{{anchor:s1}}Cantharides. {{anchor:s2}}(Cantharis Vesicatoria.)
{{anchor:s3}}Spanish Flies. {{anchor:s4}}Cantheaerideae.
====== MIND. [1] ======
{{anchor:s6}}Unconsciousness, lies with outstretched arms; sudden starting up, screaming, throwing arms about. {{anchor:s7}}~ Metritis.\\ {{anchor:s8}}Sudden loss of consciousness with red face. {{anchor:s9}}~ Dentition.\\ {{anchor:s10}}Lies in a stupor with cold surface and occasional jerks.\\ {{anchor:s11}}Uremic coma, delirium and convulsions.\\ {{anchor:s12}}Forgetfullness.\\ {{anchor:s13}}Strange ideas crowd on him against his will.\\ {{anchor:s14}}Confusion; distraction of mind; inability to concentrate thought.\\ {{anchor:s15}}Confusion of head and pulsation in forehead, in morning.\\ {{anchor:s16}}Hallucinations, especially at night; deliria of people long dead.\\ {{anchor:s17}}Furious delirium, with crying, barking and biting; confusion of head, anxious restlessness; cold sweat, especially on hands and feet.\\ {{anchor:s18}}Almost frenzied delirium.\\ {{anchor:s19}}Paroxysms of rage, renewed by sight of dazzling, bright objects, or touching larynx when trying to drink water.\\ {{anchor:s20}}Whining and complaining, with anxious restlessness, agg. from motion, amel. lying quiet.\\ {{anchor:s21}}Constantly attempting to do something, but accomplishing nothing.\\ {{anchor:s22}}Despondent and low-spirited, says she must die.\\ {{anchor:s23}}Fear, confusion of ideas, she could not think clearly. {{anchor:s24}}~ Vesical hemorrhoids.\\ {{anchor:s25}}Great amativeness; amorous frenzy.\\ {{anchor:s26}}Unbounded frantic sexual desire. {{anchor:s27}}~ Mania.\\ {{anchor:s28}}Exceedingly sensitive to all impressions; irritable and blaspheming. {{anchor:s29}}~ Traumatic neuralgia.\\ {{anchor:s30}}Insolent and contradictory mood, in afternoon.\\ {{anchor:s31}}Uneasiness day and night, with hot head.\\ {{anchor:s32}}Anxious restlessness, ending in rage.\\ {{anchor:s33}}Great restlessness, obliging him to move constantly; great activity of mind.
====== SENSORIUM. [2] ======
{{anchor:s35}}Vertigo: and staggering; and fainting; while walking in open air, with transient attacks of unconsciousness; appearance of fog before eyes.\\ {{anchor:s36}}Heaviness of head.
====== INNER HEAD. [3] ======
{{anchor:s38}}Soreness and burning in brain.\\ {{anchor:s39}}Dull heavy pain in forehead.\\ {{anchor:s40}}Confusion of head in morning with pulsations in forehead.\\ {{anchor:s41}}Burning in sides of head, ascending from neck, with soreness and giddiness; agg. morning and afternoon; when standing or sitting; amel. while walking or lying down.\\ {{anchor:s42}}Stitches in side of head and occiput.\\ {{anchor:s43}}Painful tearing on vertex, with sensation as if some one was pulling a lock of hair upward.\\ {{anchor:s44}}Violent lancinating pains deep in brain, especially in occiput. {{anchor:s45}}~ Cerebro-spinal meningitis.\\ {{anchor:s46}}Heaviness in occiput, with drowsiness and incapacity to think.\\ {{anchor:s47}}Head and throbbing in head.\\ {{anchor:s48}}Sensation of fullness, with head rising up into head, with anxiousness.\\ {{anchor:s49}}Headache from washing or bathing.\\ {{anchor:s50}}Cerebro-spinal meningitis: paroxysms of rage and fury; pain deep in brain, with an expression of great suffering; base of brain is chief seat of pain; urine dribbles or passes with burning-cutting pain.
====== OUTER HEAD. [4] ======
{{anchor:s52}}Hair falls out when combing. {{anchor:s53}}~ During confinement or lactation.\\ {{anchor:s54}}Scales on scalp; enormous dandruff.
====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ======
{{anchor:s56}}Objects look yellow.\\ {{anchor:s57}}Eyes look yellow.\\ {{anchor:s58}}Burning in eyes and glowing heat, as from coals.\\ {{anchor:s59}}Biting sensation, as of salt in eyes.\\ {{anchor:s60}}Smarting in eyes.\\ {{anchor:s61}}Lachrymation in open air; must close eyes; on opening lids, margins pain as if sore, like raw flesh.\\ {{anchor:s62}}Inflammation of eyes, particularly when caused by a burn.\\ {{anchor:s63}}Eyes protruding; fiery, sparkling, staring look.\\ {{anchor:s64}}Involuntary spasmodic movement of eyes.\\ {{anchor:s65}}Eyes sunken, surrounded by blue rings.\\ {{anchor:s66}}Eyes restlessly in motion, at times staring, always, however, with a frightful look; pupils contracted. {{anchor:s67}}~ Acute mania.\\ {{anchor:s68}}Right eye looks bleared, congested, inflamed; pain agg. night, cannot red then; sight quite good; commenced with feeling as of lashes in eye; urine scalds.
