{{anchor:s2}}Yarrow. {{anchor:s3}}Compositae.
{{anchor:s4}}A plant known to the ancients, mentioned by Homer in the Iliad, where Chiron instructs Achilles in the art of surgery; it was named by Linneus, Achillea Millefolium. {{anchor:s5}}The plant is common in old fields, along fences, on borders of woods and cultivated grounds, produces a dense corymb of whitish flowers of feeble aromatic odor, and the leaves have a bitterish, astringent taste. {{anchor:s6}}The tincture is prepared from the fresh plant.
{{anchor:s7}}Introduced by Hartlaub; provings by Nenning and Schreter (Hartlaub and Trinks' Annalen, vol. 4, p. 344); later provings by Hering and Raue (Amerikanische Arzneiprüfungen, Translation with additions, N. E. M. G., vol. 9, 1874).
{{anchor:s9}}- Rückert, Annalen, vol. 1, p. 114; Gross, Archives, 15, 3, 25; Goullon, Archives, 20, 2, 145; Headache, Normand, Roux, Journ. de Med., 1771; Colic and bloody diarrhea during pregnancy, Normand; Haematuria, Wiedemann, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 23; Haemoptysis, Lobethal, Allg. Hom. Ztg., vol. 13, p. 356; Gross, Hirsch, Rückert, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 219; Keil, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 805; Okie, N. E. M. G., vol. 9, 1874; Jousset, Allg. Hom. Ztg., vol. 111, p. 127; Preventive in post-partum hemorrhage, Rev. Hom. Belge, 1876, p. 21; Smallpox, with pain in stomach, Maumery, Normand, Frank's Mag., vol. 1; Infantile spasms, Normand; Fever from suppressed itch, Normand.
====== MIND. [1] ======
{{anchor:s11}}Anxious, with pain in heart.\\ {{anchor:s12}}Melancholy, sadness; weak memory.\\ {{anchor:s13}}Much excited, with pains in pit of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s14}}Irritable; violent; aversion to work.
====== SENSORIUM. [2] ======
{{anchor:s16}}Stupefied, intoxicated.\\ {{anchor:s17}}Confused, dull, especially evenings, knows not what he is about, nor what he ought to do; seems constantly as if he had forgotten something.\\ {{anchor:s18}}Vertigo when moving slowly, walking, but not when taking violent exercise, with nausea when stooping.\\ {{anchor:s19}}(OBS:) Apoplexy; paralysis.
====== INNER HEAD. [3] ======
{{anchor:s21}}Sensation as if all blood ascended to head.\\ {{anchor:s22}}Congestion to head: when stooping in evening; at night a stream from chest to head, like a gust of wind, with nosebleed; from coffee; from portal system.\\ {{anchor:s23}}Slight throbbing in arteries of head and face.\\ {{anchor:s24}}Fullness in head after siesta.\\ {{anchor:s25}}Dull pain in vertex.\\ {{anchor:s26}}Sensation in right side of head as if screwed together.\\ {{anchor:s27}}Hemicrania.\\ {{anchor:s28}}Violent headache, he strikes head against bedpost or wall; twitching of eyelids and frontal muscles.\\ {{anchor:s29}}Occipital headache, dull towards evening.\\ {{anchor:s30}}Piercing or thrusts in head, vertex, over eye, occiput, side of head.\\ {{anchor:s31}}Headache agg. : stooping; on awaking.
====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ======
{{anchor:s33}}Like a mist before eyes, not near, but at a distance.\\ {{anchor:s34}}Nebulous vision, weak sighted, with contortion of facial muscles.\\ {{anchor:s35}}Eyes brilliant.\\ {{anchor:s36}}Inward piercing, pressing in eyes to root of nose and sides of forehead.\\ {{anchor:s37}}Sensation of too much blood in eyes.\\ {{anchor:s38}}Fistula lachrymalis; lachrymation and discharge.\\ {{anchor:s39}}Agglutination of eyes in morning.
====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ======
{{anchor:s41}}Noise in left ear causes her to start with fright; later, when laughing, sensation as of cold air passing out.\\ {{anchor:s42}}Sensation as if ears were stopped up, after dinner.\\ {{anchor:s43}}Darting in left ear.\\ {{anchor:s44}}Earache.
====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ======
{{anchor:s46}}Nosebleed: congestion to chest and head; excessive.\\ {{anchor:s47}}Stuffed nose.\\ {{anchor:s48}}Piercing pain from eyes to root of nose.
====== UPPER FACE. [8] ======
{{anchor:s50}}Redness of face without internal heat.\\ {{anchor:s51}}Sensation of heat as if blood was rising to head.\\ {{anchor:s52}}Tearing: in face to temples; from right lower jaw to ear, then teeth.\\ {{anchor:s53}}Contortion of face.
====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ======
{{anchor:s55}}Toothache: from heating things; with pain in jaw; rheumatic, with diseased gums.\\ {{anchor:s56}}Gumboil.
====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ======
{{anchor:s58}}Tongue swollen and coated.
====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ======
{{anchor:s60}}Thirst, mouth dry.\\ {{anchor:s61}}Stomacace, ulcerated gums; putrid, sore mouth.
====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ======
{{anchor:s63}}Uvula relaxed, also tonsils; asthenic catarrh.\\ {{anchor:s64}}Rough feeling in throat.\\ {{anchor:s65}}Dull, piercing pains, right, then left side.\\ {{anchor:s66}}Ulceration of throat; pain in left side of throat when swallowing.
{{anchor:s68}}Hiccough; empty eructations.\\ {{anchor:s69}}Nausea, with vertigo.\\ {{anchor:s70}}Retching and vomiting.\\ {{anchor:s71}}Vomiting when coughing.
====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ======
{{anchor:s73}}Painful gnawing and digging in stomach as from hunger.\\ {{anchor:s74}}Pain in stomach as if empty, mornings after waking.\\ {{anchor:s75}}Burning in stomach; agg. when doubling body, in region of right hypochondrium, where it became a drawing, burning pain.\\ {{anchor:s76}}Burning in stomach and abdomen; extending to chest.\\ {{anchor:s77}}Pains in stomach, in young, hysterical, irregularly menstruating girls.\\ {{anchor:s78}}Great pain in pit of stomach; excited, pulse accelerated and constricted, pustules collapsing. {{anchor:s79}}~ Smallpox.\\ {{anchor:s80}}Pain in stomach after confluent smallpox.\\ {{anchor:s81}}Cardialgia.\\ {{anchor:s82}}Sensation of fullness in stomach; pressure, like a plug.\\ {{anchor:s83}}Cramp in stomach, with sensation as of a liquid moving from stomach to intestines, towards anus.
====== HYPOCHONDRIA. [18] ======
{{anchor:s85}}Pain in region of liver; piercing in right lower ribs.\\ {{anchor:s86}}Congestion to portal system.\\ {{anchor:s87}}Stagnation in liver and system of vena porta; sluggish digestion; want of appetite; flatus; distension of abdomen.
====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ======
{{anchor:s89}}Bloatedness.\\ {{anchor:s90}}Pain in abdomen from flatus.\\ {{anchor:s91}}Griping and tearing in abdomen, caused by dysentery and lientery.\\ {{anchor:s92}}Wind colic in hysterical or hypochondriacal patients; colic during menses.\\ {{anchor:s93}}Hemorrhages from bowels in typhoid fever, with tympanitis.\\ {{anchor:s94}}Incarcerated hernia.\\ {{anchor:s95}}Ascites.
====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ======
{{anchor:s97}}Frequent emission of fetid flatus.\\ {{anchor:s98}}Violent colic with bloody diarrhea. {{anchor:s99}}~ During sixth month of pregnancy, prevailing dysentery.\\ {{anchor:s100}}Mucous diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s101}}Chronic blenorrhea from atony of mucous membranes; great pain.\\ {{anchor:s102}}Dysentery.\\ {{anchor:s103}}Bloody dysentery, tenesmus; during epidemics of dysentery.\\ {{anchor:s104}}Bloody flux after much exertion, lifting, or internal injuries.\\ {{anchor:s105}}Pains from blind hemorrhoids.\\ {{anchor:s106}}Hemorrhoidal hemorrhages.\\ {{anchor:s107}}Profuse flux from condylomata.\\ {{anchor:s108}}Ascarides.
====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ======
{{anchor:s110}}Pain in region of left kidney, followed by profuse haematuria, lasting from five to eight days; chilliness, which obliges him to keep his bed.\\ {{anchor:s111}}Catarrh of bladder from atony.\\ {{anchor:s112}}Stone in bladder, with retention of urine; bloody urine.\\ {{anchor:s113}}Pus-like discharge after lithotomy.\\ {{anchor:s114}}Urine bloody; blood forms a cake in vessel.\\ {{anchor:s115}}Incontinence of urine.\\ {{anchor:s116}}Constant desire to urinate.\\ {{anchor:s117}}Incontinentia urina.
====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ======
{{anchor:s119}}Want of ejaculation when cohabiting.\\ {{anchor:s120}}Spermatorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s121}}Swollen penis; discharge of blood and watery slime. {{anchor:s122}}~ Gonorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s123}}Condylomata; gleet.\\ {{anchor:s124}}Swelling of penis and testicles.\\ {{anchor:s125}}Wounds and injuries of penis.
====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ======
{{anchor:s127}}Sterility, with too profuse menses.\\ {{anchor:s128}}Dysmenorrhea in irregularly menstruating young girls, pain in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s129}}Menses suppressed with pain in stomach, or epileptic attacks, or cough with bloody sputum.\\ {{anchor:s130}}Menses excessive, last too long, with colic.\\ {{anchor:s131}}Leucorrhea of children from atony.\\ {{anchor:s132}}Uterine hemorrhages; after great exertion; miscarriage.\\ {{anchor:s133}}Hemorrhage of bright red and fluid blood.\\ {{anchor:s134}}Menorrhagia and metrorrhagia, with congestive headache.
{{anchor:s138}}Sterility with too profuse menses or tendency to miscarry.\\ {{anchor:s139}}During pregnancy, cramplike affections.\\ {{anchor:s140}}Painless or bleeding varices in pregnant women.\\ {{anchor:s141}}Colic or cramplike affections in confinement; severe after pains.\\ {{anchor:s142}}Attacks following a hard delivery.\\ {{anchor:s143}}Convulsive motions of all limbs, terrible pains and total suppression of lochia; third day after confinement.\\ {{anchor:s144}}Lochia: too copious; suppressed; violent fever, no milk, convulsive twitchings; great pain.\\ {{anchor:s145}}Painless drainings from uterus, nose or lungs, after labor, after abortion, or when an abortion threatens, if the blood be bright red and there are no pains in joints.\\ {{anchor:s146}}Preventive in post-partum hemorrhage.\\ {{anchor:s147}}Sore (cracked) nipples of nursing mothers.\\ {{anchor:s148}}No milk with suppressed lochia and fever.
{{anchor:s151}}Secretion of mucus in larynx; roughness.
====== RESPIRATION. [26] ======
{{anchor:s153}}Shortness of breath.\\ {{anchor:s154}}Very difficult breathing, with tetanic spasms.\\ {{anchor:s155}}Asthmatic affections.
====== COUGH. [27] ======
{{anchor:s157}}Cough: with frequent spitting of bright blood; oppression of chest with palpitation; in phthisis; in suppressed hemorrhoids; suppressed menses.\\ {{anchor:s158}}Has fallen from a height and spits blood in consequence.\\ {{anchor:s159}}Hemorrhages from lungs from a weak condition of vessels.\\ {{anchor:s160}}In phthisic conditions with coughing of blood, or after frequent attacks of hemorrhage of lungs.\\ {{anchor:s161}}Haemoptysis: in incipient phthisis (after Acon. and Arn.); in hemorrhoidal patients; from a rupture of bloodvessel; after injury.\\ {{anchor:s162}}Oppression of chest; excessive palpitation.\\ {{anchor:s163}}Coughing blood, vigorous woman of 48; no menses for two years; ebullition in chest every evening, agg. when lying in bed, not at all during day; warm blood rises into her throat and flows out of her mouth; then cough with more light red, bloody expectoration, half a pound in all, accompanied by great prostration.\\ {{anchor:s164}}Coughing blood every afternoon at 4 o'clock.\\ {{anchor:s165}}Lung disease after coughing blood.\\ {{anchor:s166}}Repeated bronchorrhagia, in phthisis, or after a fall.\\ {{anchor:s167}}Blenorrhea of lungs.\\ {{anchor:s168}}Expectoration of florid blood, without much coughing, sometimes in consequence of violent exertions.
====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ======
{{anchor:s170}}Violent fine stitch in middle of left scapula from without inward, during an inspiration.\\ {{anchor:s171}}Violent congestion to chest; to head, with bleeding of nose and expectoration of bloody mucus.\\ {{anchor:s172}}Inflammation of lungs.\\ {{anchor:s173}}Oppression of chest, frequent blood spitting; piercing pains, stinging, bruised feeling; agg. under left shoulder blade; bubbles up in chest as if warm blood was ascending, which is raised without cough. {{anchor:s174}}~ Phthisis.\\ {{anchor:s175}}Haemoptysis, with profuse flow of bright red blood, without fever.\\ {{anchor:s176}}Phthisis pituitosa.\\ {{anchor:s177}}Ulcers in lungs; vomica.\\ {{anchor:s178}}Injuries of lungs.
====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ======
{{anchor:s180}}Violent palpitation and spitting of blood.\\ {{anchor:s181}}Ebullitions with haemoptysis.\\ {{anchor:s182}}Anxiousness with pain in heart.\\ {{anchor:s183}}Inflammation with tearing and piercing.\\ {{anchor:s184}}Pulse accelerated and contracted. {{anchor:s185}}~ Smallpox.
====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ======
{{anchor:s187}}Piercing, drawing pain close under left shoulder blade, for a few moments while sitting.
====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ======
{{anchor:s189}}Fine piercing pain in left scapula, in breathing when standing.\\ {{anchor:s190}}Left arm feels as if going to sleep; pricking numbness.\\ {{anchor:s191}}Hot hands.
====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ======
{{anchor:s193}}Violent pains on a level with crest of left ilium.\\ {{anchor:s194}}Right tendo-achillis pains as after a blow or sprain.\\ {{anchor:s195}}First left then right foot goes to sleep; disappearing on walking.\\ {{anchor:s196}}Hot feet.
====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ======
{{anchor:s198}}Piercing, drawing, tearing pains in limbs.
====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ======
{{anchor:s202}}Lying down: nausea amel.\\ {{anchor:s203}}Lying in bed: coughing blood agg.\\ {{anchor:s204}}Sitting: piercing pains under left shoulder blade.\\ {{anchor:s205}}Stooping: nausea; congestion to head; headache agg.\\ {{anchor:s206}}Doubling body: burning in stomach agg.\\ {{anchor:s207}}Standing: fine piercing pain in left scapula.\\ {{anchor:s208}}Moving slowly: vertigo.\\ {{anchor:s209}}Walking: vertigo; going to sleep of feet disappears.\\ {{anchor:s210}}After lifting: bloody flux.\\ {{anchor:s211}}Violent exercise: vertigo amel.\\ {{anchor:s212}}After much exertion: bloody flux; uterine hemorrhages; expectoration of florid blood.
====== NERVES. [36] ======
{{anchor:s214}}Hysteria; hypochondriasis.\\ {{anchor:s215}}Convulsions: during teething; after labor; hysterical.\\ {{anchor:s216}}Convulsion and swoon of newborn child; recovers after bath, but constantly wails and sighs.\\ {{anchor:s217}}General convulsions, with tetanic rigidity of limbs and extremely difficult breathing, in a boy of 14, after a malignant fever; two hours after fourth dose countless vesicles of size of a pea, of a livid brown, rose all over his body; dark violet after seven hours, discharging an insupportably offensive syrup-like secretion; dry after four days, leaving scar.\\ {{anchor:s218}}Epileptic spasms after suppressed menses.\\ {{anchor:s219}}Tetanus.\\ {{anchor:s220}}Paralysis and contraction of limbs.
====== SLEEP. [37] ======
{{anchor:s222}}Yawning without weariness.\\ {{anchor:s223}}Congestion from chest to head, like a stream, while asleep.\\ {{anchor:s224}}Falls asleep late, unrefreshed in morning.
====== FEVER. [40] ======
{{anchor:s226}}Chilliness with pains in left kidney.\\ {{anchor:s227}}Intermittent fever: quartan; tertian; irregular.\\ {{anchor:s228}}Fever from suppressed itch or suppressed lochia.\\ {{anchor:s229}}Scarlet fever epidemic, with excessive angina and violent fever.\\ {{anchor:s230}}Exanthema of difficult development and delirium.\\ {{anchor:s231}}Fever heat with thirst.\\ {{anchor:s232}}Heat in hands and feet.\\ {{anchor:s233}}Hectic fever with haemoptysis.\\ {{anchor:s234}}Malignant fever; with tetanus.\\ {{anchor:s235}}Colliquative sweats.
====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ======
{{anchor:s237}}Two hours after fourth dose; countless vesicles appear over whole body, dark violet after seven hours; dry after four days.\\ {{anchor:s238}}Twenty-four hours after confinement; violent pain, fever, suppressed lochia, no milk.\\ {{anchor:s239}}Every afternoon at 4 o'clock: coughing blood.\\ {{anchor:s240}}Every evening: coughing blood.\\ {{anchor:s241}}Third day after confinement: terrible pains and total suppression of lochia.\\ {{anchor:s242}}During sixth month of pregnancy: violent colic, with bloody diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s243}}For a few years, every four or six weeks, lasting from five to eight days; chilliness, which obliges him to keep his bed.
====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ======
{{anchor:s245}}Right: sensation in side of head as if screwed together; tearing from lower jaw to ear; drawing, burning pain in hypochondrium.\\ {{anchor:s246}}Left: noise in ear; darting in ear; pain in side of throat when swallowing; pain in region of kidney; violent pains at top of os innominata; violent fine stitch in middle of scapula; pains under shoulder blade; piercing pain in scapula; arm as if going to sleep; pains on a level with crest of ilium.\\ {{anchor:s247}}First right, then left: dull piercing pains in side of throat; foot goes to sleep.\\ {{anchor:s248}}From without inward: fine stitch in left scapula.
====== SENSATIONS. [43] ======
{{anchor:s250}}As if he had forgotten something; as if all blood ascended to head; right side of head as if screwed together; as of too much blood in eyes; as of cold air passing out of ear; as if ears were stopped up; as if blood was rising to head; stomach as if empty; pressure in stomach as of a plug; as of a liquid moving from stomach to intestines; as if warm blood was ascending in chest; left arm as if going to sleep; pain in right tendo-achillis as after a blow or sprain.\\ {{anchor:s251}}Pain: in heart; in pit of stomach; in ear; in teeth; in jaw; in left side of throat; in stomach; in region of liver; in abdomen; from blind hemorrhoids; in region of left kidney; in right tendo-achillis.\\ {{anchor:s252}}Terrible pains: after confinement.\\ {{anchor:s253}}Violent pain: in head.\\ {{anchor:s254}}Violent pains: at top of left os innominata; on a level, with crest of left ilium.\\ {{anchor:s255}}Great pain: in pit of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s256}}Tearing: in face to temples; from right lower jaw to ear and teeth; in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s257}}Darting: in left ear.\\ {{anchor:s258}}Violent fine stitch: in middle of left scapula.\\ {{anchor:s259}}Piercing or thrusts: in head, vertex, over eyes, occiput, side of head.\\ {{anchor:s260}}Piercing, drawing, tearing pain: in limbs.\\ {{anchor:s261}}Piercing pains, stinging, bruised feeling: under left shoulder blade.\\ {{anchor:s262}}Piercing, pressing: in eyes to root of nose and sides of forehead.\\ {{anchor:s263}}Dull, piercing pains: right then left side of throat.\\ {{anchor:s264}}Drawing, burning: in region of right hypochondrium.\\ {{anchor:s265}}Violent colic: with bloody diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s266}}Painful gnawing and digging: in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s267}}Griping: in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s268}}Rheumatic pain: in teeth.\\ {{anchor:s269}}Dull pain: in vertex.\\ {{anchor:s270}}Burning: in stomach; in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s271}}Soreness: of nipples.\\ {{anchor:s272}}Pressure: in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s273}}Slight throbbing: in arteries of head and face.\\ {{anchor:s274}}Oppression: of chest.\\ {{anchor:s275}}Fullness: in head after siesta; in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s276}}Pricking numbness: in left arm.
====== TISSUES. [44] ======
{{anchor:s278}}Congestions.\\ {{anchor:s279}}Hemorrhages of all kinds, mostly from lungs and bowels; florid; of mechanical origin; atonic constitutions; of wounds.\\ {{anchor:s280}}Indolent, fistulous, cancerous and gangrenous ulcers.\\ {{anchor:s281}}Caries in sheep and horses.\\ {{anchor:s282}}Painful varices during pregnancy.\\ {{anchor:s283}}Mucous discharges from atony.\\ {{anchor:s284}}Chlorosis.\\ {{anchor:s285}}Rheumatic and arthritic complaints.\\ {{anchor:s286}}Sycotic excrescences.\\ {{anchor:s287}}Morbus maculosus hemorrhagicus.\\ {{anchor:s288}}Cancer and sores; noli me tangere.\\ {{anchor:s289}}Wounds; after operation for stone.\\ {{anchor:s290}}Bruises; bleeding from wounds; removes coagulated blood; internal injuries by falling.
{{anchor:s294}}Wounds which bleed profusely; especially from a fall.\\ {{anchor:s295}}Sprains.\\ {{anchor:s296}}Effects of overlifting, overexertion, or falling.\\ {{anchor:s297}}Internal injuries: bloody flux.\\ {{anchor:s298}}Wounds and injuries of penis.\\ {{anchor:s299}}If one has fallen from a height and spits blood.\\ {{anchor:s300}}After injury: rupture of bloodvessel.\\ {{anchor:s301}}After a fall: repeated bronchorrhagica.\\ {{anchor:s302}}Injuries: of lungs.
====== SKIN. [46] ======
{{anchor:s304}}Numerous small itching vesicles containing matter.\\ {{anchor:s305}}Countless vesicles, size of a pea, livid brown, then violet, discharging offensive secretion.\\ {{anchor:s306}}Suppressed itch, followed by fever.\\ {{anchor:s307}}Stomachic pains from suppressed smallpox.\\ {{anchor:s308}}Condylomata.\\ {{anchor:s309}}Scab of sheep.
====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ======
{{anchor:s311}}Coffee causes congestion to head.\\ {{anchor:s312}}For the aged, atonic; for children and women.\\ {{anchor:s313}}Girl, aet. 20, tuberculous; haemoptysis.\\ {{anchor:s314}}Madame X., mother of six children, hemorrhage after each; prevented post-partum hemorrhage in seventh confinement.\\ {{anchor:s315}}Woman, aet. 42; haemoptysis.\\ {{anchor:s316}}Strong woman, aet. 48; menses ceased two years ago; haemoptysis.\\ {{anchor:s317}}Man, aet. 60; suffering several years; haematuria.
====== RELATIONS. [48] ======
{{anchor:s319}}It antidotes: Arum. mac.\\ {{anchor:s320}}Incompatible: coffee, which causes congestion to head.\\ {{anchor:s321}}Compare: Erecht. in epistaxis and haemoptysis: Senec. aur. in haematuria; Hamam. and Ipec. in hemorrhages.
^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 01, 1879 |
^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r328|Achillea millefolium]] |
^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r328|Achillea millefolium]] |
^ Author: | Hering, C. |
^ Year: | 1879 |
^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting |
^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}