====== EUGENIA JAMBOS ======
{{anchor:s1}}Jambos Eugenia. {{anchor:s2}}(Eugenia Jambos.)
{{anchor:s3}}Malabar Plum tree; Rose apple. {{anchor:s4}}Myrtaceae.
{{anchor:s5}}A tree native to the tropics, never without flowers or fruit. {{anchor:s6}}The tincture is prepared from the fresh seeds, which are considered poisonous.
{{anchor:s7}}Introduced and proved by C. Hering. {{anchor:s8}}See Allen's Encyclopaedia, vol. 5, p. 231.
{{anchor:s10}}- Epidemic catarrhal affections of respiratory passages, Hrg., Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 13; Acne, C. Hg. and others, MSS.
====== MIND. [1] ======
{{anchor:s12}}Constantly desirous of sitting alone and reflecting.\\ {{anchor:s13}}Nothing seemed right, when sitting, he wanted to lie; when lying, he wanted to rise again.\\ {{anchor:s14}}Slight but long continued drunkenness, which made him very talkative, but indolent.\\ {{anchor:s15}}Sudden, great change in him after micturition, everything seems more beautiful and bright, sky and trees more joyous and clear; but after quarter of an hour everything became gloomy again.
====== SENSORIUM. [2] ======
{{anchor:s17}}Whirling in head while sitting; houses at a distance seem to turn bottom upwards.\\ {{anchor:s18}}Vertigo after rising from lying down, caused by rush of blood to head.\\ {{anchor:s19}}Looking inattentively objects waver or tumble one over the other, on looking sharp all is right.\\ {{anchor:s20}}Confusion of head, and slight sticking in it.\\ {{anchor:s21}}Dullness and slight ticking in head.\\ {{anchor:s22}}Dizzy and nauseated, in evening.
====== INNER HEAD. [3] ======
{{anchor:s24}}Pressive, pinching pain in small spot deep in forehead.\\ {{anchor:s25}}Neuralgia in left forehead over eye.\\ {{anchor:s26}}Headache on right side, deep in, as if a heavy board was lying there.\\ {{anchor:s27}}Headache as from a sticking from all sides at once, or as if everything was drawn together from within, recurring like a slow pulsation.\\ {{anchor:s28}}Headache, as if something was rolling in head, with burning in it coming out at eyes, with lachrymation; no relief from cold water; at last he became nauseated, was obliged to vomit, but headache was made agg. thereby; in evening lasting into night.\\ {{anchor:s29}}In evening, headache, nausea, vomiting, with subsequent bitterness of mouth, much thirst for cold water, and perspiration after drinking.\\ {{anchor:s30}}Whole night, headache, burning in eyes, great thirst, and much micturition.\\ {{anchor:s31}}Pressive pinching pain on vertex.
====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ======
{{anchor:s33}}Darkness before eyes, everything seems double; on looking intently double vision disappears.\\ {{anchor:s34}}On looking intently at anything everything is in order, but if he only looks ahead of him, everything wavers before eyes and becomes confused.\\ {{anchor:s35}}Whirling before right eye, as if it would become dark; eye becomes inflamed.\\ {{anchor:s36}}After micturition, suddenly bright before eyes.\\ {{anchor:s37}}Eyes look sleepy and drunken.\\ {{anchor:s38}}Red vessels from inner canthus to cornea.\\ {{anchor:s39}}It seems as though fire came out of eyes, and tears ran out of them in streams in evening and night.\\ {{anchor:s40}}Suddenly, biting in eyes, as from pepper.\\ {{anchor:s41}}Contractive, pinching pain in eyeball in small spot above right inner canthus.\\ {{anchor:s42}}Right eye inflamed; needle-like stitches in inner canthus.\\ {{anchor:s43}}Unable to look at sun, eyes fill with water.\\ {{anchor:s44}}Unable to close eyes in evening on account of burning in them; this also prevents sleeping at night.\\ {{anchor:s45}}Violent internal itching in eyes and nose in evening.
====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ======
{{anchor:s47}}Catarrhal otitis.
====== UPPER FACE. [8] ======
{{anchor:s49}}Pimples on face, painful for some distance about them. {{anchor:s50}}~ Acne rosaceae.
====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ======
{{anchor:s52}}Gums about hollow teeth inflamed and painful.
====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ======
{{anchor:s54}}Pain on very small spot in region of left corner of hyoid bone, also when swallowing.
====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ======
{{anchor:s56}}Frothy saliva in mouth when talking.\\ {{anchor:s57}}Mouth full of frothy, tenacious saliva; spits and hawks whole day.\\ {{anchor:s58}}Tenacious, yellowish, bloody mucus in mouth after midday nap.
====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ======
{{anchor:s60}}At night, burning in eyes, violent thirst from dryness, low down in throat, so that he did not feel the drink, which also did not amel. the dryness.\\ {{anchor:s61}}Pain in a very small place in region of left corner of hyoid bone, also on swallowing.\\ {{anchor:s62}}Throat inflamed. {{anchor:s63}}~ Catarrhal fever.\\ {{anchor:s64}}Cough felt in whole chest, but especially in pit of throat.\\ {{anchor:s65}}Mucus goes from nose into throat.
{{anchor:s68}}Eats and drinks with a very good appetite, so that he takes too much; greater relish for tobacco.\\ {{anchor:s69}}Much thirst for cold water, with perspiration, in morning; on awaking.\\ {{anchor:s70}}Wants to do nothing but smoke all day.
{{anchor:s72}}Hiccough when eating, more like eructations than loud hiccough.\\ {{anchor:s73}}Heartburn at night.\\ {{anchor:s74}}Nausea, going off by smoking.\\ {{anchor:s75}}Vomiting.
====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ======
{{anchor:s77}}Sticking in pit of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s78}}Pain in right side near pit of stomach, under ribs as if it would be drawn inward.\\ {{anchor:s79}}Pressure and sticking in left side under ribs, near pit of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s80}}Contractive, pinching sensation deep in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s81}}Sensation as of cramp in orifice of stomach, which results in nausea.\\ {{anchor:s82}}Nausea commences deep in stomach and rises up from end of esophagus.
====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ======
{{anchor:s84}}Flatulence, rumbling in bowels.\\ {{anchor:s85}}Drawing about navel as from a purge.\\ {{anchor:s86}}Confused feeling in upper abdomen like a coldness in it.\\ {{anchor:s87}}Burning in abdomen, as after drinking brandy, at first transversely across abdomen, then becoming general.\\ {{anchor:s88}}Colic, with labor-like pressing downward, much urging to stool and to urinate, with scanty discharge.\\ {{anchor:s89}}Colic.\\ {{anchor:s90}}Inguinal hernia from a fall.
====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ======
{{anchor:s92}}Urging to stool and colic; now and then a somewhat diarrheic discharge is forced out as with a syringe.\\ {{anchor:s93}}Diarrhea: with much pressure backward.\\ {{anchor:s94}}Diarrheic discharge followed by vomiting.\\ {{anchor:s95}}Several stools a day with burning in abdomen and sputtering, fetid discharge.\\ {{anchor:s96}}Offensive, sputtering stool, without much urging.\\ {{anchor:s97}}Several small stools, with burning in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s98}}Only wind is passed instead of stool.\\ {{anchor:s99}}Scanty, hard stool, after much pressing, with spasmodic closure of anus after evacuation.\\ {{anchor:s100}}Very scanty, pasty, gritty stool.\\ {{anchor:s101}}Pressure as in diarrhea, at first a hard, then a pasty stool.\\ {{anchor:s102}}After stool, stitching in abdomen from above downward.\\ {{anchor:s103}}It seems as if a ten pound weight was hanging upon rectum, and as if everything below would fall out.\\ {{anchor:s104}}Cramp or pinching pains in rectum.\\ {{anchor:s105}}Tenesmus.\\ {{anchor:s106}}Bleeding hemorrhoids, copious for days, with great relief of mind and body.
====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ======
{{anchor:s108}}Tenesmus in bladder, ischuria.\\ {{anchor:s109}}Burning during micturition.\\ {{anchor:s110}}Frequent urination during night.
====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ======
{{anchor:s112}}Violent erections with sexual desire, after midday nap.\\ {{anchor:s113}}Painful erections, with inward itching, without sexual desire.\\ {{anchor:s114}}Seminal discharge: too soon and almost without excitement in morning; retarded; the orgasm subsides several times before it leads to an ejaculation.\\ {{anchor:s115}}During coition no seminal discharge; penis relaxed.\\ {{anchor:s116}}No erections in morning.\\ {{anchor:s117}}Impotence.\\ {{anchor:s118}}Glans penis remains sensitive a long time after coition.\\ {{anchor:s119}}Much turning and twisting in scrotum.
{{anchor:s122}}Sensation as if larynx was narrowed; it prompts to a deep inspiration, whereby tightness is still more felt, it makes him hoarse.\\ {{anchor:s123}}Inflammatory affection of trachea. {{anchor:s124}}~ Catarrhal fever.
====== COUGH. [27] ======
{{anchor:s126}}Cough: from throat; in coughing, pain principally in throat pit; more frequent in evening and at night; not the least expectoration; causes dryness of throat.\\ {{anchor:s127}}Cough raises something from pit of throat, but it always gradually falls down again.\\ {{anchor:s128}}Loose, deep cough, without expectoration and without pain, especially in evening.\\ {{anchor:s129}}Loose cough at night.\\ {{anchor:s130}}Much hawking causing a short cough.\\ {{anchor:s131}}After coughing, is obliged to swallow, when irritation passes off; as soon as he swallows again is obliged to cough.\\ {{anchor:s132}}Epidemic cough among children, with coryza, inflammation of eyes and pain in ears.\\ {{anchor:s133}}Catarrh: with much phlegm and rheumatic pains; with rattling in chest.\\ {{anchor:s134}}Constantly obliged to expectorate.\\ {{anchor:s135}}When speaking, is obliged to spit out a frothy saliva.\\ {{anchor:s136}}Hawking; mucus yellowish and somewhat bloody.\\ {{anchor:s137}}Constant hawking, something is always loosening, but still something always remains adherent.
====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ======
{{anchor:s139}}Pain deep in right side of neck near esophagus, a fine, sticking, cramplike, constant pain.\\ {{anchor:s140}}Pain in nape of neck which hinders turning.\\ {{anchor:s141}}Sticking pain in back as if something was sticking in spine, agg. by bending back.\\ {{anchor:s142}}Pain in back, which makes him bend back inward, with heat in evening, disappearing in morning.\\ {{anchor:s143}}Sticking, burning, itching in a small spot on back, agg. after scratching.\\ {{anchor:s144}}Pain in small of back and in calves.\\ {{anchor:s145}}Aching in sacrum and knees.
====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ======
{{anchor:s147}}Skin recedes from thumb nail and suppurates.
====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ======
{{anchor:s149}}Violent sticking, extending obliquely forward above left crest of ilium, agg. when sitting erect, standing and bending toward left side; amel. bending towards right Pain as if a band was drawn from crest of one ilium to other; hip bones painful to pressure.\\ {{anchor:s150}}Pain in thighs and calves, he could hardly stand.\\ {{anchor:s151}}Paralytic pains in left tibia and feet.\\ {{anchor:s152}}Cramps in soles of feet when moving at night.\\ {{anchor:s153}}Skin cracks between and about toes.
====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ======
{{anchor:s157}}Rising from lying down: vertigo.\\ {{anchor:s158}}Sitting: whirling in head; sticking above left crest of ilium agg.; coldness as if he was naked.\\ {{anchor:s159}}Bending back: sticking pains agg.\\ {{anchor:s160}}Bending inward: pain in back amel.\\ {{anchor:s161}}Bending toward left side: sticking above left crest of ilium agg.\\ {{anchor:s162}}Bending toward right side: sticking above left crest of ilium amel.\\ {{anchor:s163}}Standing: sticking above left crest of ilium agg.\\ {{anchor:s164}}Could hardly stand: on account of pain in thighs and calves.\\ {{anchor:s165}}Moving: cramps in soles of feet.\\ {{anchor:s166}}Walking: much exhaustive yawning; perspiration.
====== NERVES. [36] ======
{{anchor:s168}}Very much exhausted, but lively after drinking coffee.
====== SLEEP. [37] ======
{{anchor:s170}}Much exhaustive yawning when walking in open air.\\ {{anchor:s171}}Forgetting all his business he crept into a corner and said he must sleep; he could not sleep, however, but still remained lying down.\\ {{anchor:s172}}After a sound midday sleep difficult waking, with much thirst and bruised sensation.\\ {{anchor:s173}}Sound sleep undisturbed by any difficulties.\\ {{anchor:s174}}Stupid midday sleep with confused dream.
====== TIME. [38] ======
{{anchor:s176}}Morning: seminal discharge; no erections.\\ {{anchor:s177}}All day: spits and hawks.\\ {{anchor:s178}}After midday nap: yellowish, bloody mucus in mouth; violent erections.\\ {{anchor:s179}}Evening: dizzy and nauseated; headache lasts into night; nausea, headache, vomiting; tears run out of eyes; in streams; unable to close eyes on account of burning; violent internal itching in eyes and nose; cough more frequent; heat in back.\\ {{anchor:s180}}Before midnight: heat.\\ {{anchor:s181}}Night: headache, burning in eyes, great thirst, much micturition; tears run out of eyes in streams; burning in eyes prevents sleep; violent thirst; heartburn; frequent urination; cough more frequent; cramps of soles of feet.
====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ======
{{anchor:s183}}Open air: much exhaustive yawning while walking, mornings.\\ {{anchor:s184}}Cold water: does not amel. burning in eyes; much thirst for.
====== FEVER. [40] ======
{{anchor:s186}}Shiverings run over him after micturition.\\ {{anchor:s187}}Coldness, as if he was naked, while sitting.\\ {{anchor:s188}}Hot hands.\\ {{anchor:s189}}Fever; heat before midnight, with little thirst and much perspiration, thereupon falling asleep; during fever and for several hours in morning, pain in back, amel. bending inward.\\ {{anchor:s190}}Perspiration and thirst after unsatisfactory coition.\\ {{anchor:s191}}Perspiration when walking.\\ {{anchor:s192}}Catarrhal fever; thirst during chill; heat before midnight, with affection of trachea, throat, eyes; sweat when walking.
====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ======
{{anchor:s194}}During menstrual period: skin disease agg.
====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ======
{{anchor:s196}}Right: headache on side; whirling before eye; pain in eyeball above inner canthus; eye inflamed; pain in side near pit of stomach; pain deep in side of neck.\\ {{anchor:s197}}Left: neuralgia in forehead over eye; pain in corner of hyoid bone; pressure and sticking in side under ribs; violent sticking, extending obliquely forward above crest of ilium; paralytic pains in tibia.\\ {{anchor:s198}}Inward: as if stomach was drawn.\\ {{anchor:s199}}Backward: pressure in rectum.\\ {{anchor:s200}}Downward: labor like pressing in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s201}}From above downward: stitching in abdomen.
====== SENSATIONS. [43] ======
{{anchor:s203}}Internal pinching pains here and there.\\ {{anchor:s204}}Crawling, titillating pains.\\ {{anchor:s205}}Headache as if heavy board was lying on right side; as from a sticking from all sides at once; as if everything was drawn together from within head; as if something was rolling in head; as if vision of right eye would become dark; as though fire came out of eyes; biting as from pepper in eyes; as if stomach would be drawn inwards; as of cramp in orifice of stomach; as if a ten pound weight was hanging upon rectum; as if everything below rectum would fall out.\\ {{anchor:s206}}As if larynx was narrowed; as if something was sticking spine; pain as if a band was drawn from crest of one ilium to other; coldness as if he was naked.\\ {{anchor:s207}}Pain: in face some distance about pimples; on very small spot in region of left corner of hyoid bone; in right side near pit of stomach; in throat pit; in ears; deep in right side of neck near esophagus; in nape of neck; in back; in small of back; in calves; in thighs.\\ {{anchor:s208}}Violent sticking: above left crest of ilium.\\ {{anchor:s209}}Fine, sticking, cramplike, constant pain: in side of neck.\\ {{anchor:s210}}Sticking, burning, itching: in a small spot on back.\\ {{anchor:s211}}Sticking: in pit of stomach; in left side; under ribs; in back.\\ {{anchor:s212}}Slight stitching: in head.\\ {{anchor:s213}}Stitching: in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s214}}Pressive, pinching pain; in small spot deep in forehead; on vertex.\\ {{anchor:s215}}Contractive pinching pain: in eyeball; in small spot above right inner canthus.\\ {{anchor:s216}}Contractive pinching sensation: deep in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s217}}Pinching pains: in rectum.\\ {{anchor:s218}}Cramps: in soles of feet.\\ {{anchor:s219}}Colic, with labor like pressing downward in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s220}}Neuralgia: in left forehead over eye.\\ {{anchor:s221}}Paralytic pain: in left tibia and feet.\\ {{anchor:s222}}Aching: in sacrum and knees.\\ {{anchor:s223}}Drawing: about navel as from a purge.\\ {{anchor:s224}}Twisting: in scrotum.\\ {{anchor:s225}}Pressure: in left side under ribs; backwards during diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s226}}Burning: in head coming out at eyes; in eyes; in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s227}}Biting: in eyes.\\ {{anchor:s228}}Whirling: in head; before right eye.\\ {{anchor:s229}}Dryness: low down in throat.\\ {{anchor:s230}}Confused feeling: in upper abdomen like a coldness in it.\\ {{anchor:s231}}Violent internal itching: in eyes and nose.\\ {{anchor:s232}}Inward itching: in male sexual organs.
====== TISSUES. [44] ======
{{anchor:s234}}An old wound from a thrust became painful again.\\ {{anchor:s235}}Rheumatic pain wanders from place to place, with catarrh.
{{anchor:s239}}Touch, Passive Motion, Injuries\\ {{anchor:s240}}Pressure: hip bones painful to.\\ {{anchor:s241}}From a fall: inguinal hernia.
====== SKIN. [46] ======
{{anchor:s243}}Comedones.\\ {{anchor:s244}}Acne, with pain extending for some distance around; the skin disease is agg. during menstrual period.\\ {{anchor:s245}}Pimples (sore acne) on face.
====== RELATIONS. [48] ======
{{anchor:s247}}Antidoted by Coffea; smoking tobacco antidotes nausea.\\ {{anchor:s248}}Compare: Lauroc. and drugs containing Hydrocyanic acid; Pulsat (fugitive rheumatic pains).
^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 05, 1887 |
^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r394|Eugenia jambos]] |
^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r394|Eugenia jambos]] |
^ Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. |
^ Year: | 1887 |
^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting |
^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}