Guaiacum. (Guajacum Officinale.)
Gum Resin of Lignum Vitae. Zygophilleae.
A large tree growing in the West Indies.
The tincture is prepared from the resin.
Introduced by Hahnemann (Chr. Krankheiten) and proved by himself, Hartmann, Langhammer, Teuthorn, etc.
- Neuralgia, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 88; Sharp, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 186; Diphtheria, Couch, B. J. H., vol. 23, p. 513; Affection of stomach, Rck. Th., p. 120; Ovaritis, Terry, Laird, Trans. Hom. Med. Soc., N. Y., 1884, p. 100; Dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, Laird, Trans. Hom. Med. Soc., N. Y., 1884, p. 100; Pleuritis stitches in chest, Müller, Raue's Rec., 1871, p. 102; Pleuritic stitches, Haines, Organon, vol. 2, p. 233; Sciatica, lumbago, Laird, Trans. Hom. Med., Soc., N. Y., 1884, p. 102; Rheumatism, Kippax, Organon, vol. 3, p. 96; Laird, Trans. Hom. Med. Soc., N. Y., 1884, p. 102; Gouty abscesses, Verwey, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, pp. 899, 926.
Weakness of memory; excessive forgetfullness, especially of names.
Thoughtless staring; during the morning.
Disinclination to labor.
Very sad and depressed. ~ Consumption.
Fretful; obstinate.
Headache across forehead.
Drawing and lacerating in occiput and forehead.
Headache at night, like a pressure in brain, from below upward.
Violent, sharp stitches in brain.
Sensation as if brain were detached and loose.
Rheumatic pains in one side of head, extending to face.
Attacks of gout in head.
Neuralgia of left side of head and face, extending to neck.
Lacerating in whole left side of head.
External headache, with sensation as if blood-vessels were overfilled; extends to face and neck. ~ Neuralgia.
Pulsative throbbing in outer parts of head, with stitches in temples; removed for a short time by external pressure and by walking, agg. by sitting and standing.
Perspiration, principally on head and forehead (when walking in open air).
Tearing pains in skull.
Dilated pupils.
Swelling of eyes.
Sensation of swelling and protrusion of eyes; eyelids appear too short to cover them.
Hard pimples around eyes.
Heat in face, especially in evening.
Face: red and painfully swollen; gets spotted, eyes, nose, cheeks swell; looks old.
Lancinating painful stitches in right malar bone and cheek.
Severe neuralgia left side of face, head and nape of neck; paroxysms appear every day at 6 P. M., and last till 4 A. M.
Food does not taste right.
Tongue thickly furred; thick, white fur.
Tongue brown, much furred. ~ Consumption.
Violent hunger, afternoon and evening.
No appetite.
Much thirst. ~ Consumption.
Desire for apples, which amel. gastric symptoms.
Aversion to milk.
Aversion to food, could not eat anything. ~ Consumption.
Frequent empty eructations.
Nausea from sensation of phlegm in throat.
Every morning vomits a mass of watery phlegm with great exertion, followed by great exhaustion. ~ Consumption.
Burning in stomach and abdomen.
Cramps and pains in stomach.
Every Summer for many years recurrence of affection of stomach, which at times becomes very severe, vomiting of blood occurring.
Great accumulation of wind in whole abdomen; pinching in abdomen from incarcerated flatulence, receding towards rectum until emitted.
Twitches in abdominal muscles.
Inguinal hernia.
Diarrhea commencing in morning, skin dry; chilly.
Thin mucous stool.
Soft stool, in pieces.
Cholera infantum, emaciation; face like that of an old person.
Costive; stool hard, crumbling; very offensive.
Continuous urging even after urination, with profuse, fetid urine.
Stitches in neck of bladder after ineffectual pressure to urinate.
Cutting in urethra while urinating, as from something biting passing.
Violent, spasmodic, inflammatory affection in windpipe, most in larynx, with such palpitation of heart could not get out of bed, nor call for help; feels as if suffocating.
Sudden stuffed feeling in precordia, like arrest of breathing; often attacks her suddenly even at night in sleep, causing dry cough, frequently repeated until expectoration appears.
Cough tight and dry, with burning fever; hot face.
Dry cough with shortness of breathing till expectoration sets in.
Dry cough, amel. by detaching and raising a little mucus; rheumatic patients.
Cough with copious spitting of phlegm, and later of stinking pus; coughing up blood. ~ Consumption.
Sputa and all excretions had such a horrible odor that the relatives could hardly come into the sick room. ~ Consumption.
Intense pain in upper part of chest, from motion of head; expectoration of fetid pus.
Continued stitches, finally terminating in one, close below right scapula; they seem to come from middle of right half of chest, and are agg. by an inspiration.
Pleuritic stitches; left side, agg. from breathing deeply.
Severe pleuritic stitches of phthisis, especially when in region of third or fourth rib, left side.
Pseudo-pleuritic pains; frequently attending tuberculosis pulmonum in stage of softening and suppuration; intense pain in upper part of chest, from motion of head; expectoration of fetid pus.
Chronic pulmonary catarrh, even simulating phthisis, beginning as a metastasis, or extension of rheumatism or gout to fibrous portion of bronchial mucous membrane, with expectoration of blood and fetid pus.
After riding in open car, rheumatic stiffness of left side of neck and shoulders, and pleuritic stitches in chest and between scapulae, agg. by each inspiration; sharp stitches from scapulae to occiput.
Sharp, stitching pains from third rib up on either side.
Pain from head to neck.
Frequent stitches on left side of nape, extending from scapula to occiput.
Aching in nape of neck, right and left of vertebrae.
Stiff neck due to cold, muscles of shoulders and spine affected.
Excessive stiffness of one side of neck, from neck extending to small of back, agg. when moving.
Contractive pain between scapulae.
Rheumatic stiffness of whole left side of back, from nape down to sacrum, with intolerable pain on slightest motion, not noticed on touch or during rest.
Stitches in left side below true ribs, rather towards the back.
Chilliness in back in afternoon.
Shuddering and feverish chill in back.
Corrosive itching on back (by day).
Sharp stitches in top of right shoulder.
Rheumatic pains in left arm, from shoulder or elbow to wrist.
Painful drawing and lacerating in arm.
Lancinating rheumatic pains from elbow to wrist, left arm.
Rheumatic pains in left wrist-joint.
Pains first in knuckles, then in whole hand.
Hands hot.
Stitches in right thumb.
Pricking in nates, as if sitting on needles.
Tension in thighs, especially right, as if muscles were too short, with languor when walking; agg. from touch, amel. when sitting.
Sciatica and lumbago.
Itching, pressing and crawling pains in thighs when seated.
Pains begin in middle of thigh or leg and extend to knee.
Tearing, drawing lancinations in leg, from right tarsus to knee.
Pains in bones of legs, the limbs feeling as if swelled.
Exhaustion in lower limbs.
Gouty inflammation and abscess at knee, repeated after a fall, with violent pain and loss of sleep.
Darting pains, apparently of a rheumatic neuralgic character, extend from feet to knees.
Osteomalacea of tibia and of tarsus, even slightest touch agg. the pain. ~ Consumption.
Spongoid state of tibia.
The whole left leg is cramped.
Right leg swollen and contracted, stiff, immovable, drawn close to thigh. ~ Consumption.
Violent stitches from outside of right calf down to ankle. ~ Consumption.
Tearing and stinging in limbs.
Tearing, pricking pains in muscles of extremities, with heat of parts.
Gouty tearing and stitching in limbs, with contractions of affected parts.
Stinging pains in limbs, agg. from least motion.
Arthritic lancinations, followed by contraction of limbs.
Feeling of heat in painful limbs; rheumatic cases.
Pain in foot became more violent every day, painful parts got hot, pain extended gradually to thigh, arms down to fingers and to side of head, and raged so that the patient for some weeks lamented and screamed day and night on account of tearing and shooting pains; entirely sleepless. ~ Consumption.
Pain as from fatigue and weakness in arms and thighs, with dread of motion.
Pains after abuse of mercury.
The limbs go to sleep.
Immovable stiffness of contracted limbs.
Yawning and stretching amel. general ill feeling.
Has lain for six weeks exactly in same spot, for she cannot bear slightest exertion without increasing her pains.
Lying on back: nightmare.
When seated: itching, pressing, crawling pains in thighs.
Sitting: throbbing in head agg.; tension in thighs amel.
Standing: agg. throbbing in head.
Motion: of head, intense pain in upper part of chest; stiffness of neck agg.; intolerable pain from slightest motion; stinging pains in limbs agg.; contractions with pain.
Biting jaws together: causes toothache.
Rising: dizziness.
Walking: amel. throbbing in head; perspiration on head; languor.
Yawning and stretching amel. general ill feeling.
Great desire to sleep in afternoon.
Nightly restlessness and sleeplessness.
Frequent awaking from sleep as if falling.
Nightmare when lying on back; waking with screams.
On awaking: unrefreshed; everything seems too tight; clothes feel damp.
Morning: thoughtless staring; diarrhea commences.
By day: corrosive itching on back.
Afternoon: violent hunger; chilliness in back; desire to go to sleep.
Evening: heat in face; violent hunger; chilliness.
Night: headache; stuffed feeling in precordia.
After a cold, violent pain in limbs.
Cannot bear heat, with pain in joints.
Open air: walking causes perspiration on head.
Clothes feel damp.
Internal chilliness through whole body, followed by heat, most in face, towards evening, without thirst.
Chilliness internally, even near warm stove, principally in afternoon and evening.
Burning fever, face spotted; eyes, nose and cheeks swollen; tight, dry cough.
Heat in painful limbs.
Skin hot, especially on hands. ~ Consumption.
Sweat, mostly on head and forehead also when walking in open air.
Night-sweats, smelling very offensive.
The usual general sweat, changes to dryness and chilliness.
The provers that sweated had no urinary disturbances, and vice versa.
Every morning: vomits a mass of watery phlegm with great exertion.
Every day at 6 P. M.: neuralgia till 4 A. M.
Every day: pain in foot more violent.
Every Summer for many years: recurrence of affection of the stomach.
Right: lancinating stitches in malar bone; stitch below scapulae; stitches come from middle of half of chest; sharp stitches in top of shoulder; stitches in thumb; tension in thigh; lancinations in leg from tarsus to knee; leg swollen, contracted, stiff, immovable; drawn close to thigh; violent stitches from outside of calf to ankle.
Left: neuralgia of side of head; lacerating in whole side of head; dragging and tearing in ear; neuralgia on side of face; dull ache in side of jaw; pleuritic stitches; stiffness of neck; frequent stitches on side of nape; rheumatic stiffness of side of back; stitches in side, below true ribs; rheumatic pains in arm; rheumatic pains in wrist-joint; leg cramped.
From above downward: stiffness from neck to back; rheumatic pain in limbs.
From below upward: headache; pain from tarsus to knee; pains in knuckles, then in hand.
Pressive, drawing, tearing pains; often ending in a stitch, especially the head-pains.
Like a pressure in brain; sensation as if brain were detached and loose; as if blood-vessels were overfilled; sensation of swelling and protrusion of eyes, eyelids appear too short to cover them; cutting in urethra as from something biting passing; feels as if suffocating; as if sitting on needles; as if muscles of thighs were too short; limbs feel as if swelled.
Pain: in head across forehead; in bones of nose; from head to nose; in stomach; from head to neck; in knuckles; in whole hand; in legs; in foot extending to thigh; arms down to fingers and to side of head; as from fatigue and weakness in arms and thighs; after abuse of mercury; in all joints even chest.
Anguish: in epigastric region.
Violent pain: in knee.
Intolerable pain: in back.
Intense pain: in upper part of chest.
Violent sharp stitches: in brain; from scapulae to occiput; from outside of right calf to ankle.
Stitches: in temples; in right malar bone and cheek; in teeth; in neck of bladder; on left side of nape; in left side below true ribs; in right thumb.
Pleuritic stitches in left side of chest; in region of third and fourth rib, left side; in chest between scapulae.
Continued stitches: in middle of right half of chest terminating in one close below right scapulae.
Sharp stitches: in top of right shoulder.
Sharp, stitching pains: from third rib up on either side; in limbs.
Tearing pains: in skull; in left ear; in teeth; in limbs.
Gouty, tearing pains: in limbs.
Lancinating: in right malar bone and cheek, from elbow to wrist.
Arthritic lancinations: of limbs.
Cutting: in urethra while urinating.
Shooting pains: through limbs and head.
Lacerating: in occiput; in forehead; in whole side of head; in arm.
Stinging pains: in limbs.
Darting pains: from feet to knees.
Twitches: in abdominal muscles.
Pseudo-pleuritic pains.
Violent burning: in throat; in stomach; in abdomen.
Painful dragging: in left ear.
Drawing: in occiput; in forehead; in left arm.
Cramps: in stomach.
Pinching: in abdomen.
Contractive pain: between scapulae.
Crawling pains: in thighs.
Pressing pains: in thighs; in bones.
Pricking: in nates; in muscles of extremities.
Rheumatic pains: in one side of head extending to face; in left arm; in left wrist; in extremities.
Neuralgia: of left side of head and face extending to neck.
Gout: in head.
Aching: in nape of neck.
Dull ache: in left side of jaw.
Pulsative throbbing: in outer parts of head.
Heat: in face; in painful limbs.
Rheumatic stiffness: of left side of neck and shoulders; of whole left side of back from nape down to sacrum.
Tension: in thighs.
Constrictive sensation in epigastric region.
Sudden stuffed feeling in precordia.
Stiffness: of one side of neck extending to small of back.
Itching: in thighs when sitting.
Corrosive itching: on back.
Chilly crawls: over mamma.
Excretions are all intolerably offensive.
Great emaciation.
Acts especially upon muscular tissues, producing rheumatic and arthritic pains.
Acts on fibrous tissues.
Contraction of limbs; stiffness and immobility.
Contractions, with pain from slightest motion.
Joints swollen, painful and intolerant of pressure; can bear no heat.
Rheumatic swelling of joints.
Pain in all the joints, even on chest.
Softness of joints (after Caustic. in rheumatism).
Aching in bones, with swelling. ~ Syphilis.
Pressing pain in bones.
Swelling and softening of bones.
Suppuration of bone, with hectic, in men of dry habit.
Caries and spongious affection of bones; tibia and tarsal bones spongious, cannot bear slightest touch.
Promotes the spontaneous breaking of gouty abscesses, greatly relieving sufferings of patient.
The affected parts are very sensitive to touch.
Touch: tension in thighs agg.; osteomalacea of tibia and tarsus agg.; cannot bear slightest touch in carious affections of bones.
Pressure: amel. throbbing in head; intolerant on swollen joints.
Everything seems too tight.
After riding in open air: rheumatic stiffness of side of neck; shoulders.
After a fall: gouty inflammation and abscess at knee.
Rheumatic affection, especially in syphilitic and mercurial patients.
Old women.
Dark hair and eyes.
Children; growing pains.
Girl, aet. 23, sanguine, choleric; after being overheated got a violent cold, followed by consumption.
Woman, aet. 40, every Summer for many years; affection of stomach.
Antidoted by Nux vom.
It antidotes: Caustic. and Rhus tox.
Compatible: after Mercur. in rheumatism, gout and syphilis; after Sulphur in cholera infantum; after Caustic. in torticollis.
Compare: Kali hydr., Mezer., Phytol., Rhodod., Stilling.
Source: | The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica Vol. 05, 1887 |
Description: | Clinical materia medica of Guajacum officinale |
Remedies: | Guajacum officinale |
Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. |
Year: | 1887 |
Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting |
Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |