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[Translated by Carroll Dunham, M.D.]

By Dr. C. Von Boenninghausen, Munster.

Translator's Preface. - In the letter in which Dr. von Boenninghausen authorized the present English translation of his treatise on Hooping Cough, he says: “Although this professes to be a work on the homoeopathic treatment of Hooping Cough, it would be a great mistake to suppose that its usefulness is restricted to cases of cough called by that name. Inasmuch as we, Homoeopathicians, treat concrete diseases and not abstract names, so it follows that a work on Hooping Cough may be equally available and useful as a guide in the treatment of any and every cough of a spasmodic nature, whether it receive the name of Hooping Cough or not.” And, in fact, scarcely a case of cough of any kind whatsoever has come under the care of the translator during the last three years, in prescribing for which he has not found it profitable to consult this valuable little treatise.

In the hope of making it still more complete and valuable, as an aid in the treatment of coughs in general, the translator has added to the original work of Dr. Boenninghausen, what he considers to be the characteristic cough symptoms of Allium cepa and of Rumex crisp., both derived from the Amerikanische Arzneiprufungen of Dr. C. Hering, and those of Kali bichromicum from the proving by Dr. Drysdale in the Hahnemann Materia Medica. In addition to these, Dr. Ad. Lippe, of Philadelphia, has kindly furnished the characteristics of two remedies which have rendered good service in several epidemics of Hooping Cough in this country, viz.: Coccus cacti and Mephitis.

To prevent the possibility of confounding these additions with the original work of Dr. Boenninghausen, they have been appended to the latter, instead or being incorporated with it. Moreover they are enclosed in brackets [ ].

For the sake of perspicuity, the Repertory of the translation deviates from that of the original in one or two particulars, e. g., in the repetition of a few headings under several rubrics, and in the separation of the conditions of amelioration from those of aggravation. For the same reason, the alphabetical arrangement has not, in all cases been strictly adhered to.


As with many diseases, the nature and individuality of which are the subject of diverse opinions, and which are of frequent occurrence and yet present considerable difficulties in the way of a speedy and complete cure, so we find applied to hooping cough a long series of names, almost all of which refer to some common or obvious peculiarity of the cough, but which, for the most part, contribute but little to a sharp characterizing of it.

The most current and best known are the following:

1. Learned-Pathological, Latin. - Tussis convulsiva, T. spasmodica, T. cucularis, T. clamosa, T. clangosa, T. clangoroea spasmodica, T. asinina, T. ferina, T. canina; T. stomachalis, T. quinta, T. quintana, T. infantum, T. pueros strangulans, T. popularis et febris epidemica, Pertussis, Febris catarrhosa, Catarrhus epidemicus, Catarrhus suffocans, Cuculus, Amphemerina tussiculosa, Cephalalgia epidemica, Bronchitis epidemica, Bronchitis cephalaica, Orthopnoea tussiculosa, Morbis cucularis.

2. German. - Keuchhusten, Keichhusten, Kinkhnsten, Krampfhusten, Huhnerweh, Stickhusten, Schreihusten, Eselshusten, blauer Husten, epidemischer Kinderhusten, Schafhusten, Brechhusten, Kielhusten, Konvulsivischer Katarrh, spasmodischer Husten, asthmatischer Husten.

3. French. - Coqueluche, chant de coq, Mal des montons, Gloussement ou mal de poulet, Quinte, Vervecine, Mal de Castrone, Architoux des enfans, Bronchite convulsif, Bronchocephalite, Catarrhe suffocant, Catarrhe convulsif, Allure de follet, Follete, Pepie.

4. English. - Chin cough, Kink cough, Hooping cough.

5. Swediah. - Kikhosta, Hopfhosta, Kramphosta.

6. Dutch. - Kinkhoest.

It will be perceived that, in this list of synonyms, which is scarcely complete but yet is more than sufficient, the apodictic German and the figurative French designations stand next, in order of abundance, to the learned-pathological (Latin) names.

The title Hooping Cough, which has, in its favor the greatest number of authorities and which is universally understood, will answer our purpose, especially since, by adding the clause “in its various forms” we mean to intimate that we do not propose here to treat of an independent, unchangeable variety of cough, but of such a cough as distinguishes itself, in its external manifestations, from other coughs, only by its spasmodic character.


The history of Hooping Cough goes back into grey antiquity and is lost more and more in darkness and uncertainty the farther we endeavor to trace it; for in early days, as also now, to some extent, especially in cases of diseases that occur in various forms and are not of an independent and unchangeable nature, exact descriptions of each special manifestation were not recorded and we have but scanty and indefinite intimations of them.

Some authors assert that even Hippocrates (Epid., L, VI and VII; Morb. Mulier, L, I, and even in the Aphor., VI, 46,) intended to refer to this disease. Also the Arabians, Mesue (Jahiah ebu Masawaih,) in the ninth and Avicenna ( Al-Hussein-Alu-Ali-Ben Abdallah, Ebn Sina.,) in the eleventh century are supposed to have known and described this cough.

We find described with greater certainty a variety of it which prevailed in France in the year 1414 and which recurred nearly a century later, 1510, and subsequently at shorter intervals, 1557 and 1580. The records of diseases or a similar kind which prevailed at an earlier date render it to some extent probable, but not historically certain, that they were the same or a very similar affection.

On the first appearance of this disease, in 1414, it was very malignant, proving fatal to almost all adults who were attacked by it.

The epidemic of 1510 was very clearly distinguished by the accessory symptoms, viz.: very violent pains in head, stomach and loins, high fever, delirium, etc.

The later epidemic of 1557, which extended also over Germany, presented, in its turn, important distinguishing features inasmuch as it attacked, almost exclusively, children of whom a great many died of suffocation.

In the year 1580, it occurred simultaneously with the plague and appeared first in Italy, where, in Rome alone, 9000 children died of it. It thence extended over France and Germany. Here too, we come upon peculiarities which serve to distinguish this from the previous epidemics; for, this time, it was accompanied by a violent fever, and, as in the year 1414, very many adults and aged persons were attacked and carried off by it.

Subsequently, such epidemics of Hooping Cough occurred at continually shorter intervals. Among us, for example, they raged in 1709,1712, 1732,1747,1755,1768,1772, 1775, 1777,1780, etc., but with various degrees of severity, often in a milder form. The case has been much the same during the former half of the present century, and, at the present day, the disease scarcely at all ceases to prevail, but occurs, year in and year out, in rather a sporadic form, however, attacking isolated children or families, here and there; although periods do still occur in which the malady takes the complete form of an epidemic. [Similar facts, easily attested by a historical reference, are found in the history of several diseases both external (measles scarlatina, small-pox,) and internal (nervous fever, grippe, cholera), of which, in the course of time, the great wide-spread epidemics have pretty much disappeared; while, on the other hand, their sporadic appearance in isolated regions and individuals is an almost constant phenomenon. This circumstance seems worthy of especial consideration, when we come to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of vaccination hitherto practised, against which, of late years, so many and powerful voices have been raised.]


An elaborate picture of Hooping Cough, completely finished even to the finest shadings, will hardly be expected in a work like the present. Such a picture would be superfluous, for the reason that everyone who may resort to these pages for counsel, will already have learned to recognize this cough, which occurs, alas, only too frequently; or if, by good fortune, he has not yet had an opportunity of learning to know it, he can easily do so, through the symptoms, which are herein presented in great abundance and in a form which admits of easy reference. On the other hand, a complete description would require an expansion of the work which would be out of place and would cause it, through diffuseness, to lose in comprehensibility and in facility for reference. Our purpose, then, will be sufficiently attained by a detail of the following principal features of the affection.

The true peculiarity of Hooping Cough, and which distinguishes it most definitely from all other varieties of cough, consists in the following, viz.: the cough appears in paroxysms, which last a longer or shorter time, are distinct from each other and independent, and are repeated, more or less frequently, by day as well as at night. During these paroxysms of cough, the individual coughs follow each other more or less quickly in a spasmodic manner and cease, only to admit of long and deep inspirations which are laboriously effected and are accompanied by various but, generally, peculiar tones, whereupon the cough is resumed in a similar manner until the paroxysm is entirely at an end. After each such paroxysm there follows a longer or shorter pause, during which, especially in the beginning of the disease, the patient recovers himself and a period of relative health ensues which endures until the next paroxysm. Only when the malady has already lasted weeks and months does a higher degree of ill-health ensue, in consequence of the repeated paroxysms; the patients, then, no longer enjoy the benefit of recovering their vigor during the pauses between the paroxysms of cough; the entire organism is sympathetically affected; the patient keeps growing sicker, weaker and more wretched; and either he passes away during a paroxysm or else the seed of one of the various, but for the most part, malignant diseases is deposited which often fatally undermine health and life.

It is customary to assume three stages of Hooping Cough, which, nevertheless, are seldom very distinctly marked, but generally pass gradually into one another, and are seldom, if ever, sharply defined.

The first stage, which is called the catarrhal stage, resembles, altogether, an ordinary catarrh, and gives no special indications of the threatening danger, which is generally to be suspected only from the prevailing epidemic character of disease at the time.

The second stage begins with the commencement of the spasmodic symptoms, which begin to accompany the paroxysms of cough, and which then increase from day to day, in an ever advancing ratio until the above described condition is fully developed.

The third stage, so-called, is the period in which, if the patient live to reach it, the paroxysms decrease in duration and violence and the health gradually returns; or else the disease undergoes a transition into a chronic malady which then gradually comes to bear some other name.

The duration of the proper Hooping Cough disease, when left to itself, is very various and may be from two months to a half year. But there are also cases which last still longer and in these, as a general rule, the sequelae are extremely, deplorable. Allopathy has seldom succeeded in abridging this duration.


Investigations and observations upon the seat and the nature of Hooping Cough, have, from the first appearance of the disease to our own day, given occupation to numerous physicians; and, as generally happens, each one of them has expressed an opinion of his own and given it out for the only correct one.

