====== LACTICUM ACIDUM ====== {{anchor:s1}}Lactic Acid. {{anchor:s2}}(Lacticum Acidum.) {{anchor:s3}}Lactic Acid. {{anchor:s4}}H3 H5 O3. {{anchor:s5}}An acid, discovered by Scheele, in sour milk, the result of spontaneous fermentation of sugar of milk under the influence of casein. {{anchor:s6}}It is also met with in many vegetable products which have turned sour. {{anchor:s7}}Introduced by Reisig, whose 15th dilution was first proved by Swan. {{anchor:s8}}Subsequent provings by Fincke (30th), Allen, (pure acid, 30th dil.), and Swan (200th). {{anchor:s9}}See N. Am. J. of Hom., 1871, and N. Y. J. of Hom., vol. 1, p. 337. ====== CLINICAL AUTHORITIES. ====== {{anchor:s11}}- Diabetes mellitus, Kirkland, U. S. Med. Inv., Aug., 1875, p. 166; (2 cases) Kitchen, Raue's Rec., 1874, p. 213; Cantani, Primavera, Raue's Rec., 1874, p. 213; Morning sickness during pregnancy, Swan, Hah. M., vol. 6, p. 74; Williamson, Raue's Rec., 1872, p. 12; Foot sweat, Schmucker, Raue's Rec., 1874, p. 17; Swelling of bone, H. K., vol. 22, p. 10. ====== MIND. [1] ====== {{anchor:s13}}Great discouragement. {{anchor:s14}}~ Pregnancy.\\ {{anchor:s15}}Averse to business or what formerly was pleasant to do; lazy; dislikes to read or think; finds fault, is sarcastic, exacting.\\ {{anchor:s16}}Memory affected; cannot remember a thing an hour after it has happened. ====== SENSORIUM. [2] ====== {{anchor:s18}}Vertigo: when turning head suddenly; on stooping.\\ {{anchor:s19}}Sensation as if blood was trickling down from front to back part of head, at 8 P. M.\\ {{anchor:s20}}Head feels very large, confused, as if tossed on a rough sea; nausea like seasickness.\\ {{anchor:s21}}Congestion, as if blood would burst out at forehead or eyes.\\ {{anchor:s22}}Tightness and fullness in head; on stooping it seemed as if blood would burst from nose. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s24}}Dull pain in forehead, extending into eyes; desire to close eyes.\\ {{anchor:s25}}Sensation of fullness in forehead, as if brain was too large.\\ {{anchor:s26}}Dull aching pain over left orbital region, agg. bending forward.\\ {{anchor:s27}}At 10 A. M. pain in forehead, over eyes, and fullness on top of head, as if it would burst, agg. afternoon, and extended into left eye.\\ {{anchor:s28}}Pain in temples in afternoon and on awaking in morning, with depression of spirits.\\ {{anchor:s29}}Sharp, darting pain in left side of head, from temporal to orbital region.\\ {{anchor:s30}}Pain in head and back all night.\\ {{anchor:s31}}Severe pain in forehead and all through head, with chill.\\ {{anchor:s32}}Tightness and heat over head, particularly in forehead.\\ {{anchor:s33}}Congestion of head, painless, with strong pulsation of vessels of neck. ====== OUTER HEAD. [4] ====== {{anchor:s35}}Head sore to touch.\\ {{anchor:s36}}Fullness and tension over whole head, with sweat on scalp.\\ {{anchor:s37}}Fine miliary eruption on scalp.\\ {{anchor:s38}}Painful pimples on left occipital protuberance.\\ {{anchor:s39}}Desire to have head lie high. ====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ====== {{anchor:s41}}Hyperesthesia of retina, steady aching in and behind eyeball.\\ {{anchor:s42}}Dark clouds pass before eyes; cannot see letters on blackboard; smoky appearance of room.\\ {{anchor:s43}}Pupils dilated.\\ {{anchor:s44}}Fullness as if blood was forcing its way out of eyes; feel as if they would burst out of head, agg. turning head.\\ {{anchor:s45}}Could not bear to shut eyes, as if cornea was sore.\\ {{anchor:s46}}Pain through right eye, with nausea.\\ {{anchor:s47}}Marked protrusion of eyes; pupils dilated; feels tired.\\ {{anchor:s48}}Sharp pain in left eye, agg. while reading, with photophobia, direct light painful.\\ {{anchor:s49}}Severe pain in head above eyes, extending into eyes.\\ {{anchor:s50}}Tough mucus in inner canthus of each eye.\\ {{anchor:s51}}Peculiar twitching across right upper lid and in eyeball.\\ {{anchor:s52}}Jerking of left upper lid. ====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ====== {{anchor:s54}}Disturbed and troubled by noise.\\ {{anchor:s55}}Roaring in left ear on rising in afternoon; singing, snapping in left ear.\\ {{anchor:s56}}Pain from parotids into ear; stiff feeling in parotids. ====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ====== {{anchor:s58}}Great sensitiveness of smell.\\ {{anchor:s59}}Erysipelatous redness of left cheek and left side of nose, with small sore vesicles on nose, in morning.\\ {{anchor:s60}}(In sick:) Nasal catarrh, with copious thick, yellow, mucous discharge. {{anchor:s61}}~ Leucorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s62}}Epistaxis every morning; greenish yellow stools, with tenesmus.\\ {{anchor:s63}}Sensation as if a quantity of mucus lodged in posterior nares; discharge of clear viscid mucus after hawking, does not amel. entirely.\\ {{anchor:s64}}Severe coryza, stopped nose, sneezing, thick mucus from head to throat, yellow; dead sweet taste.\\ {{anchor:s65}}Feeling as if blood would spurt from nose; fullness in head. ====== UPPER FACE. [8] ====== {{anchor:s67}}Congestion of blood to face and head.\\ {{anchor:s68}}Erysipelatous redness on left cheek and side of nose; small vesicles on nose in morning. ====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ====== {{anchor:s70}}Tongue dry, parched, sticky. {{anchor:s71}}~ Diabetes mellitus.\\ {{anchor:s72}}Thick white coating on tongue.\\ {{anchor:s73}}Yellow coating on tongue, with bad taste in morning.\\ {{anchor:s74}}Sores on tongue; tongue raw and red.\\ {{anchor:s75}}Taste: fetid; metallic; sour; acrid, with nausea; like copper; peculiar, on back part of tongue. ====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ====== {{anchor:s77}}Very sore mouth; canker sores.\\ {{anchor:s78}}Child had been fretting forty days, cried on taking any food into its mouth, which was inflamed, and tongue and lips studded with little white blisters with a red base.\\ {{anchor:s79}}Mouth very dry; roof dry, feels burnt.\\ {{anchor:s80}}Copious salivation. {{anchor:s81}}~ Pregnancy.\\ {{anchor:s82}}Much saliva in mouth tasting salty. ====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ====== {{anchor:s84}}Elongation of uvula; rawness of pharynx from posterior nares, left side, down to esophagus, with sensation of a quantity of mucus lodged in nares and larynx, causing hawking, which does not relieve entirely.\\ {{anchor:s85}}Dryness of posterior fauces, with hawking of mucus.\\ {{anchor:s86}}Great dryness of throat, with hoarseness and dry cough.\\ {{anchor:s87}}Accumulation of mucus in throat, not loose, but as if filling up; rawness in upper pharynx.\\ {{anchor:s88}}Hawking of thick, yellow, tasteless mucus from upper part of pharynx; dead sweet taste.\\ {{anchor:s89}}Constriction and soreness in throat, with difficulty in swallowing solids.\\ {{anchor:s90}}Fullness in throat, which keeps him swallowing frothy mucus; lump or fullness feels like a small puff ball; not amel. by swallowing.\\ {{anchor:s91}}Fullness in fauces; burning in fauces, throat and esophagus; can hardly force solids into esophagus, fluids more easily.\\ {{anchor:s92}}Constricted feeling low down in throat, with slight nausea.\\ {{anchor:s93}}Sensation of plug in throat.\\ {{anchor:s94}}Sense of constriction in throat; rough and dry. ====== APPETITE, THIRST. DESIRES, AVERSIONS. [14] ====== {{anchor:s97}}Voracious appetite and great thirst. {{anchor:s98}}~ Diabetes mellitus.\\ {{anchor:s99}}Apparent indifference to food, very little satisfies. ====== EATING AND DRINKING. [15] ====== {{anchor:s101}}Uneasiness in stomach after food and drink. {{anchor:s102}}~ Diabetes mellitus.\\ {{anchor:s103}}Eating generally relieves symptoms.\\ {{anchor:s104}}Food sours; eructations; flatus; indifference to food.\\ {{anchor:s105}}After eating: nausea; retching, waterbrash, uneasy in stomach. {{anchor:s106}}~ Diabetes.\\ {{anchor:s107}}Smoking aggravates all symptoms.\\ {{anchor:s108}}Sensation as if all food was lodged under upper end of sternum, which oppresses and distresses for hours. ====== HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. [16] ====== {{anchor:s110}}Belching, with taste of ingesta.\\ {{anchor:s111}}Waterbrash, with continued profuse discharge of saliva.\\ {{anchor:s112}}Eructations of hot, acrid fluid, which burns from stomach to throat.\\ {{anchor:s113}}Nausea: after getting up in morning; like seasickness, with headache; with pain through right eye; with cough; followed by backache; after eating, copious saliva (pregnancy); agg. from any motion; constant.\\ {{anchor:s114}}Morning sickness, particularly in pale, anemic women, who lose much blood during menses. ====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ====== {{anchor:s116}}Feeling of emptiness and sinking at stomach. {{anchor:s117}}~ Diabetes mellitus.\\ {{anchor:s118}}Slight depression and constriction in cardiac region, amel. by bending chest forward.\\ {{anchor:s119}}Burning and weight in stomach agg. by smoking.\\ {{anchor:s120}}Faintness in stomach, passing off leaves nausea. ====== HYPOCHONDRIA. [18] ====== {{anchor:s122}}Left hypochondrium sensitive to touch, with pain as from soreness behind lower end of sternum. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s124}}Pain across bowels and lower right side, 11 A. M.\\ {{anchor:s125}}Sharp pain in lower part of left side, lasting a short time.\\ {{anchor:s126}}Dull pain in left groin over hip bone.\\ {{anchor:s127}}Bearing down pain in upper part of abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s128}}Pain across lower abdomen as with menses, which is not the case.\\ {{anchor:s129}}Jerking and sharp cutting in muscles, awakes with a scream at 12 P. M.\\ {{anchor:s130}}Pain over crest of left ilium, extending forward. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s132}}Bowels very costive, stool once a week, feces hard, black. {{anchor:s133}}~ Diabetes mellitus.\\ {{anchor:s134}}Greenish yellow stools with tenesmus. {{anchor:s135}}~ Epistaxis.\\ {{anchor:s136}}Soft, mushy stool.\\ {{anchor:s137}}Sharp pain across lower abdomen before stool; diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s138}}Aching pain in anus. ====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ====== {{anchor:s140}}Distress and pain in renal region; urine high colored, clear; frequent pain in region of kidneys.\\ {{anchor:s141}}Urine in large quantities, passed frequently. {{anchor:s142}}~ Diabetes.\\ {{anchor:s143}}Urine deep brownish red, with much reddish sediment.\\ {{anchor:s144}}Urine so copious, seemed as if "turning into urine"; also with sore, stretched feeling in bladder.\\ {{anchor:s145}}Urinates frequently, day and night; attempt to retain it causes pain.\\ {{anchor:s146}}Voracious appetite; great thirst; frequent and profuse saccharine urine; skin harsh and dry, no sweat; bowels very costive, stool once a week, feces hard, black; tongue dry, parched, sticky; feeling of emptiness and sinking at stomach; debility; chilliness, especially extremities; weariness in extremities; aversion to exercise; uneasiness in stomach after food and drink. {{anchor:s147}}~ Diabetes.\\ {{anchor:s148}}Man, aet. 62, phlegmatic, dark complexion, dark hair and eyes, had dropsy several times; great weakness, restless during night; severe aching pains in feet and legs, preventing sleep; frequent voiding of foamy, strong smelling, dark urine; quantity from eighteen to twenty pounds in twenty-four hours; in morning urine contained a large amount of salt, in evening a large excess of sugar; violent thirst day and night; unable to walk further than a few rods. {{anchor:s149}}~ Diabetes mellitus. ====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ====== {{anchor:s151}}In the morning annoying erections, but loins ache too much to attempt coition.\\ {{anchor:s152}}Dreams of sexual intercourse, with erections, no emission.\\ {{anchor:s153}}Seminal emissions three successive nights. ====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ====== {{anchor:s155}}Aching pain in region of right ovary, agg. by rapid walking or exercise.\\ {{anchor:s156}}Great heaviness and dragging down in lower abdomen, as if womb was down.\\ {{anchor:s157}}Pain as if menstruating; sitting with feet high relieves uterine soreness.\\ {{anchor:s158}}Menses: seventeen days late; scanty; in morning, pain across small of back and in lower part of abdomen; flow commenced 11 P. M., with distress across lower part of abdomen; were scanty, pale; two days too early, more profuse than usual; great itching of vulva during flow.\\ {{anchor:s159}}Leucorrhea: stains yellow as saffron; was stopped, nasal catarrh ensued. ====== PREGNANCY. PARTURITION. LACTATION. [24] ====== {{anchor:s163}}During pregnancy: morning sickness; salivation; nausea and vomiting.\\ {{anchor:s164}}Morning sickness in pale, anemic women, who lose large quantities of blood during menses, which usually last from five to eight days.\\ {{anchor:s165}}Nausea and vomiting of sour substances; sour taste; no desire for breakfast, food seems to come almost up into mouth; faintness in stomach; diarrhea. {{anchor:s166}}~ Pregnancy.\\ {{anchor:s167}}Waterbrash of hot sour fluid; hot, acrid eructations, which burn from stomach to mouth; mouth full of water; burning in stomach; nausea amel. by breakfast; gone sensation low down in stomach. {{anchor:s168}}~ Pregnancy. ====== VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. [25] ====== {{anchor:s171}}Hoarse, hard, dry cough, sensation of dryness of throat, with spasmodic, painful contractive sensation.\\ {{anchor:s172}}For an hour and a half after rising voice entirely without control, whispering and speaking when expecting to speak loud; croaking and deep hoarse voice.\\ {{anchor:s173}}Dryness and burning of larynx.\\ {{anchor:s174}}Great dryness, with hoarseness and dry cough; dryness and rawness extending to larynx; rim of glottis particularly affected.\\ {{anchor:s175}}Spasm of glottis, awaking from sleep and causing severe pain and suffocation.\\ {{anchor:s176}}Expectoration seemed to be secreted just inside of glottis.\\ {{anchor:s177}}Aphonia, with dryness of glottis.\\ {{anchor:s178}}Hoarse, hard, dry cough, sensation of dryness of epiglottis, with spasmodic contractive sensation.\\ {{anchor:s179}}Great dryness of throat, hoarseness and dry cough.\\ {{anchor:s180}}Dryness, scratching and burning in throat; tearing in larynx and trachea, with hoarseness; difficult expectoration of grey tasteless mucus, or so tough that air can hardly pass through it; horrible dreams of abysses, and restless sleep; croup sound not heard. {{anchor:s181}}~ Croup. ====== RESPIRATION. [26] ====== {{anchor:s183}}Saw-like rasping sound of respiration.\\ {{anchor:s184}}Frequent deep sighing inspirations and expirations. ====== COUGH. [27] ====== {{anchor:s186}}Spasmodic ringing cough, from irritation in throat.\\ {{anchor:s187}}Hoarse, hard, dry cough; dry sensation of glottis, with spasmodic contractive sensation; hoarse, sensitive to cold air.\\ {{anchor:s188}}Cough, with nausea, constricted feeling in throat.\\ {{anchor:s189}}Spasmodic, ringing cough, from hot eructations, agg. smoking.\\ {{anchor:s190}}Constant cough, agg. in Spring and Fall, with foot sweats.\\ {{anchor:s191}}Secretes large quantities of saliva, which in morning contains greyish lumps; afterwards expectoration yellowish and salty. ====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ====== {{anchor:s193}}During afternoon sharp pain in back part of left breast, at 6 P. M. a similar pain in right breast, sore to touch.\\ {{anchor:s194}}Pain in back part of left breast during day, at intervals.\\ {{anchor:s195}}At intervals, during morning, pain in back part of right breast, till 11 A. M., when pain extended to axilla, which feels sore to touch.\\ {{anchor:s196}}Pain as of soreness behind lower end of sternum.\\ {{anchor:s197}}Severe cutting or sticking pain in upper third of right side, agg. from motion, amel. with arms close to side.\\ {{anchor:s198}}Rheumatic pain in right side of neck and right breast, agg. stooping head.\\ {{anchor:s199}}Left side of chest sore and painful.\\ {{anchor:s200}}Left lung and back of breast sore all day.\\ {{anchor:s201}}Sharp pain darted through lower part of right breast, 1 P. M., continuing at intervals through afternoon. ====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ====== {{anchor:s203}}Sharp pain around heart, causing palpitation.\\ {{anchor:s204}}Pulse: 90, feverish; 62, small, feeble. ====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ====== {{anchor:s206}}Stiff neck, also down between scapulae and across shoulders.\\ {{anchor:s207}}Pain in edge of trapezius, at occipital and clavicular insertions; flabby, weak feeling; hard to raise head, can do so, however, when erect.\\ {{anchor:s208}}Pain in lower part of back and head all night; pain to shoulders, agg. right.\\ {{anchor:s209}}Backache length of spine.\\ {{anchor:s210}}Aching and sore pain across small of back.\\ {{anchor:s211}}Darting across right side of small of back, agg. stooping, passing away gradually. ====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ====== {{anchor:s213}}Pain in shoulder on moving arm, with soreness in side.\\ {{anchor:s214}}Rheumatic pains in both shoulders, running up muscles of neck to mastoid and ears.\\ {{anchor:s215}}Slight rheumatic pains in wrist joint.\\ {{anchor:s216}}Right index finger swollen, bright red spots, one between first and second and other between second and third joints, latter itched and burned like a bee sting, on eleventh day looked like a blister. ====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ====== {{anchor:s218}}Sore to touch along right sciatic nerve on getting out of bed; pulsating slightly, but constantly.\\ {{anchor:s219}}Rheumatic pains in knee joint on moving leg.\\ {{anchor:s220}}Pain in knee joints like neuralgia, at times extending to toes, with a thrill as if foot had been asleep.\\ {{anchor:s221}}Stinging in joints and weakness of knees.\\ {{anchor:s222}}Laming stitch in right patella on going down stairs.\\ {{anchor:s223}}Knees weak on going down stairs, feels for another step at bottom, with vertigo.\\ {{anchor:s224}}Cramp in calf early in morning, after rising, part feels sore.\\ {{anchor:s225}}Pain in left great toe, afterwards pain in left thigh.\\ {{anchor:s226}}Profuse inoffensive sweating of feet. ====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ====== {{anchor:s228}}Articular rheumatism.\\ {{anchor:s229}}Sweat acrid and profuse; urine clear or high colored and frequent, profuse or scanty; rheumatic soreness in muscles of chest, back and extremities; rheumatic inflammation of elbows, knees and small joints of upper and lower extremities, agg. at night and from motion; fever, with headache and flushes of heat. ====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ====== {{anchor:s233}}Desire to have head lie high.\\ {{anchor:s234}}Stooping: vertigo; as if blood would burst from nose; pain in side of neck agg.; pain in right side of small of back agg.\\ {{anchor:s235}}Bending forward: pain over orbital region agg.; constriction in cardiac region amel.\\ {{anchor:s236}}Sitting with feet high: uterine soreness amel.\\ {{anchor:s237}}Arms close to side: cutting pain in side amel.\\ {{anchor:s238}}Can stand only with difficulty: tired.\\ {{anchor:s239}}Hard to raise head: pain in edge of trapezius.\\ {{anchor:s240}}Getting out of bed: right sciatic nerve sore.\\ {{anchor:s241}}After rising out of bed: knees feel sore.\\ {{anchor:s242}}Going to bed: itching.\\ {{anchor:s243}}Turning head suddenly: vertigo; as if eyes would burst out of head.\\ {{anchor:s244}}Motion: nausea agg.; cutting pain in side agg.; of arm, pain in shoulder agg.; of leg, rheumatic pain in knee joint; inflammation of extremities agg.; during and after, very tired.\\ {{anchor:s245}}Exercise: aching in right ovary agg.; aversion to.\\ {{anchor:s246}}Going down stairs: laming stitch in right patella; knees weak.\\ {{anchor:s247}}Walking: rapidly, aching in right ovary agg.; weakness and trembling of whole body; cannot walk farther than a few rods; great weakness. ====== NERVES. [36] ====== {{anchor:s249}}Great weakness; trembling of whole body while walking.\\ {{anchor:s250}}Debility, weariness of limbs, aversion to exercise. {{anchor:s251}}~ Diabetes mellitus.\\ {{anchor:s252}}Tired all over, can stand only with difficulty.\\ {{anchor:s253}}Very tired on waking, with aching of limbs as if he had not slept.\\ {{anchor:s254}}Spasms of different muscles; rigor of body.\\ {{anchor:s255}}Tired as if he had walked a great distance, during and after motion; eyes protrude.\\ {{anchor:s256}}Intermittent hysteria; nauseated in morning when swallowing, and gets agg. until 9 A. M., when she vomits large quantities of tough phlegm, sometimes had to remove it with finger, lasting till 9 P. M. ====== SLEEP. [37] ====== {{anchor:s258}}Stupid, drowsy all day, restless all night.\\ {{anchor:s259}}Restless all night, could neither sleep nor lie.\\ {{anchor:s260}}Sleepless: with vertigo; with backache. ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s262}}Morning: pain in temples; redness of cheek and nose; yellow coating on tongue, with bad taste; after rising, nausea; urine contained a large amount of salt; annoying erections; pain across small of back and lower part of abdomen; saliva contains greyish lumps; cramp in calf; nauseated.\\ {{anchor:s263}}At 8 A. M.: spots on legs brightest.\\ {{anchor:s264}}At 10 A. M.: pain in forehead, over eyes; fullness on top of head.\\ {{anchor:s265}}At 11 A. M.: pain across bowels.\\ {{anchor:s266}}Noon: cold and chilly.\\ {{anchor:s267}}From 9 A. M. till 9 P. M.: nausea agg., with vomiting of tough phlegm.\\ {{anchor:s268}}Day: left lung and breast sore; stupid and drowsy.\\ {{anchor:s269}}Afternoon: fullness on top of head agg.; pain in temples; roaring in left ear; sharp pain in back part of left breast; sharp pain through lower part of breast, at intervals.\\ {{anchor:s270}}From 1 to 4 P. M.: fever, with severe headache.\\ {{anchor:s271}}Evening: urine contained large excess of sugar.\\ {{anchor:s272}}At 6 P. M.: pain in right breast; slight fever.\\ {{anchor:s273}}At 8 P. M.: as if blood was trickling down from front to back part of head.\\ {{anchor:s274}}Night: pain in head and back; restless; inflammation of extremities agg.; cold.\\ {{anchor:s275}}At 12 P. M.: cutting in muscles, awakens with a scream. ====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ====== {{anchor:s277}}Warmth: burning on legs agg.\\ {{anchor:s278}}Going quickly from warm to cold, or vice versa; red, burning spots on legs agg.\\ {{anchor:s279}}Cold: burning on legs agg.; itching and burning in left half of body, leg, arm and hand.\\ {{anchor:s280}}Cold all night, even when well covered.\\ {{anchor:s281}}Cold air: sensitive to.\\ {{anchor:s282}}Bathing amel. headache.\\ {{anchor:s283}}Shuns damp weather. ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s285}}Cold and chilly at noon, transient.\\ {{anchor:s286}}Chilly, mostly on limbs.\\ {{anchor:s287}}Chill: after pain in small of back and forehead, over eyes.\\ {{anchor:s288}}During chill: pain in head extended all through head and eyes; pain in back.\\ {{anchor:s289}}Flashes of heat.\\ {{anchor:s290}}Slight fever at 6 P. M.\\ {{anchor:s291}}Fever, with severe headache, from 1 to 4 P. M.\\ {{anchor:s292}}Sweat of feet and hands, from noon till evening, every day. ====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ====== {{anchor:s294}}At intervals: during day, pain in left breast; during morning, pain in right breast till 11 A. M., when pain extended to axilla.\\ {{anchor:s295}}Every morning: epistaxis.\\ {{anchor:s296}}Every day, from noon till evening; sweat of feet and hands.\\ {{anchor:s297}}Day and night: urinates frequently; violent thirst.\\ {{anchor:s298}}Three successive nights: seminal emissions.\\ {{anchor:s299}}Once a week: stool.\\ {{anchor:s300}}Spring and Fall: cough agg.\\ {{anchor:s301}}For one hour and a half after rising: voice entirely without control.\\ {{anchor:s302}}For hours: distressed by sensation as if food was lodged under upper end of sternum. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s304}}Right: pain through eye; twitching across upper eyelid; pain across bowels and lower part of side; aching in region of ovary; pain in breast; cutting in side; rheumatic pain in side of neck and breast; sharp pain through lower part of breast; pain in shoulder; darting across side of small of back; index finger swollen; sore along sciatic nerve; laming stitch in patella.\\ {{anchor:s305}}Left: dull aching pain over orbital region; fullness from head into eye; sharp pain in side of head; painful pimples on occipital protuberance; sharp pain in eye; jerking of upper lid; roaring in ear; singing, snapping in ear; erysipelatous redness of cheek and side of nose; rawness of pharynx from side of posterior nares; hypochondrium sensitive to touch; sharp pain in lower part of side; dull pain in groin; pain over crest of ilium; pain in back part of breast; side of chest sore and painful; lung and back of breast sore; pain in great toe; pain in thigh; creeping and stinging in half of body. ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s307}}As if blood was trickling down from front to back part of head; head as if too large; as if tossed on a rough sea; as if blood would burst out at forehead and eyes; as if blood would burst from nose; as if brain was too large; as if top of head would burst; as if blood was forcing its way out of eyes; as if eyes would burst out of head; as if cornea was sore; as if a quantity of mucus lodged in posterior nares; as if blood would spurt from nose; mouth as if burnt; lump in throat like a small puff ball; as of plug in throat; as if all food taken was lodged under upper end of sternum; as if turning into urine; as if womb was down; pain as if menstruating; pain as of soreness behind sternum; as if foot had been asleep; tired as if he had not slept or had walked a great distance; heat as if femur would explode.\\ {{anchor:s308}}Pain: in forehead over eyes; in temples; in head and back; through right eye; from parotids into ear; behind lower end of sternum; across lower abdomen; over crest of left ilium; in region of kidneys; across small of back; in lower part of abdomen; in back part of left breast; back part of right breast, extending to axilla; in edge of trapezius, at occipital and clavicular insertions to shoulders; in knee joints; in left great toe; in thigh.\\ {{anchor:s309}}Severe pain: in forehead and through head; in head, above eyes, into eyes; in glottis.\\ {{anchor:s310}}Tearing: in larynx and trachea.\\ {{anchor:s311}}Sharp darting pain: in left side of head, from temporal to orbital region.\\ {{anchor:s312}}Darting: across right side of small of back.\\ {{anchor:s313}}Sharp cutting: in muscles; in upper third of right side.\\ {{anchor:s314}}Sharp pain: in left eye; in lower part of left side across lower abdomen; in back part of left breast; darted through lower part of right breast; around heart.\\ {{anchor:s315}}Laming stitch: in right patella.\\ {{anchor:s316}}Bearing down pain: in upper part of abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s317}}Cramp: in calf.\\ {{anchor:s318}}Rheumatic pain: in right side of neck and right breast; both shoulders, up muscles of neck; in wrist joints; in knee joints.\\ {{anchor:s319}}Rheumatic soreness: in muscles of chest, back and extremities.\\ {{anchor:s320}}Stinging: in joints.\\ {{anchor:s321}}Severe aching pain: in feet; in legs.\\ {{anchor:s322}}Aching pain: in anus; in loins; in region of right ovary; length of spine; across small of back; in limbs.\\ {{anchor:s323}}Steady aching: in and behind eyeball.\\ {{anchor:s324}}Dull aching pain: over left orbital region.\\ {{anchor:s325}}Dull pain: in forehead into eyes; in left groin; over hip bone.\\ {{anchor:s326}}Burning: in fauces; in stomach; of larynx; in throat; of spots on fingers.\\ {{anchor:s327}}Intense heat: in femur.\\ {{anchor:s328}}Heat: in head.\\ {{anchor:s329}}Soreness: of mouth; in throat; of left side of chest; left lung and back of breast sore all day; in side.\\ {{anchor:s330}}Sore, stretched feeling: of bladder.\\ {{anchor:s331}}Spasmodic, painful, contractive sensation: in throat.\\ {{anchor:s332}}Distress: across lower part of abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s333}}Uneasiness: in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s334}}Creeping and stinging: in left half of body, arm, hand, leg.\\ {{anchor:s335}}Gone sensation: low down in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s336}}Sinking feeling: at stomach.\\ {{anchor:s337}}Weakness: of knees; of whole body.\\ {{anchor:s338}}Constriction: in throat; in cardiac region.\\ {{anchor:s339}}Heaviness and dragging down: in lower abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s340}}Weight: in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s341}}Fullness: in head; in forehead; in throat; in fauces.\\ {{anchor:s342}}Tightness: in head; in forehead.\\ {{anchor:s343}}Tension: over whole head.\\ {{anchor:s344}}Stiff feeling: in parotids.\\ {{anchor:s345}}Twitching: across right upper lid and in eyeball.\\ {{anchor:s346}}Dryness: of tongue; of posterior fauces; of throat; of larynx; of glottis; of epiglottis.\\ {{anchor:s347}}Great itching: of vulva; of spots on fingers; in various parts. ====== TISSUES. [44] ====== {{anchor:s349}}Swelling of bone.\\ {{anchor:s350}}Chronic osteitis; exostosis, especially of thighs; chicken breast.\\ {{anchor:s351}}Articular rheumatism; dissolves many tissues.\\ {{anchor:s352}}Kidney affections; croup; diphtheria; morning sickness of pregnancy; emaciation; rheumatism. ====== TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. [45] ====== {{anchor:s356}}Touch: head sore; hypochondrium sensitive; right breast sore; axilla sore; along sciatic nerve sore.\\ {{anchor:s357}}Pressure: spots on legs brightest. ====== SKIN. [46] ====== {{anchor:s359}}Skin hard and dry, no sweat. {{anchor:s360}}~ Diabetes mellitus.\\ {{anchor:s361}}Itching: on various parts, and redness on covered parts; on going to bed.\\ {{anchor:s362}}Hive-like elevations on back; itching and redness on other parts.\\ {{anchor:s363}}Several blotches bright red on legs, slight burning, no itching, amel. warmth, agg. cold and going quickly from warm to cold, or vice versa; brightest 8 A. M. and on pressure; centre remains bright longest.\\ {{anchor:s364}}Itching and burning on going into cold air, with creeping and stinging in left half of body, arm, hand and leg.\\ {{anchor:s365}}Skin harsh, dry, no sweat. {{anchor:s366}}~ Diabetes mellitus. ====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ====== {{anchor:s368}}Large doses disagreed with melancholic, choleric constitution, dark hair and eyes.\\ {{anchor:s369}}Anemic, pale women.\\ {{anchor:s370}}A baby, dark eyes and hair; epistaxis every morning.\\ {{anchor:s371}}Boy, aet. 16, suffering six months; diabetes mellitus.\\ {{anchor:s372}}Young woman, healthy, brunette, two months pregnant with first child; morning sickness.\\ {{anchor:s373}}Man, aet. 62, phlegmatic, dark complexion, dark hair and eyes, has had dropsy several times; diabetes mellitus. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s375}}Antidoted by: Bryon. (relieved sharp pain upper third right side, but soreness remained).\\ {{anchor:s376}}Compatible: meat diet in diabetes mellitus.\\ {{anchor:s377}}Incompatible: coffee increases symptoms.\\ {{anchor:s378}}Compare: vegetable acids (all cause weakness and thinning of the blood); Acon., Act. rac., Bellad., Cauloph., Ipec., Nux vom., Phos. ac. (diabetes), Pulsat., Rhus tox., Psorin. (great discouragement). ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 06, 1888 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r307|Lacticum acidum]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r307|Lacticum acidum]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. | ^ Year: | 1888 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}