====== CODEINUM ======
{{anchor:s2}}An alkaloid of Opium. {{anchor:s3}}C18H21NO3.
{{anchor:s4}}Provings by E. E. Marcy and others (See Encyclopaedia, vol. 3).
{{anchor:s5}}"Discovered in 1832 by Robiquet in the muriate of morphia, prepared according to the process of Gregory. {{anchor:s6}}It exists in opium, combined with meconic acid, and is extracted along with morphia in the preparation of muriate of morphia."
{{anchor:s7}}The provings evolve many symptoms similar to those we find in the provings of morphia.
{{anchor:s9}}- Twitching of eyelids, Marcy, Hale's Therap., p. 185; Soreness of skin of face and scalp after neuralgia, E. E. Marcy, N. A. J. H., vol. 5, p. 414; Spasmodic pain in stomach, Marcy, N. A. J. H., vol. 5, p. 419; Diabetes, Pavy, B. J. H., vol. 29, p. 818; Night cough of consumptives, Hale's Therap., p. 185; Sudden twitchings during sleep, E. E. Marcy, N. A. J. H., vol. 5, p. 416; Disturbed sleep from frightful dreams, E. E. Marcy, N. A. J. H., vol. 5, p. 416.
====== MIND. [1] ======
{{anchor:s11}}Great mental exhilaration.\\ {{anchor:s12}}Depression of spirits with dull headache.\\ {{anchor:s13}}Inability to apply the mind.\\ {{anchor:s14}}Lascivious thoughts.
====== SENSORIUM. [2] ======
{{anchor:s16}}Confusion and heat of head.
====== INNER HEAD. [3] ======
{{anchor:s18}}Heat in head.\\ {{anchor:s19}}Dull headache in morning, which gradually diminishes until noon, when it disappears.\\ {{anchor:s20}}Dull headache soon after getting up in morning, agg. on left side, and lasting about two hours.\\ {{anchor:s21}}Headache from fatigue and excessive mental excitement.
====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ======
{{anchor:s23}}Weakness of vision.\\ {{anchor:s24}}Involuntary twitching of left eyelid, sometimes amel. by rubbing.\\ {{anchor:s25}}Involuntary twitching of both eyelids, whenever he attempted to read or write.
====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ======
{{anchor:s27}}Entire loss of smell.
====== UPPER FACE. [8] ======
{{anchor:s29}}Painful soreness of skin of face and scalp, which remained after a severe attack of neuralgia.
====== LOWER FACE. [9] ======
{{anchor:s31}}Lips dry and parched, constant inclination to moisten skin.
====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ======
{{anchor:s33}}Dryness of mouth.
====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ======
{{anchor:s35}}Tickling sensation in throat, in afternoon and evening.
{{anchor:s38}}Great thirst, with a particular desire for bitter substances.
{{anchor:s40}}Empty eructations, with acute pains in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s41}}Nausea and vomiting.
====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ======
{{anchor:s43}}Tenderness in stomach, with violent pulsations of heart and carotids.\\ {{anchor:s44}}Violent spasmodic pain at pit of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s45}}Gastralgia.\\ {{anchor:s46}}(OBS:) Neuralgia of stomach and solar plexus.\\ {{anchor:s47}}Affections of stomach or abdomen, dependent on disorder of solar plexus of great sympathetic.
====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ======
{{anchor:s49}}Extreme tenderness of lower part of abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s50}}Dull pain throughout entire abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s51}}Gastric and abdominal neuralgia.
====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ======
{{anchor:s53}}Constipation with tenderness of bowels, especially in transverse and descending colon.
====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ======
{{anchor:s55}}Increased secretion of urine, it being lighter in color.\\ {{anchor:s56}}Semi-paralysis of bladder.\\ {{anchor:s57}}She passed five pints of urine daily, specific gravity 10.40 and sugar to the extent of 32.72 grains; agg. from anxiety and overwork.\\ {{anchor:s58}}The urine previously saccharine contained no trace of sugar.
====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ======
{{anchor:s60}}Sexual excitement during night leading to nocturnal pollutions.
{{anchor:s64}}Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.
====== COUGH. [27] ======
{{anchor:s66}}Short, irritating cough agg. during night.\\ {{anchor:s67}}Troublesome cough, with copious mucous and sometimes purulent expectoration.\\ {{anchor:s68}}Obstinate cough with expectoration and nervous excitability.\\ {{anchor:s69}}Night cough of phthisical patients.
====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ======
{{anchor:s71}}Fullness and oppression of chest.\\ {{anchor:s72}}Sharp pain in right lung on inspiration.\\ {{anchor:s73}}Stitching pains in left lung on breathing.\\ {{anchor:s74}}Severe pain in shoulder and chest on motion.
====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ======
{{anchor:s76}}Sympathetic palpitation of heart and irregular action from derangement of ganglionic system.\\ {{anchor:s77}}Violent palpitation of heart and carotids.\\ {{anchor:s78}}Painful pulsations of heart on attempting to study or write.\\ {{anchor:s79}}Drawing pain around heart, which beats loud and full.
====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ======
{{anchor:s81}}Convulsions in muscles of neck.\\ {{anchor:s82}}Convulsive movements of muscles of back and neck.\\ {{anchor:s83}}Neuralgic pains from occiput to back of neck.\\ {{anchor:s84}}Painful pulsations in left side of neck.\\ {{anchor:s85}}Sharp pains extending from stomach and chest through to back, between shoulders, agg. on right side.\\ {{anchor:s86}}Acute pains in region of kidneys.
====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ======
{{anchor:s88}}Spasmodic twitches in arms.\\ {{anchor:s89}}On moving arm, severe pain in deltoid muscles.\\ {{anchor:s90}}Pulsating pain in left upper arm.\\ {{anchor:s91}}Numbness of hands and arms.
====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ======
{{anchor:s93}}Sensation and power of motion impaired.\\ {{anchor:s94}}Involuntary twitchings of lower limbs.\\ {{anchor:s95}}Painful, spasmodic jerking of legs.\\ {{anchor:s96}}Neuralgic pains in thighs and legs, and subacute rheumatic pains in knee and ankle joints.\\ {{anchor:s97}}Sudden pain in knee joints, making walking impossible for a few minutes.\\ {{anchor:s98}}Paralytic affections of lower extremities, with extreme restlessness, constant desire to change position, and inability to sleep.
====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ======
{{anchor:s100}}Spasmodic twitching of upper and lower extremities.
====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ======
{{anchor:s104}}Motion: severe pain in shoulder and chest.\\ {{anchor:s105}}On moving arm: severe pain in deltoid muscles.
====== NERVES. [36] ======
{{anchor:s107}}Extreme restlessness.\\ {{anchor:s108}}Trembling of whole body.\\ {{anchor:s109}}Morbid sensitiveness of surface in nervous and hysterical females.\\ {{anchor:s110}}Frequent paroxysms of involuntary twitchings of muscles of all parts of body, indigestion and various manifestations of morbid excitability of nervous system in consequence of chronic ovaritis and suppressed menses.\\ {{anchor:s111}}Chorea; sleep constantly disturbed; unusual tendency to involuntary twitching of muscles of different parts of body.
====== SLEEP. [37] ======
{{anchor:s113}}Sleepiness, drowsy feeling.\\ {{anchor:s114}}Sudden twitchings during sleep, so violent as to wake up the sleeper in affright. {{anchor:s115}}~ Chorea.\\ {{anchor:s116}}Disturbed sleep from frightful dreams, causing patients to wake in morning exhausted and unrefreshed.\\ {{anchor:s117}}Sleep constantly disturbed by severe night cough. {{anchor:s118}}~ Phthisis.
====== TIME. [38] ======
{{anchor:s120}}In morning: dull headache, which gradually diminishes until noon, when it disappears; dull headache soon after getting up, agg. on left side, and lasting about two hours; awakes exhausted and unrefreshed on account of disturbed sleep.\\ {{anchor:s121}}In afternoon: tickling in throat.\\ {{anchor:s122}}In evening: tickling in throat.\\ {{anchor:s123}}During night: sexual excitement leading to nocturnal pollutions; short, irritating cough worse.\\ {{anchor:s124}}Night cough of phthisical patients.
====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ======
{{anchor:s126}}Sudden: pain in knee joints; twitchings during sleep.\\ {{anchor:s127}}Spasmodic: twitching of left eyelid; twitches in arms; jerking of legs; twitching of upper and lower extremities.\\ {{anchor:s128}}Frequent: paroxysms of involuntary twitching of muscles of all parts of body.\\ {{anchor:s129}}For a few minutes: walking impossible on account of sudden pain in knee joints.\\ {{anchor:s130}}Constant: inclination to moisten skin; desire to change position; disturbance of sleep from chorea; disturbance of sleep by night cough.\\ {{anchor:s131}}Lasting about two hours: dull headache agg. on left side, soon after getting up in morning.\\ {{anchor:s132}}Dull headache in morning, which gradually diminishes until noon, when it disappears.
====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ======
{{anchor:s134}}Right: sharp pain in lung on inspiration; sharp pains from stomach and chest through to back, between shoulders, agg. on side.\\ {{anchor:s135}}Left: dull headache agg. on side; involuntary twitching of eyelid; stitching pains in lung on breathing; painful pulsations in side of neck; pulsating pain in upper arm.
====== SENSATIONS. [43] ======
{{anchor:s137}}Pains: in stomach; in shoulder and chest; in deltoid muscles; in knee joints.\\ {{anchor:s138}}Stitching pains: in left lung on breathing.\\ {{anchor:s139}}Painful spasmodic jerking: of legs.\\ {{anchor:s140}}Drawing pains: around heart.\\ {{anchor:s141}}Painful soreness: of skin of face and scalp, after neuralgia.\\ {{anchor:s142}}Sharp pain: in right lung on inspiration; from stomach and chest through to back, between shoulders, agg. on right side.\\ {{anchor:s143}}Acute pains: in region of kidneys; in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s144}}Neuralgic pains: from occiput to back of neck; in thighs and legs; of stomach and solar plexus.\\ {{anchor:s145}}Subacute rheumatic pains: in knee and ankle joints.\\ {{anchor:s146}}Spasmodic pain: at pit of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s147}}Pulsating pain: in left upper arm.\\ {{anchor:s148}}Painful pulsations: of heart on attempting to study or write; in left side of neck.\\ {{anchor:s149}}Prickling: of skin.\\ {{anchor:s150}}Dull pain: throughout entire abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s151}}Dull: headache.\\ {{anchor:s152}}Oppression: of chest.\\ {{anchor:s153}}Fullness: of chest.\\ {{anchor:s154}}Itching: of skin over whole body; of eczema and porrigo.\\ {{anchor:s155}}Tenderness: in stomach; of bowels, especially in transverse and descending colon.\\ {{anchor:s156}}Tickling: in throat.\\ {{anchor:s157}}Numbness: of hands and arms.\\ {{anchor:s158}}Dryness: of lips; of mouth.\\ {{anchor:s159}}Heat: of head.
====== TISSUES. [44] ======
{{anchor:s161}}Sensation of general warmth with itching of skin, over whole body.
{{anchor:s165}}Rubbing: involuntary twitching of left eyelid, sometimes amel. by.
====== SKIN. [46] ======
{{anchor:s167}}Itching of skin over whole body.\\ {{anchor:s168}}Troublesome itching of eczema and porrigo.\\ {{anchor:s169}}Prickling of skin.
====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ======
{{anchor:s171}}Woman, aet. 68; diabetes.
====== RELATIONS. [48] ======
{{anchor:s173}}Codeineum cured gastralgia, which had withstood all other remedies, Bellad. included.\\ {{anchor:s174}}Codeinum relieved cough and sleeplessness in phthisical patients after failure of Hyos., Ipecac. and Conium.\\ {{anchor:s175}}Compare: Agar. (twitching of eyelids); Arsen. (pains in legs and nightly restlessness); Hyos. (twitching of eyelids after reading); Laches. (superficial sensitiveness); Rhus tox. (chorea, nightly restlessness, pains in legs); Sulphur (spasmodic twitching of legs); Sulph. ac. (trembling of whole body).
^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 04, 1884 |
^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r581|Codeinum]] |
^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r581|Codeinum]] |
^ Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. |
^ Year: | 1884 |
^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting |
^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}