====== CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA ====== {{anchor:s1}}Calcarea Phosphorica. {{anchor:s2}}The Phosphate of Calcium. {{anchor:s3}}This salt of lime was prepared and proved as follows: {{anchor:s4}}1. Pyrophosphoric acid in the vitreous state dissolved in distilled water by drops in lime water until the water acted neutral, the gelatinous deposit dried with filtering paper. {{anchor:s5}}Proved in 3d and 30th. {{anchor:s6}}Contains several combinations of Phosph. ac. and Calcarea. {{anchor:s7}}2. Freitag: Calcined bones powdered in diluted sulphuric acid dissolved till saturated, filtered, precipitated by carbonate of ammonia, washed with water. {{anchor:s8}}Proved by the Allentown Academy in 3d and 30th. {{anchor:s9}}Contains a potency of sulphate of ammonia. {{anchor:s10}}3. Lappe: Pure phosphoric acid prepared from bones, saturated with ammonia till it commences to act on reddened litmus. {{anchor:s11}}Standing for several days, it forms a sediment of alumina, ferrum, calcarea, or all that may be contained in it; it is then filtered, diluted and a solution of calc. mur. added, which is discontinued before it ceases to precipitate; it is then washed, filtered, and after drying slightly heated in a platina crucible to drive off the last remains of amm. mur. {{anchor:s12}}This was potentized by Lappe and Jenichen, and proved by Schreter. {{anchor:s13}}4. Beneke: Phosphate of soda and muriate of lime; the precipitate washed. {{anchor:s14}}Contains potencies of natr. mur. {{anchor:s15}}5. Gruner separated a neutral combination by adding to one part calc. acetica one and a half of natr. phosph., washing it well. {{anchor:s16}}This never will remove all the acetate of sodium. {{anchor:s17}}6. Cate: Five parts of calcined ox bones, finely powdered, well mixed with six parts of oxalic acid and twenty to thirty of distilled water. {{anchor:s18}}After standing, filtered to separate the oxalate of lime. {{anchor:s19}}The phosphoric acid decanted and bi- carbonate of soda added till acid reaction ceased. {{anchor:s20}}Evaporated till phosphate of soda crystallized; a clear solution of pulverized oyster shells in boiling acetic acid till neutral, evaporated and crystallized. {{anchor:s21}}Each of the two separately dissolved and solutions mixed, washed or dried. {{anchor:s22}}Some acetate of sodium will remain. {{anchor:s23}}The same as Gruner's. {{anchor:s24}}In 1833 Calcarea phosphorica mixta cured the broken femur of an old man. {{anchor:s25}}In 1834 provings of this preparation by Gideon Humphreys, Green, Bute and others, published in Correspondenzblatt, Jahr, etc. {{anchor:s26}}In 1835 provings in Allentown of Freitag's preparation. {{anchor:s27}}In 1846 Schreter's provings of Jenichen 30 published in Archiv, 23. {{anchor:s28}}In 1850 Beneke's experiments. {{anchor:s29}}See British Quarterly, xvii, 41, 637. {{anchor:s30}}In 1858 Cate in Transactions of the American Institute, 15th meeting, in Brooklyn. ====== MIND. [1] ====== {{anchor:s32}}A lack of definiteness or total loss of memory.\\ {{anchor:s33}}Forgetfullness, forgets what he has done a short while ago.\\ {{anchor:s34}}Writes wrong words, or same words twice.\\ {{anchor:s35}}Dullness: with every headache; agg. from bodily exertion; amel. from cold washing; from mental occupation.\\ {{anchor:s36}}Obtuse intellect; difficulty in performing intellectual operations; cannot clearly distinguish.\\ {{anchor:s37}}Stupidity; indifference; cretinism.\\ {{anchor:s38}}Likes to be alone.\\ {{anchor:s39}}She wishes to be at home, and, when at home, to go out; goes from place to place.\\ {{anchor:s40}}Involuntary sighing.\\ {{anchor:s41}}Often screaming and grasping with hands; cold sweat in face, body cold; children with open fontanelles.\\ {{anchor:s42}}Does not want to do what he has to do.\\ {{anchor:s43}}Feels as if she had been frightened.\\ {{anchor:s44}}Anxiousness with other complaints.\\ {{anchor:s45}}Anxiety of children: in pit of stomach; with bellyache; with chest complaints; with palpitation.\\ {{anchor:s46}}Peevish and fretful children. {{anchor:s47}}~ Cholera infantum.\\ {{anchor:s48}}Inclined to indignation and anger.\\ {{anchor:s49}}Feel complaints more when thinking about them.\\ {{anchor:s50}}Unpleasant news brings him beside himself; sweat breaks out.\\ {{anchor:s51}}Ailments from grief, disappointed love.\\ {{anchor:s52}}After vexation depressed; cannot work, walks as if lame; looseness of bowels. ====== SENSORIUM. [2] ====== {{anchor:s54}}Feeling of fullness and confusion, or a dullness accompanying headache.\\ {{anchor:s55}}Vertigo: on motion; when getting up, or rising from sitting; when walking in open air; agg. in windy weather; with costiveness of old people; dull headache, nausea, complaints of eyes, neck, aching limbs; with whites before menses.\\ {{anchor:s56}}Old people stagger when getting up from sitting. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s58}}Fullness and pressure in head, agg. from pressure of hat.\\ {{anchor:s59}}Pressure above eyes and towards them.\\ {{anchor:s60}}Headache over forehead, with tearing pains in arms and hands, most in wrists and right middle finger.\\ {{anchor:s61}}Headache on vertex and behind ears, with a drawing in muscles of neck, to nape and occiput.\\ {{anchor:s62}}Heat in head; burning on top, running down to toes.\\ {{anchor:s63}}Headache, throbbing through both sides, most after quick motion.\\ {{anchor:s64}}Aching, drawing pains around lateral protuberances of occiput.\\ {{anchor:s65}}Dullness with every headache; amel. from cold washing and mental occupation; agg. from bodily exertion.\\ {{anchor:s66}}Headache: with gastric symptoms, with uterine complaints, or following other sensations; in peevish and fretful children; agg. from change of weather, extending from forehead to nose, or from temples to jaw, with some rheumatic feelings from clavicles to wrists; agg. when thinking about it, and in morning; amel. from cold washing and mental occupation.\\ {{anchor:s67}}Headache of schoolgirls, with diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s68}}Rheumatic headache; agg. at night.\\ {{anchor:s69}}Hyperemia of brain.\\ {{anchor:s70}}Acute and chronic hydrocephalus and hydrocephaloid. {{anchor:s71}}~ Cholera infantum.\\ {{anchor:s72}}Hydrocephalus congenitus.\\ {{anchor:s73}}Sensation as if brain was pressed against skull. {{anchor:s74}}~ Fungus of cranium.\\ {{anchor:s75}}Meningitis involving bony structure of spine.\\ {{anchor:s76}}Idiopathic fungus of dura mater.\\ {{anchor:s77}}Stupid look, taking no interest in anything, keeps eyes shut, always agg. in wane of day, great inclination for salt meat or potatoes; fontanelles too much open. {{anchor:s78}}~ Incipient hydrocephalus.\\ {{anchor:s79}}Chronic hydrocephalus.\\ {{anchor:s80}}Brain fag. ====== OUTER HEAD. [4] ====== {{anchor:s82}}Headache; head feels and is cold to touch.\\ {{anchor:s83}}Sore pain, drawing, rending, tearing in bones of skull, most along sutures of skull, particularly between frontal and parietal bones, or around temporal bones.\\ {{anchor:s84}}Crawls run over top of head; as if ice was lying on upper occiput.\\ {{anchor:s85}}Head is hot, with smarting of roots of hair.\\ {{anchor:s86}}Affections of bony structure of skull.\\ {{anchor:s87}}Skull very soft and thin, crackling like paper when pressed upon. {{anchor:s88}}~ Cholera infantum.\\ {{anchor:s89}}Fontanelles remain open too long, or close and reopen.\\ {{anchor:s90}}Nonunion of bones in fracture of skull, particularly in the aged.\\ {{anchor:s91}}Depression on occipital bone. {{anchor:s92}}~ Sanguineous occipital tumor.\\ {{anchor:s93}}(OBS:) Cranio tabes.\\ {{anchor:s94}}Encephalocele.\\ {{anchor:s95}}Cannot hold bead up; moves it from place to place; head totters.\\ {{anchor:s96}}Tied feeling or tension in scalp of forehead.\\ {{anchor:s97}}Itching black scurfs; poor crop of hair, or losing hair.\\ {{anchor:s98}}Scalp sore, hurts; creeping, numbness, or cold crawls, coldness on occiput.\\ {{anchor:s99}}Impetigo on scalp.\\ {{anchor:s100}}Scrofulous ulcers on top of head. ====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ====== {{anchor:s102}}Light, particularly candle or gaslight, hurts eyes.\\ {{anchor:s103}}Letters change into little black points, or small round grey spots, or as if a little bird was flying from left to right.\\ {{anchor:s104}}Shimmering, glittering, fiery circles; dreams of fire.\\ {{anchor:s105}}Veil over eyes; eyes misty. {{anchor:s106}}~ Amaurosis and cataract.\\ {{anchor:s107}}Eyeballs hurt; aching as if beaten.\\ {{anchor:s108}}Cool feeling towards or back of eyes.\\ {{anchor:s109}}Sensation in eye, as if something was in it; renewed if others talk about it.\\ {{anchor:s110}}Squinting distortion of eyeballs, as if it was from pressure; eyeballs seem distended, they protrude somewhat.\\ {{anchor:s111}}Eyes red, capillary vessels visible in streaks from corners to cornea.\\ {{anchor:s112}}Conjunctivitis. {{anchor:s113}}~ Dentition.\\ {{anchor:s114}}Ulcers and spots on cornea.\\ {{anchor:s115}}Left eye much inflamed, cornea hazy, particularly upper portion, and traversed by red vessels; photophobia. {{anchor:s116}}~ Keratitis after variola.\\ {{anchor:s117}}Eyes water, most with gaping.\\ {{anchor:s118}}Furuncle between right eyebrow and upper lid, eye inflamed, lids falling or closed, most in morning.\\ {{anchor:s119}}Hot feeling in lids.\\ {{anchor:s120}}Sweat of brows and lids.\\ {{anchor:s121}}(OBS:) Spasm of eyelids. ====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ====== {{anchor:s123}}Singing and other noises, most in right ear.\\ {{anchor:s124}}Difficult hearing.\\ {{anchor:s125}}Earache, tearing, shooting, jerking pain; alternating or associated with rheumatic complaints.\\ {{anchor:s126}}Excoriating discharge from ears.\\ {{anchor:s127}}Heat of inner and outer ear.\\ {{anchor:s128}}Burning itching of outer ear in warm room.\\ {{anchor:s129}}Outer ears cold; cold and aching, or hot and aching.\\ {{anchor:s130}}Cold feeling or coldness of ears, followed by throbbing, heat and hard hearing.\\ {{anchor:s131}}Ears cold; point of nose cold.\\ {{anchor:s132}}Pimples on ears.\\ {{anchor:s133}}Soreness in and around ears.\\ {{anchor:s134}}Inner and outer ear swollen, red, sore, itching and hot.\\ {{anchor:s135}}Aching, pressing, tearing, rending in and around ears; most behind or below.\\ {{anchor:s136}}Burning pain on a small spot over right ear, highly sensitive to slightest touch.\\ {{anchor:s137}}All bones around ears ache and hurt; shooting outward.\\ {{anchor:s138}}Pain in processus zygomaticus.\\ {{anchor:s139}}Aching, sore pain in region of parotid glands.\\ {{anchor:s140}}Large ulcers above or around ears and in region of parotid glands. ====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ====== {{anchor:s142}}Tickling in nose and sneezing.\\ {{anchor:s143}}Streaks of blood; nose bleeding in afternoon.\\ {{anchor:s144}}Biting stinging in front corner of left nostril, later right nostril; sneezing and running of tears.\\ {{anchor:s145}}Sneezing and soreness on edges of alae, fluent coryza, in forenoon.\\ {{anchor:s146}}Coryza: fluent in cold room; stopped in warm air and out-doors.\\ {{anchor:s147}}Chronic catarrh, with scrofulous children.\\ {{anchor:s148}}(OBS:) Ozaena scrofulosa.\\ {{anchor:s149}}Large pedunculated nasal polypi.\\ {{anchor:s150}}Swollen nose with sore nostrils, small abscesses, ulcers, in scrofulous children.\\ {{anchor:s151}}Point of nose: icy cold; itching. ====== UPPER FACE. [8] ====== {{anchor:s153}}Faceache (neuralgic rheumatic) agg. at night.\\ {{anchor:s154}}Pain in face, particularly in upper jaw bone, from right to left; extends from other parts to face, or from face to other parts.\\ {{anchor:s155}}Face: pale; sallow; yellowish; earthy; full of pimples.\\ {{anchor:s156}}Complexion dirty white or brownish. {{anchor:s157}}~ Cholera infantum.\\ {{anchor:s158}}Heat in face: in evening; with chill or other complaints.\\ {{anchor:s159}}Cold sweat on face; body cold.\\ {{anchor:s160}}Coppery face, full of pimples.\\ {{anchor:s161}}(In sick:) Warts on mouth. ====== LOWER FACE. [9] ====== {{anchor:s163}}Swollen upper lip; painful, hard and burning.\\ {{anchor:s164}}(In sick:) Swelling of submaxillary glands with soreness. ====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ====== {{anchor:s166}}Teeth and Gums\\ {{anchor:s167}}Teeth sensitive to chewing.\\ {{anchor:s168}}Pain in eye and stomach teeth.\\ {{anchor:s169}}Shooting in molars; all hollow teeth cannot bear air.\\ {{anchor:s170}}Toothache, with tearing, boring pain at night; agg. from warm and cold things.\\ {{anchor:s171}}Too rapid decay of teeth.\\ {{anchor:s172}}Slowness in teething; also in closing of fontanelles: complaints during teething.\\ {{anchor:s173}}Slow dentition, with cold tumors and emaciation.\\ {{anchor:s174}}(OBS:) Convulsions without fever during dentition. ====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ====== {{anchor:s176}}Foul taste and smell.\\ {{anchor:s177}}Flabby sweetish taste.\\ {{anchor:s178}}Disgusting taste when getting awake; agg. when hawking.\\ {{anchor:s179}}Bitter taste: in morning, with headache; particularly of wheat bread; at setting in of menses.\\ {{anchor:s180}}Tip of tongue sore, burning, little blisters on it.\\ {{anchor:s181}}Tongue swollen, numb, stiff; with pimples.\\ {{anchor:s182}}Tongue white furred at root, most in morning. ====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ====== {{anchor:s184}}A sore spot inside of right cheek.\\ {{anchor:s185}}Dryness of mouth and tongue, into choanae; with or without thirst.\\ {{anchor:s186}}Running of saliva with fluent coryza. ====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ====== {{anchor:s188}}Sensation of weakness or emptiness in fauces and throat.\\ {{anchor:s189}}Fauces and uvula red and swollen; warm drink does not hurt.\\ {{anchor:s190}}Sore aching in throat; agg. when swallowing.\\ {{anchor:s191}}It hurts to swallow saliva, not food.\\ {{anchor:s192}}When swallowing, pain in tongue, fauces, pharynx, chest and pit of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s193}}Dryness in throat at night.\\ {{anchor:s194}}Sore throat: with tickling cough in evening; agg. after going to bed; with fluent coryza.\\ {{anchor:s195}}Pains and burning from other parts towards throat.\\ {{anchor:s196}}Hawking up phlegm late in evening, at night and in morning, with gagging.\\ {{anchor:s197}}Diphtheria; first to reduce fever and limit inflammation of throat.\\ {{anchor:s198}}Chronic swelling of tonsils.\\ {{anchor:s199}}Chronic enlargement of tonsils in strumous subjects. ====== APPETITE, THIRST. DESIRES, AVERSIONS. [14] ====== {{anchor:s202}}Unusual hunger at 4 P. M.\\ {{anchor:s203}}No appetite from noon to noon, but thinking about it, she wants to eat.\\ {{anchor:s204}}Complete want of appetite before or during menses.\\ {{anchor:s205}}Much thirst, with dry mouth and tongue, during after-part of day.\\ {{anchor:s206}}Infants want to nurse all the time. ====== EATING AND DRINKING. [15] ====== {{anchor:s208}}Eating ice-cream in evening gives him colic, and he has to vomit next morning.\\ {{anchor:s209}}Juicy fruit or cider causes diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s210}}At every attempt to eat, bellyache.\\ {{anchor:s211}}After breakfast belching, hawking, gagging, nausea.\\ {{anchor:s212}}With his dinner vertigo and loss of memory.