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en:ahr:aegidi-a-case-of-diabetes-mellitus-158-10252 [2017/07/11 14:39] (current)
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-====== A CASE OF DIABETES MELLITUS.======  +wh0cd760399 <a href=>more about the author</a> <href=>buy clindamycin</a<a href=http://​>viagra</a<href=http://​>​buy cheap tetracycline</​a> <href=http://​>allopurinol 300 mg</a> <a href=http://​>tadalafil</a<href=http://​>​wellbutrin</​a
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-{{anchor:s2}}%%*[%%From the <span grade2>​AllgHom. Zeitung,<​/span67, 155.] +
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-{{anchor:​s3}}BY DR. AEGIDI. +
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-{{anchor:​s4}}The patient, of whose malady I here give a sketch, is a freeholder, aged 43 years, married, ​the father of two children. {{anchor:​s5}}His disease began in April, 1861, after taking cold in consequence of getting wet through, with rheumatic fever, two months after which the first signs of the present chronic disease made their appearance, from which time they have steadily increased in severity. {{anchor:​s6}}For seven months he was treated by four allopathic physicians with variety of remedial mixtures and by a Homoeopathist with Sulphur, Calcar., Phos. acid, Mercur. oxyd. rubr., Phosphorus, Ars., Silicea, Magnes mur., in low potencies and repeated doses without the least benefit being derived. +
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-{{anchor:s7}}In February, 1862, the patient came under my treatment, his condition being as follows: the patient is of medium size, normal growth, with light hair and grey eyes. {{anchor:​s8}}He is dreadfully emaciated, the laces sunken, the chest flat, the ribs projecting, the muscles of the extremities lax and soft, he is hardly any thing but skin and bone. {{anchor:​s9}}The tongue and gums are a deep red, the latter lax and separated from the teeth. {{anchor:​s10}}The epigastrium distended and very sensitive, the liver hypertrophic,​ the bowels constipated and the feces of a grey color. {{anchor:​s11}}The skin was flabby; on the chest it was covered with an erythema. {{anchor:​s12}}Dull pain in the region of the right kidney, when pressure is made in that region. {{anchor:​s13}}The urinary secretion enormously increased, the quantity of late amounting to about sixteen or eighteen pounds. {{anchor:​s14}}The urine is pale, almost like water, at the same time somewhat milky, sticky, frothy after having been passed, of a sour reaction, its specific gravity 1.103, the proportion of sugar contained in it about 5 1/2 percent. {{anchor:​s15}}Appetite and thirst enormous. {{anchor:​s16}}The sleep is disturbed by frequent urination, the spirits depressed, harassed and care-laden in the highest degree, the intellect blunted, the thoughts cloudy. +
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-{{anchor:​s17}}The patient feels greatly fatigued, powerless, walking and all bodily movements are difficult for him. {{anchor:​s18}}Pains in the ankle joints, heaviness of the feet. {{anchor:​s19}}In the morning, after sleeping, lassitude and powerlessness. <span grade2>{{anchor:​s20}}All the symptoms are aggravated during repose.</span{{anchor:s21}}Thirst is most violent the whole forenoon, with inward chilliness, confusion of the head, pressive pain in the forehead especially after each meal, roaring in the ears, sometimes vertigo with subsequent nausea and difficult deglutition. +
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-{{anchor:​s22}}In anamnestic relations it may be mentioned that up to his 26th year, the patient had enjoyed good health and bodily vigor. {{anchor:​s23}}To the question whether he had ever had <span grade2>itch,</spanhe replied in the negative. {{anchor:​s24}}But he admitted that, in his 19th year, he had, during an illicit intercourse,​ contracted gonorrhoea which lasted nearly ​year in spite of remedies and injections. {{anchor:s25}}Being subjected, after this statement, to a careful examination,​ he gave the following information:​ +
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-{{anchor:​s26}}For a long while after the gonorrhoea was subdued, he had experienced a troublesome itching in the hairy portions of the genital organs, which was especially increased by the warmth of the bed{{anchor:​s27}}After vigorously scratching the parts which itched, an operation to which he was compelled to resort for the purpose of gaining relief, he had observed ​moist eruption appear on those parts, which, after few days became covered with small, blackish scabs; this made him fear that he had contracted lice; careful examination by experts, however, relieved him of this fear. {{anchor:s28}}Subsequently,​ after this troublesome affection had spontaneously disappeared,​ he observed upon the scrotum a quantity of small indurations in the form of yellowish-white bodies as large as a grain of barley, which, however, gave him no inconvenience and gradually vanished without leaving any mark{{anchor:​s29}}Not long afterwards, however, there appeared on the inner side of the lips and on the margin of the tongue, sore spots from the size of the head of a nail to that of a penny, which were covered with a pellicle resembling mother of pearl and which made mastication difficult. {{anchor:​s30}}He had used for these Borax with honey of roses, which, indeed, gave him relief for the moment but did not prevent the return of this painful affection. {{anchor:​s31}}At last, it disappeared entirely and his condition for two years had been in every respect satisfactory. {{anchor:​s32}}Having taken a violent cold, after dancing the whole of a winter night, he then contracted a severe rheumatism, which confined him to his bed six weeks, but which finally yielded to the remedies applied, leaving behind it a painless weakness of the leg. {{anchor:​s33}}Even up to the present time he feels a kind of paralysis of the leg. {{anchor:​s34}}He has also observed an osseous enlargement at the articulation of the right clavicle, which has been painful from time to time and is even yet perceptible. {{anchor:​s35}}Until the commencement of his present malady he has had nothing else to complain of. +
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-{{anchor:​s36}}After hearing all these facts, there could remain no doubt that the patient was affected in a high degree with the Gonorrhoeal Cachexy (as G. H. Ritter has so faithfully depicted its character and course in his celebrated work), and that the Diabetes Mellitus stood in causal connection with this cachexy. {{anchor:​s37}}For this reason and because the patient partook of a hydrogenoid constitution of body, I had no hesitation in prescribing for him Glauber salt and Thuja, which also were indicated by the similarity of the symptoms. {{anchor:​s38}}Rendered cautious by the frequent warnings, both written and oral, of my friend, Dr. Wolf, to give Thuja in only a single dose and not to repeat it, I gave this patient, once for all, a couple of globules of Thuja <sup>30</sup>, and eight days thereafter allowed him to take the third centesimal potency of Natrum sulphuricum,​ five drops four times every day, each dose accompanied by cup of hot water.{{anchor:​s39}}%%*[%%I have observed that Glauber salt, <span grade2>taken with hot water,</span> acts with the greater energy; just as at the Carlsbad Warm Springs, the degree of temperature of the water, modifies the effect.] +
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-{{anchor:​s40}}I refrain from describing the course of the disease with its changes of symptoms, and merely state that the result of this treatment was surprisingly favorable. {{anchor:​s41}}After the patient had taken the Glauber salt in the way above stated, for four months without interruption,​ he was fully recovered from his apparently hopeless and dangerous malady. {{anchor:​s42}}Since this period more than year has elapsed and this man who, when he came to me was given up to die, would now hardly be recognized. {{anchor:s43}}He feels strong, healthy and able to work, is lively in spirits, his muscles are powerful, he has increased in bulk, his countenance is expressive of comfortable health and even his paralytic leg gives him less trouble. +
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-{{anchor:​s44}}The indulgent reader, will, I anticipate, not suspect me of recommending Thuja, and especially not Glauber salt as a specific remedy for Diabetes Mellitus. {{anchor:​s45}}By no means! <span grade2>{{anchor:​s46}}Every single case of disease is a peculiar characteristic case and requires its own individual remedy.</span> +
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-{{anchor:​s47}}This principle was confirmed by the history of second case of Diabetes Mellitus, which came under my treatment, After having been given up by allopathic physicians. {{anchor:​s48}}Neither Thuja or Glauber salt were of the slightest service to this patient. {{anchor:​s49}}After many fruitless experiments,​ however, I succeeded in completely curing this patient also and that by means of a remedy of surprising action, but which however I may not make known until further experiments shall have given me greater certainty respecting its efficacy. +
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-{{anchor:​s50}}[May Dr. Aegidi long enjoy his newly recovered health, for the proposed experiments and the publication of their results, and for the proving of Natrum sulphuricum in which he invites his colleagues to engage. {{anchor:​s51}}— Ed.] +
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-====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== +
- +
-^ Source| The American Homoeopathic Review Vol04 No. 08, 1863, page 356-360 | +
-^ Description:​ | Case of Diabetes Mellitus. | +
-^ Remedies: | Thuja occidentalis,​ Natrium sulphuricum | +
-^ Author: | Aegidi | +
-^ Year: | 1864 | +
-^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | +
-^ Attribution:​ | Legatum Homeopathicum |+
en/ahr/aegidi-a-case-of-diabetes-mellitus-158-10252.1342090420.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/07/17 15:28 (external edit) · Currently locked by: