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Ad. Lippe


Lachnanthes tinctoria, spirit weed, was sent to Dr. C. Hering by Dr. Byron, from Monticello, Florida, with a letter dated November 3d, 1852. In this letter Dr. Byron says, “with the above I send you a plant, known among the Indians as 'spirit weed,' which means an exciting weed; root and flowers are the parts used by the natives to produce as they say a shining eye and big face, which means a brilliant eye and flushed and swelled face. They use it by chewing and in water; those using it look bold,' big' and talk loud (speak eloquent), as soon as its effects pass away the user becomes stupid and very irritable. I have given it as a medicine in several instances.

CASE I Miss B., aged 23, had inflammation of the lungs; pulse 130; cheeks flushed, like with hectic persons; eyes very bright; out of her mind; very thirsty; pains in the chest.

First day, Aconite and Belladonna alternately; pulse 95; her mind restored. Second day, the same; no further improvement. Third day, Rhus and Aconite alternately every two hours; pulse 90; less pain in the chest; hard dry cough; expectoration like bricks and like matter. Fourth day, Bryonia 12; pulse 100; cough not so dry; less pain, but derangement of mind and a chill. Fifth day, Arsenic and six hours afterwards Carbo veg; pulse 110; breathing more free; no pain; fullness of head; mouth very dry. Pulsatilla and Acon. until the eighth day. All this time the eyes were unnaturally bright; the face red flushed, without losing it for a moment. Here I made the first trial and gave this “spirit weed,” and in nine hours face and eyes had lost their redness and brilliancy, in thirty-six hours eye and face sunk into a sallow and lifeless appearance. In this stage Aconite had the best influence. On the twelfth day my patient was convalescent, if it had not been for this weed I do not know in what it might have resulted. I have used the same weed in two other cases, when its efficacy was equally true and prompt.

In order that we might determine this new weed properly, I wrote to Professor Asa Gray, of Cambridge, and sent him the plant. He replied under the 15th of January and said that it was Lachnanthes tinctoria and referred to his manual, page 481.


Wilhelm Raue took three drops of the third potency on the 21st of February, 1853, at half past nine, a.m.

Fifteen minutes after taking it his sight became obscure. If he looked intensely on any thing he saw gray rings which were fixed to the spot.

Sensation on the skin of the inside of the left lower leg as if blisters were bursting, soon after the same sensation on the right lower limb.

Sensation as if the vertex was enlarged and was extended upwards.

A continued stitch in the left part of the forehead from within to without.

The stinging sensation changed in a few minutes into a pressing pain and extended from the left part of the forehead to the right side, over the whole forehead as if it was pressing from within outwards. Tingling in the lower parts of both legs from the knees to the ankles. The pressing pain in the forehead became a dull sensation, in the whole forehead.

Half-past ten, a.m. Burning under the nail of the left toe.

Eleven, a.m. Tingling in the right ear. Singing before the left ear.

Sensation as if the eyeball was pressed together from below.

It drew the left index finger crooked.

Sensation as if the hair was standing on end, worse on the occiput.

A pressure as from a thumb on the right side of the nose.

(The prover had fallen when a child and broken the nasal bones, which had partly suppurated and left an indentation.)

One, p.m. Sensation of twitching in the upper eyelids.

Pain in all the teeth whilst drinking coffee.

Sensation of swelling in the pharynx, an itching sensation there when swallowing.

Pressing in the eyes, as from dost, first in the right and then in the left.

Secretion of white mucus from both eyes.

In the forenoon a continuous stitch in the anus.

At three, p.m., tearing in the left upper arm from the elbow-joint to the shoulder-joint; it pains most in the elbow-joint.

Twelve, m. Pressing in the bladder during micturition.

Half-past three, p.m. Pulse 58.

On the 22d of February, 1853, he took two drops of the third potency, at half-past eight, a.m.

Obscuration of sight lasting from-one to two hours.

If he looked at any spot for some time it became quite dark.

Sudden squeamishness in the stomach.

Tingling in both lower legs and feet, through and through but worse in the calf of the legs.

Sensation of dullness in the head.

Nine and a quarter, a.m. Burning in the juncture of the ilium with the sacrum, deep, internally, drawing towards the right side. Soon after burning in the region of the left kidney, deep internally drawing towards the right side.

The pupils are very much enlarged.

Drawing of the eye-brows and eye-lids upwards, so that he looks with fixed eyes, even when he tries to bring them down by force, they continually go up again, this sensation lasts one hour.

Boiling and bubbling in the chest and the region of the heart, it ascends up to the head and makes him quite giddy; breaks out into perspiration.

Half-past nine, a.m. Fain and stiffness in the neck going over the whole head down to the nose, then like pinching the nostrils together.

Tearing in the left elbow-joint.

Tearing from the left temple down to the left molar teeth.

Three-quarters past nine, a.m. Pulse 60.

The whole scalp is painful also when touched, ten, a.m.

Crawling in the left nostril.

On the left upper vertex pressing as from a finger.

Burning in the spine, about four inches above the small of the back.

Sensation in the left os lachrymalis as if something separated itself, afterwards extending from that part over the left eye into the left temple behind the left ear a bruised pain.

A strong pressure on the left side of the nose.

Itching in the left internal canthus of the eye.

Itching in the right thigh, as if it was deep inside.

Itching in the left tibia.

Half-past ten, a.m. Strong burning in the left half of the scrotum, extending towards the right side.

Tingling in the left ear, relieved by boring with the finger, but it begins again right away, and then it feels as if the ear was closed, with singing in the ear.

Tearing in the forehead from the left to the right side.

In the upper part of the abdomen, one inch above the navel, turning and twirling.

If he read any time, all became black before his eyes and he had to look away.

When walking away in the open air, sensation of squeamishness above the navel.

While eating crawling in the right ear.

Pain in the nape of the neck, as if from dislocation, when turning the neck or bending the head backward.

Four, p.m. Burning in the os sacrum.

Sensation in the left groin as if wind was moving in it.

Pressing as from dust in the eyes with secretion of white mucus from the eyes.

Secretion of white mucus from the eyes yesterday and today.

On the left side of the tongue far back sensation as from biting on it.

Tearing in the right ischium.

Awakens often during the night, contrary to his habits.

February 23d. Feels well in the morning.

Pressing in both external canthi; pulse 64.

Yesterday evening he became much excited over a trifle, he had suppressed his anger.

Quarter past eight, a.m. He took one drop of the fifteenth potency.

Five minutes later his sight became obscured.

Pupils were enlarged.

He felt hot in the chest and around the heart.

Accompanied by giddiness in the head.

If he moved his head quickly, his sight became quite obscure.

Half-past eight, a.m. Tingling in the lower extremities.

Sensation of heat in the region of the heart, going and coming.

All symptoms disappear while walking about; after sitting down the obscuration of sight returns.

Twitching of the muscles in different parts of the body.

Nine, a.m. Sensation of pressure under the short ribs of the right side of the back, deep seated, when taking a long breath. Pulse 60.

He feels full in the chest and this compels him to take a long breath.

Burning on the right thigh, far up on the inside

Tearing in the right ischias, deep inside,

Dull in the forehead.

He is low spirited.

The first day he was lively and had been singing and whistling.

Ten, a.m. Pulse 74, some beats are slow others are fast.

Drawing of the skin on the forehead upwards, worse on the left side.

Burning in the left big toe.

Twelve, m. Pulse 54.

Tingling and itching about the scrotum and around it

Saliva thick and tough.

Tearing in the right side of the forehead down into the cheek.

When lying he feels the beating of his heart to his head.

Three, p.m. Pulse 68.

Tearing in the left ear of short duration.

Quarter past three, p.m. Cutting pain in the right side of the abdomen over the navel; burning stinging in the left knee-pan of short duration.

Half-past four, p.m. Sensation as if the upper eye teeth and incisors were loosened with sensation of soreness, worse when closing the teeth or when touching them with the tongue.

Pressing in the eyes with secretion of white mucus in the canthi.

Tearing in the vertex.

Half-past eight, p.m. Pulse 76.

Towards evening he is in good spirits.

Pressing, tearing in the left cheek, towards the eye, as if the eye would be pressed out.

February 24th. Cramp (spasm) in the right calf of the leg, in the morning when lying in bed.

Headache in the forenoon with pressing out of the eyes.

Burning in the spine four inches above the sacrum.

Tearing in the left ear, in the afternoon.

Tearing in the right tibia.

Yesterday and today frequent inclination to stool without success.

The margin of the eyelids are a little swollen.

Secretion of white mucus in the canthi.

Five, p.m. Pulse 54.

Burning in the right side of the larynx.

Burning in the right side above the sacrum.

While running, suddenly a sensation as if the left foot was out of joint, so that he stumbles, afterwards tearing in the joint of the left foot.

February 25th. In the forenoon while reading, a yellow spot on the paper as large as a hand which fellows as he reads further on.

Painful tearing in the forehead, in the open air.

When closing the eyes, visible twitching of the upper eyelids; closing them firmly makes it worse.

Pressing in the right temple.

When lying down in the bed, pain in the right side of forehead extending around to the right side of the occiput.

Shortly afterwards a dull pain over the occiput, which was followed by a stiffness of the neck.

Can not go to sleep early, contrary to his habit

For some days perspiration and itching of the penis and scrotum.

February 26th. At noon, while eating broth, sudden pain in all the teeth.

After eating, pain in all the upper teeth.

In the afternoon while walking in the open air, singing in the right ear.

In the evening, tearing in the forehead from the left temple to the right.

The tearing in the forehead continues all night, and awakens him several times from his sleep.

Tearing in the right big toe, waking him from his sleep.

February 27th. Pains below the left knee-pan.

Tearing in the left ear.

Pressing pain over the left eye, near the glabella.

Tearing in the right ear.

Cutting in the right upper side of the abdomen.

Tearing in both elbow-joints, sometimes upwards, then downwards, frequently through the day.

Burning four inches above the sacrum.

Stitches in the left side of the chest.

February 28th. Tearing in the right tibia.

Tearing in the right arm below the elbow.

Burning on the right shoulder-blade.

Burning on the right side of the root of the nose.

March 1st. Tearing in the right knee-cap.

March 2d. Took one drop of the 30th potency, at eight, a.m

Towards nine, a.m., dimness of sight

Later, tearing in the left knee.

In the afternoon, pressing in the left eye.

While walking, tearing in the right knee.

Tearing in the knuckles of the middle fingers of the right hand.

Hiccough in bed, lasting half an hour.

During the night some drops flow out of the urethra, coloring the shirt red.


Mrs. Bourroughs took one drop of the third potency at half-past five, p m., on the 22d of February, 1853.

Very soon afterwards, rumbling in the left side of the stomach. Later, in the left side of the abdomen, then as if it were in the large intestines low down, can hear it but does not feel it.

Sensation of warmth in the abdomen, with the sensation as if the bowels would be moved.

Three quarters past five, p.m. Bowels are much moved, evacuation natural, passes much wind and has to strain a great deal; has usually one regular evacuation in the morning, none in the afternoon.

After the bowels were moved, the sensation of heat in the abdomen decreased.

Cutting in the upper part of the abdomen from the left to the right side.

Eight, p.m. Stitches as from the stings of bees on the inner edge of the shoulder-blade.

Half-past eight, p.m. Stitch behind the outside ankle of right foot.

Nine, p.m. She feels hot and oppressed in the chest, with general mild perspiration all over; of short duration.

February 23d. At two, a.m., she awakens with a crampy pain in the chest extending from the right to the left side.

Afterwards pain in the forehead, with general heat alternating with the above mentioned pain in the chest; at last it moves into the neck and the shoulders.

Dry heat, the feet burn, she is restless, throws herself about, much rumbling in the abdomen.

After a while she sleeps again, and dreams that she is spinning and marked her yarn with red wool.

Half-past eleven a.m. One drop of the fifteenth potency.

Half-past two, p.m. Burning stinging pain over the left knee-pan.

Continuous rumbling and rolling in the abdomen.

Nine, p.m. Burning stinging above the left knee-pan, on a spot the size of a cent.

After midnight, stitches as with a knife in quick succession, in the right side of the chest under the right breast; motion or rest have no influence, afterwards stitches as with knives in the region of the left collar bone.

February 24th, eight, a.m. The above mentioned stitches under the right breast come back again.

Yesterday the bowels were moved twice, morning and night, this morning twice.

February 25th. Cracking in the right ear, followed by a sensation as if the ear would discharge.

Itching in the right ear; after introducing the finger and after taking the finger out again, sensation as if cold air was rushing into the ear.

Frequent rumbling and rolling in the abdomen.


Charles Raue, on the 21st of February, 1853, at half-past one, p.m., one hour after I had dined, my pulse being 84, I took one drop of the third potency.

Twenty minutes later the pulse was 80.

Two hours later, after lying down and sleeping, the pulse is 72.

Three, p.m. One drop of the third potency.

Towards evening, pain in the forehead drawing from the right to the left side, better after eating.

Itching in the left ear and soon afterwards in the right ear.

February 24th, half-past eight, a.m., took three drops of the third potency.

Sensation as if the bowels would be moved, but they were not.

The scalp is very painful on the vertex.

One, p.m. Four drops of the third potency. Pulse 74.

Again some pressure as if the bowels would be moved, but there was no movement.

In the afternoon when lying down, stinging itching on the lower side of the first joint of the second toe of the right foot.

Five, p.m. Pulse 58.

February 25th. Pulse 86. Twenty minutes past one, p.m., took one drop of the tincture which tasted bitter.

Rolling of wind in the abdomen.

Slight inclination to stool.

Fullness in the pit of the stomach.

Dull headache in the forehead and the temples.

Much rumbling and rolling in the abdomen and discharge of flatulency.

Crawling itching on the left elbow-joint, soon afterwards on the right elbow-joint, continues for several days and is worse in the evenings.

There is an appearance of some few little pimples in the bends of the elbows.

The scalp is very painful, especially when touched on the vertex.

The left upper eyelid, near the inner canthus, begins to itch in the afternoon, a small hard knot is formed on the spot which becomes red.

February 26th. The redness on the left upper eyelid has extended further and is covered with little vesicles, they itch a great deal. On the second of March it has almost disappeared.

The right eye begins also to itch but does not become red.

On the left gluteus muscle just on the point is formed a pimple with hard red circumference of the size of a penny, is very painful, when touched exceedingly sore, afterwards burning.

March 2d. The pimple does not break, but is very painful.

March 3d. A few more pimples formed around the gluteus muscle, they itch, and when opened by scratching ooze put some watery substance.


Miss Boehme, 34 years old, nervous temperament and a sensitive subject.

She took, on the 24th of February, 1855, two pellets of the sixth potency.

Restless sleep at night followed by perspiration.

During the day she felt well, towards evening at ten o'clock scraping throat, with stinging when swallowing, sleeplessness, dryness increasing, afterwards hoarseness.

February 26th. Throat is better, hoarseness continues fill the afternoon at two, followed by burning and itching on the right knee, which looks scarlet red.

During the night little and restless Sleep. At night, while in bed, short cough with sore throat, afterwards coryza.

During the night, itching and burning of the skin, lasts all night, worse after scratching.

February 27th. Some cough, worse in bed and preventing sleep.

February 28th. Less dry cough from irritation of the throat.

Two, p.m. When reading writing, a small grey spot as large as a lentil is running before the left eye, but not when reading print or when sewing, this lasted till five, p.m.; at five, p.m., ill-humored and sleepy. In bed the cough is worse and prevents sleep.

March 1st. Slight cough. About nine, a.m., cramp in the left foot, continuing for half an hour. Ten, p.m., violent bleeding of the nose (half a pint), the blood is pale. No cough during the night.

March 2d, four, p.m. Bleeding of the nose, but less violent.

March 3d. Headache in the morning, worse at noon; she becomes more giddy; in the evening the headache is a stinging pain. Six, p.m., the head feels enlarged and as if split open with a wedge from the outside to within, the body is icy cold, she can not get warm although one and a half hours under a feather bed; the whole face becomes yellow; she has to whine with the headache, the head burns like fire with much thirst. External heat applied by heated flat-irons to warm the body. During the cold sensation the skin is moist and sticky. At nine, p.m., she becomes warm and perspiration continues till seven, a.m. When she then rises she only feels weak.

March 4th. In the morning a little cough, in the evening an attack as on the previous day, but less severe.

March 5th. She feels well, coughs some in the evening.

March 6th. Dull headache till three, p.m. Before midnight no sleep; after midnight much perspiration, in the morning continued perspiration. Very restless while perspiring.

March 7th. In the afternoon, burning heat, with redness of the face, more on the right side, after the heat had ceased circumscribed dark redness of the cheeks, worse on the right side — bright sparkling eyes.

March 8th. Stinging itching all over, for one hour.

March 9th. Well in the morning. Four, p.m., sweetish rising of water with nausea. Distressing dreams every night.

March 10th. On the forehead elevated red pimples — sleepless night.

March 11th. Headache till ten, a.m. The pimples on the forehead become larger and suppurate.

March 12th. At night, cramp in the left foot, no sleep till morning, when she has feverish distressing dreams.

March 13th. All the nights have been sleepless, except the night before last.

March 14th. Flushes of heat alternating with chilliness.

Eight, p.m. Circumscribed redness of the face, sleeplessness and feverish.

March 15th. In the afternoon, pain in all the teeth, they feel too long and loose. Tooth ache worse in bed, sleepless.

March 16th and 17th. The same.

March 18th. Dull headache.

March 19th and 20th. Stinging headache, and that every day up to the 14th of April. Drowsiness during the day, but when sleeping she sees all kind of images. During the night she is overwakeful without much debility. Tearing in the limbs. In the afternoons, circumscribed redness of the face. From six till twelve, p.m., fever, then better with redness of the face, and more on the upper part of the face. Twitching of the can thus. Dryness of the eyes. Much thirst. Aversion to meat. Spots before the eyes as before. Burning in the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet.

Curative Effects. — A lady who had an ulcerated sore throat for which she had taken large doses of Mercury and had her throat burned by Argentum nit., was first relieved by Nitric acid200, but the continued great dryness in the throat, especially at night when awaking, accompanied by much cough, was greatly improved by one dose of Lachnanthes.

Dr. Henry Duffield, of Oxford, Chester Co., Pa., under date November 11th, 1863, communicates the following case of cure by Lachnanthes:

“On the day that I received the first dose of Lachnanthes I went to see my typhoid pneumonia patient. I found her with very red face and her other symptoms very little abated since my visit the day before. I dissolved the Lachnanthes in water and gave it her immediately. On visiting her the next day, I found her doing very well. The redness had left the face very soon after the medicine was given and all the rest of the pneumonia symptoms much better, indeed almost entirely removed. She has continued to improve ever since. I saw her today again. Her face got very red while I was there, but I could not be certain it was not from excitement. I thought it best to let this day pass over without giving another dose of Lachnanthes. She had a hard dry cough, which appeared to proceed altogether from the larynx and as the expectoration was white I gave Pulsatilla, and left directions with her sister that, if the redness of the face continued, then to-morrow to give the other dose of Lachnanthes. Her case was one of bad typhoid fever before pneumonia set in, and her father, Dr. Thomas, Homoeopathist, Wilmington. Del., considered her case altogether hopeless, and left her under the impression that he would never see her again alive. She is now, however, in a fair way of recovery.”

In a later letter, under February 7th, 1864, Dr. Duffield communicates some more particulars of the case. He says, “that in the second week of typhoid fever the inflammatory lung symptoms set it, that Bryonia seemed at first indicated and later Phosphorus, but neither arrested the progress of the disease. It was then that he gave Lachnanthes2 dissolved in water, a tablespoonful every two hours. The improvement lasted for one week, and then Pulsatilla was given but the inflammatory symptoms returning, the second of Lachnanthes was administered in water as before; she then fully recovered and remains well.” Dr. Duffield in a later letter recapitulates the symptoms of the patient and says the symptoms were as follows: “Great soreness over the abdomen with great sensitiveness to touch; pulse quick, 110, small and wiry; bowels costive. At between one and two every morning, delirium at times very great, wanted to be dressed and go from the house; face then red; circumscribed redness in the middle of the cheeks, continues till morning; tongue coated yellowish brown and dry. Bryonia and Rhus were given with but little effect, on the seventh day deafness set in and on the eighth day excessive pain in the lungs, with violent cough and bloody expectoration. Aconite and then Phosphorus were given, and at one, a.m., Belladonna for the delirium. She now had much wind on the stomach, with which she was much harassed, without any favorable symptom for seven days, except deafness which became almost total. It was at this stage I received the Lachnanthes which I dissolved in water, and ordered it to be given every two hours (a tablespoonful). I visited her the next morning and, found a decided change for the better. There had been less delirium, at two, a.m.; the pulse was soft and reduced to 100; the expectoration no longer discolored; the tongue beginning to clean along the edges; the expression of the countenance was life-like; her eyes had lost their great brilliancy. The improvement continued for seven days, when slight pneumonia symptoms set in again which were promptly removed by another dose of Lachnanthes. I first visited her on the 12th of October, and paid her my last visit on the 15th of November, but she had required no medicine after the 10th of November. She is now fat and hearty, her hearing is entirely restored. I must ascribe the favorable change in her case to the Lachnanthes, the very first spoonful of which her nurse said had a marked visible good effect. So confident am I of the benefit from the Lachnanthes that, in a similar case, I should not hesitate to use it with the fullest confidence in a beneficial result.”

The arrangement of symptoms obtained from provers, from Dr. Byron, through the Seminoles, and those cured, is made according to the Hahnemannian plan.

R. is the abbreviation for William Raue.

C.R ” “ Dr. Charles Raue.

Borr. ” “ Mrs. Borroughs.

B. ” “ Miss Boehme.

The asterisk (*) denotes symptoms obtained from cures.


Mind and Disposition

1. Restlessness, tosses about. B.

- Great restlessness while perspiring. B.; eleventh day.
- Whining on account of headache. B.
- Ill-humored and sleepy. B.

5. Yesterday evening he became much excited over a trifle, he had suppressed his anger. R.

- Great loquacity, afterwards stupid and irritable. Seminoles. Br. Byron.
- Towards evening hilarity; third day. R:
- Feels well; ninth day. B.
- Feels well in the morning; thirteenth day. B.
- While dozing through the day she sees images. B.

10. Delirium during pneumonia. Br. Byron.

- Delirium with circumscribed red cheeks, worse from one to two, a.m., during typhoid pneumonia. Duffield.


- Giddiness in the head with sensation of heat in the chest and around the heart; third day. R.
- Dizziness in the head, with perspiration with boiling and bubbling in the chest and region of the heart. R.
- Dullness of the whole head; second day. R.

15. Dullness in the forehead; third day. R.

- Dull headache till the afternoon, as 3; tenth day. B.
- Dull headache; twenty-first day. B.
- Dull headache in the forehead and temples. R.
- Dull headache across the occiput after previous pain in the forehead; fifth day. R.

20. Sensation as if the vertex was enlarged, and was driven upwards. R.

- The pressing pain in the forehead becomes a dull sensation in the whole forehead; first day. B.
- Headache pressing the eyes outward, in the forenoon; fourth day. R.
- Dull pain as from a bruise from the os lachrymalis going over the left eye in the temple and behind the ear. R.
- Pressing in the right temple.

25. Pressing as from a finger on the left side of the vertex; second day. R.

- Pain in the right side of the forehead around to the right occiput, when laying down; fifth day. R.
- The head feels enlarged and as if split open with a wedge from the outside to within, the body is icy cold, she can not get warm although one hour and a half under a feather bed, the whole face becomes yellow; she has to whine with the headache, the head burns like fire with much thirst; during the cold sensation the skin is moist and sticky; seventh day. B.
- A similar attack as yesterday but less severe; eighth day. B.
- Painful tearing in the forehead in the open air; fifth day. R.

30. Tearing in the forehead from the left to the right side; second day. R.

- Tearing in the forehead; in the left temple towards the right side of the forehead.
- The tearing in the forehead continues through the night, awakens him frequently from his sleep; sixth day. R.
- Tearing in the left; temple down into the left upper molar teeth; second day. R.
- Tearing in the right temple down into the cheek; third day. R.

35. Tearing in the vertex. R.

- A continuous stitch in the left forehead from within to without, becomes after a few minutes a pressing pain and extends over the whole forehead pressing from within to without; first day. R.
- Pricking headache; 22d and 23d days. B.
- Headache in the morning, worse at noon, she became more giddy, in the evening pricking headache; seventh day. B.
- Headache till ten, a.m. B.

40. Towards evening pain in the forehead, from the right to the left side; better after eating.

- Pain in the forehead with general heat, alternating with crampy pain in the chest; at last it tears in the nose and the shoulders; second day. Borr.
- When lying down he feels the palpitation of the heart in the head; third day. R.
- Burning of the head like fire. B.
- Sensation as if the hair were standing on end, worse in the occiput; first day. R.

45. It draws the skin of the forehead upwards, worse on the left side; third day. R.

- The whole scalp is painful even when touched; second day. R.
- Soreness of the scalp on the vertex.
- The scalp is very painful even to the touch. C. R.
- On the forehead elevated red pimples; 14th day. B.

50. The red pimples on the forehead become larger and suppurate; fifth day. B.


- His sight becomes obscured after fifteen minutes. R.
- His sight becomes obscured, continuing from one to two hours; second day. R.
- His sight becomes obscured. C. R.
- His sight becomes obscured, nine, a.m.; 10th day. R.

55. If he looks on any thing fixedly, he sees gray fixed rings. R.

- When reading writing a small gray spot, as large as a lentil, is running before the left eye, but not when reading print or when sewing, this lasted till five, p.m.; fourth day. B.
- Spots before the eyes as before; fifth day. B.
- While reading in the forenoon, a large yellow spot as large as a hand on the paper which follows as he reads; fifth day. R.
- If he looks long on one spot it becomes dark before the eyes, very soon after taking the medicine; 2d day. R.

60. If he reads for any length of time it becomes dark before his eyes, so that he has to look away; second day. R.

- If he suddenly moves his head, it becomes dark before his eyes; third day. R.
- Pupils very much enlarged; second day. R.
- The pupils become enlarged; third day. R.
- Brilliant eyes; eleventh day. B.

65. Brilliant? eyes. Seminoles. Dr. Byron.

- Brilliant eyes, red face and delirium during pneumonia. Dr. Byron.
- Brilliant eyes, circumscribed redness of the cheeks, violent delirium during pneumonia nervosa. Dr. Duffield.
- Sensation in the left os lachrymalis, as if something separated itself; followed by a dull bruised sensation which extends to the left eye, to the left temple and behind the left ear; second day. R.
- Headache pressing out of the eyes. R.

70. Compression of the left eye-ball from below upwards; first day. R.

- Pressing in the left eye; in the afternoon of the tenth day. R.
- Pressing above the left eye, near the glabella; seventh day. R.
- Pressing in the eyes, as from dust, first in the right eye then in both, worse in the right eye; first day. R.
- Pressing as from dust in the eyes with secretion of white mucus. R.

75. Pressing in the eyes, with secretion of white mucus in the canthi; third day. R.

- Secretion of white mucus from both eyes; first day. R.
- Secretion of white mucus in the canthi; fourth day. R.
- Secretion of white mucus in the afternoon; first and second days. R.
- Pressing in both external canthi.

80. Twitching of the right canthus. B.

- Itching in the internal left canthus; second day. R.
- Eyes dry. B.
- It draws the eye-brows and upper eye-lids upwards, so that he has his looks fixed; they recede again if he tries to bring them down by force, this lasts one hour; second day. R.
- Sensation of twitching in the upper eye-lids, one, p.m.; first day. R.

85. When closing the eyes, the upper eye-lids twitch visibly, when he closes them tight, it grows worse; fifth day. R.

- The edges of the eye-lids are a little swollen; 4th day. R.
- In the afternoon the left upper eye-lid, near the inner canthus, begins to itch; a small hard knot is formed on the spot which becomes red. C. R.
- The right eye begins also to itch, but it does not become red. C. R.
- The redness on the left upper eyelid has extended further and is covered with little vesicles, they itch a great deal. After four days all has disappeared. C. R.

90. A small hard knot on the left upper eyelid. C. R.


- Singing before the left ear; first day. R.
- Singing in the right ear when walking in the open air, in the afternoon.
- Cracking in the right ear, followed by a sensation as if it would discharge something; fourth day. B.
- Tearing in the left ear, of short duration; third day. R.

95. Tearing in the left ear, in the afternoon; fourth day. R.

- Tearing in the left ear; seventh day. R.
- Tearing in the right ear; seventh day. R.
- Tingling in the right ear, eleven, a.m.; first day. R.
- Crawling in the left ear relieved by boring with the finger in the ear, but immediately returning, it feels then as if something had closed the ear; with singing; second day. B.

100. Crawling in the right ear, eleven, a.m.; first day. R.

- Crawling in the right ear while eating; second day. R.
- Itching in the right ear, after first putting the finger in the ear and then taking it out, sensation as if cold air entered the ear; fourth day. Borr.
- Itching in the left ear and soon afterwards in the right.
- Almost complete deafness in pneumonia nervosa. Dr. Duffield.


105. Coryza. B.

- Crawling in the left nostril, ten, a.m.; second day. R.
- Pressure as from a thumb on the right side of the nose; first day. R.
- Strong pressure on the left side of the nose; second day. R.
- Burning on the right side of the root of the nose; second day. R.

110. The nose bleeds profusely, blood pale, half a pint, ten, p.m.; fifth day. B.

- The nose bleeds, bat less profuse, four, p.m.; sixth day. B.


- Tearing pressing in the left cheek towards the eye, as if the eye should be pressed out; third day. R.
- Tearing from the right side of forehead into the cheek. R.
- Yellow color of the face.

115. Circumscribed redness of the face, eight, p.m.; seventeenth day. B.

- Circumscribed redness of the face in the afternoon. B.
- *Circumscribed redness of the face, from one to eight, a.m., with violent delirium and brilliant eyes in pneumonia nervosa. Dr. Duffield.
- Redness of the face. Seminoles. Dr. Byron.


120. Fain in all the teeth while drinking coffee; 1st day. R.

- Tearing from left temple into the upper molar teeth. R.
- Sensation as if the upper incisors and eye-teeth have become loose, with sensation of soreness, worse when touching them with the tongue and when closing them, half-past four, p.m.; third day. R.
- Sudden pain in all the teeth at noon when eating soup; sixth day. R.
- Pain in all the upper teeth after eating; sixth day. R.

125. All the teeth pain, feel loose and too long, worse in bed. eighteenth day, p.m. R.


- On the left part of the edge of the tongue behind, pain as if it had been bitten upon; second day. R.
- Saliva of tough mucus.


- Sensation of swelling in the left tide of the throat, when he swallows he feels an itching in the spot; 1st day. R.
- At ten, p.m., roughness of the throat, with pricking when swallowing; continually increasing, dryness of the throat with sleeplessness, followed by hoarseness; first day. B.

130. Roughness of the throat is better on the second day. B.

- Great dryness in the throat, especially on awaking during the night with much coughing. (In a patient who had an ulcerated sore throat, and had been treated with Mercury and Nitrate of silver, she had been better after Nitric acid200.) One dose of Lachnanthes improved the dryness very much. Dr. Lippe.
- Sore throat with short cough. B.
- When swallowing, itching in the throat on the left side. R.

Appetite and Taste

- Much thirst. B.

135. Aversion to meat. B.

- While eating, crawling in the right ear. R.
- While drinking coffee, pain in all the teeth. R.
- While eating broth at noon, pains in all the teeth. R.
- After eating, pain in all the upper teeth. R.

140. Better after supper (the headache in the forehead).

- After dinner, pulse 84; twenty minutes later 80; and still later, after lying and sleeping, 72.

Gastric Symptoms

- Hiccough in bed, lasting half an hour; tenth day. R.
- Rising of sweetish water with nausea; 13th day. B.
- Sudden sensation of squalmishness in the stomach; second day. R.

145. Sensation of squalmishness above the navel, when walking in the open air; second day. R. Stomach:

- Stomach feels full; third day. R.
- Fullness in the pit of the stomach. C. R.
- Soon after taking the medicine, rumbling in the left side of the stomach; later, on the side of the abdomen and, later, as if in the large intestines low down, can hear it, but does not feel it Borr..
- Rolling of wind in the stomach. C. R.


150. Twirling and twisting in the upper part of the abdomen, two inches above the navel; second day. R.

- Fermentation in the abdomen. Borr.
- Continued fermentation and rumbling in the abdomen; seventh day. Borr.
- Fermentation and rumbling in the abdomen; fourth day. Borr.
- Much flatulency in the abdomen during pneumonia nervosa. Dr. Duffield.

155. Much rumbling in the abdomen and discharge of flatus. C.R.

- Fermenting and discharge of flatulency. C. R.
- Cutting in the upper part of the abdomen, from the left to the right side; first hour. Borr.
- Cutting in the right side of the abdomen above the navel, quarter past three, p.m.; third day. R.
- Cutting in the right upper side of the abdomen; seventh day. R.

160. Sensation of heat through the abdomen, feels as if the bowels would be moved; first day. Borr.

Stool and Anus

- Sensation as if the bowels would be moved but they are not. R.
- Frequent desire to evacuate without result; third and fourth day. R.
- Slight desire to evacuate without result. R.
- Slight desire to evacuate, C. R.

165. Desire to evacuate, three-quarters past five, p.m.; evacuation as usual but with much discharge of flatulency and pressing (she had a regular passage every morning, but never in the evening); first day. Borr.

- After the passage the sensation of heat in the abdomen becomes less; first day. Borr.
- She has a passage in the morning and evening, second day; twice in the morning, third day. Borr.
- Continuous stitch in the anus, a.m.; first day. R.
- Sensation in the left groin as if wind was moving; second day. R.

Urinary Organs

170. Pressing on the bladder when urinating, m.; 1st day. R.

- During the night some drops flow from the urethra which color the shirt red; tenth day. R.

Male Sexual Organs

- Violent burning in the left half of the scrotum, drawing towards the right side, half-past ten, a.m.; 2d day. R.
- Tingling and itching of the scrotum and around it; third day. R.

175. For some days perspiration and itching of the scrotum and penis; fifth day. R.

Larynx and Trachea

- Hoarseness; first day. B.
- Hoarseness till p.m.; second day. B.
- Burning in the right side of the larynx.; fourth day. R.


- Some cough, worse when in bed, preventing sleep; third day. B.

180. A little dry cough from irritation in the throat; fourth day. B.

- Cough in bed worse, also from sleeping; fourth day. B.
- Cough dry as if it came from the larynx, expectoration is streaked with blood, with severe pain in the chest, in pneumonia nervosa. Dr. Duffield.
- In the morning some cough; eighth day. B.
- In the evening some cough; ninth day. B.

185. When inhaling, deep pressing pain under the short ribs near the spine.

- He feels full in the chest and is compelled to inhale deeply; third day. R.
- Stitches in the left side of the chest; fourth day. R.
- Stitches like knives in the region of the left clavicle previously stitches like knives in the right chest; third day. Borr.
- The stitches like knives in the right side of the chest are repeated, eight a.m.; third day. Borr. 190. Stitches like knives following one another in quick succession in the right side of the chest below the mamma, while at rest and when moving, in the afternoon; third day. Borr.
- Boiling and bubbling in the chest and the region of the heart, it rises to the head and he becomes giddy, he breaks out with a perspiration; second day. R.
- He feels

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