\\ {{anchor:s213}}After meals, more after dinner, headache or drowsiness, weariness, itching, dull pain in stomach, with soreness when pressing on it; heartburn and other gastric symptoms.\\ {{anchor:s214}}After supper pressure in rectum with a stool, first part hard, the last thin.\\ {{anchor:s215}}After drinking cold water, cutting in belly. ====== HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. [16] ====== {{anchor:s217}}Sour belching and gulping up.\\ {{anchor:s218}}After belching, burning in epigastrium.\\ {{anchor:s219}}Heartburn one to two hours after dinner.\\ {{anchor:s220}}Nausea from smoking, or after drinking coffee.\\ {{anchor:s221}}Nausea, rising from pit of stomach when moving, amel. during rest, followed by headache and lassitude.\\ {{anchor:s222}}Vomiturition from hawking phlegm.\\ {{anchor:s223}}Vomiting, with trembling of hands.\\ {{anchor:s224}}Children vomit often and easily. ====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ====== {{anchor:s226}}Empty sinking sensation at epigastrium.\\ {{anchor:s227}}Indescribable uneasiness in region of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s228}}Stomach feels expanded.\\ {{anchor:s229}}Flabbiness or a kind of relaxation of stomach. {{anchor:s230}}Compare 13.\\ {{anchor:s231}}Pressure in stomach; amel. when she rests.\\ {{anchor:s232}}Burning at stomach, and rising of water into mouth.\\ {{anchor:s233}}Sharp cutting or cramplike pain in stomach, with headache.\\ {{anchor:s234}}Violent pain in stomach, with great debility, headache and diarrhea; pain is excited by introducing least morsel of food into stomach. ====== HYPOCHONDRIA. [18] ====== {{anchor:s236}}Hardness, soreness and pressure in right side.\\ {{anchor:s237}}Throbbing in right hypochondrium; amel. after belching or passing wind.\\ {{anchor:s238}}Stitches shooting in region of liver when taking a deep breath.\\ {{anchor:s239}}Pressure and soreness in left side.\\ {{anchor:s240}}(OBS:) After liver complaints, dropsy.\\ {{anchor:s241}}Sharp pain in region of spleen. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s243}}Empty sinking sensation around navel, or in whole belly.\\ {{anchor:s244}}Burning in epigastrium, in region of navel, in whole abdomen, rising up into chest and throat.\\ {{anchor:s245}}Aching soreness and pain around navel; amel. after fetid wind passes off.\\ {{anchor:s246}}Oozing of a bloody fluid from navel of infants.\\ {{anchor:s247}}Severe pain in region of transverse colon at 3 P. M.\\ {{anchor:s248}}Pinching, shooting, stitches, running, kicking, moving in left side of belly.\\ {{anchor:s249}}Cutting, pinching, sharp colic, followed by diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s250}}Bellyache amel. after passing wind, after stool or after leucorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s251}}Abdominal pains, with headache, earache, hot face; pain in groins, looseness of bowels, weary legs, crawls; or in alternation with headache, burning in throat, uterine pains, lassitude.\\ {{anchor:s252}}Motion in belly as of something alive.\\ {{anchor:s253}}Incipient mesenteric tabes, with much diarrhea, fetid, sometimes lienteric stools.\\ {{anchor:s254}}Abdominal wall: tingling, numb; quivering, or aching.\\ {{anchor:s255}}Aching soreness, cutting, drawing in left groin, later in right.\\ {{anchor:s256}}Warm feeling in groins, burning, aching pain.\\ {{anchor:s257}}(OBS:) Abdominal hernia, in anemic patients. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s259}}Offensive flatus.\\ {{anchor:s260}}Juicy fruit or cider causes diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s261}}Diarrhea after vexation, with headache of schoolgirls; with flatulence; offensive pus with stools.\\ {{anchor:s262}}Diarrhea, with much flatulence, during dentition. {{anchor:s263}}~ Cholera infantum.\\ {{anchor:s264}}Daily watery, very hot stools.\\ {{anchor:s265}}Stools: green and loose, sometimes slimy, with children; soft, passed with difficulty; hot and watery; white and mushy.\\ {{anchor:s266}}Stools, in which there were many small white points or flakes, like pus, scarcely perceptible.\\ {{anchor:s267}}Mornings copious soft stool; renewed urgency directly on wiping, after which a little more was evacuated.\\ {{anchor:s268}}Very offensive diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s269}}Hard stool, with depression of mind; with old people, causing vertigo and headache.\\ {{anchor:s270}}Hard stools with much blood.\\ {{anchor:s271}}After stools buzzing in ears; weak feeling in male sexual parts.\\ {{anchor:s272}}Bleeding after stool, or with a soft stool followed by slime; protrusion of piles.\\ {{anchor:s273}}Watery looseness day and night, with an urging for stool every 15 minutes.\\ {{anchor:s274}}Heaviness and urging with costiveness or after looseness.\\ {{anchor:s275}}(OBS:) Removes the disposition to intestinal worms in anemic or weakly patients.\\ {{anchor:s276}}Protruding piles aching, itching and sore; oozing of a yellow fluid, and bleeding.\\ {{anchor:s277}}Single stitches in rectum towards anus, or shooting in anus.\\ {{anchor:s278}}Warmth, burning, pulsating in anus; bearing down towards anus.\\ {{anchor:s279}}Sore feeling in anus when getting up in morning.\\ {{anchor:s280}}Itching in anus, most in evening.\\ {{anchor:s281}}Small furuncle near anus to right with much pain; cannot sit; has to stand or lie on left side; discharges bloody pus and there remains a painless fistula. {{anchor:s282}}(Two provers.)\\ {{anchor:s283}}Fistula ani alternating with chest symptoms; Fistula ani, in persons who have pains in joints with every spell of cold, stormy weather.\\ {{anchor:s284}}Fissures of anus, in tall slim, light complexioned children who form bone and teeth slowly. ====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ====== {{anchor:s286}}Dropsy, after kidney disease.\\ {{anchor:s287}}Violent pain in region of kidneys, when lifting, or when blowing nose.\\ {{anchor:s288}}A painful sensation in neck of bladder, like that when having the stream suddenly stopped.\\ {{anchor:s289}}Sore aching in bladder; agg. after making water.\\ {{anchor:s290}}Pressing pain most or right side of bladder.\\ {{anchor:s291}}Shooting in mouth of bladder.\\ {{anchor:s292}}Violent pain in bladder and all neighboring parts (prostata) with a weak stream of water.\\ {{anchor:s293}}Cutting pains in urethra.\\ {{anchor:s294}}Frequent urging to urinate.\\ {{anchor:s295}}Frequent quantities of urine, with a sensation of weakness.\\ {{anchor:s296}}Before urinating: cutting in bladder; pressing down; cutting in urethra.\\ {{anchor:s297}}While urinating: drawing in female bladder upward; burning and hardness in male urethra.\\ {{anchor:s298}}After urinating: cutting and burning in male urethra; pressing and cutting in female bladder, deep into left; relaxation and weakness of male organs.\\ {{anchor:s299}}In diabetes mellitus where lungs were implicated; of very great service not only to lungs but also in diminishing quantity of urine and lowering its specific gravity.\\ {{anchor:s300}}A pressure in abdomen, with difficulty in preventing escape of urine.\\ {{anchor:s301}}(OBS:) Wetting bed, with general debility.\\ {{anchor:s302}}Dark urine; warmer than usual and of a penetrating odor.\\ {{anchor:s303}}Diaper reddish-yellow.\\ {{anchor:s304}}Increase of urine, with flocculent sediment.\\ {{anchor:s305}}(OBS:) Bright's disease of kidneys, if indicated by concomitant symptoms. ====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ====== {{anchor:s307}}Sexual desire increased with some; with others decreased.\\ {{anchor:s308}}Erection painful, with burning in urethra, and a tension in penis, in evening.\\ {{anchor:s309}}Erection while riding in a carriage, without desire\\ {{anchor:s310}}(In sick:) One or two emissions three nights in succession put him completely out of humor and prostrated him.