*[Read before the Homoeopathic Medical Society of Cayuga County, N. Y., March 8th, 1864.]


Mrs. J., about fifty years of age, of a leuco-phlegmatic temperament, has been afflicted for many years with an ulcer on her ankle, the result of a phlegmatic inflammation after the birth of one of her children. After exhausting the allopathic school and the whole range of “patent medicines” to heal this ulcer, she abandoned the whole and trusted to nature 'and lacing for relief, but no material improvement followed. I was called to see her in the month of February (she living about ten miles out of the city). I found her in the following condition: general dropsy; the cellular tissues completely infiltrated; by taking hold and pressing upon her limbs, the water could be felt in the cellular membrane; around the eyes and under them was almost as clear as crystals; the urinary secretion was almost suppressed, would not pass over a gill or a half pint in the course of twenty fours hours. The abdomen was very much distended, and the chest was so much involved in the general disorganization that she was unable to lie down, but was raised about forty-five degrees. Bowels very costive; thirst almost insupportable. Taking a general view of this case, her age and temperament, and all the circumstances attending it, I could see but little prospect of a recovery; if any, it would be under Arsenicum, and this of a high attenuation. I therefore selected the eight hundredth, eight globules' dissolved in in two ounces of water, and directed to give a teaspoonful morning and evening. I gave the first dose about two o'clock, p.m., she took another that evening as directed, I left her with the promise of visiting her again in ten days, if I did not hear from her before the expiration of that time. At the time appointed I visited my patient again, and to my great astonishment every symptom of dropsy had disappeared. She told me, the evening of the day I first saw her, the secretion of urine had nearly doubled and continued to increase until she passed from four to six quarts per day. On my second visit, the urinary secretion was normal, her bowels regular, could lie down as usual and walk about the room. I suspended all medication for a week or more. On my third visit, I examined the ulcer and found it in a more healthy condition than it had been for a long time. I gave her another dose of Arsenicum800, then Silicea200 once a week for three or four doses, then Hepar sulph200, which completed the cure of the ulcer.

Thus with this remedy alone she was cured of every symptom of dropsy and a restoration to general health, and with the aid of Silicea200 and Hepar sulph200 she was cured of an ulcer of over thirty years standing.


Source: The American Homoeopathic Review Vol. 04 No. 11, 1864, pages 514-515
Description: Case of Ascites.
Remedies: Arsenicum album, Silicea terra, Hepar sulphuris calcareum
Author: Robinson, H.
Year: 1864
Editing: errors only; interlinks; formatting
Attribution: Legatum Homeopathicum