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en:studie [2012/11/30 07:07]
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en:studie [2013/03/27 13:01]
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 ====== Scientific studies and homeopathy ====== ====== Scientific studies and homeopathy ======
-==== Efficiency Of highly-diluted substances on human body ====+==== Effects of highly-diluted substances on human body ====
-Piltan D. et al. "Test of a homeopathic dilution of Aconitum napellus. A clinical, randomized, double-blind,​ controlled crossover study in healthy volunteers."​ Forsch Komplementmed. 2009 Jun;​16(3):​168-73. Epub 2009 Jun 5. - [[http://​​pubmed/​19657201|http://​​pubmed/​19657201]] 
-Möllinger H, Schneider R, Walach H. "​Homeopathic pathogenetic trials produce specific symptoms different from placebo."​ Forsch Komplementmed. 2009 Apr;16(2):105-10. Epub 2009 Apr 9. - [[http://​|http://​]]+  * __**Database of studies:**__ CAM-QUEST Database -- //includes more than 700 studies// ​-- [[http://​]]
-Walach H, Möllinger H, Sherr J, Schneider R. "Homeopathic pathogenetic trials produce more specific than non-specific symptoms: results from two double-blind ​placebo ​controlled ​trials." ​J Psychopharmacol2008 Jul;22(5):543-52. - [[http://​​pubmed/​18701641|http://​​pubmed/​18701641]]+Piltan D. et al. "Test of a homeopathic dilution of Aconitum napellus. A clinical, randomized, ​double-blindcontrolled ​crossover study in healthy volunteers." ​Forsch Komplementmed2009 Jun;16(3):168-73Epub 2009 Jun 5. -- [[http://​​pubmed/​19657201|http://​​pubmed/​19657201]]
-==== Efficiency of highly-diluted substances on animals ====+Möllinger H, Schneider R, Walach H. "​Homeopathic pathogenetic trials produce specific symptoms different from placebo."​ Forsch Komplementmed. 2009 Apr;​16(2):​105-10. Epub 2009 Apr 9. -- [[http://​​pubmed/​19420956|http://​​pubmed/​19420956]]
-Endler et al. "Treatment of lowland frogs from the spawn stage with homeopathically prepared thyroxin (10(-30))." ​ScientificWorldJournal2007 Oct 22;7:1697-702. - [[http://​​pubmed/​17982565|http://​​pubmed/​17982565]]+Walach H, Möllinger H, Sherr J, Schneider R. "Homeopathic pathogenetic trials produce more specific than non-specific symptoms: results ​from two double-blind placebo controlled trials." ​J Psychopharmacol2008 Jul;22(5):543-52-- [[http://​​pubmed/​18701641|http://​​pubmed/​18701641]]
-Camerlink I. et al. "Homeopathy as replacement to antibiotics in the case of Escherichia coli diarrhoea in neonatal piglets." Homeopathy. 2010 Jan;99(1):57-62[[http://​​pubmed/​20129177|http://​​pubmed/​20129177]]+Bracho G et al. 2010 - "Large-scale application ​of highly-diluted bacteria for Leptospirosis epidemic  
 +control." Homeopathy. 2010 Jul;99(3):156-66. [[http://​​pubmed/​20674839]]
-==== Efficiency of highly-diluted substances on the plants ==== 
-Endler et al. "The effect of extremely diluted agitated gibberellic acid (10e-30) on wheat stalk growth-A two researcher pilot study."​ Complement Ther Med. 2011 Jun;​19(3):​164-9. Epub 2011 May 20. - [[http://​​pubmed/​21641523|http://​​pubmed/​21641523]] 
 ==== Complex meta-analysis ==== ==== Complex meta-analysis ====
-Bornhöft G. et al. "​Effectiveness,​ safety and cost-effectiveness of homeopathy in general practice - summarized health technology assessment."​ Forsch Komplementmed. 2006;13 Suppl 2:19-29. Epub 2006 Jun 26. - [[http://​​pubmed/​16883077|http://​​pubmed/​16883077]]+Mathie RT et al. (2013) --//list of randomised controlled trials of homeopathy in humans, until 2011, 263 studies//-- "​Randomised controlled trials of homeopathy in humans: characterising the research journal literature for systematic review."​ Homeopathy. 2013 Jan;​102(1):​3-24.([[http://​​pubmed/​23290875]]) 
 +Bornhöft G. et al. "​Effectiveness,​ safety and cost-effectiveness of homeopathy in general practice ​-- summarized health technology assessment."​ Forsch Komplementmed. 2006;13 Suppl 2:19-29. Epub 2006 Jun 26. -- [[http://​​pubmed/​16883077|http://​​pubmed/​16883077]] 
 +//​__comments on Bornhöft study:__//  
 +//Shaw DM. The Swiss report on homeopathy: a case study of research misconduct. Swiss Med Wkly. 2012 May 31;​142:​w13594. [[http://​​content/​smw-2012-13594/​]] // 
 +//Reply to Shaw DM: von Ammon K, Bornhöft G, Maxion-Bergemann S, Righetti M, Baumgartner S,​Thurneysen A, Wolf U, Matthiessen PF. Familiarity,​ objectivity - and misconduct: Counterstatement to Shaw DM. The Swiss Report on homoeopathy:​ a case study of research misconduct. Swiss Med Wkly. 2012;​142:​w13594. [[http://​​content/​smw-2013-13720/​]] // 
 +**Meta-analysis of financial costs** 
 +Viksveen P, Dymitr Z, Simoens S. Economic evaluations of homeopathy: a review. Eur J Health Econ. 2013 Feb 10.([[http://​​pubmed/​23397477]]) 
 +==== Effects of highly-diluted substances on animals ==== 
 +  * __**Database of studies:​**__ HomVetCR Database -- Veterinary Clinical Research-Database in Homeopathy -- //includes about 300 studies// -- [[http://​​clinresvet/​index.php]] 
 +Clausen J et al. -- //review study, 48 studies from 1832-2009// -- "​Infection models in basic research on homeopathy"​. Homeopathy. 2010 Oct;​99(4):​263-70. ([[http://​​pubmed/​20970096]]) 
 +Endler et al. "​Treatment of lowland frogs from the spawn stage with homeopathically prepared thyroxin (10(-30))."​ ScientificWorldJournal. 2007 Oct 22;​7:​1697-702. -- [[http://​​pubmed/​17982565|http://​​pubmed/​17982565]] 
 +Camerlink I. et al. "​Homeopathy as replacement to antibiotics in the case of Escherichia coli diarrhoea in neonatal piglets."​ Homeopathy. 2010 Jan;​99(1):​57-62. -- [[http://​​pubmed/​20129177|http://​​pubmed/​20129177]] 
 +==== Basic research, laboratory models ==== 
 +<WRAP center round info 60%> 
 +Preclinical -- basic research of homeopathy (eg. physico-chemical models) cannot be in a true sense called homeopathy, because two of the three main pillars of homeopathy are not used here. Specifically,​ it is the similarity principle (like cures like) and the principle of symptoms totality. Similarly, so-called provings (potentized drug testing in healthy subjects) are not used in pre-clinical research. ​ Therefore, the results of these studies are useful only in limited ways in daily clinical practice in humans. The main studied phenomenon in these experiments is a third pillar of homeopathy -- principle of potentization (dynamization) of substances and its effects on living and non-living systems. 
 +  * __**Database of experiments:​**__ HomBRex database -- The Homeopathic Basic Research experiments database -- //includes more than 1700 experiments in 1300 papers// - [[http://​​hombrex]] 
 +Endler et al. (2010) -- //review, repeated experiments in basic research, 107 studies, 24 models// -- "​Repetitions of fundamental research models for homeopathically prepared dilutions beyond 10(-23): a bibliometric study."​ Homeopathy. 2010 Jan;​99(1):​25-36.([[http://​​pubmed/​20129174]]) 
 +  * **Animal studies** 
 +//​assumptions for study selection://​ 
 +//- use of high potencies (12CH and more)// 
 +//- blinded conditions//​ 
 +//__effects on physiological functions:​__//​ 
 +Ruiz-Vega et al. (2005)-- "​Histamine at high dilution reduces spectral density in delta band in sleeping rats". Homeopathy (2005), Vol. 94(2), pp. 86-91 ([[http://​​pubmed/​15892488]]) 
 +Welles et al. (2007)-- "​Pretreatment with thyroxin 10(-8) and the effect of homeopathically prepared thyroxin 10(-30) on highland frogs--a multi-researcher study."​ Forsch Komplementärmed (2007), Vol. 14(6), pp. 353-357 ([[http://​​pubmed/​18219210]]) 
 +Weber et al. (2008)-- "The effect of homeopathically prepared thyroxine on highland frogs: influence of electromagnetic fields"​. Homeopathy (2008), Vol. 97(1), pp. 3-9 ([[http://​​pubmed/​18194759]]) 
 +de Oliviera et al. (2011)--"​Mercurius solubilis: actions on macrophages"​. Homeopathy (2011), Vol. 100(4), pp. 228-236 ([[http://​​pubmed/​21962197]]) 
 +Kiefer et al. (2012) --"​Lowland amphibians - recalculation of data on effects of diluted thyroxine"​. 
 +Int J High Dil Res (2012), Vol. 11(38), pp. 3-18 ([[http://​​~ojs/​index.php/​ijhdr/​article/​view/​526]]) 
 +//Negative findings://​ 
 +Velkers et al. (2005)-- "​Isopathic and pluralist homeopathic treatment of commercial broilers with experimentally induced colibacillosis"​ Res Vet Science (2005), Vol. 78(1), pp. 77-83([[http://​​pubmed/​15500843]]) 
 +Siegling-Vlitakis et al. (2009)-- "In vitro examination of potentized atropine sulfate dilutions on the contractility of the isolated rat ileum"​. J Altern Complement Med (2009), Vol. 15(10), pp. 1121-1126([[http://​​pubmed/​19824820]]) 
 +//__effects on animal emotions:​__//​ 
 +Magnani et al. (2010) --"​Dose-effect study of Gelsemium sempervirens in high dilutions on anxiety-related responses in mice". Psychopharmacology (2010), Vol. 210(4), pp. 533-545 ([[http://​​pmc/​articles/​PMC2877813/​]]) 
 +Bellavite et al. (2011)-- "​Effects of high-dilutions in behavioural models: a commentary on critical issues, from reproducibility to plausibility"​. Int J High Dilution Res 2011; 10(37): 325-337 ([[http://​​~ojs/​index.php/​ijhdr/​article/​viewFile/​532/​550]]) 
 +Bellavite et al. (2012) --"​Testing homeopathy in mouse emotional response models: pooled data analysis of two series of studies"​. eCAM (2012), Vol. Article ID 954374, pp. 1-9 ([[http://​​pmc/​articles/​PMC3324905/​]]) 
 +Heine et al. (2012) --"​Assessment of homeopathic medicine Aconitum napellus in the treatment of anxiety in an animal model"​. Int J High Dilution Res 2012; 11(38):​33-42 ([[http://​​~ojs/​index.php/​ijhdr/​article/​viewArticle/​547]]) 
 +//__effects on animal diseases and toxicological studies:​__//​ 
 +Clausen J et al. (2013) -- //review of placebo-controlled trials in veterinary homeopathy, from 1965- April 2012, 203 controlled, 146 randomised, 57 non-randomised,​ 97 placebo-controlled trials// -- "​Veterinary Clinical Research Database for Homeopathy: Placebo-controlled trials."​ Complement Ther Med. 2013 Apr;​21(2):​115-20. ([[http://​​pubmed/​23497815]]) 
 +Clausen J et al. -- //review study, 48 studies from 1832-2009// -- "​Infection models in basic research on homeopathy"​. Homeopathy. 2010 Oct;​99(4):​263-70. ([[http://​​pubmed/​20970096]]) 
 +//later or selected older studies://​ 
 +Biswas et al. (2005)--"​Efficacy of the potentized homeopathic drug, Carcinosin 200, fed alone and in combination with another drug, Chelidonium 200, in amelioration of p-Dimethylaminoazobenzene-induced hepatocarcinogenesis in mice". J Altern Complement Med (2005), Vol. 11(5), pp. 839-854 ([[http://​​pubmed/​16296917]]) 
 +Paula Coelho et al. (2006)-- "​Therapeutic and pathogenetic animal models for Dolichos pruriens"​. Homeopathy (2006), Vol. 95(3), pp. 136-143([[http://​​pubmed/​16815516]]) 
 +Jonas et al. (2006)-- "Can homeopathic treatment slow prostate cancer growth?"​ Integr Cancer Ther (2006), Vol. 5(4), pp. 343-349 ([[http://​​pubmed/​17101763]]) 
 +MacLaughlin et al. (2006)-- "​Effects of homeopathic preparations on human prostate cancer growth in cellular and animal models"​. Integr Cancer Ther (2006), Vol. 5(4), pp. 362-372 ([[http://​​pubmed/​17101766]]) 
 +Banerjee et al. (2007)-- "A potentized homeopathic drug, Arsenicum album 200, can ameliorate genotoxicity induced by repeated injections of arsenic trioxide in mice". J Vet Med (A) (2007), Vol. 54(7), pp. 370-376([[http://​​pubmed/​17718811]]) 
 +Pathak et al. (2007)-- "​Supportive evidence for the anticancerous potential of alternative medicine against hepatocarcinogenesis in mice". Forsch Komplementärmed (2007), Vol. 14(3), pp. 148-156 ([[http://​​pubmed/​17596695]]) 
 +Bhattacharjee et al. (2009)-- "​Homeopathic drugs Natrum sulphuricum and Carcinosin prevent azo dye-induced hepatocarcinogenesis in mice". Indian J Biochem Biophys (2009), Vol. 46(4), pp. 307-318 ([[http://​​pubmed/​19788063]]) 
 +Bhattacharjee et al. (2009)-- "​Amelioration of carcinogen-induced toxicity in mice by administration of a potentized homeopathic drug, Natrum sulphuricum 200". eCAM (2009), Vol. 6(1), pp. 65-75 ([[http://​​journals/​ecam/​2009/​521217/​abs/​]]) 
 +Goncalves de Araujo et al. (2009)-- "​Effect of Mercurius solubilis on the bacteriological response in the alveolitis process in rats". Homeopathy (2009), Vol. 98(3), pp. 160-164 ([[http://​​pubmed/​19647210]]) 
 +Kuzeff et al. (2009)-- "​Isopathic versus enantiomeric inhibition of U-50488 HCl toxicity"​ Homeopathy (2009), Vol. 98(2), pp. 83-87 ([[http://​​pubmed/​19358960]]) 
 +Pathak et al. (2009)-- "​Combinational homeopathic therapy reduces genotoxicity and cytotoxicity in mice fed carcinogenesis"​. Clin Exp Hom (2009), Vol. 1(1), pp. (1-10) ([[http://​​newjournal/​khuda-buksh1.pdf]]) 
 +Viriato et al. (2009)-- "Study of high dilution of copaiba oil on inflammatory process"​. Int J High Dil Res (2009), Vol. 8(26), pp. 9-14 ([[http://​​~ojs/​index.php/​ijhdr/​article/​viewFile/​305/​380]]) 
 +Banerjee et al. (2010)-- "​Chelidonium majus 30C and 200C in induced hepato-toxicity in rats". Homeopathy (2010), Vol. 99(3)([[http://​​pubmed/​20674840]]) 
 +Ghilosso-Bortolini et al. (2010)-- "​Putative protective effect of Cadmium chloride high diluted solution on LLC-PK1 cell intoxicated by high concentration of this same metal"​. Int J High Dil Res (2010), Vol. 9(30), pp. 16-29 ([[http://​​~ojs/​index.php/​ijhdr/​article/​viewArticle/​381]]) 
 +Banerjee et al. (2011)-- "​Evidences of protective potentials of microdoses of ultra-high diluted arsenic trioxide in mice receiving repeated injections of arsenic trioxide"​. eCAM (2011), Vol. 2011 ([[http://​​pmc/​articles/​PMC3135423/​]]) 
 +Patil et al. (2011)-- "​Modulation of arthritis in rats by Toxicodendron pubescens and its homeopathic dilutions"​. Homeopathy (2011), Vol. 100(3) ([[http://​​pubmed/​21784329]]) 
 +Bhattacharjee,​ Khuda-Bukhsh (2012)-- "Two homeopathic remedies used intermittently provide additional protective effects against hepatotoxicity induced by carcinogens in mice" J Acupunct Meridian Stud (2012), Vol. 5(4), pp. 166-175 (http://​​pubmed/​22898065) 
 +Mohammadi et al. (2012)-- "​Homeopathic treatment for peripheral nerve regeneration:​ an experimental study in a rat sciatic nerve transection model."​ Homeopathy (2012), Vol. 101(3), pp. 141-146 ([[http://​​pubmed/​22818230]]) 
 +Patel et al. (2012)-- "​Toxicodendron pubescens retains its anti-arthritic efficacy at 1M, 10M and CM homeopathic dilutions."​ Homeopathy (2012), Vol. 101(3), pp. 165-170 ([[http://​​pubmed/​22818234]]) 
 +//Negative findings://​ 
 +Almeida et al. (2009)-- "​Homeopathic treatment for bone regeneration:​ experimental study."​ Homeopathy (2009), Apr;​98(2):​92-6. ([[http://​​pubmed/​19358962]]) 
 +  * **Bacterial studies** 
 +Saha et al. (2012) -- "​Phenotypic evidence of ultra-highly diluted homeopathic remedies acting at gene expression level: a novel probe on experimental phage infectivity in bacteria"​ Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine (2012), Vol. 10(4), pp. 462-470 ([[http://​​pubmed/​22500721]]) 
 +Das S et al. (2012) -- "​Potential of the homeopathic remedy, Arnica Montana 30C, to reduce DNA damage in Escherichia coli exposed to ultraviolet irradiation through up-regulation of nucleotide excision repair genes. Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Xue Bao. 2012 Mar;​10(3):​337-46. ([[http://​​pubmed/​22409925]]) 
 +De A et al. (2012) -- "​Potentized homeopathic drug Arsenicum album 30C inhibits intracellular reactive oxygen species generation and up-regulates expression of arsenic resistance gene in arsenine-exposed bacteria Escherichia coli" J Chin Integr Med (2012), Vol. 10(2), pp. 210-227 ([[http://​​en/​FullText2.aspx?​articleID=jcim20120212]]) 
 +  * **Studies on plants** 
 +//__healthy plants -- effects on growth and constituents:​__//​ 
 +Majewsky et al. (2009) -- //review of studies from 1920-2009, 86 studies// --  "Use of homeopathic preparations in experimental studies with healthy plants."​ Homeopathy. 2009 Oct;​98(4):​228-43.([[http://​​pubmed/​19945677]]) 
 +//later or selected older studies://​ 
 +Baumgartner et al. (2004) -- "​Growth Stimulation of Dwarf Peas (Pisum sativum L.) Through Homeopathic Potencies of Plant Growth Substances."​ Forsch Komplementärmed (2004), Vol. 11(5), pp. 281-292([[http://​​pubmed/​15572869]]) 
 +Scherr C et al. (2007) -- "​Duckweed (Lemna gibba L.) as a test organism for homeopathic potencies."​ J Altern Complement Med. 2007 
 +Bonfim et al. (2008) -- "Use of homeopathic Arnica montana for the issuance of roots of Rosmarinus officinalis L. and Lippia alba (Mill.) N.E.Br."​ Int J High Dil Res (2008), Vol. 7(23), pp. 72-76([[http://​​~ojs/​index.php/​ijhdr/​article/​viewArticle/​276]]) 
 +Scherr et al. (2009) -- "​Effects of potentised substances on growth rate of the water plant Lemna gibba L." Complement Ther Med. 2009 
 +Bonato et al. (2009) -- "​Homeopathic drugs Arsenicum album and Sulphur affect the growth and essential oil content in mint (Mentha arvensis L.)" Acta Scientarum Agronomy (2009), Vol. 31(1), pp. 101-105([[http://​​ojs/​index.php/​ActaSciAgron/​article/​view/​6642]]) 
 +Gangar (2010) -- "​Management of genetic activity through homoeopathy."​ Int J Pharma Bio Sci (2010), Vol. 1(2), pp. 1-13([[http://​​issue-2/​177.pdf]]) 
 +Pfleger et al. (2011) -- "The effect of extremely diluted agitated gibberellic acid (10e-30) on wheat stalk growth-A two researcher pilot study."​ Complement Ther Med. 2011 Jun;​19(3):​164-9. Epub 2011 May 20. - [[http://​​pubmed/​21641523|http://​​pubmed/​21641523]] 
 +Kiefer ET AL. (2012) -- "Wheat germination and highly diluted agitated gibberellic acid (10 -30) -- a multi researcher study"​. Int J High Dil Res (2012), Vol. 11(39), pp. 45-59([[http://​​~ojs/​index.php/​ijhdr/​article/​view/​428]]) 
 +//__effects on plant diseases:​__//​ 
 +Betti et al. (2009) -- //review of phytopathological studies from 1969-2009, 44 studies, plants + viruses, bacteria, fungi, nematodes// - "Use of homeopathic preparations in phytopathological models and in field trials: a critical review."​ Homeopathy. 2009 Oct;​98(4):​244-66.([[http://​​pubmed/​19945678]]) 
 +//later or selected older studies://​ 
 +Datta (2006) -- "​Effects of Cina on root-knot disease of mulberry."​ Homeopathy. 2006 Apr;​95(2):​98-102.([[http://​​pubmed/​16569626]]) 
 +Sukul et al. (2006) -- "​Amelioration of root-knot disease of lady's finger plants by potentized Cina and Santonin."​ Homeopathy. 2006 Jul;​95(3):​144-7.([[http://​​pubmed/​16815517]]) 
 +Shah-Rossi et al. (2009) -- "​Homeopathic treatment of Arabidopsis thaliana plants infected with Pseudomonas syringae."​ ScientificWorldJournal. 2009 May 20;​9:​320-30. ([[http://​​pubmed/​19468651]]) 
 +Wyss et al. (2010) -- "​Homeopathic preparations to control the rosy apple aphid (Dysaphis plantaginea Pass.)"​ Scientific World J (2010), Vol. 10, pp. 38-48([[http://​​journals/​tswj/​2010/​358407/​abs/​]]) 
 +Datta, Datta (2012) -- "​Homeopathic medicines protect environment,​ health and development by controlling mulberry disease."​ J Homeopath Ayurv Med (2012), Vol. 1(1), pp. 1-7([[http://​​journals/​2167-1206/​2167-1206-1-104.php?​aid=4121]]) 
 +//​__increase of plant resistance to external influences__//​ 
 +Jäger et al. (2011) -- //review of studies from 1920-2010, 34 studies with different quality// - "Use of homeopathic preparations in experimental studies with abiotically stressed plants."​ Homeopathy. 2011 Oct;​100(4):​275-87.([[http://​​pubmed/​21962204]]) 
 +//later or selected older studies://​ 
 +Binder et al. (2005) -- "The effects of a 45x potency of arsenicum album on wheat seedling growth -- a reproduction trial."​ Forsch 
 +Komplementarmed Klass Naturheilkd. 2005 Oct;​12(5):​284-91.([[http://​​pubmed/​16230858]]) 
 +Lahnstein et al. (2009) -- "​Isopathic treatment effects of Arsenicum album 45x on wheat seedling growth--further reproduction trials."​ Homeopathy (2009), Vol. 98(4)([[http://​​pubmed/​19945675]]) 
 +Jäger et al. (2010) -- "​Effects of homeopathic arsenicum album, nosode, and gibberellic acid preparations on the growth rate of arsenic-impaired duckweed (Lemna gibba L.)" Scientific World J (2010), Vol. 10, pp. 2112-2129([[http://​​journals/​tswj/​2010/​107597/​abs/​]]) 
 +Bonfim et al. (2010) -- " Germination and vigor of lettuce seeds (Lactuca sativa L.) pelleted with homeopathic preparations Alumina and Calcarea carbonica subjected to toxic levels of aluminum"​. Int J High Dil Res (2010), Vol. 9(33), pp. 138-146 ([[http://​​~ojs/​index.php/​ijhdr/​article/​viewFile/​412/​450]]) 
 +Brizzi et al. (2011) -- "The efficacy of ultramolecular aqueous dilutions on a wheat germination model as a function of heat and aging-time"​. eCAM (2011), Vol. 2011, pp. 696298; (1-11)([[http://​​journals/​ecam/​2011/​696298/​]]) 
 +  * **Studies on cells and non-cellular systems** ​   
 +Witt et al.,2007 -- systematic review, 67 experiments from years 1966-2005, 1/3 replicated research - includes non-cellular systems (mostly enzymes), cell cultures, isolated cells (erythrocytes,​ basophils, neutrophils,​ lymphocytes) [[http://​​pubmed/​17544864]] 
 +//later studies://​ 
 +Malarczyk, E. (2008) -- "​Kinetic changes in activity of HR-peroxidase,​ induced by very low doses of phenol"​. Int J High Dil Res (2008), Vol. 7(23), pp. 3-11 ([[http://​​~ojs/​index.php/​ijhdr/​article/​viewFile/​37/​349]]) 
 +  * **Thermoluminescence** 
 +Rey L. (2003) -- "​Thermoluminescence of ultra-high dilutions of lithium chloride and sodium chloride."​ Physica A (2003), Vol. 323, pp. 67-74. ([[http://​​10.1016/​S0378-4371(03)00047-5]]) 
 +van Wijk R et al. (2006) -- "​Thermoluminescence in ultra-high dilution research."​ J Altern Complement Med. 2006 Jun;​12(5):​437-43.([[http://​​pubmed/​16813507]]) 
 +Rey L. (2007) -- "Can low-temperature thermoluminescence cast light on the nature of ultra-high dilutions?"​ Homeopathy (2007), Vol. 96(3), pp. 170-174. ([[http://​​pubmed/​17678813]]) 
 +  * **Spectroscopy** 
 +Sukul et al. (2005) -- //FTIR// -- "​Variation in Fourier transform infrared spectra of some homeopathic potencies and their diluent media. J Altern Complement Med. 2005 Oct;​11(5):​807-12. ([[http://​​pubmed/​16296914]]) 
 +Rao et al. (2008) -- //UV spectroscopy,​ Raman spectroscopy//​ -- "​Characterization of the structure of ultra dilute sols with remarkable biological properties"​ Mater Lett. 2008 April 15; 62(10-11): 1487. ([[http://​​pmc/​articles/​PMC2822343/​]]) 
 +Bhattacharya et  al. (2008) -- //different types// -- "In vitro studies demonstrate anticancer activity of an alkaloid of the plant Gelsemium sempervirens"​. Exp Biol Med (2008), Vol. 233(12), pp. 1591-1601. ([[http://​​pubmed/​18997108]]) 
 +Botha I, Ross AH. (2008) -- //MRI spectroscopy//​ -- "A nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy comparison of 3C trituration derived and 4C trituration derived remedies"​. Homeopathy. 2008 Oct;​97(4):​196-201. ([[http://​​pubmed/​19371568]]) 
 +de Alvarenga et al. (2009) -- //13C MRI spectroscopy//​ -- "​Effect of Magnesium phosphoricum 12c on Sodium Dodecylsulphate by 13C nuclear magnetic resonance"​. Int J High Dil Res (2009), Vol. 8(26), pp. 3-8 ([[http://​​~ojs/​index.php/​ijhdr/​article/​view/​324/​379]]) 
 +Sharma A., Purkait B. (2009) -- //UV spectroscopy//​ -- "​Energy in Commercially Available Ultra-Diluted Natural Cardiotropic Drug Digitalis purpurea: An UV Spectroscopic Study. Research Journal of Pharmacology,​ 3: 58-62. ([[http://​​abstract/?​doi=rjpharm.2009.58.62]]) 
 +Sharma A. et al. (2010) -- //FTIR, Raman spectroscopy//​ -- "​Identification of medicinally active ingredients in ultradiluted Digitalis purpurea. FTIR and Raman spectroscopic studies."​ Medicinal Chemistry Research, vol. 19, no. 7, pp. 643–651, 2010.([[http://​​10.1007/​s00044-009-9219-3]]) 
 +Marschollek et al. (2010) -- //UV spectroscopy//​ -- "​Effects of exposure to physical factors on homeopathic preparations as determined by ultraviolet light spectroscopy"​. Scientific World J (2010), Vol. 10, pp. 49-81 ([[http://​​pubmed/​20062950]]) 
 +Wolf et al. (2011) -- //UV spectroscopy//​ -- "​Homeopathic Preparations of Quartz, Sulfur and Copper Sulfate Assessed by UV-Spectroscopy."​ Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2011;​2011:​692798. ([[http://​​pubmed/​19474239]]) 
 +Sharma A., Purkait B. (2012) -- //​Florescence spectroscopy,​ cyclic voltametry//​ -- "​Identification of Medicinally Active Ingredient in Ultradiluted Digitalis purpurea: Fluorescence Spectroscopic and Cyclic-Voltammetric Study."​ Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry, vol. 2012, Article ID 109058, 5 pages, 2012. ([[http://​​10.1155/​2012/​109058]]) 
 +//​__Negative findings:​__//​ 
 +Aabel et al. (2001) -- //1H MRI spectroscopy,​ T1 relaxation times// -- "​Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) studies of homeopathic solutions."​ Br Homeopath J. 2001 Jan;​90(1):​14-20. ([[http://​​pubmed/​11212083]]) 
 +Anick DJ. (2004) -- //1H MRI spectroscopy//​ -- "High sensitivity 1H-NMR spectroscopy of homeopathic remedies made in water."​ BMC Complement Altern Med. 2004 Nov 1;4:15. ([[http://​​pmc/​articles/​PMC534805/​]]) 
 +  * **Electron microscopy** 
 +//proof of original substance nanoparticles,​ even in extreme dilutions//​ 
 +Chikramane et al. (2010) -- "​Extreme homeopathic dilutions retain starting materials: A nanoparticulate perspective"​. Homeopathy (2010), Vol. 99(4), pp. 231-242. ([[http://​​pubmed/​20970092]]) 
 +Chikramane et al. (2012) -- "Why extreme dilutions reach non-zero asymptotes: a nanoparticulate hypothesis based on froth flotation."​ Langmuir. 2012 Nov 13;​28(45):​15864-75. ([[http://​​pubmed/​23083226]]) 
 +  * **Magnetic resonance** 
 +//changes of relaxation times// 
 +Demangeat et al. (2004) -- "​Low-field NMR water proton longitudinal relaxation in ultrahighly diluted aqueous solutions of silica-lactose prepared in glass material for pharmaceutical use". Appl Magn Reson (2004), Vol. 26, pp. 465-481 ([[http://​​article/​10.1007%2FBF03166577]]) 
 +Demangeat J-L. (2009) -- "NMR water proton relaxation in unheated and heated ultrahigh aqueous dilutions of histamine: Evidence for an air-dependent supramolecular organization of water."​ Journal of Molecular Liquids, 144:32-39 ([[http://​​media/​news/​Demangeat_JML_2009.pdf/​view]]) 
 +Baumgartner S. et al. (2009) -- "​High-field 1H T1 and T2 NMR relaxation time measurements of H2O in homeopathic preparations of quartz, sulfur, and copper sulfate."​ Naturwissenschaften,​ vol. 96, pp. 1079–1089,​ 2009. ([[http://​​content/​044012g3574214m1/​]]) 
 +Demangeat, J.L. (2010) -- "NMR relaxation evidence for solute-induced nanosized superstructures in ultramolecular aqueous dilutions of silica-lactose"​ J Molecular Liquids (2010), Vol. 155 ([[http://​​10.1016/​j.molliq.2010.05.010]]) 
 +//​__Negative findings:​__//​ 
 +Aabel et al. (2001) -- //T1 relaxation times, 1H MR spectroscopy//​ -- "​Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) studies of homeopathic solutions."​ Br Homeopath J. 2001 Jan;​90(1):​14-20. ([[http://​​pubmed/​11212083]]) 
 +Milgrom et al. (2001) -- //T2 relaxation times// -- //there are no differences between diluted and potentized substances//​- "On the investigation of homeopathic potencies using low resolution NMR T2 relaxation times."​ Brit Hom J (2001), Vol. 90(1), pp. 5-13 ([[http://​​pubmed/​11212090]]) 
 +  * **Calorimetry,​ conductivity,​ potentiometry** 
 +Elia V, Niccoli M (1999) -- "​Thermodynamics of extremely diluted aqueous solutions."​ Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 879:​241–248 ([[http://​​pubmed/​10415834]]) 
 +Petrov SI, Epstein OI. (2003) -- "​Effect of potentiated solutions on mercury(II) signal in inversion voltammetry."​ Bull Exp Biol Med. 2003 Jan;135 Suppl 7:99-101. ([[http://​​10.1023/​A%3A1024707519510]]) 
 +Elia V, Niccoli M (2004) -- "New physico-chemical properties of extremely diluted aqueous solutions."​ Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,​ 75: 815–836 ([[http://​​10.1023/​B:​JTAN.0000042179.07858.c8]]) 
 +Elia et al. (2004) -- "​Permanent physico-chemical properties of extremely diluted aqueous solutions of homeopathic medicines."​ Homeopathy, Volume 93, Issue 3, Pages 144-150. ([[http://​​10.1016/​j.homp.2004.04.004]]) 
 +Elia et al. (2004) -- "New physico-chemical properties of extremely diluted aqueous solutions: A calorimetric and conductivity study at 25°C."​ Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,​ 78: 331–342. 
 +Elia et al. (2005) -- "​Hydrohysteretic phenomena of “extremely diluted solutions” induced by mechanical treatments. A calorimetric and conductometric study at 25 °C." Journal of Solution Chemistry, 34:​947–960 ([[http://​​10.1007/​s10953-005-6258-3]]) 
 +Elia et al. (2006) -- "​Extremely diluted solutions as multi-variable systems. A study of calorimetric and conductometric behaviour as function of the parameter time." Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,​ 84:​317–323 ([[http://​​10.1007/​s10973-005-7266-7]]) 
 +Elia et al. (2008) -- "New Physico-Chemical Properties of Extremely Dilute Solutions. A Conductivity Study at 25 °C in Relation to Ageing."​ Journal of Solution Chemistry, 37:85-96 ([[http://​​10.1007/​s10953-007-9215-5]]) 
 +Elia et al. (2008) -- "On the stability of extremely diluted aqueous solutions at high ionic strength - A calorimetric study at 298 K." Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,​ 92:643-648 ([[http://​​10.1007/​s10973-007-8840-y]]) 
 +Belon et al. (2008) -- "​Conductometric and calorimetric studies of the serially diluted and agitated solutions. On the combined anomalous effect of time and volume parameters."​ Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,​ 93, 459-469 ([[http://​​10.1007/​s10973-007-8580-z]]) 
 +Elia et al. (2008) -- "​Physico-chemical properties of aqueous extremely diluted solutions in relation to ageing."​ Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,​ 93:​1003-1011 ([[http://​​10.1007/​s10973-007-8843-8]]) 
 +Holandino et al. (2008) -- "​Modeling physical-chemical properties of high dilutions"​. Int J High Dil Res (2008), Vol. 7(25), pp. 165-173 ([[http://​​~ojs/​index.php/​ijhdr/​article/​viewFile/​319/​375]]) 
 +Elia et al. (2010) -- "​Thermodynamic parameters for the binding process of the OH− ion with the dissipative structures. Calorimetric and conductometric titrations."​ Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,​ Online First™, 11 April 2010 ([[http://​​10.1007/​s10973-010-0757-1]]) 
 +Garcia et al. (2010) -- "​Physical chemical and citotoxic evaluation of highly diluted solutions of Euphorbia tirucalli L. prepared through the fifty milesimal homeopathic method"​. Int J High Dil Res (2010), Vol. 9(31) ([[http://​​~ojs/​index.php/​ijhdr/​article/​viewFile/​383/​439]]) 
 +  * **Biocrystallization** 
 +Baumgartner S. et al. (2012) -- "​Development of a Biocrystallisation Assay for Examining Effects of Homeopathic Preparations Using Cress Seedlings."​ Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, vol. 2012, Article ID 125945, 14 pages, 2012. ([[http://​​10.1155/​2012/​125945]]) 
 +  * **Kirlian effect** 
 +Bell et al. (2003) -- "Gas discharge visualisation evaluation of ultramolecular doses of homeopathic medicines under blinded, controlled conditions."​ Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 9:25–38. ([[http://​​pubmed/​12676033]]) 
 +Peters et al. (2009) -- "​Biophoton emission in high-potency research on wheat seed models"​. Eur J Integr Med (2009), Vol. 1(4) ([[http://​​science/​article/​pii/​S1876382009001711#​]])
 +Assumpcao, R. (2008) -- "​Electrical impedance and HV plasma images of high dilutions of sodium chloride"​. Homeopathy (2008), Vol. 97(3), pp. 129-133([[http://​​pubmed/​18657771]])
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