====== ASCLEPIAS TUBEROSA ====== {{anchor:s1}}Asclepias Tuberosa. {{anchor:s2}}Pleurisy Root. {{anchor:s3}}Asclepiadaceae. {{anchor:s4}}An old and popular drug, proved by M. A. Savory, and published in the French journals, 1858; from them, 1860, into German; from there translated by M. J. Rhees, in the June and July numbers of the Am. Hom. Review; same year, 1859, translated by Marcy; altogether condemned by Hale. {{anchor:s5}}Later proved by Th. Nicol; see Hale, N. R., 2d ed., p. 121. {{anchor:s6}}The symptoms taken from him are marked N. ====== MIND. [1] ====== {{anchor:s8}}Excessive dejection.\\ {{anchor:s9}}Weakness of memory.\\ {{anchor:s10}}Difficulty in thinking collectedly.\\ {{anchor:s11}}Towards evening unusual elevation of spirits. {{anchor:s12}}N.\\ {{anchor:s13}}At 9 P. M. the cheerful mood changed, and without any cause he became fretful and peevish. {{anchor:s14}}N.\\ {{anchor:s15}}Languid and dull all day both in body and mind. {{anchor:s16}}N. ====== SENSORIUM. [2] ====== {{anchor:s18}}Feeling of drunkenness with weakness of sight, after smoking a very little.\\ {{anchor:s19}}Swimming of head, with dullness behind forehead. {{anchor:s20}}N.\\ {{anchor:s21}}Head feels dull and gloomy, 9 A. M. N. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s23}}Pain in forehead with a feeling of heaviness in side, continuing all day.\\ {{anchor:s24}}Headache is present almost daily, generally most severe early in morning.\\ {{anchor:s25}}Headache in morning while rising, with weakness, so that he must lie down again, continued all day and night, relieved somewhat by a warm foot bath.\\ {{anchor:s26}}Arthritic cephalalgia.\\ {{anchor:s27}}Gastric cephalalgia.\\ {{anchor:s28}}Dull aching headache in forehead and vertex, agg. by motion, amel. lying down. {{anchor:s29}}N.\\ {{anchor:s30}}Headache presses deep on base of skull. {{anchor:s31}}N.\\ {{anchor:s32}}Pain in forehead from coughing. ====== OUTER HEAD. [4] ====== {{anchor:s34}}Pricking as if with nails in head and at same time in other parts.\\ {{anchor:s35}}Pain in scalp, left side of occiput, like touching a pustule, continuing one day.\\ {{anchor:s36}}Falling out of hair. ====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ====== {{anchor:s38}}Transitory pain behind left eyeball.\\ {{anchor:s39}}Broad, dark spots before eyes, with very slow pulse, 55.\\ {{anchor:s40}}Itching in canthi and lids of right eye.\\ {{anchor:s41}}Inflammation of conjunctiva; for many days.\\ {{anchor:s42}}Pain in eyes by gaslight.\\ {{anchor:s43}}Eyes look languid and fatigued.\\ {{anchor:s44}}Feeling as if sand was in eyes.\\ {{anchor:s45}}Lower lids painful as if ulcerated. ====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ====== {{anchor:s47}}Itching in nose and face.\\ {{anchor:s48}}Pustules on nostrils.\\ {{anchor:s49}}Stinging in nose as from a flea.\\ {{anchor:s50}}At first dry, then fluent coryza during first few days, with much sneezing subsequently.\\ {{anchor:s51}}Snuffles of children.\\ {{anchor:s52}}Fluent coryza with much sneezing.\\ {{anchor:s53}}Blowing of blood from one nostril. ====== UPPER FACE. [8] ====== {{anchor:s55}}Yellowness of face.\\ {{anchor:s56}}Hippocratic face after a violent diarrhea, on 15th day. ====== LOWER FACE. [9] ====== {{anchor:s58}}Many vesicles on lips.\\ {{anchor:s59}}Itching of lips.\\ {{anchor:s60}}Lips inflamed and covered with herpetic vesicles. ====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ====== {{anchor:s62}}Yellow coating on teeth.\\ {{anchor:s63}}Pain in right inferior molars.\\ {{anchor:s64}}Gums very pale and almost yellow; bleed easily and repeatedly. ====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ====== {{anchor:s66}}Putrid taste.\\ {{anchor:s67}}Yellow tough coating on tongue. ====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ====== {{anchor:s69}}Taste of blood in mouth. ====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ====== {{anchor:s71}}Transitory constriction and stinging in throat, extending to larynx.\\ {{anchor:s72}}Pain and soreness in throat. ====== APPETITE, THIRST. DESIRES, AVERSIONS. [14] ====== {{anchor:s75}}Deficient appetite, especially in morning.\\ {{anchor:s76}}Insatiable hunger.\\ {{anchor:s77}}Sensitive to tobacco. ====== HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. [16] ====== {{anchor:s79}}Eructations: frequently after taking drug, continuing all day; with odor of drug.\\ {{anchor:s80}}Nausea in morning, when rising.\\ {{anchor:s81}}Nausea and efforts to vomit.\\ {{anchor:s82}}Vomiting, purging and great prostration.\\ {{anchor:s83}}Nausea with constipation; bilious vomiting.\\ {{anchor:s84}}Bilious vomiting, with or without diarrhea; but with pains in limbs, cramp in feet, etc. ====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ====== {{anchor:s86}}Burning in stomach; after twenty-five minutes.\\ {{anchor:s87}}Pain in stomach; nervous, even amounting to violent gastralgia; also cramplike.\\ {{anchor:s88}}Sensation as if stomach would burst, while laughing; pains in stomach continue forty-two days.\\ {{anchor:s89}}Pressing pain in stomach with rumbling in bowels, 5 P. M. N.\\ {{anchor:s90}}Thoracic pains, easier; still felt in region of diaphragm and on motion. {{anchor:s91}}N.\\ {{anchor:s92}}Disagreeable feeling of weight at stomach, appetite deficient.\\ {{anchor:s93}}Flying pains in stomach. ====== HYPOCHONDRIA. [18] ====== {{anchor:s95}}Burning in right hypochondriac region and stomach, with pain in intestines.\\ {{anchor:s96}}Throbbing in left hypochondriac region.\\ {{anchor:s97}}Violent pain in hypogastrium, as if ulcerated, with tenderness to pressure.\\ {{anchor:s98}}Fullness and pains in right side, with flying pain in stomach and feeling as if something would pass bowels, with slight nausea. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s100}}Soft, fetid stool, preceded by rumbling, followed by urging to stool.\\ {{anchor:s101}}Stool like white of eggs.\\ {{anchor:s102}}Pain in intestines, after twenty minutes.\\ {{anchor:s103}}Much flatulence, smelling like drug, with colic-like pains.\\ {{anchor:s104}}Flatulence with a sensation when walking as if belly would drop.\\ {{anchor:s105}}Colic: while going up-stairs; while walking; after eating; most violent at night after 1 o'clock, and also in morning during each stool.\\ {{anchor:s106}}Subacute mucous enteritis.\\ {{anchor:s107}}Acute soreness with sharp griping pains in lower abdomen after Sulphur.\\ {{anchor:s108}}Soreness and pain in peritoneal lining of lower abdomen over bladder, not in it, nor urethra, nor rectum (after Sulphur).\\ {{anchor:s109}}Rumbling and uneasiness in bowels, with feeling of heat in umbilical region. {{anchor:s110}}N.\\ {{anchor:s111}}Pressing pain in bowels and emission of fetid wind, 4 P. M. N.\\ {{anchor:s112}}Awoke 3 A. M. by rumbling in bowels, with sharp cutting pains; felt tranquil and calm, though pain was very severe. {{anchor:s113}}N.\\ {{anchor:s114}}On awaking 6 A. M. rumbling in bowels with soreness of peritoneum; a dull pain on pressure. {{anchor:s115}}N. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s117}}Soft and fetid stool 11 A. M.; 5 P. M. another, very unusual. {{anchor:s118}}N.\\ {{anchor:s119}}Dysentery; chiefly catarrhal and autumnal.\\ {{anchor:s120}}At 11 P. M. urging to stool.\\ {{anchor:s121}}Fluid, painful stool of very strong smell.\\ {{anchor:s122}}Stool of green color and smelling like spoiled eggs, followed by pain in anus.\\ {{anchor:s123}}Painful, copious stool with violent colic and a sensation as if bowels would come out; half an hour afterwards a very small but excessively painful stool; at night, 1 o'clock; at 2 o'clock the same but with increased pain.\\ {{anchor:s124}}In the morning, 11 o'clock, another stool, almost black, with many ascarides and yellow spots like fat, with a feeling as if a stream of fire passed through abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s125}}Constipation after diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s126}}In afternoon a stool of intense yellow color, with green and yellow flakes.\\ {{anchor:s127}}In evening a stool exactly like white of an egg.\\ {{anchor:s128}}Feces enveloped in froth.\\ {{anchor:s129}}Tenesmus.\\ {{anchor:s130}}Bowels so irritable that he had five or six stools a day (after Sulphur).\\ {{anchor:s131}}Flatulence with pains in abdomen and frequent stools.\\ {{anchor:s132}}Pain came on with great violence about 2 or 3 A. M., with sudden discharge from bowels, followed by five or six during day (after Sulphur).\\ {{anchor:s133}}(OBS:) Winter diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s134}}Bilious and painful diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s135}}Catarrhal diarrhea in children or in warm weather when nights are cold and damp. ====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ====== {{anchor:s137}}Urine red to saturation (first twelve days).\\ {{anchor:s138}}Urine looks as if mixed with blood; 17th day.\\ {{anchor:s139}}After standing a short time small, dark red, almost black points size of pin's head rise to surface, and much mucus is deposited on bottom of vessel.\\ {{anchor:s140}}Urine remains more red than normal during whole of proving.\\ {{anchor:s141}}Painful stitches in urethra, repeatedly.\\ {{anchor:s142}}Frequent passing of clear urine.\\ {{anchor:s143}}Urine rather scanty and high-colored. {{anchor:s144}}~ Subacute pericarditis. ====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ====== {{anchor:s146}}Ulcerous excoriations on glans, resembling chancre with a puslike secretion, disappearing in a few days; from washing with urine.\\ {{anchor:s147}}Copious sweat of genitals.\\ {{anchor:s148}}Erections without lust, particularly mornings.\\ {{anchor:s149}}Painful stitches in penis.\\ {{anchor:s150}}Syphilis; constitutional syphilis. ====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ====== {{anchor:s152}}Menorrhagia. N.\\ {{anchor:s153}}Profuse menses, with violent pressing down pain. ====== VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. [25] ====== {{anchor:s156}}Pain in larynx.\\ {{anchor:s157}}Sensation of constriction of larynx.\\ {{anchor:s158}}Capillary bronchitis in children.\\ {{anchor:s159}}Bronchitis acute and chronic. ====== RESPIRATION. [26] ====== {{anchor:s161}}Respiratory murmur and distress in right lung.\\ {{anchor:s162}}(OBS:) Relieves breathing of pleuritic patients. {{anchor:s163}}N.\\ {{anchor:s164}}The breath smells like pepper.\\ {{anchor:s165}}Necessity to inspire hurriedly; followed by a sensation of oppression.\\ {{anchor:s166}}Want of breath, like asthma, often very great, particularly after eating and after smoking a little.\\ {{anchor:s167}}Humid asthma; dyspnea in bronchial affections.\\ {{anchor:s168}}Singing or loud speaking aggravates thoracic pain. {{anchor:s169}}N.\\ {{anchor:s170}}Respiration painful, especially at base of left lung. ====== COUGH. [27] ====== {{anchor:s172}}Dry hard cough, agg. at night and morning.\\ {{anchor:s173}}Cough dry and hacking, though a little mucus is raised with great effort.\\ {{anchor:s174}}Sputa frothy or yellow.\\ {{anchor:s175}}(OBS:) It promotes expectoration when suppressed. {{anchor:s176}}N.\\ {{anchor:s177}}Hoarse, croupy cough, tightness of breathing and fever with hot but moist skin.\\ {{anchor:s178}}Dry cough with constriction of throat. {{anchor:s179}}N.\\ {{anchor:s180}}Cough continues dry and harsh, and coughing causes pain in forehead and abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s181}}Catarrhal cough, hard, spasmodic, from irritation of larynx or bronchia. ====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ====== {{anchor:s183}}Warm feeling in chest.\\ {{anchor:s184}}Soreness in lower part of chest.\\ {{anchor:s185}}Pain in right lung.\\ {{anchor:s186}}Pleurisy (similar to Bryon).\\ {{anchor:s187}}Pleurisy, child, aet. 12, with much cutting pain in left side during inspiration; some dyspnea, fever and hacking cough.\\ {{anchor:s188}}Feeling of warmth in chest, with dull pain at base of both lungs, with feeling of tightness. {{anchor:s189}}N.\\ {{anchor:s190}}Sharp pains shooting from left nipple downward, with stiffness of left side of neck. {{anchor:s191}}N.\\ {{anchor:s192}}(OBS:) It relieves dyspnea and pain in chest. {{anchor:s193}}N.\\ {{anchor:s194}}Pains in chest kept increasing, during evening, making respiration painful, especially at base of left lung, which is dull on percussion, while cough is dry and spasmodic; pain increased and cough agg. when awake, at 4 A. M. N.\\ {{anchor:s195}}Pain moved up from bowels to behind sternum, becoming more sharp and cutting, agg. drawing a long breath and from motion of hands, as in triturating, 4 P. M. N.\\ {{anchor:s196}}Pain in lungs relieved by bending forward. {{anchor:s197}}N.\\ {{anchor:s198}}A feeling of weariness had been less during pain in lungs. {{anchor:s199}}N.\\ {{anchor:s200}}Pain returns on coughing or drawing a deep breath, very acute on right side.\\ {{anchor:s201}}Stitches in left side, shooting over to right and up to left shoulder.\\ {{anchor:s202}}Acute pleuritic pain in right side, with dry, hacking cough, and scanty mucous expectoration.\\ {{anchor:s203}}Subacute pneumonia of a catarrhal origin.\\ {{anchor:s204}}Influenza, with pleuritic or neuralgic pains.\\ {{anchor:s205}}Pleuritic pain and colic.\\ {{anchor:s206}}Chest feels weak and sore, without cough, though no pain is felt on drawing a long breath. {{anchor:s207}}N. ====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ====== {{anchor:s209}}Pain like pricking of a needle in region of heart.\\ {{anchor:s210}}Contracting pain in heart.\\ {{anchor:s211}}Pain beneath left nipple with palpitation of heart; pulse rising.\\ {{anchor:s212}}Acute rheumatic pericarditis.\\ {{anchor:s213}}Hard, heavy, forcible beating of heart, with dyspnea.\\ {{anchor:s214}}Pulse at first 55, afterwards 70; on 8th day, 92.\\ {{anchor:s215}}Pulse thready at 65, during diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s216}}Pulse from 64 to 88, and small (after 1 hour). {{anchor:s217}}N.\\ {{anchor:s218}}Pain beneath left nipple returned with palpitation of heart. {{anchor:s219}}N.\\ {{anchor:s220}}The pain, which is quick, darting, and more acute than at first, shoots over to right side; at noon shooting up to left shoulder, which was painful in motion. {{anchor:s221}}N.\\ {{anchor:s222}}Subacute pericarditis; slight dyspnea aside from painful respiration; acute pain in chest felt on inspiration, movement of arms, stooping forward or lying on left side; pain was located at point where apex of heart strikes parietes of chest, but it would occasionally shoot back under scapula; an indescribable uneasiness in shoulder and arm; pressure on intercostal spaces caused some pain, especially over region of heart. ====== OUTER CHEST. [30] ====== {{anchor:s224}}Tenderness on pressure over region of heart.\\ {{anchor:s225}}The spaces between the ribs close to sternum are tender on pressure, and the pain, which is quick, darting, and more acute than at first, shoots over to right side.\\ {{anchor:s226}}Sharp pains shooting from left nipple downward, with stiffness of left side of neck. ====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ====== {{anchor:s228}}Stinging, transitory stitches between shoulder blades.\\ {{anchor:s229}}Itching and red blotches on back.\\ {{anchor:s230}}Pain in loins like lumbago. ====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ====== {{anchor:s232}}Pock-like pustules on arms.\\ {{anchor:s233}}Pain in left shoulder and soon afterwards in right, like rheumatism.\\ {{anchor:s234}}Pains shooting from left chest into left shoulder.\\ {{anchor:s235}}Pain in bones of left arm.\\ {{anchor:s236}}Rheumatic pains in forearm down to fingers.\\ {{anchor:s237}}Numbness of right hand.\\ {{anchor:s238}}Violent itching in hand and fingers.\\ {{anchor:s239}}Sharp shooting pains in right shoulder, 9 A. M. N. ====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ====== {{anchor:s241}}Pain in hips like coxalgia.\\ {{anchor:s242}}Rending pains in knees and up to hips, especially while walking, and also in morning when rising.\\ {{anchor:s243}}Ankle feels as if sprained.\\ {{anchor:s244}}Drawing pains in thighs.\\ {{anchor:s245}}Pains in bones of left ankle.\\ {{anchor:s246}}Drawing in soles and toes.\\ {{anchor:s247}}Pain as from corns, bedcover seems too heavy.\\ {{anchor:s248}}Violent itching on legs, particularly knees.\\ {{anchor:s249}}Itching of thighs and nates, but no eruption. {{anchor:s250}}N.\\ {{anchor:s251}}A red inflamed spot on upper part of right thigh, size of a dollar, painful and itching, leaving after several days a dark stain.\\ {{anchor:s252}}Aching pains in knees and drawing pains in thighs, and more languid than on preceding day. {{anchor:s253}}N. ====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ====== {{anchor:s257}}Lying: headache amel.; pain in chest agg.; weakness in bed.\\ {{anchor:s258}}Bending forward: pain in lungs amel.; pain in chest amel.\\ {{anchor:s259}}Motion: headache agg.; thoracic pains agg.\\ {{anchor:s260}}Motion of hands: pain behind sternum agg.\\ {{anchor:s261}}Walking: pain in thighs and legs agg.; sensation as if he was bent forward and towards left side; soreness of abdomen prevents; as if belly would drop; colic. ====== NERVES. [36] ====== {{anchor:s263}}(OBS:) Hysteria. N.\\ {{anchor:s264}}Excessive weakness, morning in bed.\\ {{anchor:s265}}Walking seems impossible.\\ {{anchor:s266}}Quivering and twitching of muscles in different parts.\\ {{anchor:s267}}Sensation of weakness after smoking a little while, walking in morning, before and after rising, particularly in legs.\\ {{anchor:s268}}Unfit for business from pain in bowels, and frequent stools (after Sulphur).\\ {{anchor:s269}}Languor and disinclination for work. {{anchor:s270}}N.\\ {{anchor:s271}}Felt precisely as if recovering from a long and severe sickness. {{anchor:s272}}N. ====== SLEEP. [37] ====== {{anchor:s274}}Difficult and late sleep at night, with great sleepiness in morning and during day, amel. in open air.\\ {{anchor:s275}}Restless and sleepless at night.\\ {{anchor:s276}}Confused and anxious dreams.\\ {{anchor:s277}}Uneasy sleep during first part of night, with frightful dreams, awaking him at 3 A. M.\\ {{anchor:s278}}Slept all night, but gloomy, frightful dreams. {{anchor:s279}}N.\\ {{anchor:s280}}Slept all night till 5 A. M., awaking by frightful dreams which had haunted him all night. {{anchor:s281}}N. ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s283}}At 1 A. M., 2 A. M.: painful stool.\\ {{anchor:s284}}At 3 A. M.: violent pain; awakened by dreams.\\ {{anchor:s285}}At 4 A. M.: cough worse.\\ {{anchor:s286}}At 5 A. M.: awakened by dreams.\\ {{anchor:s287}}Morning; headache agg.; deficient appetite; nausea on rising; erections; cough; pains in thighs on rising; weakness.\\ {{anchor:s288}}At 9 A. M.: head feels dull and gloomy; pains in right shoulder.\\ {{anchor:s289}}At 11 A. M.: soft fetid stools.\\ {{anchor:s290}}All day: languid and dull; pain in forehead.\\ {{anchor:s291}}Afternoon: fever.\\ {{anchor:s292}}At 4 P. M.: pain behind sternum worse.\\ {{anchor:s293}}At 5 P. M.: pain in stomach; rumbling in bowels; diarrheic stools.\\ {{anchor:s294}}Evening: stool like white of egg.\\ {{anchor:s295}}Towards evening: unusual elevation of spirits.\\ {{anchor:s296}}At 9 P. M.: became fretful and peevish.\\ {{anchor:s297}}At 11 P. M.: urging to stool.\\ {{anchor:s298}}Night: cough agg.; sweats; restlessness and sleeplessness. ====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ====== {{anchor:s300}}Open air: sleepiness better.\\ {{anchor:s301}}In winter: diarrhea worse.\\ {{anchor:s302}}Cool, damp nights of warm weather: diarrhea worse.\\ {{anchor:s303}}Catarrhal complaints from cold and damp weather. ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s305}}Chill towards noon.\\ {{anchor:s306}}Chilly with cold feet, though room was warm. {{anchor:s307}}N.\\ {{anchor:s308}}Fever in afternoon.\\ {{anchor:s309}}Feverish; first day.\\ {{anchor:s310}}Warmth of skin. {{anchor:s311}}N.\\ {{anchor:s312}}Hot, moist skin.\\ {{anchor:s313}}High fever with hot sweat.\\ {{anchor:s314}}Night sweats and emaciation. {{anchor:s315}}~ Scrofulosis.\\ {{anchor:s316}}Rheumatic and catarrhal fever.\\ {{anchor:s317}}Bilious marsh fever on rice plantations. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s319}}Right: itching eyelids and canthi; pain in inferior molars; burning in hypochondrium; pain in lungs; pain shoots to side, pain in shoulder; numbness of hand; inflamed spot on thigh.\\ {{anchor:s320}}Left: pain in scalp; pain behind eyeball; throbbing in hypochondrium; pain in base of lungs; pain in nipple; side of neck stiff; stitches in side and shoulder; bone pains in arm; pain in ankle bones.\\ {{anchor:s321}}Above downward: pain in nipple; pain in forearm.\\ {{anchor:s322}}Pains almost constantly occur in one arm, and at same time in opposite leg (similar to Agar., in Apelt's proving). ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s324}}As if sand were in eyes; lids as if ulcerated; as if a stream of fire passed through abdomen; as if bowels would protrude; ankles as if sprained; pain like touching a pustule in scalp; as if ulcerated; in hypogastrium; as if stomach would burst; as if belly would drop.\\ {{anchor:s325}}Disagreeable feeling of weight: at stomach.\\ {{anchor:s326}}Violent pain: in hypogastrium.\\ {{anchor:s327}}Sharp pain: shooting from left nipple downward.\\ {{anchor:s328}}Pleuritic pain: in chest.\\ {{anchor:s329}}Stitches: in urethra; in penis; in left side, shooting to right and to left shoulder; between scapulae, with muscular and articular rheumatism.\\ {{anchor:s330}}Pricking: as if with nails in head and other parts; like a needle in cardiac region.\\ {{anchor:s331}}Stinging: in nose as from a flea; in throat.\\ {{anchor:s332}}Cutting: in left side (pleurisy); behind sternum; in bowels.\\ {{anchor:s333}}Griping pain: in lower abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s334}}Darting pain: in chest.\\ {{anchor:s335}}Rending pain: in knees and hips.\\ {{anchor:s336}}Shooting: in chest; in shoulders.\\ {{anchor:s337}}Flying pains: in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s338}}Burning: in stomach; in right hypochondriac region and stomach.