====== ROBINIA PSEUDOACACIA ====== {{anchor:s1}}Robinia. {{anchor:s2}}Locust. {{anchor:s3}}Leguminosae. {{anchor:s4}}The common locust tree, indigenous to the southern part of the United States. {{anchor:s5}}The tincture is prepared from the fresh bark of the young twigs. {{anchor:s6}}Provings by Burt, Am. Hom. Obs., 1864, p. 61; Spranger, Am. Hom. Obs., vol. 1, p. 271; Ball (poisoning), Am. Hom. Obs., 1865, vol. 2, p. 327; Houatt, Nouvelles Donnes, Paris, 1866. ====== CLINICAL AUTHORITIES. ====== {{anchor:s8}}- Headache, Burt, A. H. O., vol. 1, p. 62; Pain in stomach, Burt, A. H. O., vol. 1, p. 62; Pyrosis, Peck, T. A. J. H., 1883, p. 676; Sour stomach, Burt, A. H. O., vol. 1, p. 62; Kippax, Org., vol. 3, p. 96; Smedley, A. H. O., vol. 5, p. 24; Dyspepsia, Blake, Hom. Rev., vol. 16, p. 405; Chronic affection of stomach, Shafer, A. H. O., vol. 4, p. 277; Ague, Funk, A. H. O., vol. 3, p. 555. ====== MIND. [1] ====== {{anchor:s10}}Very low-spirited; excessive irritability. {{anchor:s11}}~ Indigestion. ====== SENSORIUM. [2] ====== {{anchor:s13}}Vertigo and dullness of head, in whatever posture it is placed.\\ {{anchor:s14}}Sensation as if brain revolved, especially when lying down.\\ {{anchor:s15}}Vertigo with unsteadiness and nausea. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s17}}Dull frontal headache; much agg. by motion, with neuralgic pains in temples; migraine.\\ {{anchor:s18}}Steady headache, with sensation as if head were full of boiling water, and when moving head sensation as if brain struck against skull.\\ {{anchor:s19}}Gastric headache from a sour stomach, caused by fat meat, gravies, flatulent food, cabbage, turnips, warm bread, pastry, ice cream, raw fruit, etc.\\ {{anchor:s20}}Sick-headache, with eructations and vomiting of excessively acid secretions; irritable and desponding.\\ {{anchor:s21}}Chronic sick-headache. ====== UPPER FACE. [8] ====== {{anchor:s23}}Neuralgic faceache, spreading to eyes, forehead, ears and teeth, changing the whole features; sensation of disarticulation and fracture of jawbone; left side. ====== LOWER FACE. [9] ====== {{anchor:s25}}Jawbone feels as if disarticulated; intensely sour taste and vomiting. {{anchor:s26}}~ Neuralgia. ====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ====== {{anchor:s28}}Burning, lancinating pains, especially in carious teeth, spreading to cheeks, eyes and temples, agg. at night, or when coming in contact with food, especially cold or spiced food; teeth become loosened from the spongy and easily bleeding gums. ====== HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. [16] ====== {{anchor:s30}}Heartburn and acidity of stomach, at night on lying down.\\ {{anchor:s31}}Regurgitation of acid and bitter substances, everything turning to acid.\\ {{anchor:s32}}Sour vomiting of infants; the whole child smells sour.\\ {{anchor:s33}}Nausea, with vomiting of intensely acid fluid. {{anchor:s34}}~ Migraine.\\ {{anchor:s35}}Water taken before eating, at night, returned in morning green and sour.\\ {{anchor:s36}}Vomiting of intensely sour fluid, setting the teeth on edge. ====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ====== {{anchor:s38}}Heartburn and acidity of stomach at night on lying down.\\ {{anchor:s39}}Dull heavy, aching distress in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s40}}Acidity of stomach; food turns sour soon after eating; constant feeling of weight, fullness and tension in stomach; eructations accompanied by a sour liquid, and at times portions of ingesta; burning pain in stomach and between scapulae; thirst; constant frontal headache; water taken before retiring at night, returns in morning green and sour.\\ {{anchor:s41}}Constant dull headache, agg. by motion and reading; at times dull, heavy aching distress in stomach, with sensation as if scalded; sour stomach every night.\\ {{anchor:s42}}Intensely acid condition of stomach often occurring suddenly after taking food, however carefully selected; period between eating and onset of attack not constant; frequent acid, fluid and flatulent eructations, with slight temporary relief; feeling of distension and weight, like a stone, in epigastrium; nausea; palpitation; constipation; severe lancinating pains in epigastric, left inframammary and left infrascapular regions; pains of same character, though less severe, in left side of head and left extremities; integument of left temple and side painfully sensitive to contact; pallor of face; shivering, with coldness of left side, particularly of left extremities, which were bluish around nails; temperature of right side normal; then considerable heat of surface and flushed face; with establishment of reaction symptoms subsided; during attack great mental depression; an anxious longing for and expectation of speedy dissolution; at times sudden vanishing of ideas; occasionally very violent and often repeated acid vomiting so sour as to set teeth on edge; matter ejected frequently streaked with blood; after violent attack of vomiting there was entire cessation of pain for half an hour or longer; tongue slightly furred; appetite good; continued eating sometimes seemed to postpone attack; attack usually lasts several hours; suffering almost continuous for last fifteen years.\\ {{anchor:s43}}Constant, dull, heavy, squeezing pain in stomach after every meal, causing great distress and making her cry every day; stomach sour; constipation; much pain in lumbar region; obliged to keep her bed most of day; hands and feet very cold; cannot eat more than one meal a day, it puts her in such agony.\\ {{anchor:s44}}Fullness and oppression in pit of stomach; bitter, flat or foul taste, excessively acid eructations; long-continued nausea, finally amel. by vomiting, which is so fatiguing that it may cause fainting; constant inclination to stool, finally black, fetid stools, with great relief. {{anchor:s45}}~ Gastric derangement.\\ {{anchor:s46}}Dyspepsia manifesting itself at night and preventing sleep. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s48}}Great distension of stomach and bowels, with flatus; intestines distended almost to point of rupturing, with severe colic and acid diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s49}}Flatulent colic and pinching in abdomen, corresponding to pains in head; severe colic, with ineffectual desire for stool; tympanitic colic, accompanied by great weakness and agg. from least motion. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s51}}Desire for stool, but only flatus passes; finally constipated stools; from undigestion.\\ {{anchor:s52}}Sour stools of infants, with sour smell from body, and vomiting of sour milk.\\ {{anchor:s53}}Diarrheic stools, yellow, green, burning, with nervous agitation, weakness, cold sweat and dyspnea.\\ {{anchor:s54}}Stools, loose, black, fetid, with great tenesmus.\\ {{anchor:s55}}Diarrheic stools, black, fetid or watery, whitish, excessively frequent and generally involuntary, with sensation as if whole body would pass away with stool; heat and pressure in epigastrium; cramps in extremities; weakness and extreme prostration; acid dyspepsia; putrid emanations from body; suppression of urine; fear of death.\\ {{anchor:s56}}Cholera infantum; child smells intensely sour; stools green and watery; with much tympanitis; colic; accompanied by excessive irritability. ====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ====== {{anchor:s58}}Urine scanty and painful; or profuse and turbid. ====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ====== {{anchor:s60}}Nymphomania; whitish, greenish, yellowish, thick, acrid, purulent leucorrhea, with tumefaction and bruised feeling in neck of womb and general prostration; ulcerative pains in vagina, with acrid yellowish leucorrhea, of most fetid smell.\\ {{anchor:s61}}Hard swelling of womb.\\ {{anchor:s62}}Cramps in womb.\\ {{anchor:s63}}Menses too late; black.\\ {{anchor:s64}}Discharge of blood, like a hemorrhage, between menstrual periods accompanied by purulent leucorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s65}}Eruption and ulcers like herpes on vagina and vulva. ====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ====== {{anchor:s69}}Lying down: as if brain revolved; heartburn and acidity of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s70}}In whatever position: vertigo and dullness of head.\\ {{anchor:s71}}Motion: dull frontal headache agg.; of head, as if brain struck against skull; colic agg. ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s73}}Night: neuralgic pains in teeth and face agg.; heartburn and acidity of stomach; water taken before eating returned in morning green and sour; dyspepsia at night. ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s75}}Paroxysms every day, late in afternoon, lasting until 3 or 4 o'clock next morning; during attack entire loss of consciousness; flatulence, eructations; at last with emission of flatus the paroxysms gradually faded away; on third day of treatment, very severe paroxysm followed by collapse, eyes sunken, face hippocratic, rattling of mucus in throat and chest, threatened suffocation; Carbo veg. removed the most imminent danger; during next three days had three more attacks, also very severe; high fever with delirium, flatulence with unconsciousness, followed by great prostration, dullness and heaviness of head, distressing dreams when shutting eyes; flatulence seems to be chief cause of fever. {{anchor:s76}}~ Ague.\\ {{anchor:s77}}Hectic fever, with night sweats. ====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ====== {{anchor:s79}}For several hours: attack of vomiting.\\ {{anchor:s80}}Every day: paroxysms of fever late in afternoon, lasting until 3 or 4 o'clock next morning.\\ {{anchor:s81}}Every night: sour stomach.\\ {{anchor:s82}}Last fifteen years: attacks of sour stomach and vomiting. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s84}}Right: temperature of side normal.\\ {{anchor:s85}}Left: sensation of disarticulation of jawbone; pain in inframammary, infrascapular regions and in side of head and extremities; integument of temple and side painfully sensitive to contact; coldness of side and extremities. ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s87}}As if brain revolved; as if head were full of boiling water; as if brain struck against skull; jawbone as if disarticulated; stomach as if scalded; as if whole body would pass away with stool.\\ {{anchor:s88}}Pain: in lumbar region.\\ {{anchor:s89}}Lancinating pains: severe in epigastric, left inframammary and left infrascapular regions; in left side of head and left extremities.\\ {{anchor:s90}}Burning-lancinating pain: in teeth and face.\\ {{anchor:s91}}Burning pain: in stomach and between scapulae.\\ {{anchor:s92}}Ulcerative pains: in vagina.\\ {{anchor:s93}}Neuralgic pain: in temples; in face.\\ {{anchor:s94}}Pinching: in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s95}}Dull, heavy, squeezing pain: in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s96}}Cramps: in extremities; in womb.\\ {{anchor:s97}}Dull, heavy, aching distress: in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s98}}Heat: in epigastrium.\\ {{anchor:s99}}Bruised feeling: in neck of womb.\\ {{anchor:s100}}Pressure: in epigastrium.\\ {{anchor:s101}}Weight: in stomach; in epigastrium.\\ {{anchor:s102}}Heaviness: of head.\\ {{anchor:s103}}Oppression: in pit of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s104}}Dullness: of head.\\ {{anchor:s105}}Tension: in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s106}}Fullness: in stomach; in pit of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s107}}Distension: in epigastrium.\\ {{anchor:s108}}Coldness: of left side, left extremities. ====== TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. [45] ====== {{anchor:s112}}Contact: neuralgia in face agg. from food; integument of temple and side painfully sensitive. ====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ====== {{anchor:s114}}Young man, suffering four months; acidity of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s115}}Miss L., aet. 26, temperament nervo-bilious, with a little of the lymphatic; menstruates every three weeks profusely; pains in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s116}}Mrs. ---, aet. 45, dark eyes and hair, nervo-bilious temperament, mother of eight children; suffering since fourteen years old, attacks at first every Spring and Fall, continuing for about three months, for last fifteen years suffering almost continuous; pain in stomach, etc.\\ {{anchor:s117}}Man, aet. 45, suffering three years from enlargement of liver and sympathetic cough; ague. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s119}}Compare: Bryon., Cinchon., Carbo veg., Lycop., Nux vom. ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 09, 1890 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r435|Robinia pseudoacacia]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r435|Robinia pseudoacacia]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. | ^ Year: | 1890 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}