CHLOROFORM. Communicated to the London Monthly Homoeopathic Review for January, 1863. By Dr. M. J. Chapman.

Professor Simpson, the very eminent obstetric physician of Edinburgh, has the credit of having discovered this anesthetic. The discovery was made by the foreman of the Liverpool Apothecaries' Hall, while I was yet practising in Liverpool. I think his name was Waugh. He communicated his discovery to Dr. Simpson, and I am not aware that the Professor has claimed the discovery as his own. The proofs can yet be obtained, if she discovery of this anesthetic is claimed for Dr. Simpson.

Chloroform should not be used, excepting for very severe operations.

I believe that chloroform hinders and delays the proper contraction of the womb.

I will just give a few cases of its disadvantages and dangers. I say nothing of the numerous deaths that have occurred from its use or abuse.

Some years ago a clergyman consulted me, who, some two years before, had chloroform administered to him. to save the pain of tooth-drawing. From that time his nervous system was upset He had buzzing in his ears; he lost his sleep. He had headaches over the forehead and the crown of his head. From having been a fearless man he had become a coward, morally and physically. He had been unfitted for his clerical duties. I advised him to take stimulants in moderation, and to be much in the air. He gradually recovered, and was able to resume his work.

In the year 1848 I was sent for to see a young lady, who was attended by a practitioner in the neighborhood, and by Sir James Clark, the Queen's physician. She had only a few minutes' sleep at a time, from violent facial neuralgia. I found she had a numbing pain at the symphysis of either jaw. She was lock-jawed. So she suffered at once from want of food, and sleeplessness, and wearying pain. I gave her Platina, 3d. In a few days her distress was relieved. She was suffering from carious teeth. I told her mother they should be removed. The young lady being very hysterical, and anything but a strongminded woman, demanded chloroform. I opposed it; but her perverse will prevailed. She had chloroform. Her peccant teeth were drawn. She was made incapable of resistance, but her full consciousness of pain remained. She suffered, in fact, more than she would have done if she had not been chloroformed. She was violently hysterical; and to this day she has not recovered the effects of that dose of chloroform.

In the following year, 1849, I was asked to go to Tunbridge Wells, to see a young lady who was said by such surgeons as Brodie, Aston Key, and Bransby Cooper, to be suffering from knee-joint disease — disorganization. The affected limb below the knee was icy cold, and spots of gangrene were discernible down the leg. I advised immediate amputation. It was done under the influence of chloroform. It was found that there was no disease of the joint — of bone, ligament, or cartilage. The popliteal artery was quite atrophied, and the nerve was degenerated. The point, however, is, that though the was made incapable of resistance by the chloroform, her consciousness of and sensitiveness to pain were intensified. She suffered far more from the chloroform poison, than she would have done from the severe operation of amputation, unaided by the anesthetic.

A year or two after, an ophthalmic surgeon, who thinks himself he cock-salmon of that walk, operated on a young girl for strabismus. I was present. The girl had abundant nerve; but the surgeon said he never operated without chloroform. He did the very simple operation dexterously enough; but the girl was in suspense between life and death for more than an hour. The cock-salmon was frightened enough; but I suppose he goes on chloroforming.

I could mention many other instances of misadventure from chloroform but I will confine myself to two other cases.

A lady, at the critical period, went to Malvern. She suffered greatly from the nondescript and Protein forms of hysteria. She was advised by a professed Homoeopathist to take chloroform, by inhalation and imbibition. She turned the use into abuse. She became insane, and was secluded for a time. Her imagination became quite disordered, and she fell into a state of monomaniacal misery, which could be understood by any one who has read the thrilling tale — Miserrimus. She believed that she had personal interviews with Satan. He first appeared to her as an angel of light I will not dwell on the miserable detail. The conclusion was that she conceived herself to be bound to marriage with the Archfiend. This occurred some eight or ten years ago. She has not yet recovered from the monomaniacal impression.

Is this chloroform a thing to be trifled with? to be employed except in great emergencies? Should it be used for the drawing of a tooth, for the cutting of a corn, or on the occasion of the privilege of bringing a child into the world?

Let our readers remember or know, that chloroform produces unconsciousness and insensibility to pain because it is a poison, acting in a deadly way on the nervous system.

Whatever be my authority, great or little, I protest entirely against the misuse and abuse of chloroform.

On Thursday, the 13th of November, I was sent for to see a young married lady at a. dentist's. This was 6.30 p.m.; at 3.30 p.m. chloroform had been administered to her. The allopath who had done this deed was in a fix. The lady was like a corpse. Her pulse could hardly be felt; the action of the heart was thread-like, scarcely discernible. The pupils of her eyes were dilated to their fullest margin, and quite insensible to light. She breathed, and that was all. As she could not swallow liquids, I gave her diffusible stimulants on powdered sugar; ammonia, camphor, [brandy. At 4 a.m. of the 13th she rallied, and 'recognized me. “Doctor,” said she, “give me a heart; mine is stopped. I have no heart”

For twelve hours this young creature was in suspense between death and life She is now convalescent

I dare say I have told my few cases ill; but they are of sufficient weight to cause medical men to be cautious as to the administration of Chloroform.


HOMEOPATHY IN SURGICAL CASES. — A report to the Dutchess County Homoeopathic Medical Society, N. Y., by JOHN HORNBY, M.D., Poughkeepsie, N. Y.

III. Scirrhus Breast. — On the 22nd October, 1855, I was consulted by the subject of this report; a married lady of sanguine lymphatic temperament, for the treatment of a scirrhus breast She reported as follows: —

Is 38 years of age; has had six children at their full terms. Six weeks after her last confinement (which was on the 15th April, 1855,) she was taken with what she supposed to be an inflammation of the left breast; and was treated for such by her allopathic medical adviser; and went through the usual course of allopathic applications and medication, which was continued without success for two months. Her physician suspecting matter to be in the breast, made an opening into it, from which gushed a full stream of blood, half filling an ordinary wash-basin. The opening she said was filled with cotton and lint, and in a week another one made with a similar result. Then, after a long and unsuccessful treatment amputation was proposed to her, which she refused.

The breast was hard, and tabulated; and twice the diameter of the healthy one; the skin was discolored, looking like marble. An inch; from the areola on the upper surface of the breast, was a cancerous ulcer, leading into a fistula, discharging blood and creamy matter, with a sickening odor; the nipple was drawn inward, and like the areola, was a dark red color. The patient looked dispirited, and worn with pain; had little or no appetite; and restless nights, from lancing, stinging pains in the breast; for which she had been freely drugged with morphine. Treatment, to discontinue all former applications and medication, and to take one teaspoonful night and morning, of Hepar sulphur 3d decimal potency in half a pint of rain water. — Diet light.

October 30th. — The discharge from the breast is thin and colorless; the breast remains the same — to take 3 pellets of the 30th decimal potency of Mercurius sol: every night; and omit the Hepar sulphur.

November 7 the. — Has had much pain in the breast since last report; in all other respects she is the same as before, — to alternate the Mercurius sol with 3 pellets of Conium maculatum 30, every second night.

November 13th. — Slight improvement In the breast: the marbled discoloration subsiding; so is also the hardness. Her general health is better. To continue the medicines as before.

November 22nd. — The pain in the breast has gradually subsided, and the swelling diminished, measuring one-fifth less; the breast feels softer. — To continue the medicines as before.

November 28th. — The breast has decreased one-third its former size: the marbled discoloration dispersing; the fistula is filling up; and the ulcer granulating. — To continue the Conium every second night; and omit the Mercurius sol. — to take generous diet.

December 14th. — The swelling and discoloration have entirely dispersed; the breast feels soft; the ulcer nearly healed, and her general health much restored. — To continue the Conium twice a week.

January 2nd, 1856. — The breast has returned to its normal condition.

Since last report to the present, the patient's breast has been, and is now apparently quite healthy.

IV. — Sarcocele. — la November, 1859,1 was consulted for the cure of Sarcocele, by the patient; who reported that a month before he had had inflammation in the left testis from a cold, which had been treated by his allopathic attendant with leeching, fomenting, and purgatives, Ac. The testicle was large, hard and knotty; and the spermatic cord thickened; along the course of which, he felt occasional shooting pains; aggravated on rising on his feet, and moving about In other respects he was well. He was directed to suspend the testicle, and take one teaspoonful night and morning, of Pulsatilla 12 decimal potency, 6 pellets in half a pint of rain-water.

On seeing him three days after, I found him better; the pains less; the swelling and hardness diminishing; and the testicle feeling softer to the touch. He was directed to lake Conium maculatum 30th, in alternation with the Pulsatilla, every other night three pellets for a dose.

In a fortnight after he reported himself “well.”

He was requested to apply in case of recurrences; but not having been heard from since, I am led to consider his, a permanent cure.


Michigan School of Homoeopathy and Surgery. — We learn from Dr. E. M. Hale, Jonesville, Michigan, that a semi-annual meeting of the Michigan Homoeopathic Institute was held at Lansing, Feb. 4, for the purpose of organizing a Homoeopathic College, and applying to the Legislature for a grant of swamp lands for its endowment

An organization was effected with the above title. The requisite amount of stock was subscribed, and 20 percent paid in, as the General Law of Michigan requires, and the 'Articles of Association filed in the office of the Secretary of State. A committee was appointed to receive and present Petitions to Members of the Legislature, and to prepare a Bill, to be presented, asking for a grant.

A Board of Trustees was elected; also, a Faculty was nominated by the Institute, subject to the approval of the Trustees. The following gentlemen were named.

J. M. Long, M. D., of Cold water, Mich., Professor of Anatomy.

J. W. Peirsol, M. D. of Adrian, Professor of Physiology.

Charles J. Hempel, M. D. of Grand Rapids, Professor of Materia Medical.

Edwin M. Hale, M. D., of Jonesville, Professor of Special Pathology and Clinical Medicine.

Benj. L. Hill, M. D., of Saginaw, Professor of Surgery and General Pathology.

C. A Jeffreys, M. D., of Lansing, Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Females.

Edwin A. Lodgg, M.D., of Detroit, Professor of Chemistry, Botany, and Toxicology.

Hon. M. T. Howell, Lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence.

The Legislature of Michigan have decided not to appropriate Swamp Lands, at this time, for the benefit of Colleges. This affects all other Institutions as well as our own. At another Session, it is confidently hoped the policy of landgrants will be adopted.

It may be interesting to the friends of Homoeopathy to know, that in the Senate, our friends constituted two-thirds of the body, and in the House, we had a majority!

Since the above was written we have received a letter from Dr. Hale, stating that the friends of Homoeopathy in the Michigan Legislature, have introduced a bill, attaching the “school,” just organized, to the State Agricultural College, and appropriating $5,000 per year thereto.


APIS (ELAPS?) CORALLINUS. — As the organic diseases of the heart are so dangerous and generally beyond the resource of art, as well as the homoeopathic remedies recommended by our school, I call the attention to an important remedy — Apis (Elaps?) corallinus, especially in youth who have attained their growth early, and have observed sexual abstinence. El Criterio Medical Madrid, March 10,1863.


HOMOEOPATHY IN SPAIN. — From El Criterio Medico, the official organ of the Hahnemannian Society of Madrid, for March 10, we learn that the cross of “Knight commander of the royal and distinguished order of Charles III,” has been bestowed on Don Tomas Pellicer, Vice-President of the Hahnemannian Society, and that of Knight of the same order on Drs. D. Benigno Villafranca, D. Gerardo Vilardell and D. Cesareo M. Somolinos, members of the society, all of whom have rendered great service to Homoeopathy. The order of Isabello, the catholic, has also been given to the brothers Catellan, the well known homoeopathic pharmaceutists of Paris.


BELLADONNA POISONING TREATED BY OPIUM. — In the Dublin Medical Press are reported three interesting cases of Belladonna poisoning, two of them very severe, successfully treated by Opium, after unsuccessful resort to emetics and purgatives.

In case number one there was active delirium, constant spasmodic jactitations, alternate opisthotonos and extreme extension of the limbs; enormous dilation of the pupils; flushed face and an indistinct rash upon the akin; pulse 110 and strong; power of deglutition absent. An emetic could not be administered in this case. A Terebinthinate enema and a purgative bolus failed to produce a stool. The patient grew steadily worse for eighteen hours, when an enema containing fifteen drops of tincture of Opium was administered. In two hours the patient was reported as “sleeping quietly” On the second day he was discharged and a like result was obtained in the other cases. British Journal of Homoeopathy, January, 1863.


Source: The American Homoeopathic Review Vol. 03 No. 10, 1863, pages 476-480
Description: Miscellaneous 10; Chloroform; Homoeopathy in Surgical Cases; Michigan School of Homoeopathy and Surgery; Apis (elaps?) Corallinus; Homoeopathy in Spain; Belladonna Poisoning Treated by Opium;
Author: Ahomeo03
Year: 1863
Editing: errors only; interlinks; formatting
Attribution: Legatum Homeopathicum