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en:ahr:lippe-ad-the-diseases-of-the-prostate-gland-and-their-treatment-158-10567 [2012/07/12 10:59] external edit
en:ahr:lippe-ad-the-diseases-of-the-prostate-gland-and-their-treatment-158-10567 [2012/11/05 19:45]
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 +{{:​en:​ahr:​lippe.jpg?​nolink&​100 |Ad. Lippe}}
 {{anchor:​s2}}BY AD. LIPPE, M. D., PHILADELPHIA,​ PA, {{anchor:​s2}}BY AD. LIPPE, M. D., PHILADELPHIA,​ PA,
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 <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s117}}Apis mellifica.</​span>​ {{anchor:​s118}}— The great analogy between the ovaries and the prostate gland make it very probable that Apis will exert its beneficial influence as well over the prostate gland as it does over the ovaries. {{anchor:​s119}}When we take in consideration the effect Apis produces according to provings as we find in <span grade2>​The Amerikanische Arzneiprufungen,​ by Dr. C. Hering, and in these provings symptoms</​span>​ <span grade2>​{{anchor:​s117}}Apis mellifica.</​span>​ {{anchor:​s118}}— The great analogy between the ovaries and the prostate gland make it very probable that Apis will exert its beneficial influence as well over the prostate gland as it does over the ovaries. {{anchor:​s119}}When we take in consideration the effect Apis produces according to provings as we find in <span grade2>​The Amerikanische Arzneiprufungen,​ by Dr. C. Hering, and in these provings symptoms</​span>​
-<span grade2>{{anchor:​s120}}646. A very disagreeable sensation in the bladder with a bearing downwards in the region of the sphincter and a so frequent desire to urinate, that the patient had not only to pass urine very often during the day, but that it was necessary to rise during the night from ten to twelve times for that purpose, during micturition much burning and smarting.</​span>​+{{anchor:​s120}}646. A very disagreeable sensation in the bladder with a bearing downwards in the region of the sphincter and a so frequent desire to urinate, that the patient had not only to pass urine very often during the day, but that it was necessary to rise during the night from ten to twelve times for that purpose, during micturition much burning and smarting.
-<span grade2>{{anchor:​s121}}647. An almost incessant desire to pass urine.</​span>​+{{anchor:​s121}}647. An almost incessant desire to pass urine.
-<span grade2>{{anchor:​s122}}652. Frequent desire to urinate with a disagreeable sensation in the bladder, a pressing down in the region of the sphincter.</​span>​+{{anchor:​s122}}652. Frequent desire to urinate with a disagreeable sensation in the bladder, a pressing down in the region of the sphincter.
-<span grade2>{{anchor:​s123}}673. Pricking in the urethra.</​span>​+{{anchor:​s123}}673. Pricking in the urethra.
-<span grade2>{{anchor:​s124}}643. Retention of urine so that the urine had to be taken away by the catheter.</​span>​+{{anchor:​s124}}643. Retention of urine so that the urine had to be taken away by the catheter.
-<span grade2>{{anchor:​s125}}We can expect with a great degree of certainty that Apis will cure some cases of prostatic diseases. {{anchor:​s126}}Without further quoting the sources that would guide us in the administration of many more remedies, I shall conclude by stating the most prominent symptoms and the corresponding remedies.</​span>​+{{anchor:​s125}}We can expect with a great degree of certainty that Apis will cure some cases of prostatic diseases. {{anchor:​s126}}Without further quoting the sources that would guide us in the administration of many more remedies, I shall conclude by stating the most prominent symptoms and the corresponding remedies.
-<span grade2>{{anchor:​s127}}Discharge of prostatic fluid during a stool, Agnus c, Alum, Anac., Calc. c, carbo veg., Con., Elaps. corall., Hep., Ign., Nat. carb., Sep., Sil., Staph., Sulph., Zinc.</​span>​+{{anchor:​s127}}Discharge of prostatic fluid during a stool, Agnus c, Alum, Anac., Calc. c, carbo veg., Con., Elaps. corall., Hep., Ign., Nat. carb., Sep., Sil., Staph., Sulph., Zinc.
-<span grade2>{{anchor:​s128}}Fulness in the perineum, Alum., Berb., Bryonia, CycL, Nux vom.</​span>​+{{anchor:​s128}}Fulness in the perineum, Alum., Berb., Bryonia, CycL, Nux vom.
-<span grade2>{{anchor:​s129}}Heaviness,​ sensation of, in the perineum, Copaiva, Graph.</​span>​+{{anchor:​s129}}Heaviness,​ sensation of, in the perineum, Copaiva, Graph.
-<span grade2>{{anchor:​s130}}Pulsation in the perineum, Caust.</​span>​+{{anchor:​s130}}Pulsation in the perineum, Caust.
-<span grade2>{{anchor:​s131}}Continued desire to urinate, Amm. c, Amm. m., Anac., Apis, Asar., Aur., Bell., Canth., Colch., Cop., Digital., Guaj., Ignat., Iod., Merc., Millif., Mur. acid, Phos., Puls., Sep., Scill., Sulph., Sulph. acid, Thuja.</​span>​+{{anchor:​s131}}Continued desire to urinate, Amm. c, Amm. m., Anac., Apis, Asar., Aur., Bell., Canth., Colch., Cop., Digital., Guaj., Ignat., Iod., Merc., Millif., Mur. acid, Phos., Puls., Sep., Scill., Sulph., Sulph. acid, Thuja.
-<span grade2>{{anchor:​s132}}Impossibility to urinate, Digit., Sepia.</​span>​+{{anchor:​s132}}Impossibility to urinate, Digit., Sepia.
-<span grade2>{{anchor:​s133}}The desire to urinate continues after micturition,​ Bar. c, Bov., Calc., Caust., Carb. an., Croton tig., Digital., Guaj. {{anchor:​s134}}Nat. carb., Ruta, Thuja, Zinc, Bry., Lach., Merc., Sabad., Staph., Viol. tr.</​span>​+{{anchor:​s133}}The desire to urinate continues after micturition,​ Bar. c, Bov., Calc., Caust., Carb. an., Croton tig., Digital., Guaj. {{anchor:​s134}}Nat. carb., Ruta, Thuja, Zinc, Bry., Lach., Merc., Sabad., Staph., Viol. tr.
-<span grade2>{{anchor:​s135}}While urinating burning in the region of the neck of the bladder, Cham., Nux v., Petr., Sulph. acid.</​span>​+{{anchor:​s135}}While urinating burning in the region of the neck of the bladder, Cham., Nux v., Petr., Sulph. acid.
-<span grade2>{{anchor:​s136}}The stream of the urine is small, Graph., Nit. acid, Ol. an., Sass., Spong., Staph., Sulph., Tax., Zinc.</​span>​+{{anchor:​s136}}The stream of the urine is small, Graph., Nit. acid, Ol. an., Sass., Spong., Staph., Sulph., Tax., Zinc.
-<span grade2>{{anchor:​s137}}Difficulty in voiding the urine, and he must press a long time before he can commence Alum., Apis, Hep., Raph., Sec, Tax.</​span>​+{{anchor:​s137}}Difficulty in voiding the urine, and he must press a long time before he can commence Alum., Apis, Hep., Raph., Sec, Tax.
-<span grade2>{{anchor:​s138}}Escape of urine involuntarily,​ drop bydrop, Arnica, Bell., Mur. acid, Digital., Petr., Puls., Staph.</​span>​+{{anchor:​s138}}Escape of urine involuntarily,​ drop bydrop, Arnica, Bell., Mur. acid, Digital., Petr., Puls., Staph.
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en/ahr/lippe-ad-the-diseases-of-the-prostate-gland-and-their-treatment-158-10567.txt · Last modified: 2014/05/12 12:03 by legatum