====== A CASE OF ACUTE ALBUMINURIA.====== {{anchor:s2}}BY H. J. CATE, M.D., BROOKLYN, N. Y. {{anchor:s3}}The formidable character of the disease of which it presents a specimen is my only apology for copying the following case. {{anchor:s4}}Bright's disease of the Kidneys, has been classed among the incurable diseases so universally, that we are perhaps too often discouraged from making any earnest effort to treat it effectively. {{anchor:s5}}The following case has its only interest in the promptness and permanency of the, recovery, fortified as it is by the successful termination of several cases reported by Drs. Henderson and Kidd, in the British Journal of Homoeopathy, treated by the same remedy. {{anchor:s6}}J. L., aged 6, had an attack of Scarlatina during the month of June last, running safely and mildly through all its stages, and apparently ending in perfect recovery. {{anchor:s7}}He was at once taken to the country, where, on the fourth of July, about two weeks after perfect convalescence, he was exposed to a cold north-west wind. {{anchor:s8}}On the 5th, it was observed that his urine was dark, almost as red as blood, scanty, and passed more frequently than usual. {{anchor:s9}}On the morning of the 6th, his face was swelled and urinary symptoms about the same. {{anchor:s10}}On the 8th, I saw him. {{anchor:s11}}The urine was very dark, looking very much like the darkest brandy; almost black when looked down upon in the vessel, dark red by transmitted light. {{anchor:s12}}It had a brownish dingy sediment. {{anchor:s13}}The usual tests revealed the presence of albumen, forming one-third of the contents of the test-tube. {{anchor:s14}}Face puffy and pale; the feet, limbs, and bowels bloated; urine passed without pain fifteen or twenty times daily, not more than one ounce at a time; bowels moved three or four times daily; had a slight hacking cough; was dull and languid, and inclined to sleep constantly; skin warm and dry; pulse 90. {{anchor:s15}}Prescription, Cantharides, every 3 hours. {{anchor:s16}}On the 9th, I found the symptoms unchanged, except that the swelling was slightly increased. {{anchor:s17}}Continued Cantharides. {{anchor:s18}}On the 10th, urinary symptoms about the same; swelling and drowsiness increased. {{anchor:s19}}There is not now, nor has there been, any pain or difficulty in passing the urine, nor is there any pain in the region of the kidneys. {{anchor:s20}}Prescription, Terebinthina, every 3 hours. {{anchor:s21}}On the 11th, the urine was slightly increased in quantity, decidedly lighter in color, while the albumen formed one-third of the contents of the test-tube. {{anchor:s22}}To condense the reports of the following days, the turpentine was continued at lengthened intervals until the 14th, when it was finally discontinued. {{anchor:s23}}On that day there was not the slightest haze in the urine, under the action of heat or Nitric acid, and the albumen remained absent. {{anchor:s24}}No remedy except the Terebinthina was given after the 10th, and all the symptoms rapidly disappeared, leaving him in the perfect health which he still enjoys. ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | The American Homoeopathic Review Vol. 02 No. 04, 1860, pages 162-164 | ^ Description: | Case of Acute Albuminuria | ^ Remedies: | Cantharis vesicatoria, Terebinthiniae Oleum | ^ Author: | Cate, H.J. | ^ Year: | 1860 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |