{{anchor:s1}}Erigeron. {{anchor:s2}}(Erigeron Canadense.)
{{anchor:s3}}Canada Flea Bane. {{anchor:s4}}Compositae.
{{anchor:s5}}Grows in Canada and the United States as a weed. {{anchor:s6}}The tincture is prepared from the fresh plant when in bloom in July and August.
{{anchor:s7}}Used by the aborigines as an application to wounds.
{{anchor:s8}}Proved by W. H. Burt. {{anchor:s9}}See Allen's Encyclopaedia, vol. 4, p. 211. {{anchor:s10}}A fragmentary proving of the Erigeron philadelphicum, by A. Lippe, not published, is here inserted, the symptoms marked %%'*'%%.
{{anchor:s12}}- Dysuria in teething children (2 cases), Ring, N. A. J. H., vol. 5, p. 282; Uterine flow, Warren, Med. Inv., vol. 5, p. 35; Cough, Wright, Hom. Times, vol. 2, p. 10; Hemorrhages, Palmer, Raue's Rec., 1871, p. 121.
====== MIND. [1] ======
{{anchor:s14}}Lowness of spirits, with a feeling of great languor.
====== INNER HEAD. [3] ======
{{anchor:s16}}Congestion of head, red face, nosebleed; febrile action.\\ {{anchor:s17}}Dull frontal headache on waking in morning.\\ {{anchor:s18}}Dull headache, with ringing in right ear.\\ {{anchor:s19}}Headache, with pain in forehead and right eye, and pain in large joints.
====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ======
{{anchor:s21}}Smarting of eyes all day.\\ {{anchor:s22}}Redness, swelling, inflammation, with profuse muco purulent discharges from eyes.\\ {{anchor:s23}}Echymoses upon eyeballs or around eye, from a blow.
====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ======
{{anchor:s25}}Increased secretion of mucus in nostrils all forenoon.\\ {{anchor:s26}}Epistaxis of bright red blood.
====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ======
{{anchor:s28}}Profuse bleeding from gums.
====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ======
{{anchor:s30}}Dryness of pharynx; roughness, with sensation as if something had lodged in upper part of esophagus.\\ {{anchor:s31}}Sore throat all night, with frequent inclination to swallow.\\ {{anchor:s32}}Inflammation and ulceration of throat.\\ {{anchor:s33}}Tonsillitis.
{{anchor:s35}}Nausea, with frequent eructations.\\ {{anchor:s36}}Violent retching and burning in stomach, with vomiting of blood.
====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ======
{{anchor:s38}}Sharp cutting pains in region of stomach every few minutes.\\ {{anchor:s39}}Violent retching, with burning in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s40}}Hematemesis, from ulceration and rupture of blood vessels.
====== HYPOCHONDRIA. [18] ======
{{anchor:s42}}Dull pains in hypochondria.
====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ======
{{anchor:s44}}Frequent dull pains in bowels.\\ {{anchor:s45}}Sudden, severe pains in hypogastrium, followed by mushy stool.\\ {{anchor:s46}}Flatulent colic.\\ {{anchor:s47}}Tympanites. {{anchor:s48}}~ Typhoid fever. {{anchor:s49}}~ Dysentery.
====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ======
{{anchor:s51}}Stools, bloody or mucous; small, streaked with blood; tormina; burning in bowels and rectum; hard lumps of feces mixed with the discharges; mushy, undigested.\\ {{anchor:s52}}Sudden pain in hypogastrium followed by papescent stools.\\ {{anchor:s53}}Dysentery, with burning in any part of alimentary canal; extreme tenesmus, with frequent small stools, streaked with blood or bloody, and great irritation of urinary organs; urination painful or suppressed.\\ {{anchor:s54}}Scybala, with dysentery.\\ {{anchor:s55}}Inflammation of mucous coats of colon and rectum.\\ {{anchor:s56}}Thin papescent stool, with burning in bowels and rectum.\\ {{anchor:s57}}Natural stool, followed by severe neuralgic pains in anus, with tenesmus.\\ {{anchor:s58}}Hemorrhoids: bleeding; with hard lumpy stools; burning in margin of anus; it feels as if torn.\\ {{anchor:s59}}Bleeding of hemorrhoidal tumors, and hemorrhage of bowels.
====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ======
{{anchor:s61}}Sharp stinging pains in region of left kidney; complete suppression of urine, and pain in renal region, followed by urging to urinate, with emission of only a few burning drops.\\ {{anchor:s62}}Vesical catarrh, with pain and irritation; also vesical irritation from calculi.\\ {{anchor:s63}}Inclination to urinate about every hour, with aching distress in bladder.\\ {{anchor:s64}}Urination painful or suppressed.\\ {{anchor:s65}}Urging to urinate, with emission of only a few burning drops at a time.\\ {{anchor:s66}}Dysuria of teething children; frequent desire, crying when urinating; urine profuse, of very strong odor; external parts (female) inflamed or irritated, with considerable mucous discharge.\\ {{anchor:s67}}Urine dark, afterwards pale, double in quantity.\\ {{anchor:s68}}Hemorrhages from bladder or urethra.\\ {{anchor:s69}}Haematuria, with metrorrhagia.
====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ======
{{anchor:s71}}Sticky sweat on the male genitals. *\\ {{anchor:s72}}Pain in right lumbar region, passing down to testicle.\\ {{anchor:s73}}Gonorrhea and gleet.
====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ======
{{anchor:s75}}Premature and profuse menses.\\ {{anchor:s76}}Metrorrhagia: with violent irritation of rectum and bladder; after abortion, with diarrhea and dysuria; with prolapsus uteri.\\ {{anchor:s77}}Very profuse flow of bright red blood; every movement of patient increases the flow; pallor and weakness.\\ {{anchor:s78}}Dysmenorrhea, with menorrhagia.\\ {{anchor:s79}}Menorrhagia, with spasmodic pains.\\ {{anchor:s80}}Steady painless flow occurring during pregnancy, at 6th month, caused by overexertion.\\ {{anchor:s81}}Leucorrhea profuse, with spasmodic pains, and irritation of bladder and rectum, usually scanty menses.\\ {{anchor:s82}}Chronic uterine leucorrhea.
{{anchor:s86}}Abortion, with profuse hemorrhage, diarrhea and dysuria.\\ {{anchor:s87}}Post-partum hemorrhage.\\ {{anchor:s88}}Bloody lochia return after least motion; amel. by rest.\\ {{anchor:s89}}Profuse lochia.
{{anchor:s92}}Chronic bronchial affections.
====== COUGH. [27] ======
{{anchor:s94}}Cough, with expectoration of blood-streaked matter; hard pains in lungs; cannot lie on side.\\ {{anchor:s95}}Bloody expectoration, incipient phthisis.\\ {{anchor:s96}}Haemoptysis, dark coagula, passive hemorrhage.
====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ======
{{anchor:s98}}Incipient stages of phthisis; with bloody expectoration.
====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ======
{{anchor:s100}}Palpitation of heart.
====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ======
{{anchor:s102}}Dull aching distress in whole dorsal region.\\ {{anchor:s103}}Severe, drawing pains in lumbar region.
====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ======
{{anchor:s105}}Rheumatic pains in left shoulder, hand and thumb. *\\ {{anchor:s106}}Great aching distress in elbows and wrists during rainy weather.\\ {{anchor:s107}}Rheumatic pains in thumb all evening.
====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ======
{{anchor:s109}}Rheumatic pain in right hip. *\\ {{anchor:s110}}Dull pains in knees.\\ {{anchor:s111}}Severe drawing pains in ankle joint, agg. walking.
====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ======
{{anchor:s115}}Rest: bloody lochia amel.\\ {{anchor:s116}}Cannot lie on painful side.\\ {{anchor:s117}}Every movement: increases flow; bloody lochia return.\\ {{anchor:s118}}Walking: pain in ankle joint agg.
====== SLEEP. [37] ======
{{anchor:s120}}Very drowsy early in the evening; soon after falling asleep wakes up feeling numb and unable to move, lies in this way, suffering painful agony for half an hour. *
====== TIME. [38] ======
{{anchor:s122}}Morning: dull headache on awakening.\\ {{anchor:s123}}Forenoon: secretion of mucus in nostrils.\\ {{anchor:s124}}Evening: rheumatic pains in thumbs; very drowsy early.\\ {{anchor:s125}}Night: sore throat.
====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ======
{{anchor:s127}}All symptoms agg. during rainy weather.\\ {{anchor:s128}}Rainy weather: great aching distress in elbows and wrists.
====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ======
{{anchor:s130}}Frequent: inclination to swallow; eructations; dull pains in bowels; small stools; desire to urinate.\\ {{anchor:s131}}Every few minutes: pains in region of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s132}}Half hour: lies awake suffering.\\ {{anchor:s133}}Every hour: inclination to urinate.
====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ======
{{anchor:s135}}Right: pain in eye; pain in lumbar region; rheumatic pain in hip.\\ {{anchor:s136}}Left: sharp stinging pains in kidney; rheumatic pain in shoulder.
====== SENSATIONS. [43] ======
{{anchor:s138}}As if something had lodged in upper part of esophagus; anus feels as if torn.\\ {{anchor:s139}}Pain: in forehead; in right eye; in large joints; in renal region; in right lumbar region to testicles.\\ {{anchor:s140}}Severe pains: in hypogastrium.\\ {{anchor:s141}}Sharp cutting pains: in region of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s142}}Sharp stinging pains: in region of kidney.\\ {{anchor:s143}}Neuralgic pains: in anus.\\ {{anchor:s144}}Spasmodic pains: in female sexual organs.\\ {{anchor:s145}}Sudden pain: in hypogastrium.\\ {{anchor:s146}}Hard pains: in lungs.\\ {{anchor:s147}}Drawing pains: in lumbar region; in ankle.\\ {{anchor:s148}}Aching distress: of bladder; in dorsal region; in elbows; in wrists.\\ {{anchor:s149}}Burning: in stomach; in bowels; in rectum; in alimentary canal; in anus.\\ {{anchor:s150}}Rheumatic pains: in left shoulder; in hand; in thumb; in right hip.\\ {{anchor:s151}}Dull pain: in forehead; in hypochondria; in bowels; in knees.\\ {{anchor:s152}}Dryness: of pharynx.\\ {{anchor:s153}}Smarting: of eyes.\\ {{anchor:s154}}Irritation: of rectum; of bladder.
====== TISSUES. [44] ======
{{anchor:s156}}Produces active congestion of various organs, with a tendency to hemorrhage therefrom.\\ {{anchor:s157}}Useful in hematocele in the first stages.\\ {{anchor:s158}}Hemorrhages.
{{anchor:s162}}From a blow: ecchymosis upon eyeball.
====== SKIN. [46] ======
{{anchor:s164}}Slightly elevated, sharply defined vesicles on skin.
====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ======
{{anchor:s166}}Small, frail, delicate woman, from overexertion at 6th month of pregnancy; uterine flow.
====== RELATIONS. [48] ======
{{anchor:s168}}Canthar., Copaiva, Cubeba, Sabina, Terebinth.
^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 05, 1887 |
^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r451|Erigeron canadense]] |
^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r451|Erigeron canadense]] |
^ Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. |
^ Year: | 1887 |
^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting |
^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}