====== BISMUTHUM SUBNITRICUM ====== {{anchor:s1}}Bismuthum. {{anchor:s2}}Hydrated oxide of Bismuth. {{anchor:s3}}Bi2O3OH2. {{anchor:s4}}Hahnemann proved with his students, and published the result in 1827, what he supposed to be pure wismuth oxide, but what now is known as the basic bismuthi subnitras, or magisterium bismuthi. {{anchor:s5}}The symptoms (4 and 97) reappeared in the second edition, in 1807 (11 and 97). {{anchor:s6}}Allen's Encyclopaedia, vol. 2, p. 183, give also the collection of Wibmer, partly of the acid bismuthum nitricum as magisterium. {{anchor:s7}}As here are principally to be given the cured symptoms, which are from Hahnemann's preparations, we omit the other. {{anchor:s8}}Women are often poisoned with the oxide, used as a cosmetic. ====== MIND. [1] ====== {{anchor:s10}}Unconsciousness.\\ {{anchor:s11}}Stupefaction; dullness; mist before eyes.\\ {{anchor:s12}}Dullness; heaviness of head.\\ {{anchor:s13}}Delirium. {{anchor:s14}}~ With gangrene, or internal ulceration.\\ {{anchor:s15}}Delirium tremens.\\ {{anchor:s16}}Desire for company; child holds on to its mother's hand.\\ {{anchor:s17}}Solitude is unbearable.\\ {{anchor:s18}}Anguish; at times he sits, then walks, then lies down, never long in one place.\\ {{anchor:s19}}Apathy, with peevish dissatisfaction.\\ {{anchor:s20}}Unstable-minded; begins now this, again that, holds but short time to any one thing.\\ {{anchor:s21}}Ill humor; he is morose and discontented with his condition, and complains about it. ====== SENSORIUM. [2] ====== {{anchor:s23}}Dullness; heaviness of head.\\ {{anchor:s24}}Confusion of head.\\ {{anchor:s25}}Vertigo; sensation as if anterior half of brain was turning in a circle.\\ {{anchor:s26}}Violent vertigo, with pressing pain in forehead; redness of conjunctivae; dimness of vision; tinnitus; pressing pain in stomach and spasmodic pulse.\\ {{anchor:s27}}Dullness in head, heat, small, tense, accelerated pulse.\\ {{anchor:s28}}Dizziness in morning after a restless night. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s30}}Pressing pain in forehead; vertigo from violent exercise.\\ {{anchor:s31}}Sensation of weight in forehead, temples and occiput.\\ {{anchor:s32}}Pressure and sensation of heaviness in forehead, at times also in occiput: pressure on eyeballs; agg. after lying down and during rest; from motion and touch.\\ {{anchor:s33}}Violent, pressive, heavy pain in forehead.\\ {{anchor:s34}}Continual pressure in forehead, over eyes.\\ {{anchor:s35}}Dull, pressive pain in head, now here, now there.\\ {{anchor:s36}}Pressure and sensation of heaviness in occiput, more violent on motion.\\ {{anchor:s37}}Dull cutting pain in brain, begins above right orbit and extends to occiput.\\ {{anchor:s38}}Headache extending into root of nose.\\ {{anchor:s39}}Alternate contraction and distension in forehead, eyes and nose.\\ {{anchor:s40}}Frequent inflammatory headache, with fever.\\ {{anchor:s41}}Headache returning in winter season.\\ {{anchor:s42}}Incipient hydrocephalus.\\ {{anchor:s43}}Boring headache, from within outward, in forehead, orbits and root of nose, extending down nose; agg. afternoon and after eating; amel. from motion, cold drinks and bathing.\\ {{anchor:s44}}Headache alternating with or attended by gastralgia.\\ {{anchor:s45}}Concomitants of headache: apathetic, sullen, dissatisfied, complaining mood; earthy pale face; blue rings around eyes; great thirst for cold drinks in evening; nausea and pressure in stomach after eating; ineffectual urging to stool in evening; boring and burning in chest and back; great drowsiness in forenoon; flushes of heat over head and chest; prostration. ====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ====== {{anchor:s47}}A fog before eyes, with stupefaction.\\ {{anchor:s48}}Pressure in right eyeball, from before backward and from below upward.\\ {{anchor:s49}}Thickened mucus in both canthi.\\ {{anchor:s50}}Redness of conjunctiva, with dim vision, vertigo, and tinnitus. ====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ====== {{anchor:s52}}Pressure and drawing in left external meatus. ====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ====== {{anchor:s54}}Nosebleed, dark blood.\\ {{anchor:s55}}Pressive heaviness at root of nose. ====== UPPER FACE. [8] ====== {{anchor:s57}}Pale, cold face; earthy complexion; blue borders around eyes; features changed, as if he had been very sick.\\ {{anchor:s58}}Pressure in region of malar bones; better running about and holding cold water in mouth. {{anchor:s59}}~ Prosopalgia.\\ {{anchor:s60}}(In sick:) Tremor of muscles of face and limbs. ====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ====== {{anchor:s62}}Toothache relieved by taking cold water in mouth; agg. when water becomes warm. ====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ====== {{anchor:s64}}Taste: sweetish, sour, or metallic on back part of tongue.\\ {{anchor:s65}}Red tongue.\\ {{anchor:s66}}In evening white-coated tongue, without heat or thirst. ====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ====== {{anchor:s68}}Inflammation of mouth, with whitish excoriations and fissures.\\ {{anchor:s69}}Slight salivation, with marked tumefaction of inner surface of cheek, left gum and side of tongue.\\ {{anchor:s70}}Copious secretion of brown, thick, metallic-tasting saliva.\\ {{anchor:s71}}Pyrosis. ====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ====== {{anchor:s73}}Inflammation of pharyngeal cavity.\\ {{anchor:s74}}Burning in throat.\\ {{anchor:s75}}Difficult swallowing.\\ {{anchor:s76}}Inflammation of throat awaking at night and paining very much, with short cough and retching.\\ {{anchor:s77}}Phagedenic ulceration of uvula, with burning and tearing; difficult swallowing of fluids, which return through nose. ====== APPETITE, THIRST. DESIRES, AVERSIONS. [14] ====== {{anchor:s80}}Desire for cold drinks in evening.\\ {{anchor:s81}}Intolerable thirst. ====== EATING AND DRINKING. [15] ====== {{anchor:s83}}Nausea after eating and pressure in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s84}}Cold water relieves.\\ {{anchor:s85}}Water is vomited as soon as it reaches stomach. {{anchor:s86}}~ Summer diarrhea. {{anchor:s87}}~ Gastralgia.\\ {{anchor:s88}}Pressure like a load in stomach after eating. {{anchor:s89}}~ Gastralgia. ====== HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. [16] ====== {{anchor:s91}}Hiccough.\\ {{anchor:s92}}Violent eructations, sometimes fetid and cadaverous smelling. {{anchor:s93}}~ Gastralgia.\\ {{anchor:s94}}Nausea in stomach; he feels as if he would vomit, especially violent after eating.\\ {{anchor:s95}}Nausea, with gulping up of bile.\\ {{anchor:s96}}Violent retching, followed by fearful vomiting.\\ {{anchor:s97}}Nausea after every meal.\\ {{anchor:s98}}Vomiting (of bile), with oppressive anxiety; small pulse; vertigo and prostration.\\ {{anchor:s99}}Vomiting and diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s100}}Vomiting of all fluids as soon as taken. {{anchor:s101}}~ During dentition. {{anchor:s102}}~ Summer complaint.\\ {{anchor:s103}}Vomiting, with retching; disgusting taste in mouth; pain in throat when swallowing; inflammation of pharyngeal cavity; diarrhea, with small pulse, cold extremities, and cramps in hands and feet.\\ {{anchor:s104}}Vomiting of bile without effort. {{anchor:s105}}~ Gastritis.\\ {{anchor:s106}}Vomits a brownish fluid.\\ {{anchor:s107}}Vomits: only at intervals of days when food has filled stomach; then vomits enormous quantities, lasting all day; vomits all fluids. {{anchor:s108}}~ Cancer of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s109}}Vomiting, convulsive gagging and inexpressible pain in stomach. {{anchor:s110}}~ After operations on abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s111}}Vomiting and purging (or vomiting alone), with great prostration; warm surface; flatulency; white tongue; cadaverous-smelling stools; patient desires company. ====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ====== {{anchor:s113}}Pressure in stomach, especially after a meal.\\ {{anchor:s114}}Distressing pressure and burning in region of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s115}}Pressure in region of stomach and empty eructations.\\ {{anchor:s116}}Pressure as from a load in one spot. {{anchor:s117}}~ Gastralgia.\\ {{anchor:s118}}Spells of cardialgia, with which abdominal muscles are spasmodically contracted; retching to vomit; dyspnea; trembling of limbs and convulsions; pain is so violent as to induce fainting.\\ {{anchor:s119}}Burning, stinging, crampy pains; stomach hangs down to crest of ilium; hard lumps between navel and edges of lower ribs, right side. {{anchor:s120}}~ Cancerous affections.\\ {{anchor:s121}}Crampy, spasmodic pains in stomach; burning, alternating with pressure; pressure in spine, must bend backward.\\ {{anchor:s122}}Gastralgia nervosa.\\ {{anchor:s123}}Burning in stomach. {{anchor:s124}}~ Inflammation of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s125}}Uncomfortable feeling in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s126}}Intense malaise in stomach, with burning; red or white tongue; restlessness; prostration. {{anchor:s127}}~ After blood-letting.\\ {{anchor:s128}}Gastric irritation, with pyrosis.\\ {{anchor:s129}}Gastromalacia. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s131}}Pain in umbilical region.\\ {{anchor:s132}}Pinching pressure, now here, now there, in lower abdomen, with rumbling and grumbling, and a sensation as if he must go to stool.\\ {{anchor:s133}}(In sick:) Colic.\\ {{anchor:s134}}Abdomen painful to touch.\\ {{anchor:s135}}Abdomen bloated in ridges; rumbling of wind along colon, passed rarely, but then relieves. {{anchor:s136}}~ Cancerous affections.\\ {{anchor:s137}}Fearfully distended abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s138}}Flatulence; frequent passing of wind. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s140}}Ineffectual urging to stool in evening; rumbling, pressure and pinching in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s141}}Frequent passage of flatus.\\ {{anchor:s142}}Watery diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s143}}Stools: papescent, foul; watery, cadaverous-smelling.\\ {{anchor:s144}}Summer complaint of children when fluids are vomited as soon as they are taken.\\ {{anchor:s145}}Cholera, when vomiting predominates.\\ {{anchor:s146}}Bilious evacuations, with colic.\\ {{anchor:s147}}(In sick:) Diarrhea or constipation.\\ {{anchor:s148}}Painless discharge of blood from rectum in large quantities. ====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ====== {{anchor:s150}}Frequent and copious micturition; urine watery.\\ {{anchor:s151}}Suppression or retention of urine. ====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ====== {{anchor:s153}}Seminal emissions, with lascivious dreams.\\ {{anchor:s154}}Nightly pollutions without erections.\\ {{anchor:s155}}Gonorrhea. ====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ====== {{anchor:s157}}Menstrual blood dark, pitchy. ====== RESPIRATION. [26] ====== {{anchor:s159}}Dyspnea.\\ {{anchor:s160}}(In sick:) Anxiety and extraordinary oppression. ====== COUGH. [27] ====== {{anchor:s162}}Sputa dark, bloody, or blood-streaked. ====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ====== {{anchor:s164}}Pain in chest and back, with burning and boring.\\ {{anchor:s165}}Pinching-pressive pain in region of diaphragm, extending transversely through chest when walking.\\ {{anchor:s166}}Boring pain in right chest anteriorly, near seventh rib. {{anchor:s167}}~ Pregnancy.\\ {{anchor:s168}}Boring and burning in chest; backache.\\ {{anchor:s169}}Flushes of heat in chest and head.\\ {{anchor:s170}}(In sick:) Intolerable heat on chest. ====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ====== {{anchor:s172}}Violent beating of heart. {{anchor:s173}}~ Endocarditis with gastritis.\\ {{anchor:s174}}Pulse: contracted, somewhat spasmodic, and at times small and intermittent; sinking. ====== OUTER CHEST. [30] ====== {{anchor:s176}}Fine stitches in centre of sternum, not affected by breathing. ====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ====== {{anchor:s178}}Tensive pressure on right side of neck near cervical vertebrae, in motion and rest.\\ {{anchor:s179}}Pain in left side of back, as after stooping too long. ====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ====== {{anchor:s181}}Paralytic weariness and weakness in right arm.\\ {{anchor:s182}}Laming-tearing pressure of right forearm; more towards outer side, at times more in upper part; passes off by motion and touch.\\ {{anchor:s183}}Tearing in metacarpal bones of right fore and middle fingers.\\ {{anchor:s184}}Fine tearing in finger tips of right hand, particularly under nails.\\ {{anchor:s185}}Arms bluish, lame, weak.\\ {{anchor:s186}}Tearing and pressure in right shoulder.\\ {{anchor:s187}}Lameness and pressure of right arm, especially in carpal bones.\\ {{anchor:s188}}Hands feel weak, as if he could not hold pen. ====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ====== {{anchor:s190}}Bluish thighs.\\ {{anchor:s191}}Tearing pain below external malleolus of right foot, terminating at tendo-achillis.\\ {{anchor:s192}}Tearing: in toes; in heels, more left.\\ {{anchor:s193}}Corrosive itching near tibia and backs of both feet near joints, which become much agg. on scratching; is obliged to scratch himself till it bleeds. ====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ====== {{anchor:s195}}Screwing, boring, tearing pressure in bones of Hands and feet.\\ {{anchor:s196}}Hands and feet contracted spasmodically.\\ {{anchor:s197}}Blue color of forearm and thighs.\\ {{anchor:s198}}Marked dryness of palms of hands and soles of feet. ====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ====== {{anchor:s202}}Sitting: pain left side of back.\\ {{anchor:s203}}Lying down and during rest: headache worse.\\ {{anchor:s204}}Must bend backward from pressure in spine.\\ {{anchor:s205}}Running about: pain in molar teeth better.\\ {{anchor:s206}}Motion: headache amel.; lame forearm amel.; most symptoms disappear.\\ {{anchor:s207}}Violent exercise: vertigo.\\ {{anchor:s208}}Walking: pain in region of diaphragm extends transversely through chest. ====== NERVES. [36] ====== {{anchor:s210}}Restless, moving about; anxiety.\\ {{anchor:s211}}All muscles of body, particularly those of legs, from toes to thighs, spasmodically contracted.\\ {{anchor:s212}}(In sick:) Constant tremor.\\ {{anchor:s213}}Great debility; languor; prostration. ====== SLEEP. [37] ====== {{anchor:s215}}In morning, a few hours after rising, an excessive sleepiness; but after eating he was unable to take his accustomed nap for several days.\\ {{anchor:s216}}Drowsy while working.\\ {{anchor:s217}}Frequent waking at night: as from fright; as from tire.\\ {{anchor:s218}}Restless sleep; lascivious, vivid dreams, sometimes without, more frequently with seminal emission.\\ {{anchor:s219}}Starts in sleep; thinks that he is falling; awakes in a fright.\\ {{anchor:s220}}Sleep unrefreshing. ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s222}}Morning: dizziness; great drowsiness; flushes of heat after rising.\\ {{anchor:s223}}Afternoon: headache worse.\\ {{anchor:s224}}Evening: great thirst for cold drinks; ineffectual urging to stool, white tongue without thirst.\\ {{anchor:s225}}Night: inflammation of throat awakens; pollutions without erections; awakens frequently. ====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ====== {{anchor:s227}}Cold drinks and bathing: headache better.\\ {{anchor:s228}}Holding cold water in mouth: toothache better.\\ {{anchor:s229}}When water in mouth becomes warm: toothache worse.\\ {{anchor:s230}}Cold water: relieves faceache.\\ {{anchor:s231}}Summer complaints.\\ {{anchor:s232}}Headaches return in winter. ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s234}}Chilliness.\\ {{anchor:s235}}Chilliness intermittent, periodical.\\ {{anchor:s236}}Chill, with deathly coldness of whole body.\\ {{anchor:s237}}Flushes of heat over whole body, mostly on head and chest, after rising in morning.\\ {{anchor:s238}}External dry, burning heat.\\ {{anchor:s239}}Heat in entire body, with accelerated, contracted pulse; temperature not increased; no perspiration; coated tongue; vertigo; pressure in forehead and reddened conjunctiva.\\ {{anchor:s240}}Disagreeable heat in chest; vertigo; drowsiness; vomiting; diarrhea, or constipation. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s242}}Right: headache above orbit; pressure in eyeball; hard lumps between navel and edges of lower ribs of side; pain in chest near 7th rib; pressure side of neck; weakness of arm; lameness of forearm; tearing in metacarpal bones of fore and middle fingers; fine tearing in finger tips; tearing pressure in shoulder; tearing in foot.\\ {{anchor:s243}}Left: pressure and drawing in meatus auditorius externus; tumefaction of gum and side of tongue; pain side of back; tearing in heel.\\ {{anchor:s244}}Within outward: frontal headache.\\ {{anchor:s245}}Before backward: pressure in right eyeball.\\ {{anchor:s246}}Below upward: pressure in right eyeball. ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s248}}As if an anterior half of brain was turning in a circle.\\ {{anchor:s249}}Cutting: in brain.\\ {{anchor:s250}}Stitches: in sternum.\\ {{anchor:s251}}Stinging: in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s252}}Boring: in forehead, orbits and root of nose; in chest and back; in right chest; in bones of hands and feet.\\ {{anchor:s253}}Screwing: in bones of hands and feet.\\ {{anchor:s254}}Pinching: in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s255}}Drawing: in left external meatus.\\ {{anchor:s256}}Tearing: in uvula; in metacarpal bones of right fore and middle fingers; in finger tips; in right shoulder; below external malleolus of right foot; in toes; in heels.\\ {{anchor:s257}}Burning: in throat; in uvula; in stomach; in chest and back.\\ {{anchor:s258}}Pressing: in forehead; in stomach; in head, here and there; in right eyeball; in left external meatus; in malar bones; in spine; in abdomen; in right shoulder; of right arm.\\ {{anchor:s259}}Laming-tearing pressure: of right forearm.\\ {{anchor:s260}}Tensive pressure: on right side of neck.\\ {{anchor:s261}}Pinching pressure: in lower abdomen; in region of diaphragm.\\ {{anchor:s262}}Crampy pains: in stomach; in hands and feet.\\ {{anchor:s263}}Undefined pains: in umbilical region; in chest and back; in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s264}}Heat: in chest.\\ {{anchor:s265}}Contraction: in forehead; eyes and nose.\\ {{anchor:s266}}Distension: in forehead, eyes and nose.\\ {{anchor:s267}}Heaviness: of head; weight in forehead, temple and occiput; at root of nose.\\ {{anchor:s268}}Itching: corrosive near tibia and bones of both feet near joints.\\ {{anchor:s269}}Paralytic sensation: in right arm. ====== TISSUES. [44] ====== {{anchor:s271}}Tearing and pressing in bones of hands and feet.\\ {{anchor:s272}}Gastric affections.\\ {{anchor:s273}}Has been given in cancer of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s274}}Anemia.\\ {{anchor:s275}}Spasmodic affections of muscles of face and extremities. ====== TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. [45] ====== {{anchor:s279}}Touch: headache amel.; abdomen painful; lameness right forearm better.\\ {{anchor:s280}}Scratching: agg. itching on feet. ====== SKIN. [46] ====== {{anchor:s282}}Itch-like eruption; anemia.\\ {{anchor:s283}}Dry gangrene; delirium.\\ {{anchor:s284}}Ulcers gangrenous, bluish; or dried, parchment-like.\\ {{anchor:s285}}Corrosive itching on side of tibia. {{anchor:s286}}See 33. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s288}}Antidotes to Bismuth: Calc. ostr., Capsic., Coffee, Nux. vom.\\ {{anchor:s289}}Bismuth is isomorphic with Ant. crud., Arsen., Phosphor.\\ {{anchor:s290}}Compare: Ant. crud. (vomiting, white tongue, gastritis); Arsen. (anxiety, gastritis, cancer, gangrene, vomiting, etc.); Bellad. (gastralgia, cancer, flatus "in ridges," etc.); Bryon. (toothache, gastritis); Calc. ostr., Capsic., Cinchon., Ignat., Kali carb., Kreosot. (cancer, vomiting, cholera infantum); Laches. (sore throat, sleep, ulcers); Lycop., Mercur., Nux vom. (gastralgia, urging to stool); Phosphor. (vomiting, gastralgia); Plumbum (abdomen in ridges, gastralgia, better bending backward, heart disease, etc.); Pulsat., Rhus tox. (effect of motion); Sepia, Silic., Staphis.\\ {{anchor:s291}}Useful after Evonymus. {{anchor:s292}}~ Headache. ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 02, 1880 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r219|Bismuthum subnitricum]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r219|Bismuthum subnitricum]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C. | ^ Year: | 1880 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}