====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ======
{{anchor:s70}}Ringing, humming, or roaring in ears.\\ {{anchor:s71}}Tearing in right ear right mastoid process, as if bone would be torn out.\\ {{anchor:s72}}A hot exhalation passes, at intervals, and frequently, out from ears.
====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ======
{{anchor:s74}}Coryza with pains in limbs; also chronic coryza.\\ {{anchor:s75}}Erysipelatous inflammation of dorsum of nose, spreading to both cheeks, but more to right; followed by desquamation.\\ {{anchor:s76}}Secretion of much tenacious mucus from nose, without sneezing; hoarseness and painful hawking of tough mucus from chest; nightly dry cutting stitches along trachea, externally.
====== UPPER FACE. [8] ======
{{anchor:s78}}Expression of extreme suffering, terror or despair.\\ {{anchor:s79}}Sunken, hippocratic countenance.\\ {{anchor:s80}}Deathlike look during and after the pains.\\ {{anchor:s81}}Face: hot, red and swollen; swollen and puffy; flushed when stooping; yellow, or very pale.\\ {{anchor:s82}}Face fallen in; cheeks bluish. {{anchor:s83}}~ Acute mania.\\ {{anchor:s84}}Erysipelas beginning on dorsum of nose and spreading to cheeks, more to right.
====== LOWER FACE. [9] ======
{{anchor:s86}}Dry lips without thirst.\\ {{anchor:s87}}The jaws tightly closed, almost approaching trismus, especially when they wished to give her water or medicine, which she prevented by angrily tossing about. {{anchor:s88}}~ Acute mania.
====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ======
{{anchor:s90}}Grinding teeth. {{anchor:s91}}~ Meningitis. {{anchor:s92}}~ Typhus.\\ {{anchor:s93}}Painful red spot, size of a pin's head, over carious root of an upper incisor; discharges pus from a small opening in centre, when pressed.\\ {{anchor:s94}}Gums spongy and swollen. {{anchor:s95}}~ Suppurative metritis.\\ {{anchor:s96}}Scurvy; coagulated blood in mouth in morning on waking; bloody urine.
====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ======
{{anchor:s98}}Taste: bitter; lost; gold tooth-plate tastes coppery.\\ {{anchor:s99}}Speech weak and timorous.\\ {{anchor:s100}}Trembling of tongue.\\ {{anchor:s101}}Tongue fiery red. {{anchor:s102}}~ Facial erysipelas.\\ {{anchor:s103}}Tongue: thickly furred, red at edges; swollen and thickly coated; and back of mouth, in part excoriated, in part covered with blisters.\\ {{anchor:s104}}Inflammation of tongue with vesicles.\\ {{anchor:s105}}Sublingual glands swollen with vesicles.
====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ======
{{anchor:s107}}Mucous membrane red and covered with small blisters.\\ {{anchor:s108}}Loss of epithelium on lips, tongue and palate. {{anchor:s109}}~ Dysentery.\\ {{anchor:s110}}Burning pain in mouth, throat and stomach.\\ {{anchor:s111}}Dryness in mouth.\\ {{anchor:s112}}Vesicles and cankers in mouth and throat. {{anchor:s113}}~ Dysentery.\\ {{anchor:s114}}Lining of mouth and throat covered with white blisters from size of pin's head to that of a bean.\\ {{anchor:s115}}Salivation: copious; tasteless; disgustingly sweet.
====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ======
{{anchor:s117}}Expectoration of frothy saliva streaked with blood.\\ {{anchor:s118}}Mucus in posterior nares must be hawked into mouth to be discharged.\\ {{anchor:s119}}Burning sensation in throat, which feels as if on fire.\\ {{anchor:s120}}Burning in throat, with scraped sensation and spitting of blood.\\ {{anchor:s121}}Spasmodic constriction and intense pain at back of throat.\\ {{anchor:s122}}Throat inflamed and covered with plastic lymph.\\ {{anchor:s123}}Aphthous ulcer at back part of fauces, covered with a whitish adherent crust; a similar one on right tonsil.\\ {{anchor:s124}}Throat swollen.\\ {{anchor:s125}}Swallowing very difficult. {{anchor:s126}}~ Tonsillitis.\\ {{anchor:s127}}Difficult deglutition with nocturnal regurgitation.\\ {{anchor:s128}}Water drunk regurgitates through nose. {{anchor:s129}}~ Sequel of burn.\\ {{anchor:s130}}Inflammation and suppuration of tonsils.\\ {{anchor:s131}}Diphtheria: dysuria; urine contains shreds or coats of uriniferous tubuli; extreme prostration, sinking, deathlike turns; irritable looking rash upon skin or shining through epidermis.\\ {{anchor:s132}}Throat: agg. in afternoon and at night; agg. while drinking and from wet poultices; amel. while lying down.
{{anchor:s135}}Diminished appetite.\\ {{anchor:s136}}Canine hunger, particularly for meat.\\ {{anchor:s137}}Great thirst, with burning pain in throat and stomach.\\ {{anchor:s138}}Thirst, with aversion to all fluids.\\ {{anchor:s139}}Disgust for everything; drink, food and tobacco.\\ {{anchor:s140}}Coffee disagrees.
====== EATING AND DRINKING. [15] ======
{{anchor:s142}}After drinking coffee, sensation of fullness.\\ {{anchor:s143}}Drinking even small quantities of water, increases pain in bladder.\\ {{anchor:s144}}Great thirst, but drinking, or even sight of water, increases pain.
{{anchor:s146}}Empty eructations; eructations of sour, frothy mucus, tinged bright red.\\ {{anchor:s147}}Nausea and vomiting.\\ {{anchor:s148}}Vomiting: of water drunk, also of blood; greenish, offensive; of bile and ingesta; of frothy mucus, tinged bright red.\\ {{anchor:s149}}Vomiting, with violent retching and severe colic. {{anchor:s150}}~ Pregnancy.\\ {{anchor:s151}}Vomiting of bile. {{anchor:s152}}~ Phrenitis.
====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ======
{{anchor:s154}}Acute pain in region of stomach and bladder, with such exquisite sensibility that slightest pressure produces convulsions.\\ {{anchor:s155}}Violent burning pain in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s156}}Burning in region of pylorus.\\ {{anchor:s157}}Pressure in scrobiculum after eating.\\ {{anchor:s158}}Sensation of fullness, extending to chest and abdomen, after taking coffee.\\ {{anchor:s159}}Nightly regurgitation of food.\\ {{anchor:s160}}Chronic gastritis with dysuria.
====== HYPOCHONDRIA. [18] ======
{{anchor:s162}}Incarceration of flatus under short ribs.\\ {{anchor:s163}}Inflammation of liver and diaphragm.\\ {{anchor:s164}}Right side of liver painful and sensitive. {{anchor:s165}}~ Yellow fever.\\ {{anchor:s166}}Splenic troubles.
====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ======
{{anchor:s168}}Abdomen swollen and tympanitic above; yields a dull sound below. {{anchor:s169}}~ Puerperal fever.\\ {{anchor:s170}}Great distension and tenderness in belly.\\ {{anchor:s171}}Abdomen sensitive, and burning pain about umbilicus. {{anchor:s172}}~ Cholera\\ {{anchor:s173}}Violent burning pain and heat through whole intestinal tract, with painful sensitiveness to touch.\\ {{anchor:s174}}Cutting in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s175}}Sensation of great fullness in lower part of abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s176}}Cutting, stitching, or burning in groins.\\ {{anchor:s177}}Peritonitis, with burning pains in abdomen and urinary tenesmus.\\ {{anchor:s178}}Ascites.
====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ======
{{anchor:s180}}No stool or urine for 48 hours. {{anchor:s181}}~ Acute mania.\\ {{anchor:s182}}Copious stools.\\ {{anchor:s183}}Frequent small, corrosive stools, with colic and pinching.\\ {{anchor:s184}}Stools: yellow, brown, watery; white, with tenesmus.\\ {{anchor:s185}}Diarrhea of blood and mucus.\\ {{anchor:s186}}Feces red, slimy or green.\\ {{anchor:s187}}Passage of white or pale red tough mucus with stool, like scrapings from intestines, with streaks of blood.\\ {{anchor:s188}}Passage of pure blood from anus and urethra.\\ {{anchor:s189}}Before stool: straining; urging; colic.\\ {{anchor:s190}}During stool: cutting, colicky pains; burning in anus; prolapse of rectum; pressing and urging, extorting cries.\\ {{anchor:s191}}Stool daily but insufficient, with painful straining on bladder. {{anchor:s192}}~ Catarrh of bladder.\\ {{anchor:s193}}After stool: colic relieved; burning, biting and stinging in anus; straining; faintness; shuddering.\\ {{anchor:s194}}Chilliness as though water was poured over one, with internal warmth.\\ {{anchor:s195}}Desire for stool while urinating.\\ {{anchor:s196}}Pain in perineum, seemingly arising from neck of bladder.
====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ======
{{anchor:s198}}Dull pressing pains in both kidneys.\\ {{anchor:s199}}Pain in region of kidneys and urging to urinate, steadily increasing in severity.\\ {{anchor:s200}}Constant, dull painful sensation in region of kidneys, late in evenings.\\ {{anchor:s201}}Paroxysmal cutting and burning pains in both kidneys, the region very sensitive to slightest touch, alternating with pain in tip of penis; urging to urinate; painful evacuation, by drops, of bloody urine and, at times, of pure blood.\\ {{anchor:s202}}Inflammation of kidneys; excessively violent pains of bladder; gangrene of mucous coat of bladder; paralysis of neck of bladder; desire to urinate, frequent and violent, with scanty discharge with great pain, and often bloody.\\ {{anchor:s203}}Dull, heavy distensive pain in region of kidney, either side, no relief in any position; continued rolling and twisting of body, with groans and cries, resulting in nausea, retching and vomiting, unless the stomach is empty; no great desire to urinate, but a tingling thrill running down dorsum to penis to glans. {{anchor:s204}}~ Renal calculus.\\ {{anchor:s205}}Very frequent painful straining, but with discharge of so small quantity that he had to be frequently catheterized, which caused terrible pain; urine cloudy, of a somewhat bright yellow color; after standing a little, a sediment of mucus and phosphatic salts appeared: immediately on being passed was of alkaline reaction; some pus with the urine; region of bladder very sensitive to pressure; attacks of painful urination more frequent and painful at night, he slept but little. {{anchor:s206}}~ Catarrh of bladder.\\ {{anchor:s207}}Every two hours an attack of very painful urging to urinate, during which, with whining or groaning, a quantity of clear urine was discharged, accompanied by pressure on rectum and passage each time of a little soft, but otherwise normal stool. {{anchor:s208}}~ Bladder complaint in an old man.\\ {{anchor:s209}}Violent tenesmus vesicae and strangury.\\ {{anchor:s210}}Painful discharge of a few drops of bloody urine, causing very severe sharp pain, as if a red-hot iron was passed along urethra; this pain was most acutely felt as membranous portion of canal, and in meatus urinarius.\\ {{anchor:s211}}Cutting and contracting pains from ureters down towards penis; at times pains pass from without inward; pressure on glans relieves pain somewhat.\\ {{anchor:s212}}Violent burning, cutting pains in neck of bladder, extending to fossa navicularis, agg. before and after urinating.\\ {{anchor:s213}}Violent pains in bladder with frequent urging; intolerable tenesmus.\\ {{anchor:s214}}Heaviness in bladder, feels sore on slightest motion.\\ {{anchor:s215}}Urging to urinate from smallest quantity of urine in bladder.\\ {{anchor:s216}}Dribbling discharge, reddish, sometimes mixed with blood.\\ {{anchor:s217}}Urging, agg. when standing, and still more when walking; amel. when sitting.\\ {{anchor:s218}}With urging to urinate, stitching pain in forepart of neck of bladder; on continued urging only a few drops pass.\\ {{anchor:s219}}Frequent painful urination, constantly preceded by violent pain in glans.\\ {{anchor:s220}}Ardor urinae.\\ {{anchor:s221}}Before, during and after urinating fearful cutting pains in urethra; she must double herself and scream from pains.\\ {{anchor:s222}}Burning, when urinating, and when not.\\ {{anchor:s223}}Urine passes in thin and divided stream. {{anchor:s224}}~ Stricture.\\ {{anchor:s225}}Fruitless effort to urinate.\\ {{anchor:s226}}Frequent and copious urination.\\ {{anchor:s227}}Enuresis.\\ {{anchor:s228}}Retention of urine, causing pain. {{anchor:s229}}~ Suppressed gonorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s230}}Urine contained (when finally passed) much albumen, was almost black. {{anchor:s231}}~ Acute mania.\\ {{anchor:s232}}Urine dark colored.\\ {{anchor:s233}}Urine: turbid and scanty; cloudy during night, like mealy water, with white sediment; albuminous, containing cylindrical casts; deposits greyish-white granules.\\ {{anchor:s234}}Red-colored urine, as if mixed with blood.\\ {{anchor:s235}}Atony of bladder from long retention of urine.\\ {{anchor:s236}}Hemorrhoidal affections of bladder and enlarged prostate.\\ {{anchor:s237}}Intense vesical spasm.\\ {{anchor:s238}}Post-scarlatinal nephritis; threatening uraemia.\\ {{anchor:s239}}Morbus Brightii: early stage, especially when occurring from blows on loins, or sudden change of temperature.\\ {{anchor:s240}}Diabetes insipidus.
====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ======
{{anchor:s242}}Sexual desire: increased; disturbing sleep at night.\\ {{anchor:s243}}Frightful satyriasis; violent, painful priapism, with excessive pains.\\ {{anchor:s244}}Strong and persistent erections, painless and without voluptuous sensation.\\ {{anchor:s245}}Erections at night, with contraction and sore pain along urethra.\\ {{anchor:s246}}Frequent nocturnal emissions; spermatorrhea from relaxed penis, early in evening, in bed, without sensation; discharge of blood in place of semen.\\ {{anchor:s247}}Swelling of glans, which is very painful, even to external pressure.\\ {{anchor:s248}}Gonorrheal phimosis.\\ {{anchor:s249}}Burning in excretory ducts of vesiculae seminales and in urethra, during and after coition.\\ {{anchor:s250}}Dropsical swelling of penis and scrotum.\\ {{anchor:s251}}(In sick:) Gangrene of penis.\\ {{anchor:s252}}Drawing pain in spermatic cord, while urinating.\\ {{anchor:s253}}Testicles drawn up.\\ {{anchor:s254}}Smegma praeputii.\\ {{anchor:s255}}Discharge of prostatic fluid.
====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ======
{{anchor:s257}}Oversensitiveness of all parts.\\ {{anchor:s258}}Ovarian region: stitches, arresting breathing; violent pinching pains, with bearing down towards genitals; great burning pain.\\ {{anchor:s259}}Inflammation of ovaries after suppressed gonorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s260}}Cysto-ovarium with urinary difficulties; hydatids.\\ {{anchor:s261}}Pruritus: with strong sexual desire; during climacteric period.\\ {{anchor:s262}}Violent itching in vagina.\\ {{anchor:s263}}Swelling of neck of uterus, with burning in bladder; pain in abdomen; constant vomiting.\\ {{anchor:s264}}Swelling and irritation of vulva; vaginismus.\\ {{anchor:s265}}Inflammatory suppuration of womb with extreme tenderness.\\ {{anchor:s266}}Uterine hemorrhage, with great irritation in neck of bladder.\\ {{anchor:s267}}Membranous dysmenorrhea with dysuria.\\ {{anchor:s268}}Menses: too early, too profuse; blood black or scanty, breasts painful. {{anchor:s269}}~ Sterility.\\ {{anchor:s270}}Menses retarded.\\ {{anchor:s271}}Amenorrhea, with fullness and pain in head.\\ {{anchor:s272}}Leucorrhea: with sexual excitement; in consequence of masturbation; with prurigo.\\ {{anchor:s273}}Uterine hemorrhage, with great irritation in neck of bladder; more suitable to sterile women.
{{anchor:s277}}Vomiting, with violent retching and severe colic; burning at pylorus.\\ {{anchor:s278}}Abortion, with constant desire to urinate.\\ {{anchor:s279}}Sterility.\\ {{anchor:s280}}Puerperal convulsions: presence of bright objects; sight, drinking, or sound of water, and touching larynx reproduce violent spasms.\\ {{anchor:s281}}Promotes fecundity; expels moles, dead fetuses and placenta.\\ {{anchor:s282}}Retained placenta or membranes, usually with painful urination.\\ {{anchor:s283}}Burning pain; abdomen sensitive; peritonitis, with tenesmus of bladder.\\ {{anchor:s284}}Mamma painful; dysuria.
{{anchor:s287}}Complete loss of voice; much cough; threw himself about in bed, from anxiety. {{anchor:s288}}~ Croup.\\ {{anchor:s289}}Speech very low, with sensation of weakness of vocal organs.\\ {{anchor:s290}}Voice: hoarse; feeble and indistinct.\\ {{anchor:s291}}Burning and stinging in larynx, especially when attempting to hawk up tough mucus.\\ {{anchor:s292}}Catarrh in larger bronchia, with profuse, yellow expectoration.
====== RESPIRATION. [26] ======
{{anchor:s294}}When breathing deeply, and when speaking, she feels as if she dare not exert herself, on account of extraordinary weakness of respiratory organs; speech therefore weak and timorous.\\ {{anchor:s295}}Oppression of breathing, with sensation of constriction of pharynx.
====== COUGH. [27] ======
{{anchor:s297}}Dry, hacking cough.\\ {{anchor:s298}}During cough: shortness of breath; pain in abdomen; erections.
====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ======
{{anchor:s300}}Shooting pain in chest, from front towards back, impeding respiration.\\ {{anchor:s301}}A fine stitch extending from right axilla into chest.\\ {{anchor:s302}}Stitching pain in forepart of right chest; it then passes downward into right lower ribs.\\ {{anchor:s303}}Stitches in chest, more on right side, or first left, then right; in lower right chest, extending towards middle of sternum.\\ {{anchor:s304}}Burning in chest.\\ {{anchor:s305}}Exudation within pleura. {{anchor:s306}}~ Pleurisy.
====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ======
{{anchor:s308}}Anxiety in cardiac region.\\ {{anchor:s309}}Stitch in heart, followed by a crawling sensation.\\ {{anchor:s310}}Drawing pain in region of heart.\\ {{anchor:s311}}Pulse: very variable, mostly hard, full and frequent, at times intermittent; frequent and small; slow, feeble and scarcely perceptible; more full and rapid in morning.
====== OUTER CHEST. [30] ======
{{anchor:s313}}Stitches in sternum.\\ {{anchor:s314}}Burning in chest.
