doses was sufficient to arrest the disease, which has not returned, three years having elapsed—G. N. B.
==== Natrum Carbonicum. ====
{{anchor:s1132}}Patients to whom Natrum is adapted are very sensitive to taking cold; worse from the least draught of air (Calc. carb., Hepar.) and from change of clothing; milk usually disagrees (Puis.) Both taste and smell are impaired; better on alternate days. {{anchor:s1133}}Nose discharges a green or yellowish-green mucus, mostly in the day time; nose obstructed nights. {{anchor:s1134}}Sometimes only one nostril is affected, which is filled with a hard fetid clot. {{anchor:s1135}}Voice has a nasal twang. {{anchor:s1136}}Ulcers form high up in the nostrils with stitches in the forehead and about the eyes, and also stitches in the ears. {{anchor:s1137}}Roughness of the throat and larynx accompanied with a painful cough. {{anchor:s1138}}Larynx seems to be the focus of irritation. {{anchor:s1139}}Cough worse on entering a warm room (Bry., Dul., Lycop.) Patients are sensitive to noise. {{anchor:s1140}}Catarrhs with deafness are often benefited with Nat. carb. {{anchor:s1141}}It follows Sepia well.
=== Clinical. ===
{{anchor:s1143}}A lady, 40 years old, a teacher of music, got a thorough wetting at a vocal party, and since then her skin, which formerly perspired easily, has been perfectly dry; her chief trouble, however, was a chronic coryza, with a profuse discharge, and a disagreeable influence on her voice. {{anchor:s1144}}Cured by Nat. carb.—{{anchor:s1145}}Hirsch.
{{anchor:s1146}}A girl, 16 years old, of lymphatic habit, pale, and dark under the eyes; scanty postponing menstruation; has suffered for several years from coryza, with a copious discharge of thick mucus during the day and obstruction of nose at night; speech has a disagreeable nasal twang; there is also a resistent swelling of the middle lobe of the thyroid gland. {{anchor:s1147}}Nat. carb. 6 cured her in four weeks of the catarrh and in a month after she was well of all her complaints.{{anchor:s1148}}—Hirsch.
==== Natrum Muriaticum. ====
{{anchor:s1150}}In persons affected with malarial poison or suffering from the continued use of quinine, and also with chlorosis, Nat. mur. often becomes the remedy. {{anchor:s1151}}There is a low state of animal heat accompanied with inclinations to shiver from slight variations in temperature, and a liability to take cold; much headache; numb sensations; complexion is yellowish and the appetite craves salt, and burning in the stomach frequently follows eating. {{anchor:s1152}}Patients inclined to palpitations of the heart. {{anchor:s1153}}Constipation with difficult expulsion of stool, from dryness and constriction, is often associated with catarrhal troubles. {{anchor:s1154}}Natrum catarrh is generally worse in the summer. {{anchor:s1155}}Nose runs one day and is dry the next. {{anchor:s1156}}Other symptoms are: Loss of smell; posterior nares dry; alae red, hot, swollen and sore; scabs in the nose, formed from the inflamed alae; inflammation of the left side, which is sore to the touch, and swollen. {{anchor:s1157}}One side becomes insensible to feeling; dryness alternates with discharges, which are clear mucus. {{anchor:s1158}}Loss of taste, hardness of hearing, often accompany the catarrh; shortness of breath on walking, and a cough which comes on when getting warm in bed. {{anchor:s1159}}Worse from inspiration if air be drawn deep down upon lungs (Caust.); from rapid motion when drinking, and from empty deglutition. {{anchor:s1160}}Aggravation at 10 a. m. {{anchor:s1161}}Adapted to scorbutic constitutions.
=== Clinical. ===
{{anchor:s1163}}Mrs. P., aged 45. {{anchor:s1164}}Chronic catarrh of 20 years' standing. {{anchor:s1165}}Loss of smell and taste; of late has a great longing for very salt food; likes codfish and salt meats; almost entire loss of smell and taste; much hawking of mucus from the throat in the morning. {{anchor:s1166}}Nat. mur. cured in two months.{{anchor:s1167}}—Hoyne.
==== Nitric Acid. ====
{{anchor:s1169}}Nitric acid has been found serviceable to catarrhal affections of the nose with yellow fetid discharges and to ozaena with ulcers. {{anchor:s1170}}Especially is it adapted to such cases as are complicated with Mercurial poisoning, and also for syphilitic complications. {{anchor:s1171}}The gums are often _ white (Mer.) and the throat sore. {{anchor:s1172}}Eustachian tubes are obstructed, or we have purulent otorrhoea; gets choked so one has to leave the table when eating; eyelids are swollen and livid; nausea with heat in the throat. {{anchor:s1173}}Coughs up a sputa in the morning, tasting bitter, sour or offensive, followed by greenish white casts as if from the air cells. {{anchor:s1174}}Soreness of the larynx; Concomitants are: Strong urine; ulcers in the mouth and fissures of the anus; nausea and gastric trouble, relieved by motion or riding in a carriage.
{{anchor:s1175}}Its action is most pronounced on the mucous membrane at the outlets of the body.
=== Clinical. ===
{{anchor:s1177}}G.-, aged 34 years; sandy complexion, blue eyes, excitable, scrofulous diathesis; has led an intemperate, dissolute life, and has been under treatment for syphilis for a number of years. {{anchor:s1178}}He desired treatment for ozaena, which he says has troubled him for several years. {{anchor:s1179}}Symptoms : Offensive yellow discharge from the nose; redness of the nose, and excessive sensitiveness of the parts to the touch; extensive and deep ulceration of the nasal mucous membrane and of the soft parts, with extensive destruction of the septum; much dryness; heat; redness in the posterior throat, which is covered with a dirty, grayish slime, and is ulcerated in spots; sticking pains in the nose and throat; constipation, with sticking in the sternum. {{anchor:s1180}}Great emaciation and weakness; restlessness at night; peevishness; irritability; despondency. {{anchor:s1181}}Both the history of the case and its symptomatic expressions pointed to Acidum nitricum, which was given in the 3d dec. attenuation. {{anchor:s1182}}The habits of the patient, for a long time, seemed to destroy all hope of accomplishing a cure, or of giving material relief. {{anchor:s1183}}He remained under treatment nearly a year and was at last discharged cured, having taken the one remedy, in the lower attenuations, during the entire course of treatment. {{anchor:s1184}}He reformed, and so far (two years and a half) since his discharge from treatment, he has enjoyed good health.{{anchor:s1185}}—H. R. Arndt.
{{anchor:s1186}}Mrs. C. E. H., aet. 45. {{anchor:s1187}}Slender and delicate, with brown hair, blue eyes and sallow complexion; inclined to looseness of the bowels; to eruptions about the outlets of the body; excoriating leucorrhoea and ulcerations in mouth, pea-sized in shape, and provoking some ptyalism; nose is sore, with yellow, corroding nasal discharge; green casts from the nose in the morning; is badly troubled about getting choked at the table from the smallest pieces of meat; throat is tender and sore, with prickings as if from a splinter; some cough, at times of a dry, barking nature, with voice getting weak from long talking. {{anchor:s1188}}Nitric acid cured her.{{anchor:s1189}}— G. N. B.
{{anchor:s1190}}Mr. L., aet. 30. {{anchor:s1191}}Dark hair; light complexion; strong, hardy constitution; applied to me for the treatment of a most troublesome catarrh. {{anchor:s1192}}A year before he had contracted a specific ulcer, which, after a time, healed, but was followed by constitutional symptoms—painless swelling and induration of the glands ; ulceration of the tonsils. {{anchor:s1193}}The discharge from the nose was fetid, salty in taste, and frequently copious. {{anchor:s1194}}Upper portion of the nasal fossae and post-nasal cavity most affected. {{anchor:s1195}}Mouth aphthous. {{anchor:s1196}}Nitric acid cured in the 2d dilution.{{anchor:s1197}}— Morse.
==== Osmium. ====
{{anchor:s1199}}Much sneezing as from taking snuff; sensitive to the air; fluent coryza; phlegm loosens up in posterior nares with severe pain; worse when coughing or talking.
==== Petroleum. ====
{{anchor:s1201}}For catarrh with dry throat, with stinging pains in the throat, going back into the ear when swallowing, or pain in the nape of the neck, petroleum has proved a good remedy. {{anchor:s1202}}Dr. Muller regards it favorably in chronic otorrhoea with a fetid discharge.
{{anchor:s1203}}The nasal symptoms are: Swelling of the nose and pain at the bridge and root, accompanied with purulent discharge. {{anchor:s1204}}There is a disagreeable sensation of dryness in all of the head passages, causing whizzing and roaring in the ears, and deafness; to be thought of in catarrh of the Eustachian tubes. {{anchor:s1205}}There is dryness of the larynx and' hoarseness of the voice also. {{anchor:s1206}}Cough comes deep from the chest, with stitches under the sternum (Phos. in left chest). {{anchor:s1207}}Suitable to bronchial catarrhs with herpes on the chest.
{{anchor:s1208}}Ailments are made worse by thunder storms (Rhodo.) Accompaniments: Frequent urination; thirst for beer; hunger after stool, and aversion tb meat and cooked food. {{anchor:s1209}}Heat in the soles of the feet and palms of the hand. {{anchor:s1210}}(Sulph., Sang.) Fetid sweat in the axillae; upon the feet (Silicia); and red eruptions which burn like fire. {{anchor:s1211}}Patients are irritable and easily angered, as in Bryonia.
==== Phosphorus. ====
{{anchor:s1213}}This remedy has great adaptability to patients who are worse when going out on windy days; are unfavorably affected by cold weather; to slender women and persons disposed to stoop; and when wounds are disposed to bleed much, or when streaks of blood tinge mucous discharges. {{anchor:s1214}}Even epistaxis in influenzas becomes a good indication.
{{anchor:s1215}}Dunham gives vertigo under every variety of conditions as a symptom of Phos.
{{anchor:s1216}}Patients are usually worse in the morning; are subject to neuralgic pains and headaches, which are worse from stooping (Bry., Nux.) They are over sensitive to external impressions, such as odors, light, noise and the touch (Aurum.)
{{anchor:s1217}}Among the accompanying symptoms are: Sleepiness after dinner; perhaps through the day; stool long and narrow and difficult to expel; wants cold food, or very cold drinks; icecream or cold milk highly relished. {{anchor:s1218}}Catarrhal symptoms are: Suppressed or very acute smell; coryza; inflammation of the nasal mucous membranes; sensation of fullness in the nose, more especially in the left nostril, which is full of loose mucus; noises in the ear; mistiness before the eyes; burning and dryness about the throat and irritated uvula; aphonia; evening hoarseness, which is persistent, with a soreness behind the sternum, and rawness and sense of weight on the chest; right hypochondrium sensitive in some catarrhs.
{{anchor:s1219}}Carbo veg. has soreness in the larynx and a burning pain in the lungs, mostly after coughing. {{anchor:s1220}}Causticum hoarseness comes on or is worse at 5 p. m. to midnight, with teasing cough. {{anchor:s1221}}In Phos. patient cannot talk on account of pain. {{anchor:s1222}}Cough produces such sticking pain in epigastrium one presses hand on it to relieve. {{anchor:s1223}}Has a tickling cough, worse evenings, but expectorates mostly in the mornings.
{{anchor:s1224}}Capillary bronchitis with long coughing spells, which are very fatiguing. {{anchor:s1225}}The whole body trembles while coughing. {{anchor:s1226}}Cough is aggravated by excitement, eating and drinking; change of weather, going into open air (Alum., Rhus, Sul.), (reverse of Bry., Dul., Nat. c., Lycop.); lying on left side. {{anchor:s1227}}Catarrh patients are inclined to emaciate.
{{anchor:s1228}}Adapted to phthisical constitutions. {{anchor:s1229}}Some forms of epidemic influenzas.
=== Clinical. ===
{{anchor:s1231}}G. P., aet. 40. 28 years ago took cold by exposure to wet and cold. {{anchor:s1232}}Result, a sore throat, and later, rusty expectoration, but has had none of the latter for years. {{anchor:s1233}}Still a hacking cough has kept up with sputa like whitish jelly. {{anchor:s1234}}Is hoarse after every bad spell, and a taste of oysters in the mouth; throat worse by swallowing solids; cough comes on from talking. {{anchor:s1235}}Phos. cured.—{{anchor:s1236}}J. C. Morgan.
{{anchor:s1237}}An epidemic of influenza occurred in New England a few years ago, characterized by the following symptoms : Rawness and scraping in the pharynx, worse toward evening; fluent coryza with great dullness of the head and sleepiness; worse during the day, and after meals; inclination to epistaxis; frequent alternation of fluent and dry catarrh; raw feeling in the larynx with hoarseness; sensitiveness about the right hypochondrium; the cough was excited by tickling in the chest and larynx, and aggravated by talking or laughing, and in children by crying; also by lying on the left side; there was some expectoration in the morning and during the day, while cough was usually dry in the evening and through the night.
