====== NATRIUM CARBONICUM ====== {{anchor:s1}}Natrum Carbonicum. {{anchor:s2}}Sodium Carbonate. {{anchor:s3}}NA2 CO3, 10H2O. {{anchor:s4}}Introduced by Hahnemann and proved by himself, Gross, Hering, Langhammer, etc. {{anchor:s5}}(Materia Medica Pura, vol. 3, p. 290). ====== CLINICAL AUTHORITIES. ====== {{anchor:s7}}- Effects of overstudy, Hering, Hah. Mo., vol. 10, p. 457; Pain in head, Berridge, Raue's Rec., 1875, p. 208; Loss of hearing, Berridge, Raue's Rec., 1875, p. 79; Hah. Mo. vol. 10, p. 108; Coryza, Hills, Raue's Rec., 1873, p. 81; Hirsch, Hom. Clin., vol. 1, p. 257; Nasal catarrh, Blakely, Raue's Rec., 1870, p. 131; Toothache, Plainfield, Hom. Phys., vol. 2, p. 318; Affection of chest, Morgan, Hom. Clin., vol. 4, p. 99; Raue's Rec., 1872, p. 110; Goitre, Wolffin, Desguidis, Trans. Hom. Med. Soc. Pa., 1883, p. 210; Suppression of sweat and chronic coryza, Hirsch, Hom. Clin., vol. 1, p. 258; Albuminuria, Knerr, MSS.; Effects of exposure to sun, Martin, Trans. Hom. Med. Soc. Pa., 1880, p. 242; Anaemia, Morgan, Hom. Clin., vol. 3, p. 48; Scrofulous affections, Hartmann, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 409; Affection of skin, Hering, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 222. ====== MIND. [1] ====== {{anchor:s9}}Inability to think or to perform any mental labor; head feels stupefied if he tries to exert himself.\\ {{anchor:s10}}Memory gradually failing; inaptitude for meditation or hard work; difficulty of conception or combining ideas when listening or reading; figures and diagrams were void of expression to him and seemed enveloped in mist. {{anchor:s11}}~ Effects of overstudy.\\ {{anchor:s12}}Difficulty in grasping and connecting thoughts when reading or listening.\\ {{anchor:s13}}Aversion to mankind and society; estrangement from individuals and society, even from her husband and family.\\ {{anchor:s14}}Sadness; depression of spirits; hypochondriacal mood.\\ {{anchor:s15}}Intolerable melancholy and apprehension; she is wholly occupied with sad thoughts.\\ {{anchor:s16}}Irritable, excitable mood.\\ {{anchor:s17}}Avarice; maliciousness.\\ {{anchor:s18}}Restlessness, with attacks of anxiety, especially during a thunderstorm; agg. from music.\\ {{anchor:s19}}Anxiety; trembling and sweat during pains.\\ {{anchor:s20}}In evening restlessness of body, unless he exerts himself mentally.\\ {{anchor:s21}}Affected by playing on piano a short time, with painful anxiety of chest, trembling of body and weariness; must lie down.\\ {{anchor:s22}}Constant fear and forebodings.\\ {{anchor:s23}}Great timidity.\\ {{anchor:s24}}Indifference. ====== SENSORIUM. [2] ====== {{anchor:s26}}Vertigo: from mental exertion; when working in sun; agg. from rest, amel. on exercise in open air; from exposure to sun; from drinking wine.\\ {{anchor:s27}}Dullness of head when at rest or when in sun.\\ {{anchor:s28}}Dullness in occiput, as from pressure, in morning. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s30}}Head feels too large.\\ {{anchor:s31}}Tension in head, as if forehead would burst.\\ {{anchor:s32}}Frontal headache when suddenly turning head.\\ {{anchor:s33}}Shooting pain in left frontal eminence to left lower occiput.\\ {{anchor:s34}}Stitches in head and out of eyes.\\ {{anchor:s35}}Pulsating headache in vertex every morning.\\ {{anchor:s36}}Tearing pain in forehead, at certain hours of day.\\ {{anchor:s37}}Stupefying, pressing headache in forehead, nausea, eructations and dimness of sight in evening; agg. in room.\\ {{anchor:s38}}Stitching, tearing, throbbing in forehead, temples and vertex, with vertigo, melancholy and great physical prostration.\\ {{anchor:s39}}Pain in left frontal eminence to left lower occiput.\\ {{anchor:s40}}Headache from slightest mental exertion.\\ {{anchor:s41}}Painful sense of emptiness in occiput, with weakness and hoarseness of voice.\\ {{anchor:s42}}Pain from occiput to vertex.\\ {{anchor:s43}}Drawing and tension in right side of occiput as if head would be drawn back.\\ {{anchor:s44}}Long continued pressure in right side of occiput.\\ {{anchor:s45}}Dull pressure from occiput to nape, with drawing pain, at last extending to forehead.\\ {{anchor:s46}}Headache at noon, agg. low down in occiput.\\ {{anchor:s47}}Headache and tension in nape before menses.\\ {{anchor:s48}}Headache: from sun; from working under gaslight. ====== OUTER HEAD. [4] ====== {{anchor:s50}}Pains in head at certain hours of day.\\ {{anchor:s51}}Falling out of hair.\\ {{anchor:s52}}An almost painless boil on occiput. ====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ====== {{anchor:s54}}Dim eyes; has to wipe them constantly.\\ {{anchor:s55}}Black spots floating before vision while writing.\\ {{anchor:s56}}Sensation as of feathers before eyes.\\ {{anchor:s57}}Dazzling flashes before eyes on awaking.\\ {{anchor:s58}}Flashes and streaks of light before closed eyes at night.\\ {{anchor:s59}}Cannot read small print.\\ {{anchor:s60}}Ulceration of cornea.\\ {{anchor:s61}}Small corneal ulcers or phlyctenules, with great photophobia and stinging pains, particularly in scrofulous children.\\ {{anchor:s62}}Needle-like stitches in both eyes after dinner.\\ {{anchor:s63}}Stitches in eyes from within outward.\\ {{anchor:s64}}Dermoid swelling of conjunctiva.\\ {{anchor:s65}}Inflammation of eyelids, with photophobia.\\ {{anchor:s66}}Dry eyes.\\ {{anchor:s67}}Heaviness of upper lids; could hardly open them; they close involuntarily.\\ {{anchor:s68}}Agglutination of eyes in morning; lachrymation during forenoon. ====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ====== {{anchor:s70}}Oversensitiveness of hearing; sensitive to noise.\\ {{anchor:s71}}Hard hearing, as if ears were closed up.\\ {{anchor:s72}}Loss of hearing of right ear for seven or eight months; sounds seem to come from left side when they really come from right; at times singing in right ear, or a noise like a bubble bursting in ear; fullness in right ear when eating; on swallowing feeling as if something moved in ear.\\ {{anchor:s73}}Hardness of hearing and roaring in left ear, with caries of left molar teeth; pain in left side of face; stiffness of neck and left shoulder; pain in small of back and left leg, agg. from motion, amel. in rest; menses irregular and scanty; all agg. before menses. {{anchor:s74}}~ Chronic otitis media.\\ {{anchor:s75}}Otalgia with sharp piercing stitches in ears. ====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ====== {{anchor:s77}}Loss of smell and taste, with coryza.\\ {{anchor:s78}}Violent sneezing, with rush of blood to head.\\ {{anchor:s79}}Coryza with discharge of thin mucus and frequent sneezing.\\ {{anchor:s80}}Coryza: fluent; violent sneezing; very profuse; agg. at night, when nose is obstructed; agg. from least draft of air or change of clothing; on alternate days; amel. after sweat.\\ {{anchor:s81}}Troublesome stoppage of nose every night. {{anchor:s82}}~ Chronic catarrh.\\ {{anchor:s83}}Stoppage of nose with hard, offensive pieces from one nostril.\\ {{anchor:s84}}Much nasal mucus passes through mouth.\\ {{anchor:s85}}Yellow offensive discharge from nose.\\ {{anchor:s86}}Thick green mucus blown from nose.\\ {{anchor:s87}}Thick yellow greenish, musty smelling discharge, ceasing to flow frequently after a meal, with stoppage of nose. {{anchor:s88}}~ Coryza.\\ {{anchor:s89}}Hard fetid clots from one nostril.\\ {{anchor:s90}}Coryza with discharge of copious, thick, mucous masses during day, and obstruction of nose at night; speech has a disagreeable nasal twang; resistent swelling of middle lobe of thyroid gland; pale face and dark streaks under eyes; menses scanty and postponing.\\ {{anchor:s91}}After getting a thorough wetting, skin which formerly perspired easily became dry; also suffered from a coryza, with profuse discharge and a disagreeable influence on her voice.\\ {{anchor:s92}}Ozaena; bad smell of nasal secretion.\\ {{anchor:s93}}Nostrils ulcerated high up.\\ {{anchor:s94}}Bleeding of nose.\\ {{anchor:s95}}Humid, herpetic eruptions and ulcers on nose, around mouth and on lips.\\ {{anchor:s96}}Peeling off of dorsum and tip of nose, painful when touched.\\ {{anchor:s97}}Red nose with white pimples on it.\\ {{anchor:s98}}Squeaking sensation at root of nose.\\ {{anchor:s99}}Inflammation of external nose. ====== UPPER FACE. [8] ====== {{anchor:s101}}Pale face with blue rings around eyes, swollen eyelids.\\ {{anchor:s102}}Face puffy. {{anchor:s103}}~ Albuminuria.\\ {{anchor:s104}}Burning heat and redness of face, cheeks swollen.\\ {{anchor:s105}}Pains in bones of face. {{anchor:s106}}~ Chronic naso-pharyngeal catarrh.\\ {{anchor:s107}}Much eruption on nose and mouth.\\ {{anchor:s108}}Yellow blotches on forehead and upper lip.\\ {{anchor:s109}}Freckles on face.\\ {{anchor:s110}}White pimples on red nose. ====== LOWER FACE. [9] ====== {{anchor:s112}}Swelling of upper lip.\\ {{anchor:s113}}Lips swollen and tettery; burning rhagades on lower lip.\\ {{anchor:s114}}Humid eruption or ulcers around nose and mouth.\\ {{anchor:s115}}Pimples on face and lips.\\ {{anchor:s116}}Swelling of submaxillary glands. ====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ====== {{anchor:s118}}Digging, boring toothache, especially during or after eating sweetmeats or fruit.\\ {{anchor:s119}}Sensitiveness of teeth, especially lower.\\ {{anchor:s120}}Nightly pressing toothache, with swelling of lower lips and of gums.\\ {{anchor:s121}}Toothache: in lower jaw; agg. when eating; agg. from sweet things; amel. by smoking. ====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ====== {{anchor:s123}}Taste: bitter or metallic; sour, thickly coated tongue; of blood; of pus in throat.\\ {{anchor:s124}}Dry tongue and dislike to talk.\\ {{anchor:s125}}Tongue not facile; speech difficult.\\ {{anchor:s126}}Stuttering on account of heaviness of tongue.\\ {{anchor:s127}}Burning about tip of tongue, as if it was cracked.\\ {{anchor:s128}}Pimples on tip of tongue. ====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ====== {{anchor:s130}}Saliva generally increased.\\ {{anchor:s131}}Constant dryness of mouth and lips, which she was constantly obliged to lick, as if caused by heat of breath.\\ {{anchor:s132}}Dry mouth and throat, with inclination to drink.\\ {{anchor:s133}}Slight redness of mucous membrane of mouth and fauces, with rawness and scraping; desire to hawk and hem; mucus collects at night and is hawked up in morning.\\ {{anchor:s134}}Redness and soreness of mouth, with flat, painful blisters; increased appetite; great thirst for cold water, but agg. after drinking it; yellow stools discharged with a gush; frequent urination of dark, sour smelling urine. {{anchor:s135}}~ Stomatitis.\\ {{anchor:s136}}Flat ulcers and blisters inside of mouth, burning and painful when touched. ====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ====== {{anchor:s138}}Throat and esophagus feel rough, scraped, dry.\\ {{anchor:s139}}Accumulation of mucus in throat and posterior nares.\\ {{anchor:s140}}Violent hawking up of thick mucus that constantly collects.\\ {{anchor:s141}}Throat painful when swallowing and gaping.\\ {{anchor:s142}}Glandular swellings in throat. ====== APPETITE, THIRST. DESIRES, AVERSIONS. [14] ====== {{anchor:s145}}Incessant hunger.\\ {{anchor:s146}}Increased and ravenous hunger in forenoon, from sensation of emptiness in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s147}}Thirst: in afternoon; incessant; great desire for cold water a few hours after dinner.\\ {{anchor:s148}}Aversion to milk and diarrhea from it. ====== EATING AND DRINKING. [15] ====== {{anchor:s150}}After eating: hypochondriacal; weak digestion; pressure in stomach; eructations; distress and tenderness, with palpitation (may also follow abuse of soda crackers).\\ {{anchor:s151}}Indigestion especially marked after vegetable diet, particularly starchy foods.\\ {{anchor:s152}}Bad effects of a cold drink while overheated.\\ {{anchor:s153}}After milk, diarrhea. ====== HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. [16] ====== {{anchor:s155}}Frequent hiccough.\\ {{anchor:s156}}Eructations frequent; empty; sour; in afternoon.\\ {{anchor:s157}}Waterbrash.\\ {{anchor:s158}}Violent retching in morning, without actual vomiting.\\ {{anchor:s159}}Nausea and retching, with pain and soreness in stomach; agg. from touch; amel. from eating.\\ {{anchor:s160}}Continuous qualmishness and nausea.\\ {{anchor:s161}}Vomiting of bile, bitter. ====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ====== {{anchor:s163}}Gnawing and pressure in stomach, with distension and "gone", weak feeling about 10 or 11 A. M., amel. from eating.\\ {{anchor:s164}}Stomach weak and easily disordered.\\ {{anchor:s165}}Heaviness and pressure in stomach; nausea; frequent hiccough.\\ {{anchor:s166}}Violent pressure in stomach after dinner and breakfast.\\ {{anchor:s167}}Pit of stomach sensitive to touch and when talking.\\ {{anchor:s168}}Cramp in stomach, pressing, drawing, cutting pain.\\ {{anchor:s169}}Depressed and exceedingly irritable, particularly after dinner; hypochondriasis; amel. as food passes out of stomach into duodenum and down into bowels; averse to society, even to his own family; indigestion, agg. after vegetable diet, particularly starchy foods; sour eructations; waterbrash; retching in morning; spasmodic contraction of esophagus and stomach, with little or nothing coming to mouth; copious salivation; abdomen hard and swollen, especially after eating; accumulation of flatus, fetid when passed; griping colic just after a meal; stool difficult to expel, though not hard. {{anchor:s170}}~ Indigestion. ====== HYPOCHONDRIA. [18] ====== {{anchor:s172}}Violent, sharp stitches in right hypochondriac region, followed by griping in lower abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s173}}Stitches in left hypochondrium; agg. after drinking very cold water.\\ {{anchor:s174}}Stitches in hepatic and splenic regions. {{anchor:s175}}~ Chronic hepatitis.\\ {{anchor:s176}}Violent stitches in region of spleen. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s178}}Colic with constriction around stomach; contraction of navel, hardness of integuments of abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s179}}Hard, bloated, swollen abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s180}}Accumulation of flatus; loud rumbling; swellings here and there as from incarcerated wind.\\ {{anchor:s181}}Flatus changing place and causing pain.\\ {{anchor:s182}}Distension of abdomen, especially after eating.\\ {{anchor:s183}}Griping in abdomen like colic, immediately after eating.\\ {{anchor:s184}}Pressure in lower abdomen, extending to genitals, as if everything in abdomen would fall out and menses come.\\ {{anchor:s185}}Itch-like eruption on lower part of abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s186}}Swelling (generally painful) of glands of groin and axilla. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s188}}Passes much sour smelling or fetid flatus; feces escape.\\ {{anchor:s189}}Stools: yellow; soft or watery, with violent, sudden urging and tenesmus; watery, yellow, discharged with gush; agg. from milk or after eating and from taking cold; spotted with blood; sour smelling; yellow, with burning and tenesmus; frequent, ineffectual urging, alternately with liquid stools; soft, preceded by colic.\\ {{anchor:s190}}Discharge of blood during stool.\\ {{anchor:s191}}Yellow substance, like pulp of an orange, in stool; climacteric period.\\ {{anchor:s192}}Difficult evacuation of stool that was not hard; was obliged to make great effort before it could be discharged.\\ {{anchor:s193}}Insufficient stool, with tenesmus, followed by burning in eyes and urethra; great sexual excitement. {{anchor:s194}}~ Constipation.\\ {{anchor:s195}}Constipation, alternating with soft and liquid stools.\\ {{anchor:s196}}Before stool: cutting; strong urging; severe colic with rumbling in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s197}}During stool: tenesmus; burning and cutting in anus and rectum; sexual excitement.\\ {{anchor:s198}}After stool; pain in rectum.\\ {{anchor:s199}}Itching in anus.\\ {{anchor:s200}}Tapeworm with stool; itching creeping in anus. ====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ====== {{anchor:s202}}Pressure in region of bladder.\\ {{anchor:s203}}Frequent desire to urinate, discharge scanty or copious.\\ {{anchor:s204}}Nocturnal, involuntary micturition.\\ {{anchor:s205}}Urine: dark yellow, fetid, sour, or like horse's urine; deposits a mucous sediment like well water, when she must go often, pain mostly in right leg as if veins were bruised.\\ {{anchor:s206}}Burning in urethra during and after micturition. ====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ====== {{anchor:s208}}Increased sexual desire; priapism.\\ {{anchor:s209}}Nocturnal erections and pollutions, or emissions without erections.\\ {{anchor:s210}}Incomplete coition, short erection, speedy emission.\\ {{anchor:s211}}Chronic hypertrophy of prostate, small and painless, only detected by physical examination suggested by discharge of prostatic fluid at stool and when urinating.\\ {{anchor:s212}}Straining and tenesmus, with a voluptuous sensation in genitals.\\ {{anchor:s213}}Prostatorrhea after urinating and after difficult stool.\\ {{anchor:s214}}Inflammation, swelling and easy excoriation of prepuce and glans penis.\\ {{anchor:s215}}Soreness between scrotum and thighs.\\ {{anchor:s216}}Heaviness and drawing in testicles; testicles feel bruised. ====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ====== {{anchor:s218}}Pressure in hypogastrium as if everything would come out; indurated cervix and ill shaped os.\\ {{anchor:s219}}Bearing down as if everything would come out; melancholy; oversensitive to music; backache; heaviness, agg. sitting, amel. moving; bruised pain over back at night, tension, boring from tip of left scapula through; skin dry, rough.\\ {{anchor:s220}}Passive congestion of uterus, causing pulsation there during and after coitus, due to extra influx of blood caused by sexual erethism.\\ {{anchor:s221}}Pressure as if uterus would protrude.\\ {{anchor:s222}}Motion as from fetus in uterus.\\ {{anchor:s223}}Moles in uterus.\\ {{anchor:s224}}Menses: too early and long lasting; preceded by drawing in nape of neck and headache; with tearing headache, distended abdomen in morning, amel. by diarrhea; nervous, cannot bear music; agg. in a thunderstorm.\\ {{anchor:s225}}Metrorrhagia.\\ {{anchor:s226}}Deficient menses in adult females.\\ {{anchor:s227}}Dysmenorrhea; sterility.\\ {{anchor:s228}}Congenital defective growth of anterior vaginal wall, with ill shaped os.\\ {{anchor:s229}}Discharge of mucus from vagina after an embrace, causing sterility.\\ {{anchor:s230}}Profuse leucorrhea, after frequent attacks of colic, with writhing about umbilicus.\\ {{anchor:s231}}Leucorrhea, with frequent copious urination.\\ {{anchor:s232}}Leucorrhea thick, yellow, putrid, ceasing after urinating. ====== PREGNANCY. PARTURITION. LACTATION. [24] ====== {{anchor:s236}}Expels moles, prevents false conception.\\ {{anchor:s237}}Labor pains weak or accompanied by anguish and sweat, with desire to be rubbed. ====== VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. [25] ====== {{anchor:s240}}Hoarseness, with roughness of chest, coryza, chilliness and scraping, painful cough. ====== RESPIRATION. [26] ====== {{anchor:s242}}Dyspnea and shortness of breath from tension of chest. ====== COUGH. [27] ====== {{anchor:s244}}Cough: dry, with stopped catarrh; violent, dry, agg. when entering a warm room; short, with rattling in chest; with rumbling, incarcerated flatus; with salty, purulent, greenish sputa. ====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ====== {{anchor:s246}}Pressing stitches in chest.\\ {{anchor:s247}}Burning soreness in right mid chest; loose cough, no sputum; coldness between scapulae, seems unable to give any exact voluntary statement; pain in right rhomboid muscle when sewing or exercising, and in damp weather; moves to opposite side sometimes. ====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ====== {{anchor:s249}}Painful cracking in region of heart.