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Oxalicum Acidum.

Sorrel Acid. H2C2O4, 2 H2O.

Introduced by Neidhard in 1844; by Reil in 1851.

Provings by Koch, Neidhard, Dubbs, Smith, Floto, Williamson, Kitching, Hering, Reil, Honigberger, Pehrson and Gosewich. See Hering's Amerikanische Arznei Prfungen. Toxicological reports are numerous.


- Pain in umbilical region, Moore, Organon, vol. 3, p. 269; Burning in abdomen, Okie, Amer. Arznei Prf., p. 552; Colic, Briry, Organon, vol. 3, p. 362; Inflammation of bowels, Neidhard, Amer. Arnzei Prf., p. 522; Ineffectual urging to stool, Diarrhea, Farrington, Organon, vol. 3, p. 99; Incontinence of urine, W. M. J., Hom. Phys., vol. 6, p. 232; Disorders of pregnancy, Williamson, Amer. Arznei Prf., p. 548; Congestion of left lung, Pneumonia, Burnett, B. J. H., vol. 35, p. 321; Irregular action of heart, C. Hg., Amer. Arnzei Prf., p. 561; Analyt. Therap., vol. 1, p. 222; Palpitation of heart, Hale, Organon, vol. 2, p. 222; Angina pectoris, Dudley, Hah. Mo., vol. 6, p. 70; Cerebro-spinal pains (2 cases), Burnett, B. J. H., vol. 35, p. 519.

MIND. [1]

Diminished power to concentrate ideas.
Very much exhilarated; quicker thought and action.
As soon as he thinks about the pains they return.
Aversion to talk; with headache, fullness in face.


Vertigo: with darkness before eyes and sweat; weakness and thirst; anxiety, headache and sweat; when looking out of window; when rising from a seat; a swimming sensation, when lying down.
Sensation of emptiness in head, faint feeling, as if all blood had left brain.
Upper part of body, particularly head, feels as if blood were coursing upward and outward.


Dullness in forehead in morning.
Dull headache of vertex and forehead, heaviness.
Burning sensation at forehead.
Headache in spots; pressing pain on small spots.
Compression in head, as from a screw behind each ear.
Pain at a spot between vertex and occiput, pressing inwardly.
Headache agg. after wine, lying down, after sleep and on rising; amel. after stool.


Small spots on head painful to touch.


Type blurs when reading.
Vanishing of sight, with giddiness and sweat; with nosebleed.
Small, especially linear objects appear larger and more distant.
Pain in both orbits, agg. in left.
Bleared eyes.


Sneezing, with chilliness; with watery coryza.
Red, shining swelling of right side of nose, beginning at tip and spreading.
Stitches in right nostril on taking a long inspiration.
Pimples in right side of nose; wing of nose swollen.
Epistaxis, with vanishing of sight.


Face pale and livid.
Pale color with sunken eyes.
Feeling of heat in face.
Feeling of fullness in face; face redder.
Face covered with cold sweat.


Drawing pain, with rigidity near angle of lower jaw, first and longest in left then in right side.


Pain in decayed molar.
Gums bleed, are painful in spots.
Small ulcers on gums.


Sour taste.
Tongue: swollen, sensitive; red, dry, burning; swollen, with a thick, white coating; coated white, with nausea, thirst and loss of taste.


Watery saliva or mucus in mouth.


Dryness in throat (morning) after diarrhea.
Scraping in throat, thick mucus accumulates.
Deglutition: especially painful mornings; difficult, with sour eructations.
Mucous secretion in throat increased.
Chronic sore throat.


Appetite: increased; wanting, with loss of taste.
Thirst, with vertigo, loss of appetite, nausea, colic.


Pain in stomach, amel. after eating; soup relieves gnawing at stomach.
After eating, eructations, nausea, pains at navel, colic, rumbling in abdomen, urging to stool, weakness.
Sugar aggravates pain in stomach; and wine headache.
Sugar, coffee and wine disagree.


Sudden hiccough, with eructations.
Heartburn agg. in evening.
Eructations: empty or sour; of tasteless wind after each meal.
Nausea: and frequent vomiting; during pregnancy; thirst and colic after diarrhea.


Empty feeling, compelling one to eat.
Burning pain in stomach and throat.
Awakens at night with violent pressive pain, like a heavy weight, coming and going at intervals; flatulent discharge relieves.
Stomach sensitive; slightest touch causes excruciating pain.
Gastritis; gastro-enteritis.


Stitches in liver relieved by a deep breath.
Continuous pain in left hypochondrium, as if bruised; stitches; incarcerated flatus.


Colic: cutting in abdomen; rumbling (evening and night); with tenesmus; agg. at night, accompanied by vomiting; pains seem to occupy a small spot and radiate therefrom; agg. from motion; from eating sugar.
Burning and pain in abdomen; in umbilical region.
Burning in small spots in abdomen, return when thinking of them.
Frequent pain and soreness about navel.
Colic about navel, as if bruised, with stitches and difficult emissions of flatus; agg. on moving, amel. when at rest; agg. evening and night.
Man suffering for a long time from indigestion, was operated on for strangulated hernia two years ago; ever since subject to pain in umbilical region, coming on two hours after food, accompanied by much flatus and bitter, sour eructations; pain agg. at night, is roused by it about 3 A. M. and kept awake by it; burning sensation from throat downward to region of pain.
Enteritis; chronic inflammation of bowels.


Difficult discharge of flatus.
Frequent ineffectual urging to stool, preceded by a sick, distressed feeling from navel downward; agg. when thinking of it; at times profuse watery, gushing diarrhea.
Suddenly seized with distressing feeling in whole abdomen, twisting around navel, bearing down; dark, muddy, copious evacuations, 6 A. M.
Morning diarrhea; stools soft or watery, with colic around navel and pressing in rectum; returning as soon as one lies down again. ~ Phthisis.
Stool: of mucus and blood; involuntary.
Diarrhea: as soon as one drinks coffee; lying down causes return.
Before stool: headache; twisting colic around navel.
During stool: micturition; (fainting, vomiting); colic about navel; violent urging-griping pains in anus, so severe as to cause headache and heat in head.
After stool: nausea and cramp in calves; dryness in throat; relief of pain in small of back.
Pressing and straining in rectum; tenesmus.


Pain in region of kidneys.
Irritation of genito-urinary tract with diuresis.
Frequent and copious urination, which is profuse, clear, straw-colored.
Burning in urethra, as from acrid drops.
When urinating, pain in glans penis.
Thinking of urinating causes necessity to urinate.
Nocturnal incontinence of urine; sharp, shooting pain in left chest, close to sternum and parallel to it.


Great increase of sexual desire.
On lying down, erections without any cause, afterwards testicles and cords pain.
Sexual debility; spermatorrhea.
Terrible neuralgic pains in spermatic cords, agg. from slightest motion.
Testicles feel contused and heavy; bruised pain in small of back.
During a walk, pain and heaviness in testicles, shooting along cords.


Nausea and painful vomiting; a tormenting, cramplike feeling between pit of stomach and navel; sour taste, heartburn and waterbrash.


Nervous aphonia, with cardiac derangement, violent palpitation and irregular action; change of voice, which becomes weak and hoarse; no soreness.
Hoarseness; larynx feels swollen, contracted, raw, with tickling in it.
Hoarseness and sensation of mucus in larynx during talking.
Alteration of voice.


Great oppression of breath; slightly spasmodic.
Difficulty of breathing, with constrictive pain in larynx and wheezing; oppression more towards right side. ~ Angina pectoris.
Jerking inspiration and sudden, forced expiration, as though he made a sudden effort to relieve intense pain by expelling air from lungs. ~ Angina pectoris.
Paroxysms of short, hurried breathing, with intervals of ease.

COUGH. [27]

Cough: from tickling in larynx while walking in open air; larynx feels swollen; dry, on taking violent exercise; with soreness, stinging, tearing pain in sternum.
Mucus hawked up, thick, yellow white, with central black lump of size of pea.


Sharp shooting pain in left lung and hepatic region.
Sudden lancinating in left lung, depriving him of breath.
Rheumatic pains in left lung; amel. lying down.
When breathing, stitches in chest and above hip.
Dull, heavy, sore pain in chest.
Pain in middle of chest, through to back.
Congestion or inflammation, localized at base of left lung.
Phthisis pulmonalis.


Pain in heart; soreness, stitches from behind forward, or from above downward.
Sharp darting in heart and left lung, extending to epigastrium. ~ Angina pectoris.
Pain commencing in precordial region, extending up sternum and darting out across chest, particularly towards left side; sharp stitches or lancinating pains through chest, compelling him to keep perfectly quiet in one position, arms folded across chest; face haggard; trunk bolt upright in chair, and whole manner and appearance indicative of intense suffering; cramps in muscles of extremities; short, sharp cutting pains in extremities, especially arms and deltoid portion of shoulders; sense of suffocation; dyspnea manifested in short, jerking inspirations, quantity of air inspired being less and less at each successive effort, until at greatest intensity of paroxysm function seemed to be entirely suspended; paroxysms lasted about one minute, with intervals of about two minutes, during which there was almost perfect relief from pain; pulse accelerated, somewhat irregular in rhythm; strong conviction that he will die in next paroxysm; makes feeble effort to rise from chair, saying, “now I must go;” this expression being repeated twice or thrice during each paroxysm; has been troubled with ascarides nearly all his life, now more than usual; paralysis of lower extremities, lasting throughout attack; sharp, stitching pain in deltoid confined to a small space; costiveness; great prostration; pains mostly on right side; pains excited or agg. by motion; jerking pains like short stitches, confined to a small space and lasting but a few seconds; jerking inspiration and forced expiration, as though he made a sudden effort to relieve himself of intense pain by expelling air from lungs. ~ Angina pectoris.
Heart in a continual flutter.
Palpitation: with action of heart irregular in force and rhythm, alternating with aphonia; for half an hour after lying down in bed at night; when thinking of it; from rheumatic affection.
Occasional omission of one beat of heart, felt as “a stopping,” causing patient to fear heart disease and sudden death; after an attack of cholera, cured by Quinine, this omission appeared as soon as he was talking or thinking of it.
Endocarditis; pericarditis; valvular insufficiency.
Pulse: increased in frequency, almost imperceptible, coldness, clammy sweats, livid nails; more rapid in morning, slower, irregular, weak.


Pain under point of scapula, between shoulders, extending to loins.
Stitches from chest into scapulae.
Acute pain in back gradually extending down thighs, with great torture; seeks relief in change of posture.
Pain in small of back, sensation of numbness, or as if broken or bruised.
Numbness, pricking, causing a cold sensation; back feels too weak to support body. ~ Angina pectoris.
Weakness in loins and hips, extending to lower extremities.
Tongue and mouth sore; at times pain in right side of head, occiput, small of back and calves; what distresses him most are cold chills across lower part of back and in calves of legs, beginning in spine just above sacrum; the chills are diurnal, being supplanted at night by heat as if there were warm water between flesh and bones; pains shoot up to occiput and head.
Aching pain in low part of back for three months; pain between shoulders; pain and tenderness along cervical vertebrae; pain in occiput, vertex and forehead off and on for weeks; all these pains are brought on or made agg. by any kind of movement or exertion. ~ Cerebrospinal pains.
Intense inflammatory pains all through back; meningitis.
Paralysis from inflammation of spinal cord, limbs stiff; paroxysms of dyspnea.


Twitch first in left, later in right deltoid, with inclination to move.
Numbness from shoulders to tips of fingers.
Sharp lancinating pains in arms. ~ Angina pectoris.
Right wrist constantly painful, as if sprained or dislocated.
Right wrist feels sprained, wants to stretch it; cannot hold anything.
Pain in (r.) metacarpus and fleshy part of right thumb, with sensation of fullness, heat and numbness.
Hands feel heavy, can move fingers but slowly.
Hands cold, as if dead.
Arthritic pains in fingers, which are flexed.
Twitching of fingers.
Fingers and nails livid; dark nails.


Restlessness in legs.
Lameness and stiffness in lower extremities.
Legs stiff, numb, weak.
Legs cold, powerless. ~ Angina pectoris.
Blueness, coldness and almost complete immobility of lower extremities.
Knees feel tired.
Very violent; contracting pain in external tendon of left knee.


Extremities heavy, powerless, numb, weak. ~ Myelitis acuta.
Burning in hands and feet.
Articular rheumatism.


Motion and exercise increase the pains.
Rest: colic agg.
Lying down: swimming sensations; agg. headache; colic and diarrhea return; erections; pain in left lung amel.; palpitation.
Arms folded across chest, trunk bolt upright in a chair; angina pectoris.
Wants to stretch wrist.
Change of position; pains in back amel.
Motion: colic; terrible pains in spermatic cords agg.; pains agg.
Inclination to move: with twitches in deltoid.
Rising from a seat: vertigo; headache agg.
Can move fingers but slowly: heaviness.
Slightest exertion: heat.

NERVES. [36]

Muscular twitchings. ~ Myelitis acuta.
Trembling convulsions.
Numbness of whole body; crawling.
Peculiar numbness approaching to palsy. ~ Angina pectoris.
Loss of motory power.
Paralysis of left side.
Paralysis from inflammation of spinal cord; limbs stiff; paroxysms of dyspnea.

SLEEP. [37]

Yawning; sleepy during day.
Awakens at night: with palpitation; with a violent pressing pain, like a heavy weight, coming and going at intervals; amel. from emission of flatus.
Dreams, with fright and fear; sits up and looks around.

TIME. [38]

Morning: dullness in forehead; dryness in throat; deglutition painful; diarrhea; pulse more rapid; flying heat and sweat.
At 3 A. M.: roused by pain in bowels.
At 6 A. M.: evacuations.
Forenoon: heat in face.
During day: sleepy; chill.
Afternoon: diarrhea.
Evening: heartburn agg.; rumbling in abdomen; colic agg.; sneezing; shaking chill with red face.
Night: violent pain in stomach; rumbling in abdomen; colic agg.; palpitation; heat; sweat clammy and cold.


Open air: while walking tickling in larynx.

FEVER. [40]

Extremities cold, nails livid.
Chilliness: with sneezing (evening); after diarrhea (afternoon).
Shaking chill, with red face (evening).
Creeping chill up spine.
Chill all day long, but heat from even slightest exertion.
Shaking chill in evening, with small contracted pulse, red face and a feeling of heat without external warmth, hands cold, as if dead.
Heat: from every exertion; especially in face and on hands; first in face, afterwards in left leg.
Flushes of heat, with sweat.
Sensation of an inward heat, most in face, forenoon.
Flying heat and sweat in morning, with pain in forehead and vertex.
Sweat: clammy, with weakness; with giddiness; at night, clammy and cold.
Cold sweat covers face, hands and feet, tongue cool.
Typhoid fever, with delirium and involuntary diarrheic stools.


Symptoms recur in paroxysms; intermit for hours or a day.
Alternately: palpitation and aphonia.
Last about one minute, with intervals of about two minutes.
Paroxysms of pain in angina pectoris.
For half an hour after lying down at night: palpitation.
Two hours after food: pain in umbilical region.
For three months: pain in back.


Pains appear in small longitudinal spots, or occupy a spot an inch or less in circumference.
Right: swelling of side of nose; stitches in nostrils; pimples in side of nose; oppression agg. on side; pains agg. on side; pain on side of head; wrist feels sprained; sprain in thumb.
Left: pain in orbit; pain in hypochondrium; sharp shooting pain in chest; lancinating in lung; rheumatic pain in lung; inflammation at base of lung; very violent pain in tendon of knee; paralysis of side; heat in leg.
First left then right: drawing pain in jaw; twitch in deltoid.
From behind forward: stitches in heart.
From above downward: stitches in heart.
Inwardly: pains in head.


Jerking pains, like short stitches, confined to small spots, lasting only a few seconds.
Pains: greatly aggravated by thinking of them.
As if all blood had left brain; as if blood in head was coursing upward and outward; as from a screw behind each ear; as of a heavy weight in stomach; hypochondrium as if bruised; navel as if bruised; back as if broken or bruised; wrist as if sprained; hands as if dead; during shaving as from chafing.
Pain: between vertex and occiput; in both orbits; in decayed molar; in stomach; at navel; in left hypochondrium; in abdomen about navel; in region of kidneys; in glans penis; in testicles and cords; in middle of chest; through to back; in heart; in precordial region; up sternum and out across chest; under point of scapula, extending to loins; in small of back; in right side of head, occiput, small of back and calves; between shoulders; along cervical vertebrae; in right metacarpus and fleshy part of thumb.
Violent contracting pain: in external tendon of left knee.
Intense inflammatory pains: all through back.
Acute pain: in back, then down thighs.
Terrible neuralgic pains: in spermatic cords.
Sharp darting: in heart and left lung.
Lancinating: in left lung; through chest; in arms.
Sharp stitching pain: in deltoid.
Cutting: in abdomen; in extremities.
Tearing pain: in sternum.
Shooting pain: in left chest; along spermatic cords; in left lung and hepatic region.
Stitches: in right nostril; in liver; in chest and above hip; in heart; through chest; from chest into scapulae.
Constrictive pain: in larynx.
Twisting colic: around navel.
Griping pains: in anus.
Cramp: in calves; in muscles of extremities.
Tormenting cramplike feeling: between pit of stomach and navel.
Bruised pain: in small of back.
Rheumatic pain: in left lung.
Arthritic pains: in fingers.
Drawing pain: near angle of lower jaw.
Aching: in vertex and forehead; in lower part of back.
Pressing pain: on small spots in head; in stomach.
Dull, heavy, sore pain: in chest.
Stinging: in sternum.
Pricking: in back.
Soreness: in sternum; in heart; of tongue and mouth; about navel.
Burning: in forehead; in stomach and throat; in abdomen; in umbilical region; from throat to umbilical region; in urethra; in hands and feet.
Heat: in face; in right thumb.
Pressing: in rectum.
Fullness: in face; in right thumb.
Dullness: in forehead.
Scraping: in throat.
Sick, distressed feeling: from navel downward.
Tickling: in larynx.
Dryness: in throat.
Stiffness: of lower extremities.
Lameness: of lower extremities.
Emptiness: in head.
Numbness: in back from shoulders to tips of fingers; in right thumb; of legs; of whole body.
Cold sensation: in back.
Coldness: of hands; of legs.
Itching: on neck and fingers.


Touch: small spots on head painful; slightest, causes excruciating pain.
Shaving: skin sensitive.

SKIN. [46]

Sensitive during shaving, as from chafing.
Exceedingly sensitive skin, with vesicular eruption; agg. from sweats.
Itching: on neck or fingers; eruption, with redness.
Smarting and soreness.
Skin mottled in circular patches; marbled skin.


Child, aet. 5; chronic inflammation of bowels.
Boy, aet. 10, fair complexion, blue eyes, has been under all sorts of treatment and taken much patent medicine for several years; incontinence of urine.
Ann W., aet. 16, suffering several months; cerebro-spinal pains.
Man, aet. 36, laborer, three years ago had hygroma of patella, brought on by much kneeling at work, has never felt the “same man” since this was backed by local applications; cerebro-spinal pains.
Man, aet. 45, carpenter, spare built, nervous bilious temperament, of good health generally, temperate in all his habits; angina pectoris.
Woman, aet. 50; congestion of left lung; later pneumonia.
Man, aet. 50, fleshy; irregular action of heart.
Man suffering a long time from indigestion, operated on for strangulated hernia two years ago, since then suffering; pain in umbilical region.
Mr. F., wealthy man; omission of heartbeat.


Antidoted by: Carbonates of Lime and Magnesia.
Compare: Arsen., Ipec. and Veratr. in cholera infantum; Colchic. in gastralgia; Kreosot. in gastric symptoms; Argent. met., Phos. ac. and Picric ac. in spinal disease.


Source: The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica Vol. 08, 1889
Description: Clinical materia medica of Oxalicum acidum
Remedies: Oxalicum acidum
Author: Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C.
Year: 1889
Editing: errors only; interlinks; formatting
Attribution: Legatum Homeopathicum