{{anchor:s1238}}Dr. James B. Bell, of Boston, Mass., and others in New England, found Phosphorus to be the remedy for this epidemic.
{{anchor:s1239}}J. C. aet. 40. {{anchor:s1240}}Dark hair and dark eyes; tall and slim, a teacher by profession, and a bachelor.
{{anchor:s1241}}Has suffered for a considerable period with hoarseness and an irritating cough. {{anchor:s1242}}An examination revealed the fact that for several years he had been a great sufferer from nasal catarrh. {{anchor:s1243}}The discharge was thick and yellow and often discolored with blood, and in blowing the nose there was frequently slight haemorrhage. {{anchor:s1244}}He was always worse from walking in the open air, particularly if the weather was windy, and was sure to come in after such exercise with frontal headache and a feeling of swelling about the nose. {{anchor:s1245}}Cough excited by reading aloud, laughing or singing, and seemed to be produced by tickling in the throat pit.
{{anchor:s1246}}Phosphorus 3, gtt. ii., morning and night for a week; the 6th attenuation gtt. i. every night for a fortnight. {{anchor:s1247}}Improvement began at once.{{anchor:s1248}}—Morse.
{{anchor:s1249}}The following case is, perhaps, hardly catarrhal in any particular sense, and yet it well illustrates Phosphorus, in its action upon the lungs, in neglected pneumonia, or catarrhal pneumonia and some characteristics:
{{anchor:s1250}}Miss Green, aged about 13 years. {{anchor:s1251}}Of a sanguine temperament, light hair, and slender build. {{anchor:s1252}}She was taken eight weeks previously with pneumonia, affecting chiefly the right lung. {{anchor:s1253}}Was treated by two allopathic physicians, till they advised the father of the .young lady that she was in quick consumption and near her end.
{{anchor:s1254}}When I saw her she was troubled with dyspnoea to such an extent that she was obliged to be raised very high in the bed and kept turned half over upon the right side. {{anchor:s1255}}She panted for breath, respirations being fifty per minute; wanted the air; cough was dry and terribly fatiguing. {{anchor:s1256}}Pulse 150-160 per minute. {{anchor:s1257}}Lately had been troubled with night sweats
{{anchor:s1258}}Upper third of right lung was utterly impervious to air and very dull on percussion. {{anchor:s1259}}The intense fever, the dry, exhausting cough and dyspnoea, the panting for air, the probable psoric taint, and previous use of crude drugs, led me to select for her Sulphur, and then there were several Phosphorus symptoms, such as could not lie on left side, and hepatization. {{anchor:s1260}}Gave her one dose of Sulphur, 200, and put her upon Phosphorus Expectoration of purulent and muco-purulent matters began in thirty-six hours and were most abundant. {{anchor:s1261}}Abatement of many of the symptoms followed, but a severe hectic flush remained for ten days or more. {{anchor:s1262}}Soon, however, she rallied, and a complete cure followed, though she was supported by a few doses of Pulsatilla, selected chiefly because of her age and peevishness.{{anchor:s1263}}—G. N. B.
{{anchor:s1264}}S. P., aet. about 22. {{anchor:s1265}}German by birth; had a fit of sickness four months ago, which has left him with a dry, harassing cough, from which he gets no relief, although he has already been in the hands of two or three physicians of the homoeopathic fraternity. {{anchor:s1266}}Disease seemed to have been of the nature of a severe influenza, which extended to air cells, and, perhaps, vesicle walls, though it could not be learned that any distinctive indications of pneumonia had existed. {{anchor:s1267}}Patient stooped and was bent forward at the shoulders as if the upper portion of the lungs did not fill. {{anchor:s1268}}Pulse was 140 per minute, weak and excitable, with a good deal of hectic. {{anchor:s1269}}Had much trouble in lying on left side. {{anchor:s1270}}Cough aggravated by winds and from talking, at which time he seemed very short of breath, and especially was he short of breath during his paroxysms of coughing. {{anchor:s1271}}Coughed after eating or drinking. {{anchor:s1272}}Sometimes pains in the epigastrium were felt, which were relieved by pressing the hand upon the scrobiculum. {{anchor:s1273}}Patient was now getting very thin, and all the time growing weaker.
{{anchor:s1274}}Phosphorus once a day was followed with prompt improvement. {{anchor:s1275}}Medicine given at longer intervals, at end of week, for six weeks. {{anchor:s1276}}Discharged cured. {{anchor:s1277}}—G. N. B.
==== Sanguinaria Nit. ====
{{anchor:s1279}}Thick yellow or bloody secretions from nose, post-nares raw and sore when hawking.
==== Saponia. ====
{{anchor:s1281}}Tough, tenacious mucus if formed in fauces and in post-nares, which creeps down into the larynx.
==== Sepia. ====
{{anchor:s1283}}To persons with dark hair who have sallow complexions Sepia seems well suited.
{{anchor:s1284}}Yellow spots on the forehead, or butter-nut-colored spots about the root of the nose, I have found very common in Sepia cases. {{anchor:s1285}}I have found exceptions to this rule for black hair, as blondes have been helped with it. {{anchor:s1286}}It is especially adapted to women, and is more pronunced in its action on the genital system than elsewhere. {{anchor:s1287}}Hence in catarrhs associated with uterine derangements, it is among the first remedies to be thought of. {{anchor:s1288}}Dark brown offensive urine is very suggestive. {{anchor:s1289}}In cases where there is loss of smell or fetid odor coming from the nasal passages it is a valuable remedy, if in harmony with the Sepia type of constitution. {{anchor:s1290}}Large lumps of yellow-green mucus are sometimes blown from the nose, and perhaps crusts tinged with blood may come with them (Phos.) Nose is inflamed and swollen; tip painful (Cistus), red and sensitive, Rhus; often covered with an eruption; (red and scurfy, Nit. acid.)
{{anchor:s1291}}Catarrh sometimes involves the aural passages, which discharge a thin offensive matter. {{anchor:s1292}}A class of cases seem to be amenable to Sepia when there is ulceration high up in the nasal fossae, accompanied with loss of smell. {{anchor:s1293}}Sepia coughs are usually day, hard, oily expectorating in the morning on rising; there is, however, much desire to clear the throat, which seems to be filled with phlegm, which will not detach; cough seems to come from the stomach, frequently attended with nausea. {{anchor:s1294}}Aggravated by cold, wet weather and by acids. {{anchor:s1295}}A milder form of cough is accompanied with coryza and sneezing before getting out of bed; continues generally till 9a. m. {{anchor:s1296}}Sepia patients are troubled with flushes of heat in the face and are nervous and excitable.
=== Clinical. ===
{{anchor:s1298}}Miss L. B. aet. 28. {{anchor:s1299}}Auburn hair, blue eyes; once of fair complexion though not florid; mother died of consumption. {{anchor:s1300}}Has had catarrh for a number of years. {{anchor:s1301}}Blows from the nose greenish offensive mucus, usually in form of crusts; at times little is discharged from the nose, yet an offensive odor is before the nose; offensive breath, which makes her dislike going into company; voice thick and has nasal sound; extreme dullness of smell; begins to look old and wrinkled; complexion growing dingy, particularly about forehead and root of nose; indifference to those she loves best; great irritability, changing to apparent indifference; suspicious of being slighted; aversion to work; menses offensive; palpitations from a little exercise; very fond of books, and reads much.
{{anchor:s1302}}Sepia has cured the case.{{anchor:s1303}}—G. N. B.
{{anchor:s1304}}J. T. H., infant, one year old. {{anchor:s1305}}Has had attacks of bronchial cough with fever, tonsils swollen at times and also a rash-like eruption; has a cough for weeks, which is constant whenever the child is laid down; it is particularly violent at night and accompanied with spasms of the diaphragm and larynx, as in whooping-cough. {{anchor:s1306}}Sepia, 200, cured at once.{{anchor:s1307}}— C. Wesselhoeft.
{{anchor:s1308}}Miss M. J. H , aet. 18.{{anchor:s1309}}* Dark brunette; sisters have died of consumption; a cough has afflicted her for six years : has also been troubled with a red papular eruption on the face, characterized by burning, itching, and smarting; worse in wet and cold weather. {{anchor:s1310}}Cough is dry and hard and attended with only a little expectoration in the morning; has a constant desire to clear the throat, which feels as if filled with phlegm; she is not able to raise; nausea during and after cough; cough seems to come from the stomach.
{{anchor:s1311}}Sepia, cured the cough and nearly cured the eruption.{{anchor:s1312}}—C. Wesselhoeft.
{{anchor:s1313}}Mrs. P., aet. 28. {{anchor:s1314}}Black hair and eyes; sad despondent, irritable, especially mornings; sensations of coldness and burning alternate on the vertex; urine deposits a clayey sediment; bearing down pains as if something would protrude; coughs in the morning; cough dry, hawking, and no expectoration; empty, gone feeling at pit of stomach, of long standing. {{anchor:s1315}}Aggravation of all the symptoms in the morning. {{anchor:s1316}}Sepia cured in three months.{{anchor:s1317}}— Dr. Goodno.
{{anchor:s1318}}Ozaena of 13 years' standing. {{anchor:s1319}}Formation of scabs which were exceedingly offensive; at times so large that they had to be emitted through the mouth, which caused vomiting. {{anchor:s1320}}Very fetid discharge from the left nostril; violent beating frontal headache. {{anchor:s1321}}Belladonna relieved the headache somewhat; the secretions became greenish and less dry. {{anchor:s1322}}Sepia cured permanently in six weeks.{{anchor:s1323}}—Freytag in Corresp., Bl. I.
==== Silecia. ====
{{anchor:s1325}}Is suitable to the scrofulous diathesis and anaemic constitutions, where there is imperfect assimilation (Cal. c.); also to persons with lax muscles, a fine skin, pale face and light complexion; especially to such morbid conditions as have reached the stage of disintegration manifested in purulent secretions. {{anchor:s1326}}It has been found serviceable in catarrhs of the nasal passages where the chief local symptom was chronic dryness; this often occurs from an arrest of foot-sweat, which is a leading symptom of Silecia, (Cal. c.) Another variety is a catarrh with excoriated membranes covered with crusts; also when there are ulcers high up in nose; great sensitiveness of sores to contact. {{anchor:s1327}}Nose is sometimes cold. {{anchor:s1328}}Sometimes there is intolerable itching of the tip. {{anchor:s1329}}Tip and septum narium tender. {{anchor:s1330}}Ulceration of the Schneiderian membrane and otorrhoea, with thin corrosive or curdy discharges. {{anchor:s1331}}The pale cachectic look will usually accompany these cases. {{anchor:s1332}}The chronic catarrh of Silecia is usually worse in the morning and the voice is husky with a sensation of roughness in the larynx (Phos.) Cough is deep, exhausting, dry in the early stage with soreness in the chest (Phos., Sang.), but a loose cough with a tendency to purulent expectoration is the more proper Silecia cough. {{anchor:s1333}}Cough is provoked by speaking, by cold drinks, and relieved by warm, but cold food agrees. {{anchor:s1334}}Most symptoms are aggravated by cold and relieved by warmth; chilly from motion. {{anchor:s1335}}Among the most suggestive symptoms is a sensation as if a hair was lying on tip of tongue; patients have a low condition of animal heat, not getting warm even by exercise, night sweats or sweating of the head, face and feet, the last having an unpleasant odor; suited to complaints that appear at the new moon, with lymphatic swellings; hunger, but cannot get food down. {{anchor:s1336}}It may be compared with Calc. {{anchor:s1337}}The perspiration on the head is more general in Silecia than Calc., and if covered lightly soon becomes warm. {{anchor:s1338}}Sweats more often towards morning.
==== Stannum. ====
{{anchor:s1340}}Stannum is appropriate to nasal catarrh where there is a stuffed oppressive feeling high up in the passages, and where there is soreness and redness of either nostril spreading up on the outside. {{anchor:s1341}}There is acuteness of smell (Ly., Sil.) Cartilages of the ear apt to be sore, also nightly agglutination of the eyelids. {{anchor:s1342}}Several pains of Stannum increase and decrease gradually. {{anchor:s1343}}(Increase till noon, Kali b.) Patient very hungry; can hardly eat enough. {{anchor:s1344}}Troubled with a sinking, all gone feeling (Ign., Sep., Sul.) The goneness is felt quite as much under the sternum. {{anchor:s1345}}Much weakness felt about the chest from coughing; reading or talking aloud produces great exhaustion. {{anchor:s1346}}It has proved curative in diseases of the larynx where there was aphonia, accompanied with a short, hacking cough with a sense of weakness under the sternum. {{anchor:s1347}}Asthma following a cold; attacks begin at 4 or 5 a. m.; increase and decrease slowly. {{anchor:s1348}}When cough has three concussive paroxysms caused by mucus in the chest; Stannum coughs are provoked by talking, singing, laughing (Alum., Bry., Phos.), and by lying on the right side (reverse of Phos.), and by drinking anything warm (Baryt., Kali c., Mez.) There is usually a large accumulation of mucus, sometimes enormous, which appears like the white of an egg, or comes off in yellow, distinct masses or greenish yellow. {{anchor:s1349}}Phthisis mucosa. {{anchor:s1350}}McFarland says: "Stannum is the most homoeopathic remedy to laryngeal phthisis, with a constant, short, irritating, hacking cough.{{anchor:s1351}}" The great weakness under sternum and the gradual ascension and descension of the paroxysm of coughing and dyspnoea are leading characteristics. {{anchor:s1352}}Profuse sweating usually accompanies the catarrh when it reaches the stage where the deep structures of the mucous membranes begin to break down. {{anchor:s1353}}Its value is more especially seen in bronchial catarrhs.
=== Clinical. ===
{{anchor:s1355}}A gentleman, aet. 38, called on me in March for medical attendance. {{anchor:s1356}}Found patient inherited a predisposition to consumption; he looked pale and emaciated, breathed short and coughed badly. {{anchor:s1357}}Cough at times dry and then again expectorated a greenish, yellow, sweetish-tasting mass, coming up more especially evening and morning; diminished resonance and tubular breathing; sharp pains in the head, chiefly in the forehead, with knitting of the brows; worse after a paroxysm of coughing. {{anchor:s1358}}Appetite good, even better than when well, but is not benefited by food; quite thirsty; eating followed by pain in the epigastrium and stomach. {{anchor:s1359}}Constant inclination to stool with little evacuation. {{anchor:s1360}}Coldness and heaviness of each hand, and cold feet, the latter swollen; hectic flushes. {{anchor:s1361}}March 14th, Stannum was prescribed and diet regulated. {{anchor:s1362}}Amelioration of the cough and sense of weakness; the latter had been marked, but other symptoms were aggravated, night sweats increased, appetite and sleep left him, and he was plunged into an abyss of despair. {{anchor:s1363}}Yet in a few days all these untoward symptoms had become ameliorated and case went on to convalescence and health.{{anchor:s1364}}—Hitchman.
{{anchor:s1365}}Mucous Phthisis, or Pulmonary Consumption. {{anchor:s1366}}—Mrs. P., aet. 40. {{anchor:s1367}}Of a scrofulous habit; has been working hard most of her life up to this time. {{anchor:s1368}}Has borne four children who have arrived at maturity, but a son is a cripple from scrofulous affection of the lower limbs; is flat-chested but wide enough across the shoulders; high, prominent scapulae; sanguine, bilious temperament. {{anchor:s1369}}Previous to her lung trouble had enlargement of the cervical glands, which was discussed by the application of the tincture of Iodine. {{anchor:s1370}}When called to see her found she had been coughing and expectorating for months and was now given over by her physicians, as in an incurable phthisis. {{anchor:s1371}}Physical signs showed a large cavity in the right lung between the second and third rib, with extensive surrounding dullness, heavy rales, and a decided egophony. {{anchor:s1372}}Sputa was mucopurulent; mucus, however, being largely in excess, for I never saw such quantities expectorated before by any one. {{anchor:s1373}}I should say that very nearly a quart was expectorated every twenty-four hours; night sweats; pulse was 160, a rapidity which hardly corresponded to the heat of the fever stage. {{anchor:s1374}}It was difficult for her to talk, on account of weakness of the chest. {{anchor:s1375}}It might be said she was hardly as much emaciated as one would expect.
{{anchor:s1376}}I gave her Calc. carb., with slight arrest of the irritability, as shown by pulse falling to 123, and a diminution of sputa, about one-fourth. {{anchor:s1377}}That was gained at once, but no further improvement followed for four weeks, when three powders of the 3rd trituration of Stannum were given, with almost astonishing results in the next six days. {{anchor:s1378}}Pulse dropped to 90 per minute; expectoration was almost entirely under arrest without any untoward symptoms, and patient expressed herself as about well. {{anchor:s1379}}She was given no more than half a dozen powders afterwards, and at intervals of a week apart. {{anchor:s1380}}Her recovery was quite complete. {{anchor:s1381}}The most noticeable points in this case are the quantity of expectorated matter, the weakness of the chest, and the rapidity of the pulse, which was also small in impulse; perspiration was musty and the tendency of the sputa was to rope, that which was purulent showing as a border, having a greenish tinge, losing itself in that which was spit off as masses of mucus. {{anchor:s1382}}Copious expectoration is a characteristic of Stannum.— G. N. B.
==== Sulphur. ====
{{anchor:s1384}}This remedy has a powerful action on the mucous membranes as well as the skin. {{anchor:s1385}}For that condition called psoric dyscrasia it has been considered the remedy par excellence. {{anchor:s1386}}But is not defective elimination more exactly what we wish to express by this psora? {{anchor:s1387}}Many catarrhs are planted in this carbonaceous ground and are only burned out at the roots by Sulphur; some of them end in Phthisis Pulmonalis if not radically cured; for when the follicular glands are loaded with worn out debris we are not at a great remove from a phthisis.
{{anchor:s1388}}The catarrhs to which Sulphur is best adapted are usually associated with some symptoms showing the great emunctories of the skin and alimentary tract at fault. {{anchor:s1389}}Eruptions, diarrhoeas or constipations are accompaniments or have a remote relation.
{{anchor:s1390}}We will group a few symptoms characteristic of Sulphur: Flashes of heat, which pass off with a sense of weakness and slight perspiration. {{anchor:s1391}}Heat in the face, and rush of blood to the head. {{anchor:s1392}}Feels very faint about 11 A. M. and must eat. {{anchor:s1393}}Soles of the feet burn at night and compel keeping uncovered. {{anchor:s1394}}Heat on the top of the head. {{anchor:s1395}}Morning diarrhoea, driving one out of bed. {{anchor:s1396}}Constipation with dry cough and emaciation, the stomach ejecting food; much cardialgia. {{anchor:s1397}}Catarrhal symptoms get worse and worse with a bad morning cough, or cough is suppressed or accompanied with a suffocative feeling, relieved only by having the doors and windows open. {{anchor:s1398}}Dislikes the bath. {{anchor:s1399}}The nasal symptoms are less prominent than the tracheal and bronchial. {{anchor:s1400}}Yet for catarrh of the nose, where the passages are inclined to itch and throw off a scab, and when there is otalgia on the left side, which gets better by covering the head, Sulphur has proved a good remedy. {{anchor:s1401}}Hardness of hearing and noises, or a sensation of wind rushing out of the ear, is an indication. {{anchor:s1402}}Voice sounds are sharp, and pitched on a high key. {{anchor:s1403}}The catarrhal cough is usually dry, or the sputa comes up in small quantities after much labor in coughing. {{anchor:s1404}}Occasionally we have found it serviceable when there was a free secretion of roping slightly purulent matter in phthisical habits. {{anchor:s1405}}Judging from our own experience, its most valuable place will be found in seeking to arrest those cases which tend to allay the constitutional taints, and run on into an incurable form of pulmonary disease.
=== Clinical. ===
{{anchor:s1407}}Catarrh with a Tubercular Diathesis.{{anchor:s1408}}— Mrs. Kent, aet. about 28. {{anchor:s1409}}Of a sanguine, nervous temperament, sandy hair and blue eyes. {{anchor:s1410}}Is much troubled with irritation about the throat and bronchial passages, which occasions a dry, provoking cough, as if there were down or dust in the air passages. {{anchor:s1411}}Voice inclined to hoarseness and much of the time has a raw feeling about the chest; upper portion of left lung sensitive to percussion and slightly dull; has a stinging sort of pain passing from about the third rib on left side, through to the scapula, which occasions soreness. {{anchor:s1412}}Consumption has shown itself in the family. {{anchor:s1413}}Sulphur secured a complete cure.{{anchor:s1414}}—G. N. B.
{{anchor:s1415}}Dr. Carr reports a case cured by Sulphur (though something more than a pure catarrhal attack) which gives many characteristic indications as well as a fine verification of the pathogenesis. {{anchor:s1416}}Bronchial catarrh and pneumonia—adult, male. {{anchor:s1417}}Pulse 118, thready and jerky; dingy, sallow face, with dark, almost purple cheeks; breath hurried and gasping, with sharp, sticking pains in lower left lung, which was to some extent hepatized; great rattling in bronchi; lies on back with head raised high; can lie on left side but not on right; great thirst; tongue coated yellow in the middle with bright red tip; fan-like motion of nostrils (Lycopodium); delirious and stupid; gets weaker all the time; faint spells, must have plenty of air; chilly and hot flashes; feet get so hot must put them out of bed; drowsy and stupid all day, and restless, wakeful and delirious all night; twitching of hands and feet; cough hard and dry, with occasiona bloody sputa; greatly emaciated. . {{anchor:s1418}}Sulphur cured promptly.
{{anchor:s1419}}Maj. A. B. W. Catarrhal hoarseness with cough of long standing. {{anchor:s1420}}Hoarseness severe every winter for several seasons. {{anchor:s1421}}Coughs and gags, more particularly in the morning. {{anchor:s1422}}Worse in damp and cold weather; feels a little tenderness at the throat pit; at times hawks up pieces of hard mucus, but what he raises usually comes with much difficulty and expectorates mostly in the morning. {{anchor:s1423}}Patient is of the sanguine, bilious temperament; tall and well-built; aet. about 55 years.
{{anchor:s1424}}Gave Sul., with curative response at once.{{anchor:s1425}}—G. N. B.
{{anchor:s1426}}Catarrh of the Bronchia and Stomach, Based upon a Tubercular Diathesis.—N. P., aet. about 33. {{anchor:s1427}}Dry, harassing cough for six months; worse mornings; expectorates only a little tough, glairy mucus, or more often, coughs till retching occurs, when a sour, cold mucus is thrown from the stomach, and a little tough mucus also is coughed up from the air passages; has lost all appetite; food sours, and almost a constant gastralgia follows; patient has an inveterate constipation; a haggard and worn countenance; night sweats; and is quite emaciated. {{anchor:s1428}}Very despondent, as family friends have largely died of consumption : Mother, three sisters, grandfather, uncles and aunts. {{anchor:s1429}}Believes himself incurable, and by reason of his failing strength and family history. {{anchor:s1430}}Prognosis was exceedingly unfavorable as I myself thought. {{anchor:s1431}}After trying Nux for constipation and gastric symptoms to no purpose, I gave Sulphur, one powder, not to be repeated under six days. {{anchor:s1432}}Constipation was immediately overcome; gastric symptoms and cough also improved. {{anchor:s1433}}Such was the change that when I saw patient three weeks later, my surprise was great. {{anchor:s1434}}He needed only three or four doses more, which were given at intervals to effect a radical cure.{{anchor:s1435}}—G. N. B.
====== PART IV. ======
===== REPERTORY. =====
==== Cough. ====
{{anchor:s1439}}Abdomen, comes from—antimon. c.
{{anchor:s1440}}Better, air, in open—asaf., bry., euphr.
{{anchor:s1441}}Better, back, from lying on—ammon. muriat.
{{anchor:s1442}}Better, bed, after getting warm in—kali bichrom.
{{anchor:s1443}}Better, bedclothes, on covering head with—phos., rumex.
{{anchor:s1444}}Better, breakfast, after—kali c.
{{anchor:s1445}}Better, drinks, after warm—nux v., sil.
{{anchor:s1446}}Better, drinks, after cold—borax, caust.
{{anchor:s1447}}Better, drinking, after—iod.
{{anchor:s1448}}Better, eating, after—euph , iod.
{{anchor:s1449}}Better, lying down, on—euph.
{{anchor:s1450}}Better, warm room, in—al., ars., bar. c., car bo. v., cham., dul., lach., mer.
{{anchor:s1451}}Brought on by, air, going into open—alum., ars., phos., rhus, senega., sul.
{{anchor:s1452}}Brought on by, air, cold, inhalation of—cal., dul., phos., rumex, sang.
{{anchor:s1453}}Brought on by, drink, the least amount of—kali b.
{{anchor:s1454}}Brought on by exhaling—caust., nux.
{{anchor:s1455}}Brought on by, fire, looking at—antimon. c.
{{anchor:s1456}}Brought on by food, least morsel of—kali b.
{{anchor:s1457}}Brought on by gaping—asafoet.
{{anchor:s1458}}Brought on by hot sun—antimon. c.
{{anchor:s1459}}Brought on by increasing pitch of voice—arg. nit.
{{anchor:s1460}}Brought on by, inspiration, taking a deep—cal. c., dul., graph., nat. mur.
{{anchor:s1461}}Brought on by, speaking, every attempt at—actaea, bry., mer.
{{anchor:s1462}}Brought on by tickling in throat—actaea, cal. c., kali b., kali c., nat. mur., phos., rhus, rumex, sang., sil., sul., stic.
{{anchor:s1463}}Brought on by tickling in stomach—sang.
{{anchor:s1464}}Brought on by uncovering even a hand—rhus.
{{anchor:s1465}}Brought on by warmth in bed—nat. mur., puis.
{{anchor:s1466}}Brought on by warm food—bry., kali c., mez.
{{anchor:s1467}}Body, heat of, when coughing—carbo v.
{{anchor:s1468}}Chest, has to hold, when coughing—bry., euph., nat. sul.
{{anchor:s1469}}Chest, soreness, when coughing—carbo veg.
{{anchor:s1470}}Cold, on any part becoming, as a limb—hep. sulph.
{{anchor:s1471}}Days only—euph.
{{anchor:s1472}}Days, on alternate—lycop.
{{anchor:s1473}}Day and night—kali c.
{{anchor:s1474}}Epigastrium, has to press on—phos.
{{anchor:s1475}}Epigastrium, soreness of—nux v.
{{anchor:s1476}}Expectoration, purulent—arg. n., krea., kali c., lyc., sil., stan., sul.
{{anchor:s1477}}Expectoration, tough and draws out in threads—kali bi.
{{anchor:s1478}}Flatus, with passage of and belching of wind—sang.
{{anchor:s1479}}Headache, with, as if torn—sul.
{{anchor:s1480}}Headache, with bursting—nat. mur.
{{anchor:s1481}}Headache, with splitting—phos., sticta.
{{anchor:s1482}}Hollow—carbo v., caust., phos., sil.
{{anchor:s1483}}Hoarseness, with—caust., hep. s., phos., sil., sul.
{{anchor:s1484}}Itching in chest and trachea—carbo v.
{{anchor:s1485}}Irritation, with, as of sulphur fumes—lycop., puis.
{{anchor:s1486}}Irritation, sudden, can scarcely get breath—sepia, euph.
{{anchor:s1487}}Midnight, from sundown to—caust., mez., rhus.
{{anchor:s1488}}Morning, every, before rising, with, cory za—sepia.
{{anchor:s1489}}Night and day—kali c.
{{anchor:s1490}}Pain, with, from sternum to spine—kali b.
{{anchor:s1491}}Retching, with, and vomiting—arg. n., bry., calc. c., dros., mez., sepia, sulphur.
{{anchor:s1492}}Rise, must, when lying—lith. c.
{{anchor:s1493}}Shakes the whole body—antimon. c.
{{anchor:s1494}}Skin, with sensation of being torn, loose and sore—calc. c.
{{anchor:s1495}}Sleep, in—sang., sepia.
{{anchor:s1496}}Soreness, with, from left apex of lung to shoulder blade—sulph.
{{anchor:s1497}}Speak, not allowing one to audibly—mer. v.
{{anchor:s1498}}Spring, coming on in each—gel., lach., puis., rhodo.
{{anchor:s1499}}Stitches, with, in chest—borax, bry,, kali c., stan., sulph.
{{anchor:s1500}}Stitches in scrobiculum—ammon. c.
{{anchor:s1501}}Sundown, from, to midnight—caust., mez., rhus.
{{anchor:s1502}}Table, causes her to leave—lachesis.
{{anchor:s1503}}Throat, sensation of loose skin hanging in—al., kali c.
{{anchor:s1504}}Urine, with, escape of antimon. c., caust., krea., nat. mur., phos., puls.
{{anchor:s1505}}Violent in quick shocks—lith. c.
{{anchor:s1506}}Vomiting, with, and retching—arg. n., bry., calc. c., dros., mez., sepia, sulph.
{{anchor:s1507}}Worse after midnight—ars.
{{anchor:s1508}}Worse at 3 or 4 a.m.—kali c.
{{anchor:s1509}}Worse at 4 to 8 p.m. —lycop.
{{anchor:s1510}}Worse, air, in the open—alum., ars., phos., rhus, senega.
{{anchor:s1511}}Worse, cold air, from—ars., baryt., carb. v., cham., hep., senega.
{{anchor:s1512}}Worse, drinks, after cold—carbo v., cham., hep., ly., nux v., io.
{{anchor:s1513}}Worse, drinks, after warm—baryt., kali c., mez., stan.
{{anchor:s1514}}Worse, drinking, after—arg. nit., ars., bry., lycop., phos., silli.
{{anchor:s1515}}Worse, eating, after—bry., carb. v., kali b., kali c., lach., lyc., mez., phos.
{{anchor:s1516}}Worse, eating, after, cold food—hep., lyc.
{{anchor:s1517}}Worse, left side, from lying on—baryt., lyc , phos., sepia.
{{anchor:s1518}}Worse, lying down, on—ars., bry., carb. v., dul., nat. mur., sul., sticta, rhus, rumex.
{{anchor:s1519}}Worse, motion, from—ars., bry., dros., lach., nat. mur., nux v., phos., sil., stan.
{{anchor:s1520}}Worse, right side, when lying on—stannum.
{{anchor:s1521}}Worse, room, when persons enter—phos.
{{anchor:s1522}}Worse, room, on changing—rumex.
{{anchor:s1523}}Worse, singing, on—al., hep., mer. v., phos., rhus, stan.
{{anchor:s1524}}Worse, side, from turning on—am , mur., kali c., lyc.
{{anchor:s1525}}Worse, sleep, on—alum., caust., lach., lyc.
{{anchor:s1526}}Worse, summer, in—cep., nat. mur.
{{anchor:s1527}}Worse, strangers, in presence of—baryta c.
{{anchor:s1528}}Worse, talking, on—al., hep., mer. v., phos., rhus, stan.
{{anchor:s1529}}Worse, thunderstorms, from—petrol., rhod.
{{anchor:s1530}}Worse, undressing, when—kali bi.
{{anchor:s1531}}Worse, walking—senega.
{{anchor:s1532}}Worse, warm room, on entering—bry., dulc., lyc., nat. carb.
{{anchor:s1533}}Worse, weather, wet—arg, nit., cal., dul., nat. s.
{{anchor:s1534}}Worse, wind, from—bry., lyc., phos.
==== Nasal Symptoms. ====
{{anchor:s1536}}Nose, blow, constant inclination to—am. mur., hydras., stic.
{{anchor:s1537}}Nose, bursting, sensation of—asafoet.
{{anchor:s1538}}Nose, cold—sil.
{{anchor:s1539}}Nose, coryza, better in cold air—asafoet., cepa, euph., kali c., nux v., puis., rhodo.
{{anchor:s1540}}Nose, coryza, better in warm air—ars , ars. iod., hydras., krea.
{{anchor:s1541}}Nose, coryza, blood-tinged—mer., iod., phos.
{{anchor:s1542}}Nose, coryza, burning—ars., ars. iod., hydras., mez.
{{anchor:s1543}}Nose, coryza, choking child at night—spig.
{{anchor:s1544}}Nose, coryza copious—arum., ars., bry., cepa., cham., kali hydras., kali hyd.
{{anchor:s1545}}Nose, coryza daytime only—nat. c., nux v.
{{anchor:s1546}}Nose, coryza discharge, fetid—iod., kali b.
{{anchor:s1547}}Nose, coryza discharge, fluent and dry alternately—graph., nat., nat mur., phos., sil.
{{anchor:s1548}}Nose, coryza dry—baryt., carbo v. dul., lith. c., ly., sil., stic.
{{anchor:s1549}}Nose, coryza, excoriating—arum, ars., cepa, hydras., iod., kalib., lycop., nit. ac., kali hyd.
{{anchor:s1550}}Nose, coryza fluent in the open air—iod.
{{anchor:s1551}}Nose, coryza, indoors, scanty—hydras., iod., sul.
{{anchor:s1552}}Nose, coryza, motion lessened by—dul.
{{anchor:s1553}}Nose, coryza offensive—asafoet., aur., cal. c., graph., iod., krea., nit. ac.
{{anchor:s1554}}Nose, coryza, on alternate days—nat. carb., nat. mur.
{{anchor:s1555}}Nose, coryza, out of doors but dry indoors—sul.
{{anchor:s1556}}Nose, coryza, out of doors profuse—hydras., kali hyd.
{{anchor:s1557}}Nose, coryza, spring—cepa, gel., lach.
{{anchor:s1558}}Nose, coryza, summer—cepa, gel., kali b.
{{anchor:s1559}}Nose, coryza, worse in cold air—ars., hydras., kali b., kali hyd., lith. carb.
{{anchor:s1560}}Nose, coryza, worse in least draught—nat. carb.
{{anchor:s1561}}Nose, coryza, worse in warm air—asafoet., bry., cepa, kali c., ly., nux, puls., sul.
{{anchor:s1562}}Nose, coryza, worse in warm or cold—mer.
{{anchor:s1563}}Nose, itching in nostril—hep.
{{anchor:s1564}}Painful to touch—bel., hep. s., mere.
{{anchor:s1565}}Pains over the bridge—euph., kali hyd., ly.
{{anchor:s1566}}Pain, root in, alum., kali hyd., pet.
{{anchor:s1567}}Redness of—alum., cal., graph., kali c., kali hyd., lach., lith., nat. c., rhus, sul.
{{anchor:s1568}}Root sore and painful to touch—alum.
{{anchor:s1569}}Septum sore—hydras., iod. mer., pro. iod., mez., sang.
{{anchor:s1570}}Smell, acute—aur., bel.. cal., cham., graph., hep., lyc., nux, phos., sep., sil.
{{anchor:s1571}}Smell as of burnt root—graph.
{{anchor:s1572}}Smell as of clay or chalk—cal. c.
{{anchor:s1573}}Smell, fetid—ars., aur., bel., cal. c., krea.. nit. ac., nux v., phos., sep.
{{anchor:s1574}}Smell as of herrings—bel.
{{anchor:s1575}}Smell as of pitch—ars.
{{anchor:s1576}}Smell as of sour things—alum.
{{anchor:s1577}}Smell as of sweat—aur.
{{anchor:s1578}}Smell as of substances burning—aur., graph., nux v., sul.
{{anchor:s1579}}Smell as of sulphur—ars., cal. c., naph., nux v.
{{anchor:s1580}}Smell, thinks herself disgusting to others—aur.
{{anchor:s1581}}Sneezing, constant inclination to—arum., dul.
{{anchor:s1582}}Sneezing, frequent inclination to—carbo, bry., caust., cham., merc.
{{anchor:s1583}}Sneezing, frequent inclination, with dry coryza—cal., mez.
{{anchor:s1584}}Sneezing, ineffectual attempts at—carbo v., nat. mur.
{{anchor:s1585}}Sneezing on coming into a warm room—cepa, bry.
{{anchor:s1586}}Sneezing on going into the open air—ars., dul., kali bi.
{{anchor:s1587}}Sneezing on rising in the morning—gel., rhodo.
{{anchor:s1588}}Sneezing, spasmodic—rhus tox., rumex.
{{anchor:s1589}}Sneezing, violent—kali hyd.,nat. c.
{{anchor:s1590}}Sneezing, with headache—hydrastis, kali c.
{{anchor:s1591}}Stoppage and dryness of after foot sweat—sil.
{{anchor:s1592}}Stoppage of at bridge—ars., kali b., sticta, sul.
{{anchor:s1593}}Stoppage with fetid, purulent mucus—cal. c., graph., pet.
{{anchor:s1594}}Swollen—ars., asafoet., baryt. c., cal. c., graph., hep., iod. kali c., lith. c., lyc., nit. ac., sepia, sul.
{{anchor:s1595}}Tip, itching of—caust., sil , spig.
{{anchor:s1596}}Tip, red—aur., kali c., nit. ac., rhus tox.
{{anchor:s1597}}Tip, swollen—alum, arum., aurum., bry., cist., rhus tox.
{{anchor:s1598}}Tip. swollen and painful—bel., bry., rhus tox.
{{anchor:s1599}}Water, sensation of hot, in left nostril—gel., sul.
{{anchor:s1600}}THE END.
^ Source: | Catarrhal diseases of the nasal and respiratory organs, 1883, Second Edition |
^ Description: | Catarrhal diseases of the nasal and respiratory organs |
^ Author: | Brigham, G. N. |
^ Year: | 1883 |
^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting |
^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}