\\ {{anchor:s311}}Shooting in root of penis and bladder.\\ {{anchor:s312}}Shooting through perineum and into penis.\\ {{anchor:s313}}Itching of scrotum; sweating; soreness; pimples.\\ {{anchor:s314}}Scrotum sore, oozing of a fluid.\\ {{anchor:s315}}Swelling of testicles.\\ {{anchor:s316}}(OBS:) Hydrocele.\\ {{anchor:s317}}Chronic gonorrhea, in anemic subjects. ====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ====== {{anchor:s319}}Nymphomania; all organs in erection, with insatiable desire, particularly before menses.\\ {{anchor:s320}}Voluptuous feeling as if all female parts were filling up with blood; she feels pulse in all parts, with increased sexual desire.\\ {{anchor:s321}}Clitoris erect after urination, with sexual desire.\\ {{anchor:s322}}Aching in uterus, in morning.\\ {{anchor:s323}}Pressing in uterus, increased sexual desire, aching in neck of bladder, prostration.\\ {{anchor:s324}}Weakness and distress in region of uterus; agg. during passage of stool and urine.\\ {{anchor:s325}}Cutting pain in uterus through to sacrum.\\ {{anchor:s326}}Prolapsus agg. during stool, micturition or menses.\\ {{anchor:s327}}(OBS:) Prolapsus in debilitated persons.\\ {{anchor:s328}}Uterine displacement combined with rheumatic pains.\\ {{anchor:s329}}Cervix and os swollen, red and painful; (even after maltreatment with "caustic"), shot-like bunches to digital touch; visible under mucous surface as bright red spots. {{anchor:s330}}~ Uterine disease.\\ {{anchor:s331}}Uterine polypus.\\ {{anchor:s332}}Pressing, drawing and sore feeling as if menses should appear; soreness, aching, pressure in uterus and vagina; in loins, flushes of heat; fatigued from going up-stairs; pain from right groin into left hip.\\ {{anchor:s333}}Less menses, more whites like white of eggs, day and night, agg. in morning, after rising, of a sweetish odor; increased with stool, white and of a bad odor.\\ {{anchor:s334}}Menses: too early, blood bright, with girls; too late, blood dark, or first bright, then dark with women.\\ {{anchor:s335}}Mensesl blood dark, especially with rheumatic patients.\\ {{anchor:s336}}Menses every two weeks, black and clotted.\\ {{anchor:s337}}Labor-like pains before and during menses.\\ {{anchor:s338}}Before menses: great sexual desire, followed by a copious flow; headache three to seven days before; griping and rumbling in bowels; stitching pain in left side of head; whites with sleepiness during day.\\ {{anchor:s339}}During menses: vertigo and throbbing in forehead; blood rushes to head; throbbing headache increasing after; over os pubis pressure; want of appetite, bellyache and diarrhea, backache; shooting, lower limbs heavy, weary, overfatigued, going up-stairs feels stiff all over.\\ {{anchor:s340}}After menses: throbbing headache increases; want of appetite; backache and aching in lower limbs; whites.\\ {{anchor:s341}}Menorrhagia: menses every two weeks, black and clotted; before their appearance griping rumbling in bowels and leucorrhea; stitching pain in left side of head; sleepiness during day.\\ {{anchor:s342}}Leucorrhea like white of egg, day and night.\\ {{anchor:s343}}Cream-like whites pass from her in afternoon, unconsciously.\\ {{anchor:s344}}Whites for two weeks after menses, or from one term to another.\\ {{anchor:s345}}Leucorrhea: increases in ratio that menses decrease; pain and pressure in genitals; every cold causes rheumatic pains; acne, full of yellow pus; dirty complexion; mental anxiety; fault finding; flatulency; hemorrhoids oozing a watery fluid; fistula in ano; burning in epigastrium; weak, sinking feeling in abdomen; useful for young ladies who have been crossed in love.\\ {{anchor:s346}}Tearing from right side of navel, more upward than downward, with anxiety of mind; was gone as soon as leucorrhea appeared.\\ {{anchor:s347}}Burning in vagina, with pain on both sides of bladder or uterus; burning like fire up into chest.\\ {{anchor:s348}}Pains from navel and other parts drawing to vagina.\\ {{anchor:s349}}Sore aching, warm feeling between external labia, stitching pain in inner labia.\\ {{anchor:s350}}Pain in vagina, with flushes and faintness.\\ {{anchor:s351}}Aching in vagina after nose-bleeding.\\ {{anchor:s352}}Swelling of external parts and vagina, when awaking.\\ {{anchor:s353}}Throbbing, stinging, tickling, sore aching or pressing in genitals, drawing upward in symphysis, downward in thighs.\\ {{anchor:s354}}Drawing pain from right to left over pubes, with discharge of some blood; followed by earache, first left then right.\\ {{anchor:s355}}Over mons veneris a pressure upward, throbbing or other sensations. ====== PREGNANCY. PARTURITION. LACTATION. [24] ====== {{anchor:s359}}Complained as in first period of pregnancy, a drawing aching in region of navel, extending to sacral region, agg. in forenoon; heartburn up into throat, soreness in right groin, and a kicking quivering over os pubis.\\ {{anchor:s360}}Weariness in all limbs during pregnancy.\\ {{anchor:s361}}Milk changeable, from alkaline to neutral, or to acid; watery and thin.\\ {{anchor:s362}}Mamma sore to touch, feel as if larger, as during last half of pregnancy.\\ {{anchor:s363}}Pains and burning in mamma.\\ {{anchor:s364}}Nipples aching; sore.\\ {{anchor:s365}}Child refuses breast, milk has a saltish taste; trying it, taste remains long in mouth.\\ {{anchor:s366}}During pregnancy: to prevent recurrence of hydrocephalus in future children. ====== VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. [25] ====== {{anchor:s369}}Hoarseness and cough, day and night.\\ {{anchor:s370}}Hoarse, sore throat and hacking cough, in morning.\\ {{anchor:s371}}(OBS:) Chronic catarrh, with anemia.\\ {{anchor:s372}}(OBS:) Catarrhs in scrofulous or gouty constitution.\\ {{anchor:s373}}Burning in larynx after same feeling on back part of tongue.\\ {{anchor:s374}}Must hawk or hem to clear voice; when they talk they constantly hem or hawk. ====== RESPIRATION. [26] ====== {{anchor:s376}}Breathing more frequent, short and difficult.\\ {{anchor:s377}}With inhalation: shooting in left breast and right temple; sudden jerking pain in back.\\ {{anchor:s378}}Short breath and cough.\\ {{anchor:s379}}Involuntary sighing.\\ {{anchor:s380}}Desire to take a deep breath, to sigh; with it a pain in chest, shooting in liver.\\ {{anchor:s381}}Contraction of chest and difficult breathing; evening till 10 P. M., amel. on lying down, agg. getting up.\\ {{anchor:s382}}Suffocating attacks of a male child of 6 months, after nursing, more often after crying and after being taken out of cradle; breathing ceases, head turns backward, face blue, fighting with hands and feet; after attacks greatly relaxed; some days none, some days several attacks. ====== COUGH. [27] ====== {{anchor:s384}}Pain on a small spot, from coughing, with short breath.\\ {{anchor:s385}}Dry cough with hoarseness, soreness and dryness in throat.\\ {{anchor:s386}}Cough: with yellow expectoration, more in morning; with fever, dryness and thirst; from 6 A. M. to 6 P. M.; during difficult dentition.\\ {{anchor:s387}}With cough, stitches in chest, heat on lower part of chest and upper arm.\\ {{anchor:s388}}Cough with soreness and dryness in throat in the tuberculous.\\ {{anchor:s389}}Chronic cough of consumptives, who suffer with cold extremities.\\ {{anchor:s390}}Whooping cough, in obstinate cases. ====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ====== {{anchor:s392}}Burning sensation in chest, from below up into throat; sometimes downward.\\ {{anchor:s393}}Pressing ache in chest, most below and extending upward.\\ {{anchor:s394}}Sharp pain in region of sixth rib, first on right side, later on left fourth and fifth ribs, coming and going, takes breath away, most with a deep breath; during day.\\ {{anchor:s395}}Shooting pain in left chest; going through to shoulder.\\ {{anchor:s396}}Stitch in left side while breathing.\\ {{anchor:s397}}Beating in a small spot on left side.\\ {{anchor:s398}}A most obstinate pain in lower part of left lung and in left hypochondrium. {{anchor:s399}}~ Uterine disease.\\ {{anchor:s400}}Sharp pain like an instrument passing through end of breast bone; during day.\\ {{anchor:s401}}Contraction of chest and difficult breathing, evening till 10 P. M.; amel. lying down, agg. when getting up.\\ {{anchor:s402}}Dull aching in chest, with soreness to touch.\\ {{anchor:s403}}Phlegm rattling on chest, also during difficult teething.\\ {{anchor:s404}}Incipient phthisis in anemic patients.\\ {{anchor:s405}}Profuse sweat in phthisis; cold extremities. ====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ====== {{anchor:s407}}Sharp cutting, shooting in region of heart, interrupts breathing.\\ {{anchor:s408}}Palpitation with anxiety, followed by a trembling weakness, particularly of calves.\\ {{anchor:s409}}(OBS:) After heart disease, dropsy.\\ {{anchor:s410}}Feels beating of pulse, not frequent but quick; while sitting, feels it in nape of neck and left chest. ====== OUTER CHEST. [30] ====== {{anchor:s412}}Burning in pit of throat.\\ {{anchor:s413}}Clavicles sore, first left, then right.\\ {{anchor:s414}}Tearing, pressing and shooting in sternum.\\ {{anchor:s415}}Sore pain in sternum.\\ {{anchor:s416}}Ulcer over sternum or clavicle.\\ {{anchor:s417}}Pains where cartilages and ribs meet.\\ {{anchor:s418}}Painless gnawing with quivering, jerking and heat; is full of fear.\\ {{anchor:s419}}A tumor like a walnut in left male mamma, hurts when pressed. ====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ====== {{anchor:s421}}Over clavicle soreness and cutting; pains in neck, soreness; glands hurt.\\ {{anchor:s422}}Rheumatic pain and stiffness of neck, with dullness of head; from slight draught of air.\\ {{anchor:s423}}Pain on sides of throat, aching on pressure, up to ear, or from ear to shoulder; agg. when turning neck, also when swallowing.\\ {{anchor:s424}}Muscles of neck hurt up to occiput, first right then left.\\ {{anchor:s425}}Cramplike pain in neck, first one side, then the other.\\ {{anchor:s426}}Malignant tumors on neck.\\ {{anchor:s427}}Drawing in back and limbs, with gaping, stretching, bending backward; agg. evening and morning, on getting awake and on moving about.\\ {{anchor:s428}}Pains and aches in and near, between and mostly below shoulder blades; throbbing, pulsating, jerking.\\ {{anchor:s429}}Pain in back. {{anchor:s430}}~ Uterine disease.\\ {{anchor:s431}}Violent pain in small of back, when making least bodily effort; sometimes obliging him to scream.\\ {{anchor:s432}}In region of kidneys violent pain, when lifting or when blowing nose; pain in back, jerking, rending, cutting, shooting.\\ {{anchor:s433}}Abscess near lumbar vertebrae.\\ {{anchor:s434}}Numbness and lameness in sacrum.\\ {{anchor:s435}}Sharp sacral pains.\\ {{anchor:s436}}Violent stitch on a small spot between left ilium and sacrum, with slightest motion; has to lie on same spot without moving.\\ {{anchor:s437}}Soreness in sacro-iliac symphysis, as if separated.\\ {{anchor:s438}}Pain and aching, soreness, pressure, tearing and shooting in os coccygis.\\ {{anchor:s439}}(OBS:) Crick in back, and lumbago.\\ {{anchor:s440}}Curvature of spine to left (scoliosis sinistra), lumbar vertebrae bend forward.\\ {{anchor:s441}}Spina bifida. ====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ====== {{anchor:s443}}Pain and aching in shoulders and shoulder-blades.\\ {{anchor:s444}}Sore aching, bruised pains in shoulder or down arm.\\ {{anchor:s445}}Shooting and tearing from shoulder joint along whole arm.\\ {{anchor:s446}}Soreness, burning and itching under arms.\\ {{anchor:s447}}Hard bluish lumps under arm; oozing and scabbing after checked itch; much relieved; Sulphur finished cure.\\ {{anchor:s448}}Rheumatic pain in upper arm near shoulder joint; cannot lift arm.\\ {{anchor:s449}}Lameness of arms, they "fall asleep."\\ {{anchor:s450}}Trembling in arms and hands.\\ {{anchor:s451}}Dull pain in arms, first left, then right; from shoulder to fingers; from clavicle down to wrist; agg. from change of weather.\\ {{anchor:s452}}Sensation in elbows as if joint had been struck.\\ {{anchor:s453}}Through elbows shooting, usually first left, then right.\\ {{anchor:s454}}Cramplike pain in forearm, sore, bruised feeling; tearing.\\ {{anchor:s455}}Pimples on inner side of forearm.\\ {{anchor:s456}}Pain in right wrist, with lameness as if beaten; cramplike and other pain, when moving or using it.\\ {{anchor:s457}}Hands "asleep," or numb.\\ {{anchor:s458}}Pimples on back of hand and on wrist.\\ {{anchor:s459}}All bones of arms ache, particularly thumb.\\ {{anchor:s460}}In right thumb, joints as if luxated or sprained.\\ {{anchor:s461}}Pain in single fingers.\\ {{anchor:s462}}Tips of thumb and fingers sore.\\ {{anchor:s463}}Ulcerative pain in roots of finger nails of right hand, especially in middle finger.\\ {{anchor:s464}}Gouty nodosities on condyles. ====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ====== {{anchor:s466}}Tearing, shooting, drawing in hip bone.\\ {{anchor:s467}}Sacro-iliac symphysis as i separated, in walking.\\ {{anchor:s468}}Coxarthrocace, third stage; puts an end to further destruction of bone, suppuration ceases, new bone is formed.\\ {{anchor:s469}}Shooting and stitches from hip bone up or down, most from ischium down, jerking, drawing, with a warm feeling.\\ {{anchor:s470}}Buttocks and back "asleep", with a sensation of uneasiness.\\ {{anchor:s471}}In nates a lameness as if beaten; after a storm all kinds of pain with soreness, most from right to left, but alternating, most on right side.\\ {{anchor:s472}}On buttocks stinging in little spots, itching, burning; sore spots oozing, scurfy.\\ {{anchor:s473}}Sharp pain in tendons on inside of thighs, more when walking.\\ {{anchor:s474}}Shooting through left thigh to knee, or down to ankle bones; toes too thick; heavy load in nape of neck.\\ {{anchor:s475}}Aching and soreness of thighs as if beaten, with aching in sacral bones.\\ {{anchor:s476}}Pains above bones.\\ {{anchor:s477}}Pains in knees agg. when walking, first left, then right.\\ {{anchor:s478}}Boring in right knee, agg. from stretching, most at night.\\ {{anchor:s479}}Knees pain as if sprained, sore, when walking.\\ {{anchor:s480}}Tendons in hollow of knee as if too short.\\ {{anchor:s481}}(OBS:) Chronic swelling of knee.\\ {{anchor:s482}}(OBS:) Hygroma patellae (housemaid's knee); in anemic subjects.\\ {{anchor:s483}}Lower limbs, abdomen and sacrum "asleep;" cannot get up from seat.\\ {{anchor:s484}}Legs tired, weak, restless, crawling, tingling.\\ {{anchor:s485}}Lame feeling of lower limbs, tired, heavy.\\ {{anchor:s486}}Lower feeling of lower limbs, tired, heavy.\\ {{anchor:s487}}Lower limbs "fall asleep," with a restless, anxious feeling; has to move them, to jump out of carriage; also at night.\\ {{anchor:s488}}Tearing in left lower leg from knee down to foot; dry, crusty eruption covers leg.\\ {{anchor:s489}}Pain in bones, particularly shin bones.\\ {{anchor:s490}}Drawing pain in shin bones.\\ {{anchor:s491}}A pain in head of left tibia, caused by a kick, returned; the spot got so sore that he could not bear it to be touched; it disturbed sleep, coming on every night; gradually an exostosis was formed and remained.\\ {{anchor:s492}}Violent pain below hollow of knee; agg. when taking off boots.\\ {{anchor:s493}}Cramp in calves; on a small spot inside, when walking.\\ {{anchor:s494}}Crampy pain in calves; drawing, rending, shooting, warm feeling.\\ {{anchor:s495}}Rending, tearing, shooting in ankle joint.\\ {{anchor:s496}}Ulcers on malleolus dexter, edges callous, ichor putrid.\\ {{anchor:s497}}Fistulous ulcers on ankle joint.\\ {{anchor:s498}}Cramplike pains in feet, most in ankle joint.\\ {{anchor:s499}}Ankle joint feels as if dislocated.\\ {{anchor:s500}}Sore pain and aching in heel.\\ {{anchor:s501}}Caries of heel.\\ {{anchor:s502}}Stinging in middle of soles; shooting in soles and in balls of toes.\\ {{anchor:s503}}Pains in big toe, like a cramp, or aching in region of root of nail, first right then left.\\ {{anchor:s504}}Gouty pain in big toe.\\ {{anchor:s505}}Jerking twitching of right big toe towards left.\\ {{anchor:s506}}Stinging and shooting in toes. ====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ====== {{anchor:s508}}Extensors more affected than flexors.\\ {{anchor:s509}}Feeling of lameness of flexors and sudden aching of extensors.\\ {{anchor:s510}}Pain in all joints, most left side.\\ {{anchor:s511}}Aching in limbs, with weariness.\\ {{anchor:s512}}Rheumatic pains flying about.\\ {{anchor:s513}}Every cold causes rheumatic pains in joints and in various parts of body. {{anchor:s514}}~ Uterine displacement.\\ {{anchor:s515}}Inflammatory rheumatism.\\ {{anchor:s516}}Pains flying about in all parts of rump and limbs after getting wet in rain.\\ {{anchor:s517}}Rheumatism, pertaining particularly to cold weather, getting well in Spring and returning next Autumn. ====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ====== {{anchor:s521}}Rest: nausea amel.; pressure in stomach amel.\\ {{anchor:s522}}Lying: on back, restless; amel. on side; amel. headache, pain in stomach, belly and breathing.\\ {{anchor:s523}}Sitting: stagger on getting up; feels beating of pulse in nape of neck and left chest.\\ {{anchor:s524}}Stooping: vertigo; rush of blood to head; dull pain in head.\\ {{anchor:s525}}On motion: vertigo; aching in back and lower limbs amel.\\ {{anchor:s526}}Moving: agg. nausea.\\ {{anchor:s527}}Quick motion: throbbing headache.\\ {{anchor:s528}}Painful symptoms brought on by moderate motions of single limbs, amel. after lying down.\\ {{anchor:s529}}Exertion: agg. headache.\\ {{anchor:s530}}Pains after great exertion; agg. when lying down.\\ {{anchor:s531}}Walking: vertigo; running coryza; cramp in calves; sharp pains in tendons on inside of thighs; pain in knees, first left then right.\\ {{anchor:s532}}Going up-stairs: weariness.\\ {{anchor:s533}}Rising: vertigo. ====== NERVES. [36] ====== {{anchor:s535}}After unpleasant news, numbness.\\ {{anchor:s536}}Stiff in bed in morning; can hardly turn.\\ {{anchor:s537}}Disposition to stretch.\\ {{anchor:s538}}Weariness, agg. going up-stairs; wants to sit down, shuns getting up.\\ {{anchor:s539}}Indisposition to work, mental or physical.\\ {{anchor:s540}}Weakness, with other symptoms.\\ {{anchor:s541}}Lower limbs, abdomen and sacrum "asleep;" cannot get up from seat.\\ {{anchor:s542}}Languor with diarrhea, leucorrhea, menses and during pregnancy.\\ {{anchor:s543}}Child will not stand any more, and loses flesh.\\ {{anchor:s544}}Children do not learn to walk, or lose the ability.\\ {{anchor:s545}}Trembling of hands, with headache, pain in chest, bellyache.\\ {{anchor:s546}}Trembling of arms and hands, with other complaints, particularly uterine.\\ {{anchor:s547}}Trembling feeling; with toothache and uterine pains.\\ {{anchor:s548}}Hands tremble; she is sick, heart palpitates, fears bad news, afterwards weak.\\ {{anchor:s549}}Thumbs moved spasmodically.\\ {{anchor:s550}}Big toes twitching, little toes drawn inward.\\ {{anchor:s551}}Starting in sleep.\\ {{anchor:s552}}Restlessness; spasmodic motion of limbs; agg. when lying on back; amel. lying on side.\\ {{anchor:s553}}Child: convulsive starts, lies on its back.\\ {{anchor:s554}}Stepping motion of lower limbs.\\ {{anchor:s555}}(In sick:) Violent screaming, grasping with hands in great agony towards its mother, cold sweat most in face, whole body cold.\\ {{anchor:s556}}Attacks of spasms going through body like an electric shock, so that she falls down; they last about a minute and, except being a little weak, she felt well; has about thirty attacks daily.\\ {{anchor:s557}}A girl, aet. 18; suppressed menses from bathing, followed by epileptic spasms with opisthotonos and unconsciousness.\\ {{anchor:s558}}Epileptic attacks in a young lady of 18, which had existed since she was a child six months old; attacks occurred every three months; spasms all clonic and on left side, with diarrhea and loss of consciousness; she falls forward on the face and sleeps afterwards; sometimes she has a second attack the same day; they frequently occur after eating.\\ {{anchor:s559}}(OBS:) Epilepsy; suitable for young persons whose bodies are in progress of development, and for scrofulous subjects.\\ {{anchor:s560}}(OBS:) Rheumatism paralysis.\\ {{anchor:s561}}(OBS:) Great debility with enuresis.\\ {{anchor:s562}}Useful after weakening acute diseases (Psorin. if there are copious sweats). ====== SLEEP. [37] ====== {{anchor:s564}}Constant stretching and yawning.\\ {{anchor:s565}}Gaping with tears in eyes.\\ {{anchor:s566}}Gaping and irresistible drowsiness all forenoon, before and at dinner.\\ {{anchor:s567}}Drowsy all day and evening.\\ {{anchor:s568}}With drowsiness gloomy mood, inability to think, headache, singing in ears, sweat in face, prostration of limbs.\\ {{anchor:s569}}Sleep disturbed, most before midnight.\\ {{anchor:s570}}Dreams: very vivid, most of late events or last readings; of traveling.\\ {{anchor:s571}}In sleep, starting as from fright.\\ {{anchor:s572}}In bed, pains in bones or joints, etc.\\ {{anchor:s573}}Sweat on part wakens in night.\\ {{anchor:s574}}Cannot get awake in early morning.\\ {{anchor:s575}}Complaints in morning: pain in head, heart, back; bad taste, as if she had been sick.\\ {{anchor:s576}}Children cry out in sleep. ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s578}}Night: headache agg.; faceache agg.; hawking of phlegm; boring in knee.\\ {{anchor:s579}}Midnight: before, sleep disturbed.\\ {{anchor:s580}}Morning: headache agg.; eyelids falling or closed; bitter taste; tongue white furred on root; hawking of phlegm; copious soft stool; sore feeling in anus; aching in uterus; menses amel.; hoarse, sore throat and hacking cough; yellow expectoration; drawing in back and limbs; stiff in bed; cannot awake early; complaints, head, heart, back; chill after dressing; copious night sweats, towards morning.\\ {{anchor:s581}}Forenoon: coryza; drawing aching in region of navel; gaping, irresistible drowsiness.\\ {{anchor:s582}}Day and evening: drowsy.\\ {{anchor:s583}}From 6 A. M. to 6 P. M.: dryness and thirst during difficult dentition.\\ {{anchor:s584}}At 3 P. M.: severe pain in region of transverse colon.\\ {{anchor:s585}}At 4 P. M.: unusual hunger.\\ {{anchor:s586}}Afternoon: nose bleeding; cream-like whites pass unconsciously.\\ {{anchor:s587}}Evening: heat in face; sore throat, with tickling; hawking of phlegm; colic; agg. drawing in back and limbs; dry heat.\\ {{anchor:s588}}Wane of day: worse; much thirst, dry mouth and tongue. ====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ====== {{anchor:s590}}Warm room: burning itching; fluent coryza; warm things agg. toothache.\\ {{anchor:s591}}Open air: walking in, headache, vertigo, fluent coryza; hoarseness; cough; on watery days nose stopped; carious teeth agg.; chill.\\ {{anchor:s592}}A slight draught is followed by rheumatic pain in neck, stiffness and dullness in head.\\ {{anchor:s593}}Cold room: fluent coryza.\\ {{anchor:s594}}Cold liquids: toothache.\\ {{anchor:s595}}Every cold causes pains in joints and sutures.\\ {{anchor:s596}}From cold washing: headache amel.\\ {{anchor:s597}}After a cold foot bath gets red, with pricking like nettles.\\ {{anchor:s598}}Change of weather: headache; tearing in forehead to nose and temples, from occiput to vertex, with earache; dull pains in arms, from clavicles down to wrist.\\ {{anchor:s599}}Worse in changeable weather, particularly when snow melts and in East winds.\\ {{anchor:s600}}Windy weather: vertigo agg.\\ {{anchor:s601}}Day after a snowstorm, buttocks as if beaten, with lameness.\\ {{anchor:s602}}In damp, rainy, cold weather dull pain in lower limbs. ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s604}}Shaking chill, out-doors.\\ {{anchor:s605}}Frequent creeping shiverings, with motion of scrotum, not like that after urinating.\\ {{anchor:s606}}Frequent crawls all over; crawls on head.\\ {{anchor:s607}}Chill: in morning after dressing; with cough; with coryza; with uterine pains.\\ {{anchor:s608}}Shivering with a hot face, with bellyache.\\ {{anchor:s609}}Cold in lower part of body, face hot.\\ {{anchor:s610}}Feels beating of pulse, not frequent but quick; while sitting he feels it in nape of neck and left chest.\\ {{anchor:s611}}Heat runs from head down to toes.\\ {{anchor:s612}}Dry heat in evening, hot breath, beating of heart, mouth and tongue dry without thirst, gaping, stretching, etc.\\ {{anchor:s613}}Copious night sweats; on single parts; towards and during morning.\\ {{anchor:s614}}Sweat on parts, wakens in night.\\ {{anchor:s615}}Profuse sweat in phthisis.\\ {{anchor:s616}}(OBS:) Chronic intermittent fever, in scrofulous children. ====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ====== {{anchor:s618}}Every two weeks: menses. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s620}}Right: middle finger, tearing pains; eyebrow, furuncle; ear, singing; ear, burning; cheek, sore spot; side, hardness, soreness and pressure; hypochonder, throbbing; pressing pain in bladder; to left groin, pressing drawing and sore feeling, as if menses should appear; tearing in navel; soreness in groin; temple, shooting; sharp pain in region of sixth rib; pain in roots of finger nails; boring in knee.\\ {{anchor:s621}}Left: nostril, biting stinging; side, pressure and soreness; side of belly, pinching, shooting, stitches; running, kicking, moving and stitching pain in head; shooting in breast; shooting in chest; stitches in side while breathing; obstinate pain of lung and hypochondrium; sharp pain in region of fourth and fifth ribs; shooting though thigh to knee or down to ankle bones; tearing in lower leg, from knee down to foot.\\ {{anchor:s622}}Left to right: earache; clavicles sore; dull pain in arms; shooting through elbows; pain in knees.\\ {{anchor:s623}}From right to left: faceache.\\ {{anchor:s624}}First one side, then the other: cramplike pain in neck. ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s626}}As if brain was pressed against skull; as if something was in eye; as if joint of elbow had been struck; as if dislocated; as if ice was lying on upper occiput; as if female organs were filling up with blood.\\ {{anchor:s627}}Jerking: earache; pain in back; outer chest; in back; in hip bone; in right big toe; around shoulder blades.\\ {{anchor:s628}}Beating: in small spot on left side.\\ {{anchor:s629}}Tearing: pains in hands and arms; in bones of skull; earache; in and around ears; toothache; from right side of navel; in sternum; in os coccygis; in hip bone; in left lower leg; ankle joint; agg. at night and in bad weather; in teeth.\\ {{anchor:s630}}Rending: in bones of skull; in and around ears; pain from knee to foot; in back; in ankle joint; in calves.\\ {{anchor:s631}}Sharp: cutting in stomach; pain in region of spleen; colic; pain through end of breast bone; sacral pains; in region of sixth rib; in tendons of thighs.\\ {{anchor:s632}}Cutting: colic; left groin; pains in urethra; in bladder; pain in uterus; region of heart; over clavicle; in back; in belly.\\ {{anchor:s633}}Stitches: left side of head; region of liver; left side of belly; in anus; pain in inner labia; in chest, left side; on a small spot between left ilium and sacrum; in hip bone; in rectum.\\ {{anchor:s634}}Shooting: through left thigh to knee; ankle joint; in soles and balls of toes; in toes; in sternum; in os coccygis; along whole arm; through elbows; in hip bone; earache; around bones of ears; in molars; region of liver; left hypochondrium; left side of belly; in anus; in mouth of bladder; in root of penis and bladder; perineum; left breast and right temple; in liver; pain in left chest; in region of heart; in molars; in calves.\\ {{anchor:s635}}Stinging: in nostrils; in genitals; on buttocks; in middle of soles; in toes.\\ {{anchor:s636}}Boring: toothache; in right knee; agg. at night and in bad weather.\\ {{anchor:s637}}Ulcerative pain: in roots of finger nails.\\ {{anchor:s638}}Drawing: pains around lateral protuberances of occiput; in bones of skull; in left groin; in muscles of neck; in female bladder upward; pain from right to left over pubes; in region of navel; in back and limbs; in hip bone; pain in shin bones; upward in symphysis, downward in thighs; in calves.\\ {{anchor:s639}}Burning: on top of head; itching of outer ear; pain on a small spot over right ear; upper lip; tip of tongue; in epigastrium; at stomach; in anus; in male urethra; in vagina; in mamma; in larynx; in chest; pit of stomach; under arms; on buttocks; in skin; in throat.\\ {{anchor:s640}}Biting: in nostrils; in skin.\\ {{anchor:s641}}Smarting: of roots of hair.\\ {{anchor:s642}}Sore pain: in bones of skull; piles; aching in bladder; aching between external labia; aching in genitals; clavicles; pain in sternum; in heel.\\ {{anchor:s643}}Soreness: of thighs as if beaten; in and around ears; tip of tongue; right hypochondrium; around navel; of scrotum; in uterus and vagina; in right groin; over clavicle; in os coccygis; under arms; in sacro-iliac symphysis; of tips of fingers; in knees.\\ {{anchor:s644}}Gouty pain: in big toe.\\ {{anchor:s645}}Aching: in throat; in heel; big toe; of extensors; in limbs; pains around lateral protuberances of occiput; of eyeballs; in and around ears; all bones around ears; region of parotid glands; in throat; around navel; abdominal wall; soreness, left groin; piles; in uterus; in neck of bladder; in vagina; nipples; in os coccygis; shoulders and shoulder blades; down arms; of thighs as if beaten; in genitals; over mons veneris; near root of big toe nail.\\ {{anchor:s646}}Dull aching: in chest.\\ {{anchor:s647}}Pressure: above eyes and towards them; in and around ears; in rectum; in stomach; right hypochondrium; left hypochondrium; pain right side of bladder; in abdomen; in uterus; in vagina; in genitals; aching, in chest; in sternum; in os coccygis; from shoulder joint along whole arm.\\ {{anchor:s648}}Bruised: pains in shoulder or down arms.\\ {{anchor:s649}}Gnawing: outer chest.\\ {{anchor:s650}}Pinching: left side of belly; colon.\\ {{anchor:s651}}Griping: in bowels.\\ {{anchor:s652}}Cramplike pains: in neck: in stomach; in forearm; in feet; in ankle joint; in big toe; in wrist; in calves.\\ {{anchor:s653}}Rheumatic pain: in upper arm, near shoulder joint; in head; in face; of neck.\\ {{anchor:s654}}Undefined pain: in processus zygomaticus; in face; around navel; transverse colon; in region of kidneys; neck of bladder, violent, in bladder; in vagina; in mamma; and aches, in neck, between and mostly below shoulder blades; in left lung and left hypochondrium; in back; small of back; in os coccygis; in shoulders and shoulder blades; in right wrist; above knee; in bones; in shin bones; big toe; in joints; in eye and stomach teeth; in tongue, fauces pharynx, chest and pit of stomach; in stomach; in arms.\\ {{anchor:s655}}Anxious feeling: down limbs.\\ {{anchor:s656}}Restless: lower limbs.\\ {{anchor:s657}}Uneasiness: in region of stomach, buttocks and back.\\ {{anchor:s658}}Throbbing: headache; right hypochondrium; in genitals; between and mostly below shoulder blades; over mons veneris.\\ {{anchor:s659}}Pulsating: in anus; between and mostly below shoulder blades.\\ {{anchor:s660}}Kicking: left side of belly; over pubis.\\ {{anchor:s661}}Quivering: abdominal wall; over pubis; outer chest.\\ {{anchor:s662}}Twitching: in big toe.\\ {{anchor:s663}}Pressing down: in bladder.\\ {{anchor:s664}}Bearing down: towards anus.\\ {{anchor:s665}}Tension: in scalp of forehead; in penis.\\ {{anchor:s666}}Weakness: in fauces and throat; in bladder; of male organs; in region of uterus.\\ {{anchor:s667}}Sinking: at epigastrium; around navel; in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s668}}Emptiness: in fauces and throat.\\ {{anchor:s669}}Tickling: in nose, and sneezing; in genitals.\\ {{anchor:s670}}Running: left side of belly.\\ {{anchor:s671}}Crawling: in legs; with pains, agg. at night and in bed; over top of head.\\ {{anchor:s672}}Creeping: in occiput.\\ {{anchor:s673}}Tingling: abdominal wall; in legs.\\ {{anchor:s674}}Numbness: on occiput; of hands; of abdominal walls.\\ {{anchor:s675}}Asleep: buttocks and back; lower limbs.\\ {{anchor:s676}}Lameness: of arms, as if beaten.\\ {{anchor:s677}}Shocks like electric sparks.\\ {{anchor:s678}}Warmth: in anus; between external labia; in ischium; in calves.\\ {{anchor:s679}}Heat: in head; in face; on lower part of chest; upper arm.\\ {{anchor:s680}}Hot feeling: in eyelids.\\ {{anchor:s681}}Coldness: on occiput; of ears; in abdomen, with nausea; towards or back of eyes.\\ {{anchor:s682}}Itching: inner and outer ears; point of nose; piles; in anus; of scrotum; under arms; on buttocks; in skin.\\ {{anchor:s683}}Dryness: in throat at night; of mouth and tongue. ====== TISSUES. [44] ====== {{anchor:s685}}Bones affected along sutures or at symphysis.\\ {{anchor:s686}}Non-union of fractured bones.\\ {{anchor:s687}}Curvature of spine to left; lumbar vertebrae bend forward.\\ {{anchor:s688}}Condyles swollen on forearms and lower limbs.\\ {{anchor:s689}}Abscess near lumbar vertebrae.\\ {{anchor:s690}}Spina bifida.\\ {{anchor:s691}}Large pedunculated nasal polypi; polypi of rectum and uterus.\\ {{anchor:s692}}Incipient mesenteric tabes, with much diarrhea, fetid sometimes lienteric.\\ {{anchor:s693}}Rachitis; fontanelles wide open; diarrhea, emaciation.\\ {{anchor:s694}}Rheumatic pains in joints and various parts of body.\\ {{anchor:s695}}Soreness of tendons when flexing or extending.\\ {{anchor:s696}}Flabby, shrunken, emaciated children.\\ {{anchor:s697}}Anemia; true bloodlessness.\\ {{anchor:s698}}Phosphatic diathesis.\\ {{anchor:s699}}Tendency of bones to bend or curve.\\ {{anchor:s700}}(OBS:) Cancer in scrofulous constitutions\\ {{anchor:s701}}Caries of hip joint and heel, with stinking pus.\\ {{anchor:s702}}Most pains in joint, afterwards in bones.\\ {{anchor:s703}}Sharp pain in tendons.\\ {{anchor:s704}}(OBS:) A constituent of teeth, bones, connective tissue and blood corpuscles, and to be given in corresponding disturbances,; in true chlorosis from anemia; chronic swelling of glands; chronic articular rheumatism; gout; exostoses, osteophytes and similar new growths on bone; scrofulosis; suppuration of bones and joints; dropsy from loss of blood or of other fluids, or depending on diseases of heart, liver and kidneys.\\ {{anchor:s705}}Malnutrition and defective cell growth.\\ {{anchor:s706}}Anemia: from growing fast, rapid childbearing, prolonged suckling, or excessive menses.\\ {{anchor:s707}}Brain fag and other bad effects of town life. ====== TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. [45] ====== {{anchor:s711}}Riding in a carriage: ears itch; he has a second stool; his foot falls asleep; crawling in sole; erections; buttocks asleep; restlessness in lower legs.\\ {{anchor:s712}}Lifting: child from cradle causes suffocative attacks.\\ {{anchor:s713}}Touch: burning pain on a small spot over right ear painful to touch; a pain in head of left tibia so sore, he could not bear it touched.\\ {{anchor:s714}}Pressure: agg. head, chest, belly and limb symptoms.\\ {{anchor:s715}}Every step is felt in head, or in sacrum.\\ {{anchor:s716}}In fractures to promote formation of callus.\\ {{anchor:s717}}The place of old injury becomes the seat of new affections. ====== SKIN. [46] ====== {{anchor:s719}}Dry skin, most on hands.\\ {{anchor:s720}}Skin dark, brown or yellow.\\ {{anchor:s721}}Itching and burning as from nettles.\\ {{anchor:s722}}Itching, biting, most on places years before affected.\\ {{anchor:s723}}Tetters on lower legs, peeling off, scaling.\\ {{anchor:s724}}Pimples in region of joints.\\ {{anchor:s725}}(OBS:) Eczema with anemia; dry crusty affections.\\ {{anchor:s726}}Furuncles form ulcers.\\ {{anchor:s727}}Fistulous or scrofulous ulcers; slow to heal.\\ {{anchor:s728}}Ulceration, after a mustard poultice is allowed to remain too long. {{anchor:s729}}[Obs. Sapo sodoe relieves the burning.]\\ {{anchor:s730}}Ulcerating scars after an amputation.\\ {{anchor:s731}}(OBS:) Tubercles in skin.\\ {{anchor:s732}}Cholesteatoma.\\ {{anchor:s733}}(OBS:) Skin diseases (scurfy and scabby) in anemic, scrofulous or gouty constitutions.\\ {{anchor:s734}}(OBS:) Lupus. ====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ====== {{anchor:s736}}During first and second dentition, diarrhea with much wind. {{anchor:s737}}~ Hydrocephalus. {{anchor:s738}}~ Diarrhea. {{anchor:s739}}~ Rachitis.\\ {{anchor:s740}}Children lose flesh, will not stand any more; do not learn to walk.\\ {{anchor:s741}}(OBS:) Delicate growing girls or children.\\ {{anchor:s742}}Girls at or near puberty, schoolgirls.\\ {{anchor:s743}}Old people: vertigo; constipation, fractures.\\ {{anchor:s744}}Child, 1 1/2 years old; light complexion. {{anchor:s745}}~ Incipient hydrocephalus.\\ {{anchor:s746}}A girl, aet. 16. {{anchor:s747}}~ Keratitis after variola.\\ {{anchor:s748}}A girl, aet. 18. {{anchor:s749}}~ Epileptic spasms.\\ {{anchor:s750}}A young man, aet. 18; indurated breast.\\ {{anchor:s751}}Tedious cases, in scrofulous or anemic children.\\ {{anchor:s752}}Anemic subjects: gonorrhea; catarrhs; pains; chlorosis; skin diseases.\\ {{anchor:s753}}Debilitated persons: prolapsus, etc.\\ {{anchor:s754}}Scrofulous constitutions: catarrh; epilepsy; skin diseases.\\ {{anchor:s755}}Gouty constitutions: catarrh; pains; skin diseases. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s757}}Remarkable similarities with Carb. an.\\ {{anchor:s758}}Compatible: before Sulphur; after Arsen., Iodum, Mercur. (incipient mesenteric tabes).\\ {{anchor:s759}}Complementary: Ruta.\\ {{anchor:s760}}Compare: in bone affections, fistulae, etc., Berber., Calc. ostr., Calc. fluor., Fluor ac., Ruta, Silica, Sulphur; in joint affections, rheumatic and suppurative, Berber., Kali phosph., Natr. mur. (hygroma); in dental caries, Fluor ac., Magn. phosph., Silica; in epilepsy, Calc. ostr., Ferr. phosph., Kali mur., Kali phosph., Silica; in spasm of eyelids, Calc. ostr., Nux vom.; in diabetes, Kali phosph., Natr. phosph.; in tabes mesenterica, Arsen., Iodum, Mercur.; in hemorrhoids, Ferr. phosph.; in worm affections, Natr. phosph. (removes disposition); in debility after acute diseases, Psorin.; in peevishness and fretfullness of children, Chamom. ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 03, 1881 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r83|Calcarea phosphorica]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r83|Calcarea phosphorica]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. | ^ Year: | 1881 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}