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Sticta Pulmonaria.

Lungwort Lichen. Lichens.

The tincture is prepared from the fresh lichen grown on the sugar maple.

Introduced by S. P. Burdick, proved by him, N. A. M. J. of Hom., vol. 12, p. 202; Lutes, Hale's N. R., p. 992; observations by Lilienthal, Am. Jour. of Hom. Mat. Med., vol. 2, p. 234.


- Talkativeness, Carr, M. I., 1875, p. 245; Catarrh of head and chest, Burdick, N. A. J. H., vol. 12, p. 203; Headache, Burdick, N. A. J. H., vol. 12, p. 207; Nasal catarrh, Sweating of hands, Lippe, Org., vol. 2, p. 183; Chronic nasal catarrh, Smith, Hom. Phys., vol. 9, p. 37; Coryza, Burdick, N. A. J. H., vol. 12, p. 205; Pain in stomach, Carr. M. I., 1875, p. 245; Influenza, Martin, A. J. H. M. M., vol. 1, p. 234; Boyce, A. H. O., vol. 1, p. 117; Hay fever, Dart, N. A. J. H. vol. 23, p. 532; Lewis, B. J. H., vol. 34, p. 168; Affection of chest, Scheurer, A. H. O., vol. 10, p. 596; Rheumatic pain in chest, Chase (see Hale's Therap.); Cough, Whooping cough, Blake, Hom. Rev., vol. 16, p. 406; Cough, Miller, Hah. Mo., vol. 7, p. 403; Conant, Org., vol. 2, p. 229; Cough in consumption, Blake, H. M., vol. 10, p. 375; Cough after measles, Burdick, N. A. J. H., vol. 12, p. 210; Affection of heart, N. A. J. H., vol. 12, p. 208; Rheumatic bursitis, Hasbrouck, Hom. Times, vol. 3, p. 94; Price, A. H. O., vol. 9, p. 163; Bursitis, Price, A. H. Z., vol. 102, p. 119, from Hom. Times, vol. 8, p. 249; Hasbrouck, M. I., vol. 6, p. 564; Pott's disease, Moore, M. I., vol. 6, p. 344; Chorea and sleeplessness, Burdick, N. A. J. H., vol. 12, p. 207; Rheumatism, Corliss, C. M. A., vol. 2, p. 459; Price, A. H. O., vol. 9, p. 162; Burdick, N. A. J. H., vol. 12, p. 205.

MIND. [1]

General confusion of ideas, inability to concentrate them.
Great desire to talk about anything and everything, does not care whether any one listens or not, she must talk; feels as if she cannot keep her tongue still.


Dull sensation in head, with sharp darting pains through vertex, side of face and lower jaw.
Darting in temporal region.
Dull heavy pressure in forehead and root of nose, increasing during day.
Catarrhal headache before nasal discharge sets in.
Sick-headache; must lie down, agg. from light and noise; nausea and vomiting, nearly to faintness.
Headache, with severe pain in eyes, felt very sore on closing lids or turning eyeball.


Burning in eyelids, with soreness of ball on closing lids or turning eyes.
Profuse mild discharge; catarrhal conjunctivitis.


Constant need to blow nose, but no discharge results on account of dryness.
Excessive and painful dryness of mucous membrane; secretions dry rapidly, forming scabs difficult to dislodge. ~ Influenza.
Nose is stuffed up, nasal secretion drying up so rapidly that it cannot be discharged.
Almost incessant sneezing, with a feeling of fullness in right side of forehead, extending to root of nose, tingling in right side of nose. ~ Coryza.
Desire to put finger in nose to clear out gluish secretion.
Acute coryza with fever.
Chronic catarrh of head.
Influenza: excessive and painful dryness of mucous membrane; secretions rapidly dried and formed scabby concretions, requiring great effort to discharge them; soft palate felt like dried leather, making deglutition painful; irritation in chest, more in evening and night.
Violent coryza, stuffed feeling at root of nose; feels well in morning, much agg. in afternoon, amel. in open air. ~ Influenza.
Catarrh of head for four years; sneezing mornings with green discharge; frontal headache and epistaxis.
Obstruction of nose, blows to no purpose; interfered with breathing and changed his voice; agg. at night, depriving him of sleep; constant perspiration of hands so severe as to interfere with comfort; could not wear a pair of kid gloves a second time.
Chronic catarrh of fifteen years' standing; constantly blowing his nose, without secretion; dry scales frequently formed upon mucous surface, which not only added greatly to his misery, but also prevented his smoking with any degree of comfort on account of obstruction of breathing.
Constant desire to blow nose without discharge. ~ Tertiary syphilis.


Darting pains in side of face.


Darting pains in lower jaw.


Excessive dryness of soft palate, feels like dried leather, causing painful deglutition.
Dropping of mucus from posterior nares, throat feels and looks raw.
Soreness of throat; coryza from slightest cold; subject to attacks for last ten to fifteen years.


Severe pain from sternum to spinal column, and a feeling of rumbling, turning in stomach, as if full of yeast.


Dull pain in right hypochondrium. ~ Catarrh.
Full feeling in left hypochondrium.


Rumbling as if full of yeast, with severe pain from sternum to spine.


Diarrhea mucosa, and loose cough.


Tickling in larynx and bronchi causing cough.
Tickling in right side of trachea below larynx.
Clergyman's sore throat, characterized by great dryness of mucous membranes.
For last twelve years, annual attack of hay catarrh; slight itching and tingling in anterior nares, followed immediately by paroxysms of sneezing, frequently repeated for first forty-eight hours; mucous membrane of nose reddened and swollen, highly hyperaemic; dull headache; stuffed up feeling in frontal sinuses; conjunctiva reddened, swollen, dry; pulse accelerated, temperature above normal; great thirst; during day profuse, thin, excoriating discharge from nose; burning lachrymation; hacking cough, preceded by tickling and burning in larynx; at night discharges almost cease, air passages become dry, paroxysms of sneezing more frequent, explosions seem to number more at each paroxysm, until sneezing and coughing are almost incessant; very little sleep until toward morning; when hyperemia gradually subsides, air passages become moist, and at sunrise there is again a profuse discharge from eyes and nose, which is hot and excoriating, causing rawness and soreness of cheeks, borders of nose and upper lip; throat and mouth burn as if scalded, sneezing and coughing continue, and considerable thin, glairy expectoration is coughed up during day; at night dry stage again comes on, breathing is more labored and difficult, wheezing, whistling, sibilant sounds in chest, with rhonchus sufficiently to be heard across a large room; obliged to breathe with mouth open; drinks irritable, is worn out with sneezing and coughing and often but not in large quantities; becomes weak and for want of sleep; has a horror of night, for then he suffers most. ~ Hay catarrh.
Severe catarrh of head, obliging him to keep his room for a week at a time; discharge of quantities of bloody pus from nose and throat; distressing cough and oppression of lungs, causing sensation of a hard mass collected in them; cough at first dry and hacking, from tickling in larynx, which finally extended to lungs; during day comparatively free from cough, but returned every evening about 6 o'clock, continued entire night, almost incessant; could not sleep or lie down; completely worn out.

COUGH. [27]

Cough: dry, agg. evening and night, can neither sleep nor lie down; dry, noisy; severe, dry, racking, caused by tickling in right side of trachea, below larynx; splitting frontal headache; loose morning, less free during day; pain left side, below scapula; tickling in larynx and bronchi; incessant, wearing or racking, in consumptives; croupy; incessant, at night, comparatively free during day; hard, dry, barking; dry and noisy, spasmodic stage of whooping cough; causing splitting headache.
During or closely following influenza, incessant, short, dry, hacking cough: sputa scanty, whitish or frothy, or entirely absent; dull aching or heaviness in upper chest; frontal headache, agg. from coughing.
Cough, agg. night and morning; diarrhea, pain before each passage, agg. in morning; emaciation; restless sleep on account of cough. ~ After measles.
After taking a severe cold, hard, racking cough, agg. at every inspiration; considerable oppression of chest.
Cough at first dry and hacking, from tickling in larynx, which finally extends to lungs.
Barking cough, like whooping cough, after catching cold.


Oppression of chest and feeling of a hard mass there; hard, racking cough, excited by inspiration.
Sudden pain reaching through chest from sternum to spinal column; constant, agg. on movement; arms powerless from extreme pain, if an attempt was made to move them; difficult breathing and speaking.
A lady contracted a bad cold, characterized by a pulsation from right side of sternum down to abdomen.
Every cold, damp spell brings on a cough, with expectoration of dark blood; loose cough in morning, expectoration less free during day; pain in left side, below scapula; foul taste in mouth; tickling in larynx and bronchi; constipation; menses regular; nervous headache in temples; haemoptysis three years ago.


Dull, oppressive pain in cardiac region.
Attacks of great anxiety about heart; very nervous; has had much mental trouble; awakes at night with a strange sensation about heart, and for a few moments after feels as if she were floating in air.


Rheumatism in right shoulder joint, deltoid and triceps, extending at times to forearm; commencing at night; arm nearly helpless, could not put on coat; during day lameness nearly disappears; no heat or swelling.
Rheumatism of wrist joints of three months' duration; wrists and hands swollen, little redness, very painful on moving.


General confusion of ideas; legs felt as if floating in air; she felt light and airy, staggering gait.
Rheumatism, larger joints principally affected; dull, heavy pains; no appetite; steak tastes like sand, or has no taste at all; restless at night, little or no sleep; weak, debilitated, general feeling of malaise; much pain in head, catarrhal.
Rheumatism in right ankle joint, swollen and very painful; could not get about without help of cane.
Severe rheumatic inflammation of knee in a boy aet. 8; pain, soreness to touch, redness, followed by an effusion, patella being lifted up, with elastic swelling underneath and around.
Two years ago fell upon knee, which has since been painful and sensitive; several months after fall knee began slowly to swell until there was a large collection of fluid in patellar bursa; swelling about an inch and a half in diameter, and also projects forward about so much; distinct fluctuation. ~ Bursitis.
Large swelling over right patella; knee painful, especially in joint, which is very stiff, particularly after having sat a few minutes; must stretch leg, or get up and move about for relief; had applied some liniments, which were followed by aggravation. ~ Bursitis.
Bursitis in knee joint, simple or diffused.


Darting pains in arms, fingers, joints, thighs and toes.
Swelling and stiffness of hands and feet.
Heat, swelling and circumscribed redness of joints; subsequent synovitis with exudation of serum. ~ Inflammatory rheumatism.
Rheumatism affecting knee, ankle, toes, wrists and fingers; on second day large collection of water in knee joint.
Sharp, darting, lancinating pain, first in knee joints, then in elbow and shoulder; finger-joints were next involved, gradually extended to every joint in body; intense pain in neck and head; joints swollen and stiff; cannot sleep for pain, can scarcely walk; of six months' duration. ~ Rheumatism.


Lying down: limbs feel as if floating in air.
Motion: pain in chest agg.; of wrists, rheumatism agg.
Must get up and move about for relief from pain in knee.
Turning eyeballs: eyes feel sore.
Attempt to move arms: they are powerless from excessive pain.

NERVES. [36]

Legs as if floating in air; she felt light and airy, without any sensation of resting on bed.
General feeling of dullness and malaise, as when a catarrh is coming on.
Hysteria: after loss of blood; strange sensation about heart; hysterical chorea; migraine; she has to lie down; light and noise aggravate; nausea and vomiting with faintness.
After severe hemorrhage from bowel controlled by Hamam.: could not sleep for over a week; as soon as night comes on feet and legs dance and jump around in spite of her, so that she is compelled to hold, or have them held to floor; on lying down, limbs feel as if floating in air; as light as feathers. ~ Hysterical chorea.

SLEEP. [37]

Sleeplessness; from nervousness; from cough; of children; after surgical operations, e. g., sitting fractured leg.

TIME. [38]

During day: pressure in forehead and nose agg.; profuse thin, excoriating discharge from nose; coughing up glairy mucus; comparatively free from cough; cough agg.; pain before each passage agg.; rheumatism of arms agg.
Afternoon: influenza agg.
Evening: irritation in chest agg.; cough agg.
Night: irritation in chest agg.; obstruction of nose agg.; discharge almost ceases; dry stage of catarrh; incessant cough; awakes with strange sensation about heart; rheumatism of shoulder commences; restless; feet and legs dance and jump around.


Open air: influenza amel.


Every evening about 6 o'clock: cough returned.
Second day after rheumatism: large collection of water in knee joint.
Three months: rheumatism of wrist joints.
Six months: rheumatism.
Two years ago: fell upon knee, swelling and painfullness.
For twelve years: annual attack of hay catarrh.
Fifteen-years' standing: chronic catarrh; attacks of coryza.


Right: feeling of fullness in forehead; tingling in side of nose; dull pain in hypochondrium; tickling in side of trachea; pulsation from side of sternum down to abdomen; rheumatism of shoulder joint; rheumatism of ankle joint; large swelling over patella.
Left: full feeling in hypochondrium; pain below scapulae; pain in side.


As if she cannot keep her tongue still; as if stomach were full of yeast; throat and mouth burn as if scalded; as of a hard mass collected in lungs; as if floating in air; legs as if floating in air.
Pain: left side below scapula; in head.
Intense pain: in neck and head.
Severe pain: in eyes; from sternum to spinal column.
Splitting pain: in forehead.
Sharp darting pains: through vertex; side of face and lower jaw; in temporal region; in side of face; in lower jaw; in arms, fingers, joints, thighs and toes; in knee joints, then elbow and shoulder and finger joints.
Sudden pain: through chest, from sternum to spinal column.
Rheumatic pain: in right shoulder joint, deltoid and triceps; of wrist joint.
Dull aching: in upper chest.
Dull oppressive pain: in cardiac region; in joints.
Dull pain: in right hypochondrium.
Burning: in eyelids; in larynx; of mouth and throat.
Soreness: of eyeball; of throat; of cheeks; of nose and upper lip.
Tingling: in anterior nares; in right side of nose.
Tickling: in larynx and bronchi; in right side of trachea, below larynx.
Dryness: of nose; of soft palate; of mucous membranes.
Dull, heavy pressure; in forehead and root of nose.
Dull sensation: in head.
Strange sensation: about heart.
Pulsation: from right side of sternum down to abdomen.
Stiffness: of hands and feet.
Heaviness: in upper chest.
Fullness: in side of forehead and root of nose.
Full feeling: in left hypochondrium.
Stuffed feeling: in nose; in frontal sinuses.
Itching: in anterior nares.


Touch: knee sore.
After a fall upon knee: swelling.


Boy, aet. 4, after measles; cough.
Boy, aet. 7, after catching cold; cough.
Boy, aet. 7 to 8, had severe attack year before, followed by heart disease, was under treatment four months, present attack cured in nine days, rheumatism.
Boy, aet. 8; rheumatic bursitis.
Girl, aet. 10, nervous sanguine temperament, medium size, skin pale, transparent, freckled, hair auburn; rheumatism.
Boy, aet. 12, suffering four years; catarrh of head.
Girl, aet. 12, lively; influenza.
Girl, aet. 19, scrofulous, had haemoptysis three years ago; cough.
Young lady, aet. 20, married, nervous sanguine temperament, slightly built, hair deep auburn, suffering six months; rheumatism.
Woman, aet. 30, after catching cold two or three weeks ago; pulsation in chest.
Woman, aet. 38, two years ago fell upon knee, since then suffering; bursitis.
Negro, aet. 38, suffering four weeks; bursitis.
Mrs. G., aet. about 40, suffering three months; rheumatism.
Mrs. F., aet. 40, after hemorrhage from bowels, which was arrested by Hamam.; chorea.
Woman, aet. 41; rheumatic pain in chest.
Man, aet. 45, rheumatism of arm.
Man, aet. 48, rheumatism.
Lady, aet. 50, nervous, has had much mental trouble; affection of heart.
Man, aet. 50, suffering six months, rheumatism.
Man, aet. 56, soreness of throat.
Farmer, aet. 58, hay fever.


Compare: Drosera, Nux vom., Rumex, Sambucus, in catarrhs and coughs; Act. rac., in rheumatism; Asarum, Tarent., in nervous phenomena.


Source: The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica Vol. 10, 1891
Description: Clinical materia medica of Sticta pulmonaria
Remedies: Sticta pulmonaria
Author: Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C.
year: 1891
Editing: errors only; interlinks; formatting
Attribution: Legatum Homeopathicum
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