====== EUPHRASIA OFFICINALIS ====== {{anchor:s1}}Euphrasia. {{anchor:s2}}(Euphrasia Officinalis.) {{anchor:s3}}Eyebright. {{anchor:s4}}Scrophulariaceae. {{anchor:s5}}Provings by Hahnemann, etc. {{anchor:s6}}See Allen's Encyclopaedia, vol. 4, p. 254. ====== CLINICAL AUTHORITIES. ====== {{anchor:s8}}- Cataract, Rummel, A. H. Z., vol. 35, p. 205; Iritis, Stein, Raue's Rec., 1873, p. 70; Rheumatic iritis, Dudgeon, Norton's Ophthalmic Ther; Opacity of cornea, Kretschmar, A. H. Z., vol. 1, p. 40; Opacities of cornea; conjunctivitis, Rummel, A. H. Z., vol. 3, p. 25; Opacity of cornea, Knorr, A. H. Z., vol. 5, p. 163; Opacity of cornea after attack of podagra, Knorre, B. J. H., vol. 6, p. 360; Staphyloma of the cornea, Deventer, B. J. H., vol. 33, p. 545; Ulcer of cornea, Thorer, B. J. H., vol. 6, p. 359; Puig, Raue's Rec., 1871, p. 58; Thorer, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 233; Ulceration of cornea, Dunham, Lectures on Mat. Med., p. 101; Keratitis, Allen, Payr. {{anchor:s9}}Raue's Rec., 1872, p. 70, 75; Norton, Raue's Rec., 1875, p. 46; Sensation of hair on cornea, Payr, Raue's Rec., 1870, p. 106; Hydrophthalmus anterior, Hunt, Raue's Rec., 1872, p. 75; Ophthalmia, Teller, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 106; Frank, B. J. H., vol. 1, p. 358; Ophthalmia and blindness, Brisley, Hom. Rec., vol. 10, p. 104; Ophthalmia, Segin, Hom. Clinics, vol. 1, p. 98; Catarrhal ophthalmia (4 cases), Frank, Weigel, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 310; Rheumatic ophthalmia (2 cases), Dudgeon, B. J. H., vol. 22, p. 355; Strumous ophthalmia, Watzke, B. J. H., vol. 6, p. 359; Scrofulous inflammation of eyes, Kretzschmar, A. II. Z, vol. 1, p. 40; Inflammation of eye, Turrell, Hom. Clinics, vol. 4, p. 48; Conjunctivitis, Thorer, Practische Beitrage, 3, 17; Lobethal, A. H. Z., vol. 13, p. 200; Weizel, Pract. {{anchor:s10}}Beitrage, 4, 2, 97; Conjunctivitis, Tlff, H. V. S., 3, 202; H. V. S., 3, 218; Teller, H. V. S., 4, 60; Blepharitis, Norton, N. A. J. H., vol. 23, p. 350; Norton's Ophthal. {{anchor:s11}}Therap., p. 82; Lachrymation, Gross, Archives, vol. 1, p. 113; Paralysis of third nerve, Norton, B. J. H., vol. 34, p. 377; Paralysis of motor oculi, Norton, N. E. M. G., vol. 10, p. 339; Bruise of eye, Turrell, Raue's Rec., 1871, p. 56; Nasal catarrh, Hrg., Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 387; Periodical hard swelling of lip, Bordenoll, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 202; Affection of lips, Bordenoll, A. H. Z, 5, 3, 37; Constipation, Kippax, Organon, vol. 3, p. 96; Hooper, Raue's Rec., 1875, p. 160; Prolapsus ani, Mohr, Hah. Mo., vol. 13, p. 536; Condylomata of anus, Müller, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 558; Cough, Hrg., Balogh, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 13; Cough after influenza, Balogh, A. H. Z., vol. 2, p. 108; Cough, catarrhal fever, measles, Hartmann, Therap., vol. 1, p. 116; Measles (3 cases), Boyce, N. A. J. H., vol. 3, p. 91; Tlff, Drysdale, Boyce, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 95; Tlff, V. J. Schrift, 4, 266; Müller, A. H. Z., 49, 23. ====== MIND. [1] ====== {{anchor:s13}}Weakness of memory; confusion of the head.\\ {{anchor:s14}}Inert hypochondriacal mood, takes no interest in his surroundings.\\ {{anchor:s15}}Taciturn, disinclined to talk. ====== SENSORIUM. [2] ====== {{anchor:s17}}Vertigo: with heaviness of head; with tendency to fall. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s19}}Dull frontal headache.\\ {{anchor:s20}}Aching pain in outer part of head, especially forehead.\\ {{anchor:s21}}Dullness of head, with pressure on vertex.\\ {{anchor:s22}}Painful bewilderment in head.\\ {{anchor:s23}}Confusion and bruised pain in head.\\ {{anchor:s24}}Headache in evening as if bruised, with coryza.