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en:resources:additions-repertory-saine [2013/11/19 12:44]
en:resources:additions-repertory-saine [2013/11/19 13:43]
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-====== Additions to the Repertory ======+====== Additions to the Repertory ​(source files) ​======
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-This page contains the files you can use to update your repertories with the additions ​from André Saine team.+===== About the additions ​=====
 +André Saine and his collaborators have been making additions to the Complete Repertory 4.5 since 1997, adding rubrics and remedies from old materia medicae (mostly Materia Medica Pura Project) and from their clinical experience. These additions were freely available, unfortunately,​ only for users of one specific homeopathic software.
 +We thought it would be great if EVERYONE could benefit from these additions (since they are supposed to be free), so we bugged André until he gave us all the files of his additions, just to get rid of us. Thanks for your patience, André :-)
 +It took some doing to get the data from the files organized into some more enlightened format, but you can download them below either as an SQL dump to be imported to the database of your choice or as a ready-to-use database -- either in SQLite or Microsoft Access formats.
 +===== Downloads =====
 +  * [[http://​​download/​|Download Release 2013-11-19]] (SQL dumps and databases)
 +The ZIP archive contains the following files:
 +^ File  ^ Description ​ ^
 +| repadds_release20131119.db3 | SQLite database of the repertory additions |
 +| repadds_release20131119.mdb | Microsoft Access database of the repertory additions |
 +| def_tables.sql | Database tables SQL definitions |
 +| data_complete_dump_20131119.sql | Complete SQL data import of the tables, without table definitions |
 +| data_instructlist_20131119.sql | SQL import of InstructList table |
 +| data_refsource_20131119.sql | SQL import of RefSource table |
 +| data_remedyconversion_20131119.sql | SQL import of RemedyConversion table |
 +| data_repadditions_20131119.sql | SQL import of RepAdditions table |
 +===== How to use =====
 +You can use these additions to upgrade your repertories. These additions were added to Complete Repertory 4.5, but you basically you can use them for any Kent-based repertory you have (with some tweaking of the rubrics).
 +The structure of the database tables should be self-explanatory,​ but here is some basic info anyway:
 +^ Table  ^ Description ​ ^
 +| RemedyConversion | Contains unique Remedy IDs used in the RepAdditions table, unique remedy names and original remedy abreviations used in the additions |
 +| RefSource | Contains references of the additions in the RepAdditions table |
 +| InstructList | List of instructions used to add / edit the additions |
 +| RepAdditions | The actual additions to the repertory |
 +Repertory additions should be applied from the RepAdditions table, in the **order they are inserted** (sorted by RID). The instructions (R_Instruction column) you should be interested in are:
 +  * **Add** -- for adding a new rubric; the new rubric name is stored in RubricEdited column, column Rubric contains the rubric which PRECEDES the new rubric (useful only if you wish to maintain a specific, non-alphabetical rubric sequence)
 +  * **Edit** -- edit the Rubric to RubricEdited ​
 +  * **Remove** -- remove the Rubric
 +  * **Change** -- add, update or remove the remedy from the rubric; if RemoveFlag=1 you remove the remedy, otherwise you add remedy / update grade
en/resources/additions-repertory-saine.txt · Last modified: 2013/11/19 13:55 by legatum