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en:misc:talk-qa-schwarcz-saine [2013/01/31 19:45]
legatum [QUESTION 3]
en:misc:talk-qa-schwarcz-saine [2013/02/07 11:10]
legatum [QUESTION 7]
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 In the placebo response, subjective symptoms especially the ones patients are consulting for tend to be most affected, and most other collateral symptoms remain typically unchanged. Contrarily, in the response to the simillimum verum homeopathic remedy, we observed an improvement of the whole person, which include most of the chief complaints of the patient, as well as moods, disposition,​ social behavior, sensitivities,​ energy level, sleep, appetite, food cravings, menses, etc. In the placebo response, subjective symptoms especially the ones patients are consulting for tend to be most affected, and most other collateral symptoms remain typically unchanged. Contrarily, in the response to the simillimum verum homeopathic remedy, we observed an improvement of the whole person, which include most of the chief complaints of the patient, as well as moods, disposition,​ social behavior, sensitivities,​ energy level, sleep, appetite, food cravings, menses, etc.
-Second, well-conducted provings of verum homeopathic remedies should show the difference between one remedy from another, and remedies versus placebo. It was found out that in a three armed, double-blind,​ placebo controlled randomized experimental pathogenetic study homeopathic remedies produce more specific symptoms as compared to the non-specific symptoms common to the placebo response(77).+Second, well-conducted provings of verum homeopathic remedies should show the difference between one remedy from another, and remedies versus placebo. It was found out that in a three armed, double-blind,​ placebo controlled randomized experimental pathogenetic study homeopathic remedies produce more specific symptoms as compared to the non-specific symptoms common to the placebo response[(Möllinger H, Schneider R, Walach H. Homeopathic pathogenetic trials produce specific symptoms different from placebo. //​Forschende Komplementrärmedizin//​ 2009; 16: 105–110. ​)].
-Third, many in vitro, plant, animal and human models could be used to differentiate one remedy from another and one potency from another. For instance in one study, a well-known model of restrained-induced catalepsy (RIC) was used in white rats, in which the duration of the effects of different UMPs in the 30 C and 200 C potencies was measured. The higher potencies (200 C or 10-400) showed significant longer RICs. The authors concluded, "The technique of RIC could, therefore, be employed to differentiate between the four homoeopathic drugs tested and also between the two potencies of each drugs(78)."+Third, many in vitro, plant, animal and human models could be used to differentiate one remedy from another and one potency from another. For instance in one study, a well-known model of restrained-induced catalepsy (RIC) was used in white rats, in which the duration of the effects of different UMPs in the 30 C and 200 C potencies was measured. The higher potencies (200 C or 10<sup>-400</​sup>​) showed significant longer RICs. The authors concluded, "The technique of RIC could, therefore, be employed to differentiate between the four homoeopathic drugs tested and also between the two potencies of each drugs[(Sukul NC, Bala SK, Bhattacharyya B. Prolonged cataleptogenic effects of potentized homoeopathic drugs. //​Psychopharmacology//​ 1986; 89; 338-339. ​)]."
-Fourth, with refined spectroscopic analysis such as thermoluminescence,​ UV–visible spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy,​ scientists are reporting that it is possible to observe clear differences between two different remedies and different potencies of UMPs(7980).+Fourth, with refined spectroscopic analysis such as thermoluminescence,​ UV–visible spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy,​ scientists are reporting that it is possible to observe clear differences between two different remedies and different potencies of UMPs[(Rey L. Thermoluminescence of ultra-high dilutions of lithium chloride and sodium chloride. //Physica A// 2003; 323: 67-74.)][(Rao ML, Roy R, Bell IR. Characterization of the structure of ultra dilute sols with remarkable biological properties. //Materials Letters// 2008; 62: 1487-1490.)]. 
 +Fifth, the presence of nanoparticles will be obviously detected in verum UMPs versus placebos with refined spectroscopic analysis[(Chikramane PS, Suresh AK, Bellare JR, Kalita D, Kane SG. Extreme homeopathic dilutions retain starting materials: A nanoparticulate perspective. //​Homeopathy//​ 2010; 99: 231-242.)]. 
