Cypripedium. (Cypripedium Pubescens.)
The yellow lady's slipper, Cypripedium pubescens, grows wild in abundance in woods that are moist throughout the United States. The tincture is prepared from the fresh root gathered in Autumn. It has been used by the Old School as a substitute for Valerian.
A fragmentary proving of the Tincture of Cypripedium humile, by Jacob Kummer, in MSS., is added; the symptoms are marked '*'.
- Mental despondency, spermatorrhea; Delirium tremens, mild attacks; Debility and Sleeplessness, Mitchell, Raue's Rec., 1875, p. 256; Sleeplessness, Moore, M. I., vol. 6, p. 342.
Irascibility and fitfullness; hysterical symptoms; sleeplessness; agitation.
Profound indifference to everything, even to his studies, duties, and common courtesies of life.
Mental despondency. ~ Spermatorrhea.
Delirium tremens, mild attacks.
Amenorrhea, with hysteria; great nervous debility and despondency.
Irritability of vagina; hysterical symptoms, sleeplessness and agitation.
Twitching of limbs, sleeplessness and restlessness.
Severe pain in right foot, along inner margin, an hour later, very severe in front part of left. *
Acute stitches in under part of toes in right foot. *
Dragging of left foot, following vertigo. *
Sleepless from nervous exhaustion, especially where system has been debilitated by long sickness, especially from uterine complaints.
Nervous debility, with sleeplessness of nervo-bilious temperaments.
Jactitation and trembling in typhoid fevers.
Hysterical complaints.
Chorea and reflex epilepsy.
Convulsions of children, premonitory stage, when there is morbid irritability of brain, in consequence of which child is very excitable, laughs and plays at unwonted hours; is very wakeful, and laughs even in sleep.
Epilepsy from reflex nervous irritation, from exhaustion of nerve forces, from irritability of brain in children.
Sleeplessness: with desire to talk, or with constant crowding of pleasant ideas; with restlessness of body; twitching of limbs; after miscarriage, for several nights in succession.
Left: blood boil on side of neck; heaviness of foot; dragging of foot; severe pain in foot.
Right: stye on lower eyelid; pain in foot; stitches in toes.
Severe pain: in right foot.
Stitches: in toes.
Twitching: of limbs.
Irritability: of vagina; of brain.
Heaviness: of left foot.
Disorders of gray nerve matter from mental overexertion, or reflex nervous excitement.
Incipient cerebral disorder, when child is sleepless, laughs and plays in night.
Functional irritation of brain, especially in very young children from teething, or intestinal irritation.
Compare: Ambra. gris., Coca, Coffea, Ignat., Kali brom., Paullinia, Thea, Scutellaria, Valerian, Zincum.
May be useful after failure of Opium in hysteria, chorea, nervous headache, neuralgia, hypochondriasis.
Source: | The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica Vol. 05, 1887 |
Description: | Clinical materia medica of Cypripedium pubescens |
Remedies: | Cypripedium pubescens |
Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. |
Year: | 1887 |
Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting |
Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |