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Legatum Homeopathicum projects

The following projects are currently being developed.

  1. Project HomeoPublish – making homeopathic texts freely available in an appropriate format (such as HTML, XML, SQL export), preferably, suitably structured to maximize practical applicability (e.g. with a clear separation of sentences and paragraphs, a clear attribution to the table of remedies etc.)

The following projects are currently in the planning stage.

  1. Project OBJREP – construction of a new type of repertory, an object repertory, which allows much more accurate and reliable repertorisation (due to accurate connection to the contents of materia medica), which in its final form represents a defacto tool that removes the differences between traditional repertories and materia medica.
  2. Creation of an (online) expert system for lay and professional public, aimed at finding a suitable homeopathic medicine for an acute case.
  3. Creation of (online) structured questionnaires for efficient case taking (needed for implementation of the project 2).
  4. Publishing practical guides for the use of homeopathic medicines for general public.
  5. Creation of a database of homeopathic medicines providing a traditional homeopathic name, scientific name, common names and synonyms and other related data (e.g. inclusion of different classes, breakdown by various attributes, etc.).

Get involved

There is a lot of work to do! If you have time and skills, feel free to join the effort (see the list of positions below).

  • Translators
  • Wiki gardeners
  • Programmers
  • Project coordinators
  • Section leaders
  • Content writers
  • Marketers
  • Sponsors
  • Endorsers


dr.m.moosa ahmed PhD am, 2013/03/18 05:14

dear sir with huge respect i am dr. m.moosa ahmed doctor of philosophy in alternative medicine,i have been working as the director SWASTHOY BISHOYOK organisation about alternative and homoeopathy divison with huge experience in mdical field.i want to work with your legatum homoeopathicum project as the project management team leader if you want. therefor please give me a opportunity to work with legatum homoeopathy as the project director and management.

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en/projects.1354176896.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/11/29 08:14 by legatum