*[Monthly Homoeopathic Review, London. February, 1863.]


E. A. W., aged 23, is a tall, thin, pale girl; her teeth are much decayed from the effects of mercurial medicines given her by a farrier, who is, whilst going his rounds to visit unfortunate cows and horses, so benevolent as to prescribe for the owners of said animals. She enjoyed tolerable health until June 1861, when she was engaged one day in weeding a field; the sun was very hot, and there was a fresh breeze; she threw off her bonnet, and worked industriously until nine, p.m. From that time until July 7, 1862, she has been liable to pain in the gums of right cheek, and a jarring sensation, the attacks lasting about twenty-fours hours; after the attacks she has ease for two or three days. The next sensation she felt was that of a stabbing in gums, on left side, continuing for two or three days, and succeeded by a short remission. The pains on right side were unabated. The malady became aggravated. The pains would commence in the gums, suddenly dart up to the head, then down through the neck, as if the glands were “catching up.” The pains were so agonizing that she was compelled to shriek. Application of heat to the parts affected aggravated the suffering, but cold afforded some slight alleviation. When she came to the Penzance Homoeopathic Dispensary, she had such a paroxysm of pain that her countenance was expressive of the utmost distress, and she wept bitterly. In addition to the above facts, I have only to mention that the menses were scanty.

July 7th. Tincture of Glonoine 2, one drop in a little water every six hours.

10th. She is more cheerful, and thinks she is better; pains are less in gums and face, and appear to be shifting to the forehead.

14th. Last night, had a violent pain and beating in the head (Glonoine?), but notwithstanding, is certain that she is much better; the neuralgic pains are not so severe, nor do they continue so long. To repeat Glonoine, and take one dose of tincture Sulph.2 every night.

21st. The neuralgic pain has not returned, but there is occasional throbbing in left temple. To take of Chin', one drop every four hours, in water.

24th. The throbbing has nearly ceased. To continue the China.

28th. The throbbing has ceased, but she has occasionally a little headache when she leaves her bed of a morning, and which gradually subsides. To take a few doses of Ars2.

31st The patient has made a good recovery. She has not re-applied up to the date of this paper, and it is to be presumed that the neuralgia has not returned.

Observations. — It may be said that this case is not one of complete cure by Glonoine, inasmuch as other remedies were used; but it is very certain that the Glonoine operation was by far the most important in bringing about the favorable issue. Sulphur was administered especially for its antipsoric qualities, whilst China and Arsenicum were given to over-come the remaining troubles, which seemed to be characterized by periodicity.

E. N., a girl, aged 20. For three months she has suffered much from neuralgia. It was thought that the disease was brought on from her having several decayed teeth, and she applied to a dentist, who extracted two teeth for her, but without her experiencing any relief. The pain is felt only at night; she sleeps for a short time, when she first retires to rest, but soon awakes in great pain, which continues with varying intensity until morning, when it entirely ceases. The pain is on the left side; the malar bone is sore when touched. The pain is also severe under the eye and on the side of the neck; it is so distressing that she cannot refrain from tears. She was directed to take Glonoine, second and third decimal dilution, alternately, and was very promptly and permanently cured. This patient was treated early in September last. She consulted me on the 4th of this month for an attack of indigestion, and I then learned that there had been no return of the neuralgic sufferings.

Mrs. A. B., aged 35, has for many years been subject to attacks of tic-douloureux on the left side of the face. She resided in India for some time, and during her sojourn there was exempt from this painful malady. She attributes this immunity to the dryness of the climate. In September of this year she had a return of the disease; it proceeded from bad to worse, so that, during the night previous to my being consulted, she had been compelled to walk to and fro in her room during many hours. She took Glonoin2, in drop doses, and was soon relieved. During the last week of October, the disease returned with much the same intensity as before. The Glonoine was gladly taken again, and with the same good and quick effect. The patient characterizes the operation of this potent remedy as “magical”

CD., is a young woman, aged 25, who has been truly a martyr to neuralgia. In our delineation of this case, it is to be regretted that we are not able to paint so much in rose color as in those which have preceded; nevertheless, the case is instructive, and must be taken with all its demerits. It has been thought by many that a history of all our failures would be more instructive than that of our successes; it may be so; but perhaps a faithful picture of both would be most instructive.

