Button Snakeroot. Umbelliferae.
An indigenous plant, growing in low, wet places; flowers in August.
The tincture is prepared from the fresh root.
Provings by C. H. McClelland, Coggswell and Jones. See Allen's Encyclopaedia, vol. 4, p. 213.
- Incontinence of urine, Barenburg, Organon, vol. 3, p. 367; Spermatorrhea (2 cases), Parks, Thomas' Add. to Mat. Med., p. 49.
Very sober and depressed in spirits; very dull at night.
Not able to think steadily on any subject.
Thoughts confused; cannot concentrate them upon any subject without much exertion; causes heavy full pain in persisted in.
Expanding sensation in frontal region above eyes, agg. stooping.
Continual dull heavy pain in frontal portion of brain.
Severe pain in frontal region, causing dimness of sight.
Frontal headache on rising.
Reading or writing causes hard, heavy pain in forehead; agg. stooping.
Pain in head, agg. by lowering it or thinking intently upon and subject; pain especially in frontal region and more particularly over left eye, of a sharp and shooting character; when sitting in stooping posture it leaves eye, passes into neck and along muscles of shoulder, and beneath scapula, where it remains for some time.
Shooting pains in coronary region, and in right side of face, from eyes to teeth, in morning.
Dull dragging pain in occiput, neck and shoulders.
Dull expression of eyes, great inclination to sleep.
Eyes sensitive to light.
Burning pain in eyes, they feel heavy and slightly congested.
Sclerotitis; smarting burning sensation, with heavy aching pains, produced by strong light; squinting on exposure to strong light; tearing burning pains in eyes; watery or purulent discharge.
Purulent inflammation of left eye; congested, red, swollen tender to pressure; constant dull aching, amel. by heat profuse discharge of purulent, sticky fluid, glueing lids together, and flowing on cheek from all parts of eyelid; conjunctiva granulated and rough.
Muscles of eye feel stiff, pain on turning them quickly.
Severe tearing, boring pain over left eye.
Continued ringing, singing with cracking sound in left ear.
Bruised tearing pain about ears, as if they were being torn from their location.
Inflammation of Eustachian tube; left ear swollen in and out, tender to pressure, constant aching pain, bleeding readily, thick, white, bloody, foul-smelling pus.
Smarting raw pain along left side of throat; dry tongue.
Intense redness and congestion of mucous membrane of throat, slight swelling without pain, profuse secretion of thick, whitish mucus.
Hollowness or emptiness in stomach, with heavy, dragging pain.
Spitting up of bright arterial blood, mixed with black clots, with burning in epigastrium, after a blow on stomach.
Bowels constipated.
Mucous diarrhea of children.
Tenesmus at stool; feces seem to be cut as they pass through anus.
Hemorrhoids and prolapsus ani.
Frequent desire to urinate; stinging burning pain in urethra, behind glans during urination.
Must urinate every five minutes; urine dripping away all the time, and burning like fire.
Sexual desire suppressed, then excited, with lewd dreams and pollutions.
Discharge of prostatic fluid from slightest causes.
Involuntary emissions occasioned by onanism or excessive sexual indulgence.
Emissions at night with erections; semen also passed by day with urine; loss of semen followed by great lassitude and depression, lasting from twelve to forty-eight hours; partial impotence.
Emissions of semen without erections, day and night, and followed by great lassitude; after injury to testicles.
Gonorrhea with painful erections.
When pain in head is less severe, it is worse in neck and shoulders.
Weakness and heavy dragging pain in lumbar region.
Sitting in stooping posture: pain leaves eye and passes to neck and shoulders.
Stooping: expanding sensation above eyes agg.; heavy pain in forehead agg.
Lowering head: agg. pain in head.
Rising: frontal headache.
Turning eyes: causes pain in them.
Walking: causes profuse perspiration.
Morning: shooting pains in right side of face.
By day: semen passes; emissions without erections.
Night: very dull in spirits; emissions without erections.
Every five minutes: must urinate.
From twelve to forty-eight hours: great lassitude after loss of semen.
Left: pain over eye; inflammation of eye; severe tearing boring pain over eye; constant ringing, singing and cracking sound in ear; ear swollen; ear tender to pressure; pain along side of throat; pain in groin and testicle; rheumatic pains in shoulder.
Right: pain in face; pain in side of face; rheumatic pain in wrist and hand.
As if ears wee being torn from their location.
Pain: in head; in forehead; over left eye.
Erratic pains: all over body.
Tearing pain: in eyes; about ears.
Severe pain: in frontal region; in left groin; in testicle.
Severe boring pain: over left eye.
Hard pain: in forehead.
Sharp shooting pain: over left eye; extending to neck and shoulders; in coronary region; right side of face from eye to teeth.
Stinging pain: in urethra.
Colicky pain: in small intestines.
Cramping pain: in small intestines.
Constriction: of throat.
Burning pain: in eyes; in epigastrium; in urethra.
Bruised pain: about ears.
Dull dragging pain in occiput; in neck; in shoulders; in stomach; in lumbar region.
Rheumatic pains: in left shoulder; in left arm; in wrist; in right hand.
Aching pain: in left ear.
Dull, heavy pain: in frontal part of brain.
Heavy aching: in eye.
Smarting: in eyes; along left side of throat.
Soreness: of scalp.
Oppression: of chest.
Ringing: in ears.
Singing: in ears.
Cracking sound in left ear.
Expanding sensation in frontal region.
Touch: scalp sore.
Pressure: left eye tender; left ear tender to pressure.
After a blow; burning in epigastrium.
After injury to testicles: emissions without erections, followed by lassitude.
Married man, after injury to testicles by jumping upon a horse, for fifteen years; spermatorrhea.
Married man, not conscious of having sustained any injury, seminal emissions for eight or ten years.
Man, aet. 82; incontinence of urine.
Source: | The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica Vol. 05, 1887 |
Description: | Clinical materia medica of Eryngium aquaticum |
Remedies: | Eryngium aquaticum |
Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. |
Year: | 1887 |
Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting |
Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |