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Standard name Veratrum album
Other names
Standard abbr. Verat.
Other abbr.
Scientific name Veratrum album L.
Other scientific names Helleborus albus (L.) Gueldenst.; Veratrum polygamum Gilib.; Melanthium album (L.) Thunb.; Veratrum parviflorum Bong.; Veratrum flavum (Griseb.) O.Loes.; Veratrum misae (Širj.) O.Loes.; Veratrum croaticum (Beck) O.Loes.; Melanthium virens Thunb.; Melanthium bracteolare Desr.; Veratrum bosniacum Beck; Veratrum lobelianum Bernh.
Common names False Helleborine; White Hellebore; European White Hellebore; White Veratrum; White-flowered Veratrum
Substance description Tincture of the rootstocks collected (in the Alps and Pyrenees) early in June before flowering.
Distinctness DISTINCT
Classification Organism – Plantae – Magnoliophyta – Liliopsida – Liliales – Melanthiaceae – Veratrum


Materia medica

Hering, C: The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica


All standard homeopathic remedy names are listed in the Official Remedy Name List. Extended Remedy Name List includes all known naming variations (homeopathic names only). The Complete Remedy Name List includes all homeopathic names and all common names. This page is a part of ongoing Project Remedies.