\\ {{anchor:s25}}Pulsating of head which is felt externally.\\ {{anchor:s26}}Violent beating headache. {{anchor:s27}}~ Measles.\\ {{anchor:s28}}Headache, as if head would burst, with dazzling of eyes from sunlight.\\ {{anchor:s29}}Headache, light of candle seems to be dark and to flicker\\ {{anchor:s30}}Stitches in brain.\\ {{anchor:s31}}Catarrhal headache, accompanied by profuse, watery discharge from eyes and nose. ====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ====== {{anchor:s33}}Dreams of fire, lightning, flames, etc.\\ {{anchor:s34}}Eyes very sensitive to light, and candlelight.\\ {{anchor:s35}}Vision somewhat dim, as through a veil, in evening.\\ {{anchor:s36}}Obscuration of vision for distant objects; while walking in open air.\\ {{anchor:s37}}Dimness of vision, the result of an hysterical condition; profuse lachrymation.\\ {{anchor:s38}}Dimness of vision by candlelight; the light seems to vary, sometimes burning brightly, sometimes dimly.\\ {{anchor:s39}}Right eye so weak and obscured that she feared she would not be able to sew; after some minutes a stitch extending from forehead out of same eye, followed by disappearance of obstruction.\\ {{anchor:s40}}Obstruction of eyes, so that for half an hour he was unable to clearly distinguish objects; everything seemed enveloped in a mist and to move; these disappeared after three-quarters of an hour, and gave place to the usual burning.\\ {{anchor:s41}}Amblyopia, with inflammation of conjunctiva and lids.\\ {{anchor:s42}}Sudden and momentary obscuration of vision, amel. by winking, caused by presence of opaque mucus upon surface of cornea.\\ {{anchor:s43}}Diseased eyes, he was made almost blind.\\ {{anchor:s44}}Stitches in eyeballs from bright light.\\ {{anchor:s45}}Pressive cutting pain in eyes, extending to frontal sinuses.\\ {{anchor:s46}}Pressure and tension of the globe.\\ {{anchor:s47}}Contractive pressure in eye, whilst walking in open air.\\ {{anchor:s48}}Painful pressure in inner angle of left eye; lachrymation.\\ {{anchor:s49}}Violent pressure in left eye, with lachrymation, it seems smaller and weaker.\\ {{anchor:s50}}Pressure in eyes, on looking at candlelight.\\ {{anchor:s51}}Dry pressure in eyes, as if sleepy.\\ {{anchor:s52}}Stitching pressure in eyes.\\ {{anchor:s53}}Burning stitches in eyes.\\ {{anchor:s54}}Burning in eyes, with lachrymation.\\ {{anchor:s55}}Frequent burning biting in eyes, obliging frequent winking; acrid water runs from them.\\ {{anchor:s56}}Sensation as if dust or sand were in eyes.\\ {{anchor:s57}}Sensation as if a hair hung over eyes, and must be wiped away. {{anchor:s58}}~ Keratitis.\\ {{anchor:s59}}Disagreeable dryness in eyes.\\ {{anchor:s60}}Itching of eyes on going out, obliging frequent winking and wiping of eyes, with increased lachrymation in afternoon.\\ {{anchor:s61}}Pain in eye, alternating with pain in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s62}}Cataract.\\ {{anchor:s63}}Pupils much contracted.\\ {{anchor:s64}}Violent pressure in right eye, extending from inner canthus, with much lachrymation; lids seem smaller, pupil dimmer, and eye seems cold.\\ {{anchor:s65}}Pains in left eye, diminished vision; sclerotica shows injected vessels, singly or in bundles; conjunctiva slightly reddened; cornea turbid, ash-colored; iris discolored; eye looks as if dead; lachrymation; sees as through a fog; violent periodical pains. {{anchor:s66}}~ Iritis.\\ {{anchor:s67}}Rheumatic iritis, with constant aching and occasional darting pain in eye, always agg. at night; ciliary injection, photophobia, aqueous humor cloudy, and iris discolored and bound down by adhesion.\\ {{anchor:s68}}Kerato-iritis after injuries and surgical operations upon eye; stitching pains; burning, smarting lachrymation, very excoriating, causing varnished appearance of tissues with which it comes in contact; fluent coryza; intense photophobia.\\ {{anchor:s69}}Feeling as though cornea was covered with much mucus; it obscures his vision and obliges him to frequently close and press lids together; lids swollen and red.\\ {{anchor:s70}}Sudden and momentary obscuration of vision, amel. by winking, and caused by pressure of opaque mucus upon surface of cornea.\\ {{anchor:s71}}Hydrophthalmia anterior; irritation of conjunctiva, resulting from bulging of cornea and circumjacent sclerotic.\\ {{anchor:s72}}Meibomian glands much inflamed and swollen; on albuginea an inflammatory focus of a deep red color, whence proceeded fasciculi of vessels running towards middle of cornea and converging at a deep ulcer; cornea dim and conical in form; iris lighter in color than that of sound eye; pupil greatly contracted but perfectly round; no photophobia nor morbid secretions; pressure in eye when looking at light.\\ {{anchor:s73}}Cornea ulcerated; ulceration red and puffy; lids swollen, thickened, deprived of their ciliae, and covered with small ulcerations; large quantities of mucus, clear as tears, or thick like pus, flows constantly from eyes; intense photophobia; eye only painful when exposed to light, producing burning sensation with flow of corrosive tears, and a feeling of a foreign substance in eyes; affected eyes look smaller by half than other eyes.\\ {{anchor:s74}}Ulcers and pannus extending from above downward to centre of cornea; slight dimness of cornea with profuse smarting lachrymation; profuse, thick, acrid discharge; lids thick and red; photophobia and pains agg. in daylight; blurring of eyes, amel. by wiping.\\ {{anchor:s75}}Keratitis pustulosa, border of cornea surrounded by small superficial ulcers.\\ {{anchor:s76}}Keratitis pustulosa, with intense photophobia and profuse purulent discharge; hot, scalding lachrymation.\\ {{anchor:s77}}Pustules on cornea, which are very vascular; eyes feel heavy and sleepy.\\ {{anchor:s78}}Recurrent pustular inflammation of cornea, moderate photophobia, lids covered with matter.\\ {{anchor:s79}}Inflammation of eyes, with formation of opaque spots on cornea; great photophobia.\\ {{anchor:s80}}Opacity of the cornea after mechanical injuries; bluish.\\ {{anchor:s81}}Spots, vesicles and ulcers of cornea; pannus.\\ {{anchor:s82}}Catarrhal or strumous inflammation of cornea and conjunctiva.\\ {{anchor:s83}}Inflammation of right eye, with complete obscuration of cornea; after attack of gout.\\ {{anchor:s84}}For four months, considerable photophobia of both eyes, greater in evening; redness of sclerotic and conjunctiva; blood vessels very numerous; wounded by a straw.\\ {{anchor:s85}}After an injury, severe pain, inflammation, excessive lachrymation and burning; tears felt burning; intense fluent coryza; thick masses accumulated in inner corner of eye; pains agg. from contact of air; surface of eye felt as if studded with warts.\\ {{anchor:s86}}Conjunctiva reddened, vesicles enlarged, mucous secretion at first diminished, but speedily increased, finally becoming purulent in character.\\ {{anchor:s87}}Chemosis, acrid tears and coryza.\\ {{anchor:s88}}Acute conjunctivitis; after first stage, lax or ecchymosed tissue, watery mucus, or milky secretion.\\ {{anchor:s89}}Photophobia: in day and sunlight; agg. in evening; must remain in darkened room; even to spasm of lids; with swollen, agglutinated lids; thick yellow discharge between lids.\\ {{anchor:s90}}Conjunctiva of lids and eyeballs red; injected vessels running from outer and inner canthi to cornea, resembling a vascular network; continual itching and painful sensation as of a grain of sand at outer angle; lachrymation; photophobia; pain agg. in right eye; coryza, agg. on right side. {{anchor:s91}}~ Ophthalmia after a chill.\\ {{anchor:s92}}Conjunctivitis pustulosa, lids much swollen, eruption on head and profuse fluent coryza.\\ {{anchor:s93}}Catarrhal ophthalmia, with lachrymation and considerable mucous discharge, injection of conjunctiva, phlyctenula near cornea, at same time coryza and pain in forehead.\\ {{anchor:s94}}Ophthalmia with agglutination in morning; burning, itching and smarting pain; cold air and wind cause lachrymation, agg. by gaslight.\\ {{anchor:s95}}Fluent coryza with scalding tears; aversion to light; agg. in evening or during night when lying down, from glare of daylight or sun; amel. in the dark.\\ {{anchor:s96}}Streaming of hot, burning tears from eyes, with great photophobia; profuse running from nose without burning; cough only during day. {{anchor:s97}}~ Measles.\\ {{anchor:s98}}Ophthalmia, eyes suffused with tears; painful, dry ulcer on right side of bridge of nose. {{anchor:s99}}~ Amenorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s100}}Granular ophthalmia, with or without pannus; profuse lachrymation and thick discharge, excoriating lids and cheeks.\\ {{anchor:s101}}Rheumatic inflammation of eyes, almost blinding him.\\ {{anchor:s102}}Pterygium extending from inner canthus.\\ {{anchor:s103}}Ophthalmia of the new born.\\ {{anchor:s104}}Great dryness of lids and nose, so that for last five days has not been obliged to use handkerchief.\\ {{anchor:s105}}Margins of lids red, with sensation of dryness in them.\\ {{anchor:s106}}Burning and swelling of margins of lids; distressing sensation of dryness.\\ {{anchor:s107}}Lids sensitive and swollen.\\ {{anchor:s108}}Redness and swelling of margins of lids, especially of left; at times itching burning in them with increased watery secretion.\\ {{anchor:s109}}Lids itch and burn with profuse acrid lachrymation.\\ {{anchor:s110}}Lids much swollen, with a fluent coryza. {{anchor:s111}}~ Blepharitis.\\ {{anchor:s112}}Suppurating lid-margins; constant winking of lids.\\ {{anchor:s113}}Acute inflammation of lids, with acrid muco-purulent discharge. {{anchor:s114}}~ Blepharitis.\\ {{anchor:s115}}Inflammation and ulceration of margin of lids.\\ {{anchor:s116}}Violent itching of lids, with catarrhal ophthalmia.\\ {{anchor:s117}}Constant desire to wink, which relieves any blurring of vision. {{anchor:s118}}~ Blepharitis.\\ {{anchor:s119}}Inflammation and swelling of Meibomian glands.\\ {{anchor:s120}}Secretion of tears greatly increased, eyes constantly suffused, tears overflow upon face and run down cheek.\\ {{anchor:s121}}Burning, smarting lachrymation, particularly in the wind.\\ {{anchor:s122}}Troublesome lachrymation, remaining after affection of eyes have been cured.\\ {{anchor:s123}}Fine eruption around eyes, parts look red and puffy.\\ {{anchor:s124}}Paralysis of muscles of eyes from cold.\\ {{anchor:s125}}Paralysis of third nerve.\\ {{anchor:s126}}Blurring of eyes, amel. by winking. {{anchor:s127}}~ Paralysis of motor oculi. ====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ====== {{anchor:s129}}Ringing in ears.\\ {{anchor:s130}}Earache. ====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ====== {{anchor:s132}}Violent irritation to sneeze, without cold or apparent cause.\\ {{anchor:s133}}Sneezing, with profuse fluent coryza.\\ {{anchor:s134}}Acute coryza, in stage of serous secretion, where there is redness of conjunctiva, swelling of lids and watery eyes.\\ {{anchor:s135}}Nasal mucous membrane swollen, with abundant secretion of water, and later of a muco-purulent substance, with sneezing and some degree of dyspnea.\\ {{anchor:s136}}Profuse coryza, with smarting, lachrymation and photophobia, or with sneezing and discharge of mucus from anterior and posterior nares; profuse, fluent coryza, with cough and expectoration in morning; soreness and painfullness of inner nose; eruptions on wings of nose; agg. in open air; head and eye symptoms agg. on right side.\\ {{anchor:s137}}Profuse, bland, fluent coryza, with scalding tears and aversion to light; agg. evening and during night, while lying down; after windy weather.\\ {{anchor:s138}}Profuse fluent coryza, in morning, with much cough and expectoration.\\ {{anchor:s139}}Cough with coryza, heat and sensitiveness of nose; redness of eyes; photophobia and lachrymation; no cough at night, but severe in morning; agg. in fresh air; right side of head not affected. {{anchor:s140}}~ Bronchitis.\\ {{anchor:s141}}Pain from right to left over bridge of nose; left half of face and forehead and left eye inflamed; earache.\\ {{anchor:s142}}Small red spots, like pimples, on upper right side of nose, twinging, darting pain in nose.\\ {{anchor:s143}}Flat cancer on right side of nose. ====== UPPER FACE. [8] ====== {{anchor:s145}}Redness and heat of face.\\ {{anchor:s146}}Stiffness of left cheek when talking or chewing, with sensation of heat and stitches therein.\\ {{anchor:s147}}Rash in face, itching in warmth, becoming red and burning when moistened. ====== LOWER FACE. [9] ====== {{anchor:s149}}Stiffness of upper lip, as if made of wood. ====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ====== {{anchor:s151}}Impeded speech from lameness and stiffness of tongue. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s153}}Frequent colic. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s155}}Fluent, profuse coryza, with slight flow of tears and a bright red eruption upon cheek, agg. in afternoon and after crying; persistent constipation; stools in large balls, which are dry, hard, voided with great difficulty and almost tearing anal passage.\\ {{anchor:s156}}Severe coryza; much sneezing, profuse bland discharge from nose, watery excoriating discharge from eyes, photophobia, slight cough; five days after administration of Euphrasia coryza had entirely subsided, but a profuse painless diarrhea set in lasting all day, after last stool, a prolapsus ani from which she had been suffering for nine months disappeared and did not again return.\\ {{anchor:s157}}Daily stool, but it is hard and scanty.\\ {{anchor:s158}}Pressure in anus while sitting; hemorrhoids.\\ {{anchor:s159}}Old, flat condylomata at anus, with severe burning; agg. at night. ====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ====== {{anchor:s161}}Frequent micturition.\\ {{anchor:s162}}Urine too often and copious. ====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ====== {{anchor:s164}}Genital organs appear drawn in; pressure above pubes, evenings. ====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ====== {{anchor:s166}}Menses late, scant, and of short duration.\\ {{anchor:s167}}Menses painful, lasting only one hour, time regular.\\ {{anchor:s168}}Amenorrhea, with inflammation of eyes and ulcers on right side of bridge of nose.\\ {{anchor:s169}}Condylomata, with stitching and itching, especially when walking. ====== VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. [25] ====== {{anchor:s172}}Voice somewhat hoarse, in morning.\\ {{anchor:s173}}Catarrhal hoarseness.\\ {{anchor:s174}}Irritation of larynx, impelling him to cough, followed by tensive pressure beneath sternum.\\ {{anchor:s175}}Abundant mucous secretion, with loose cough, and a loud bronchial rale. ====== RESPIRATION. [26] ====== {{anchor:s177}}Deep inspiration difficult, even while sitting. ====== COUGH. [27] ====== {{anchor:s179}}Cough with severe coryza, eyes also affected, during day a scanty expectoration with occasional difficult respiration, amel. at night, agg. again in morning with copious expectoration.\\ {{anchor:s180}}Sudden violent cough, caused by tickling in larynx, ceasing after a few seconds.\\ {{anchor:s181}}No cough at night; as soon as he rises from bed cough begins and is so continuous he can scarcely get his breath, amel. when he again lies down; constant tickling in larynx; agg. from tobacco smoke; amel. from eating; can be suppressed by a sip of water.\\ {{anchor:s182}}Cough: from mucous or watery vomiting; came on after hemorrhoids had disappeared; with severe coryza; eyes affected; difficult expectoration during day; interruption of breath; no cough at night; from smoke of wood.\\ {{anchor:s183}}Cough after influenza, early in morning and during day.\\ {{anchor:s184}}Whooping-cough with constant mild, watery exudation from eyes, whether inflamed or not; agg. during paroxysm.\\ {{anchor:s185}}Cough on rising in morning, with abundant expectoration of mucus.\\ {{anchor:s186}}Profuse expectoration of mucus by voluntary hawking. ====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ====== {{anchor:s188}}Pressive pain beneath sternum, especially in forenoon, with transient stickings here and there in chest. ====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ====== {{anchor:s190}}Swelling of cervical glands.\\ {{anchor:s191}}Cramp-like pain in back. ====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ====== {{anchor:s193}}Sensation in arms as if they had gone to sleep.\\ {{anchor:s194}}Numbness of fingers. ====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ====== {{anchor:s196}}Cramp in calf, particularly when standing. ====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ====== {{anchor:s198}}Crawling as of a fly in one or other of limbs, from below upward in a straight line, with numbness of part. ====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ====== {{anchor:s202}}Lying down: fluent coryza agg.; cough amel.\\ {{anchor:s203}}Sitting: deep inspiration difficult.\\ {{anchor:s204}}Standing: cramp in calf.\\ {{anchor:s205}}Rising: cough begins.\\ {{anchor:s206}}Walking: stitching and itching in female sexual organs; in open air, unusual yawning.\\ {{anchor:s207}}Tosses about in bed. ====== SLEEP. [37] ====== {{anchor:s209}}Unusual yawning while walking in open air.\\ {{anchor:s210}}Tosses about in bed and cannot get warm.\\ {{anchor:s211}}Frequent waking as from fright, at night.\\ {{anchor:s212}}Sleeplessness after midnight.\\ {{anchor:s213}}Awakes toe late.\\ {{anchor:s214}}Usually agg. after sleep. ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s216}}Morning: ophthalmia with agglutination; cough and expectoration; coryza agg.; voice somewhat hoarse; cough agg.\\ {{anchor:s217}}Forenoon: pressive pain beneath sternum.\\ {{anchor:s218}}Day: cough; scanty expectoration; difficult expectoration; attacks of heat.\\ {{anchor:s219}}Afternoon: lachrymation; fluent coryza; external chill and coldness of arms.\\ {{anchor:s220}}Evening: headache; photophobia agg.; fluent coryza agg.; pressure above pubes.\\ {{anchor:s221}}After midnight: sleeplessness.\\ {{anchor:s222}}Night: darting pain in eye agg.; fluent coryza agg.; severe burning at anus agg.; cough agg.; frequent waking as from fright; sweat during sleep; agglutination of lids. ====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ====== {{anchor:s224}}Generally agg. in bed; amel. after getting out of bed.\\ {{anchor:s225}}Better out-doors; worse in-doors.\\ {{anchor:s226}}Open air: pain in eye agg.; profuse coryza agg.; cough agg.; walking, unusual yawning.\\ {{anchor:s227}}Windy weather: fluent coryza agg.\\ {{anchor:s228}}Cold air and wind cause lachrymation.\\ {{anchor:s229}}Cannot get warm in bed. ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s231}}Chill and internal chilliness in forenoon; external chill and coldness on arms, in afternoon.\\ {{anchor:s232}}Chill predominating.\\ {{anchor:s233}}Attacks of heat during day, with redness of face and cold hands.\\ {{anchor:s234}}Heat descending.\\ {{anchor:s235}}Sweat often confined to front part of body.\\ {{anchor:s236}}Sweat during sleep at night, of very strong, offensive odor, most profuse on chest.\\ {{anchor:s237}}Catarrhal fever when chilliness and coldness predominates, inflammation of conjunctiva with lachrymation; hardness of hearing; photophobia; nightly agglutination of lids; painful dullness and heat in head, as if head would burst; fluent coryza; inner nose painful; sneezing and copious expectoration; cough, particularly in morning.\\ {{anchor:s238}}Symptoms of incipient measles for two weeks, but no appearance of an eruption; tendency to a typhoid condition, with danger of inflammation of brain. {{anchor:s239}}~ Measles.\\ {{anchor:s240}}Chill followed by fever, pain in bones, eyes red and sensitive to light; face and neck covered with dark spots looking like petechiae. {{anchor:s241}}~ Measles.\\ {{anchor:s242}}Streaming of hot, burning tears from eyes, with great photophobia; profuse running from nose, without burning; cough only during day. {{anchor:s243}}~ Scarlatina. ====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ====== {{anchor:s245}}One hour: menses lasting.\\ {{anchor:s246}}For five days: great dryness of lids and nose.\\ {{anchor:s247}}For two weeks: symptoms of incipient measles.\\ {{anchor:s248}}For four months: photophobia of both eyes. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s250}}Right: violent pressure in eye; inflammation of eye; pain in eye; coryza agg.; head and eye symptoms agg.; small red spots like pimples on upper side of nose; flat cancer on side of nose; ulcer on side of bridge of nose.\\ {{anchor:s251}}Left: painful pressure in inner angle of eye; violent pressure in eye; pain in eye, with diminished vision, redness and swelling of margins of lid; half of face and forehead inflamed; stiffness of cheek.\\ {{anchor:s252}}From above downward: ulcer and pannus, extending to centre of cornea. ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s254}}As if head would burst; as if dust or sand were in eyes; as if a hair hung over eyes; eye looks as if dead; as though cornea was covered with mucus; surface of eye felt as if studded with warts; as if grain of sand were at outer angle; upper lip as if made of wood; as if arms had gone to sleep; as of a fly crawling in either limb.\\ {{anchor:s255}}Pain: in eye; in abdomen; in left eye; in forehead; in inner nose; over bridge of nose; in ears; in bones.\\ {{anchor:s256}}Severe pains: in eyes.\\ {{anchor:s257}}Pressive cutting pain: in eyes, extending to frontal sinuses.\\ {{anchor:s258}}Darting pain: in eye.\\ {{anchor:s259}}Stitching pain: in eye.\\ {{anchor:s260}}Burning stitches: in eyes.\\ {{anchor:s261}}Stitches: in brain; in eyeballs; in cheek; in female sexual organs.\\ {{anchor:s262}}Stitching pressure: in eyes.\\ {{anchor:s263}}Sticking: here and there in chest.\\ {{anchor:s264}}Violent beating: headache.\\ {{anchor:s265}}Cramp: in calf.\\ {{anchor:s266}}Cramp-like pains: in back.\\ {{anchor:s267}}Twinging pain: in nose.\\ {{anchor:s268}}Burning biting: in eyes.\\ {{anchor:s269}}Bruised pain: in head.\\ {{anchor:s270}}Aching pain: in outer part of head; in forehead; in eye.\\ {{anchor:s271}}Violent pressure: in left eye; in right eye.\\ {{anchor:s272}}Dry pressure: of eyes.\\ {{anchor:s273}}Painful pressure: in forehead; in inner angle of left eye; beneath sternum.\\ {{anchor:s274}}Pressure: on vertex; on globe of eye; in anus while sitting; above pubes; beneath sternum.\\ {{anchor:s275}}Dull frontal headache.\\ {{anchor:s276}}Painful bewilderment of head.\\ {{anchor:s277}}Smarting: in eye.\\ {{anchor:s278}}Burning: in eyes; in anus.\\ {{anchor:s279}}Soreness: of inner nose.\\ {{anchor:s280}}Sensitiveness: of nose.\\ {{anchor:s281}}Heat: of head; of nose; of left cheek.\\ {{anchor:s282}}Pulsating: of head.\\ {{anchor:s283}}Tension: of the eyeball; beneath sternum.\\ {{anchor:s284}}Dazzling: of eyes.\\ {{anchor:s285}}Dryness: of eyes; of eyelids and nose.\\ {{anchor:s286}}Lameness: of tongue.\\ {{anchor:s287}}Stiffness: of left cheek; of upper lip; of tongue.\\ {{anchor:s288}}Numbness: of fingers; of limb.\\ {{anchor:s289}}Tickling: in larynx.\\ {{anchor:s290}}Ringing: in ears.\\ {{anchor:s291}}Crawling: in one or other limb.\\ {{anchor:s292}}Itching: of eyes, of outer angle; of eyelids; of rash on face; female sexual organs.\\ {{anchor:s293}}Coldness: on arms. ====== TISSUES. [44] ====== {{anchor:s295}}Affects principally the eyes.\\ {{anchor:s296}}Emaciation. ====== TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. [45] ====== {{anchor:s300}}Touching skin produces aggravation.\\ {{anchor:s301}}Bad effects from falls, contusions, or other mechanical injuries of external parts. ====== SKIN. [46] ====== {{anchor:s303}}Burning, formication and numbness of parts.\\ {{anchor:s304}}Shooting itching, stitches here and there all night.\\ {{anchor:s305}}Fine eruption around eyes and on nose.\\ {{anchor:s306}}First stage of measles; catarrhal symptoms marked; eyes inflamed, with photophobia and profuse discharge; severe coryza with pressing pain in forehead; cough during day.\\ {{anchor:s307}}Measles with eye symptoms, and more or less nasal and bronchial catarrh.\\ {{anchor:s308}}Intense throbbing headache, redness of eyes, photophobia, least light being intolerable, high fever, constant dry cough, evident signs of eruption about forehead and temples but no tendency to develop. {{anchor:s309}}~ Measles.\\ {{anchor:s310}}Warts.\\ {{anchor:s311}}Aggravation: in evening; when touched. ====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ====== {{anchor:s313}}Boy, aet. six months; ophthalmia.\\ {{anchor:s314}}Child, aet. 1, year, Calc. carb. constitution, suffered for six months; constipation.\\ {{anchor:s315}}Girl, aet. 2 years, treated for coryza; prolapsus ani.\\ {{anchor:s316}}Child, aet. 3 years, whose recovery had been despaired of; measles.\\ {{anchor:s317}}Girl, aet. 6 years, daughter of peasants, not been well since she was vaccinated, in her tenth month, nodosities and tumors on head, followed by swelling and suppuration of glands of neck; ophthalmia.\\ {{anchor:s318}}Robust boy, aet. 14; ophthalmia.\\ {{anchor:s319}}Girl, aet. 16; blonde, nervous; measles.\\ {{anchor:s320}}Girl, aet. 20, strong, brunette, menses regular; ophthalmia.\\ {{anchor:s321}}Woman, aet. 22, married, robust constitution, phlegmatic sanguine temperament, after a chill; ophthalmia.\\ {{anchor:s322}}Girl, aet. 22, light hair, blue eyes, generally nervous; measles.\\ {{anchor:s323}}Schoolmaster, aet. 26, scrofulous during childhood, suffers from glandular swellings which occasionally suppurate; hard swelling of nose and lip.\\ {{anchor:s324}}Gardener, aet. 50, otherwise healthy; ulcer on cornea.\\ {{anchor:s325}}Man, aet. 52; paralysis of motor oculi.\\ {{anchor:s326}}Woman, aet. 53; ophthalmia.\\ {{anchor:s327}}Man, aet. 54; iritis.\\ {{anchor:s328}}Old woman, gouty; obscuration of cornea. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s330}}Antidoted by: Camphor, Pulsat.\\ {{anchor:s331}}Compatible: Acon., Calc. (keratitis), Conium, Nux vom., Phosphor., Pulsat., Rhus tox. (parotitis); Silica (keratitis), Sulphur (cataract).\\ {{anchor:s332}}Compare: Aethusa, Allium cep., Apis, Arg. nitr., Arsen., Hepar, Kali bich., Kali jod., Mercur., Merc. cor., Pulsat. ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 05, 1887 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r156|Euphrasia officinalis]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r156|Euphrasia officinalis]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. | ^ Year: | 1887 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}