====== ARUNDO MAURITANICA ====== {{anchor:s1}}Arundo Mauritanica. {{anchor:s2}}An Italian Grass. {{anchor:s3}}Tincture of the Root Sprouts. {{anchor:s4}}Proved and introduced by Doctor F. Patti, Chagon a Duc de Sorentino; published in J. de la S. Gall., vol. vii, p. 345, in 1856. {{anchor:s5}}Clinical observations from B. Dadea, Compendio Materia Medica Pura, vol. i, p. 282, 1874. ====== MIND. [1] ====== {{anchor:s7}}Lascivious ideas.\\ {{anchor:s8}}Laughs easily, a stupid hilarity.\\ {{anchor:s9}}Anxiety diminished in open air.\\ {{anchor:s10}}Anxiety from accumulation of mucus in bronchi.\\ {{anchor:s11}}Dullness of mind and indifference to painful sensations.\\ {{anchor:s12}}Absence of ideas. ====== SENSORIUM. [2] ====== {{anchor:s14}}Vertigo on getting out of bed. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s16}}Deep-seated pain towards frontal lobes and sides.\\ {{anchor:s17}}Painful undulation in frontal region.\\ {{anchor:s18}}Burning pain in interior head; pain and heat in forehead.\\ {{anchor:s19}}Pain in right temple to top of head, makes sleepy.\\ {{anchor:s20}}Sudden formicating pains through temples.\\ {{anchor:s21}}Formication and stupefying pain on top of head, going down to neck.\\ {{anchor:s22}}Deep-seated pains in sides of head.\\ {{anchor:s23}}Pain towards and in occiput.\\ {{anchor:s24}}Cephalalgia; hysterical. ====== OUTER HEAD. [4] ====== {{anchor:s26}}Formication and pricking in forehead; itching on different parts.\\ {{anchor:s27}}Pustules with red areola, suppurate and form crusts, with children.\\ {{anchor:s28}}Pricking in left temple and on top of head.\\ {{anchor:s29}}Roots of hair painful.\\ {{anchor:s30}}Hair falls off entirely in children.\\ {{anchor:s31}}Scurf on head. ====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ====== {{anchor:s33}}Inflammation of eyes, in children.\\ {{anchor:s34}}Blepharitis.\\ {{anchor:s35}}Light intolerable, at noon and evenings.\\ {{anchor:s36}}Luminous objects flutter.\\ {{anchor:s37}}Undulating, luminous openings appear wherever he looks.\\ {{anchor:s38}}Dim vision, things veiled.\\ {{anchor:s39}}Cannot look upward.\\ {{anchor:s40}}When looking steadily, pricking in orbit.\\ {{anchor:s41}}Pupils dilated.\\ {{anchor:s42}}Pricking pain in vault of orbit; gets heavy and sleepy.\\ {{anchor:s43}}Pricking, itching and burning in eyes, the left worse.\\ {{anchor:s44}}Itching of conjunctiva; burning pain in sclerotica.\\ {{anchor:s45}}Excrescence on sclerotica.\\ {{anchor:s46}}Lids jactitate, are heavy, red, burning, itching, swollen.\\ {{anchor:s47}}Lachrymation.\\ {{anchor:s48}}Intolerable itching in brow and left eye.\\ {{anchor:s49}}Sudden burning in orbit.\\ {{anchor:s50}}Burning, pricking (l.), formication.\\ {{anchor:s51}}Catarrhal, rheumatic, or scrofulous ophthalmia. ====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ====== {{anchor:s53}}Noise in ears, sound as of little bells.\\ {{anchor:s54}}Pain at base of outer ear (l.).\\ {{anchor:s55}}Formication in left external ear.\\ {{anchor:s56}}While children complain they keep fingers in ears.\\ {{anchor:s57}}Pain burning, and intolerable itching in canals.\\ {{anchor:s58}}Burning, itching in auditory canals coincide with pain in sublingual glands.\\ {{anchor:s59}}The inflammation of ears commences with shooting pains, begins in concha, extends to external meatus; finally, with itching a discharge of blood.\\ {{anchor:s60}}Hemorrhage of bright red blood (l.).\\ {{anchor:s61}}Purulent discharge from ears. ====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ====== {{anchor:s63}}Loss of smell.\\ {{anchor:s64}}Pain at root of nose.\\ {{anchor:s65}}Itching, burning, dryness of Schneiderian membrane.\\ {{anchor:s66}}Burning in inner walls of nose.\\ {{anchor:s67}}Itching in nose; sneezing.\\ {{anchor:s68}}When sneezing, stitches in loins.\\ {{anchor:s69}}Coryza, with snuffling.\\ {{anchor:s70}}In beginning water runs from nose, later green mucus and thick, white, slimy masses; with sneezing, pieces of indurated greenish mucus.\\ {{anchor:s71}}Putrid nasal mucus.\\ {{anchor:s72}}Ulcer beneath reddened nose. ====== UPPER FACE. [8] ====== {{anchor:s74}}Face: Pallor.\\ {{anchor:s75}}Weight on left side of face.\\ {{anchor:s76}}Pain in masseter muscles.\\ {{anchor:s77}}Itching, pricking all over; formication; pain in left half of face.\\ {{anchor:s78}}Pain and burning in right cheek.\\ {{anchor:s79}}Erysipelas on right cheek. ====== LOWER FACE. [9] ====== {{anchor:s81}}Pricking on point of chin. ====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ====== {{anchor:s83}}Gums red, sensitive, swollen, bleeding. ====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ====== {{anchor:s85}}Food insipid.\\ {{anchor:s86}}Sweetish taste in mouth.\\ {{anchor:s87}}Water has a bad taste.\\ {{anchor:s88}}Bitter mouth on waking`mornings.\\ {{anchor:s89}}Pain in sublingual glands. {{anchor:s90}}See 6. ====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ====== {{anchor:s92}}Mouth excoriated in children.\\ {{anchor:s93}}Stomacace.\\ {{anchor:s94}}Salivation. ====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ====== {{anchor:s96}}Burning, itching and irritation of palate.\\ {{anchor:s97}}Eruption of red points on palate in children.\\ {{anchor:s98}}Burning and redness in esophagus.\\ {{anchor:s99}}Globus hystericus.\\ {{anchor:s100}}Stoppage of air (from stomach ?) in esophagus.\\ {{anchor:s101}}Obstruction prevents swallowing.\\ {{anchor:s102}}Burning and pain on swallowing. ====== APPETITE, THIRST. DESIRES, AVERSIONS. [14] ====== {{anchor:s105}}Longing for acids, and acid food.\\ {{anchor:s106}}Want of appetite.\\ {{anchor:s107}}Constant thirst in children; after waking in morning. ====== HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. [16] ====== {{anchor:s109}}Desire to belch, but cannot.\\ {{anchor:s110}}Empty belching.\\ {{anchor:s111}}Hiccough.\\ {{anchor:s112}}Attacks of very painful nausea.\\ {{anchor:s113}}Nausea on getting up in morning.\\ {{anchor:s114}}Vomiting of frothy, viscid matter after cough. {{anchor:s115}}See 27. ====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ====== {{anchor:s117}}Coldness in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s118}}Acute pain in pit of stomach; pain on pressure.\\ {{anchor:s119}}Pain all around epigastrium, pricking through it.\\ {{anchor:s120}}Gastralgia. ====== HYPOCHONDRIA. [18] ====== {{anchor:s122}}Pain in liver.\\ {{anchor:s123}}Pricking in spleen. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s125}}Acute pain at umbilicus.\\ {{anchor:s126}}Pain in colon, right and left; pricking in it.\\ {{anchor:s127}}Wandering pains through bowels.\\ {{anchor:s128}}Movements in bowels as if caused by a living thing; as of a worm crawling on right side.\\ {{anchor:s129}}Noise in bowels; borborygmus.\\ {{anchor:s130}}Abundant flatus.\\ {{anchor:s131}}Bowels painful when pressed by hand.\\ {{anchor:s132}}Pain throughout hypogastrium; burning and pricking after coughing.\\ {{anchor:s133}}Pain at pubic region.\\ {{anchor:s134}}Stitches in groin.\\ {{anchor:s135}}Pricking and burning heat.\\ {{anchor:s136}}Pain, burning and formication in loins.\\ {{anchor:s137}}Stitches in loins; stitches when sneezing.\\ {{anchor:s138}}Pricking pains in loins, corresponds to like pains in pit of stomach. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s140}}Intestinal catarrh.\\ {{anchor:s141}}The stools at first hard, soon become loose.\\ {{anchor:s142}}Constant diarrhea of nursing children.\\ {{anchor:s143}}Serious diarrhea with teething children.\\ {{anchor:s144}}Liquid diarrhea in children, with red blood.\\ {{anchor:s145}}Blood streaked loose stools.\\ {{anchor:s146}}Diarrhea with bearing down.\\ {{anchor:s147}}Greenish diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s148}}Hard, greenish stools.\\ {{anchor:s149}}Constipation.\\ {{anchor:s150}}Descent of hemorrhoids before stool.\\ {{anchor:s151}}Stools followed by burning at anus.\\ {{anchor:s152}}Burning piles.\\ {{anchor:s153}}Pricking in anus.\\ {{anchor:s154}}Hemorrhoids, with prolapsus recti. ====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ====== {{anchor:s156}}Nephritic pains.\\ {{anchor:s157}}Pricking in bladder.\\ {{anchor:s158}}Red urine with sandy sediment.\\ {{anchor:s159}}Urine deposits a great deal of red sand. {{anchor:s160}}Compare: Lycop.\\ {{anchor:s161}}After urinating, weight; burning, itching in urethra. ====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ====== {{anchor:s163}}Sexual desire; lascivious ideas; frequent erections.\\ {{anchor:s164}}Pain in spermatic cords after coition.\\ {{anchor:s165}}Difficult breathing during coition. ====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ====== {{anchor:s167}}Uterine catarrh.\\ {{anchor:s168}}Violent desire for coition, or aversion to it.\\ {{anchor:s169}}Pricking pain in uterus.\\ {{anchor:s170}}Pain in uterus with meteorism before menses.\\ {{anchor:s171}}Menses too early and very profuse.\\ {{anchor:s172}}Long-lasting menses.\\ {{anchor:s173}}Hemorrhage of black, clotted blood.\\ {{anchor:s174}}Leucorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s175}}Pricking pains in vulva.\\ {{anchor:s176}}Heat, with formication beginning at loins, rising to shoulders, and extending to hands.\\ {{anchor:s177}}Pain starting from left side of jaw, running along left eyebrow, thence extending to shoulders and loins, finally settling on pubis, burning there like fire.\\ {{anchor:s178}}Pain in loins: with cough; before first menses.\\ {{anchor:s179}}Painful constriction of pubis and loins, prevents walking.\\ {{anchor:s180}}Pain beginning in kidneys, passing on to lumbar region and extending to pubis.\\ {{anchor:s181}}Burning pain from kidneys passing through left ileum to pubis. ====== PREGNANCY. PARTURITION. LACTATION. [24] ====== {{anchor:s185}}Excessive secretion of milk, causes pain in left breast.\\ {{anchor:s186}}Burning and pain in nipples.\\ {{anchor:s187}}Prickings under left breast.\\ {{anchor:s188}}Teething children. {{anchor:s189}}See 20. ====== VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. [25] ====== {{anchor:s192}}Larynx obstructed after coughing. {{anchor:s193}}See 27.\\ {{anchor:s194}}Morning hoarseness.\\ {{anchor:s195}}Loss of voice in an instant.\\ {{anchor:s196}}Bronchial catarrh. ====== RESPIRATION. [26] ====== {{anchor:s198}}Whistling, etc., in bronchi when breathing.\\ {{anchor:s199}}Short, difficult breathing; also during coition, or on walking, going up-stairs.\\ {{anchor:s200}}Suffocative paroxysm.\\ {{anchor:s201}}Attacks of dyspnea, with diffuse sweat. ====== COUGH. [27] ====== {{anchor:s203}}Catarrhal cough.\\ {{anchor:s204}}Sputa in beginning bluish, then white, and so alternately.\\ {{anchor:s205}}After expectorating, bruised feeling in pit of throat.\\ {{anchor:s206}}Rattling during cough.\\ {{anchor:s207}}After cough, burning in hypogastrium.\\ {{anchor:s208}}After coughing, larynx obstructed, prevents wind and sputa from coming up, causing afterwards vomiting of frothy, viscid matter.\\ {{anchor:s209}}Cough at noon, midday and evenings.\\ {{anchor:s210}}Dry cough evenings, with pains in pit of stomach, with viscid vomiting; followed by burning at pit of throat.\\ {{anchor:s211}}Expectoration difficult, early mornings.\\ {{anchor:s212}}Sputa whitish; round, ash-colored clots. ====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ====== {{anchor:s214}}Accumulation of mucus in bronchi causes anxiety.\\ {{anchor:s215}}Pain in chest; pricking in chest; under clavicles.\\ {{anchor:s216}}Formication in chest.\\ {{anchor:s217}}Pain in right chest, towards midnight. ====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ====== {{anchor:s219}}Pulse rises to 90, later lessening.\\ {{anchor:s220}}Abnormal movements of heart; oppression of it.\\ {{anchor:s221}}Pricking in arteries. ====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ====== {{anchor:s223}}Startings in neck; formicating pain on left side of it.\\ {{anchor:s224}}Feeling as of a worm crawling on neck.\\ {{anchor:s225}}Acute pain under left scapula.\\ {{anchor:s226}}Lumbago. ====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ====== {{anchor:s228}}Pain in scapulae.\\ {{anchor:s229}}Pricking in axilla.\\ {{anchor:s230}}Weakness of arms, acute pain; formication.\\ {{anchor:s231}}Coldness in shoulders, in both arms; heat and heaviness in left arm.\\ {{anchor:s232}}Burning pain passing from arm to wrist, from there to forefinger, and then to thumb.\\ {{anchor:s233}}Burning pain in elbows.\\ {{anchor:s234}}Pain beginning in elbow, ending in ring finger.\\ {{anchor:s235}}Pain in right wrist, and burning heat in one or the other.\\ {{anchor:s236}}Burning, jerking pain in right wrist.\\ {{anchor:s237}}Formicative pain, with heaviness in left wrist.\\ {{anchor:s238}}Stiffness of hands.\\ {{anchor:s239}}Edema of hands, especially in children.\\ {{anchor:s240}}Burning pain in both hands, as if plunged in boiling water.\\ {{anchor:s241}}Formication in hands.\\ {{anchor:s242}}Pain in fingers; in metacarpal joints and first phalanges.\\ {{anchor:s243}}Burning pain in right thumb.\\ {{anchor:s244}}Pricking in finger tips. ====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ====== {{anchor:s246}}Towards midday attack of pain extends to loins, knee and foot.\\ {{anchor:s247}}Edema of lower limbs.\\ {{anchor:s248}}General redness of legs owing to an eruption of very small points, with violent itching.\\ {{anchor:s249}}Burning pain from hip to heel, like sciatica.\\ {{anchor:s250}}Weakness of thighs and legs.\\ {{anchor:s251}}Burning stitches in thigh.\\ {{anchor:s252}}Swelling of knees.\\ {{anchor:s253}}Weakness of knees.\\ {{anchor:s254}}Pain in knees afternoons.\\ {{anchor:s255}}Burning pain in knees.\\ {{anchor:s256}}Cramps in knees, often with a sensation of heat.\\ {{anchor:s257}}Stitches in knees.\\ {{anchor:s258}}Pain in left calf, most when standing up or when walking.\\ {{anchor:s259}}Cramps in legs.\\ {{anchor:s260}}Burning pain in heels; pricking in heels.\\ {{anchor:s261}}Edema of feet in children.\\ {{anchor:s262}}Edema of feet and ankles, agg. on movement.\\ {{anchor:s263}}Copious and offensive sweat of feet.\\ {{anchor:s264}}Burning and swelling of soles, as after a long journey.\\ {{anchor:s265}}Beating and burning heat in soles.\\ {{anchor:s266}}Burning stitches in toes. ====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ====== {{anchor:s268}}Edema of limbs.\\ {{anchor:s269}}Pain in limbs as if tightly bandaged.\\ {{anchor:s270}}Formicating pains rising from loins to shoulders and settling on left clavicle. ====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ====== {{anchor:s274}}When walking and going upstairs, difficult breathing.\\ {{anchor:s275}}When standing, pain in left calf. ====== NERVES. [36] ====== {{anchor:s277}}Twitchings and inclination to yawn.\\ {{anchor:s278}}Hysteria. ====== SLEEP. [37] ====== {{anchor:s280}}Sleepiness in daytime.\\ {{anchor:s281}}Sleeps by day; sleepless at night.\\ {{anchor:s282}}Sleepiness, with burning in eyes.\\ {{anchor:s283}}Sleeplessness and weeping at night, in children; excessive heat.\\ {{anchor:s284}}On waking, bitter mouth; after waking, thirst.\\ {{anchor:s285}}Getting up in morning, vertigo.\\ {{anchor:s286}}On waking, nausea, hoarseness. ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s288}}Towards noon: attack of pain.\\ {{anchor:s289}}At noon: shunning of light; cough.\\ {{anchor:s290}}Most effects from noon till evening.\\ {{anchor:s291}}Afternoon: pain in knees.\\ {{anchor:s292}}Evening: shunning light; cough; dry cough, etc.\\ {{anchor:s293}}Morning: easy expectoration.\\ {{anchor:s294}}Before midnight, quotidian; towards midnight, pain in right side of chest. ====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ====== {{anchor:s296}}Desire for open air with cough. ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s298}}Quotidian fever before midnight.\\ {{anchor:s299}}Fever preceded by coldness, with thirst.\\ {{anchor:s300}}Feverish paroxysm, with burning pain and formication all over body.\\ {{anchor:s301}}Febrile paroxysm, with nausea, coldness, thirst, pain in bowels and salivation.\\ {{anchor:s302}}Excessive heat at night; nightly fever.\\ {{anchor:s303}}A sensation of burning heat, together with numerous prickings, rises from loins, passes over shoulders and then invades middle of head and face, preceded by perspiration, in women.\\ {{anchor:s304}}Constant sensation of heat; is burnt in sun and frozen in shade.\\ {{anchor:s305}}Alternate heat and coldness on different parts of body.\\ {{anchor:s306}}Fever always with thirst.\\ {{anchor:s307}}Tendency to sweat; motion causes profuse sweat.