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en:ahr:ahomeo01-epilepsy-158-10264 [2012/07/12 10:53]
en:ahr:ahomeo01-epilepsy-158-10264 [2012/07/12 10:53] (current)
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 +====== II. EPILEPSY.====== ​
 +{{anchor:​s2}}A soldier serving in the United States Army during the year 1842, while stationed in Florida, had a severe attack of the congestive fever of that climate, for which he was treated with large doses of Calomel and Quinine. {{anchor:​s3}}His convalescence was slow and imperfect. {{anchor:​s4}}From the year 1845 to 1847 he was affected with a nervous irritability,​ and an extreme sensitiveness to cold or heat, and to moral emotions. {{anchor:​s5}}This nervous irritability slowly but surely increased upon him to the extent of wholly changing his manner, disposition and temper. {{anchor:​s6}}He became restless, suffered from spasmodic twitchings of the muscles, startings in sleep, headache, ringing and buzzing in the ears, great lowness of spirits, and occasional vertigo. {{anchor:​s7}}These disagreeable symptoms gradually increased, and during the year 1852 and '53 he became subject to attacks of severe nervous paroxysms which were <span grade2>​not</​span>​ epilepsy, inasmuch as patient was always <span grade2>​conscious</​span>​ of his surroundings during their occurrence. {{anchor:​s8}}During the year 1854 however, <span grade2>​real epilepsy</​span>​ made its appearance, the fits coming on with great regularity at the full of the moon, accompanied with loss of consciousness,​ and following each other in quick succession, sometimes lasting for two or three hours. {{anchor:​s9}}During 1855 the epilepsy increased in intensity, and patient was on one occasion unconscious for six hours, during which time he was bled (leeched and cupped), purged and blistered. {{anchor:​s10}}Soon after the attack in which he was bled, another, still more violent and prolonged, came on. {{anchor:​s11}}The old soldier was given up to die, and the family sent for a priest. {{anchor:​s12}}The name of the ecclesiastic was not mentioned but, whoever he may have been, he did a good deed when, before resorting to extreme unction, he put some homoeopathic globules on the tongue of the unconscious and apparently dying man. {{anchor:​s13}}The good priest, if we are right in our suspicions, always carries a little case of medicine in the pocket opposite the one holding his prayer book; the prayer book being nearest his honest heart, while the medicines are next his loving hand. {{anchor:​s14}}Under the influence of the seven little globules which the good father rolled from his little bottle on the tongue of the soldier, the patient revived, and the priest saved his lozenge at the price of his sugar plums.
 +{{anchor:​s15}}As soon as might be after this attack, the patient hastened to place himself under regular Homoeopathic treatment. {{anchor:​s16}}He came under the care of my friends Drs. Joslin and Kellogg, and they had him under treatment a year. {{anchor:​s17}}During this year he was much better. {{anchor:​s18}}His nervousness was decidedly less and he was able to work at his trade during a good part of that period. {{anchor:​s19}}He soon after left the city, and was no more seen or heard from till Sept. 12, 1857, when he came to me. {{anchor:​s20}}He stated that during the summer just passed he had had twentyfour attacks of epilepsy, occurring at irregular intervals, preceded by the usual premonitory symptoms; described by him as a rush of blood to the head, twitching of the muscles, vertigo, falling, etc. {{anchor:​s21}}He had just recovered from two paroxysms which had left him weak, and in a state of nervous restlessness,​ with buzzing in the ears, vertigo on stooping, and an intermittent twitching of the facial muscles. {{anchor:​s22}}One dose of Bell. 200 was administered,​ followed by <span grade2>​Sac. Lac.</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s23}}Sept. 30. {{anchor:​s24}}Has had no fit since here. {{anchor:​s25}}Has had no premonitory symptoms. <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s26}}Sac. Lac.</​span>​
 +{{anchor:​s27}}Nov. 4. Has had neither the premonitory symptoms nor the epileptic paroxysms since. {{anchor:​s28}}Complains of an internal soreness in the back of the head. {{anchor:​s29}}Has some symptoms of angina. {{anchor:​s30}}Is better of his nervous symptoms. {{anchor:​s31}}Feels much better in every respect. {{anchor:​s32}}Bel 200, one dose.
 +{{anchor:​s33}}May 22, 1858. Has had no fit since-is in every respect better.
 +{{anchor:​s34}}Dec. 13, 1858. Up to this date patient has had no other fit nor has he taken any drug, other than the doses mentioned, except one dose of Sulphur 200, which was given in July. {{anchor:​s35}}Since July he has wandered far from home in pursuit of employment, and on some private business. {{anchor:​s36}}He was exposed during the travels, from which he has but recently returned, to manifold vexations, trials and exposures, but he has had no return of the Epilepsy.
 +{{anchor:​s37}}REMARKS:​-My object in reporting this case has been to give an illustration of the value of the higher potencies, administered at long intervals, in certain forms of disease. {{anchor:​s38}}It will be observed, the patient has been free from the epileptic paroxysms for more than a year. {{anchor:​s39}}It is quite possible the fits may <span grade2>​return</​span>:​ but even if they should, the fact remains they were stopped for more than a year by high homoeopathic potencies. {{anchor:​s40}}It is certain the fits were proving steadily worse at the time of the first homoeopathic dose; administered by the good priest (which was probably a dose of Bell.) and that since that time they have, after becoming much less severe, finally ceased for the present under a course of homoeopathic treatment.
 +^ Source: | The AMERICAN HOMOEOPATHIC REVIEW Vol. 01 No. 04, 1859, pages 168-171 |
 +^ Description:​ | Epilepsy. |
 +^ Remedies: | Belladonna |
 +^ Author: | AHomeo01 |
 +^ Year: | 1859 |
 +^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting |
 +^ Attribution:​ | Legatum Homeopathicum |
en/ahr/ahomeo01-epilepsy-158-10264.txt · Last modified: 2012/07/12 10:53 (external edit)