We have received, from Dr. J. L. Stoddard, of Glenn's Falls, N. Y., a small pamphlet, of 48 pages, containing an account, by the Rev. A. D. Milne, of Mrs. Simeon Hays, the woman who is reported to live without eating.

She has been visited by many physicians, clergymen, justices of the peace, and others, who testify to the facts as published.

Elizabeth Hays is the daughter of Joseph and Lydia Carpenter, of Chester, Warren co., N. Y. She is now about 28 years of age, was married to Simeon Hays in January, 1846, and has had four children, the youngest born in July, 1853. In November, 1854, while getting from her bed to a chair, she had a fall, which confined her in bed until July, 1855, when she was taken with spasms. These would frequently last three or four days.

During the first year of her strange illness, she partook of no nourishment, with the exception of a little fruit and broth. Since the 20th of February, 1857, she has not taken any food or drink, and has not had a passage from her bowels since June, 1856, and no passage of water since February, 1857.

Persons who have watched her, day and night, for several weeks, testify that, during that time, she took no nourishment.

Being in an almost continuous spasm of her whole body, deglutition is impossible. The mere smell of food causes violent retching. Dr. Stoddard informs us that he secretly approached her bedside, after simply handling bread, and it caused her to heave violently. He goes on to say-

“I tested it in various ways, until I was satisfied that even the presence of food in the room would produce spasmodic retching, which would render deglutition impossible. As well might you talk of a person taking food while under the operation of an emetic, as for this woman to take food in the condition she is in.”

Cases arc reported where persons have lived thirty or forty days without food, but the above is the most remarkable case we have heard of. The woman is living at Chester, Warren co., N. Y., where any one so disposed can visit her, and judge for himself of the truth of the above.


….Poisoning from Glanders. -Madame Palesikoff left Paris but a short time ago on a summer tour to Germany. While stepping from the door of the Opera House at Berlin to gain her carriage, she let fall one of her bracelets close to to the pavement. Stooping to pick it up, she noticed at the time, laughingly, that one of the horses, belonging to a carriage standing at hand, had dipped his head so close to her face that he had touched her, and left a moist kiss upon her cheek. In a few days, the unfortunate lady was taken ill with that most horrible disease, glanders, and in a few days more breathed her last, in spite of the attendance of the first physicians of Berlin, and every resource to be obtained by. wealth, or by the ceaseless vigilance of friends.- Court Journal.

A few months ago, a gentleman told us of the death of a friend of his from glanders, which he contracted from riding in a Hansom. The horse was glandered, and tossing his head, some of the poisoned spray from his nostrils reached the gentleman's face, who sickened and died miserably in a few days.-

Monthly Homoeopathic Review.

We publish the following extract from a letter received from Dr. George Wyld at London:-

“The latest news of importance to our cause is the passing of a Bill (by our Legislature) to Register legally qualified Medical Men, in which bill there is a clause threatening certain penalties against any licensing body that declines to grant Degrees on the score of medical heresy. This clause was introduced at the instigation of our body. The University of Aberdeen having last month refused to admit to examination a gentleman, unless he would first sign a paper pledging himself on no occasion to practice Homoeopathy!”

The gentleman referred to was a Mr. Harvey, a surgeon in Lancashire, who was told by Dr. Macrobin, the Professor of the Practice of Medicine, that unless he would do as stated above, his diploma would be refused to him.


We have received from Ralph Buchan, Esq., Hon. Secretary of the London Homoeopathic Hospital, the reports of that institution from the commencement. They were not received, however, till too late for us to notice them at length in this number.


Since our article on Yellow Fever was written, the Hospital Buildings at Quarantine have been burned.


Dr. J R. C, jr., Philadelphia. Your Review has been received, not in time, however, for this number.

Dr. R. L., Chicago. The Transactions are at hand. We will endeavor to to give a sketch of them in our next.


Northwestern Journal of Homoeopathy. Conducted by an ASSOCIATION of HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS, pp. 174. Chicago, Cowell & Halsey. May, 1858.

Manual of Homoeopathic Theory and Practice. By C. J. HEMPLE, M.D., and J. BEAKELY, M. D., pp. 1088. New York and Philadelphia, Radde. 1858.

Valedictory Address to the Graduating Class of the Western Homoeopathic College.

By E. A. GUILBERT, M. D., pp. 20. Dubuque, 1858

Homoeopathy tested by Facts. By JAMES P. HARPER, M. D., pp. 40. Edinburgh, 1858.

Organization and Proceedings of the Livingston County Homoeopathic Medical Society. From C. M, Dark, M. D., pp. 44. Geneseo, 1858.

Homoeopathy, and its principles, explained. By E. M. HALE, M. D., pp. 8. Jonesville 1858.

The Principle. A monthly periodical devoted to the exposition of spiritualism. Edited by J. B. CONKLIN, pp. 8. New York, September, 1858.

Constipation, its Theory and Cure By JOHN EPPS. M. D., pp. 440. London, Piper Stevenson & Spence, 1858.

Rules and examples for the study of Pharmacodynamics. By Dr. Hirshel. Edited by THOMAS HAYLE, M. D., pp. 214. Manchester, Turner, 1857.

First Annual Report of the Protestant Hospital of St. Louis, From Dr. T. G. COMSTOCK. St. Louis, 1858.

Monthly Homoeopathic Review. Edited by JOHN RYAN, M. D. London, September, 1858.

College Journal of Medical Science. Conducted by THE FACULTY OF THE ECLECTIC COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. Cincinnati, August, 1858.

Popular Guide to HOMOEOPATHY. By GEORGE L. MOORE, pp. 159. Manchester Turner, 1858.

The British Workman's Family Guide, pp. 156. Manchester, John Heywood 1858.


Source: The AMERICAN HOMOEOPATHIC REVIEW Vol. 01 No. 01, 1858, pages 47-48
Description: A woman who is reported to live without eating. Poisoning from Glanders. Books received.
Author: AHomeo01
Year: 1858
Editing: errors only; interlinks; formatting
Attribution: Legatum Homeopathicum