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en:rem:r4 [2012/12/19 14:50]
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en:rem:r4 [2013/10/16 12:35]
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-====== SEPIA ====== 
-^ Standard name: | Sepia | 
-^ Other names: |  | 
-^ Scientific name: | //Sepia officinalis//​ Linnaeus, 1758  | 
-^ Other scientific names: | //Sepia filliouxi// Lafont, 1869; //Sepia fischeri// Lafont, 1871; //Sepia rugosa// Bowdich, 1822; //Sepia vicellius// Gray, 1849; //Sepia zebrina// Risso, 1854; //Sepia officinalis//​ mediterranea 
-Ninni, 1884;   | 
-^ Common names: | cuttlefish; Common Cuttlefish; European Common Cuttlefish | 
-^ Substance description:​ | Triturations should be made of the dried black inky juice of the cuttlefish (contained in the "ink bag" of the mollusk) | 
-^ Classification:​ | Organism -- Animalia -- Mollusca -- Cephalopoda -- Sepiida -- Sepiidae -- Sepia | 
-===== Provings ===== 
-===== Materia medica ===== 
-===== Notes ===== 
en/rem/r4.txt · Last modified: 2013/10/16 12:35 (external edit) · Currently locked by: