====== CUPRUM ACETICUM ====== {{anchor:s1}}Cuprum Aceticum. {{anchor:s2}}Acetate of copper; verdigris. {{anchor:s3}}Cu 2C2 H3 O2. H2 O. {{anchor:s4}}The symptoms are principally toxicological and clinical. {{anchor:s5}}See Cuprum metallicum. ====== CLINICAL AUTHORITIES. ====== {{anchor:s7}}- Hallucinations, Mossa, Raue's Rec., 1875, p. 29; Effects of over-study, Schmid, B. J. H., vol. 1, p. 241; Dementia, Schmid, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 23; Mania from suppression of menses, Kissel, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 4; Mania after labor, Schmid, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 23; Irritation of brain, Gross, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 41; Apoplexia nervosa, Schmid, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 91; Paralysis of left nervus abducentis, Heinigke, Norton's Opth. {{anchor:s8}}Therap., p. 76; Facial neuralgia, Mossa, Raue's Rec., 1875, p. 245; Tonsillitis, Kissel, Rck. Kl. Erf, vol. 5, p. 238; Obstinate vomiting, Dudgeon, Times Retrospect, 1877, p. 23; Uraemic vomiting, Koeck, Hah. Mo., vol., 12. p. 638; Diarrhea after suppression of eczema, Drummond, B. J. H., vol. 31, p. 401; Summer diarrhea, Drummond, B. J. H., vol. 31, p. 414; Cholera, J. C. Morgan, Hering's Monograph; Cholera paralytica, Quaglio, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 474; Tape worm (60 cases reported), Kissel, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 387; Croup (12 cases reported), Kissel, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 755; Spasmodic whooping cough, Bellows, Hom. Obs., vol. 6, p. 142; Whooping cough, Neidhard, B. J. H., vol. 12, p. 437; Angina pectoris, Bayes, Raue's Rec., 1872, p. 127; Paralysis of nervus ulnaris, Heinigke, Raue's Rec., 1870, p. 304; Paralysis of left leg, Heinigke, Raue's Rec., 1870, p. 304; Measles, Miller, Raue's Rec., 1873, p. 222; Scarlatina, Gardiner, Hering's Monograph; Spotted fever with clonic spasms, Neidhard, Hering's Monograph; Chorea, Drummond, B. J. H., vol. 31, p. 413. ====== MIND. [1] ====== {{anchor:s10}}Memory weak; brain functions in general decreased; must frequently think long before he finds the right expression; temperature low; hands always cold; in winter, hands become bluish-black.\\ {{anchor:s11}}Great absence of mind; tendency to start; eyes sunken, staring, as if riveted in sockets; cold sweat; spasmodic distortion of face. {{anchor:s12}}~ Irritation of brain.\\ {{anchor:s13}}Loud speaking arouses them from their fancies, they are obliged, however, to think a long time before they can answer.\\ {{anchor:s14}}Fixed idea that he sees persons connected with the law who are about to seize him, causing great anxiety, and making him cry like a child; at times sees thieves in the room, spirits, and various other immaterial objects; although he describes some of his symptoms truly, others are misrepresented or cannot be expressed by him; great despondency and anxiety; seems in despair; attacks of unconsciousness; pulse weak; skin cool and covered with a cold sweat.\\ {{anchor:s15}}Hallucinations of all kinds of figures and grimaces, especially in evening when going to bed and shutting eyes; at one time saw these appearances also through day, and heard them talk; headache; glimmering before eyes; whizzing and drumming in ears; chronic bronchial catarrh; frequent vertigo while walking on street.\\ {{anchor:s16}}Delirium\\ {{anchor:s17}}Attacks of mania, with full, rapid, hard pulse, inflamed eyes, wild look, and disconnected talking, ending with sweat.\\ {{anchor:s18}}Crying like a child.\\ {{anchor:s19}}Awoke suddenly from sleep and ran about room crying, scolding and screaming, and wished to escape; thinks she is about to die and desires to see the pastor; pain in head; pulse small, soft, 100; has not menstruated for several months.\\ {{anchor:s20}}Unexpectedly jumps out of bed, it requiring at times great force to retain her; eyes staring, look vacantly fixed upon some object; temperature slightly elevated in head, and lessened in extremities. {{anchor:s21}}~ Mania after labor.\\ {{anchor:s22}}Great anxiety; tossing about bed.\\ {{anchor:s23}}Attacks of anxiety; cannot control herself; cries, is in despair; coldness of the body, very slightly affected by external heat.\\ {{anchor:s24}}Slightest exertion brings on profuse and exhausting perspiration; no appetite; pulse weak, accelerated, irregular; skin moist; feet cold; at times a feeling of anxiety which cannot be resisted; giddiness in head, with internal pain, sometimes causing insensibility; sleep restless and unrefreshing, with distracted and annoying dreams; diarrhea; rapid decline of strength. {{anchor:s25}}~ Effects of over-study.\\ {{anchor:s26}}Afraid of falling; holds on to his nurse's hair, hugs up to her, afraid of being injured, would not stay in bed. {{anchor:s27}}~ Scarlatina.\\ {{anchor:s28}}Afraid of everyone who approaches him, shrinking away from them. {{anchor:s29}}~ Scarlatina.\\ {{anchor:s30}}Feared bedclothes or house would catch fire. {{anchor:s31}}~ Scarlatina.\\ {{anchor:s32}}Fear of death. {{anchor:s33}}~ Cholera.\\ {{anchor:s34}}Restless, cross and full of fear; respiration, sobbing, short and anxious; face pale and bloated; when drinking, child bites into glass or spoon; strength gradually sinking. {{anchor:s35}}~ Irritation of brain, due to dentition.\\ {{anchor:s36}}Disconnected delirious talking; talks all the time. ====== SENSORIUM. [2] ====== {{anchor:s38}}Vertigo, marked and persistent, with stupefaction.\\ {{anchor:s39}}Great confusion and heaviness of head. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s41}}Agonizing headache at distinct intervals like paroxysms, lancinating pains, sometimes in forehead, sometimes in top of head, sometimes in temples or occiput, agg. from slightest pressure.\\ {{anchor:s42}}Inflammation of brain; prostration, breathing short and anxious, face puffed and pale; when drinking child bit on the glass or spoon. ====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ====== {{anchor:s44}}Eyes staring, fixed, sunken.\\ {{anchor:s45}}After riding several hours in railroad car, sudden indistinct and double vision. {{anchor:s46}}~ Paralysis of left nervus abducentis.\\ {{anchor:s47}}Insufficiency of external recti muscles. ====== UPPER FACE. [8] ====== {{anchor:s49}}Distorted, pale, deathly face.\\ {{anchor:s50}}Face puffed and pale. {{anchor:s51}}~ Inflammation of brain.\\ {{anchor:s52}}Flushed features, face cyanotic. {{anchor:s53}}~ Cholera.\\ {{anchor:s54}}Facial neuralgia, behind right ear, in cheekbone and upper jaw, agg. morning, none at night; pain agg. from mental emotions; pain in upper and lower extremities, tingling in fingers, jerks and drawing in limbs; pain in face, amel. by chewing and external pressure; feeling of coldness in head; pain amel. from wrapping parts up warmly; when there is no pain she cannot bear warm things around head; brain is void and absent, mental activity much impaired; inclined to gape and cry; appetite poor; sleeps well lying on affected side. ====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ====== {{anchor:s56}}Inflammation of tonsils, or when they are enlarged will favor suppuration and cause rapid healing. ====== EATING AND DRINKING. [15] ====== {{anchor:s58}}When drinking child bites at glass or spoon. {{anchor:s59}}~ Inflammation of brain. ====== HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. [16] ====== {{anchor:s61}}Rice-watery vomiting and purging. {{anchor:s62}}~ Cholera.\\ {{anchor:s63}}Ineffectual attempts at vomiting, with distressing feeling of constriction in course of esophagus, and across chest, in direction of diaphragm.\\ {{anchor:s64}}Vomiting with burning nausea rising from stomach to throat.\\ {{anchor:s65}}Nausea and vomiting of greenish liquid, or yellowish-green vomiting.\\ {{anchor:s66}}Violent vomiting of greenish water, coming on suddenly and attended by copious greenish diarrhea and violent pain in bowels.\\ {{anchor:s67}}Very frequent vomiting, usually after drinking.\\ {{anchor:s68}}About every ten days has an attack of vomiting, preceded by headache in forehead, heat of head, and soreness or pain in eyes; attacks come on when awaking in morning, and consist only of frothy saliva; agg. from slightest movement, amel. lying still; attacks last one or two days, during which time he can take no solid food and scarcely any liquid; during intervals of attacks, tenderness of epigastrium to pressure, creeping or fluttering sensation between shoulders and at back of neck.\\ {{anchor:s69}}Constant fruitless attempts at vomiting, after which, nearly unconscious, he fell back into bed; at first, vomiting of food followed by vomiting of murky water mixed with green slimy strings; every swallow of water or food sets him vomiting; no appetite; excessive thirst, burning pain in stomach, great lassitude. {{anchor:s70}}~ Uremic vomiting. ====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ====== {{anchor:s72}}Violent griping and pressure in stomach, followed by vomiting.\\ {{anchor:s73}}Violent pains and cramps in stomach and bowels. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s75}}Severe griping and colicky pains in stomach and bowels.\\ {{anchor:s76}}Retracted abdomen. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s78}}Great irritability of stomach, every kind of nourishment being rejected; continual desire to vomit with most distressing retching; bowels irritable; frequent, small, papescent stools, often mixed with mucus and blood; nervous depression; fretting, despondent. {{anchor:s79}}~ After suppression of eczema.\\ {{anchor:s80}}Black stools, copious, painful, bloody, with tenesmus, and weakness.\\ {{anchor:s81}}Rice-watery purging; inelastic cold skin. {{anchor:s82}}~ Cholera.\\ {{anchor:s83}}Sudden severe constricting pains in abdomen, with nausea, profuse, spurting diarrhea, and cramps in muscles of legs; lies in an apathetic condition; twitchings; groaning; clonic spasm of muscles of leg; difficult respiration; cyanosis; is conscious, but desires nothing but water to quench the burning thirst; eyes dim, fixed, retracted, and surrounded by dark circles; face sunken and cold; tongue, breath, hands and feet icy cold; voice hollow, feeble; impulse beat of heart extremely weak, radial pulse lost; stool less frequent, ashy gray, with grayish flakes; forcible vomiting; urine suppressed. {{anchor:s84}}~ Cholera paralytica.\\ {{anchor:s85}}Severe cases of summer diarrhea, with griping pains and cramps of extremities.\\ {{anchor:s86}}Diarrhea with irregular pulse, twitchings, startings, and jerks in limbs, subsultus tendinum, and fainting.\\ {{anchor:s87}}Summer complaint of children, with brain affections.\\ {{anchor:s88}}Constipation.\\ {{anchor:s89}}Tape worm. ====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ====== {{anchor:s91}}Suppression of urine. ====== RESPIRATION. [26] ====== {{anchor:s93}}Difficult respiration.\\ {{anchor:s94}}Breathing short and anxious. {{anchor:s95}}~ Inflammation of brain.\\ {{anchor:s96}}Suffocative loss of breath.\\ {{anchor:s97}}Chest spasmodically constricted, impeding respiration, and increasing her anxiety. ====== COUGH. [27] ====== {{anchor:s99}}Frequent, violent, dry cough, with tearing pain in head; cough followed by violent pulsation of heart, lasting several minutes; anxiety and pressure in chest, agg. sitting; cough comes on at night between 11 and 1.\\ {{anchor:s100}}Redness of face; blueness around mouth and lips during attack; rapid, wheezing respiration, with groaning; rattling of phlegm; starting in sleep; great fretfullness; distinct whoop after each paroxysm of cough, and crying. {{anchor:s101}}~ Whooping cough.\\ {{anchor:s102}}Whooping cough; when spasmodic condition becomes manifest.\\ {{anchor:s103}}Whooping cough, in most obstinate cases, particularly where there is a chronic cough, and a tendency to consumption of lungs. ====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ====== {{anchor:s105}}Deathly feeling behind ensiform cartilage. {{anchor:s106}}~ Cholera.\\ {{anchor:s107}}Frequent attacks of angina pectoris, coming on when exerting herself, or when excited. ====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ====== {{anchor:s109}}Numbness and lameness of left hand, especially of fingers as far as they are supplied with the nervus ulnaris. ====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ====== {{anchor:s111}}Cramps in lower extremities, especially in calves.\\ {{anchor:s112}}Cramps of legs, particularly in old people.\\ {{anchor:s113}}Dragging of left foot in walking; numbness and lameness in sole of left foot gradually extending up to knee; walking and standing very difficult; no noticeable atrophy, but skin, subcutaneous tissues, muscles and ligaments considerably relaxed; sense of feeling much decreased; constant cold foot, scarcely changed by application of hot bricks; at times dull pain from hip down to knee. ====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ====== {{anchor:s115}}Violent drawing and tension in limbs, with frequent shuddering and chilliness, though skin is not cold.\\ {{anchor:s116}}Periodic, spasmodic, painful contraction of fingers and toes, frequently so severe that fingers could scarcely be extended by any force.\\ {{anchor:s117}}Cramps in extremities, and convulsive movements of limbs.\\ {{anchor:s118}}Coldness and severe cramp in extremities.\\ {{anchor:s119}}Coldness of extremities. ====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ====== {{anchor:s123}}Lying down: chorea amel. {{anchor:s124}}Sitting: anxiety and pressure of chest agg.\\ {{anchor:s125}}Change of posture: frequent.\\ {{anchor:s126}}Chewing: facial neuralgia amel.\\ {{anchor:s127}}Motion: chorea agg.\\ {{anchor:s128}}Walking: dragging of left foot.\\ {{anchor:s129}}Throwing body about: great restlessness. ====== NERVES. [36] ====== {{anchor:s131}}Affects specifically spinal cord; congestion of brain, with convulsive motions of extremities; cannot hold head up; eyes dim, lustreless, sunken, with blue rings; sad, depressed features; dry mouth, great thirst for cooling drinks; nausea, vomiting; torpid stool; nervous trembling, with very great acuteness and sensitiveness of senses; clonic spasms beginning at periphery; deep sleep or coma; paralysis of all muscles of back up to neck. {{anchor:s132}}~ Meningitis cerebro-spinalis.\\ {{anchor:s133}}Convulsions before eruption breaks out, or when eruption suddenly disappears, with tendency to metastasis to brain; quick, small, irregular pulse; low temperature; sopor; rolling of eyes; facial distortion, and also of all flexor muscles; great restlessness, throwing body about; spasmodic action of heart; vomiting; cold face, blue lips, coldness all over; agg. from contact. {{anchor:s134}}~ Scarlatina.\\ {{anchor:s135}}Metastasis during an attack of catarrhal or exanthemic fever; stage of exudation; delirium, with loud screaming, precede the sopor; convulsions begin at periphery and extend upwards; great v stiffness of neck, with remarkable paleness of skin; pressure in precordial region and sunken abdomen; great irregularity f pulse, sinking sometimes far below normal; trismus; tetanus; cramps; grinding of teeth; inability to hold up head; bloodshot eyes; insatiable thirst; cold hands and feet. {{anchor:s136}}~ Hydrocephalus acutus.\\ {{anchor:s137}}Convulsions coming on in lower extremities, or in fingers or toes, with much throwing about of limbs, frothing at mouth, and choking in throat; spasms preceded by violent vomiting of mucus.\\ {{anchor:s138}}Convulsions; limbs and body stiff, jaws clenched.\\ {{anchor:s139}}Consciousness lost; face distorted with convulsions; mouth drawn to one side; tongue partially paralyzed and awry; speech impeded or completely lost; one extremity, generally an arm, moved with greater difficulty than the other. {{anchor:s140}}~ Apoplexia nervosa.\\ {{anchor:s141}}Periodical chorea; irregular movements commencing in fingers or toes, or in one arm, and spreading all over body; twitchings often confined to one side; terrible contortions and awkward movements, accompanied by laughter, grimaces, exaltation and ecstasies; melancholy and dread of society; attacks often painful; cramps in calves; inability to speak, or only imperfectly; sudden piercing cries; distortion of mouth and eyes; at times risus sardonicus; agg. after fright, and from motion; amel. lying down. ====== SLEEP. [37] ====== {{anchor:s143}}On falling asleep begins to talk, scold, scream, turn and twist; when awakened is rational. ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s145}}Morning: facial neuralgia agg.; attack of vomiting on awaking.\\ {{anchor:s146}}Night: cough comes on between 11 and 1. ====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ====== {{anchor:s148}}Warmly wrapped: facial neuralgia amel.\\ {{anchor:s149}}Hot bricks: do not amel. cold feet. ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s151}}Measles with bronchitis; delirium, wants to go home; expectoration only during night; on falling asleep, begins to talk, scold, turn, twist and screams; on being aroused, perfectly rational; tongue and mouth red.\\ {{anchor:s152}}Spotted fever with clonic spasms. ====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ====== {{anchor:s154}}Sudden: attacks of vomiting; disappearance of eruptions.\\ {{anchor:s155}}At times: dull pain from hip to knee; risus sardonicus.\\ {{anchor:s156}}Lasting several minutes: cough and violent pulsation of heart.\\ {{anchor:s157}}Frequent: vomiting; violent cough; attacks of angina pectoris; change of posture.\\ {{anchor:s158}}Paroxysm: of cough.\\ {{anchor:s159}}Periodic: contraction of fingers and toes; chorea.\\ {{anchor:s160}}Distinct intervals: agonizing headache.\\ {{anchor:s161}}Every ten days: attack of vomiting. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s163}}Left: paralysis of nervus abducentis; numbness and lameness of hand; dragging of foot in walking; numbness and lameness of sole of foot.\\ {{anchor:s164}}Right: neuralgia behind ear. ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s166}}Pain: in upper and lower extremities; in eyes.\\ {{anchor:s167}}Agonizing: headache.\\ {{anchor:s168}}Lancinating pains: in forehead; in top of head; in temples; in occiput.\\ {{anchor:s169}}Tearing pain: in head.\\ {{anchor:s170}}Violent pain: in bowels; in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s171}}Griping: in stomach; in bowels.\\ {{anchor:s172}}Colicky pains: in stomach; in bowels.\\ {{anchor:s173}}Cramps: in stomach; in bowels; in muscles of legs; of extremities; in calves.\\ {{anchor:s174}}Spasms: clonic, of muscles of legs.\\ {{anchor:s175}}Neuralgia: behind right ear; in cheekbone; in upper jaw.\\ {{anchor:s176}}Constricting pain: in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s177}}Contraction: painful spasmodic of fingers; of fingers and toes.\\ {{anchor:s178}}Burning pain: in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s179}}Deathly feeling: behind ensiform cartilage.\\ {{anchor:s180}}Dull pain: from hip to knee.\\ {{anchor:s181}}Soreness: in eyes.\\ {{anchor:s182}}Distressing feeling of constriction: in esophagus; across chest in direction of diaphragm.\\ {{anchor:s183}}Drawing: in limbs.\\ {{anchor:s184}}Tension: in limbs.\\ {{anchor:s185}}Jerks: in limbs.