====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ======
{{anchor:s316}}Stiffness of neck, with tensive pain on stooping.\\ {{anchor:s317}}Stiffness, tearing, and lancinating in nape of neck to head.\\ {{anchor:s318}}Tearing in cervical muscles.\\ {{anchor:s319}}Tearing pain in back, especially mornings.\\ {{anchor:s320}}Pressing, gnawing and tearing in back, while walking, after rising from a seat.\\ {{anchor:s321}}Pain in loins, with incessant desire to urinate.\\ {{anchor:s322}}Pain in loins, kidneys and abdomen, with such pain on urinating that he could not pass a single drop without moaning and screaming.\\ {{anchor:s323}}Lancinations and tearing in os coccygis, causing him to start. {{anchor:s324}}~ Coccygodynia.\\ {{anchor:s325}}In left lumbar region, sensation of coldness and formication, on a spot the size of a hand.\\ {{anchor:s326}}Dragging in back, as before menses, followed by slight show; t.\\ {{anchor:s327}}Opisthotonus.
====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ======
{{anchor:s329}}Tearing and stitching pains in arms.\\ {{anchor:s330}}Drawing pains in shoulder joint.\\ {{anchor:s331}}Eczematous vesicles between fingers, itching and burning fearfully.\\ {{anchor:s332}}Eczematous eruption on dorsum of left hand, between and upon fingers; burning, pricking, shallow vesicles filling with fluid and soon drying into thin crusts, which peeled off, leaving denuded spots; agg. from cool water, amel. from warmth.
====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ======
{{anchor:s334}}Coxalgia with spasmodic pains in bladder and strangury.\\ {{anchor:s335}}Tearing from right, later left hip bone, down to knees.\\ {{anchor:s336}}Knees totter when ascending steps.\\ {{anchor:s337}}Violent pains in knees; sometimes boring.\\ {{anchor:s338}}Pain in soles, as from an ulcer, could not step.\\ {{anchor:s339}}Fearful pain in soles of feet, like an ulcer; she could not step for four days.\\ {{anchor:s340}}"Going to sleep" of lower extremities.\\ {{anchor:s341}}Contraction of lower limbs.\\ {{anchor:s342}}Darting pain from right foot to right side of head in paroxysms. {{anchor:s343}}~ Neuralgia.
====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ======
{{anchor:s345}}Weakness and trembling of limbs.\\ {{anchor:s346}}Tearing in limbs, relieved by rubbing.\\ {{anchor:s347}}Dropsical swelling of hands and feet.\\ {{anchor:s348}}(In sick:) Cold extremities.\\ {{anchor:s349}}Cold sweat of hands and feet.
====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ======
{{anchor:s353}}Restlessness: compelling him to move about.\\ {{anchor:s354}}Lying down: burning in sides of head.\\ {{anchor:s355}}Stooping: face hot, red and swollen; stiffness in neck.\\ {{anchor:s356}}Movement: sweat.\\ {{anchor:s357}}Rising: pressing, gnawing and tearing in back.\\ {{anchor:s358}}Walking: vertigo, staggering and fainting; burning in sides of head; pressing, gnawing and tearing in back.
====== NERVES. [36] ======
{{anchor:s360}}Restlessness, compelling him to move about continually.\\ {{anchor:s361}}Subsultus tendinum.\\ {{anchor:s362}}Weakness, prostration, faintness, general coldness, collapse. {{anchor:s363}}~ Diphtheria.\\ {{anchor:s364}}Universal tetanic spasms, trembling, fainting.\\ {{anchor:s365}}Convulsions, with dysuria and hydrophobic symptoms; bright light, drink or sound of falling water, touching larynx, or painful parts, cause or renew spasm; excessive desire for sexual intercourse.\\ {{anchor:s366}}Hysteria with urinary troubles.\\ {{anchor:s367}}Paraplegia occurring in morbus Brightii.\\ {{anchor:s368}}Hemiplegia of right side with aphasia.\\ {{anchor:s369}}Tetanic or epileptiform convulsions, followed by coma.
====== SLEEP. [37] ======
{{anchor:s371}}Sleeplessness; anxious dreams; erections.\\ {{anchor:s372}}Sleepy, but cannot sleep soundly on account of sudden twitchings. {{anchor:s373}}~ Sequel of a burn.
====== TIME. [38] ======
{{anchor:s375}}General aggravation after midnight and during day.\\ {{anchor:s376}}Night: hallucinations; regurgitation of food; sexual desire.\\ {{anchor:s377}}Morning: confusion of head and pulsation in forehead; burning sides of head; coagulated blood in mouth; tearing pain in back.\\ {{anchor:s378}}Afternoon: burning sides of head.\\ {{anchor:s379}}Evening: constant dull painful sensation in region of kidneys; emissions; chill.
====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ======
{{anchor:s381}}Warm applications relieve pains in knees.\\ {{anchor:s382}}Open air: lachrymation.
====== FEVER. [40] ======
{{anchor:s384}}Chill in evening, not relieved by external warmth.\\ {{anchor:s385}}Burning in palms and soles.\\ {{anchor:s386}}Burning heat at night, which patient does not feel.\\ {{anchor:s387}}Heat, with thirst.\\ {{anchor:s388}}Sweat on genitals.\\ {{anchor:s389}}Cold sweat, especially on hands and feet. {{anchor:s390}}~ Collapse.\\ {{anchor:s391}}Cold extremities.\\ {{anchor:s392}}Chill running up back; succeeded by thirst without heat; not relieved by external warmth.\\ {{anchor:s393}}Sweat smells like urine.\\ {{anchor:s394}}Sweat from every movement.\\ {{anchor:s395}}Evening fever. {{anchor:s396}}Catarrh of bladder.\\ {{anchor:s397}}Typhoid, with difficult and scanty urination, inability to lie on left side, palpitation and great anxiety at night, and a clot of blood comes into mouth for two or three mornings.\\ {{anchor:s398}}In third stage, when there is complete insensibility; cramps in abdominal muscles and legs; suppression of urine; hemorrhages from stomach and intestines; cold sweat on hands and feet. {{anchor:s399}}~ Yellow fever.
====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ======
{{anchor:s401}}Some symptoms appear every seventh day.
====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ======
{{anchor:s403}}Sides: of head, burning.\\ {{anchor:s404}}Right: ear, tearing; mastoid process; liver painful and sensitive; axilla into chest, fine stitching; tearing in hip bone; darting pain in foot and head.\\ {{anchor:s405}}Left: lumbar region, sensation of coldness; eczematous eruption on dorsum of hand and fingers.
====== SENSATIONS. [43] ======
{{anchor:s407}}Raw and sore pain in whole body, internally and externally.\\ {{anchor:s408}}Every part oversensitive, accompanied by excessive weakness.\\ {{anchor:s409}}Burning, stitching and tearing pains predominate.\\ {{anchor:s410}}As if some one was pulling a lock of hair; as if a red-hot iron was passed along urethra.\\ {{anchor:s411}}Darting, stinging pain on different parts of body at same time. {{anchor:s412}}Compare Crot. tigl.\\ {{anchor:s413}}Prickling: after erysipelas.\\ {{anchor:s414}}Stitching: in neck of bladder; in sides of head and occiput; in groins; from axilla into chest; in heart; in sternum; in arms.\\ {{anchor:s415}}Lancinating pain: deep in brain; nape of neck; in os coccygis.\\ {{anchor:s416}}Cutting: in both kidneys; from ureters downward towards penis; in neck of bladder; stitches along trachea; in abdomen; in groins.\\ {{anchor:s417}}Shooting: in chest.\\ {{anchor:s418}}Pain: in tip of penis; in abdomen; in loins; in knees; in soles.\\ {{anchor:s419}}Darting pain: from right foot into head.\\ {{anchor:s420}}Boring: in knees.\\ {{anchor:s421}}Tearing: and stitching pains in anus; on vertex; in nape of neck; in back; in cervical muscles; in os coccygis; in arms; from hip bones to knees; in limbs.\\ {{anchor:s422}}Drawing: in spermatic cord; in region of heart; in shoulder joints.\\ {{anchor:s423}}Dragging: in back.\\ {{anchor:s424}}Burning: in throat; violent, in stomach; intestinal tract; in anus; in both kidneys; when urinating; excretory ducts; in larynx; in brain; in eyes; in mouth; in region of pylorus; about umbilicus; in groins; in bladder; in chest; in palms; in soles.\\ {{anchor:s425}}Biting: in anus; in eyes.\\ {{anchor:s426}}Stinging: in eyes.\\ {{anchor:s427}}Smarting: in eyes.\\ {{anchor:s428}}Scraped: sensation in throat.\\ {{anchor:s429}}Dull pressing pain: in both kidneys.\\ {{anchor:s430}}Pressure: in scrobiculum.\\ {{anchor:s431}}Dull, heavy pain: in forehead; in region of kidney.\\ {{anchor:s432}}Throbbing: in head.\\ {{anchor:s433}}Fullness: in head; in stomach, chest and abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s434}}Dryness: in mouth.\\ {{anchor:s435}}Heaviness: in bladder; of head; in occiput.\\ {{anchor:s436}}Coldness: in left lumbar region.\\ {{anchor:s437}}Formication: in lumbar region.\\ {{anchor:s438}}Itching: between fingers; violent in vagina.\\ {{anchor:s439}}Crawling sensation: in heart.
====== TISSUES. [44] ======
{{anchor:s441}}Acts on parenchyma of kidneys and destroys them.\\ {{anchor:s442}}Increased secretions from mucous membranes and ulcerated surfaces.\\ {{anchor:s443}}Hemorrhages from nose, mouth, intestinal canal, urinary and genitals organs.\\ {{anchor:s444}}Great emaciation. {{anchor:s445}}~ Catarrh of bladder.\\ {{anchor:s446}}Swelling, heat, redness, even gangrene of parts.\\ {{anchor:s447}}Pleurisy, particularly in morbus Brightii.\\ {{anchor:s448}}Dropsy from atony of urinary organs, with ischuria.\\ {{anchor:s449}}Skin affections, particularly of an erysipelatous, vesicular character.\\ {{anchor:s450}}Suppuration of internal organs.
{{anchor:s454}}On being touched or disturbed had violent attacks, so that it took four men to hold her. {{anchor:s455}}~ Acute mania.\\ {{anchor:s456}}Touching the larynx or painful parts renews symptoms. {{anchor:s457}}~ Spasms.\\ {{anchor:s458}}Pressure: on stomach produces convulsions; swelling of glans painful.\\ {{anchor:s459}}Scalds and burns. {{anchor:s460}}See 46.
====== SKIN. [46] ======
{{anchor:s462}}Ulcerative pain in skin when touched.\\ {{anchor:s463}}Erythema, from exposure to rays of sun. {{anchor:s464}}~ Eczema solaris.\\ {{anchor:s465}}Vesicles all over body, agg. between toes, which are all sore and suppurating.\\ {{anchor:s466}}Vesicular erysipelas; blebs swell and exude much watery matter.\\ {{anchor:s467}}Erysipelatous inflammation of skin, followed by prickling.\\ {{anchor:s468}}Superficial ulcerations caused by burns, with burning pains and lachrymation.\\ {{anchor:s469}}Burns, before blisters form, and when they have formed. {{anchor:s470}}[Obs. Recommended by Dr. Hering as a most valuable remedy in scalds and burns. {{anchor:s471}}The injured part is immersed or bathed in a few drops of the tincture in water. {{anchor:s472}}A potency may be given inwardly. {{anchor:s473}}To demonstrate the truth of similia, he frequently challenged skeptics to burn their fingers and then immerse the injured members in a dilution of Cantharides. {{anchor:s474}}--The editors.].\\ {{anchor:s475}}Pemphigus.\\ {{anchor:s476}}Psoriasis.\\ {{anchor:s477}}Pityriasis, especially in children.\\ {{anchor:s478}}Itching, changing place, like from lice.\\ {{anchor:s479}}Ulceration and gangrene after exanthematous disease.\\ {{anchor:s480}}Ulcers with itching, tearing and lacerating, or burning, smarting and stinging; pus copious, inodorous, slightly yellow, sometimes tinged with blood, agg. from rubbing and scratching.\\ {{anchor:s481}}Carbuncle.\\ {{anchor:s482}}Immovable, firm, hard tumor, directly above symphysis pubis.\\ {{anchor:s483}}Eczema: watery vesicles, as if excoriated; burning, itching, and when touched burning and smarting; eruption mostly on right side; early inflammatory stage.\\ {{anchor:s484}}Petechiae.\\ {{anchor:s485}}Large burning, painful blisters on an erysipelatous base.\\ {{anchor:s486}}Variola: dysuria and bloody urine; distressing headache and backache; eruption not properly developed, or assuming an hemorrhagic hue.
====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ======
{{anchor:s488}}A boy, aet. 6, light complexion. {{anchor:s489}}~ Sequel of a burn.\\ {{anchor:s490}}A woman in third month of pregnancy. {{anchor:s491}}~ Eczema of hands.\\ {{anchor:s492}}Woman, aet. 29, scrofulous. {{anchor:s493}}~ Kidney affection.
====== RELATIONS. [48] ======
{{anchor:s495}}Antidotes: Acon., Camphor., Kali nitr., Lauroc., Pulsat.\\ {{anchor:s496}}Canthar. antidotes Camphor., vinegar and alcohol.\\ {{anchor:s497}}Compatible: Bellad., Mercur., Phosphor., Pulsat., Sepia, Sulphur.\\ {{anchor:s498}}Incompatible: Coffea; oil increases the pernicious effects by rendering the active principle (Cantharidine) more soluble, favoring greater absorption.\\ {{anchor:s499}}Compare: Acon., Apis (renal and bladder troubles), Bellad., Bryon. (pleurisy), Camphor., Cannab., Capsic., Cinchon., Cochlearia armor. (renal and bladder troubles), Coffea, Colocyn. (colic), Doryphora decem. (urethritis, especially children), Equiset. (renal and bladder troubles), Formica rufa, Hydrangea arbor. (renal and bladder troubles), Hyosc., Lauroc., Ledum, Linaria vulg. (renal and bladder troubles), Lycop., Mercur. (semen mixed with blood), Phosphor., Pulsat., Rhux tox., Sassafras (urine burns like fire, shreddy particles and blood in it), Seneg., Sepia, Stramon., Sulphur.\\ {{anchor:s500}}See introduction to Arnica as to the Arnica fly.\\ {{anchor:s501}}Other drugs vesicatory like Cantharis may be compared, viz.{{anchor:s502}}: Arum triph., Cantharis strigosa (on cotton plant), Clemat. vitalb., Clemat. crispa (the Spanish fly feed on this), Lytta vit. (fly of sweet potato), Maruta cotula (every part of plant acrid), Mezereum, Plantago alis., Ranunc. scel. and Rhus tox.
^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 03, 1881 |
^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r58|Cantharis vesicatoria]] |
^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r58|Cantharis vesicatoria]] |
^ Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. |
^ Year: | 1881 |
^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting |
^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}