Oct. 21st. '59. — Montgomery, aged 51 years, fell and hurt the great toe of his left foot and bruised his right side. When picked up he pointed to his mouth, and upon examination it was found he could not open it — I saw him about 11 A. M., a short time after the accident. Pulse 45, weak and tremulous. Body very cold, slight twitching of the whole system. I opened his lips and to my agreeable surprise found he had lost a front tooth which enabled me to give medicine without any difficulty.

TREATMENT. — I gave 5 drops 3 dil. of Arn. As there was no convenience for putting him in a warm bath, I had his foot immersed in water, as hot as he could bear, for a few minutes, then rubbed dry, and put him in bed, ordered hot dry applications to his extremities and had him well covered. Gave him another dose of Arn. and ordered two more to be given at intervals of ten minutes, and left him for half an hour. On my return found that he had not improved — the only visible change I discovered was that his face was somewhat flushed; had his side and foot washed with a weak tincture of Arn., and directed one drop doses (mother tincture) of Arn. and Bell, to be given in alternation every half hour, until I should see him again.

Three o'clock P. M. — He had been asleep for half an hour and perspired very freely. Pulse 60 and pretty full; face very much flushed — I enquired if he had any pain in his side or foot, he answered “No,” by shaking his head. I then asked if he had pain any where and he pointed to his jaw. I ordered a portion of the clothing removed and the medicine alternated every hour, told the family I would see him in the evening and left. About 6 P. M., one of his attendants called at my office and said: “Doctor, I have good news for you, your patient can talk,” He remarked further that a few minutes before he left, the patient raised up and said that there was a gurgling in his throat, that he slapped his hands very hard several times, and exclaimed “Thank God! Thank God!”

The disease having yielded I discontinued the medicine, and ordered him to have some light nourishment. I called next morning to ascertain what his sensations were during the attack, he informed me that he felt a very sharp pain in his toe for an instant, and knew but little more until I saw him at 3 o'clock, when he became conscious of his situation and feared he would starve to death.


Source: The AMERICAN HOMOEOPATHIC REVIEW Vol. 02 No. 02, 1859, pages 86-87
Description: Case of trismus.
Remedies: Arnica montana, Belladonna
Author: Springsteed, D.
Year: 1859
Editing: errors only; interlinks; formatting
Attribution: Legatum Homeopathicum