An alkaloid of Opium. C18H21NO3.
Provings by E. E. Marcy and others (See Encyclopaedia, vol. 3).
“Discovered in 1832 by Robiquet in the muriate of morphia, prepared according to the process of Gregory. It exists in opium, combined with meconic acid, and is extracted along with morphia in the preparation of muriate of morphia.”
The provings evolve many symptoms similar to those we find in the provings of morphia.
- Twitching of eyelids, Marcy, Hale's Therap., p. 185; Soreness of skin of face and scalp after neuralgia, E. E. Marcy, N. A. J. H., vol. 5, p. 414; Spasmodic pain in stomach, Marcy, N. A. J. H., vol. 5, p. 419; Diabetes, Pavy, B. J. H., vol. 29, p. 818; Night cough of consumptives, Hale's Therap., p. 185; Sudden twitchings during sleep, E. E. Marcy, N. A. J. H., vol. 5, p. 416; Disturbed sleep from frightful dreams, E. E. Marcy, N. A. J. H., vol. 5, p. 416.
Great mental exhilaration.
Depression of spirits with dull headache.
Inability to apply the mind.
Lascivious thoughts.
Heat in head.
Dull headache in morning, which gradually diminishes until noon, when it disappears.
Dull headache soon after getting up in morning, agg. on left side, and lasting about two hours.
Headache from fatigue and excessive mental excitement.
Weakness of vision.
Involuntary twitching of left eyelid, sometimes amel. by rubbing.
Involuntary twitching of both eyelids, whenever he attempted to read or write.
Tenderness in stomach, with violent pulsations of heart and carotids.
Violent spasmodic pain at pit of stomach.
(OBS:) Neuralgia of stomach and solar plexus.
Affections of stomach or abdomen, dependent on disorder of solar plexus of great sympathetic.
Extreme tenderness of lower part of abdomen.
Dull pain throughout entire abdomen.
Gastric and abdominal neuralgia.
Increased secretion of urine, it being lighter in color.
Semi-paralysis of bladder.
She passed five pints of urine daily, specific gravity 10.40 and sugar to the extent of 32.72 grains; agg. from anxiety and overwork.
The urine previously saccharine contained no trace of sugar.
Short, irritating cough agg. during night.
Troublesome cough, with copious mucous and sometimes purulent expectoration.
Obstinate cough with expectoration and nervous excitability.
Night cough of phthisical patients.
Fullness and oppression of chest.
Sharp pain in right lung on inspiration.
Stitching pains in left lung on breathing.
Severe pain in shoulder and chest on motion.
Sympathetic palpitation of heart and irregular action from derangement of ganglionic system.
Violent palpitation of heart and carotids.
Painful pulsations of heart on attempting to study or write.
Drawing pain around heart, which beats loud and full.
Convulsions in muscles of neck.
Convulsive movements of muscles of back and neck.
Neuralgic pains from occiput to back of neck.
Painful pulsations in left side of neck.
Sharp pains extending from stomach and chest through to back, between shoulders, agg. on right side.
Acute pains in region of kidneys.
Spasmodic twitches in arms.
On moving arm, severe pain in deltoid muscles.
Pulsating pain in left upper arm.
Numbness of hands and arms.
Sensation and power of motion impaired.
Involuntary twitchings of lower limbs.
Painful, spasmodic jerking of legs.
Neuralgic pains in thighs and legs, and subacute rheumatic pains in knee and ankle joints.
Sudden pain in knee joints, making walking impossible for a few minutes.
Paralytic affections of lower extremities, with extreme restlessness, constant desire to change position, and inability to sleep.
Extreme restlessness.
Trembling of whole body.
Morbid sensitiveness of surface in nervous and hysterical females.
Frequent paroxysms of involuntary twitchings of muscles of all parts of body, indigestion and various manifestations of morbid excitability of nervous system in consequence of chronic ovaritis and suppressed menses.
Chorea; sleep constantly disturbed; unusual tendency to involuntary twitching of muscles of different parts of body.
Sleepiness, drowsy feeling.
Sudden twitchings during sleep, so violent as to wake up the sleeper in affright. ~ Chorea.
Disturbed sleep from frightful dreams, causing patients to wake in morning exhausted and unrefreshed.
Sleep constantly disturbed by severe night cough. ~ Phthisis.
In morning: dull headache, which gradually diminishes until noon, when it disappears; dull headache soon after getting up, agg. on left side, and lasting about two hours; awakes exhausted and unrefreshed on account of disturbed sleep.
In afternoon: tickling in throat.
In evening: tickling in throat.
During night: sexual excitement leading to nocturnal pollutions; short, irritating cough worse.
Night cough of phthisical patients.
Sudden: pain in knee joints; twitchings during sleep.
Spasmodic: twitching of left eyelid; twitches in arms; jerking of legs; twitching of upper and lower extremities.
Frequent: paroxysms of involuntary twitching of muscles of all parts of body.
For a few minutes: walking impossible on account of sudden pain in knee joints.
Constant: inclination to moisten skin; desire to change position; disturbance of sleep from chorea; disturbance of sleep by night cough.
Lasting about two hours: dull headache agg. on left side, soon after getting up in morning.
Dull headache in morning, which gradually diminishes until noon, when it disappears.
Right: sharp pain in lung on inspiration; sharp pains from stomach and chest through to back, between shoulders, agg. on side.
Left: dull headache agg. on side; involuntary twitching of eyelid; stitching pains in lung on breathing; painful pulsations in side of neck; pulsating pain in upper arm.
Pains: in stomach; in shoulder and chest; in deltoid muscles; in knee joints.
Stitching pains: in left lung on breathing.
Painful spasmodic jerking: of legs.
Drawing pains: around heart.
Painful soreness: of skin of face and scalp, after neuralgia.
Sharp pain: in right lung on inspiration; from stomach and chest through to back, between shoulders, agg. on right side.
Acute pains: in region of kidneys; in stomach.
Neuralgic pains: from occiput to back of neck; in thighs and legs; of stomach and solar plexus.
Subacute rheumatic pains: in knee and ankle joints.
Spasmodic pain: at pit of stomach.
Pulsating pain: in left upper arm.
Painful pulsations: of heart on attempting to study or write; in left side of neck.
Prickling: of skin.
Dull pain: throughout entire abdomen.
Dull: headache.
Oppression: of chest.
Fullness: of chest.
Itching: of skin over whole body; of eczema and porrigo.
Tenderness: in stomach; of bowels, especially in transverse and descending colon.
Tickling: in throat.
Numbness: of hands and arms.
Dryness: of lips; of mouth.
Heat: of head.
Codeineum cured gastralgia, which had withstood all other remedies, Bellad. included.
Codeinum relieved cough and sleeplessness in phthisical patients after failure of Hyos., Ipecac. and Conium.
Compare: Agar. (twitching of eyelids); Arsen. (pains in legs and nightly restlessness); Hyos. (twitching of eyelids after reading); Laches. (superficial sensitiveness); Rhus tox. (chorea, nightly restlessness, pains in legs); Sulphur (spasmodic twitching of legs); Sulph. ac. (trembling of whole body).
Source: | The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica Vol. 04, 1884 |
Description: | Clinical materia medica of Codeinum |
Remedies: | Codeinum |
Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. |
Year: | 1884 |
Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting |
Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |