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How can you help?

Legatum Homeopathicum is a huge effort and we really need your help to make it happen. You can contribute with your work, donate money or at least wish us well.

Contribute (with) your work

If you can read this web site, it is very likely you can substantially contribute to the advancement of Legatum Homeopathicum effort. Discovered an obvious typo1) or some other sort of grammatical mishap while reading our web site? Go right on and correct it! We would especially welcome if you directed your attention to the resources section).

If you are prepared to devote more time to the cause of homeopathy, you can get involved in the projects we are planning or currently working on.

If you participate in homeopathy discussion forums, we will appreciate if you mention Legatum Homeopathicum effort there. Also, if you have your own web site, linking to our web is a great way to improve awareness about this project, attract more attention to homeopathy etc.

Contribute money

No time but plenty of money? No problem, we can work with that! :-)
Seriously, financial aid is very important because it allows us to pay experts to work on projects that require tens of thousands of hours of work. If you care about development of homeopathy, one-off or regular donation of any amount is a great way to contribute.
You can donate online using PayPal or major credit cards or by direct bank transfer.

If you know potential sponsors, grants, charities or other potential funding sources for Legatum Homeopathicum projects, please make a contact via info (at) legatum (dot) sk.

PayPal donations

For direct bank transfer, please use the following banking information:

Name on the Bank Account: LEGATUM HOMEOPATHICUM
Foundation address: Hrušková 28/A, 836 01 Bratislava, Slovakia
Bank Name: FIO BANKA, A.S.
Bank Address: Nám. SNP 21, 811 01 Bratislava, Slovakia
Bank Account number: 2900308392
IBAN: SK94 8330 0000 0029 0030 8392

1) spelling in older texts may be slightly different for some words, please do not correct those
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en/contribute.1352974441.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/11/15 10:14 by legatum