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en:ahr:ahomeo03-hahnemann-academy-of-medicine-158-10303 [2012/07/12 10:54] external edit
en:ahr:ahomeo03-hahnemann-academy-of-medicine-158-10303 [2017/07/11 02:11] (current)
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-====== HAHNEMANN ACADEMY OF MEDICINE.======  +wh0cd555340 <a href=>​floxin</​a> <href=>​renagel</​a> <href=http://​>​metoclopramide 5 mg</a> <href=>​buy prilosec</​a> <href=>parlodel 2.5 mg</a
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-{{anchor:s2}}The Academy met October 1st, 1862{{anchor:​s3}}Pres. {{anchor:​s4}}Hallock in the chair. +
- +
-{{anchor:​s5}}Dr. Hallock read paper on Cholera Infantum. {{anchor:​s6}}He said the disease seemed unknown in Europe as foreign authors had entirely ignored its existence. {{anchor:​s7}}He questioned whether this endemic character was not occasioned by the more intense heat and more sudden transitions of temperature on this continent, for the other causes, improper food, bad air, dentition, etc., were as abundant elsewhere as here. +
- +
-{{anchor:​s8}}It is generally endemic to our cities although sporadic cases are found in the country. {{anchor:​s9}}In the treatment much depends on careful dietetic management; without this the most judicious selection of remedies will be of no avail. {{anchor:​s10}}No nourishment is equal to the mother'​s milk. {{anchor:​s11}}This if only partial supply of its need, will be a great comfort to the patient and will often be retained where all other liquids will be ejected. {{anchor:s12}}Care must be exercised however to prevent an excess in quantity from being swallowed{{anchor:​s13}}When from an insufficient supply of milk other nourishment must be provided, rice flour gruel or thin well boiled cracker panada, usually without milk and with but little sugar, is preferable to arrow root and gum arabic. {{anchor:​s14}}The remedies most frequently called for are — Aconite, Cham., Ipecac., Calc. acet, Rheum, Kreos., Ars. and Verat. Calc. acet. in delicate feeble children, with slow dentition and rickety constitution,​ is especially valuable. {{anchor:​s15}}When to this general condition there is added continuous dry heat of the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, pale sunken face, constant thirst, frequent thin slimy, greenish or pale tenacious clayey stools, this remedy is almost indispensable to the cure of the case. {{anchor:​s16}}Kreosot. is adopted when there are itching pustules or dry inflamed eruptions, thirst, frequent vomiting with tenderness of the epigastrium,​ painful pressing stools, with acrid discharges of yellow, dark or bloody color. {{anchor:​s17}}Ars. and Verat. are mostly required in the advanced stages of the disease, and in the commencement where the attacks are violent and exhausting in the outset. {{anchor:​s18}}AEthusa cynapsis and Croton tig. are said to be valuable remedies in this disease, the former from its pathogenesis being particularly adopted to the full free constant vomitings, and the latter to the acrid slimy and dysenteric stools. {{anchor:​s19}}The Doctor, however, had had no experience with them. +
- +
-{{anchor:​s20}}Dr. Ball thought the size of the dose was important in this disease. {{anchor:​s21}}He succeeded with the high dilutions (thirtieth) where he had failed with the lower. {{anchor:​s22}}Inquired as to the diet usually given. +
- +
-{{anchor:​s23}}Dr. Barlow restricts his patients to three articles: pure milk, cream and beef tea. {{anchor:​s24}}Is accustomed to use also cold plunge bath during the febrile stage. {{anchor:s25}}The child is stripped, plunged in all over and immediately dried and wrapped up{{anchor:​s26}}It refreshes them very much. +
- +
-{{anchor:​s27}}Dr. Ball has found cream an excellent article of diet in all disorders of the stomach. +
- +
-{{anchor:​s28}}Dr. H. M. Smith exhibited an interesting case of disease originating in Demarara (published in the November number of the REVIEW). +
- +
-{{anchor:​s29}}Dr. Ball reported ​case of complete fistula of the anus. {{anchor:​s30}}Inquired if such case had ever been cured with medicine. +
- +
-{{anchor:s31}}DrHallock had cured two cases of incomplete fistula with Silicea. +
- +
-{{anchor:​s32}}Dr. Barlow had case of incomplete fistula which was improving under the use of Silicea and Iodine tinct., alternately. {{anchor:​s33}}Knew of one complete case that recovered entirely without any operation. {{anchor:​s34}}The patient used decoction of Chelidonium majus and applied externally an ointment of the same, and besides took, once a week, a dose of crude Sulphur. {{anchor:s35}}The case got well in six weeks. +
- +
-{{anchor:​s36}}Dr. Belchee was appointed to read a paper the next meeting. +
- +
-{{anchor:​s37}}Adjourned. J. Mc E. Wetmore, <span grade2>Secretary.</span> +
- +
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- +
-====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== +
- +
-^ Source: | The American Homoeopathic Review Vol. 03 No. 06, 1862, pages 286-287 | +
-^ Description:​ | Hahnemann Academy of Medicine. | +
-^ Author: | Ahomeo03 | +
-^ Year: | 1862 | +
-^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | +
-^ Attribution:​ | Legatum Homeopathicum |+
en/ahr/ahomeo03-hahnemann-academy-of-medicine-158-10303.1342090466.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/26 23:16 (external edit) · Currently locked by: