====== Mercurius homeopathic software ====== {{:en:homeo-software.png?nolink&100 |}} [[https://www.homeopathy.net|Mercurius]] is a modern repertorization, materia medica and patient management software for homeopathic practitioners. Mercurius Basic Edition is available for free for everyone - [[https://www.homeopathy.net/fullv500/mercbasic_lh.exe|direct download here]]. Mercurius software is developed by AEON GROUP (not by Legatum Homeopathicum) - see www.homeopathy.net **Release date of the most recent version:** 19th Nov. 2013\\ **Mercurius version:**\\ **Materia Medica Explorer version:**\\ **Major change:** added Kent's repertory with the implemented additions from André Saine team\\ **Download link:** [[https://www.homeopathy.net/fullv500/mercbasic_lh.exe|https://www.homeopathy.net/fullv500/mercbasic_lh.exe]] ====== Mercurius Basic Edition ====== For detailed information, video tutorials, upgrade options etc., please visit the developer's web site at www.homeopathy.net ==== Repertories: ==== * Kent's final repertory with additions, corrections and imported [[en:resources:additions-repertory-saine|additions from André Saine team]] (exclusively in Mercurius) * Kent's final repertory with additions and corrections (exclusively in Mercurius) * Boger's Synoptic key with supplemental reference table * Boger's General Analysis and Card Index Repertory * Boger-Boenninghausen's Repertory with corrections * Boenninghausen's Repertory with corrections ==== Materia Medicae: ==== * Practical Materia Medica for the Consulting room by Tinus Smits, M.D. * Materia Medica part of Boger's Synoptic key (Synopsis) * Kent's Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica * Wadstories by Jan Scholten * Boericke's Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica * Twelve Tissue Remedies of Schussler from Boericke W. and Dewey W. * Characteristic Indications of Prominent Remedies by W.J.Hawkes ==== Most important features: ==== * combines repertory, materia medica and the patient management system in a single piece of software * provides compensated repertory model for all supported repertories * all supported Materia Medicae are fully integrated, spellchecked and corrected * superior searching capabilities of the symptoms with the best-in-the-industry support of synonyms * book-style tree-structured repertory * unlimited number of desktops -- offer possibility to evaluate a case from different points of view * unlimited number of symptoms for analysis * grouping symptoms (creation of superrubrics) * user symptoms support * positive and negative filtering of the remedies * families of remedies support * various strategies of the evaluation of the symptoms * detailed analysis of symptoms and remedies * synthetic Materia Medica with the support of comparison of the remedies * easy to use ==== Minimum system requirements ==== * Microsoft Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000; with Windows emulation also tested to run on Mac and Linux (Crossover or Wine) * Macromedia Flash (for tutorial videos)