{{anchor:s1}}Stillingia Sylvatica.
{{anchor:s2}}Cockup Hat, Queen's Root. {{anchor:s3}}Euphorbiaceae.
{{anchor:s4}}Grows in pine barrens from Virginia to Florida.
{{anchor:s5}}The male and female flowers are distinct upon the same plant, they are yellow and grow in the form of a spike; the plant, if wounded, emits a milky juice.
{{anchor:s6}}Provings by Frost, Nichols, Eckles, Cunningham, Ingraham, Hale's New Rem., 2d ed.; Preston, Tr. Penn. {{anchor:s7}}Soc.; Taber, Lype, Ohio Med. and Surg. {{anchor:s8}}Rep., vol. 9.
{{anchor:s10}}- Laryngitis, Hale, A. H. O., vol. 7, p. 537; Bone pains, Martin, T. H. M. S. Pa., 1870, p. 78; Secondary syphilis, McMechan, Hale, A. H. O., vol. 7, p. 31; Martin, Hah. Mo., vol. 6, p. 126; Scrofulosis, Hale, N. E. M. G., vol. 12, p. 445.
====== MIND. [1] ======
{{anchor:s12}}Depression of spirits, gloomy forebodings.\\ {{anchor:s13}}Deplorably downhearted; suffering extreme torture from bone pains; immense nodes on head and legs; looks thin and miserable. {{anchor:s14}}~ Secondary syphilis.
====== SENSORIUM. [2] ======
{{anchor:s16}}Dizziness with throbbing in head.
====== INNER HEAD. [3] ======
{{anchor:s18}}Mercurial, syphilitic or catarrhal headaches.
====== OUTER HEAD. [4] ======
{{anchor:s20}}Persistent dull headache in vertex.\\ {{anchor:s21}}Dull heavy pain in right side of head.\\ {{anchor:s22}}In frontal region a feeling as of a heavy substance pressing upon brain, becomes sharp and darting, almost unendurable.\\ {{anchor:s23}}Pains in head, with inflamed and watery eyes, and general soreness of muscles.\\ {{anchor:s24}}Bone swellings on head and forehead, on latter as large as a hen's egg.\\ {{anchor:s25}}Mercurial periostitis of skull. {{anchor:s26}}~ Syphilis.
====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ======
{{anchor:s28}}Eyes inflamed and watery, with severe headache and general muscular soreness, as if he had taken cold.
====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ======
{{anchor:s30}}Burning in left ear in evening; next morning a vesicular eruption.
====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ======
{{anchor:s32}}Catarrhal discharge from nose, at first watery, then muco-purulent, with soreness of mucous membrane, followed by a small abscess on inside of right nostril.\\ {{anchor:s33}}Influenza.\\ {{anchor:s34}}Inflammation and necrosis of bones of nose.
====== UPPER FACE. [8] ======
{{anchor:s36}}Stinging, darting pains in face, with frontal headache.\\ {{anchor:s37}}Pain under malar bone, extending transversely across face.\\ {{anchor:s38}}Periostitis of facial bones.
====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ======
{{anchor:s40}}Paroxysms of neuralgic toothache.
====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ======
{{anchor:s42}}Tongue coated: yellowish white; heavily; white; slightly, in morning.\\ {{anchor:s43}}Scalded sensation on tongue, with soreness in region of larynx.
====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ======
{{anchor:s45}}Smarting, stinging, dryness and rawness of fauces.\\ {{anchor:s46}}Constriction of throat.\\ {{anchor:s47}}Slight inflammation of left tonsil, lasting several days.\\ {{anchor:s48}}Burning in throat, with painful deglutition.
====== HYPOCHONDRIA. [18] ======
{{anchor:s50}}Torpidity of liver, with jaundice and great depression of mind, with constipation.
====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ======
{{anchor:s52}}Colic, periodical.
====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ======
{{anchor:s54}}Dull pain in region of kidneys.\\ {{anchor:s55}}Incontinence of urine.
====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ======
{{anchor:s57}}Sharp pains in penis.\\ {{anchor:s58}}Violent smarting burning pains throughout entire length of urethra; difficult micturition.\\ {{anchor:s59}}While urinating has a sharp pain in glans penis, extending up urethra.\\ {{anchor:s60}}Pains in urethra so severe as to cause perspiration.\\ {{anchor:s61}}Urethral irritation and chordee.\\ {{anchor:s62}}Gonorrhea; gleet.\\ {{anchor:s63}}Syphilis; primary, secondary and mercurial.
====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ======
{{anchor:s65}}Copious muco-purulent leucorrhea, with rheumatic pains.
{{anchor:s68}}Laryngitis, especially if syphilitic, with hoarseness and dry spasmodic cough, or it may be loose.\\ {{anchor:s69}}Hoarseness and chronic laryngeal affections of public speakers.\\ {{anchor:s70}}Croup.\\ {{anchor:s71}}Slight uneasiness and tickling in trachea and bronchi, agg. on rising in morning.\\ {{anchor:s72}}Tickling sensation in trachea toward evening, which caused a dry, spasmodic cough.\\ {{anchor:s73}}Dryness and soreness in region of larynx.\\ {{anchor:s74}}After exerting her voice unusually and catching cold, tickling in larynx, with loose cough; sensation of lameness in cartilages of larynx and trachea; constriction in region of larynx; bruised sore feeling in cartilages of larynx.\\ {{anchor:s75}}Bronchial troubles, asthma, whooping cough, etc.
====== COUGH. [27] ======
{{anchor:s77}}Short hacking cough.\\ {{anchor:s78}}Toward evening, excessively dry, spasmodic cough, produced by a tickling in trachea.\\ {{anchor:s79}}Cough deep and loose.\\ {{anchor:s80}}Short hacking cough with inflammation of fauces.
====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ======
{{anchor:s82}}Oppression of chest.\\ {{anchor:s83}}Darting pains in thorax, with tickling in throat, and short hacking cough.\\ {{anchor:s84}}Sharp, darting pains through chest and shoulders.\\ {{anchor:s85}}Incipient phthisis, in strumous habits.
====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ======
{{anchor:s87}}Pulse weak and irregular.\\ {{anchor:s88}}Boring pains about region of heart, with irregular pulse and a feeling of distress.\\ {{anchor:s89}}Pulse about 90; weak and very irregular, except at times during day, when he has spells as if room were too warm, and pulse becomes regular, with general perspiration.
====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ======
{{anchor:s91}}Sharp shooting pains in both arms, from middle third of humerus down to fingers.\\ {{anchor:s92}}Sharp shooting pains in upper third and inner side of forearm.\\ {{anchor:s93}}Very large node upon olecranon.
====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ======
{{anchor:s95}}Aching pain in right leg.\\ {{anchor:s96}}Pains in left lower anterior third of leg.\\ {{anchor:s97}}Burning itching of legs.\\ {{anchor:s98}}Enlargement of tibia to such a degree as to deprive child of all power of motion; limbs contracted and swollen.\\ {{anchor:s99}}Ulcers on legs, venereal, chronic and indolent.\\ {{anchor:s100}}Periostitis and nodes of tibia.\\ {{anchor:s101}}Syphilitic and gonorrheal sciatica; left-sided complaints.
====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ======
{{anchor:s103}}In evening pains in right elbow and leg, aching and pulsating, with soreness.
====== SLEEP. [37] ======
{{anchor:s105}}Unusual drowsiness all day, with general malaise and headache.\\ {{anchor:s106}}Very sleepy after eating.\\ {{anchor:s107}}Dull and sleepy.
====== TIME. [38] ======
{{anchor:s109}}Morning: after burning vesicular eruption, tongue slightly coated; slight tickling in trachea and bronchi agg. on rising.\\ {{anchor:s110}}During day: pulse 90, except at times when room seems too warm, then normal.\\ {{anchor:s111}}All day: drowsiness.\\ {{anchor:s112}}At 1 P. M.: fever; gets into heavy sleep.\\ {{anchor:s113}}Toward evening: tickling sensation in trachea; excessively dry spasmodic cough.\\ {{anchor:s114}}Evening: burning in left ear; pain in elbow and leg; feverish heat.\\ {{anchor:s115}}At night: excessive warmth.
====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ======
{{anchor:s117}}Warmth: itching of legs amel.\\ {{anchor:s118}}Exposure to cold air: legs itch.
====== FEVER. [40] ======
{{anchor:s120}}Cold on going to bed; immediately after, broke out in perspiration, with excessive warmth all night.\\ {{anchor:s121}}Feverish heat in evening.\\ {{anchor:s122}}Fever at 1 P. M.; gets into a heavy sleep.
====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ======
{{anchor:s124}}Periodical: colic.\\ {{anchor:s125}}For six or eight weeks: itching of legs.
====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ======
{{anchor:s127}}Right: heavy pain in side of head; abscess on inside of nostril; aching in leg; pain in elbow and leg.\\ {{anchor:s128}}Left: burning in ear; slight inflammation of tonsil; pain in lower anterior third of leg; syphilitic complaints.
====== SENSATIONS. [43] ======
{{anchor:s130}}As of a heavy substance pressing upon brain; tongue as if scalded; as if room were too warm.\\ {{anchor:s131}}Pains: in head; under malar bone; in urethra; in lower anterior third of leg; in right elbow and leg.\\ {{anchor:s132}}Sharp pain: in penis; in glans penis.\\ {{anchor:s133}}Sharp darting: in frontal region in face; in thorax; through chest and shoulders.\\ {{anchor:s134}}Sharp shooting pains: in both arms.\\ {{anchor:s135}}Violent burning pain: along urethra.\\ {{anchor:s136}}Boring pains: about region of heart.\\ {{anchor:s137}}Throbbing: in head.\\ {{anchor:s138}}Aching pain: in right leg; in long bones.\\ {{anchor:s139}}Dull pain: in vertex; in right side of head; in region of kidneys.\\ {{anchor:s140}}Burning: in left ear; in throat.\\ {{anchor:s141}}Burning itching: of legs.\\ {{anchor:s142}}Stinging: in face; of fauces.\\ {{anchor:s143}}Smarting: of fauces; along urethra.\\ {{anchor:s144}}Soreness: of muscles; of mucous membrane; in region of larynx; in elbow and leg.\\ {{anchor:s145}}Rawness: of fauces.\\ {{anchor:s146}}Constriction: of throat; in region of larynx.\\ {{anchor:s147}}Lameness; in cartilages of larynx and trachea.\\ {{anchor:s148}}Tickling: in trachea and bronchi.\\ {{anchor:s149}}Dryness: of fauces; in region of larynx.
====== TISSUES. [44] ======
{{anchor:s151}}Secondary syphilis; eruptions, bone affections; great depression of spirits; sciatica; patient is broken down, mercury cannot be used, iodide of potassium is useless.\\ {{anchor:s152}}Chronic periosteal rheumatism.\\ {{anchor:s153}}Distressing aching pains in long bones, with nodes. {{anchor:s154}}~ Secondary syphilis.\\ {{anchor:s155}}Malaise, drowsiness, and feeling of distress.\\ {{anchor:s156}}Scrofulous periostitis.\\ {{anchor:s157}}Enlarged cervical glands; moist, brownish, excoriating eruption on scalp; muco-purulent discharge from nose, with excoriations of upper lip and alae nasi; dull, pasty complexion; capricious and unnatural appetites; tumid and enlarged abdomen; white, pasty stools, very fetid; dull, red, tubercular (or syphilitic) eruption on skin, ulcerating, and discharging a large quantity of unhealthy pus; tendency to laryngeal cough. {{anchor:s158}}~ Scrofulosis of children.
====== SKIN. [46] ======
{{anchor:s160}}Pustular eruption on arm.\\ {{anchor:s161}}Ulcers, with unhealthy skin.\\ {{anchor:s162}}Scrofulous, Venereal, and other skin diseases.\\ {{anchor:s163}}Chronic eruptions on hands and fingers.\\ {{anchor:s164}}Excessive itching of legs below knees, continuing six or eight weeks, but no eruption; this itching occurred only on exposure of parts to atmosphere or cold, amel. by warmth and in bed.\\ {{anchor:s165}}Elephantiasis; lepra.
====== RELATIONS. [48] ======
{{anchor:s167}}It antidotes: Mercur.\\ {{anchor:s168}}Compare: Staphis. in bone affections; Natrum sulph. in sycosis.
^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 10, 1891 |
^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r371|Stillingia sylvatica]] |
^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r371|Stillingia sylvatica]] |
^ Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. |
^ year: | 1891 |
^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting |
^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}