 +===== QUESTION 5 ===== 
 +**Given that the water used to prepare homeopathic solutions has been in contact with all sorts of substances as it cruised through lakes, rivers and sewage systems, why does it remember only what homeopaths would like it to remember?​** 
 +At least, two factors must be considered in the fabrication of homeopathic remedies to answer your question. First, pure substances are used in the preparation of homeopathic remedies, which must be in accordance with the official pharmacopeia of the country in which they are made. Canada doesn'​t have its own pharmacopeia but recognizes official pharmacopeias of other countries, such as the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) and Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States (HPUS)[(For instance, Health Canada recognizes the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States, the Homöopathisches ArzneiBuch (Germany), the Pharmacopée française, the European Pharmacopoeia,​ and the Encyclopedia of Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia (India). )]. The HPUS has been in continuous publication since 1897, and since the creation of the FDA by the US Congress in 1938, it has been recognized along the USP as one of the two official drug manuals. //Aqua distillata, alcohol fortior, alcohol officinale//​ and //​glycerin//​ are the four liquid vehicles permitted by the HPUS and they must all meet the tests for identity and purity described in the USP. 
 +Purity of the vehicles and medicinal substances is important for the production and longevity of homeopathic remedies, which must afterward be stored and handled properly, as a number of factors could destroy them after fabrication,​ such as too high or too low temperatures[(UMPs //in solutions// lose their properties after being heated at 55°C for 30 minutes and also when any of the various mixtures of water/​alcohol solutions solidifies at lower temperatures. However, UMPs in solid forms can be heated at 100°C for one hour and will keep their medicinal properties. (Baranger P, Filer MK. Contribution à l'​étude des facteurs physiques pouvant influer sur l'​efficacité thérapeuthique des hautes dilutions de Geraniol. //Annales Homéopathiques Françaises//​ 1975; 17: 357-69.))], microbial contamination,​ and various forms of ionizing radiation[(Weber S, Endler PC, Welles SU, Suanjak-Traidl E, Scherer-Pongratz W, Frass M, Spranger H, Peithner G, Lothaller H. The effect of homeopathically prepared thyroxine on highland frogs: influence of electromagnetic fields. //​Homeopathy//​ 2008; 97: 3-9.)]. 
 +Second, it is important to remember that great force is used in the process of trituration and succussion during the preparation of homeopathic remedies. Rustum Roy, one of the fathers of materials science, estimated that 10,000 to 15,000 atmospheres are applied during this process. According to Roy, it shouldn'​t be surprising that these exceptional great forces can produce durable changes in the properties of the vehicles used and even permit metal to become colloids. This is the reason why it has been asserted that Hahnemann is the actual founder of colloid chemistry[(Kleiner IS. Hahnemann as a chemist. //​Scientific Monthly// 1938; 46: 450-454.)]. 
 +Obviously, as no water in our waterways is pure or is submitted to a process of serial dilution and succussion particular to homeopathy, the question of a prior memory of water has never ever been considered. 
 +===== QUESTION 6 ===== 
 +**What possible rationale is there for potency to increase with decreasing concentration?​ And if this is a case, why does toxicity not increase in a parallel fashion?​** 
 +This question illustrates well the central point of dichotomy between skeptics and homeopaths, which comes down to ask, of theory or facts, which one should rule? By only focusing on the dilution aspect of UMPs, it is clear, even to a child, as Hahnemann pointed out, that the more you dilute the less concentrated and the weaker a solution becomes. However, if the most undeniable experience teaches the more a solution goes through the serial process of succussion and dilution particular to UMPs the greater is the healing response, should we forgo of this phenomenon because it is counterintuitive,​ or as true scientists shall we be intrigued by it, and pursue the experiment until no doubt left is possible? This is the crossroad where skeptics prefer to follow their ideas and theories, while homeopaths, like Hahnemann and Claude Bernard, forgo of ideas and rely instead on the result of pure observation. 
 +Today, fundamental science is slowly but surely demonstrating that, as remedies are prepared through the process of serial trituration/​succussion and dilution, the great amount of force applied to them at each step of the process creates unexpected and durable changes of their physico-chemical properties. The rationale here is clear, the greater and the more often mechanical force is applied the greater are the physico-chemical changes of UMPs. As the chemical toxicity of the original substances decreases in this serial process of dilution, the newer physico-chemical properties augment which corresponds to the greater curative responses observed clinically in patients with the use of the higher potencies. 
 +The increased potency of the higher attenuations of UMPs has been observed in many in vitro, plant and animal studies. For instance, silver nitrate is known to be generally biostatic and will inhibit the growth of wheat seedlings. However, UMPs of silver nitrate beyond 10-24 have been found to stimulate stalk growth. The growth was the greatest with the higher potency[(Pongratz W, Nograsek A, Endler C. Highly Diluted Agitated Silver Nitrate and Wheat Seedling Development. Effect Kinetics of a Process of Successive Agitation Phases. In //​Fundamental Research in Ultra High Dilution and Homoeopathy//​. Edited by Jurgen Schulte and P. Chrsitain Endler. Dordrecht: Klumer Academic Publishers, 1998: 143-154. )]. 
 +In 1825, Hahnemann answered a similar question that had been publicly asked to him by a skeptic. He wrote, "It is only the ignorant vulgar that still look upon matter as a dead mass, for from its interior can be elicited incredible and hitherto unsuspected powers. All new discoveries of this sort are usually met by denial and incredulity from the great mass of mankind, who have neither adequate acquaintance with physical phenomena nor with the causes of these phenomena, nor the capacity to observe for themselves, and to reflect upon what they perceive. They see, for example, that when a piece of steel is strongly and rapidly rubbed against a hard stone (agate, flint), an operation that is termed striking fire, incandescent sparks fly off (and kindle the tinder or punk they fall on): but how few among them have carefully observed and reflected upon what really takes place there. All of them, or at least almost all, go on thoughtlessly lighting their tinder, and almost no one perceives, what a miracle, what a great natural phenomenon thereby takes place. 
 +When sparks are thus struck with sufficient force, and caught on a sheet of white paper, then we may see, either with the naked eye or by means of a lens, usually small pellets of steel lying there, which have been detached in a state of fusion from the surface of the steel by the smart collision with the flint, and have fallen in an incandescent state, like small fire balls, in the form of sparks, upon the paper, where they cooled. How! can the violent friction of the flint and steel (in the operation of striking fire) cause such a degree of heat as to fuse steel into little balls? Does it not require a heat of at least 3000° Fahrenheit in order to melt steel? Whence comes this tremendous heat? 
 +Not out of the air, for this phenomenon takes place just as well in the vacuum of the air-pump! Therefore it must come from the substances that are rubbed together; which is the fact. But does the ordinary individual really believe that the cold steel which he draws thoughtlessly from his pocket to light his tinder, contains hidden within it (in a latent, confined, undeveloped state) an inexhaustible store of caloric, which the blow only develops, and as it were, wakes into activity? No, he does not believe it, he has never reflected, //and never will reflect//, upon the phenomena of nature. And yet it is so. And yet his steel, which when at rest is cold, contains—whether he believe it or no—an inexhaustible store of caloric, which can only be released by //​friction//​. An inexhaustible store of caloric, I repeat, which is not calculable by the ciphers of any of those arithmeticians who seek to limit nature and render her contemptible,​ by applying their multiplication table to the phenomena of her illimitable forces[(Hahnemann S. How Can Small Doses of Such Very Attenuated Medicine as Homoeopathy Employs Still Possess Great Power? In //The Lesser Writings of Samuel Hahnemann//​. Collected and translated by R. E. Dudgeon. New York: William Radde, 1852: 730.)]."​ 
 +===== QUESTION 7 ===== 
 +**If homeopathy has truly been proven to be effective as stated by homeopaths, why would it not be embraced by physicians? Are they not interested in healing their patients?​** 
 +It is an extraordinary fact how skeptics are so poorly informed about the state of homeopathy in the world. Contrary to what they may think, homeopathy was originally developed by Hahnemann who was a physician and scientist of great learning and industry. Hufeland, who was known as the Nestor of Medicine, was one of the most eminent physicians in Germany during the time of Hahnemann, author of numerous works displaying extensive reading and a cultivated critical faculty, and editors for 42 years of the most reputable journal of the practical healing art. He said of Hahnemann in 1826, "​Hahnemann,​ who I have known for more than 30 years, is one of our most distinguished,​ intelligent and original physicians… and who I have esteemed for a long time for his earlier productions,​ and for his sterling contributions to the science of medicine[(Hufeland CW. Die Homöopathie. //Journal der practischen Heilkunde// 1826; 62: 7. )]." 
 +In 1829, in a second essay on homeopathy, he wrote, "I consider it wrong and unworthy of science to treat the new doctrine with ridicule and contempt. Persecution and tyranny in scientific matters are especially repugnant to me; here we should meet with only liberality of thought, thorough investigation,​ rational refutation, mutual respect, and rigid adherence to the subject, but no personalities. … ‘Prove all things; hold fast that which is good,' is and will ever be the first commandment in all science, and in medicine especially. … Liberty of thought, liberty of science—that is and must be ever be our chief palladium, if we desire to advance[(Hufeland CW. Homoeopathy. //British Journal of Homoeopathy//​ 1858; 16: 179-198. This essay was originally published in 1829 and was reprinted in 1831, see: Hufeland CW. //Die Homöopathie//​. Berlin: Reimer, 1831. )]." 
 +Many prominent physicians adopted homeopathy during the time of Hahnemann and a great number of the court physicians were homeopaths throughout Europe. Even today, a great part of the European royalty is treated with homeopathy, and many Popes of the Catholic Church have been treated with homeopathy[(For more information about the Vatican support of homeopathy see: Dana Ullman'​s //The Homeopathic Revolution//​. Berkeley: North Atlantic books, 2007, 304-308.)]. At least seven US Presidents, namely Tyler, Garfield, Arthur, McKinley, Harding, Coolidge and Hoover, have been treated with homeopathy and their physicians were attending their families at the White House. 
 +Homeopathy has continued to be embraced by physicians all over the world, especially where homeopathy is not repressed, unlike it is currently in many parts of Canada and the United States[(For instance, medical doctors in Quebec haven'​t been able for decades to practice homeopathy without risking being disciplined by the College of Physicians and Surgeons for practicing medicine outside of the standards of practice. In USA and Canada, physicians and scientitists greatly put at risk their academic reputation and career by showing any interest in homeopathy. Many choose medicine as a profession for its social prestige and financial advantages usually associated with it, which they will not risk loosing by exercising their scientific freedom. In fact, few choose medicine and even a smaller number will pursue it as a true vocation.)]. Homeopathy spread in the early 1820's from Germany to the rest of the world. Today in many countries, homeopathy is recognized as official medicine, is part of national health services and its institutions are supported by governments. 
 +For instance, in Germany, the population is so supportive of complimentary medicine that the German government mandated all medical school curricula to include information about complementary medicine. In Germany, the title "​Homeopathic Physician"​ is legally protected. The Medical Chamber bestows this title after a three-year training program. Official courses in homeopathy are offered in the medical faculties of Berlin, Dusseldorf, Hannover, Heidelberg and Freiburg. Approximately 10%, or about 32,000 physicians in Germany, specialize in homeopathy and 75% of Germans regularly use complementary medicine. 98% of the pharmacies dispense homeopathic medicines. 
 +In Switzerland,​ the Swiss National Medical Association (FMH) recognizes homeopathy as a specialty (Fähigkeitsausweis Homöopathie) for physician who have acquired the recognized postgraduate training. About half of the Swiss physicians consider complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) to be effective. Perhaps most significantly,​ 85 percent of the Swiss population wants CAM to be a part of their country'​s health insurance program. It is therefore not surprising that more than 50 percent of the Swiss population surveyed prefer a hospital that provides CAM rather to one that is limited to conventional medical care. As a result of a 2009 national referendum in which more than two-thirds of voters supported the inclusion of homeopathy and selected alternative medicines in Switzerland'​s national health care insurance program, and complementary and alternative medicine has become a part of this government'​s constitution. 
 +In Austria, homeopathic training is available for medical students and physicians. Basic training takes 3 years, which leads to a certification that is officially recognized by the Ministry of Health (Oesterreichische Aerztekammer). The Medical University in Vienna, which offers training in homeopathy, has an institute for research in homeopathy and runs an outpatient clinic for cancer patients. The Austrian Association of Homeopathic Physicians (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Homöopathische Medizin) offers specialty training for pharmacists and veterinarians. 
 +In France, homeopathy is the most used CAM, and 70% of the physicians are receptive to it and consider it effective. At least 25,000 physicians prescribe homeopathic medicines to their patients every year. Its use rose from 16% of the population in 1982 to 29% in 1987 and 36% in 1992. In 1998, homeopathy was taught in at least seven medical schools in France: Besancon, Bordeaux, Lille, Limoges, Marseille, Paris-Nord, and Poitiers, and there are many postgraduate programs. Courses in homeopathy were offered in 21 of the 24 French schools of pharmacy, and in dental and veterinary schools. Homeopathic medicines are refunded by the public health system, and almost every French drugstore dispenses them. 
 +In Spain, homeopathy is recognized as a medical specialty, being taught in universities in Seville, Valladolid, Murcia, Barcelona, Bilbao and Malaga. 
 +In the UK, homeopathy is recognized as a medical practice and has always been available on the National Health Service. The General Practitioners'​ Committee of the British Medical Association issued the following guidance to general practitioners in 1999, "​General practitioners are obliged under their terms of service to refer patients for services available under the NHS... Referral to NHS doctors at one of the five homeopathic hospitals or NHS homeopathic clinics, in cases where GPs think such treatment is appropriate,​ will be part of the terms of service."​ Today, there are several NHS homeopathic hospitals regulated by the Care Quality Commission[(» http://​​conditions/​Homeopathy/​Pages/​Introduction.aspx)]. 
 +Homeopathy is the most popular postgraduate course among all in Great Britain. The respect towards homeopathy and its practice is even more evident after a research showed that close to 50% of physicians prescribe or refers patients to homeopathic physicians. 
 +In Italy, there were in 1999 about 5,000 homeopathic physicians, 7,000 pharmacies dispensing homeopathic medicines, and 20 different laboratories. 8.2 millions Italians used homeopathy in 2000 and close 90% of them said they were helped. 
 +In Holland, 40% of general practitioners use homeopathy. 
 +In Belgium, 81% of consultations in CAM involve homeopathy. Homeopathy has been officially recognized in 1999, and about 25% of the population makes use of homeopathic medicines. 
 +During the time of the iron curtain, homeopathy was banned in many Eastern block countries, but this medical repressive iron curtain fell down with communism. It is noteworthy to mention that in Canada, a supposedly democratic society, there is no homeopathic association for licensed MDs; it is not taught in any of the medical schools and, in many Canadian provinces; and its practitioners have to be very discrete or risk suspension of their license for practicing homeopathy. 
 +In Hungary, homeopathic literature was banned for 40 years until 1990. Homeopathy has now been accepted and integrated into regular medical education and is taught in two medical schools. The Hungarian Homeopathic Medical Association started with 11 members in 1990, grew to 75 after 18 months, and grew further to 302 members in 1994. 
 +After the fall of communism in Czechoslovakia,​ a homeopathic organization was established in November 1990, and it was immediately accepted and integrated within the larger conventional medical society. Within a year, the Ministry of Health officially recognized homeopathy as a medical specialty. 
 +In Romania, medical doctors and dentists can legally practice homeopathy, after having passed an examination following a three-year course. Until now, more than 2,300 physicians have completed this training. 
 +In Poland, only medical doctors may practice homeopathy. Homeopathic training is provided at seven universities (Warsaw, Poznan, Krakow, Katowice, Lublin, Gdansk, and Wroclaw). 
 +In Russia, only medical doctors and dentists can practice homeopathy. Homeopathy is considered a medical specialty, and a medical doctor must obtain a license from the Ministry of Health. Homeopathy holds a unique place, where it has been widely accepted. Demand for homeopathic care is so great that Russians prefer to pay for homeopathic care than to receive free conventional medical care. 58% of physicians use or refer for homeopathic treatment. 
 +In India, homeopathy is integrated into the national health care system and has the largest homeopathic infrastructure in the world, with 400,000 registered practicing homeopaths, 180 colleges teaching courses and graduating 13,000 homeopaths yearly, 7,500 government clinics, 307 hospitals and 24 state boards for the registration of qualified practitioners of homeopathy. According to the Indian government around 10% of its population—or more than 100 million people—depend solely on homeopathy for their health care[(Prasad R. Homeopathy booming in India. //Lancet// 2007; 370; 1679-1680.)]. 
 +In Pakistan, homeopathy is integrated into the national health system. In 1998, there were about 40,000 homeopathic physicians registered with the National Council for Homeopathy, and seventy-six colleges of homeopathic medicine offered officially recognized programs for the four-year Diploma of Homeopathic Medical Science. Several hospitals, outpatient clinics, and dispensaries are attached to the homeopathic medical colleges. 
 +In Argentina, only qualified medical doctors, who have been trained and have graduated from a recognized medical school, are allowed to practice homeopathy. There are seven homeopathic schools offering regular three-year and more advanced postgraduate programs. Today, there are an estimated 3,000 medical doctors practicing homeopathy as their specialty, and 500 pharmacists who specialized in homeopathic pharmacy. 
 +In Brazil, homeopathy has been recognized a medical specialty by the National Medical Council in 1980, was integrated in the national health care system in 1988 and is not viewed anymore as alternative medicine. Since 1991, physicians, who want to practice homeopathy, must complete 2,300 hours of training in homeopathy prior to being licensed. In1995, the Federal Council of Pharmacy recognized and standardized the title of "​Specialist in Homeopathic Pharmacy."​ There are more than 15,000 physicians specialized in homeopathy, making it the 16th most popular of the 61 medical specialties. There are more than 200 homeopathic veterinarians,​ 100 homeopathic dentists, 1,300 homeopathic pharmacists,​ and six homeopathic laboratories. In 2005, a survey conducted among medical students found out that 85% of them were of the opinion that homeopathy should be part of the medical school curriculum (19% think it should be mandatory and 72% optional). 
 +In Chile, homeopathy and the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia are legally recognized. 
 +In Ecuador, the Government recognized homeopathy as a medical practice in 1983. The Ecuadorian Medical Federation began officially recognizing homeopathy as a medical specialty in 1988. 
 +In Colombia, the Congress of Deputies officially recognized homeopathy as a system of medicine in 1905. In 1914, the Government standardized training requirements for homeopathic doctors and established a system of title protection. Only physicians can practice homeopathy. The Institute of Medicaments and Food regulates the manufacturing of homeopathic remedies. Integration of homeopathy into the Public Health Services is planned. 
 +In Costa Rica, the College of Physicians and Surgeons recognized homeopathy as a medical specialty in 1994. 
 +In Cuba, the Ministry of Health officially recognized homeopathy in 1992. Courses on introductory and advanced homeopathy are given at the medical and pharmaceutical schools. Homeopathic dispensaries are spread all over the country. 
 +In Mexico, homeopathy has been recognized since 1896. In 1985, regulations specifying training requirements for homeopathic doctors were established by a presidential decree. It is currently integrated into the national health care system; there are two schools that grant the MD degree, and five others that offer postgraduate training, and there are two homeopathic hospitals. In 1998, there were about 3,000 homeopathic physicians[(World Health Organization. //Legal Status of Traditional Medicine and Complementary/​Alternative Medicine: A Worldwide Review//. 2001.  
 +» http://​​medicinedocs/​pdf/​h2943e/​h2943e.pdf )] [(Das E. //History and Status of Homoeopathy Around the World//. New Delhi: Jain Publsihers, 2005. )] [(//​Regulation and Prevalence of Homeopathy//​. 
 +» http://​​wiki/​Regulation_and_prevalence_of_homeopathy )] [(A European Council for Classical Homeopathy Report. //The Recognition and Regulation of Homeopathy in Europe//. June 2007.  
-Fifth, the presence of nanoparticles will be obviously detected in verum UMPs versus placebos with refined spectroscopic analysis(81). 
 ===== References ===== ===== References =====
en/misc/talk-qa-schwarcz-saine.txt · Last modified: 2013/09/23 08:18 by legatum