\\ {{anchor:s250}}Violent, anxious palpitation of heart when ascending and at night when lying on left side.\\ {{anchor:s251}}Burning and distress along spine, with palpitation; thinks he has heart disease.\\ {{anchor:s252}}Palpitation: woke her at night, while lying on left side; on going up stairs; prevents lying on side.\\ {{anchor:s253}}Pulse excited at night, with ebullitions. ====== OUTER CHEST. [30] ====== {{anchor:s255}}Chilliness in one (left) side of thorax. ====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ====== {{anchor:s257}}Cervical glands swollen.\\ {{anchor:s258}}Goitre pressing pain; round, hard swelling on upper right part of gland.\\ {{anchor:s259}}Stiffness of neck.\\ {{anchor:s260}}Cracking of cervical vertebrae on moving head.\\ {{anchor:s261}}Rigidity and drawing between scapulae in open air, or in back, extending as far as anus, in paroxysms and terminating in a stitch when sitting or lying.\\ {{anchor:s262}}Stitch in back, sometimes as far as left side of chest, evening and night.\\ {{anchor:s263}}Backache; violent after walking.\\ {{anchor:s264}}Stitches in small of back while sitting.\\ {{anchor:s265}}Tingling (formication) in back.\\ {{anchor:s266}}Pustules on small of back. ====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ====== {{anchor:s268}}Rheumatic pain of shoulder, arms and elbows, with weakness of arms.\\ {{anchor:s269}}Pressing pain on shoulders.\\ {{anchor:s270}}Has to stretch arms, with anxiety.\\ {{anchor:s271}}Twitches and twitching sensation in arms and fingers on taking hold of anything.\\ {{anchor:s272}}Drawing pain in elbow.\\ {{anchor:s273}}Warts on arms and backs of hands; painful to touch.\\ {{anchor:s274}}Cutting pain in hands.\\ {{anchor:s275}}Trembling of hands, morning.\\ {{anchor:s276}}Contraction of fingers.\\ {{anchor:s277}}Swelling of hands in afternoon.\\ {{anchor:s278}}Eczema, skin of dorsa of hands rough, dry and chapped.\\ {{anchor:s279}}Jerking sensation in finger joints.\\ {{anchor:s280}}White bulla, with red areola on index finger.\\ {{anchor:s281}}Panaritium. ====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ====== {{anchor:s283}}Tearing and bruised pain in right hip. {{anchor:s284}}~ Dysmenorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s285}}Jerkings in lower extremities and in parts of lower body.\\ {{anchor:s286}}Unsteadiness while walking, stumbling, slipping.\\ {{anchor:s287}}Lower extremities feel very heavy and bruised.\\ {{anchor:s288}}Heaviness of legs and feet, with tension in them while sitting or walking.\\ {{anchor:s289}}Creeping, stinging in muscles of thighs and beneath epigastrium.\\ {{anchor:s290}}Blotches (as in lepra) on legs.\\ {{anchor:s291}}Hollow of knee painful on motion.\\ {{anchor:s292}}Tension in bend of knee; muscles shortened.\\ {{anchor:s293}}Cramp of calves.\\ {{anchor:s294}}When walking in open air sensation as if a knife pierced calf of leg and as though blood trickled down it.\\ {{anchor:s295}}Lower legs swollen, inflamed, red and covered with ulcers.\\ {{anchor:s296}}Easy dislocation and spraining of ankle; ankle is so weak that it gives way; foot bends under.\\ {{anchor:s297}}Cutting pain and cramps in feet.\\ {{anchor:s298}}Very cold feet.\\ {{anchor:s299}}Burning in feet, especially soles, while walking.\\ {{anchor:s300}}Swelling of feet and soles of feet, with stinging in them when walking or stepping on them.\\ {{anchor:s301}}Soreness of feet, particularly of soles.\\ {{anchor:s302}}Stitches as with needles in sole of right foot; sole swollen.\\ {{anchor:s303}}Throbbing and crawling in heels.\\ {{anchor:s304}}Ulcer on heel from spreading blisters.\\ {{anchor:s305}}Black, ulcerated pustules on heel.\\ {{anchor:s306}}Blisters on points of toes, as if scalded.\\ {{anchor:s307}}Smarting and soreness between toes; excoriation.\\ {{anchor:s308}}Swelling, tearing and soreness in (big) toes, no sleep.\\ {{anchor:s309}}Red spot on big toe, as if contused.\\ {{anchor:s310}}Violent stitches in a corn.\\ {{anchor:s311}}Boring, drawing and stinging in corns.\\ {{anchor:s312}}Cold feet.\\ {{anchor:s313}}Pressing pain in dorsa of feet. ====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ====== {{anchor:s315}}Great weakness of lower extremities and heaviness of arms.\\ {{anchor:s316}}Cutting pains in hands and feet.\\ {{anchor:s317}}Vesicular places of tips of all fingers and toes, as if scalded, extending around nails as if they would come off. ====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ====== {{anchor:s321}}Rest: vertigo agg.; dullness of head.\\ {{anchor:s322}}Lying: on left side, palpitation; stitch in back to anus.\\ {{anchor:s323}}Must lie down: weariness.\\ {{anchor:s324}}Sitting: backache, heaviness agg.; stitch in back to anus.\\ {{anchor:s325}}Sewing: pain in right rhomboid muscle.\\ {{anchor:s326}}Most symptoms appear while sitting and go off on motion, pressing and rubbing.\\ {{anchor:s327}}Moving: backache and heaviness amel.; of head, cracking of cervical vertebrae; hollow of knee painful; causes profuse sweat.\\ {{anchor:s328}}Suddenly turning head: frontal headache.\\ {{anchor:s329}}On taking hold of anything: twitches in arms and fingers.\\ {{anchor:s330}}Has to stretch arms: with anxiety.\\ {{anchor:s331}}When ascending: anxious palpitation.\\ {{anchor:s332}}On stepping: foot bends.\\ {{anchor:s333}}Walking: violent backache; unsteadiness; heaviness of legs and feet with tension; as if knife pierced calf of leg; burning in feet; swelling of feet with stinging.\\ {{anchor:s334}}Exercising: pain in right rhomboid muscle; causes great debility. ====== NERVES. [36] ====== {{anchor:s336}}Great debility from any exertion; unsteady walk, any little obstruction on pavement causes him to fall, or falls without apparent cause.\\ {{anchor:s337}}Is ready to drop after a short walk.\\ {{anchor:s338}}Exhaustion from mental effort.\\ {{anchor:s339}}Great prostration and heaviness of whole body.\\ {{anchor:s340}}Great lassitude and vertigo from effects of exposure to sun.\\ {{anchor:s341}}Uneasiness.\\ {{anchor:s342}}Twitching in muscles and limbs.\\ {{anchor:s343}}Contractions of muscles, hands, bends of knees, neck, etc.\\ {{anchor:s344}}Hysteria. ====== SLEEP. [37] ====== {{anchor:s346}}Sleepiness: during day, with yawning.\\ {{anchor:s347}}Falls asleep late at night.\\ {{anchor:s348}}Awakes too early in morning.\\ {{anchor:s349}}During sleep: starts, twitches; vivid dreams, violent erections and sexual excitement; restless, with ebullitions, palpitation and nightmare.\\ {{anchor:s350}}Dreams: anxious; confused; pleasant; amorous. ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s352}}Morning: dullness in occiput; agglutination of eyes; mucus hawked up; violent retching; distended abdomen; trembling of hands; sleepiness; awakes too early; shivering for one hour; sudden chilliness not followed by heat; bloating of whole body.\\ {{anchor:s353}}About 10 or 11 A. M.: weak feeling in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s354}}During forenoon: lachrymation; ravenous hunger; chilliness agg.\\ {{anchor:s355}}During day: coryza; sleepiness; feeling of coldness in lower extremities; cold and chilly.\\ {{anchor:s356}}Noon: headache.\\ {{anchor:s357}}Afternoon: thirst; frequent eructations; swelling of hands; bloating of whole body agg.\\ {{anchor:s358}}After dinner: needle-like stitches in both eyes.\\ {{anchor:s359}}Evening: restlessness of body; headache in forehead with nausea, eructations and dimness of sight; stitch in back.\\ {{anchor:s360}}Night: flashes and streaks of light before closed eyes; coryza agg.; mucus collects in throat; bruised pain over back; palpitation; pulse excited; stitch in back; falls asleep late. ====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ====== {{anchor:s362}}Sequela of exposure to heat of sun; inability to think; head feels stupefied and aches when in sun; dazzling flashes or black spots before eyes; dimness of sight; palpitation; trembling of hands; debility from least exertion; restless, unrefreshing sleep; profuse sweat from least exertion.\\ {{anchor:s363}}Great debility caused by heat of summer.\\ {{anchor:s364}}Chronic effects of sunstroke; may have been overcome by heat years ago, and now, with return of hot weather, suffers from headaches.\\ {{anchor:s365}}Open air: exercise, vertigo amel.; rigidity and drawing between scapulae; when walking, as if knife pierced calf of leg.\\ {{anchor:s366}}In room: headache agg.; cough agg.\\ {{anchor:s367}}In sun: vertigo; dullness in head; exposure to, causes vertigo and great lassitude.\\ {{anchor:s368}}Draft of air: coryza agg.\\ {{anchor:s369}}Averse to uncovering.\\ {{anchor:s370}}Damp weather: pain in right rhomboid muscle.\\ {{anchor:s371}}Change of clothing: coryza agg.\\ {{anchor:s372}}After getting a thorough wetting: skin perfectly dry, formerly perspired easily, and chronic coryza.\\ {{anchor:s373}}Cold water: great thirst for it, but agg. after drinking it; stitches in left hypochondrium.\\ {{anchor:s374}}Bad effects of a cold drink while overheated. ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s376}}Chilliness and shivering for one hour in morning.\\ {{anchor:s377}}Sudden chilliness, not followed by heat in morning.\\ {{anchor:s378}}Feeling of coldness in lower extremities even during day.\\ {{anchor:s379}}Continued chill in left side.\\ {{anchor:s380}}Cold hands and feet, with hot head.\\ {{anchor:s381}}Cold and chilly all day, agg. in forenoon; hands and feet cold, head hot, or hands and feet hot, with cold cheeks.\\ {{anchor:s382}}Evening chilliness, dullness of head; then heat and sleep.\\ {{anchor:s383}}Heat, with general sweat.\\ {{anchor:s384}}Flushes of heat from (nose) down back; irritability; averse to uncovering.\\ {{anchor:s385}}Heat of face.\\ {{anchor:s386}}Sweat profuse from every exertion; anxiety.\\ {{anchor:s387}}Burning sweat on forehead where hat presses.\\ {{anchor:s388}}Night sweat, alternating with dry skin.\\ {{anchor:s389}}Morning sweat.\\ {{anchor:s390}}Cold, anxious sweat. ====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ====== {{anchor:s392}}At certain hours of day: tearing pain in forehead returns.\\ {{anchor:s393}}Alternately: ineffectual urgings and liquid stools; constipation and liquid stools; night sweat and dry skin.\\ {{anchor:s394}}Alternate days: coryza agg.\\ {{anchor:s395}}Worse during full moon.\\ {{anchor:s396}}Every morning: pulsating headache in vertex.\\ {{anchor:s397}}Every night: troublesome stoppage of nose; pressing toothache; involuntary micturition.\\ {{anchor:s398}}Before menses: chronic otitis media.\\ {{anchor:s399}}For seven or eight months: loss of hearing in right ear. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s401}}Right: drawing and tension in right side of occiput; long continued pressure in side of occiput; loss of hearing; singing in ear; fullness in ear; as if something moved in ear; violent sharp stitches in hypochondriac region; pain in leg; burning soreness in chest; pain in rhomboid muscle; hard swelling on upper part of gland; tearing and bruised pain in hip.\\ {{anchor:s402}}Left: shooting pain in frontal eminence to lower occiput; sounds seem to come from left side when they really come from right; roaring in ear; caries of molar teeth; pain in side of face; stiffness of shoulder; stitches in hypochondrium; boring from tip of scapula; chilliness in side of thorax; stitch in back as far as side; stitches in sole of foot; chill in side.\\ {{anchor:s403}}Particularly upper right, lower left side.\\ {{anchor:s404}}From within outward: stitches in eyes. ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s406}}Head as if too large; as if forehead would burst; as if head would be drawn back; as of feathers before eyes; as if ears were closed up; as of a bubble bursting in ear; on swallowing, feeling as if something moved in right ear; as if tip of tongue was cracked; dryness of mouth as if caused by heat of breath; swellings as if from incarcerated wind; as if veins of right leg were bruised; pressure in hypogastrium as if everything would come out; as if uterus would protrude; motion as from a fetus in uterus; as if a knife pierced calf of leg and as though blood trickled down it; stitches as of needles in sole of right foot; blisters on points of toes, as if scalded; red spot on big toe as if contused; as if nails would come off; itching as from fleas.\\ {{anchor:s407}}Pain: in forehead; in left frontal eminence to lower occiput; from occiput to vertex; in left side of face; in small of back and left leg; in bones of face; in stomach; in rectum; in right rhomboid muscle; in back.\\ {{anchor:s408}}Stupefying pain: in forehead.\\ {{anchor:s409}}Stitching, tearing, throbbing: in forehead, temples, vertex.\\ {{anchor:s410}}Tearing pain: in forehead; in right hip; in big toes.\\ {{anchor:s411}}Shooting pain: in left frontal eminence to left lower occiput; in vesicles.\\ {{anchor:s412}}Violent sharp stitches: in right hypochondriac region; in region of spleen; in a corn.\\ {{anchor:s413}}Sharp piercing stitches: in ears.\\ {{anchor:s414}}Needle-like stitches: in both eyes.\\ {{anchor:s415}}Pressing stitches: in chest.\\ {{anchor:s416}}Stitches: in head and out of eyes; in left hypochondrium; in hepatic and splenic region; in back; in small of back; in sole of right foot.\\ {{anchor:s417}}Cutting: in stomach; in anus; in rectum; in hands; in feet.\\ {{anchor:s418}}Pulsating pain: in vertex.\\ {{anchor:s419}}Digging, boring: toothache.\\ {{anchor:s420}}Boring: from tip of left scapula.\\ {{anchor:s421}}Boring, drawing stinging: in corns.\\ {{anchor:s422}}Stinging: in eye.\\ {{anchor:s423}}Pressing, drawing, cutting: in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s424}}Griping: in stomach; in lower abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s425}}Writhing: about umbilicus.\\ {{anchor:s426}}Cramp: in stomach; of calves; in feet.\\ {{anchor:s427}}Rheumatic pain: of shoulder, arms and elbows.\\ {{anchor:s428}}Pressing pain: in forehead; in teeth; in goitre; in stomach; on shoulders; in dorsa of feet.\\ {{anchor:s429}}Drawing pain: from occiput to nape; in stomach; in elbow.\\ {{anchor:s430}}Bruised pain: over back; in right hip.\\ {{anchor:s431}}Smarting: between toes.\\ {{anchor:s432}}Burning soreness: in right mid chest.\\ {{anchor:s433}}Burning: about tip of tongue; of blisters in mouth; of eyes and urethra; in anus; in rectum; along spine; in feet.\\ {{anchor:s434}}Soreness: of mouth; in stomach; between scrotum and thighs; of feet, agg. soles; between toes; in big toes.\\ {{anchor:s435}}Stinging: in feet.\\ {{anchor:s436}}Creeping, stinging: in muscles of thighs and beneath epigastrium.\\ {{anchor:s437}}Throbbing and crawling: in heels.\\ {{anchor:s438}}Tingling: in back.\\ {{anchor:s439}}Painful cracking: in region of heart.\\ {{anchor:s440}}Painful sense of emptiness: in occiput.\\ {{anchor:s441}}Burning heat: of face.\\ {{anchor:s442}}Bruised, heavy feeling: in lower extremities.\\ {{anchor:s443}}Drawing: in right side of occiput; in testicles; in nape of neck.\\ {{anchor:s444}}Violent pressure: in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s445}}Long continued pressure: in right side of occiput.\\ {{anchor:s446}}Dull pressure: from occiput to nape; in stomach; in region of bladder; in hypogastrium.\\ {{anchor:s447}}Tension: in head; in right side of occiput; in nape; in legs and feet; in bend of knees.\\ {{anchor:s448}}Heaviness: of upper lids; of tongue; in stomach; in testicles; of legs and feet; of arms; of whole body.\\ {{anchor:s449}}Fullness: in right ear.\\ {{anchor:s450}}Constriction: around stomach.\\ {{anchor:s451}}Stiffness: of neck and left shoulder.\\ {{anchor:s452}}Obstruction: in head.\\ {{anchor:s453}}Dryness: of mouth and lips; of throat.\\ {{anchor:s454}}Squeaking sensation: at root of nose.\\ {{anchor:s455}}Voluptuous sensation: in genitals.\\ {{anchor:s456}}Gone, weak feeling: in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s457}}Twitching sensation: in arms and fingers.\\ {{anchor:s458}}Jerking: in finger joints; in lower extremities and in parts of lower body.\\ {{anchor:s459}}Itching: in anus; over whole body; in vesicles. ====== TISSUES. [44] ====== {{anchor:s461}}Emaciation, with pale face, dilated pupils; dark urine.\\ {{anchor:s462}}Bloating of whole body mornings, amel. in afternoon.\\ {{anchor:s463}}Pallid anemia, with great debility, with watery or milky whiteness of skin, when disease is due to an original inertia and phlegmatic state.\\ {{anchor:s464}}Putrid leucorrhea, uterine troubles; vitality below par.\\ {{anchor:s465}}Subacute, inflammatory irritation of whole alimentary mucous membrane, from mouth to anus.\\ {{anchor:s466}}Swelling and induration of glands; scrofulosis. ====== TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. [45] ====== {{anchor:s470}}Generally amel. from touch, pressing or rubbing parts gently.\\ {{anchor:s471}}Cutting pain, burning and stinging in wounded parts.\\ {{anchor:s472}}Touch: peeling off of dorsum and tip of nose painful; ulcers and blisters painful; soreness in stomach agg.; pit of stomach sensitive; warts on arms and backs of hands.\\ {{anchor:s473}}Desire to be rubbed: during labor pains.\\ {{anchor:s474}}Where hat presses: burning sweat on forehead.\\ {{anchor:s475}}Easily sprained; disposition to be sprained by any exertion; old sprains. ====== SKIN. [46] ====== {{anchor:s477}}Itching over whole body as from fleas.\\ {{anchor:s478}}Sensation of formication.\\ {{anchor:s479}}Skin of whole body becomes dry, rough and cracked in places.\\ {{anchor:s480}}Red vesicles filled with fluid in bend of elbow, in fold between genitals and thigh and on chin.\\ {{anchor:s481}}Vesicles, with shooting pains and itching.\\ {{anchor:s482}}Spreading and suppurating herpes.\\ {{anchor:s483}}Herpes: iris; circinatus; suppurating.\\ {{anchor:s484}}Yellow rings like remains of herpes.\\ {{anchor:s485}}Itch-like eruption on lower part of abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s486}}Light brown spots (freckles) on face.\\ {{anchor:s487}}Warts: ulcerate; sensitive to touch.\\ {{anchor:s488}}Ulcers, with swelling and inflammatory redness of affected parts; burning, pricking and pulsating; pus corroding, acrid, putrid and yellow.\\ {{anchor:s489}}Rose colored blotches in leprous patients.\\ {{anchor:s490}}Spots and tubercles all over face, arms, thighs and legs, which ulcerate; leprosy.\\ {{anchor:s491}}Elephantiasis graecorum.\\ {{anchor:s492}}Amelioration by gently pressing parts or rubbing. ====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ====== {{anchor:s494}}Leuco-phlegmatic constitutions, with aversion to open air and dislike to exercise, physical or mental.\\ {{anchor:s495}}Boy, aet. 15; goitre.\\ {{anchor:s496}}Girl, aet. 16, lymphatic habit; coryza.\\ {{anchor:s497}}Man, aet. 27, private secretary; goitre.\\ {{anchor:s498}}Woman, aet. 40, large, leuco-phlegmatic; affection of chest.\\ {{anchor:s499}}Woman, music teacher, suffering from chronic coryza, after getting wet; suppression of sweat. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s501}}Antidoted by: Camphor, Spir. nitr. dul.\\ {{anchor:s502}}It antidotes: Cinchona.\\ {{anchor:s503}}Compatible: Calc. ostr., Nux. vom., Pulsat., Sepia, Sulphur.\\ {{anchor:s504}}Compare: Natr. sulph., which is preferable for yeast-like vomiting, with pallid, dirty and broad tongue; Arsen., Carbo veg., Lycop., Mercur., Natr. mur., Phosphor., Silic. ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 07, 1888 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r27|Natrium carbonicum]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r27|Natrium carbonicum]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. | ^ Year: | 1888 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}