\\ {{anchor:s186}}Pressure: in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s187}}Numbness: of left hand; of fingers; of sole of left foot; extending to knee.\\ {{anchor:s188}}Lameness: of left hand; of sole of left foot; extending to knee.\\ {{anchor:s189}}Heaviness: of head.\\ {{anchor:s190}}Tingling: in fingers.\\ {{anchor:s191}}Creeping sensation: between shoulders; at back of neck.\\ {{anchor:s192}}Coldness: of extremities; of head. ====== TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. [45] ====== {{anchor:s196}}Pressure: slightest, headache agg.; pain in face amel.\\ {{anchor:s197}}After riding in railroad car: sudden indistinct and double vision. ====== SKIN. [46] ====== {{anchor:s199}}Surface of body cyanotic in a high degree. {{anchor:s200}}~ Cholera.\\ {{anchor:s201}}Acute exanthemata when checked in stage of eruption, or suddenly disappear in stage of florescence; pulse quick, small, weak, irregular; temperature of skin greatly reduced; skin chilly and covered with perspiration; affections of nervous system present, as convulsive movements of various parts of body, distortion of eyes, face, mouth, head, etc.; spasmodic affections of chest; sometimes eclampsia; great restlessness, frequent change of posture, sopor, or delirium.\\ {{anchor:s202}}Scarlatina, miliary rash, measles, smallpox, purpura, erysipelas of face, disappear suddenly and are followed by symptoms threatening paralysis of brain.\\ {{anchor:s203}}Leprous eruption, consisting of spots, without itching.\\ {{anchor:s204}}Inelastic cold skin. {{anchor:s205}}~ Cholera. ====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ====== {{anchor:s207}}Carbo-nitrogenoid constitution.\\ {{anchor:s208}}Child, aet. 22 months; whooping cough.\\ {{anchor:s209}}Girl, aet. 3 1/2 years; irritation of brain.\\ {{anchor:s210}}Boy, aet. 9 years; scarlatina.\\ {{anchor:s211}}Girl, aet. 479, robust; cholera.\\ {{anchor:s212}}Girl, aet. 23; mania.\\ {{anchor:s213}}Man, aet. 29; paralysis of nervus abducentis.\\ {{anchor:s214}}A young soldier in Louisiana; cholera.\\ {{anchor:s215}}Woman, aet. 30, married, no children; diarrhea after suppression of eczema.\\ {{anchor:s216}}Woman, aet. 32, a year ago had intermittent fever, for which she took quinine, after this chlorosis, for which she took iron; facial neuralgia.\\ {{anchor:s217}}Man, aet. 40; paralysis of left leg.\\ {{anchor:s218}}Man, aet. 50, suffering from renal troubles; uremic vomiting.\\ {{anchor:s219}}Man, aet. 60; hallucinations.\\ {{anchor:s220}}Ann H., aet. 63; angina pectoris.\\ {{anchor:s221}}Man, aet. 64; obstinate vomiting.\\ {{anchor:s222}}Case of spotted fever, with clonic spasms. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s224}}Antidoted by: sugar, or white of egg mixed with milk, given freely. {{anchor:s225}}Dynamic antidotes: Bellad., Cinchon., Conium, Cicuta, Dulcam., Hepar, Ipec., Mercur., Nux vom.\\ {{anchor:s226}}Compatible: after Act. rac., Agaric., Stramon., in choreic affections.\\ {{anchor:s227}}Complementary: Calc. ostr.\\ {{anchor:s228}}Compare: metallic copper and other salts; Calc. ostr., Gelsem. (overworked brain); Cicuta, and Solanaceae (mental symptoms); Bellad. (inflammation of brain); Silic. (pains about head better from wrapping up warmly); Nux vom., Phosphor. (vomiting, diarrhea); Coloc. (colic); Camphor., Secale, Veratr. (cholera, cramps); Ant. tart., Arnic., Bryon., Cina, Ipec. (whooping cough); Apis, Zincum (hydrocephalus, or convulsions from suppressed exanthems); Plumbum (paralysis); Cina (chorea); Pulsat. (malarial neuralgia, after Quinine and Iron); Arsen. (suppression of urine, uraemia). ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 05, 1887 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r332|Cuprum aceticum]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r332|Cuprum aceticum]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. | ^ Year: | 1887 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}