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Legatum Homeopathicum is a not-for-profit organization founded with the goal of supporting and advancing homeopathy.
The foundation provides various resources for homeopaths and works on projects, the results of which are useful not only to homeopathic practitioners, but also to the general public.
Although homeopathic medicines themselves are available virtually for a price of pure water, the information about their appropriate use are not readily available, but are surrounded by a wall of commercial interests that make such access very difficult and expensive.
We believe that general welfare information, where we include all homeopathic knowledge, should be available to everyone, free of charge. As electronic storage of information is associated with negligible financial costs1), the only price that must be paid is a one-time fee for the work to create the information (such as transfer of a paper book into its electronic form). Once the information is created, we'll make it available to all free of charge, in accordance with the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License (which allows the commercial use of the information) or the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, depending on the type of resource in question.
This kind of sharing of homeopathic knowledge ensures not only continuity, but in particular the further development of homeopathy, facilitated by the fact that it would not be necessary to start from scratch each time we wish to expand our knowledge (because of the existence of various copyright issues and commercial interests which do not wish to share even out-of-copyright information etc.) and it is possible to progress from what has already been achieved and gradually add more and more stones of homeopathic knowledge for the good of all humanity.
According to their abilities and capabilities users can contribute their work (eg. fixing errors, structuring existing information, working on projects) and financially. Financial aid is very important because it allows us to pay experts to work on projects that require tens of thousands of hours of work. If you care about development of homeopathy, one-off or regular financial contribution of any amount is a great way to contribute.
Wishing all success as it rightly deserves. Please carry on with the good work,I'm with you.
All the best , good go for homoeopathy , we are with u
Service to the suffering living is the greatest services of all. We are with you.