\\ {{anchor:s339}}Soreness: in throat; in lower part of chest; in peritoneal lining of lower abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s340}}Aching pains: in knees; in bones.\\ {{anchor:s341}}Dull aching: in forehead and vertex.\\ {{anchor:s342}}Dull pain: at base of lungs; in bowels.\\ {{anchor:s343}}Pressing: in stomach; in bowels.\\ {{anchor:s344}}Pressing down pain: during menses.\\ {{anchor:s345}}Drawing pain: in thighs; in soles and toes.\\ {{anchor:s346}}Throbbing: in left hypochondriac region.\\ {{anchor:s347}}Contracting pain: in heart.\\ {{anchor:s348}}Constriction: in throat; of larynx.\\ {{anchor:s349}}Cramp: in stomach; in feet.\\ {{anchor:s350}}Tightness: in chest.\\ {{anchor:s351}}Rheumatic pains: in shoulders; in forearm to fingers; in joints; in limbs.\\ {{anchor:s352}}Sprained feeling: in ankle.\\ {{anchor:s353}}Undefined pain: in forehead; in eyes; in molars; in throat; in stomach; in chest; in diaphragm; in intestines; in anus; in larynx; in right lung; under left nipple; in loins; in bones of left arm; in bones of left ankle; in limbs; in hips.\\ {{anchor:s354}}Transitory pain: behind left eyeball; stitches between scapulae.\\ {{anchor:s355}}Fullness: in right side.\\ {{anchor:s356}}Dullness: behind forehead.\\ {{anchor:s357}}Stiffness: left side of neck.\\ {{anchor:s358}}Numbness: of right hand.\\ {{anchor:s359}}Warm feeling: in chest.\\ {{anchor:s360}}Heat: in umbilical region.\\ {{anchor:s361}}Itching: in canthi and base of right eye; in nose; in face; of lips; on back; in hand and fingers; on legs and knees; on thighs and nates.\\ {{anchor:s362}}Weakness: particularly in legs. ====== TISSUES. [44] ====== {{anchor:s364}}Scrofulosis.\\ {{anchor:s365}}Rheumatic pains in joints.\\ {{anchor:s366}}Aching in bones and rheumatic pains in limbs, most in joints; almost always upper left and lower right or opposite.\\ {{anchor:s367}}Great emaciation.\\ {{anchor:s368}}Muscular and articulate rheumatism, with stitching pains, dark red urine and hot perspiring skin. ====== TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. [45] ====== {{anchor:s372}}Pressure: pain in hypogastrium agg.; pain in intercostal spaces near sternum.\\ {{anchor:s373}}Riding in carriage impossible on account of pain in abdomen. ====== SKIN. [46] ====== {{anchor:s375}}Pimples, vesicles or pustules began to appear 15th day, and spread all over, most on arms, legs and face, are very painful and itch excessively, continuing more than 8 days. ====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ====== {{anchor:s377}}French prover, aet. 32, nervous temperament, took two drops of tincture.\\ {{anchor:s378}}Man, aet. 34, strong and muscular, sanguine temperament, fair hair, grey eyes; his provings marked N. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s380}}Side relations: Asclep. syriac. and Asclep. vincet.\\ {{anchor:s381}}Veratr. relieved pains with stool at night.\\ {{anchor:s382}}Very sensitive to tobacco.\\ {{anchor:s383}}The tincture (5 drops) relieved when Sulphur 30 had aggravated, in a case of chronic intestinal disease.\\ {{anchor:s384}}Duration of action 42 days, some symptoms appeared as late as the 60th day.\\ {{anchor:s385}}Compare: Agar. musc. (pains appear in right arm and left leg, or left arm and right leg, see 42); Bryon. (pleurisy, pneumonia). ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 02, 1880 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r320|Asclepias tuberosa]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r320|Asclepias tuberosa]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C. | ^ Year: | 1880 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}