\\ {{anchor:s308}}Fever ends with sweat, most on shoulders and chest, sometimes with vertigo. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s310}}Acts most on left side. ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s312}}As of an insect crawling over body.\\ {{anchor:s313}}As of a worm crawling: in abdomen; on neck.\\ {{anchor:s314}}Pain in limbs as if bandaged tightly.\\ {{anchor:s315}}Hands as if plunged in boiling water.\\ {{anchor:s316}}Acute pain: in pit of stomach; at umbilicus; in anus.\\ {{anchor:s317}}Stitches: in loins; in thigh; in knees; in toes.\\ {{anchor:s318}}Shooting: in ears.\\ {{anchor:s319}}Burning: in head; in eyes; in sclerotica; of lids; in orbit; in auditory canals; in nose; in right cheek; of palate; in esophagus; in hypogastrium; piles; in urethra; from kidneys through to pubis; in nipples; in arms and hands; in elbows; in right wrist; in right thumb; from hip to heel; in thigh; in knees; in heels; of soles; in toes.\\ {{anchor:s320}}Pricking: in left temple; in vertex; in forehead; in orbit; in eyes; in face; on point of chin; through epigastrium; in spleen; in colon; in hypogastrium; in loins; in anus; in bladder; in uterus; in vulva; under left breast; in chest; in arteries; in finger tips; in axilla; in heel.\\ {{anchor:s321}}Wandering pain: through bowels.\\ {{anchor:s322}}Painful undulation: in frontal region.\\ {{anchor:s323}}Constriction: of pubis and loins.\\ {{anchor:s324}}Cramp: in knees; in legs.\\ {{anchor:s325}}Formicating: through temples; on top of head; in forehead; in left eye; in left ear; from loins to shoulders; in chest; in arms; in hands; on left clavicle; of left wrist.\\ {{anchor:s326}}Heaviness: of left wrist.\\ {{anchor:s327}}Undefined pain: frontal lobes and sides of brain; in forehead; in right temple to top of head; in occiput; at base of ear; at root of nose; in masseter muscles; in sublingual glands; in left half of face; around epigastrium; in liver; in colon; in hypogastrium; at pubic region; in kidneys; in spermatic cords; in loins; in nipples; in chest; in arms and hands; in knees; in left calf; in uterus; from left jaw along eyebrow thence shoulder, loins, settling in pubis; in right wrist; in fingers.\\ {{anchor:s328}}Coldness: in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s329}}Itching: on head; in eyes; of lids; in brow; in auditory; in nose; in face; of palate; in urethra; eruptions. ====== TISSUES. [44] ====== {{anchor:s331}}Mucous membranes of eyes, ears, nose, palate, etc.\\ {{anchor:s332}}Acute and chronic catarrhs.\\ {{anchor:s333}}Pains and prickings in glands. ====== SKIN. [46] ====== {{anchor:s335}}Feeling as of an insect crawling over loins, shoulders, and sometimes entire surface of body.\\ {{anchor:s336}}Redness of skin, like a birth mark.\\ {{anchor:s337}}Skin in children turns blue at height of fever.\\ {{anchor:s338}}Eruptions resembling itch on breast, in children, and also behind ears.\\ {{anchor:s339}}Itching papular eruption in children.\\ {{anchor:s340}}Erysipelas on various parts of body.\\ {{anchor:s341}}Itching miliary eruption on loins.\\ {{anchor:s342}}Pustules like of scabies, with intolerable itching, discharge when opened by friction a watery fluid.\\ {{anchor:s343}}Suppurating pimples on chest and arms. ====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ====== {{anchor:s345}}Diseases of women and children. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s347}}No gramineae are known by their morbid influence, except some poisoning symptoms of Lolium.\\ {{anchor:s348}}Ananth. has been proved by Houat. {{anchor:s349}}Sacch. off. is well known by provings and cures, but has no similarity with any tincture of roots.\\ {{anchor:s350}}The disjunctive similars are principally Sulphur, Calc. ost., and Lycop., one of the principal family in our armamentarium. ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 02, 1880 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r432|Arundo mauritanica]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r432|Arundo mauritanica]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C. | ^ Year: | 1880 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}