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Project HomeoPublish

Perhaps you did not know, but there is a whole mountain of valuable homeopathic literature buried in the libraries - old books, magazines, articles, essays, reviews etc.
The goal of the project is making these available for study, research or software development – never to be lost again.

Preliminary criteria for inclusion

  • must be out of copyright (otherwise a written permission of the copyright holder is necessary)
  • author's or editor's understanding of homeopathy must be (vaguely) in line with Hahnemannian classical homeopathy
  • instructive, high educational value material is preferred

The process

The process of getting from an old dusty badly-printed book to a nice clean crispy electronic text runs as follows:

  1. Scanning the source.
  2. OCR processing.
  3. Basic proofreading.
  4. Formatting.
  5. Sentence disambiguation 1).
  6. Publishing in a suitable output format (online, SQL export, e-reader format such as .mobi)
  7. Further error corrections, formatting improvements, interlinks etc.

Current status

The articles of the American Homoeopathic Review magazines have reached step 6 of the process and are available online.
We have many highly eligible source ready for step 2.

Get involved

You can help by reading the texts currently online and

  • correcting any typos you find
  • creating new links between relevant articles or parts of the same text (see Interlinks for detailed information)
  • improving formatting

Remember, this site runs on a Wikipedia-like engine (called DokuWiki), so you can make any changes as easily as clicking the Edit button, making your modifications and saving it.
Please read the formatting syntax manual before plunging into making any changes and test your first steps on the playground.

Get super involved

If you have a plenty of time to waste and consider yourself a high priest of OCR processing, you could even help with the actual processing of the source materials! If you dare, please do make a contact via info (at) legatum (dot) sk, we will appreciate your help!
Attention to detail and saintly patience are a must.

1) marking the beginning of each new sentence


jim hebert, 2014/03/12 08:16

I am making this 3 euro donation for you to use as you best see fit. I enjoy reading and learn so much from the articles you e-mail to me. Thank you.

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en/homeopublish.1352836523.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/11/13 19:55 by legatum