====== CORALLIUM RUBRUM ======
{{anchor:s1}}Corallium Rubrum.
{{anchor:s2}}Red Coral. {{anchor:s3}}Gorgoniadeae.
{{anchor:s4}}Proved by Attomyr, in the 3d trituration; also by Melicher. {{anchor:s5}}See Encyclopaedia, vol. 3, p. 561.
{{anchor:s7}}- Inveterate cases of nasal catarrh, Miller, U. S. Med. Inv., Nov., 1878, p. 418; Chancre, Attomyr, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 117; Cough, H. N. Martin, Hom. Clinics, vol. 2, p. 215; Hughes, see Pharmacodynamics, p. 325; Whooping cough, S. M. Cate, N. E. M. G., vol. 3, p. 85; Eruption on elbows, Nunez, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 239.
====== MIND. [1] ======
{{anchor:s9}}Peevish and ill-humored, very complaining; scolds and swears at the pains.
====== INNER HEAD. [3] ======
{{anchor:s11}}When moving head quickly, or shaking it, sensation as if wind was blowing through skull.\\ {{anchor:s12}}Head feels very large, three times its natural size.\\ {{anchor:s13}}Sensation of emptiness and hollowness of head.\\ {{anchor:s14}}Extremely violent headache pressing out at forehead, obliging him to move head from one side to other, but without relief; not amel. by sitting; amel. for a short time by almost complete uncovering of burning, hot body.\\ {{anchor:s15}}Sensation as if forehead was flattened by pressure.\\ {{anchor:s16}}Pressing headache in forehead; she cannot keep eyes open; amel. by walking in open air.\\ {{anchor:s17}}Violent headache, as if parietal bones were forced asunder; agg. by stooping.\\ {{anchor:s18}}Congestion of blood to head on stooping.\\ {{anchor:s19}}Meningeal inflammation threatening in yellow fever, especially in children.
====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ======
{{anchor:s21}}Enlarged pupils. {{anchor:s22}}~ Whooping cough.\\ {{anchor:s23}}Eyes hot and painful, with sensation as if swimming in tears.\\ {{anchor:s24}}Burning of eyes from candlelight.\\ {{anchor:s25}}Extremely sensitive drawing pain in external wall of left orbit, whence pain extends down beneath cheek bone, apparently along course of nervus malaris.\\ {{anchor:s26}}Pressure, as from sand, in reddened eyes (evening).\\ {{anchor:s27}}On closing eyes, they feel hot, as if bathed in tears.\\ {{anchor:s28}}Eyes pain violently during every motion. {{anchor:s29}}~ Gonorrheal ophthalmia.
====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ======
{{anchor:s31}}Subjective odors of smoke, onions, etc.\\ {{anchor:s32}}Great dryness of mucous membrane of nose and throat.\\ {{anchor:s33}}Dry coryza, nose stopped up, ulcerated nostrils.\\ {{anchor:s34}}Profuse secretion of mucus dropping through posterior nares, obliging frequent hawking; inspired air feels cold.\\ {{anchor:s35}}Violent, fluent catarrh of odorless mucus, looking like melted tallow, leaving greasy looking spots on linen.\\ {{anchor:s36}}Bleeding of nose, one nostril at a time, especially at night.\\ {{anchor:s37}}Ulceration of nose.\\ {{anchor:s38}}Painful ulcer in right nostril and on inner side of wing of nose, affecting nasal bones, with a sensation as if they were pressed asunder.
====== UPPER FACE. [8] ======
{{anchor:s40}}Grows purple and black in face. {{anchor:s41}}~ Whooping cough.\\ {{anchor:s42}}Left zygoma painful, as if bruised; agg. when touched.\\ {{anchor:s43}}Heat in face on bending head forward.
====== LOWER FACE. [9] ======
{{anchor:s45}}Pain in left articulation of lower jaw, as if sprained, on drawing jaw far downward, and also when biting and yawning.\\ {{anchor:s46}}The lips are chapped, swollen and painful.
====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ======
{{anchor:s48}}Every tooth on left side feels as if set on edge; as if teeth were too close to one another, or as if a tenacious body was lodged between them.
====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ======
{{anchor:s50}}White coated tongue. {{anchor:s51}}~ Whooping cough.
====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ======
{{anchor:s53}}Painful swelling of left submaxillary gland; agg. when swallowing or bending head forward.
====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ======
{{anchor:s55}}Mucous membrane of throat and chest very sensitive, any change of air sets patient coughing. {{anchor:s56}}~ Whooping cough.\\ {{anchor:s57}}Constant hawking, owing to an accumulation of mucus in posterior nares; inhaled air feels cold. {{anchor:s58}}~ Catarrh.\\ {{anchor:s59}}Great dryness of fauces.
{{anchor:s62}}Violent thirst, no appetite. {{anchor:s63}}~ Whooping cough.\\ {{anchor:s64}}Longing for acids and salt food.
====== EATING AND DRINKING. [15] ======
{{anchor:s66}}After dinner, hot cheeks and forehead, with cold feet.\\ {{anchor:s67}}Food tastes insipid, like sawdust; farinaceous food tastes like straw; beer tastes sweet.
{{anchor:s69}}Nausea, with dryness of tongue and violent headache, agg. when sitting up.\\ {{anchor:s70}}Severe fit of coughing, followed by a loose cough, with vomiting of quantities of tough, ropy, stringy mucus.
====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ======
{{anchor:s72}}Constipation (for six days), followed by copious papescent stool.\\ {{anchor:s73}}Profuse discharge of mucus from anus at night.
====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ======
{{anchor:s75}}Burning urine.\\ {{anchor:s76}}Loam-colored urine, with similar sediment.
====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ======
{{anchor:s78}}Weakened sexual power, with spermatorrhea. {{anchor:s79}}~ Balanitis.\\ {{anchor:s80}}Involuntary seminal emissions during sleep (without dreams or erections).\\ {{anchor:s81}}Red, flat ulcers on glans and inner surface of prepuce, with profuse yellow, ichorous discharge.\\ {{anchor:s82}}Superficial, lardaceous ulcers, or, more commonly, red ulcers, on glans penis or prepuce, with copious, thin, offensive smelling discharge, which can be easily removed. {{anchor:s83}}~ Chancre.\\ {{anchor:s84}}Ulcers flat and extremely sensitive to touch, sometimes bleeding; chancres on any part of penis or scrotum very sensitive to touch.\\ {{anchor:s85}}The whole glans and inner surface of prepuce secrete a yellowish-green offensive matter; great sensitiveness, redness and swelling.\\ {{anchor:s86}}Swelling of prepuce; margin of prepuce feels sore when linen touches it.\\ {{anchor:s87}}The frenum is painful, as if pricked by needles.\\ {{anchor:s88}}Profuse perspiration of genitals.\\ {{anchor:s89}}Balanitis.\\ {{anchor:s90}}Very painful soft chancres.\\ {{anchor:s91}}Syphilitic erosions, exuding a thin, badly smelling ichor; constant trickling of mucus from posterior nares into fauces; smooth, copper-colored spots on palm of hand and finger.
{{anchor:s94}}Laryngismus stridulus.
====== RESPIRATION. [26] ======
{{anchor:s96}}On deep inspiration, sensation as if air passing through air passages was icy cold; inclination to cough, with difficult hawking up of bronchial mucus, in morning.\\ {{anchor:s97}}Difficult, oppressed respiration.\\ {{anchor:s98}}Crowing during inspiration. {{anchor:s99}}~ Whooping cough.\\ {{anchor:s100}}Laryngismus stridulus resembling whooping cough.\\ {{anchor:s101}}Asthma.
====== COUGH. [27] ======
{{anchor:s103}}Convulsive spasmodic cough, occurring in paroxysms.\\ {{anchor:s104}}In some forms of violent spasmodic cough; "firing minute guns" of short, barking cough, all day, and for half an hour or so towards evening, increasing to a violent spasmodic paroxysm.\\ {{anchor:s105}}Nervous and spasmodic cough; so violent that children lose their breath and become purple and black in face; during deep inspiration, sensation as if air passing through air passages was icy cold, inclination to cough and difficult hawking up of bronchial mucus; every atmospheric change causes coughing. {{anchor:s106}}~ Tuberculosis.\\ {{anchor:s107}}Fits of violent spasmodic cough, commencing with gasping for breath and continuing with repeated crowing inspirations until he grows purple and black in face and is quite exhausted; agg. in latter part of night and mornings; larynx and trachea more involved than chest; mucous membrane of throat and chest very sensitive, and change of air sets patient coughing; loss of appetite and thirst; severe fit of coughing followed by a loose cough, with vomiting of quantities of tough, ropy, stringy mucus. {{anchor:s108}}~ Whooping cough.\\ {{anchor:s109}}Whooping cough or any other kind of cough, when attack comes on with a very rapid cough, and attacks follow so closely as to almost run into each other; cough until patient falls back as limber as a rag.\\ {{anchor:s110}}Whooping cough, with bleeding from mouth and nose.\\ {{anchor:s111}}Cough, with morning aggravation, smothering sensation before paroxysms.\\ {{anchor:s112}}Frequent paroxysms of violent coughing; spasms of glottis and larynx so severe as to produce a sound, in coughing, similar to spasmodic croup; paroxysms of cough every ten or fifteen minutes, with occasional intervals lasting an hour; cough agg. latter part of night and forenoon; amel. in afternoon and evening; she seems quite weak, with quick pulse, white coated tongue, considerable thirst, no appetite, enlarged pupils and rapid loss of flesh. {{anchor:s113}}~ Whooping cough.\\ {{anchor:s114}}Nervous cough, asthma Millari and endemic whooping cough.\\ {{anchor:s115}}Cough, with great sensitiveness of air passages.\\ {{anchor:s116}}Cold expectoration.
====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ======
{{anchor:s118}}Tuberculosis; spasmodic cough; cold expectoration.
====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ======
{{anchor:s120}}Heart, Pulse and Circulation\\ {{anchor:s121}}Pulse full and hard.\\ {{anchor:s122}}Quick pulse. {{anchor:s123}}~ Whooping cough.
====== OUTER CHEST. [30] ======
{{anchor:s125}}Pains in sternum, with cough.
====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ======
{{anchor:s127}}Neck stiff.\\ {{anchor:s128}}Pressing pains in shoulder blades with cough.\\ {{anchor:s129}}Small of back pains as if broken.
====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ======
{{anchor:s131}}Red, itching, miliary eruption rough, feeling like a grater to the touch, on both elbows.\\ {{anchor:s132}}Pain in wrists as after writing much and rapidly.\\ {{anchor:s133}}Smooth, copper-colored spots on palm of hand and finger. {{anchor:s134}}~ Syphilis.
====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ======
{{anchor:s136}}Pain in knees, tibiae and tarsal joints as after walking a great deal.
====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ======
{{anchor:s138}}After a short walk in evening, great lassitude in all the limbs.
====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ======
{{anchor:s142}}Standing: falls asleep.\\ {{anchor:s143}}Motion: eyes pain violently during.\\ {{anchor:s144}}Sitting up: nausea and headache agg.\\ {{anchor:s145}}When shaking head or quickly moving it: sensation as if wind was blowing through skull.\\ {{anchor:s146}}Violent headache, obliging him to move head from side to side, but without relief, not amel. by sitting.\\ {{anchor:s147}}Bending head forward: heat in face; pain in left submaxillary gland agg.\\ {{anchor:s148}}On closing eyes: they feel hot, as if bathed in tears.\\ {{anchor:s149}}On drawing jaw far downward: pain in left articulation, also when biting or yawning.\\ {{anchor:s150}}Stooping: headache agg.; congestion of blood to head.\\ {{anchor:s151}}Walking: headache amel.; lassitude in all the limbs after; great fatigue after.
====== NERVES. [36] ======
{{anchor:s153}}Great weakness. {{anchor:s154}}~ Whooping cough.\\ {{anchor:s155}}Great fatigue after a walk.\\ {{anchor:s156}}Hysteria.
====== SLEEP. [37] ======
{{anchor:s158}}Drowsiness; yawning; the joint of the jaw pains.\\ {{anchor:s159}}Very sleepy; falls asleep while standing.\\ {{anchor:s160}}Cannot sleep before midnight; tosses about.\\ {{anchor:s161}}Starts as soon as she falls asleep, from a frightened dream.
====== TIME. [38] ======
{{anchor:s163}}In morning: inclination to cough, difficult hawking of mucus; spasmodic cough agg.\\ {{anchor:s164}}In afternoon: cough amel.\\ {{anchor:s165}}Evening: pressure in eyes; cough amel.; lassitude in limbs.\\ {{anchor:s166}}At night: bleeding of nose; profuse discharge of mucus from anus; cannot fall asleep before midnight.\\ {{anchor:s167}}Latter part of night: spasmodic cough agg.
====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ======
{{anchor:s169}}Heat: chill amel. by outward.\\ {{anchor:s170}}Uncovering of body: headache amel. for a short time; hot parts feel cold.\\ {{anchor:s171}}Feels cold uncovered and too hot when covered.\\ {{anchor:s172}}Open air: headache amel.\\ {{anchor:s173}}Change of air: sets patient coughing.
====== FEVER. [40] ======
{{anchor:s175}}Heat without thirst or sweat; full, hard pulse.\\ {{anchor:s176}}Chill, but skin of usual warmth, with headache and violent thirst.\\ {{anchor:s177}}Chill relieved by outward heat.\\ {{anchor:s178}}Hot parts feel cold when uncovered.\\ {{anchor:s179}}Dry heat, no thirst, no sweat.\\ {{anchor:s180}}Tertian or quartan intermittent; dropsy following suppression of chills.
====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ======
{{anchor:s182}}Frequent: paroxysms of violent coughing.\\ {{anchor:s183}}Constant: hawking; trickling of mucus from posterior nares into fauces.\\ {{anchor:s184}}Every ten or fifteen minutes: paroxysms of cough, with occasional intervals lasting an hour.\\ {{anchor:s185}}For half an hour: towards evening, spasmodic paroxysms of coughing.\\ {{anchor:s186}}All day: short barking cough.\\ {{anchor:s187}}For six days: constipation.\\ {{anchor:s188}}Tertian or quartan intermittent.
====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ======
{{anchor:s190}}Right: painful ulcer in nostril, affecting nasal bones.\\ {{anchor:s191}}Left: drawing in external wall of orbit, extending down beneath cheek bone; zygoma painful; pain in articulation of lower jaw; every tooth on side as if set on edge; painful swelling of submaxillary gland.
====== SENSATIONS. [43] ======
{{anchor:s193}}As if wind was blowing through skull; as if head was very large, three times its natural size; as if forehead was flattened by pressure; as if parietal bones were forced asunder; as if eyes were swimming in tears; as of sand in eyes; as if nasal bones were pressed asunder; as if left zygoma was bruised; as if sprained in left articulation of lower jaw; as if teeth on left side were set on edge; as if teeth were too close to one another, or as if a tenacious body was lodged between them; as if frenum was pricked by needles; as if air passing through air passages was icy cold; as if smothering before cough; as if small of back was broken.\\ {{anchor:s194}}Pain: in abdomen with coughing; in knees, tibiae and tarsal joints, as if after walking a great deal; in joint of jaw; in sternum; in wrists.\\ {{anchor:s195}}Drawing: in external wall of left orbit, extending down beneath cheek bone.\\ {{anchor:s196}}Burning: of body; of eyes from candlelight.\\ {{anchor:s197}}Pressing out: at forehead.\\ {{anchor:s198}}Pressing: in forehead; in shoulder blades.\\ {{anchor:s199}}Pressure: in eyes.\\ {{anchor:s200}}Hollowness: in head.\\ {{anchor:s201}}Emptiness: in head.\\ {{anchor:s202}}Dryness: of fauces; of tongue; of nose and throat.\\ {{anchor:s203}}Itching: miliary eruption on elbows.
====== TISSUES. [44] ======
{{anchor:s205}}Difficult breathing and spasmodic cough.\\ {{anchor:s206}}Rapid loss of flesh. {{anchor:s207}}~ Whooping cough.\\ {{anchor:s208}}Scrofula; syphilis complicated with psora.
{{anchor:s212}}Touch: pain in left zygoma agg.; ulcers on scrotum or penis very sensitive; eruption on elbows feels like a grater.\\ {{anchor:s213}}From touch of linen: margin of prepuce feels sore.
====== SKIN. [46] ======
{{anchor:s215}}Copper-colored spots on skin.\\ {{anchor:s216}}Smooth, red spots on skin and palms of hands, at first coral color, then darker red, and finally coppery.\\ {{anchor:s217}}Pustular eruption resembling varioloid.\\ {{anchor:s218}}Measles; purpura; psoriasis.
====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ======
{{anchor:s220}}May be found useful for a combination of syphilis and psora.\\ {{anchor:s221}}Carrie, aet. 2; whooping cough.\\ {{anchor:s222}}Girl, aet. 13, nervous temperament, has several times manifested hysterical symptoms; has not yet menstruated; cough.\\ {{anchor:s223}}Woman, aet. 45; suffering for three years from cough.\\ {{anchor:s224}}Woman, aet. 52; suffering for two weeks; eruption on elbows.
====== RELATIONS. [48] ======
{{anchor:s226}}It antidotes: Mercur.\\ {{anchor:s227}}Complementary: Sulphur.\\ {{anchor:s228}}Compare: Bellad., Caustic., Coffea, Droser., Hyos., Lyssin, (inhaled air feels cold); Nitr. ac., Nux vom., Mephitis; Staphis. (gastralgia).
^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 04, 1884 |
^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r355|Corallium rubrum]] |
^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r355|Corallium rubrum]] |
^ Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. |
^ Year: | 1884 |
^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting |
^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}