The patient is of highly nervous temperament, and has been the subject of tic on the right side of the face and head for a period of two years. She thinks that the first attack was induced by a fright. The pain seems to start from inferior molar teeth (decayed), and to become concentrated in the temple; the head feels heavy, but nevertheless she is not able to lay it on a pillow; the pains are at times felt down the side of the neck also. The greatest severity of the attack is felt during from five to ten minutes, during which she shudders and weeps bitterly ('tis a sad sight, indeed !).

At times the patient weeps even at the recollection of the agonies she has gone through, or from dread of an impending attack. She is not at all subject to headache, but most commonly during the intermissions has a sense of throbbing in the temple; and she thinks — and thinks rightly — that she shall always be liable to a return of pain so long as this pulsation is felt. The stomach does not appear to be affected in a consensuous manner by the nervous disorder; there is no nausea or vomiting; but whilst the malady is raging, her sight is much impaired. The menstrual period is of three days duration every six weeks, and is accompanied with much lumbar pain; but the neuralgia does not seem to be in any manner affected by it. The appetite is good; she commonly sleeps well; is by no means thin or emaciated; the pupils are dilated. The attacks are worse by night than by day; they come on with the rapidity of lightning, and slowly subside, leaving a sort of screwing sensation in the temple. — During the storm of pain, she derives some alleviation from hot fomentations.

It was in March last that I first saw this patient, and I was then not so much impressed with the value of Glonoine as I am at present. I began treatment with Ars. and China in alternation. Early in April there was some improvement; and as there were three decayed teeth in the lower jaw, from which the pains always appeared to start, I thought it right to extract one of them, and if some good had resulted, I should have felt encouraged to remove the others also. But I can never forget the mortal agony which the operation induced; it was without exaggeration, truly horrid. For twenty minutes the poor creature seemed as if on the rack; she held her temples with both hands, as though the skull would burst; her groans were heart-rending, and her whole body was writhing with torture. She took Acon., Arn. and Bell., in rapid succession, with (we may hope) some alleviation, as the following day her condition was much as usual. But I had had enough of dentistry, and resolved that, come what might, I could not recommend that the operation should be repeated.

About the middle of April I administered Quinine, in quarter grain doses, every four hours, whereby the patient seemed to get stronger;, but the disease was untouched. Ars. in the first dilution was then tried, but with the same, absence of beneficial result. From the 20th to the 24th Phos. 2 and Phos.6 were taken alternately, with but trifling benefit. From the 1st to the 20th of May, she took Chelidonium majus, with some advantage, having passed better nights; but the throbbing in the temples was not allayed. She was then advised to discontinue medicine for awhile, in order that the disease, as uninfluenced by medicine, might be watched.

On the 6th of June she awoke at night in exquisite pain, and continued so until twelve o'clock next day, when she sent for me. The great excitement of the vascular system, and the profuse lachrymation, seemed to point to Acon. and Puls., and these were given alternately, with apparent relief.

June 11th. Is on the whole better, but still gets attacks, which are not so severe or long continued as they used to be. At this time she first took Glonoine“, one drop every halfhour, whenever there was an aggravation of the throbbing a condition which generally preceded the onset of the nerve torture.

19th. I found my patient (as she believed) in perfect health. She had passed a week without pain. On two occasions when her enemy seemed approaching, she took Glonoine, and with the happiest effects. I wish I could add that our remedy has brought about a perfect cure. The disease has occasionally returned, but at much longer intervals, and with less intensity. She has had two attacks within a few days, during this month, and has again been supplied with her medicine; and she finally believes, as I do, that this aforesaid Nitro-glycerine is in her case a noble palliative, although it has failed to root out the subtle malady.


Source: The American Homoeopathic Review Vol. 03 No. 10, 1863, pages 465-469
Description: Glonoine in Nervous Affections.
Remedies: Glonoinum
Author: Nankivell, H.
Year: 1863
Editing: errors only; interlinks; formatting
Attribution: Legatum Homeopathicum