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Apart from the right choice of a suitable homeopathic medicine, optimal dosage is very important in order to achieve the best possible result. Dosage of a homeopathic medicine is optimal, if the following conditions are met:

  • There is minimal or no worsening of symptoms after administration of the remedy.
  • Symptoms are steadily improving. Depending on many factors, the improvement may be slow or quick, but the essential factor is a steady pace of improvement, not its speed.

This article describes various ways of taking homeopathic medicine, but especially the circumstances under which it is appropriate / inappropriate to repeat the dose. The method does not consider LM / Q potencies1), only centesimal (C / CH) and decimal (D) potencies (mainly used in German-speaking countries).

Methods of taking homeopathic remedies

Homeopathic medicines are usually available in form of sucrose-lactose globules (of various sizes), but for the purpose of taking the medicine, dissolving the drug in water (hereinafter referred to as “water dose”) is generally preferable method of use. In cases when there is a sufficient time and a suitable container for preparation for administration in water, this method is preferable to the direct use of globules (hereinafter referred to as “dry dose”). Compared to dry dose, water dose method posseses the following advantages:

  • The possibility of a more precise control of dose rate and thus the intensity of the effect.
  • Compared to dry dose, more frequent repetition is generally better tolerated.
  • Lower consumption of the medicine, so one bottle of remedy can be utilized many times.

Water dose

1. Before the first use of the remedy, allow to dissolve TWO or THREE globules of medicine in a clean glass or plastic bottle filled with water. (Do not touch the globules.)

  • A suitable bottle is any clean container suitable for storage of drinking water, preferably made of glass, plastic bottles are also suitable, for example, (unflavoured) mineral water bottles are satisfactory.
  • The amount of water depends on the expected frequency of use. Make sure the bottle is not completely filled with water, max. to three-quarters of the total volume of the bottle. About 300 ml of water in half-liter bottles are satisfactory. 30 ml of water in 50 ml glass vial is also suitable. Of course, a larger volume of fluid will provide a greater number of doses.
  • Clean unused glass vials (volumes ranging from 50 ml to 500 ml, depending on the expected frequency of use) are eminently suitable for the purpose. These can be purchased from pharmacies or medical supplies stores.
  • Regarding the quality of water – still table water, uncarbonated mineral water (without bubbles) or filtered water are suitable. Do not use chlorinated tap water (unless as a last resort). Highly mineralized waters and not suitable.
  • Medicinal bottle should be stored in a refrigerator (otherwise the water will soon be spoiled). If not possible, store it in a dry and relatively cool place. You can add a little high-proof food-grade unflavoured alcohol for the purposes of preservation. It is useful to label the bottle, noting the remedy name and date of preparation. One bottle should only be used to prepare one remedy, and should be discarded after the use!
  • Make sure not to expose the medicinal solution to direct sunlight, temperatures above 50 degrees Celsius, strong electromagnetic radiation (cell phones, televisions, computers, loudspeakers, wireless routers, microwave oven, electric appliances etc.) - otherwise you may lose efficiency.

2. Before taking a single dose, it is necessary to strike the bottle several times on a hard elastic surface or apply several vigorous shakes (for example 3 - 5 times).

  • Force and the number of strokes/ hits / shakes influence the intensity of medicinal action. More hits result in a more intense effect, but also a carry a higher risk of aggravating the symptoms. In any case, it is necessary to apply at least two strokes.

3. Take a small sip, about a teaspoonful. Hold the liquid in mouth for several seconds, then swallow. As far as possible, do not eat or drink (except clean water) at least 10 minutes before and after taking the dose. If oral administration is not appropriate or practical (eg., in cases of painful swallowing) or in very sensitive persons, the remedy can be taken by olfaction – just place the bottle very close to the nostril and breathe in vigorously. Do not inhale the liquid, just the vapors! It is also possible to apply the medicinal solution under the nose – for example, you can soak a pure cotton wool with the medicinal solution and rub it under the nose.

  • By adjusting the dose volume (one teaspoon / more spoons / small sip / big gulp) you can adjust the intensity of medicinal action. Larger volume results in a more intense effect, but also a higher risk of primary aggravation of symptoms.
  • In particularly sensitive individuals, the dose may be further diluted so that the usual dose (e.g. one teaspoon) is diluted in another container (preferably disposable plastic cup, which is discarded after the use) in a suitable amount of water we give the dose from this diluted version. The dilution process may be repeated with several cups, if necessary.

When taking another dose, proceed from step 2.

Dry dose

Let 2 or 3 globules of the remedy dissolve in mouth. As far as possible, do not eat or drink (except clean water) at least 10 minutes before and after taking the dose.

Repeating the dose

This section should answer the question of whether, and if so, when, the dose may be repeated.

After a suitable time has passed after taking the last dose of remedy, we shall evaluate the changes in character and intensity of the symptoms and assess whether or not the dose should be repeated.

Suitable time interval varies greatly depending on the nature of the problem. Appropriate criteria for determining the fitting evaluation time interval of medicinal action is the duration of symptoms and the intensity of symptoms.

The following table shows the proposed indicative value according to two criteria. Intensity of symptoms is on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means “symptoms of mild intensity”, 3 means “moderately intense or moderately painful symptoms”, 5 means “life-threatening symptoms or unbearable pain.” If the table cell contains no value , it means the administration of the remedy and is either undesirable or it is not possible to recommend an appropriate evaluation time interval.

The time interval in the table does not indicate the time interval, at which the dose may be repeated, but rather the time when it is desirable to evaluate the course of the symptoms! Whether it is appropriate for an dose to be repeated, wholly depends on the direction of the evolving state (see text below the table).

 Duration of symptoms Intensity of symptoms
less than 60 minutes--15 min. – 6 hrs.5 – 60 min.1 – 5 min.
1 – 6 hours-30 min. – 24 hrs.15 min. – 12 hrs.10 min. – 3 hrs.5 – 15 min.
6 – 12 hours12 - 24 hrs.1 – 24 hrs.1 – 12 hrs.30 min – 6 hrs.10 – 30 min.
12 – 24 hours6 – 24 hrs.3 – 24 hrs.1 – 12 hrs.30 min. – 12 hrs.10 – 60 min.
24 – 48 hours6 – 24 hrs.3 – 24 hrs.1 – 12 hrs.1 – 12 hrs.30 – 180 min.
2 – 5 days6 – 48 hrs.3 – 48 hrs.1 – 24 hrs.1 – 24 hrs.1 – 6 hrs.
5 – 10 days12 – 96 hrs.3 – 96 hrs.1 – 96 hrs.1 – 48 hrs.1 – 12 hrs.
10 – 30 days1 – 7 days6 hrs. – 7 days3 hrs. – 7 days3 hrs. – 3 days1 – 24 hrs.
1 – 3 months1 – 15 days1 – 30 days6 hrs. – 30 days6 hrs. – 15 days3 – 24 hrs.
more than 3 months1 – 30 days1 – 30 days1 – 30 days1 – 15 days6 – 24 hrs.

As can be seen from the table, the evaluation intervals are set quite generously, so in practical use, a value is selected according to the tendency, at which the symptoms change in character or intensity. If they change relatively quickly, we rather incline to the bottom of the range, if slowly, we select a value nearing the upper limit of the interval.

Example 1:

An acute influenza state has evolved over the course 10 hours and the intensity of symptoms is less than moderate. Checking the value in the table, at the intersection of “6-12 hours” for the duration of symptoms and “2” for the intensity of symptoms – the value at the intersection is “1-24 hours”. If the symptoms are more or less stabilized, we can select a value, for example, of 12 hours. If they tend to intensify, we select a value closer to the lower limit of the interval, 6 hours, for example. After the selected time interval following the last dose has passed, we re-evaluate and decide whether we give another dose or not.

1) due to author's lack of experience in their use


Andy Urquhart, 2014/02/17 12:28

This is an excellent article.

A few years ago I inspected globules from several manufacturers under a microscope and deduced non of the globules had been wet. So I contacted my supplier and asked the pharmacist how he prepared bottles of globules.

For nosodes, a drop of potentized liquid is put on a cork and the cork inserted into a phial containing unmedicated globules.

For other medicated globules, a drop of liquid is placed in an amber bottle, which is air dried and then filled with unmedicated globules.

As a layman, I found both of the above somewhat hit or miss using TCM diagnosis (tongue coating and colour, tongue body colour, and tongue shape)as a metric. (Not the tongue diagnosis method of Vakil.)

Later, I prepared my own using the method described by Hahnemann, wetting the globules of five minutes and air-drying them on a porcelain dish, which seems to work very well when the medication resonates with the similium.

Peter Bezemek, 2014/02/18 13:29

Hello Andy,

can you please explain what exactly were you looking for when inspecting the globules under a microscope and how you deduced none of the globules have been moistured with an actual remedy? Can you list the manufacturers which use the method of medicating the globules such as you have described?

I did not understand the part about TCM diagnosis… as a metric for what exactly?

Andy Urquhart, 2014/02/18 15:00

Hi Peter,

My comment was predicated on what I observed on globules wetted according to the Hahnemann method, where globules are soaked in medicine for five minutes and then dried on a porcelain plate. During the drying process, the portion of the wet globule in contact with the porcelain plate sticks to the plate and once the globule has air dried for an hour or so, they have to be knocked off the plate using a sterile toothpick or other such implement before then can be put into bottles. The drying process leaves a white mark on the globule that I do not find on globules supplied by two homeopathic suppliers in the UK. (Some people recommend putting one drop of medication into a bottle full of globules then leaving the bottle upside down on some blotting paper. I find this method pretty hit or miss unless one has wide necked bottles as many globules stick to each other, in pairs or triplets.

Obviously, by wetted I do not mean the other globules have never seen a molecule of medication, I merely mean by way of comparison with the Hahnemann method.

Before retiring, I was a registered acupuncturist and I believe I have a reasonable understanding of Traditional Chinese Medicine Tongue Diagnosis (TCM) and I thought to use this method to determine the efficacy of homoeopathic medicine in terms of a physiological effect. Like most other acupuncturists, I also use the Five Elements as they apply to finger nails (Liver/Gallbladder), skin (Lung/Large Intestine) etc.

I'm afraid I'm not skilled in TCM pulse measurement, but many TCM practitioners defer to tongue observations anyway, which apparently is the same method described by Prof. Jayasuriya in his book: A to Z Homoeopathy; although I do not understand his observation of a 'red coating.'

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en/misc/dosage-guidelines-homeopathic-remedies.1391591178.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/02/05 09:06 by legatum