It will hardly be expected that all these views should here be cited and elucidated. We gladly relinquish to the learned pathologist the task of pronouncing whether the nature (and seat) of Hooping Cough is to be sought for in the irritation produced by an insect (Rosentein, Linnaeus, Clesius), or in a hot exhalation of the blood (Sydenham), or in a peculiar miasm (Jahn, Bohme), or in the stomach or intestinal canal (Dauz, Waldschmidt, Stoll), or in spasm of the glottis and of the diaphragm (Gardien), or in the eighth pair of nerves (Hufeland, Wendt), or - anywhere else. We content ourselves with stating, in all brevity and without intending to oppose any other opinion, that we ourselves incline, in preference, to the view of Dr. Whatt, who, after losing his own three children from Hooping Cough, came to the conclusion that this disease consists in an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the trachea and its ramifications (Bronchitis [By reason of painful experiences in his own family, Dr. Whatt must, in this case, be regarded as just as good authority as the still more famous Sydenham, whose work on “Podagra” is still held in the highest esteem, because he himself suffered from, and although he himself died of, that same disease.]).

This opinion, which however should exert no immediate influence whatever upon the treatment of any concrete case, may receive some weight from the fact that the nerves which appear to be especially active during the Hooping Cough-paroxysms and so act upon their various organs, - as, the eighth pair, the facial nerve, the vagus, and the accessory of Willis, the phrenic nerve and the thoracic nerve, are the same which are most affected by respiration.


Physicians of the old school cite the following as predisposing causes of Hooping Cough:

1. Childhood and the female sex;

2. Habitual exposure to a too warm and relaxing temperature;

3. Sleeping too long, especially in a very warm bed;

4. Feeding children with too much moist farinaceous food;

5. Too frequent use of warm drinks, as tea and coffee;

6. Too close sedentary habits and application to study at too early an age;

7. Onanism, which is often practised by children of eight to twelve years.

Among the exciting causes are enumerated:

1. A moist atmosphere, warm as well as cold, especially when it suddenly follows a dry condition of the atmosphere;

2. Infection, which can scarcely be altogether denied, since the disease is often transferred by it to mothers and nurses;

3. Affections of any kind, the result of taking cold;

4. Helminthiasis;

5. Dentition.

We, Homoeopathicians, readily coincide with these views but would add to the list of the predisposing causes, the chronic miasms, especially Psora; and to the exciting causes, various items which are mentioned in section II, under II, 2 (“aggravation according to circumstances ”), and which need no further notice here.


The ordinary terminations of Hooping Cough, under allopathic treatment, and the prognosis which is based upon them leave very much, not to say everything, to be desired. If the disease run even the most favorable course and the patient escape from it, not only with his life, but even with his previous degree of health unimpaired - it is, nevertheless, while it lasts, a most tedious and tormenting affair and fills the days and nights of parents with anxiety and concern. Hence the unanimous complaints of all physicians, in all ages - that remedies prescribed with most circumspect care against this disease are utterly fruitless - are but too well grounded; and we often hear the most candid and the most experienced among them give utterance to the bitterest complaints of the insufficiency of the healing art against this foe of mankind, and preach only patience and again, and once again, patience!

In malignant cases, the patients often just escape, it is true, with their lives, but subsequently there appears a host of the most diverse sequelae or infirmities which the rescued patient must endure till his latest breath.

How fearfully great the number of children is, whom this scourge has snatched away, in many epidemics, by a most pitiable death, several authors have informed us by exact statistics. But we gladly forbear the repetition of these sad details because it is needless to speak of inevitable misery and it were wrong to add weight to anxious apprehensions, already but too well founded!

How entirely different are the prognosis and terminations of Hooping Cough, when the patients are so fortunate as to fall under the care of a skilful and experienced Homoeopathician! Fatal cases are hardly to be reckoned among the possible terminations. There must be a rare concurrence of the most unfavorable conditions, as well in the constitution of the patient as in the external influences to which he is subjected when the disease terminates fatally. But, in such cases, death is not to be ascribed to the Hooping Cough alone, to which only a greater or less share of this unfavorable termination, rare as it is, can be attributed; and death would probably, in such a case, have been the result, in like manner, of any serious disease whatever its nature might be.

From the sequelae too, so frequent and so lamentable, little is to be dreaded under the homoeopathic treatment. For, on the one band, the power and energy of the disease are broken in a few days; and, on the other, the chronic miasm which is being aroused by it (call it scrofula, psora, or what we may) and in which the roots of these sequelae generally rest, may be speedily and surely removed by remedies which Homoeopathy, likewise, has in her possession.

In all cases, however, without exception, a great and incontestable advantage of Homoeopathy is found in the fact that it very considerably abridges the duration of the disease and, to speak with the utmost moderation, requires for a complete cure, not so many weeks, as Allopathy requires months.

We may then assert, with great confidence, that under homoeopathic treatment, the prognosis and terminations of Hooping Cough are thoroughly favorable.


The allopathic treatment of Hooping Cough lies too far from the object of this work, to admit of a special notice. We restrict ourselves therefore, to a few remarks, which, for the sake of completeness and of comparison with Homoeopathy, could not be entirely omitted. To avoid all appearance of partiality, we will confine ourselves to quotations from the leading allopathic authors.

“Hooping cough,” says, among others, the late Dr. A. F. Marcus in his work upon this disease, and which, alas, was his last work, page 131, “presents a remarkable example of the labyrinth into which physicians are led at the bedside, when the nature and seat of a disease are unknown to them. There is no remedy of any consequence, no mode of treatment which has not, in its turn, been tried for this disease, extolled and finally rejected.”

The same sentiment, in somewhat different language, has been expressed by Dr. F. G. Danz in his “Essay towards a general History of Hooping Cough,” page 85; and by several other authors, who all present diverse views and recommend diverse remedies, which they sometimes proclaim to be infallible and stoutly contend for; and who, at the most, agree only in this one statement, that, of all remedial agents, a change of air and of residence is the best.

Of the endless number and variety of remedies that have been given and recommended a tolerably complete view is given in the comprehensive and excellent Medico-Chirurgical, Therapeutical Dictionary of Professor Dr. Barez, Vol. III, pp. 551 et seq. We there find that almost everything contained in the Pharmacopoeia has been tried and administered - from the deadliest poisons (Hydrocyanic acid, Arsenic,) to substances that have been declared inert and have, therefore, become obsolete (Verbascum, Veronica, and Black Wood-snails). This long list of remedies might receive no inconsiderable addition from the multifarious domestic and popular remedies, the number of which bears, generally, a direct proportion to the incurability of the disease.


The treatment of Hooping Cough, according to the laws of the homoeopathic system, is divided into two parts:

1. The choice of the remedy;

2. The administration of the remedy.

Each of these parts is well enough known to the instructed Homoeopathician, and might therefore be despatched with a few general remarks. As we flatter ourselves, however, with the hope that some physicians who are yet on the threshold of the new system of medicine and perhaps even some nonmedical men, in regions where as yet there are no homoeopathic physicians, may incline to avail themselves of this work; it seems to us fitting to state what is necessary on this subject, distinctly, though as briefly as possible.

1. The Choice of the Remedy. - This depends entirely and exclusively upon the symptoms, which are to be gathered with the greatest attention and the most careful investigation. These symptoms are by no means restricted solely to the character and peculiarities of the cough, as such; but it is imperatively and indispensably necessary that they include also the periods and conditions of the aggravation of the cough, as well as the other simultaneous (concomitant) morbid phenomena; and this must be done, even though these latter phenomena may appear to stand in no relation whatever or in a merely accidental relation with the cough itself and may not at present be susceptible of a physiological explanation.

This is not the place for a systematic exposition of the reasons for this unalterable rule, which holds good for all concrete cases of disease; nor for a demonstration of the great difference between this method of treatment and that which has been called in derision “symptomatic treatment.”

In accordance with these requirements, we have endeavored so to arrange the first part of this work that under the name of each of the remedies which follow in alphabetical order, should be comprised the following items:

First: a brief but accurate diagnosis of the cough itself, involving:

a. The general character of the cough;

b. The exciting cause of the cough;

c. The expectoration, with reference to the manner of raising it and to its character.

Second: under the title “aggravation:”

a. The period of the day;

b. The circumstances that are especially observed to exist as conditions which exercise a greater or less influence upon the provocation and aggravation of the paroxysms of coughing, and which often very materially contribute to give to the cough an individual character.

Third: the third heading called “concomitants,” comprises a selection of concomitant symptoms, some of which occur simultaneously with the cough; while others are observed as something abnormal or morbid, affecting the patient at other times. These, taken collectively, serve, by exclusion of other remedies which either do not present these symptoms or present them but incompletely, to assure the choice of the most appropriate remedy for the case in hand.

From a comparison of all these symptoms which however are but a condensed excerpt from the complete collection of symptoms, as far as they apply to this subject, it will be easy to see what an endless number of experiments upon healthy persons and of observations at the bedside were necessary, in order that the characteristic peculiarities of each of the various remedies could be so gathered and brought up to view.

But these very characteristics are unquestionably the most important element in the choice of the most appropriate remedy; and nothing attests more surely and conclusively the skilful readiness of a homoeopathic practitioner than the faculty of bringing to light, in his examination of the patient, those symptoms which, while they are of rare occurrence and belong to but few remedies - yet, and for that very reason, furnish definite and unquestionable indications for the selection of one single drug.

We have considered it indispensable to append to the first part, which, strictly speaking, constitutes the text of the work, a second part under the title “Guide to the Symptoms” (Repertory), which may serve to indicate where the very numerous symptoms are to be found, and to assist the memory in the search for them. This may also be conveniently used to distinguish, through the smallness of their number, the rarer phenomena from those which are more numerous and of more frequent occurrence and to direct investigation immediately to these rarer and characteristic symptoms.

Although what has been said seems clear enough and the mode of using this second part would follow from it as a matter of course, yet it may not be amiss to add a few words of more minute explanation.

Under I, 1, of part second, the designation “Hooping Cough” or “Spasmodic Cough” has, in itself, no great significance. When, however, this cough occurs, for example, in paroxysms, consisting, each, of two coughs (Pulsatilla) or, each, of three coughs (Stannum) or, when, for example (I, 3, a), a second paroxysm follows very soon after the first (Mercurius and Sulphur) there exist, in these peculiarities very useful, though by no means altogether sufficient, characteristic indications.

A further confirmation or ground for rejection of the remedy, may then be found by comparison with 1, 2, 3 and 4. and with II, 1 and 2, but especially with the last (II, 2, conditions) which furnish abundant data for rendering the choice of the remedy pretty sure, if not altogether incontestible.

This certainty is to be more definitely attained by comparison of the various rubrics under III (concomitants) which are arranged in the order familiar to every Homoeopathician. For, here are found the majority of the symptoms, which, taken collectively, belong to, and constitute the characteristic, and which furnish the means of coming to a definite conclusion. If, for example, lachrymation, epistaxis, or vomiting in general, does not serve to give an available indication, yet these symptoms may be of the greatest use, when the rarer peculiarities which are recorded in connection with them, are found to correspond in the case of certain individuals, and when, at the same time, no clearly contradictory indications are found in other symptoms.

The more accurately all these symptoms, which are easily found under the various rubrics, are reflected by the case under treatment, the more assured may we feel of the propriety of the choice of the remedy we have made, and the more confidently may we expect a happy result.

In general, however, the tyro in Homoeopathy cannot too earnestly take to heart the caution to avoid the great error of regarding a large numerical quantity of symptoms that are general in their character and that do not individualize the case, as a sufficient guide in the choice of the remedy. The keen perception and appreciation of those symptoms which, at the same time, correspond to the nature of the disease, and also designate that remedy which is exclusively or at least most decidedly indicated - this alone betokens the master-mind. For it is easier - very much easier - to select the right remedy after a picture of the disease, complete in every respect and fully meeting all requirements, has been drawn up, than, oneself, to obtain the materials for such a picture and to construct it.

The second part of the homoeopathic treatment, viz. :

2. Administration of the Remedy might be treated with still greater brevity, but we fear to give offense to some among the younger Homoeopathicians, if we pronounce for the higher and highest potencies and for the smallest doses, with more decision and confidence in this disease than in many others, without giving our reasons for so doing. Like so much which the honest and experienced founder of the Homoeopathic School left as a precious legacy to posterity of the fruits of his careful observation, the warning seems to have been forgotten to which he called the attention of his followers in a note to the preface of Drosera (Materia Medica Pura, Vol. VI, p. 238, second edition.) In this note, after designating this plant as one of the most powerful vegetable drugs, and deservedly extolling its great curative power in many epidemic Hooping Coughs and specifying that a single smallest dose of the decillionth potency (30th) is quite sufficient to effect a cure, he uses the following memorable words: “be careful to avoid giving a second dose immediately after the first dose, for it would infallibly not only prevent a favorable issue but also be the cause of considerable mischief, as I know from experience.”

He uses altogether similar language with reference to another remedy which likewise stands in the front rank in the treatment of Hooping Cough, viz., Cina, and gives the assurance that “the thirtieth potency manifests, most completely, the curative power of the drug.”

Supported by such weighty authority, confirmed as it is by an extended practice of many years, the results of which in this very disease have been so favorable that even the bitterest partisans of Allopathy, and those who have been most ready to fling ridicule upon Homoeopathy, have entrusted to our treatment their children when these were suffering with Hooping Cough, we surely need not hesitate frankly to declare that the very smallest dose, viz., two globules, moistened with the two hundredth potency of the properly elected remedy, and dissolved in a few spoonfuls of pure cold water and directed to be suitably succussed before each dose - a spoonful of this to be taken morning and evening - has always fully answered our expectations; and that we have never had occasion to descend to lower dilutions and more massive doses. It need scarcely be said that this remedy must not be interfered with in its action by any other drug and therefore the well-known homoeopathic diet, the sole object of which is to accomplish this end, must be observed. [The prescription of the homoeopathic diet which is throughout in accordance with the laws of nature (this is not the place to specify it in detail) requires of the patient nothing more than the avoidance of all influences which can be injurious to the living organism as well as a suitable moderation in the use of all things which conduce to the nutrition of the body. It is obvious that a small but, as experience shows, an all sufficient dose and what is very important - a dose which leaves all healthy parts of the organism undisturbed - cannot develop its action without hindrance if at the same time other drugs or poisons, which are the same thing, and for the most part in large doses, are suffered to affect and rule over the organism. Just as little propriety is there, on the other hand, in withholding or diminishing the supply of that which is needed for the normal sustenance of life and its forces, and which is accurately enough indicated by the Individual desires of the patient. Whoever in the latter case diminishes the appropriate measure (through hunger) or exceeds it (by inordinate indulgence) fails to recognize and disturbs the power and efficacy of the rightly chosen remedy and denies it the confidence it deserves. In the illiterate alone can we forgive the ridiculous confounding of “Homoeopathic” and small,“ because to them the very essential distinction between health and disease, between drug and nutriment and finally between the laws and conditions or dead in contra-distinction to living nature are wholly unknown, and they are therefore in this respect anything but responsible.]

One word remains to be said respecting the brief remarks appended to each remedy, and which are intended to serve merely as indices for the use of the remedy, not at all as a universally applicable rule.

The following may be named as the chief remedies in real epidemics of Hooping Cough, at least as far as the experience of Homoeopathicians and of the author hitherto extends:

Ambra, Arnica, Baryta, Belladonna, Bryonia, Carbo anim., Carbo Veg., Cina, Cuprum, Drosera, Ferrum, Hepar, Hyoscyamus, Ipecacuanha, Kali, Nux v., Pulsatilla, Sepia, Silicea, Sulphur and Veratrum. Those whose names are printed in small capitals are the most important.

Nowadays, however, there seldom occur those diseases prevailing universally (we of course do not speak of names), in which the symptoms and phenomena being constant and identical for all the individuals attacked, the treatment may be limited to one or another remedy. Formerly this may, perhaps, have been the case much more frequently; now, however, when wide-spread epidemics, with uniform and definite character, and especially with constant accessory and concomitant phenomena seem to have ceased; such diseases, on the contrary, present themselves, for the most part, rather in a sporadic manner, but, on the other hand, seldom or never entirely disappear, as we see in the case of influenza, nervous fevers, intermittents and to some extent even cholera, etc. [We leave to learned-pathologists the explanation of this unquestionable Physiological phenomenon. To the minds of many of us the scrofulous diathesis (psora) will at once occur, which is constantly being extended by the practice of vaccination; and our new of the matter receives confirmation from the fact that, in very many cases of such diseases, which are essentially acute in character, it is only, by the administration of our so-called antipsoric remedies that rapid and durable cures ran be effected.]

An immediate consequence of this is that in various individuals a far greater variety in the characteristic symptoms presents itself, and consequently the number of remedies corresponding to each species of disease is proportionately greater. Among the remedies treated of in this work, the following correspond most closely though of course not exclusively:

To the First Stage. - Aconite, Belladonna, Bryonia, Carbo an., Carbo veg., Causticum, Chamomilla, Conium, Dulcamara, Euphrasia. Ipecacuanha, Mercurius, Mezer., Nux vom., Pulsatilla, Sabadilla, Veratrum and Verbascum.

To the Second Stage. - Ambra, Antimonium crud., Antimonium tart., Arnica, Cina, Cuprum, Digitalis, Drosera, Hepar, Ignatia, Iodium, Kali, Lachesis, Ledum, Lycopodium, Magnesia mur., Mercurius, Mezer., Natrum mur., Sambucus, Silicea, Sepia, Squilla, Stannum, Stramonium, Sulphur, Sulphuric acid, Veratrum and Zincum.

To the Third Stage. - Arsenicum, Belladonna, Bryonia, Calcarea, China, Conium, Dulcamara, Ignatia, Iodium, Kali, Kreosotum, Laurocerasus, Moschus, Muriatic acid., Phosphor. acid, Sambucus, Senega, Stannum, Sulphur, Zincum.

Among the remedies which correspond more or less to the period of childhood and may therefore be especially appropriate for it, the following may be named: Aconite, Ambra, Anacardium, Antimonium tart., Baryta, Belladonna, Bryonia, Calcarea, Chamomilla. Cina, Drosera, Hepar, Hyoscyamus, Ignatia, Ipecacuanha, Kali, Kreosotum, Lycopodium, Magnesia, Magnesia mur., Mercurius, Natrum mur., Nux vom, Sabadilla, Silicea, Spong., Staphysagria, Stramonium, Sulphur, and Veratrum.

For adults and for old persons the following are more frequently indicated: Ambra, Antimonium tart., Baryta, Carbo v., Causticum, Conium, Ferrum, Hyoscyamus, Ignatia, Ipecacuanha, Kali, Kreosotum, Lycopodium, Natrum mur., Nitric acid, Nux vom., Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Silicea, Stannum, Staphysagria, Stramonium, Sulphur, Veratrum and Zincum.

When, notwithstanding the most careful selection from among the remedies indicated for the first stage, the transition to the second stage has proved inevitable it will be advisable, in most cases, next to direct one's attention to the following table in which those remedies are arranged, which are most frequently appropriate after those which are first named in each series, have been homoeopathically indicated and administered.

Aconite. — Arnica, Drosera, Lycopodium, Mercurius, Sepia, Silicea, Sulphur.

Belladonna. — Antimonium tart., Calcarea, Cina, Cuprum, Digitalis, Hepar, Iodium, Lachesis, Mercurius, Sepia, Silicea, Stramonium, Sulphur.

Bryonia. — Digitalis, Kali, Ledum, Lycopodium, Mezereum, Squilla, Sepia, Veratrum.

Carbo Animal. — Drosera, Ignatia, Silicea, Sulphuric acid.

Carbo Veg.— Drosera, Ignatia, Kali, Lachesis, Mercurius, Natrum mur., Sepia, Sulphur, Veratrum.

Causticum. — Cuprum, Hepar, Ignatia, Lachesis, Lycopodium, Natrum mur., Sepia, Silicea, Sulphur, Sulphuric acid.

Chamomilla. — Cina, Hepar, Ignatia, Lycopodium, Magnesia, Stramonium, Sulphur.

Conium. — Antimonium tart., Cuprum, Digitalis, Lachesis, Lycopodium.

Dulcamara. — Cuprum, Ledum, Mercurius, Sepia, Sulphur.

Euphrasia. — Arnica, Hepar, Mercurius, Natrum muriat., Senega.

Ipecacuanha. — Antimonium crud., Antimonium tart., Arnica, Calcarea, Cuprum, Drosera, Ignatia, Sulphuric acid, Veratrum.

Mercurius. — Antimonium crud., Arnica, Cina, Cuprum, Digitalis, Hepar, Iodium, Lachesis, Lycopodium, Mezereum, Sepia, Silicea, Sulphur.

Mezereum. — Mercurius, Silicea.

Nux Vom. — Ambra, Cuprum, Digitalis, Drosera, Ignatia, Kali, Lachesis, Lycopodium, Magnesia, Mercurius, Natrum mur., Sepia, Silicea, Stramonium, Sulphur.

Pulsatilla. — Ambra, Antimonium crud., Antimonium tart., Arnica, Cuprum, Digitalis, Ignatia, Kali, Lachesis, Ledum, Lycopodium, Magnesia, Mercurius, Natrum mur., Sepia, Silicea, Stannum, Sulphur, Sulphuric acid.

Sabadilla. — Ambra, Antimonium crud., Cina, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Sulphur, Veratrum.

Veratrum. — Arnica, Cina, Cuprum, Drosera, Mercurius, Sepia, Stramonium.

Verbascum. — Ambra, Mezereum. Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Veratrum.

With regard to the indications of the remedies above enumerated for the third stage, but of which the number is far from being complete, it would be impossible to give more minute details than are afforded in the text and second part of this work, without greatly exceeding the limits of this introduction. The reason lies chiefly in the fact that Hooping Cough patients who have been from the beginning or from a sufficiently early period under homoeopathic treatment very soon experience a diminution of all malignant (?) symptoms; and a third stage strictly so-called, with symptoms of greater or less danger, never occurs except when the patients have been previously under allopathic treatment, or when, generally in consequence of proper aid having been too long delayed, the psora miasm is awakened into activity and then, as so often happens, a drug-cachexy, induced at an earlier period of the disease, has come to complicate it. For if we reflect how very great, as mentioned above, section seven, is the number of drugs, the powers of many of which are in great part unknown - to us at least - which are brought into requisition against this disease by the old school, and if we consider in addition, the just as numerous and various forms of disease which owe their origin to the awakened psora, we shall easily perceive that a treatise upon this subject, embracing, as it must, the manifold sequelae of Hooping Cough, would attain, even were it but half complete, an extent which would make it entirely out of place here.

We conclude then with Hahnemann's oft-repeated admonition: “Follow the example set - follow it full or confidence - but follow it precisely as it has been detailed!” And we do not hesitate to add: “If, after having done this, the expected result does not ensue, relate the whole course of proceeding, honestly, truly and fully, that every expert may pass judgment upon it and then venture, in fall confidence, to warn every one against the homoeopathic treatment of Hooping Cough.”


Aconitum nap. - Clear ringing or whistling Hooping Cough, excited by burning sticking in the larynx and in the trachea; generally without expectoration; rarely in the morning and during the day, with expectoration of some mucus mixed with coagulated blood.

Aggravation. - At night, especially after midnight, vexation especially with fright. From being overheated. From taking cold in a dry cold atmosphere or in a current of air. East or North winds [these are dry winds in Germany]. Walking in the open air. In the winter. Assuming an upright position. Rising. Deep inspiration. Speaking. Lying upon the (painful) side. After sleep. Drinking. Tobacco smoke.

Concomitants. - Anxiety and restlessness. Fear and apprehension of death. Fearfulness. Tossing in bed. Whining and lamenting, Dizziness on assuming an upright position. Congestion of the head. Pressure outward in the forehead. Feeling as if the brain were loose. Eyes sparkling. Dilated pupils. Lachrymation. Epistaxis. Face red and puffed. The color of the face frequently changes. Sweat on the forehead and upper lip. Lips black and dry. Inflammation and dark redness of the gullet. Trembling, stammering speech. Unquenchable thirst. Vomiting of drink. Tension and pressure in the hypochondria. Distension of the abdomen which is painful to the touch. Dry nasal catarrh. Extreme dyspnea. Attacks of suffocation. Shortness of breath. Sighing respiration. Offensive breath. Hoarseness. Thoracic congestion. Stitches in the sides of the thorax. Palpitation of the heart with anxiety. Feeling as if beaten, and stitches in the back and loins. Swelling of the hands. Sensitiveness to touch. Cannot lie upon the painful side. Constant desire to maintain the recumbent position. Syncope on rising erect. Drowsiness with inability to sleep. Sleeplessness with constant tossing. Pulse hard, full, very much accelerated. General, dry heat. Internal chilliness, with dry, hot skin and disposition to throw off the coverings. Perspiration of the parts that are covered.

Applicable at the very beginning, but only when the moral and febrile symptoms above detailed are present. Seldom sufficient for the cure of the disease, but indispensable nevertheless for the removal or moderation of the fever that may chance to exist.

Ambra grisea. - Hooping cough, coming deep from the chest, excited by violent tickling in the throat, in rather long paroxysms; in the evening, without expectoration; in the morning, with expectoration, consisting, generally, of grayish white, seldom of yellow mucus, and of a salt or sour taste.

Aggravation, evening and night. - In repose and in a warm room, especially where there are many persons present. After lying down and on awaking from sleep. From reading aloud and talking. From warm drinks, especially warm milk. From keeping late hours, lifting heavy weights, music and in the spring of the year.

Concomitants. - Great seriousness, with aversion to talking and laughing. Headache in the temples from congestion of the head. Fugitive heat of the face. Offensive odor from the mouth. Complete loss of thirst. Much sour or ineffectual eructation. Heart burn. Pressure in the stomach and in the hypochondria. Pain in the region of the spleen, as if something there were torn away. Pains in the epigastrium and hypogastrium. Constipation. Sour smelling urine. Dry nasal catarrh. Shortness of breath. Itching, scratching and soreness in the larynx and trachea. ltching in the chest. Itching in the thyroid gland. The arms and limbs easily go asleep. Fugitive (flashes of) heat with anxiety.

This remedy, although not very often applicable, has yet approved itself in spasmodic coughs not only of elderly and emaciated persons, for whom it is particularly appropriate but also, sometimes, of children. Ambra is immediately indicated by abundant eructations accompanying the cough, a symptom which characterizes also Veratrum and Sulphuric acid - but the former (Veratrum) is sufficiently distinguished by the vomiting attended by cold sweat on the forehead, and the latter (Sulphuric acid) by the cough being increased in the open air.

Anacardium orientale. - Hooping Cough which shakes the patient thoroughly; paroxysms, every three to four hours, excited by tickling in the trachea, at night without expectoration, during the day with expectoration of mucus, which generally has a sweetish flat taste, is often bloody, at other times yellowish purulent and sometimes grey and acrid.

Aggravation. - Night and after (not while) eating; also evening in bed. Renewed every time one speaks. Often more violent every other day or every third day.

Concomitants. - Irascibility, ill-nature and want of moral feeling. Despondency and fear of approaching death. Feeling as if he were possessed of two wills, one of which hinders him from doing that to which the other impels him. Congestion of the head with pains in the hind part of the head. Stitches in the brain. Vomiting of food (with relief). Bursting pain in the abdomen. Fluent coryza. Much sneezing and long continued disposition to sneeze. Attacks of suffocation. Dyspnea. Violent oppression of the chest. Scratching and soreness in the chest. Violent concussion of the whole body. After the attacks, continued yawning and sleepiness.

Almost exclusively adapted to ill-natured children.

Antimonium crudum. - Hooping Cough, coming, as it were, from deep in the abdomen, with coughs which become gradually weaker and weaker as if from increasing closure of the fauces as if by a plug; in the evening without expectoration; in the morning with expectoration of tenacious mucus, mixed with dark blood, and having a flat taste.

Aggravation, morning. - From becoming overheated in a warm atmosphere, in the burning sun and from the radiation of a fire. From drinking (sour) wine and using vinegar. After measles, scarlet fever, chicken-pox, etc. After bathing and washing.

Concomitants. - Sensation of coldness in the nose on inspiration. Vomiting of drinks only. Involuntary discharge of urine. Hot breath. Soreness in the trachea. Great weakness of the voice. Absolute loss of the voice. Burning and sticking pain in the chest. Concussion of the whole body.

This remedy deserves a more extended proving than it has received.

Antimonium tartaricum. - Hooping Cough occurring in short coughs which follow each other in quick succession, excited by tickling and creeping in the throat and larynx; in the evening without expectoration; in the morning with expectoration of tenacious mucus generally somewhat salt, often also, only of a flat, sometimes of a sour taste.

Aggravation, at night. - From the child getting angry, weeping and crying. After eating. After warm drinks, especially milk. In damp cold weather. From remaining in vaulted chambers (churches, cellars). From lying in bed, especially on becoming warm there.

Concomitants. - Weeping and crying. Heat and sweat of the head. Retching. Vomiting of food and drink, even before the paroxysm. Diarrhea. Oppression of the chest. Paroxysms of suffocation. Difficulty in recovering the breath. Rattling in the chest. Pains in the pit of the throat. Burning of the hands. Great prostration. Much yawning. Drowsiness. Great heat. General prostration, most profuse in the face. After the paroxysms, dizziness, sweat of the forehead, yawning and great sleepiness.

Is often suitable for the spasmodic Hooping Cough of adults and requires generally to be followed by Ipecacuanha.

Arnica montana. - Paroxysm of Hooping Cough excited by a creeping in the trachea, generally dry, often with expectoration, generally of frothy blood, mixed with coagula, more rarely, in the evening, of a badly tasting slime which it is impossible to expectorate but which one has to swallow.

Aggravation . - Evening till midnight. Every effort of mind or body. Weeping and crying of children. Touch. Motion. Noise. Talking. Blowing the nose. Stooping. Deep inspiration. Becoming cold. Abuse of spirituous liquors and or China. Coal smoke. Warm rooms. Drinking. Yawning.

Concomitants . - Great anxiety and restlessness. Refuses to reply to anything. Rage and quarrelsome disposition. Compressing headache. Stitches in the head. Bleeding from the nose and mouth. Violent thirst after drinking cold water. Vomiting of food and drink. Vomiting of blood. Pains in the stomach. Offensive breath. Oppression of the chest. Dyspnea. Scraping in the larynx. Burning in the chest. Rawness in the chest. Stitches in the chest (left side). Sensation in the ribs as if bruised. Stitches in the loins. Yawning. Constant restlessness of the body and tossing. Chilliness with burning redness of one or both checks. Internal heat with external coldness. Ebullition of the blood with warmth of the upper parts of the body and coldness of the lower parts. Alternate quick and slow action of the pulse and heart.

Wailing, crying and weeping also proceed and follow the paroxysm.

A very important remedy in the most dangerous cases of Hooping Cough, in which the febrile phenomena and the bloody expectoration, even without the cough, would indicate it as the remedy to be selected.

Arsenicum album. — Clear ringing, crowing, or whistling Hooping Cough, excited by a burning tickling in the trachea and in the throat-pit, as if from the vapor of Sulphur, at night without expectoration, in the day time with expectoration of mucus, scanty and generally frothy, or in lumps, of various taste and color (bitter, putrid, purulent, saltish, offensive, grey, yellow), sometimes mixed with florid blood, returning periodically with increasing violence.

Aggravation . - Evening and night. Ill humor. Being spoken to by others. After eating. Drinking. Repose after motion. After lying down. Becoming cold. In the cold, open air. Turning over in bed.

Concomitants. - Before the paroxysm. Anxiety and restlessness, the face pale and cold. Vomiting of food and drink. Starting up in sleep, frightened, as by suffocation .

During the Paroxysm. - Crying and whining of children. Anxiety and despair. Cannot bear to be alone. Fear of death. Malice. Love of scandal. Burning and shocks in the head. Face puffed and blue. Stitches in the cheeks. Burning and roughness in fauces. Violent thirst, drinking but little each time. Nausea. Retching. Burning in the stomach with bitter eructations. Stitches in the hypochondria. Burning. Sticking and pain as if bruised in the abdomen. Involuntary, burning, offensive diarrhea. Involuntary burning micturition. Coryza of acrid burning water. Paroxysms of suffocation. Want of breath. Dyspnea. Oppression of the chest. Constriction of the larynx. Distention of the chest. Burning and itching in the chest. Palpitation of the heart. Twitching in the hips. Emaciation and great debility. Convulsions. Restlessness of the limbs. Trembling. Pulse frequent in the morning, slow at evening. External coldness, with cold, clammy sweat. Dry burning heat. The paroxysm ends with sweat. Internal heat, with burning in the veins.

This remedy, given in exact accordance with the above indications, sometimes rescues a patient at a time when all appeared lost - but only when given in the smallest doses and in a high potency.

Baryta carbonica. - Spasmodic cough, like Hooping Cough, excited by roughness and tickling in the throat and in the epigastrium; evening without expectoration: morning with. difficult expectoration of a yellowish, tenacious, starch like, often saltish mucus (less frequently vice versa).

Aggravations. - Generally evening until midnight. The feet becoming cold. Eating, especially of warm food. Eructations. Lying upon the left side. Active motion and ascending. Stooping. In the cold, open air. Being in the company of (strange) persons. Thinking of one's illness.

Concomitants, - Aversion to playing. Dread of strangers. Disposition to weep. Indecision. Sudden ebullition of temper with cowardice. Dull redness of the face. Sore throat with swelling of the tonsils. Roughness in the throat. Much thirst. Pains in the abdomen, which is hard and swollen. Coryza, with thick mucus discharged from the nose. Dyspnea. Sensation as if there were smoke in the larynx. Hoarseness. Loss of voice. Chest obstructed by mucus. Soreness in the chest. Sensation as if something hard fell down in the chest. Sensation of soreness at the heart with violent palpitation. Stiffness of the nape of the neck. Drowsiness, day and night. Chilliness.

Is suitable not merely for old men but also for atrophic children, especially when, after the slightest cold, repeated inflammation of the throat occurs, with swelling and suppuration of the tonsils. This remedy certainly belongs among the polychrests, is as yet, however, too little used and hence is but little known.

Belladonna. - Spasmodic cough at night, occurring in paroxysms every quarter of an hour, each paroxysm consisting of but few coughs, with a rough, hollow, barking tone, excited by tickling in the throat, as if from down or, as it were, by constriction of the larynx; without expectoration, or only sometimes scanty expectoration of some florid coagulated blood.

Aggravation. - Evening and night; most violent just after midnight. Every movement or touch, especially at the larynx and throat. Talking. Crying of children. Deep inspiration. Awaking from sleep.

Concomitants. - Before the paroxysm. Weeping. Pains in the stomach. During the paroxysm. Great willfulness. Peevishness. Weeping and crying. Congestion to the head. Headache as if it would burst. Inflammation of the eyes. Sparks before the eyes. Photophobia. Face livid and puffed. Epistaxis. Much sneezing. Hemorrhage from the mouth. Salivation. Inflammation of the throat. Spasms of the gullet. Scratching in the throat. Taste of blood in the mouth. Retching. Vomiting, first of food, then of bile. Pains in the stomach. Stitches in the spleen. Stitches and soreness in the abdomen. Sensation of tearing away in the abdomen. Stitches in the loins. Involuntary passage of feces and urine. Fluent coryza. Dyspnea. Oppression of the chest. Pain and stiffness of the nape of the neck. Congestion of the chest. Rattling in the chest. Violent pains of the whole thorax. Pains in the hips. Concussion of the whole body. Spasms with rigidity of the limbs. Trembling. Starting in sleep. General dry heat, with restlessness. Violent palpitation of the blood-vessels.

This very useful remedy is suitable only at the beginning, or, in later stages, only when cerebral inflammation has supervened.

Bromium. - Croupy, rough, barking or whistling cough excited by tickling in the throat and, as if, by vapor of Sulphur, without expectoration.

Aggravation . - Day time (?). Deep respiration Violent motion. Great heat in the bed. Use of sour food and of milk. Tobacco smoke.

Concomitants. - Depression and melancholy. Wailing and crying with a hoarse tone. Lachrymation. Paleness of the face. Salivation. Inflammation of the fauces with reticulated redness and denuded patches. Much frothy mucus in the mouth. Water tastes salt. Nausea and retching. Yellow, green or blackish diarrhea. Fluent coryza, with scabby nostrils. Attacks of suffocation as if from vapor of Sulphur. Great dyspnea. Gasping for air. Soreness in the larynx. Sensation of coldness in the larynx. The air inhaled is very cold. Oppression of the chest with palpitation. Convulsions. Great weakness. Yawning and sleepiness. Accelerated pulse. Chilliness, with shuddering. Sweat after the paroxysm.

This remedy also, which well deserves a more extended proving, has seldom been used. A leading indication would seem to be the sensation of coldness in the larynx, although Sulphur has the same symptom. In croup, also, Bromine has not fulfilled the expectations that were entertained of it.

Bryonia alb. - Spasmodic Hooping Cough, as if from vapor of Sulphur, or excited by tickling in the throat and in epigastrium; evening and night without expectoration, morning and day time with expectoration of mucus which is yellow, or mixed with coagulated, brownish blood, often cold, has generally an unpleasant flat taste and is at first difficult to dislodge.

Aggravation. - Evening and night. Exertion. Motion. Talking. Laughing. After every act of eating or drinking. Cold air. Becoming cold after being heated. In a damp room. By deep inspiration. After lying down. After measles.

Concomitants. - Peevishness, irritability and violence. Fear of death. Despair of recovery. Stitches in the head. Pressure and bursting pain. Swelling of the upper eyelids. Epistaxis. Puffy redness and heat of the face. Lips cracked and bleeding. Stitches and scratching in the throat. Violent thirst; he drinks a great deal at a time. Thirst for cold water. Bitter eructations. Flow of water in to the mouth. Nausea. Vomiting of solid, not of liquid food. Vomiting, first of bile, then of food. Pains in the stomach. Stitches and soreness in the epigastrium and in the hypochondria. Sticking pain in the liver. Distension of the abdomen. Stitches in the abdomen. Pressure to urinate and involuntary discharge of urine. Dry nasal catarrh. Shortness of breath. Dyspnea. Panting for for breath. Disposition to deep inspiration. Attacks of dyspnea and suffocation. Soreness in the trachea. Hoarseness. Inflammation of the lungs. Stitches, soreness and bursting pain in the chest. Soreness of the ribs, as if beaten. Palpitation of the heart. Stitches in the sacral region and the back. Sleeplessness until midnight. Chilliness, with heat of the head, red checks and thirst. Unctuous, oily sweat.

Indicated only in the first stage, or, later, in the case of an inflammatory affection of the chest supervening in the course of the cough.

Calcarea carbonica. - Short, spasmodic cough, in brief, but frequently repeated paroxysms, excited by a tickling as if from feathers or down in the throat and trachea; in the evening and at night without expectoration, but in the morning and during the day attended by copious mucous or purulent, yellow or greyish, sometimes bloody expectoration, having generally a sour taste and an offensive odor.

Aggravations. - Evening and night. In the open air, especially if it is damp and cold. From getting wet. From washing. From bathing. From eating. From drinking water. From talking. After lying down. During sleep.

Concomitants. - Susceptibility to fright. Disposition to weep. Obstinacy in the case of children. Vertigo. Rush of blood to the head. Feeling of coldness in the head. Sticking, tearing and bursting pain in the head. Sweat of the head. The eyes are suffused with tears in the morning, but dry at evening. Everything becomes black before the eyes. Dilated pupils. Spasms of the esophagus. Stitching pains in the hard palate. Roughness in the throat. Thirst at night. Thirst for cold drinks. Nausea after drinking milk. Sour vomiting. Vomiting of food and of sweetish mucus. Oppression of the stomach. Distension of the epigastrium. Inability to endure clothing tight about the stomach. Blows in the abdomen. Protrusion of the inguinal hernia. Dry nasal catarrh, with annoying dryness of the nose. Dyspnea. Hoarseness. Feeling as if something tore itself loose in the larynx. Roughness, sticking and soreness in the thorax. Palpitation of the heart, Hands covered with sweat. The fingers and toes become as if dead. Epileptiform attacks. Severe orgasms of blood. Palpitation of the arteries. Chilliness. Flashes of heat, with palpitation.

This remedy is seldom indicated during true Hooping Cough; but so much the more frequently for the sequelae often met with; and especially in cases in which Ipecacuanha, Belladonna, or Sulphur were previously indicated.

Carbo animalis. - Suffocating, hoarse cough, excited by rawness and dryness in the larynx and in the trachea, unattended by expectoration at night, but in the day time accompanied by a grey, greenish, sometimes purulent, expectoration of an offensive, somewhat sour, taste.

Aggravations. - Evening and night. During sleep. By lying upon the right side. By cold air. By damp cold weather. By deep inspiration. By tobacco smoke.

Concomitants. - Alternations of disposition, passing from excessive gaiety to an inclination to weep. Occipital headache. Sensation as if the brain were loose. Epistaxis. Offensive odor from the month. Roughness in the throat. Soreness and rawness in the throat. Concussion of the abdomen. Soreness in the abdomen. Outward pressure in the abdomen. Involuntary discharge of urine. Dry nasal catarrh. Sneezing. Dyspnea. Asthmatic respiration. Attacks of suffocation. In the morning, hoarseness; at night, aphonia. Constriction of the larynx. Sticking and constriction in the thorax. Feeling of coldness in the chest. Rattling in the chest. Palpitation of the heart. Sticking pains in the sacral region. Sweat which leaves a yellow stain.

Closely related to the following remedy (Carbo vegetabilis) possessing powers similar, yet appreciably different, as the symptoms prove, and much less frequently indicated.

Carbo vegetabilis. - Spasmodic, hollow Hooping Cough, in short hard coughs and infrequent paroxysms (4-5), excited by a feeling as if Sulphur vapor were inhaled, or by a creeping irritation in the larynx: and throat; in the evening, without expectoration, in the morning, with a yellow, greenish or purulent, sometimes brownish bloody expectoration, or, less frequently, a tenacious, whitish mucous or watery expectoration. The sputa have an offensive sour or saltish taste and an unpleasant odor.

Aggravations. - Evening till midnight. By motion. By walking in the open air. In damp cold air. By passing from a warm into a cold atmosphere. By becoming cold. After lying down. By expiration. By eating or drinking, especially of cold food or drink. By talking.

Concomitants. - Attacks of anxious despondency at evening, amounting to despair. Violent irritability. Rush of blood to the head. Drawing from the nape of the neck upwards and forwards. Blows and stitches in the head. Bleeding from the eyes. Lachrymation. Epistaxis. Paleness of the face. Cold sweat of the face. Drawing in the cheeks. Cracked lips. Sore throat on swallowing. Redness and burning in the throat and fauces. Scorbutic condition of the gums. Longing for coffee. Food has a saltish taste. Retching. Evening, vomiting of food. Vomiting of blood and bile. Vomiting of mucus. Bruised feeling in the hypochondria. Sticking in the liver and spleen. Distension of the abdomen. Stitches in the abdomen. Many offensive discharges of flatus. Burning hemorrhoids. Dry nasal catarrh. Evening, fluent coryza. Sneezing. Dyspnea. Constriction of the chest. Soreness and ulcerative pain in the larynx and trachea. Hoarseness. When talking, the voice fails. At night, aphonia. Ulcerative pain in the thyroid gland. Soreness and rawness in the chest. Burning, pressure and sticking in the chest. Whistling and rattling of mucus in the chest. Palpitation of the heart. Stitches in the back. Burning pains in the limbs. Sleepiness in the day and late going to sleep. Feeble pulse. Chill and coldness, with thirst. Flashes of heat. Cold, offensive sweat.

This is one of our best Hooping Cough remedies, especially in the beginning of the disease, and is applicable in many epidemics especially when they occur in damp and cold, or in cold and frosty weather.

It is often suitable after Veratrum. After it, China or Drosera are often indicated.

Causticum. - Unceasing, short hollow cough, excited by a creeping, tickling and by much mucus in the throat, for the most part in the day time without expectoration, at night with detaching (though this is sometimes reversed) of an acrid, fatty-tasting mucus, which however cannot be discharged but must be swallowed.

Aggravations. - Evening till midnight. More rarely early in the morning (alternate action). Expiration. Stooping. Talking. Eating. Drinking coffee. Getting warm after taking cold. Becoming cold. Cold air and being in a current of air. Waking out of sleep. (A swallow of cold water allays the cough.)

Concomitants. - Melancholy disposition to weep. Timorous anxiety and depression. Paroxysms of quarrelsome anger. Stitches in the temple. Rush of blood to the head, with roaring in the head and ears. Much mucus in the month and fauces. Roughness of the throat. Soreness and burning in the fauces. Speech is difficult. Aversion to any thing sweet. Vomiting of sour water. Distended hard abdomen in children. Disposition to constipation. Involuntary discharge of urine. Nasal catarrh, at night dry, in the day time fluent. Dyspnea. Spasmodic constriction of the chest. Soreness in the trachea. Hoarseness. Rattling in the chest. Burning, sticking and soreness in the chest. Palpitation of the heart. Sticking in the region of the heart. Stiffness and tension in the nape of the neck, down the back. Pain in the hips as if luxated. Children fall easily. Restlessness in the whole body Sleepiness in the day time and sleeplessness at night. Frequent waking on account of the cough. Starting up from sleep in a fright. Constant chilliness. Copious sweat on motion, especially in the open air.

Applicable only in the first, catarrhal stage. But in this stage, when the symptoms, in other respects correspond exactly, it cuts the disease short and prevents the outbreak of fully developed Hooping Cough.

Chamomilla. - A hollow suffocating cough, resembling Hooping Cough, provoked by tickling in the chest, throat, larynx and supra-sternal fossa, at night without, in the day time with, a scanty, tenacious, mucous expectoration of a bitter or offensive taste.

Aggravations. - At night. By ill-nature. By anger. By crying and weeping. By talking. By eating, By drinking coffee. By talking cold. By cold air. During the prevalence of dry east and north winds. [In Germany the East and North-East winds are dry winds, corresponding to our West and North-West winds.] In the open air, especially if it be windy. During sleep. (Relieved by becoming warm in bed.)

Concomitants. - Great restlessness and anxious tossing. Irritable whimpering. Violent crying and screaming. Aversion to music. Rush of blood to the head. Inflammation of the eyes (until they bleed). Rolling of the eyes. Redness of one cheek. Twitching of the facial muscles. Hot clammy sweat of the forehead. Frothing at the mouth. Dryness in the throat. Dark, inflammatory redness of the fauces. Constant thirst. Sour or bitter vomiting. Sour vomiting of mucus and of drink. Pains in abdomen with intolerance of touch. Green curdled diarrhea. Diarrhea of undigested matters. Fluent coryza. Attacks of dyspnea. Dyspnea as if seated in the supra-sternal fossa. Burning and stinging pain in the larynx. Rattling of mucus, purring and wheezing in the trachea. Hoarseness. Tickling and stinging pain in the supra-sternal fossa. Oppression of the chest. Burning, stinging pain and bursting feeling in the chest. Opisthotonos. Emaciation. Jerkings and convulsions. Oversensitiveness of the nerves. The child desires to be always carried. Yawning and stretching. Coma with groaning and starting. Sleeplessness from anxiety. Restless sleep, with weeping, crying and tossing. Shivering with internal heat. Burning heat with sour sweat.

Like the preceding remedy (Causticum) applicable only in the first stage, but then, likewise, when the symptoms correspond exactly, it exerts by reason of its special appropriateness to affections of children, the happiest effects.

China. - Hoarse Hooping Cough, excited by tickling in the trachea, or as if by vapor of Sulphur; in the night and morning without expectoration; in the day and evening with an expectoration of pus, mixed with dark coagulated blood, or of tenacious mucus, having a flat, saltish or sour taste, or more rarely a repulsive sweetish taste.

Aggravations . - Evenings, and also after midnight and in the early morning; less in the afternoon from two to four o'clock. From vexation; laughing; speaking for a long time; eating and drinking. From lying with the head low. From gently touching the throat. From taking cold. From exposure to a current of air. In damp cold weather. On awaking from sleep. From losses of animal fluids of whatever kind.

Concomitants. - Anxiety. Overexcitability. Crying. Apathy and indifference. Scheming. Congestion of the head. Bursting headache. Scalp sensitive to gentle touch. The head sinks backwards when an upright position is assumed. Paleness of the face. Sunken face with hollow eyes. Lips dry and with a black coating. All food has a bitter taste. Inability to digest the evening meal. Retching. Vomiting of blood or bile. Pains in liver and spleen. Diarrhea of watery mucus, or of undigested food. Involuntary stools. Dry nasal catarrh, with much sneezing. Respiration. Wheezing, crowing and snoring sound. Difficult inspiration and rapid expiration. Dyspnea. Attacks of suffocation. Oppression of the chest. Inclination to deep respiration. Soreness in the larynx and in the trachea. Husky, deep, voice. Hoarseness. Pressure and stitching in the chest. Threatening paralysis of the lungs. Palpitation of the heart. Pains in the sternum. Quaking pains in the scapula. Stitches in the back and in the shoulder. Sweat across the back and in the nape of the neck. Great weakness, with trembling. Emaciation. Orgasm of blood. Oversensitiveness of all the nerves. Numbness of all parts of the body on which one lies. Sleeplessness on account of crowding thoughts. Snoring. Coldness of the body, with heat of the face. Thirst increased during the sweat.

Indicated only in the last stage and when paralysis of the lungs threatens to set in, as well as when great exhaustion has resulted from loss of animal fluids of whatever kind. In such circumstances as these, it often acts with almost magical effect.

Cina. - True Hooping Cough, in violent, periodically recurring paroxysms, excited by a sensation as if down were in the throat, and by a quantity of adherent mucus in the throat; in the morning without, in the evening with an expectoration of a whitish slimy, rarely somewhat bloody, almost tasteless substance which is detached with difficulty.

Aggravations. - Morning and evening; in the night the paroxysms are less frequent. By drinking. Deep inspiration. By walking in the open air. By pressure upon the larynx. By running. By reading and writing. By lying upon the right side. By cold air. By yawning. On awaking from sleep. By eating pepper. After loss of animal fluids and by helminthiasis.

Concomitants. - Before the attack. Dread. Blue rings around the eyes. Itching in the nose, causing the patient to bore the nose with the finger. Ravenous hunger. Bellyache. Pappy diarrhea, with ascarides and lumbricoides. Itching of the anus. Sneezing with piercing pain in the temples. Fluent nasal catarrh with purulent mucus. Much mucus in the trachea, with hoarseness. During the attack. Loss of consciousness. Lachrymation. Dilated pupils. Pale face. Cold sweat of the forehead. Bleeding from the mouth and nose. Involuntary discharge of urine. Interrupted, crowing respiration. Want of breath. Dyspnea. Attacks of suffocation. Shocks in the trachea. Hoarseness. Spasms of the chest. Twitching of the fingers. Tonic spasms of the legs. Jerkings in the limbs. Rigidity of the body. Starting in sleep. After the attack. Whimpering and crying, especially when touched. Epistaxis with burning in the nose. Vomiting of food. Vomiting of bile. Vomiting of mucus with lumbricoides. Difficult deglutition of liquids. Clucking in the abdomen. Diarrhea after drinking. Audible clucking in the throat down to the abdomen. Clucking in the thorax. The thorax seems too narrow. Burning, piercing, and soreness in the chest. Epileptic attacks with consciousness. Sleeplessness with restlessness, weeping and crying.

Although Cina belongs to the class of remedies which are most important for the Hooping Cough of children and is frequently employed; still, nevertheless, it is never, like some other remedies, the almost exclusive remedy in certain epidemics of this disease, but is only indicated in isolated cases, which present its peculiar symptoms, and especially the symptoms of a worm-affection. For this reason the chief characteristics of this remedy are to be found in the symptoms which precede and follow the attack. It generally so modifies these symptoms, that Drosera is indicated after it.

Conium maculatum. - Powerful, spasmodic, nocturnal paroxysms of Hooping Cough, excited by itching and tickling in the chest and throat or as if by a dry spot in the larynx; at night without, in the day time with a difficult, bloody-purulent, sometimes hardened expectoration, or a putrid taste and smell.

Aggravations. - At night. When lying down. After lying down. From sour or salt food. From deep inspiration. From loss of fluids. After measles, and scarlatina and during pregnancy. In the case of old people.

Concomitants. - Disposition to weep. Anxiety in the case of pregnant women. Indifference. Pressing headache. Stitches in the vertex. Buzzing in the ears. Heat of the face. Eructations. Nausea during pregnancy. Vomiting of mucus. Distension of the stomach and abdomen after drinking milk. Stitches in the spleen. Soreness in the abdomen. Uterine spasms. Sneezing. Obstruction of the nares in the morning. Attacks of suffocation. Dyspnea. Oppression of the chest. Stitches in the chest and sternum. Sweat of the palms. Numbness of the hands and feet. Faintness. Pains in the, ulcers. Constant chilliness. Evening fever. Sweat during the first sleep.

Applicable only after measles or scarlatina as well as during pregnancy, in the first stage; under other circumstances only in the third stage, when namely a chronic affection of the trachea threatens and the attacks are confined to the night.

Cuprum metallicum. - Hooping Cough in long, uninterrupted paroxysms which last until the breath is completely exhausted, excited by mucus in the trachea, or by spasms in the larynx; in the evening quite dry, in the morning often with a scanty expectoration of mucus with dark blood, of a putrid taste and odor.

Aggravations. - Day and night, in attacks which recur every half hour to two hours. By eating solid food. By inhaling cold air. By deep inspiration. During the North and East winds. [In Germany the East and North-East winds are dry winds, corresponding to our West and North-West winds.] By laughing. By bending the body backwards. By taking cold. (Relieved by a swallow of cold water.)

Concomitants. - Before the attacks. Great anxiety. Alternation of gaiety and depression. Chilliness. During the attacks. Dizziness with disposition to sink forwards. Creeping in the head. Distortion of the eyes. Pale, sunken face. Blue lips. Frothing at the mouth. Retching. Vomiting of bile and blood. Hiccough. Pain in the stomach and abdomen with anxiety. Whistling respiration. Arrest of respiration. Attacks of suffocation. Constriction of the chest. Palpitation of the heart. Chronic spasms and convulsions, beginning in the fingers and toes. Stiffness and rigidity of the whole body. Trembling cold sweat. After the attacks. Headache. Audible gurgling of drink down the esophagus. Vomiting only of the solid food. Rapid, rattling respiration. Spasmodic asthma. Hoarseness. Rattling of mucus in the chest. Oversensibility of all the senses. Convulsions. Jerkings during sleep.

Cuprum is the chief remedy in one of the most malignant forms of Hooping Cough, which, happily, does not often present itself and which is similar to that for which Veratrum is indicated. The most striking difference between these two remedies, as between Calcarea and Causticum, is in the effect of a swallow of cold water.

Digitalis purp. - Hollow, deep spasmodic cough, excited by roughness and scratching in the roof of the mouth and in the trachea; in the morning without, in the evening with a scanty, yellow, jelly-like mucus expectorated with difficulty, of a sweetish taste, sometimes with a little dark blood.

Aggravations. - About midnight and about morning. From getting heated. From eating. From drinking cold fluids. From talking. Walking. In the open air. (Very warm air in a room.) On awaking. On bending the body forwards.

Concomitants. - Excessive anxiety. Raving excitement, alternating with melancholy. Disposition to weep. The head sinks backwards. Complexion bluish-pale. Lips blue and thin. Blue tongue. Offensive salivation. Bread tastes bitter. Inclination for bitter food. Vomiting, first of food, then of bile. Nausea, continuing after the vomiting. Feeling of weakness in the stomach. White diarrhea. Ineffectual desire to pass water. Dyspnea. Hoarseness early in the morning. Soreness in the chest. Audible palpitation. Pains in the shoulder and in the arm. Coldness of the hands and feet. Swelling of the feet during the day, decreasing at night. Drowsiness during the day, disturbed by attacks of vomiting. Pulse very slow, much accelerated by the slightest motion. Chilliness, with heat and redness of the face. Heat, with cold sweat of the forehead. Heat of one hand and coldness of the other. General sweat. After the attacks, the greatest prostration.

A remedy, which seldom presents itself as a candidate for selection, but which is sufficiently well characterized by the concomitant symptoms, to obviate any danger of error.

Drosera rotundifolia. - Violent Hooping Cough in periodically recurring paroxysms (every one to three hours), made up of quickly succeeding, barking or mute coughs, which do not permit the recovery of the breath; excited by tickling and a feeling of dryness or as of soft feathers in the larynx; in the evening without, in the morning with, somewhat of a yellow, generally bitter expectoration which the patient has to swallow.

Aggravations. - In the evening after lying down and yet more after midnight. During repose. When lying in bed. By warmth. By drinking. By tobacco smoke. By laughing, singing, weeping. By getting cold. After measles.

Concomitants. - Anxiety. Fear of ghosts. Dread of being alone. Obstinacy. Getting beside oneself with anger. Protrusion of the eyes. The eyelids are livid. Dryness of the nose. Bleeding from the nose and mouth. Bloody saliva. Face puffed and livid. Heat of the face. Cold sweat of the forehead. Dryness in the fauces, with absence of thirst. Difficult deglutition of solid food. Aversion to pork. Bitter taste of food, especially of bread. Nausea and retching. Vomiting, first of food and then of mucus (at the end of the attack). Vomiting of blood. Vomiting after drinking. Painful constriction of the epigastrium and hypochondrii, compelling to press with the hand. Drawing in of the abdomen (with the vomiting). Constriction in the abdomen. Bloody mucous diarrhea. The breath is offensive. Dyspnea. Asthma. Attacks of suffocation. Cannot recover the breath. Gasping for breath. Oppression of the chest, as if from holding back the breath. Dryness and roughness in the larynx and in the trachea. Mucus in the trachea. Constriction of the larynx when talking. Hoarseness. Constriction of the chest. Sticking in the chest. Coldness of the hands. Bruised feeling in the limbs. Sleepiness immediately after sunset. Shivering during repose, even in bed. General sweat.

Among Hooping Cough remedies, Drosera holds unquestionably a prominent place and it is suitable in many epidemics. But to give this remedy blindly, in every case of Hooping Cough, without previously taking proper counsel of the symptoms, shows a very imperfect knowledge of the true nature of Homoeopathy. By reason of its many alternate effects, a repetition of the dose of Drosera without an intercurrent remedy is seldom beneficial. (Sulphur and Veratrum are the most appropriate intercurrents.)

Dulcamara solanum. - Hooping Cough, excited by excessive secretion of mucus in the larynx and trachea; hence each paroxysm is attended by copious, easy expectoration of tasteless mucus, and often with florid blood.

Aggravations. - At night. By long repose and subsequent exertion. Deep respiration. Talking. Damp cold atmosphere. By taking cold from getting wet. From repercussion

of eruptions of various kinds.

Concomitants. - Restlessness and impatience. Rush of blood to the head. Roaring in the ears. Epistaxis with light colored blood. Red cheeks and pale face. Dry, swollen tongue. Difficulty in speaking. Much mucus in the fauces. Salivation. Hunger without appetite. Excessive thirst for cold water. Vomiting of mucus. Mucous diarrhea. Involuntary discharge of fetid urine. Mucous sediment in the urine. Dry nasal catarrh in a dry atmosphere. The trachea is full of mucus. Hoarseness. Oppression of the chest from accumulation of mucus. Nocturnal palpitation of the heart. Convulsions beginning in the face. Inactivity of the external skin with excessive secretion from the internal mucous membranes and glands. Restless sleep after midnight. Dry heat with burning in the skin. Entire absence of sweat.

Dulcamara is seldom applicable except in cases in which, after the suppression of cutaneous eruptions, or after taking a violent cold, the above described excessive secretion of mucus in internal organs furnishes an indication.

Euphrasia officinal. - Attacks of cough, like Hooping Cough, excited by copious, flat-tasting, watery mucus, sometimes streaked with blood, in the chest and throat, which it is difficult to dislodge and which can be expectorated only in the morning.

Aggravations. - The cough occurs almost exclusively in the day - not at night; but the general condition is worse in the evening. On awaking from sleep. In repose. On lying down. When lying in bed. When sitting and standing. From deep respiration. From talking. From tobacco and other smoke. From wind.

Concomitants. - Introverted quiet. Aversion to speaking. Vertigo. Heaviness and dullness of the head. Inflammation of the eyes, with acrid, biting tears and photophobia. Soreness of the nostrils. Stiffness of the upper lip. Stammering and difficulty in speaking. Gurgling upwards in the throat. Nausea. Copious discharge of watery urine. Coryza, with acrid, watery discharge. The breath stops. Want of breath. Dyspnea. Short breath. Numbness of the fingers and legs. Trembling of the limbs. Early waking (about three o'clock). General sweat. Night sweat.

This, little used (and little known), remedy which is similar in many respects to the preceding one, is yet distinct enough through the acrid watery nature of its secretions (those of Dulcamara being always bland), as well as by several other symptoms indicated above.

Ferrum metallicum. — Spasmodic cough, excited by tickling in the trachea; in the evening without, in the morning with a blood-streaked purulent or albumen-like, slimy, sometimes frothy or greenish expectoration of a sweetish - putrid or a sourish taste.

Aggravations. - In the evening until midnight; during this period the sputa are not dislodged, but in the day time, during motion, they become loosened. By repose. By sitting and lying. By exertion; eating and drinking; (motion and walking in the open air). Loss of fluids. Abuse of tea or of China. Use of brandy. Tobacco smoke.

Concomitants. - Anxiety, like anguish, of conscience. On alternate evenings, excessive gaiety and sadness. Headache in the occiput. Throbbing headache. Epistaxis. Paleness of the face and lips. Puffiness around the eyes. No appetite for anything but bread and butter. Sour vomiting of food, relieved at once by eating. Vomiting about midnight. Oppression of the stomach each, time after eating and drinking. Contraction in the epigastrium. Flatulent colic at night. Undigested diarrhea. The breath is hot. Want of breath and constriction of the chest. At the end of a coughing-fit the breath fails. Roughness of the larynx. Hoarseness. Sticking and bruised sensation in the chest. Constricting spasm of the chest. Feeling of dryness in the chest. Pressure superiorly upon the sternum. Swelling of the hands and feet. Cold feet. Rapid emaciation. Great debility. Constant desire to lie down. Restless sleep, with anxious toss. Exhausting sweat.

Seldom applicable for children, but all the more frequently for drinkers of brandy, or for persons who have taken much China or have been accustomed to the excessive use of tea.

Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum. - Attacks of deep, dull, whistling Hooping Cough, excited by tickling in the larynx which feels as if it were caused by down; in the evening without, in the morning with expectoration or masses of mucus which are often purulent and bloody, and have generally a sour but sometimes a sweet taste, and, in the latter case, an offensive odor.

Aggravations. - Evening until midnight. Becoming cold even in one extremity only. Eating or drinking anything cold. Cold air. East and North wind. [In Germany the East and North-East winds are dry winds, corresponding to our West and North-West winds.] Lying in bed. Talking. Weeping. Tobacco smoke.

Concomitants. - Great anxiety. Disposition to weep and actual weeping (also after the attack). Irritability with hasty speech. Vertigo from shaking the head. Roaring in the head. A pressing outwards in the forehead. Protruding eyes. Weeping of the inflamed eyes. Heat of the face with redness. Shocks in the malar bone. Sticking in the fauces as if from a splinter. Much thirst. Nausea. Retching. Vomiting. Tickling in the epigastrium. Burning in the stomach. Contraction in the abdomen. Sour smelling diarrhea. Red and hot urine. Sneezing (also after the attack). Anxious, whistling respiration. Attacks of suffocation compelling to assume the upright posture and to bend backwards. Rattling in the trachea. Sensibility of the larynx to cold air. Pains in one spot of the larynx. Roughness in the throat. Hoarseness. Swelling below the larynx. Throbbing of the carotids. Shattering shocks and soreness in the chest. Rattling in the chest. Weakness in the chest, which makes speaking difficult. Numbness of the fingers. Swelling about the ankles. Profound sleep with bead thrown back. Starting up out of sleep. Chilliness in the day time in the open air. Dry beat at night, with dread of being uncovered. Copious sour sweat.

The form of Hooping Cough to which Hepar corresponds, and which may easily prove fatal in the space of even a few days, reminds one, in a general way, of the croup of children which is wont to prevail at the same time. It was never observed until within a few years and happily is not frequently met with. It is always cured by this remedy. The catarrhal cough which sometimes remains as a sequela is met by Belladonna, or less frequently by Nux vom.

Hyoscyamus niger . - Shattering, spasmodic Hooping Cough, with frequent, rapidly succeeding coughs; excited by a tickling as if from mucus firmly seated in the trachea; at night without, in the day time with expectoration of a somewhat saltish mucus or of a bright red blood mixed with coagula.

Aggravations. - At night, especially after midnight. In repose. When lying down (relieved by sitting up). During sleep. By cold air. By taking cold. By eating and especially by drinking. During and after measles and scarlatina.

Concomitants. - Anxious apprehensions. Disposition to escape. Loquacious, quarrelsome. Laughing at everything. Vertigo as if from drunkenness. Rush of blood to the head. Stitches in the forehead. The head sinks on this side and on that. The eyes protrude and are distorted. Epistaxis consisting of bright red blood. Livid, puffed face. Heat and redness of the face. Flow of saltish saliva. Froth at the mouth. Ability to swallow liquid only with difficulty and a little at a time with violent thirst. Vomiting of food or of bloody mucus. Retching. Painful distension of the abdomen. Soreness in the abdominal muscles. Involuntary discharge of feces and urine. Dyspnea. Catching, rattling or wheezing respiration. Loss of breath as after rapid running. Husky voice, as from mucus in the throat. Spasm of the chest, compelling to bend forwards. Soreness in the thoracic muscles. Trembling of the arms and hands. Coldness of the hands and feet. Convulsions. Sleeplessness. Distended veins. Coldness, with heat of the face. Coldness, alternating with heat. Sweat during the sleep.

Hyoscyamus, as is well known, is a remedy closely allied to Belladonna; but it is easily distinguished from it by the symptoms just cited. I n Hooping Coughs, not only of children but also of adults, it is more frequently indicated than Belladonna.

Ignatia amara. - Hollow spasmodic cough, excited, in the evening, by an irritation in the supra-sternal fossa, as if from vapor of Sulphur or from down, and, in the morning, by a tickling just above the epigastrium; generally without expectoration; only in the evening, accompanied by scanty and difficult sputa, which taste and smell like the secretions of a chronic catarrh.

Aggravations. - Day and night about the same, somewhat aggravated in the evening. By the very act of coughing (relieved by suppressing the coughs). By lying in bed (relieved by changing position in bed). By lying down. By rising from the bed. By standing still. When walking. On awaking. By mental exertion. Speaking. Vexation with grief. Fright. Measles. Brandy. Tobacco smoke.

Concomitants. - Vacillating humor. Suppressed grief. Desire to be always alone. Disposition to weep. Dread of labor. Pressing headache. Bending the head backwards. Changing complexion. Sweat of the face. Sticking sore throat, relieved by swallowing food. Sensation as if a foreign body were in the throat. Hiccough after a meal. Vomiting of food. Feeling of emptiness and weakness in the epigastrium. Fullness and distension in the hypochondria. Spasms in the abdomen. Involuntary discharge of urine. Pains in the penis. Fluent coryza. Alternating perspiration. Dyspnea and attacks of suffocation. Deep respiration. Slow inspiration and rapid expiration. Soreness in the larynx. Tearing and contraction in the larynx. Pains in the whole trachea. Low voice. The chest feels as if too small. Palpitation of the heart. Opisthotonus. Jerkings in the arms, fingers and legs. Uncommon alternation in all the symptoms. Spasmodic yawning. Sleep after the paroxysms. External cold with internal heat and the contrary, quickly alternating.

The Hooping Cough for which Ignatia is appropriate seldom or never presents itself from the very beginning in the form described; but generally develops itself, as such, in the course of the disease under the influence of silent vexation, grief or shame, in which cases this remedy brings so much the more certainly a speedy recovery.

Iodium. - Spasmodic cough, excited by intolerable tickling in the larynx and in the supra-sternal fossa; in the morning without, in the evening with (frequently copious) tenacious, yellow, or bloody mucous expectoration .

Aggravations. - In the morning. By vexation; motion: walking; going up stairs; talking; lying upon the back; warm air; by getting heated; by tobacco smoke.

Concomitants. - Anxiety. Melancholy depression. Rush of blood to the head. Yellowness of the whites of the eyes. Epistaxis. Earthy-colored, brownish complexion. Teeth yellow and shiny. Inflammation of the fauces. Difficult deglutition. Salivation. Canine hunger. Great thirst. Water-brash. Nausea and retching. Vomiting of food renewed at every meal. Pain of the stomach and liver. Painful swelling of the spleen. Swelling of the mesenteric glands. Nasal catarrh, dry in the morning, fluent in the evening. Want of breath. Dyspnea. Hoarseness. Inflammation of the larynx and trachea. Burning and tickling in the throat. External swelling of the throat and of the thyroid body. Burning, itching and tickling in the chest. Violent palpitation. Cold sweat of the hands. Excoriating sweat of the feet. Orgasms of the blood. Emaciation, but nevertheless a good appetite. Great weakness and sense of prostration. Trembling of the limbs. Swelling and induration of the glands. Dry, dirty skin.

This remedy is so much the more rarely applicable, inasmuch as it is in its various preparations, a darling remedy of the Allopaths. Nevertheless, even in cases in which it has been already given by them, provided always it is exactly indicated, the high potencies of pure Iodine exert an extremely beneficial action.


Source: The American Homoeopathic Review Vol. 06 No. 08, 1866, pages 281-291, pages 321-334, pages 361-370, pages 410-424
Description: Hooping Cough.
Author: Boenninghausen, C.
Year: 1866
Editing: errors only; interlinks; formatting
Attribution: Legatum Homeopathicum
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